Wicked Tuna: North vs. South (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Southern Discomfort - full transcript

When another Northern boat comes steaming into the Outer Banks, the Southerners fear a full-scale invasion of the fishery. While some send a warning to their new rivals, others double down to guarantee their own fair share of the quota.

NARRATOR: On this episode of
Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks.

GREG MAYER: Isn't that
the Pin Wheel boat? Oh, no.

NARRATOR: The arrival
of another Northern invader...

REED MEREDITH (off screen):
Think they can steam right in here

and start running our stuff over?

BANKS MEREDITH: You're gonna get
your ass beat doing that stuff.

NARRATOR: ...makes waves
throughout the fishery.

the number one boat in Gloucester.

TJ OTT: Oh, I know.
You're such a tuna hero.

NARRATOR: And the pressure to catch...

CAINE LIVESAY (off screen):
Oh, there it is!

Here it comes.

NARRATOR: ...pushes some
into the danger zone.

-CAINE: God damn!

DAVE MARCIANO (off screen):
Close the valve!

TYLER: Holy (bleep)!

PAUL HEBERT: We could have dirt
in the engine. Game over for the year.

NICK GOWITZKA: Got him on. Got him on.

NARRATOR: In a highly regulated fishery
that's trying to stay sustainable,

every bluefin caught
takes a bite out of the quota.

PAUL: Whoa!

NARRATOR: And every fisherman
has to battle...

-NARRATOR: ...for his fair share.

PAUL: Big boy! (laughs)

Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks.

After two days of catching,
16% of the quota's already filled.

Southern boat, Wahoo,
leads the fleet with two fish,

But Fishin' Frenzy and Hot Tuna

are within striking distance
of the top spot.

Meanwhile, Southern vessel, Doghouse,

and Northern boat, Hard Merchandise,
have yet to bring in a bluefin.

TYLER: We're almost there, man.
That's like Carolina, I think.

I think we're approaching the waters.

I had the worst season
I ever had in my life up in Gloucester.

So I'm down here 550 miles
to the south off the Outer Banks.

I need to catch a lot of tunas
and make a lot of money.

If I'm gonna make this season count,

I'm gonna need to fish with someone
who's at least as good as me,

if not better.

So I'm gonna bring
the best fisherman I know.

PAUL: Come on! Pin Wheel, baby!


Against all odds. Let's go! (laughs)

TYLER: I'm super stoked
to have Paul on my boat.

It's like having two captains on one boat.

I don't think anyone
in the fleet even expects

the two of us fishing on the same boat.

PAUL: I did not make a lot of money
in Gloucester this season.

So I come all the way down
to the Outer Banks

'cause I need to make money.

Oh, they got the Southern fishing.
They got, like, 30 tons to catch.

We're gonna go back
and catch them all (bleep).

I have a five-year-old daughter.

And if I don't catch tuna fish,
we don't eat.

TYLER: There were thousands and thousands
of tunas here last year, Paul.

I mean, they showed up last year in herds.
I caught 'em every day.

PAUL: Sweet, sweet Caroline!

I can smell 'em.

TYLER: Oh, ho. I smell bluefin, baby. Woo!

PAUL: I think there's fish all over here.

We started behind everybody.
So now we need to catch right up.

TYLER (off screen): Oh, the mother lode.

PAUL (off screen): Marking.

It's big.

Oh, right here, right here.
On this one, this one. I want one.

TYLER: We're on, we're on, we're on,
we're on, we're on, we're on!

PAUL: I want one, mother! (laughs)

TYLER: Dude, a lot can go wrong here.
We can get tangled up real easy.

You all set, Paul?

PAUL (off screen): I am now.


TYLER: Everything's perfect
right now, Paul.

PAUL: Oh, he's going now.

-TYLER: Woohoo!
-PAUL: Yeah. He's a good size.

He's a big fish. Yeah. Big boy.

I just reeled it all in, damn!

-TYLER: Oh, yeah. Woo!
-(Paul laughing)

PAUL: Oh, it's a real one, dude.

TYLER: It's a real one.

PAUL: Yeah, he took a nice little run.

Get the greenstick in.
We're gonna break this fish off on it.

TYLER: We gotta get this greenstick
in right now, everything's all tangled.

I'm clearing all the greenstick gear
out of the water,

so we don't get it tangled
and lose this fish.

Oh, I just about got the stick
in the boat.

PAUL: Here he goes again. He's pissed.


Yeah, he's a keeper.
There's no doubt about that.

TYLER: I want to get it in the boat.
I really want to get it in the boat.

PAUL: Yeah, easy, easy, easy, easy.

-Ah, he's gone.
-TYLER: Ah! Pulled the hook?

PAUL: Pulled the hook! Yeah.

It's such a (bleep) show. This boat.

TYLER: Really sucks.

I was hoping our luck was gonna change
before we even hit the Carolinas.

Hopefully, once we reach
Oregon Inlet, it will.

MARCIANO (off screen): All right, Jay.
Let's get these rods down the boat.

We'll fire it up. Listen to the weather

and see if we're gonna get out or not.
Let's hope so.

Jay and I have spent a lot of money
getting down here.

Everything's riding on me producing fish.

This has got to happen,
and it's got to happen quick for us.

Are we all right?

JAY: We're all set.

I'm a little bit nervous still.

This inlet
is nothing to joke around about.

It is a dangerous inlet.

MARCIANO: We're fishing
out of Oregon Inlet here.

And that's literally known
as the graveyard of ships in the Atlantic.

A lot of boats have seen a lot of problems
coming and going out of this inlet.

JAY: There's a lot of things
that can go wrong in the inlet.

You could take a wave over the bow
that could swamp the boat.

You could run aground.
You could smash into the bridge.

It's a really dangerous place.

MARCIANO: I'm gonna have to pay attention,

and Jay's gonna
have to be paying attention too

'cause if we don't play things right,
things can get real sour, real fast.

JAY (off screen):
We're about to go through

the most dangerous part
of the inlet, which is the bridge.

MARCIANO: The tide here
is really unpredictable.

If the winds change
and we're not paying attention,

a big wave could come along
and slam us into those concrete pylons.

JAY: Rumor has it,
two boats have already been lost

going through this inlet this year.

So we have to stay on our toes.

Here we go. Making the turn.

-So it's kind of sketchy, huh?

It's gonna be a pain in the ass
getting out of this inlet,

but we're gonna have to learn how to do it
just as well as these local guys

or we're gonna miss the boat.

JAY: This can
get up into six feet in here.

That's nothing for this boat.

That was (bleep) close.

MARCIANO (off screen):
If this wind direction changes,

starts coming out of the east,

it's gonna be a totally different game
tonight when we come in.

BRITTON: Sheesh.

(over radio) Dang. I see another boat
coming from up there to the north.

GREG: Looks like a little boat.

Fishing here on the Outer Banks
for bluefin is a lot different

than a lot of other places.

You're constantly on the move.

So the whole purpose of the circle
is that when a bunch of boats

happen to converge
on the same school of tuna,

we stake out our territory
so we don't cross each other's lines.

And now some boat wants to come along

and just steam through the middle
like an idiot. That's not gonna happen.

Who is that?

REED: Yeah, we're putting
the binoculars on him right now.

GREG (off screen): That's the Pin Wheel.

REED: Pin Head. Get it right.

This isn't cool. We track the fish.
We set up our circle.

And then the Pin Head shows up.

Think they can steam right in here
and start running our stuff over?

TYLER: Whatcha talking about, dude?

You know I know how to play the game.
We were here last year.

BANKS: You're gonna get your ass beat
doing that stuff.

TYLER: I brought a secret weapon.

(over radio) Better stand back
and get ready.

GREG: Your secret weapon?

What do you mean you got a secret weapon?

REED: I'll stick his secret weapon
right up his ass. Little Pin Head.

PAUL (laughing): Thanks
for the call, Greg.

GREG: Oh, no. It's Paul.
You're kidding me.

PAUL: I fished here for a lot of years.

I know these guys from way back.

And I know they definitely know me.

REED: Kid had to hire a real captain
just to come down here

and be in competition with us.

TYLER (over radio): Hey, come on.
I trimmed you up last year down here.

We can play that game.

REED: Keep talking (bleep).

(over radio) I'll make you cry
in front of all your Yankee friends.

(Greg laughs)

NICK: Cap! We'll fix these damn Yankees
once and for all.


REED: What?

NICK: How you doing, Tyler?

Ka-ka, boom.


PAUL (off screen): Whoa!
He's shooting the bird!

TYLER: (bleep). Mother (bleep).
Mother (bleep) drown us over here.

REED: You gotta be kidding me, man.

They just shot his bird right there.

NICK: Welcome to Oregon Inlet!

TYLER: What the (bleep)? (bleep).

NICK: No words necessary.
Just woom, woom, woom. Done deal.

GREG (over radio): He cut the main line.
He's got to rerig.

NICK: That'll also make him think twice
before he gets in my circle.

GREG: Oh, yeah. Probably cost him
about 400 right there.

NICK: It only gets worse, Cap.

GREG (over radio): Reed. We don't need
to worry about Pin Head.

Nick took care of him.

REED: That's just what he needed
to shut him up.

TYLER: (bleep) everyone. The world.

NICK: In high school,
I was voted most likely

to get paid to kill (bleep).

(Nick laughs)

BRITTON: Here in the South,
shooting a poly ball is acceptable.

Sometimes you just have
to make your point.

Well, it's high time
we steer away from crazy town

and start putting some fish
in the ice chest.

-Got your baits all ready?
-CAINE: Baits are ready.

What kinda window are we looking at?

BRITTON: A couple hours.

-CAINE: All it takes is one second.
-BRITTON: All it takes is one second.

CAINE (off screen): I'm tired of seeing
that pink stamp on my envelopes.

BRITTON: Pink stamp?

CAINE: Important notice. Overdue.

BRITTON (off screen): Oh, yeah.

CAINE: Britton runs a very tight ship.

It's gonna be a little bit of a struggle

just trying to figure out the way
he wants it done.


CAINE: But I feel confident
I'll be able to pull it out in the end.

BRITTON (off screen):
A big school of porpoises.

I've been blessed
to have really good eyes.

Your eye won't lie.

You always got to be on the lookout
for signs of life

'cause where there's life, there's tuna.

CAINE: Got him on! Got him on!



Stay on, baby. Stay the hell on.

Come on, baby.

Oh, he's taking him.

That's a five, six,
seven-thousand-dollar fish hopefully.

Stay on there, baby.

BRITTON: Oh! I Got him on the stick, bud!

Come on!


Thank you, Jesus!

Having two fish on at one time,
that can be a dream come true

or it can be a nightmare.

If the lines cross up,
they'll end up chafing each other off

and you'll end up losing both fish.

-Ah, ah. God.
-CAINE (off screen): Oh, he's taking her.

BRITTON (off screen):
Keep it away from there.

CAINE (off screen):
Oh, don't go under the deck.

BRITTON (off screen): Keep him away
from the prop.

I'm just gonna have to let my fish swim

while we focus on keeping this one out
from under the boat.

If it goes for the prop,
not only do we lose the fish,

but he could damage the boat
in the process.

CAINE: Ah. Britton,
I can't do nothing with it. (grunts)

BRITTON (off screen): Don't let the lines
get crossed. Watch out.

Don't let him go.
Pass it under. Pass it under.

-CAINE: Ah, ah, ah!
-BRITTON: Wait, oh, oh, oh.

CAINE: Ah, damn!


BRITTON (off screen): Keep him away
from the prop.

CAINE: Ah. Britton,
I can't do nothing with it. (grunts)

BRITTON (off screen): Watch out.

Don't let him go.
Pass it under. Pass it under.

CAINE: Ah, ah, ah!

-BRITTON: Wait, oh, oh, oh.
-CAINE: Ah, damn!


BRITTON: These mono is close together.

Right about now,
we got two fish on the line.

I'm just trying to let mine
get tired out on the bandit line

while we keep the other one
from getting tangled in our prop.

Watch out, watch out, watch out.

CAINE: Please, baby.
Please, please, please, please, please.

Please, please, please, please.

BRITTON: Watch the slack. Come off.
All right.


BRITTON: We're clear.


BRITTON: Switch sides.
Try to get yours back over here.

-CAINE: Yeah.
-BRITTON: All right, come on.

Caine's fish is still on our line,
but trying to swim away from us.

(Caine grunts)

BRITTON: So we're giving it some distance,

shifting our focus to the fish
on the bandit reel.

Come on up here, baby. Come play with us.

I got him.

Right underneath the boat.

I swear, I don't know, man,
if he's big enough or not.

Little guy.

Hey, buddy. Grow up.
I'll see you next year.

That's what we call a barely legal, BLT.

73 inches is the minimum size

for a western Atlantic bluefin tuna
to be harvested commercially.

And that allows the fish
to get to a spawning age

in order to sustain the population.

This means that whatever Caine has on
needs to pay off in a big way,

or all we've done today
is burn diesel fuel.

We need this rascal.

CAINE: Ain't no doubt.

It's a tough one, here.

All right, I see color.

-All right, Britt.
-BRITTON: I got the dart.

CAINE: I got her.

BRITTON: All right,
this is big enough, Caine.

This could be
a three or a four hundred pounder.

CAINE: I think she's going under the boat.
Get 'er! Get 'er!

Good job.

Good job, Captain!

I think this one will be close to 300.

BRITTON: One, two, three! Ahh!
Welcome aboard. Hey, baby!

Woo, baby!

CAINE: It's been a long time coming, cuz.
A long time coming.

Good job, buddy.

BRITTON: He's big enough.

CAINE: 85.

BRITTON: Bluefin. Come on! Woo!

Happy boy.

Nice fish.

This is our first fish of the season.
We're on the board, and it's a good start.

Right on.

Thank you, Jesus!

BANKS (off screen):
Is that Marciano over there?

REED: Come on.

BANKS (off screen):
Definitely the Hard Merchandise.

Oh, my God.

It is a complete rust bucket.


Rough out.

MARCIANO (off screen):
In the future what we'll do, Jay,

is make sure we do that at the dock,
you know?

REED: Oh, my God.
They're so (bleep) clueless.

BANKS: It's like they're in a comedy bit.

JAY: This is our power.
This is going to work.

This is what runs the hydraulic reels.

Ready. I wish I could say
I know what I'm doing, but I--


MARCIANO: Close the valve.
Close the valve.

JAY (off screen): I don't know how.

MARCIANO (off screen): The other way.

You all right?

JAY (off screen): Yeah.
I just got it in the leg pretty good.

It hurt. I'll be fine.

-REED: Come on.
-BANKS: Pure comedy.

REED: There's just one thing
after the next (laughs).

LUCAS: Way to go, Doghouse.

-Getting it done.
-BRITTON: Yes, sir.

Not only did we bring in our first fish
of the season,

but I found out something
that I didn't know yesterday.

Caine is a good, reliable first mate.

LUCAS: Let's see what she weighs.

-224 pounds dressed.
-BRITTON (off screen): Cool.

LUCAS: Let's check the quality.

BRITTON: A top quality fish can bring
as much as $20 or $25 a pound.

But a fish with no fat can bring
as little as $8 a pound.

That's a real steep drop off
in take-home pay, let me tell you.

LUCAS: It's got plenty of fat in the tail.

Let's get the core.

CAINE: Let's cut to the chase.

-LUCAS: Yeah. Ready right now?
-(Britton laughs)

BRITTON: Caine's trying to figure out
whether he can make a house payment.

LUCAS: The core's nice and clear.

There's no burn.
It's a good little fish right there.

Looking at 14 bucks a pound.

-LUCAS: Yeah.

-BRITTON: Cool. I'll take it.
-CAINE: Yes, sir. Good enough.

-LUCAS: Good little fish.
-BRITTON: Yes, sir.

You have a fish dressed two and a quarter,
$14 a pound,

a little better than three grand.

-Thank you, Lucas.
-LUCAS: See you, buddy. Good luck.

BRITTON: This fish
didn't exactly change our lives.

It's better than nothing,
but we've got to keep hitting it hard

if we're gonna catch our share
of the quota.

TYLER: The day of fishing
is coming to a close.

Paul and I are more determined than ever
to put some tuna on this boat.

And show everyone that we're a force
to be reckoned with on this water.

PAUL: There's life all the way here.
It's so nice right now.

See all the birds everywhere?
The tunas are with them.

Trying to tease them, you know?
Jumping the squids out of the water.


Oh. (laughs)

We're on. Oh, my God.

TYLER: We're on, we're on, we're on.

-Yeah, we're on.
-PAUL: Here we go.

-TYLER: Smoking it.
-PAUL: Smoking it.

TYLER: Clear the rods. Clear the rods.
We're on.

PAUL: Oh, my God.

Right out of my hands. (laughs)

TYLER: We have nice tuna on.
We're trying to clear the lines.

Get (bleep) out of the way.

Making sure we don't lose this fish.

PAUL: Let's do it.


TYLER (off screen):
This is a big bluefin tuna here.

It could be seven or eight grand
on the line right now.

PAUL: Look at the ball.
The ball's getting to work.


Back up, back up, back up.

Look at the fish towing the bird.

Look at it.

TYLER: The winch's jammed.

The bandit reel is jammed and the fish
is swimming away with my bird.

It's very important
we get tension on this line

or we're going to pull the hook
and lose the fish.

Wait. Wait. We don't want to put
any pressure on this thing.

PAUL: We're gonna have
to hand line this baby in.

TYLER: The fish has 5000 feet of line out,
and we got to pull it all back in by hand.

I don't know anything about hand lining.
That was way before my generation.

But old school Paul,
he's a legendary hand liner.

PAUL: You all right?

TYLER: Pull that (bleep) in, Paul.

PAUL: Just like the old days.

Man versus beast.
Whoa, there he goes. Whoa.


You got a three or four hundred pound fish
on the line, you gotta give him some slack

or you could get pulled
right along with him.

TYLER: Gotta pull her in.

PAUL: Oh, yeah. He's out there.

TYLER: We gotta worry about Paul here.

Safety's a huge issue
while we're hand lining these tunas.

I'm trying to make sure the line
does not get wrapped around Paul's feet.

PAUL: If it wraps me, I'm overboard.

TYLER (off screen): Forward. Jesus.
He's coming around.

PAUL: Here we go! Here we go!
Let it go, let it go. (bleep)

TYLER (off screen): Don't get
caught up in that line.

PAUL: I just don't want it
to wrap my fingers,

it'll take my finger right off!

TYLER: The bandit reel's jammed.
The fish has 5000 feet of line out.

And we gotta pull it all back in.

There's no other way to get this fish in.

PAUL: Oh, yeah. He's out there.

This is when this job gets dangerous.

Plenty of fishermen
lose their lives every year

when they let their need to catch
overtake their common sense.

TYLER: This is a freakin' battle.
We need this fish in.

-PAUL: We don't got him yet.
-TYLER: We need this fish.

PAUL: All right. Go neutral real quick.

TYLER: Get him, Paul! Get him!

PAUL (off screen): Come here!

TYLER: The fish is fighting for his life.
Paul's fighting for his life.

We're trying to make some money, here.
We're trying to win a war.

PAUL: Back up a little.

Back up, stop the boat.



Stay right in neutral.
Here come the squid.

TYLER: Unbelievable battle.

PAUL (off screen): Oh, ho, ho, ho.

Right here. He's a big fish.

We're gonna get him,
'cause he's circling too much.

-Right here. Ready?
-TYLER: Yeah.

PAUL: Get him!

TYLER: Watch the dart line,
watch the dart line! He might dump us.

PAUL: Gaff!

You ready?

-TYLER: (bleep)!
-PAUL: Right here!

-You got one?
-TYLER: All right, Willie Mack.

-How's that, Willie Mack?
-PAUL: You got one?


PAUL: Yeah!

-TYLER: Got him, dude. Got him!
-PAUL: You got it, Tyler.

TYLER: Tail rope's on, baby! Woo.

PAUL: He's a tough fish.

TYLER: He's a big tuna, dude!

PAUL: Let him down!

Big boy! Yeah. Hell yeah!

(laughing) Good boy.

TYLER: Pin Wheel, baby!

PAUL: 102.

TYLER: Whoo-hoo!

Let's go get it weighed.

BUBBA: Here he comes.

Hey, man! What's going on?

-LUCAS: What's up, Paul?
-TYLER: What's up, Lucas?

BUBBA: Nice.

LUCAS: Let's see how much she weighs.

432 pounds.

-PAUL: Yeah!
-TYLER: Sweet!

PAUL: That's nice!

LUCAS: Let's see how she looks.

TYLER: Lucas, when he's looking
at the quality of the fish,

he's really looking at that core sample.

LUCAS: Core looks all right.

Yeah, she's got some fat.

Color's good.

TYLER: What do you think
we're gonna get paid, Lucas?

LUCAS: I can do $14 a pound, right now.

PAUL: I'll take it. Hell, yeah!

-LUCAS: Good job, guys. Thank you.
-PAUL: Thanks, Lucas.

TYLER: The fish dressed out at 432 pounds.

We got $14 a pound for the fish,
which is killer.

-Thanks, Bubba.
-BUBBA: You got it.

-PAUL: That's sweet.
-TYLER: Take care of our baby.

Yo, Paul. Look who it is.

We got TJ to worry about now.

PAUL (off screen): Oh, dude! There he is!

TYLER: I didn't even see him.

PAUL: Land ho, baby!

(bleep) you!

TYLER: I know. Right?

I don't exactly like TJ.
We got a long history.

I worked for him for a few years.

I was probably the best mate he ever had.

And I think it scares him
that I have my own boat.

(over radio) Hey TJ.
This competition ain't over yet, pal.

TJ: I guarantee you,
when the whistle blows,

you will be at the bottom
of the leaderboard.

Hero to zero. First-class loser.

TYLER: And now we're enemies.

And pretty much,
if he's gonna be down here

trying to catch fish in the Outer Banks,
I'm gonna do it better than him.

I think when TJ wakes up tomorrow,
he's gonna (bleep) his pants.

PAUL: Baby wipes. Baby wipes.

TYLER: Baby wipes for the big boy!

Well, his dad's there
to wipe his butt for him.

(Paul laughing)

What's going on, guys?

TJ: Good morning, Jarrett.

JARRETT: Oh, it's cold down there, man.

TJ: You all rested up?
You ready to do this?

JARRETT: Yeah, man. I'm ready to do this.
I don't wanna sit here on the boat,

sitting at the dock, man.
You can't make money here.

TJ: No, no.
It's not good for the pocket or the liver.

I'll check on these baits, see if they're
thawed, and we'll get going.

Ah, no (bleep) way.

I can't believe this (bleep).

JARRETT: He's got a crush on you, TJ.
Everywhere you go, he's like right there.

TJ: He's the wrong gender, bro.

All summer, he got tortured.
He caught nothing.

He's a bottom-feeding weasel.
I'm sick of looking at him.

I'm sick of hearing his cackling mouth.
I'm sick of looking at his T-Rex arms.

TYLER: Oh, look who it is.

Captain Cabbage Patch and his father.

I just hope that you finally are gonna do
what you need to do,

and that's to go back to scrubbing buckets

and let your old man
handle the steering wheel.

TJ (off screen): Oh, I know. Yeah.

You did so great this year.
You're such a tuna hero.

TYLER: Dude, I have brand new mates
on my deck this year. Brand new ones.

TJ: Why?
Why did you get rid of the old ones?

TIM OTT: There's nobody dumb enough
to fish with him.

PAUL (off screen):
Did you bring Gloucester back here?

It's like Tuna Wars all over again.
I can hear you guys up at the dock.

TJ: Oh, come on.
Don't even tell me you're his mate, dude.

TYLER: What up, Paulie?
Good to see you, buddy.

PAUL: What are you up to?

TJ: You, dude?
Wicked Pissah in the Outer Banks?

PAUL: They've had this controversy
between them for a while.

I respect TJ.
Everybody in Gloucester had a hard year.

Them of all people
should understand why I'm here.

I'm not getting in the middle of this
'cause you guys been battling for a while.

I'm just here to catch some tuna fish.

TYLER: Yeah, lots of tunas. Lots of tunas.
A lot more than that boat.

TJ: Well, you Paul, we love.
Good luck to you.

You got your hands full, dude.

That's about as much of Tyler
as I wanna see for today,

if not for the whole season.

Our goal is to get out on the water
and leave him far, far behind.

If he keeps out of our way,
we'll keep out of his.

-JARRETT: Good luck, Paul.
-TIM: Good luck, Paul.

JARRETT: (bleep) you, Tyler.

TYLER: I (bleep) hate (bleep) you.
(bleep) all you.

You know what?
I'm down here commercial fishing

trying to make my livelihood,
to salvage my season up north.

And now TJ wants to come down here
and try and catch a couple tunas.

I'm gonna own his ass.

And I'm gonna put more fish on the dock
down here in Carolina

than that Hot Tuna
has caught in a whole season.

JARRETT: Oh, I can't stand
that (bleep) dude.

PAUL: We're the most motivated kids here.
All right?

We should be able to put more tunas
across the dock than anybody here.

We just need to stay motivated,
and we'll be fine.

Don't let anything get to ya.
Let's just catch tuna.

-GREG: Hey, Nick!
-NICK: Yo.

GREG: A hundred bill
if you get a bite right here next to Reed!

NICK: I got two options!

If Reed catches one before us,
I damn shoot myself,

or I climb on their boat and go postal.

Hijack tuna!


REED (over radio): Playtime's over.

You'll see me at the packinghouse
when we're unloading.

GREG: It's all right.
We're gonna get ours right now.

NICK: If you try to take me home
before we catch one,

there's gonna be problems on this boat.

-GREG: Just keep jiggin'.
-(Nick laughing)

GREG (off screen): Just keep jiggin'!

NICK: Here on the Outer Banks,

the Frenzy's the top boat,
and we're gonna finish on top again.

We don't play second fiddle to nobody.

I don't like to lose. Nobody does.

If you don't like winning, you're a loser.

(reel unspooling)

Oh, there he is! There he is!

Got a bite on the fly line, here.

Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
Look at him go! Uh!

Feels like a nice one, man.
All you need to see, right there.

He's probably down there, 150 foot.

GREG: My guess is
this is gonna be a real nice one.

I can tell,
with that rod bent over like that.

This could be a $10,000 fish, baby!

Do you see him?

NICK (off screen): I see him.

GREG: Oh, yeah. Nice fish.

NICK: I definitely want him bad.
Every dollar counts.

GREG: He's getting tired.
It's like pulling on a bungee cord.

You can only do it for so long.

NICK: He's coming, now!

We need to harpoon him, Cap!

Gotta do it quick!

GREG: (bleep)!

Did you ever tie a dart on for me?

NICK: Uh, I don't know if I did.

GREG: (bleep) me.
You didn't even tie one on. Jeez!

We gotta get this fish.

NICK: Here he comes.
This is your chance, this is your chance!

GREG: (bleep)!

NICK: Right here, Cap! Now!

GREG (off screen):
Did you ever tie a dart on for me?

NICK: Uh, I don't know if I did.

GREG (off screen): (bleep) me.

We gotta get this fish.

NICK: Here he comes.
This is your chance, this is your chance!

GREG: (bleep).

NICK: Right here, Cap! Now!

GREG: He turned on us.

NICK: Missed him.

GREG (off screen): I won't take him
that deep.

NICK: It's all right.
You know, I ain't gonna force nothin'.

Hey, he's taking line here,
got close, didn't like the look of things.

I just want to take it easy on him,

instead of pushing a bad position
and forcing it.

GREG: He'll make a mistake.

NICK: Leader's almost at the rod tip.

GREG: One more circle.

Coming back to us.

NICK: Right here beside me,
right side of me, Cap.

GREG: Get out of my way!

Eyeball shot. All right. We got him.

Okay, get your gaff. Get your gaff.

The penetrator in the gill plate.

NICK: Ugh.

GREG: Okay. There you go.

-NICK: Yeah!
-GREG: Now we got him.

Beautiful fish.

NICK: Pretty, pretty, pretty.

-GREG: You ready?
-NICK: Ready?

GREG: Biggest fish of the season.

-That is a real one, my friend.
-NICK: Put a tape on him.

GREG: 97 incher.

-Nice way to end it, buddy.
-NICK: Yeah, buddy.

GREG (off screen): Good job, good job.

JAY: I think we're fishing.
Tuna fishing in the Outer Banks.

MARCIANO: It took some doing,

but I think we finally got that greenstick
set up and ready to go.

'Course this being the fourth day
of the season,

we really need to hook up with something

or we might as well have
never steamed down here to begin with.

All we gotta do is wait for some fish
to come on the screen.

I'll be looking at the radar,
looking for them other guys,

look for birds, look for breaking fish,
look for anything.

The hardest part is gonna be getting
that first one under our belt.

JAY: So where are the fish?

MARCIANO (off screen):
There's a couple maybe.

Jig that, jig that, jig that.

We got to drag some squids around,

make 'em look like live squid
for this greenstick thing

and that supposedly
is what drives these fish wild.

Come on, there was a bunch of them.

JAY: We're on! We're on!

MARCIANO: What do we got, Jay?

JAY: I don't know, Dave!

MARCIANO: Something on there?

JAY: Yeah!

-MARCIANO: What does it look like.
-JAY: Oh, yeah. Over to the left.

-MARCIANO: I saw it.
-JAY: Blue fish.

-JAY: It's a tuna?

MARCIANO: Little blackfin or something.

It's a bonito.

It's a bonito. Not what we're after.

It's not even good eating,
so we just let it go.

JAY: Losers.

TYLER: It's my second day
fishing the Outer Banks

and after getting my poly ball shot at,

I ain't fishing anywhere near
any of these Southern rednecks.

PAUL: This is good, right in this area.
Nice area right here.

Oh, there they are! I got 'em. I got 'em.

-TYLER: You got 'em?
-PAUL: Right up in front.

Yeah, hah haaah!
Those are definitely tunas.

Two o'clock. Yep.

TYLER: Oh, (bleep). Dude, look at 'em.

PAUL: Aahhh! That's so sick!

Oh, yeah, baby! (laughs)

Come on, right here. Look at 'em all!

-TYLER: Blowing up!
-PAUL: Do you see them?

TYLER (off screen): Yeah!
They're goin' around the front of the bow!

PAUL: You need to make the rigs
go over them, Tyler.

You gotta keep goin', Tyler.

TYLER: I'm goin' right on 'em.

PAUL: Oh, we're on!

TYLER: We're on! We got a bite!


PAUL: Yeah, we got one on.
Now we're happy.



Got him on, on the rod, dude.
(bleep) pumped.

PAUL (off screen): He's a nice fish.

He's a big fish.
We're gonna get this one. I can feel it.

TYLER: Let's get 'em, bitch.

You're a big tuna. You're a 500 pounder
but you met your match.

Feel like a $5000 bill right here.

-PAUL (off screen): Yup.
-TYLER: Really excited.

PAUL (off screen): Stoked!

This will put us right back in the game,
dude, right back in the game.

TYLER: I got color, Paul, 20 feet.

Swivel! Swivel!

-PAUL: Oh.
-TYLER: Oh, Paul! Missed that one.

PAUL: We're gonna get this one.
We're gonna get this one.

I can feel it.

TYLER: I got color, Paul, 20 feet.

Get ready.

Swivel! Swivel!

-PAUL: Oh.
-TYLER: Oh! Paul.

PAUL: Right over his back. Hold on.

-TYLER: Paul (bleep) missed that one.
-PAUL: Come here, you.

TYLER: Right in the tail. Yeah.

PAUL: Here, right here.

TYLER: Whoa.

PAUL: In the meat, in the meat. Right.

-TYLER: Whoa.
-PAUL: Got him?

TYLER: Got him. Love catching tunas.

PAUL (off screen):
That's how you pull 'em in.

(whistles) Baby. He's beautiful.

-TYLER: He is beauty. Yeah!
-PAUL: He's real nice.

Very good job.

TYLER: After all the trouble
that bluefin put us through yesterday,

it was nice
to have a catch go smooth for once.

Maybe I got the tuna gods back on my side.

(mouthing) Thank you!

PAUL: Oh, yeah. 81 inches.

(laughs) He's way good.

Two fish in two days.

I think it's safe to say that things
are turning around

for Team Pin Wheel already.

TYLER: Pin Wheel, baby!
This is what we wanted.

PAUL: (laughs) That's right.

GREG: Word on the wire
is Pin Head caught a fish

yesterday and today, and they're big ones.

But, you know,
this is one of the biggest fish

I've seen in these parts.

I'm confident we'll blow
the invaders out of the water.

-NICK: Yeah! (laughs)
-GREG: Yeah, baby.

LUCAS: Nice job, guys.

All right. Let's see what she weighs.
Let's check it out.

NICK: Come on, baby.

LUCAS (off screen): 380 pounds.

GREG: 380.

The moment of truth.

LUCAS: Let's get the core.

GREG: I need a nice one.

LUCAS: Not too much fat there, Greg.

GREG: Yeah, I see that.
So what's the bottom line, here?

We need this one.

LUCAS: Ten bucks a pound.

-GREG: 3800 bucks.
-NICK: Yeah.

GREG: Well, you win some, you lose some.

Buyers want to see that fat on there.

As big as this fish was,
it didn't deliver the goods.

NICK: Four grand today, almost?

GREG: It's better than nothing,
I'm telling you what. I appreciate it.

-LUCAS: Thanks, guys.
-GREG: Bubba.

-GREG: Thank you.
-LUCAS: Thank you.

GREG: Still, $3800
is nothing to sneeze at.

TYLER (off screen): Paul and I on
the same boat is working out really well.

I might be a young captain,
but there's still a lot I got to learn.

Paul knows everything.

I mean, he's been a top mate
in this industry,

you know, for 30 years.

He's done well on his own,
running his own boats.


PAUL (off screen): Slow down.

TYLER: Look at... And there he is.

He's always keeping an eye on me.

-TYLER: Making sure.
-PAUL: That's it.

TYLER: 'Cause he knows
how scary this inlet is.

Coming through the inlet, Paul.

I heard Coast Guard's already talked
to a couple boats

going through the crack here,
and they all run aground.

There's no water at low tide right now.

We're gonna have to try and bulldoze
our way through the sandbar.

PAUL (off screen):
We gotta do what we gotta do.

When you've got a big bluefin on ice,

you need to get it
to the fish buyers ASAP.

It's down to one.

If that means braving this inlet
at low tide, so be it.

Just keep an eye on it, okay?

TYLER: Holy (bleep).

Paul, I hope we didn't mess
any of the running gear up there.

PAUL: Yeah, that was hard.

And this is just the beginning.

TYLER: Hey, Paul, is he up on the sandbar?

PAUL (off screen): They're hard aground.

See, they're all on the beach.
These guys live here, Tyler.

TYLER: Paul, maybe
we should get a couple ropes.

I'm gonna try and pull this guy
off the sandbar.

PAUL: Absolutely.

TYLER: Hey, we got you. We'll be here.
We'll hang out with you.

PAUL (off screen): Oh, he's way up.

We're not gonna pull that big boat
in a foot and a half of mud.

There's no (bleep) way.

TYLER: These boats
can't get in there right now, Paul,

'cause they don't have the keel.

So we're the only ones that can help him.

This is gnarly.
Right now, I got to position my boat

up ahead of these guys,
come tight with the rope,

and still power out of there
before I hit a sandbar

on the other side of the reef.

PAUL: All right. Just keep an eye on this.
If it gets to one...

-TYLER: I'm ready. I'm going.
-PAUL: ...back it right off.

TYLER: Yes, sir.

I'm gonna bang right around this green.
I'm gonna come in behind you

and see if I can find some water
to pull you out.

MAN (over radio):
You turn straight towards me.

PAUL: Go gentle. Nice and slow.

TYLER (off screen): I'm gonna get you.
We're gonna get it, dude.

PAUL (off screen):
I don't think it's gonna do it.

No, it's only three feet deep here.

There's no way you'll pull that boat.

TYLER: "Tyler! You're gonna get us stuck

and we're gonna have to spend
the whole night out here."

No matter what Paul says
or how much he freaks out,

I'm the captain of the Pin Wheel

and I'm gonna get this guy
off the sandbar.

PAUL: Wait, wait, wait, I gotta...

TYLER: I'm gonna do it again.

PAUL (off screen): Let me see.

We can't go over there. That's the bar.
It's not gonna work.

We're hitting right here. See all the mud?

We're screwed. We're getting stuck.

We could have dirt in the engine already.
A lot of dirt.

And that means haul the boat
out of the water, game over for the year.

(bleep) Einstein could figure that out,
and he's dead.

Now we're gonna end up here for the night,
the whole night.

PAUL (off screen): We're trying
to help this guy get off the ground

but we took too long.

Now we're gonna end up here for the night,
the whole night.

TYLER: I think if I pull you
off your stern, I'm gonna pop you free.

Let me give you a pull right now, come on.

PAUL: Go ahead.


Real easy, this way, go. Just like that.

Tyler wants to play Boy Scout.

That's all well and good,

but at the end of the day, he's going
to need a little guidance from the master

if we want to get back
to the harbor alive.

Go to the right, Tyler. Go to the right.

Nice and easy.

We're makin' a nice hole. Nice and easy.

Steady just like that.
We got pressure now.

That's all we need, is a little pressure.

TYLER (off screen):
You're moving, aren't you?

PAUL (off screen): Yeah, I think so.

TYLER: We got you coming,
we got you coming.

PAUL: Easy. Slow down.

Very gentle. You got it.

TYLER: Regardless of Paul freaking out,

I'm not gonna leave another captain
out there alone.

PAUL: Compensate for the bow,
to the left a little.

Never mind them,
just watch where you're going.

TYLER: We pulled them off the sandbar,
we saved the day,

and I didn't ruin my night
by ruining my boat.

I can't believe we did that!

PAUL: His bow was hard aground, Tyler.
Oh, he's hard aground again.

No, I'm only kidding. (laughs)

TYLER: Come on! You almost had me!
Woo! We got him, dude!

Fisherman's code: You never leave a man
behind in the ocean. That's the one thing.

We might be out there
competing against each other on the water,

but you're always there to lend a hand,
'cause at the end of the day,

it's a big ocean
and we only got each other.

Dude, we got
a really nice fish in the hold.

PAUL: Look at that rock star.

TYLER: Grade A Outer Banks bluefin.

Now, this is what we came down here to do,
salvage the season and catch BFTs.

BUBBA: Let's see what she weighs.

338 pounds dressed.

PAUL: Nice dress weight, dude.
Right here, Tyler.

TYLER: Yo, let's check out
the quality of this thing!

-BUBBA (off screen): Let's do it.
-PAUL: That's nice.

BUBBA: Let's take a core sample.

This fish right here,

definitely the nicest one
I've seen down here.

TYLER: What do you think
we're going to get per pound, Bubba?

BUBBA: This fish will get you...

I'll give you $25 a pound.

PAUL: Ah. (bleep) yeah.

TYLER: The fish we brought in today
dressed out at 338, $25 a pound.

Can't beat that.

-Dude, dollars dude.
-PAUL: Thanks, Bubba.

-BUBBA: Thanks, man.
-TYLER: I'm out.

-We're gonna catch more tunas.
-BUBBA: All right.

TYLER: Appreciate it, brother.

BUBBA: Go do it.
Bring me back another one of these.

TYLER: Two fish in two days.
It feels pretty good.

These Southern guys, they can harass me,
they can shoot at me,

they can do whatever they want,

but the real test is how many fish
you put across the dock.

PAUL: We're gonna kick
the Southerner's ass in their backyard.

Bring it on!

NARRATOR: At the close of day four,

Fishin' Frenzy
pulls ahead of local rival Wahoo.

While Pin Wheel's two-fish haul
launches them into the competition.

After weigh-ins across the fishery,
now 20% of the quota is filled.

BRITTON: We're on the board.

We caught us a fish yesterday,

but it's imperative that once you start,
you keep on goin' to the finish line.

MARCIANO: We're two grand
in the hole on fuel.

We need a fish bad, just to get even again
so we can keep going.

REED: Fish 'til dark, no bites.
We definitely sucked today.

TJ: We need to find fish
as fast as possible.

If we don't catch fish right now,
we're going to start to go backwards

and the bills
are going to start to pile up.

There's so much riding on this.

JARRETT: Hey, man.

If there's fish to be caught, let's do it.

TJ: We don't have a choice.

Captioned by Point.360