Wicked Tuna (2012–…): Season 7, Episode 2 - Fish or Famine - full transcript

For six years, defending champion Captain Dave Carraro has brought in more tuna than any other skipper in the fleet. But without his first fish of the season, Captain Dave and his crew are ...

past six years...

DAVE: We are unstoppable.

Wham! Yeah, baby!
Got one! Yeah.

That's what it's all
about right there.

NARRATOR: No one has
hauled in more Bluefin
than Dave Carraro.

-Dot Com on fire!

NARRATOR: But now...

-Oh, this is so painful!

NARRATOR: While the defending
champion struggles...

BRAD: He's got to be going
out of his mind, that guy.

NARRATOR: The fleet...

-We're on!
Double! Double! Double!

NARRATOR: Will seize
every opportunity...

JOE: All right. It's
right there on the surface!

That's him out there.

To stretch their lead.

-I can't believe what
happened just now.

SANDRO: What the hell.


MARCIANO: Reel, reel, reel!

TYLER: This is
what we live for.

PAUL: Big wave.

NARRATOR: Is Wicked Tuna.

PAUL: Yeah!

NARRATOR: At the beginning
of week two of fishing,

Hot Tuna are off to
their best start ever.

and family operation
Hard Merchandise have yet
to land their first fish.

TJ: This place is alive.

JARRETT: Oh, I know, man.

TJ: Big herring.

All the signs you wanna see
of Bluefin being present.

Yesterday, we landed
two beautiful Bluefins.

We got 'em baby.
We got 'em!

And became the number
one boat in the fleet.

Good job, buddy.

So we've come
straight back out to the
same hotspot because we know

the tuna are here.

But of course,
we're not alone.

And you got
Hard Merch down the edge,
you got Paul right there on

the Wicked Pissah.

The Fish Hawk is on
our starboard side.

And after he swore he
would never come up
here, lo and behold,

Dot Com is anchored
up right next to us.

I definitely find
it pretty funny that
Dave, Dot Com,

is playing follow-the-leader
and has wound up here.

He did swear and he was like,
"I'm not going up there.

I'm not going up there.

I'm gonna stay right here.

Catch my fish in shore;
I'm not going out there.

I'm staying right here."

Dave is used to
being in the lead.

So when things aren't going
according to his plan, that's
when the twitching starts.

-I don't understand why
it's taking so long.

Come on, something
freaking happen here.

SANDRO: Hope we get a shot.

That's all.

-TJ? You there, TJ?

DAVE (over radio): Winky?

TJ: I'm gonna (bleep) with
him all day today, this guy.

DAVE: So TJ got off to a
hot start and stumbled
upon some fish.

Am I panicking? No.

"I'm not going up there.
I'm not going up there.

I'm not gonna do it.
I'm not going up there."

DAVE: You get any big herring?
Or were they mostly small?

TJ (over radio):
We got a few big ones.

ANGELICA: "Oh, we've
got the biggest herring."

They're comparing
herring sizes.

They're like, "My herring
is bigger than yours".

Pretty funny.

MARCIANO: My daughter
is all impressed with
you guys comparing your,

um, herring sizes.

Dave's so desperate to
be number one at something,
now he's bragging about

his bait size.

We haven't caught
a fish either, but you
don't see me signing up

to join that circus.

Come on, guys, let's try
and put one on the boat.

PAUL: We like whales.

We got whales.
Whoo-hoo! Big whales.

RICK: Another one.

-Oh, yeah.
There will be tuna
sooner or later.

Oh, yeah they're coming now.

-We're in the money.


Nobody's here because
they enjoy fishing
around other boats.

We're all at this
spot for one reason
and one reason only.

TJ: Come on, baby,
come on, baby.

-The fish are here and we
want a shot at these fish
before they disappear.


-Come on, boys. Come on.


(reel unspooling rapidly)

-Reel, reel, reel.

Let's get him onboard.

-Hey, Paul just
hooked up over there.

I watched him do it.


-He's taking a run, Paul.

Coming at us.

-We're currently third
place in the fleet.

The Wicked Pissah is
usually not known to get
off to a hot start at the

beginning of the season.

I think we can change
all that if we can
hold on to this fish.

Keep him tight,
Ricky, all right?

-Hold on, big wave. Yeah.

DAVE: We need a fish and
I didn't wanna come all the
way up here for nothing.

Hey, guys, let's go
on the other side of
Paul, reel him up.

-All right.

-Everything's over
there and nothing's
on the west side here.

So, we're gonna
make a little move.

What have we got to lose?

TJ: That's not cool.

I know Dave's
anxious to catch up.

But it's bad business to
anchor next to a guy when he's
in the middle of doing battle.

JARRETT: Monkey see,
monkey do.

BRAD: Do you know how devastated
Dot Com is right now? Dude.

BRAD: I can't even imagine.

Dave is freaking.
He's geeking.

He wants to catch a
fish but he can't.

No one on the face of
the earth is more worried
about other people

catching fish than Dot Com.

MATT: Oh, man.

-He's got to be going out
of his mind, that guy.

PAUL: Unbelievable.
I got Dave plowing on me.

-And a fish to fight.
-He's desperate is what it is.

Stay with him, Rick,
reel that baby in!

JOE: Wow, Dave's
anchoring right on Paul.

MARCIANO: Nobody said
it was gonna be fair.

DAVE: I know we just
moved 200 yards but that
could be the difference.

Look at, look at this.

Look at the slicks right
here, one, two, and three.

-There's fish right here.


This is good.

So there's definitely
a feed going right now,
so I can't get these lines

out quick enough.


-Get ready,
Joe, there's one
underneath us.

See kids, you don't have
to run around the ocean to
get fish under your boat.

That's right where
our baits are too.

-So right in the zone.

We may get a chance
to redeem ourselves.

Come on! Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come!

JOE: We're on! We're on!

-We're on!

DAVE: Come on.

RICK: Damn. The line went slack!

PAUL: Oh, did we lose him?

-Stay on him! Stay on him.

-He's gonna zip right
back, you watch.

ANGELICA: I definitely feel
like I have to prove my own.

Being on the reel is one
of the most stressful
experiences of my life.

But I definitely
know I can do it.

-Shut up.

-We're getting trimmed.
-Man, Paul's got one on.


-It's not our turn.


little rough out today.

You know what we're
worried about is,
you know,

the boat coming off a
wave too hard and

ripping the hook
right out of the fish.

Get angry!

-I am angry!

-You got to get mean!


-Hopefully our
luck will hold out.

There you go.
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming.

-All right.
He's right there
on the surface!

-Yup. Yup, that's him out there.
-Joe's starting to get tired.

I'm tired.

Hopefully this fish
is more tired than us.

-Ready for a
little break, Joe?

fish on board yet.

I'm hoping we can turn
that around right now.

We might get a
shot at him, guys.

-All right.
I'm getting ready.

(line snaps)

-Ugh. We lost it.

I'm the kids' father.
I'm their dad.

And as captain,
everybody's depending
on me for a paycheck.

Keep trying.
That's all we can do.

I'm trying not to show
it for their sake but I am
a little bit worried that

we haven't made a
paycheck yet this season.

-Hey, Papa.

-Never give up.
Never surrender.

PAUL: You got color yet?

-Yeah, I got color.

-Oh, yeah you do.
He's a nice one there, Rick.

Reel him up to me.

Ooh, got him. Gaff. Gaff.

That's it, yeah.
That's it. Game over.

It feels so good pulling
in our second fish of
the season this early.

82 inches.

That's the best part.

-I'm sorry, Dave.
You want ours?

-He can't have him.

-Oh, this is so painful.
We got to get in the game.

TYLER: We got out
here, got away from the
fleet, able to hide out.

People can't find us.

Squid 14.

-All right.

-We're heading to
a sunken shipwreck.

DUFFY: All right. Hell, yeah.

TYLER: Shipwrecks are artificial
reefs known to attract
baitfish and big predators

looking for food.

So we're hoping that there's
some hungry tuna out here.

I want to be the
number one boat this
year and to do that,

I know I've got to think
outside of the box.

DUFFY: Nobody around.
No one knows where we are.

TYLER: Dot Com doesn't
know about these spots.

TJ doesn't know
about these spots.

So we got this place
all to ourselves.

It's gonna give me
a good advantage over
the rest of the fleet.


Nice mark.

-All righty.

-Beautiful mark and a
big pile of herring.

Okay. Let's get fishing.

Hopefully we can get
another bite here.



-Come on.


Oh, dude, there's two.


(reel unspooling rapidly)

-We're on!
-Yeah, baby!

-Whoo. There's another
one down there.

Oh (bleep) we're on!

Double, double, double.

Yeah, baby!

All right, T, I got to
bring this guy back.

-We've got to try and keep
our fishing lines separate.

Harpoon. Move the harpoon.

So our two fish don't cross.

DUFFY: Got you,
got you, got you.

Nice work, T.

-We've got two
shots at a paycheck.

But if we make one misstep
here, we could be kissing
both of these fish goodbye.

Okay, he's in there, buddy.

All right, get yours
to go the other corner.


-I'm gonna puke.

Double on, baby.
This is what we live for.

-Hey, hey.
Give me a hand.
Give me a hand.

-I'm coming.

-Oh, oh, the other one.

Oh. Okay. Whoo!
I got light drag.

-Give me a glove, please.

-I got you.
Here, Ty. Here.

(line snap)


-Missed him.

Missed him on the trap.

Nothing you can
do, pulled a hook.

At least we got the other
one still on the line.

-Double hookup.

Just reset, things
were going good, but
you know, it's fishing.

Focus. I'm worried
about this one now.

TYLER: Really difficult
situation here.

We don't wanna lose them both.

It's, oh, losing
a double, man.

-Ty, watch, we're gonna
get another one again.

What the, whoa!

TYLER: Duffy, hang
on to the rod!

DUFFY: Oh, my God!

TYLER: We hooked a nice
double and we ended up
pulling the hook on one.

But at least we got the
other one still on the line.

-Focus. I'm worried
about this one now.

-Really difficult
situation here.

We don't wanna lose them both.

-What the, oh, whoa!
-Duffy, hang on to the rod!
-Yo, give me a hand.

Holy (bleep). Whoa!

-Is he still on?
-Still on, baby.
-How'd that happen?

-I went to get the rubber
band off, the (bleep),
those stoppers are strong.

-This is very scary.

It's a very erratic fish.

Duffy just had the rod
come out of the rod holder.

-Yeah, I know.

-Yeah, I thought you
were gonna lose the rod.

-Holy (bleep), dude.

-Very erratic.

I'm worried about these
things right here.

After losing a double, I'm
like heartbroken but I'm glad
we still got this one on.

Just would be so much
happier if there was
a tail rope around it.

It's all about tail
ropes this year.

-Hell yeah.

-Let me tell you something,
I've got 25 tail ropes.

Let's use 'em all.

-Come on, come on, T.

-I think they're
getting pretty close.

-Maybe they're like 60 or 70.

-Oh, it's a
beautiful pinwheel.
-Oh, yeah.

Swing him right out.

-Yeah, brother.

Wait, easy on the swivel.

-I know, I know, I'm gonna
swing him and I'm gonna load.

-Swing him right off the back.

-One more, T,
drill him, brother.

-Gaff. Ugh. Oh.

-Get him. Get his tail!

-Oh, my God.
-I got it. All right.

-We got him, bro.
-Got this one, man.
-And we can untie him.

Oh, yeah. Whoo-hoo!

-Oh, man.

If we get back on the
anchor now, we'd possibly
catch another one.

This is gonna
send shock and awe
to rest of the fleet.

Heat-seeking missiles.

That's what we are, baby.

Good job, bud.

I'm so pumped to have
our second fish of
the season on board.


-Hell, yeah.
-Yeah, buddy! Whoo!

Let's get a measurement
on this one.

79 inches, bro.

-All right, we'll take it.


Another good one,
man, there's a lot
of fish around here.

-Hell yeah.

-Carving out our
own spot away from the
fleet is paying off.

I got to post this one.

TJ: Tyler's caught up to us.

Oh, God.
He just caught his second
fish of the season.

DAVE: Damn, Tyler's
catching 'em. (bleep).

Tyler's caught his second
fish of the season and we
haven't even landed our first.

Not a good start.

-Stone cold fact is that
he's whooping our ass.

-Yeah right. Yup.

That's a tough pill
to swallow, but...

-That's like swallowing
like a horse tranquilizer.

MARCIANO: We don't know
where Tyler is but we
know he's catching fish.

Kid's been on fire
from the start.

As usual, that
kid's a go-getter.

You know he kind of reminds
me of me when I was younger.

Believe it or not, I had
hair down to my shoulders
and I wore a baseball cap,

except the brim was
curled and my jeans were
pulled up all the way.

I'm happy the kid's
caught his second fish.

Now I'm just hoping we
can catch our first.

We're just gonna try
and stay positive.

One good week can
put us in the game.

PAUL: Payday, baby!

The tuna buyer's looking
for color, fat content,
and the oil and shape.

Our fish today weighed
in at 240 pounds dressed.

So if it gets to 18 bucks a
pound like our last fish did,
we'd be in really good shape.

What do you think for
a price for this one?

-Tail color's good.

Nice band of
skin fat working its
way into the majors.

$22 a pound.

-Oh, dude, that's awesome.

-Payday, brother.

-Nice, guys.
-That's great!

No better way
to start off the
season right there.

Back to work.

We're gonna go another one.

DAVE: Are we ever
gonna get a bite?

SANDRO: At this rate, no.

-Hey, let's try a hat
change for superstition.

Just try a different hat.

I like being on top.

I like being in first place.

But right now we got a big
fat zero next to our name.

And that doesn't sit
well with me at all.

-Here we go.

-Sandro hat on.

I'm gonna try it.

See if this works.

I'm not normally a
superstitious guy but we've
got to change something

if we want to start
catching up to boats
like the Hot Tuna.

This might be
the difference between
getting a bite and not.

-Oh, terrible.

-I'll try anything right now.

TJ: Dot Com's got to be
losing it over there.

So bring that one in.

We'll just put one stick
out and two liveys.

Right now we're leading
the fleet and we're
in a great position to

keep on catching fish.

Today's the day, baby.

Today's the day.

♪ ♪

What was that?

-Was that a tuna?

-What was that?
-Something just jumped.

I think that was a tuna.

What was that?

It ate this bait.

We're on! We're on. Yeah!

-Pull up on the anchor.
-Whoa, what is going on?
-Keep going left.

-Stick bait, baby.

-We almost took it off.
Holy (bleep)!

DAVE: No way.

-I'm taking the hat off now.
The hat's not working.

I can't believe what
happened to TJ just now.

SANDRO: That's crazy.

TJ: Dave's definitely
hating this.

Oh, I hope we get this
one in front of Dave, man.

Oh, please.

Got 'em on, baby.
Got 'em on.
Stick bait, baby.

Reel is turning and
we can't slow him down.

But Jarrett's
trying his hardest.

Watch this one.

We're getting wet, taking
waves over the back, but
what's the most important is

we got a bent pole
right now so, see what
we can do with it.

We started this week at the
top of the fleet but with both
Pinwheel and Wicked Pissah

catching their second
fish, our lead hangs on
the end of this line.

Looks like he's going away
from the anchor, right?

He thinks he's
going down on now.

When they're out on
the surface, it's never
a good thing, man.

I want him to settle in and
try and get him in a pattern.

-Could be a huge
payday right here.

-Just got to get him to
surrender to the flow.

Keep cranking, Jarrett.

Crank him up.

-I'm working on it, TJ.

Deep color.

Get the harpoon he's close.

I'm getting ready.

I can't see him.

Come around me,
he's right there!

Come on, TJ, we've
got to get this one.

-Keep it tight, Jarrett.
-There's your target.
Hit him!

-Throw the dart.
Throw the dart.

JARRETT: Don't lose him.

TJ: He's doing a clockwise
circle but like away from us.

We know in order to
stay ahead, we've got
to land this fish.

JARRETT: Deep color.
Get the harpoon, he's close.

I can't see him.

Come around me,
he's right there!

Come on, TJ, we've
got to get this one.

-Keep it tight, Jarrett.

-There's your target. Hit him!

-Throw the dart.
Throw the dart.

-Don't lose him.
-Drilled him!
-Nice shot!

-Get a gaff. I got him.

-Get a tail rope.

-Take your time.
-It's all right. It's okay.

All right, game over.
-Whoo! Nice work, boys.

-Good job, TJ. Game over.
-Thank you, tuna gods.

Whoo. Good job, baby.

All right,
let's load this one up.

GEORDIE: TJ got the
elusive herring slurper.

DAVE: I can't watch anymore.

-Yeah, I know it.

-Look at the shape
of this fish.


Landing a tuna is
always exciting.

But, pulling one
on board right in front
of the defending champ?

I'm not gonna lie,
it's pretty satisfying.

-87. Yeah, baby. Whoo!

-It's really gonna
send a message to the fleet
that the Hot Tuna means

business this year.

Whoo! Great job, buddy.

Yeah, baby. Pa-pow! Whoo!

MARCIANO: Get ready for
the green lantern fishing.

Now, Gel.


-Get that green lantern out.

I'm gonna hook this
up to the batteries.


-Let me know when it comes on.

The green lantern is a
light we put under the
boat to attract bait.

It's not very bright so
it's hard for me to see.

Okay. You ready?

-I'm ready. Oh, (bleep).

MARCIANO: Is it on?

I can't see it.

Even though we're
not catching fish, laughing,

having fun is crucial
to keeping morale up.

Theres nothing better than a
green-horn and a green light.

PAUL: It's very
quiet on the Dot Com.

Nobody's talking over there.

It's very quiet.

RICK: I know.
What's that all about?

-I've never seen Dave
go this long without
catching his first fish.

-Geordie hasn't said a peep.

-Those guys are so
used to being at the
front of the pack,

they're just
shell-shocked right now.

Man, nothing, nobody
even talks anymore.

BRAD: It's got to be a
rough road over there.

They're not catching
fish this year.

MATT: Oh, my God.

I can't believe what the
attitude is like over there.

BRAD: Last couple years
they had a magic wand.

But the magic wand isn't
working so well this year.

JARRETT: Third fish
of the season, whoo!

SCOTT: 335 pounds dressed.

-Perfect size, baby.

We're the only
boat in the fleet to have
caught three keeper tuna

so far this season.

But Pinwheel and Wicked Pissah
both landed their second fish.

So, we need a good price per
pound here to extend our lead.

That one's loaded
with fat, Scottso.

-Yeah, it's a good fish.
-Yeah, it's another beauty.

-So what are you
thinking, man?

-The way it's looking.

No burn, and the
core too is good.

I can get you guys
20 bucks a pound.

-Nice, baby.
-That one paid off.
-Awesome job, awesome.

We're gonna head back out,
Scotty, man we got to get
right back out there, bro.

-All right. Sounds good.
Hope to see you soon.

-See you bud, thanks.

Pinwheel's gonna be
working around the clock
to try to catch up to us.

We got to grind harder
than them this season.


TYLER: Still no boats here.

So, we still have this
place all to ourselves.

DUFFY: Yeah!

Let's get 'em again.

-I had, I had a plan.

Yeah, I mean I used
to fish here all the
time back in the day.

While the rest of the fleet's
jockeying for fish in one
area, we're off on our own.

This is the backside
another seven miles.

People don't
wanna go this far.

So far this spot above
an old shipwreck has
been pretty good to us.

-We landed one yesterday
and we're hoping
for another shot today.


Wow, marked a nice one.

Keep letting your balloon out.


-These fish is
looking for some food.

So we're gonna try and
present them some food.

See if we can get 'em.


(reel unspooling rapidly)

-Oh, we're on.
We got 'em on.

Down and tight!


-Down and dirty,
baby, down and dirty.

-We got one down.

We're fighting the second.

This is the kind of
trip you hope for.

-It's awesome.

You dream about
fishing like this.

-Oh, of course
he's gonna go down.

-Big boy.
-Big boy.
-He's messing with us.

Up high down low.

-Hey, let it go.
Let it go. Let it go.
Let it go. Let it go.

Very erratic. Very erratic.

-This fish is going a
little ballistic right now.

-He's very erratic, he
could pull the hook at any
time and I don't like it.

We lost a wild one
here yesterday.


-So, we got to maintain
pressure on this fish.

Crank. Crank. Crank.

And work him up
without losing him.

-Oh, the bird
almost hit the line.


-This is what we need.

We got to put a
dart in this fish.

-This fish is a little
erratic but we'll break him.

-Turn up the heat
on him, Duff.

-Let's go get him, buddy.

He's coming around.
He's coming around.

There he is.
There he is, T.
There he is, bro.

Don't fall.
Hit him, hit him, hit him.

Nice shot, brother. Woo!

-Tail gaff. Yeah, baby!

Bam. Bam. Bam.
Thank you, ma'am!

-All right.
-He's a butterball. Woo!

-Yeah, that's a nice,
that's the nicest one yet.

-Way to start out the
season, Duff, dude.

-Oh, yeah, man. Oh.

-We're pulling our second
fish of the trip; third
fish of the season on board,

we're feeling awesome.

Welcome aboard.

Whoo! Bam! 84 bro.

Oh, this is so beautiful.

We're so blessed today.

So blessed for good fishing.

Not another boat
around for miles.

Let's get back on the
anchor and get another one.

Dude, seriously.

TJ: Oh, great.

-What's going on?
-Tyler's caught back up to us.

Oh, (bleep), (bleep), (bleep).

-We're three fish behind now.

Tyler's got his third
fish and we have nothing.

Wow, this is bad.

MATT: Tyler's on fire, man.

BRAD: That's all right.
We'll get one here.

I'm gonna check
some of these lines.

After being in the back
of the pack last year.

I think the other guys,
they're not worried about us.

They think "Oh,
yeah those guys are still
gonna be stuck in a rut."

Reel that in. Some slack.

But anybody who is
underestimating us is
making a big mistake.


-Oh, my Lord.

Look, right off the bottom.

Coming right out of that bait.

-Maybe they'll come
eat one of these.

-Oh, right there.

Mid water.
Oh yeah. Come on.

-Come on. Come on,
eat it, come on.

MATT: Come on fish.

Come through and chew, baby.

-Watch them rods.

One of them is gonna go off.

-That's gonna go.
Come on, come on.

(reel unspooling rapidly)

-We're on.
We're on, Brad, we're on.

-Here we go!

-Oh. He's got it.
He's got it. He's got it.

Crank it up, Geordie.

Crank it up!

-Look at him.

Look how fast that
thing is running.

-I hate that.

-I hate that too.

When you first hookup
that fish is so full of
energy there's not much you

can do to try to stop him.

He's towing us right now.

This fish is just
towing us around.

You have to let the fish run.

Definitely towing us around.

-Oh, yeah.
-We are on.
-Whoo, baby!

-Just like that we are...
-Down and tight.

-Got 'em on finally.
Got a bite.

Trying to get
these rods cleared.

-First fish of
the season, baby.

Crank, Sandro.
We need this one.

This one will finally
get us on the board.

Is he there?

Sandro, please tell
me we still have him.

Keep going, Sanchi,
it's got to be there.

Oh, my God.
Please still be on.

DAVE: Crank, Sandro,
we need this one.

This one will finally
get us on the board.

Oh, my God,
please still be on.

Is he there?

Sandro, tell me he's there.

Keep going, Sanchi,
he's got to be there.

-Oh. He's gone.

-Pulled the hook.

Over as quick as it
started, that one.

-Oh, that sucks.

-What the (bleep)?

GEORDIE: I can't believe
we still haven't caught one.

MATT: Fish Hawk!
Ka-kaw! Ka-kaw!

He's coming right at us.

You better start
her back up, Cap.

Left, hard left, hard left.

Keep going. Go forward right.

Hard right. Hard right.

BRAD: Jesus!

MATT: Keep going.

This fish is acting
like a lunatic.

-Where's he going now?

-Forward right. Hard right.

-This fish is going
nuts, this fish is.


-He's just all over the
place, 20 miles an hour.

This is sketch, sketch ball.

-Forward left.
Hard left, Brad.
Hard left. Hard left.

-Holy Mary Mother of God.
This is crazy. This is crazy.

-We're fighting a giant
Bluefin tuna, cap.

They're all gonna
be a little crazy.

Deep color!

-Which way you
want me to go?

-Out here,
grab the harpoon
I got him right here.

Wow, wait until you
see this fish, Brad.

I got him up and down.

-He's a big mother.

-Coming right up to you, Brad.

Come on, let's go.

Harpoon this thing.

Got him?

-Yeah. Quick grab a gaff.
-Where's that? The gaff.

-Don't slack off
on the drag quick.

That's good, buddy,
now help me out.

Right here.

Get the, get the,
get the tail rope.

I got to get a tail rope.

-He's gonna go
herky-jerky, Brad.

-I got to get the rope.

-He's gonna go herky-jerky.

It went right there.

-Hold him. Hold him.

-I got him, bro.

-Pull him up.

MATT: Woo!

Game over, baby.

All these other boats.

They're thinking we're
a last place boat.

They think we're
gonna be in the back
of the pack this year.

Welcome aboard the Fish Hawk.

-Nice fish.

-Beautiful fish.

We keep doing well we
might give the fleet
a run for their money.

-I got 88 inches.

-Game over.

-What a beautiful fat fish.

-Fish Hawk road to
redemption, baby.


Thank you, Tuna Gods.

GUT: Okay, guys.
Let's check this one out.

-360 on the Blue coat.

-Ruby red beautiful
clear color.

-Oh, yeah, for real
this is, this is loaded.

-What do we got
on this one, Gut?

-Pretty nice fish, decent fat.

I'll give you 18
bucks for this one.


-Nice. Thanks, Gut;
we'll take that, brother.
We love that.

-We're in a lot better
shape than we were
last year at this time.

We got to keep 'em rolling.

It's a good payday
but we're gonna need more
than that to catch up to

Hot Tuna and Pinwheel.

TYLER: Out here on
my own little world.

Nice shipwreck catching fish.

-Actually this
one's ready to go.

-Watch that thing.

-Yesterday, we landed our
second fish of the trip,
third of the season.

Go grab a bait, and now
we're tied with the Hot
Tuna in the fish count.

-Put this out.

-Oh. Yummy.

We're hoping our spot stays
hot because one more fish
could put us in the lead.


-Oh, my God.
We're gonna go off.
We're gonna go off.

Oh, yeah we're gonna go off.

Watch that rod.

-Come on.

-We're on. Woo! Woo!

This is when
Pinwheel's having fun.

We're putting a lot
of pressure on the
fleet right now.

-Oh (bleep).
-Fighting like a big fish.
Staying up high.

A lot of head shakes.

-I'm trying to grind
its teeth on the line
and cut itself free.

That's scary, man.

-Crazy. Switching directions.

Tire him out.

-He's wild, man. He's wild.

-It's coming up.

Color. Deep color.


-Oh, here we go.

Stick him!

Nice dart shot, buddy.

-Yeah, baby!
-All right.

Yes! Beautiful! Nice!
Three fish in one trip.

This underwater
shipwreck paid off big.

We're so proud to be
the first boat to catch
four fish this season.

I hope it's enough
to earn us the lead.

-This is a beautiful fish.
Thank God.

ANGELICA: Wow, sounds
like Pinwheel's got their
fourth of the season.

MARCIANO: And we haven't
even got our first.

Yeah, look, we're behind
the other guys, there's
no doubt about that.

Going out.

You know, sometimes in this
racket, things go real easy
and they come one after

another and sometimes
you got to struggle.

I'm just lulling
the other boats into a
false sense of security.

That's my strategy.

Dot Com hasn't
caught a fish either.

-But I don't think those
guys are taking it very well.

-Why the (bleep) can't
we get a (bleep) fish to
(bleep) bite the (bleep)!


It's been almost two
weeks without a fish.

Yeah, we need a bite.

-If we can put some
under the boat.

We should be able to
get this rod to bend.

No guarantees in tuna
fishing but we're optimistic.


-Oh, man.

A nice fish right there.

-Come on.

MARCIANO: Fish on the bottom.

JOE: A fish on the bottom.

-Just marked a fish
right here on the bottom.

A little mark there.

There's fish in the area
and that is a good sign.

-Wow. He's still there.
He's still there.
He's still there.

-Yeah, come on, come on.
-We're on. Here we go!

-We're on.
-Not now.
-Oh. Got 'em on, baby.

-That's a big boy,
right there.

-Still going.
Listen to that line.

(reel unspooling rapidly)



(reel unspooling rapidly)

-Well, we're hooked up.
We're on. We're on.

MARCIANO: Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah.

We're on. We're on!

All right first fish
of the season, Joe.

Let's hang onto him here.

-He's coming at the boat.

-Stay on him.

Don't lose him.

Come on, now we
need this fish.

Reel, reel, reel.

SANDRO: Nice fish here.
Look at all the line.

Got to chase him.

Go at him if you can,
we got to get line back.

DAVE: Yeah we need it real bad.
Got a long way to go.
Big fish right here.

Real big fish.

We're the defending champs.

So our reputation
is on the line here.

-Fish got a ton of
line out right now.

-We're gonna get all this
line back as quick as we can.

-In for a battle here.

MARCIANO: Keep working him
just pull him right up here.

We lost a fish earlier.

But, if we can land this one,
the kids and I will finally
get our first paycheck

of the season.

Yeah, he's making
you work for it.

-We're coming up on
an anchor ball here.

Keep an eye out.

-Please, please don't
get in his anchor line.

Oh (bleep).

We're in your anchor!


-Our fish is wrapped in
another boat's anchor line.

If we don't act fast
this fish is a goner.


, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

DAVE: We're in your anchor!

We're definitely in
his anchor right there.

There's his ball
it's wrapped up.

-Our fish is wrapped in
another boat's anchor line.

Our goal right now is
to gaff the anchor ball
line and untangle it without

losing this fish.

Go ahead just go
nice and slow.

I'll gaff it on
the other side.

Gaff the ball.

We're gonna go
on top of Sandro.

GEORDIE: I'm gonna
stay neutral as long
as I can right now.

-Get it all out of here.

-That's what I'm doing.

-I'm gonna over and under
you a couple times, Sandro.

Feel it.

I got it, Geordie.

One hand is better than two.


-Good job.

-Teamwork, bro.

-Do we still have him?

-He's still on.

-We got lucky there, bro.

Coming down the rail.

doesn't he give up?

-Let's see if we
can get a good look.

The kids and I can't afford
to go many more days without
a paycheck on this boat.

So, I'm hoping we can finally
land our first fish right now.

JOE: I got color.

-There he is.
-It's definitely a tuna fish.
-Damn, it's a short.

He's only about
60 inches long.

-Oh, yeah.

-When we catch fish that are
under 73 inches, we release
them back into the ocean.

-Bye, baby.

-There he goes.

So these little guys can
spawn and grow bigger to help
keep the fishery sustainable.

-Now we just got to go
find ourselves a big one.

-He's all over the place.

Crazy fish.

-Wow, he's (bleep) moving.

Reverse on top of him.
Stop the boat.

-Just belly rolled there.

-Come back. Come back.
-He's tough.

We got to get him.

-Rolling this
(bleep) right now.

-He's a hook puller.

Please stay in.

-Rolled there or something.

-I don't like all this
rolling he's doing
but we have no choice.

We got to play his game.


I got him in a pinwheel now.

-Yeah. Yeah. Clockwise.
Yep. Yep.

-We might get a
wild shot here.

Swivel coming up.

Swivel. Keep coming. Neutral.

Try to reverse.
There he is.
Bring him right you.

-Come left, Sanchi.

-Push that dart in.

-The dart's not in.
Get that gaff in the head.

-Got him?

-Yup. Come left, Geordie.
Come right, come right.

Yeah, got it done.

-That's what I'm
talking about.

-Nice job, guys.
-Very nice.
-Thank God we got this one.

What the hell?

-At least we don't have
to go home like dorks.

-Here we go.

That's a beauty right there.

-He's round. Wow.
-That's a nice shape.

-Nice little fish.

GEORDIE: That's a nice
start to the season.

DAVE: Time to give the
fleet a wakeup call.

-We got one. 96 inches.

-Real good, yeah, whoo!

TJ: Holy (bleep).

Good going, Twitchy.

RICK: Did he get his?

-Yeah, he said 96.

-I know.
-Why'd you say that?

You know you just lied, like?

-Why not?
I should've told them 106.

Oh, well.

Finally got our first
fish of the season.

TYLER: Pinwheel, baby!

We started out this week
behind three other boats in
the earnings and all three of

them earned good
paychecks again this week.

What's up, Gut?

GUT: Hey, what's going on?

-I got three beauties for you.

Hopefully these tuna can help
us get one step close to our
goal of being Gloucester's top

producing Bluefin
boat this season.

What are we looking
at, brother?

-280 dressed.
208 dressed.
We got 350 here.

We're coming on up.
Wow, look at that thing.


What's this gonna do, Gut?

What do you think about it?

-Pretty good fish.

You know you got good fat.

Core looks good.

I'll give you $15.

-Awesome, thank you, Gut.

I appreciate it.

Let's check the
second one out.

-Let's see.

Decent fat.

I guess the color's
a little bit light.

-What can you get me?

-Gonna be 14 on that one.

-All right I'll take that.
Thank you very much.

-All right. You did all
right you got three fish.

But, this one here.

This is a beauty.

-It's a real nice fish.
-I like that one.

That one's gorgeous.

-That's a nice, nice fish.
Look at the oil.
Look at the oil on this fish.

-That is loaded.
-That is loaded, boy.

-What do you think?
What can you do
for me on this one?

-That's, core looks good.

Good fat.

That'll ring the
bell at $25 a pound.

-Let's go!

-Woo, thank you, Gut.
Appreciate it.

-There you go. Yeah.
-Nearly 16 grand for one trip.

Good luck catching
up to that, Dot Com.

DUFFY: Hell yeah.

TYLER: Whoo!

DAVE: Let's get
this baby weighed.


SCOTT: What's going on?
What do you guys have?

-We got one nice one for you.

It feels great finally
bringing our first
fish back to dock.

But, unfortunately
we're way behind.

-All right, captain
hook what do you got?

-330 pounds.

-All right.

-So we need a big paycheck
here to try and catch up.

What's happening?

-This is a good
fish right here.

Got a good shape on him.

You know, decent size,
it's got a little
bit of fat in there.

-All right.

With all that said
what do you think?

-Well the way everything's
going with this...

17 bucks a pound.

-That's awesome.
That's awesome.

-Sweet paycheck.
-You guys are on fire.
-I don't know about that.

-That's one fish down on
our way back up to the top.

Dot Com is on the board.

-Let's go and get our
number one spot back, guys.

NARRATOR: At the end of week
two of fishing, Pinwheel's
triple catch pushes the young

duo into the lead.

But good quality
fish for Hot Tuna, Fish
Hawk, and Wicked Pissah,

keep them close behind.

Meanwhile, Dot Com's
long overdue first bluefin
means family operation

Hard Merchandise is
the only boat yet
to make a paycheck.

MARCIANO: Another little one.

-Don't call him little.
He's beautiful.

-He's puny. He's a runt.
No matter what happens.
We're gonna have fun.

That's how we
roll on this boat.

But of course, the goal is
we got to make some money.

We all need that.

If these kids can't make a
paycheck and pay their rent,
they're liable to move back

home and we don't
do the boomerang thing at
household Hard Merchandise.

not moving back home.

Captioned by Cotter
Captioning Services.