Vote for Juan (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

During a meeting with college
students, the Minister of Education,

Ignacio Recalde, stood as one of the
candidates in his party elections,

looking to be one of the favourites.
Meanwhile, Juan Carrasco,

Minister of Agriculture,
took advantage of the meeting

- to wish Spain's football team luck.
- I'm coming.

Pascual, good
morning. Come in.

What are you doing, Minister?

You can't just open
the door like that.

Is that a Serrano ham?

Yes. But it could be a gun.

True. But it's a Serrano ham.

What if I were an
Islamic terrorist?

Pascual, you're the driver.

You're not the bodyguard.

Or a Chechen terrorist.

- Fucking hell.
- You should look through the spyhole.

"You're invited to join us to
celebrate the tribute to Armando Jurel,

a long-serving member
of the Badajoz group

who did so much for
the party." Well...

Not a bloody clue who this
idiot is, but still...

Let's have some breakfast.


Give it to me.

Careful with your suit.
The trotter, the trotter...

Give it to me! Give it to me!

Good morning.

Minister, we were
waiting for you.

Aren't you going
to ask about this?

Did you phone Ramón Aguilar?

I needn't inform you
of everything I do,

and I've no idea who
Ramón Aguilar is.

What's Ramón Aguilar doing here?

Didn't you phone him either?

Who the hell is Ramón Aguilar?

The most expensive
personal branding in Spain.

Does that ring a bell?

Ramón Aguilar, no.

And personal branding?

Fetch me some bread, will you?

Or some nibbles
from the cafeteria.

- I don't think he liked the posters.
- Very good.

Very good, Víctor, wonderful.

There were others, but this is the
one José Manuel Soto advertises.

- That's a guarantee.
- He didn't like the posters at all.

We'll see if we can cancel them.

Cancel them?

Look, I'm no personal brandy, but
I think that poster is fantastic.

Mr. Aguilar,

- a pleasure to have you with us.
- Call me Ramón.

Nice to meet you.
Macarena, Carmen,

Víctor... My "Charlie's
angels", sort of.

Well, Juan's. I
mean, from the film.

No, the series.

We'll talk later about how to use humour
without making a fool of yourself,

we'll start with the
poster, if you like.

Is this an initial proposal
or is it the final one?

It's an initial proposal.

What about the final one?

It's that one too.

I'm worried party members might
think that this photo is a hoax.

A hoax?

It's me.

It isn't a recent photo though.

Well, I can dye my grey hairs.

No, I'm saying you
should change the photo.

We've ordered 3,000 copies...

Macarena, honestly, I don't
mind adding a bit of colour.

Minister, I think your grey hairs
give you an interesting look.

In these primary elections, the
battle doesn't lie in the image.

That's Recalde's weapon.

Your strategy has
to be the slogan.

An unforgettable catchphrase
is worth more than any photo.

- Sure.
- Sure. A picture

is worth more than
a thousand words.

Exactly, only the
complete opposite.

- Have you thought of a slogan?
- No.


Have you?

Vote Juan.

You mean, vote for Juan.

- Right.
- No, you said, "Vote Juan."


I love it.

It's catchy.

It needs a preposition, right?

- Well, that's down to personal taste.
- What?

What do you mean by proposition?

People usually say, "Vote for Manolo,"
or, "Vote for such-and-such a party."

Well, people also say,
"Vote yes," or, "Vote No,"

like when joining the UN.

The UN? Yes and
no aren't people.

It was for NATO.

"Vote Juan."

It's catching on already.

Well, my concept is different.

By omitting the proposition,

I'm conveying that I
don't stick to the rules.

Sure, spelling rules.

Look, I'm concerned about this.
I'm concerned about the poster

and the slogan.
Everything really.

Tell me you've a plan for the
publicity release, at least.

These are primary elections,

we have to win local governments

and you don't seem
to be working on it.

I hope we don't mess up, I'm
going to Badajoz tomorrow

to the gathering in honour of
our distinguished colleague

Amancio Juriel.

Armando Jurel.

That's the one.

They've been very kind.

You can cut through
it like butter.

Cut a bit more, just a bit.

It wasn't a gift, was it?

Well, it was a small gesture...

Look, stop whatever you
had planned for today

- because we've got a problem.
- What?

As minister you can't accept
gifts worth over 200 euros.

Where's that stipulated?

Party Constitutional
Law. Article 27.

Excuse me, no one can
give me a Serrano ham?

Not one worth more
than 200 euros.

Not even vacuum-packed?

Up to 200 euros.

Juan, this is more
serious than you think.

If this gets out now or whenever,
it could get out anytime,

you could be in for...
It could be a problem.

You must go to Badajoz
and hand it back.

Already opened?

You'll have to buy another
one and hand it back.

Take the opportunity
to show your openness

and zero tolerance
of corruption.

That is a good
photo, not this...

- Why don't you answer your mobile?
- Good God! What a fright!

Because I know what
you're going to say.

I'm not stupid, Luis.

Why are you paying for
a consultant for Juan?

How about dinner?

Tell me what's going on.

Something is going on.

I can tell you over dinner.

- Is it that bad?
- I didn't say it was bad.

You need to tell me over dinner.

Well, yes, it's pretty bad.

The president is going
to stand for re-election.

If the president is going
to stand, why help Juan?

To weaken Recalde.

You have to be a
manipulative son of a bitch

to think of something like that.

- Thank you.
- You'll ruin Juan's political career.

He'd need to have one first.

You didn't count on me.

Do you want to go
for dinner or not?

Luis, I've spent two years in a
Ministry you don't give a shit about,

for some kind of recognition for
something I'm not quite sure of.

I need to know
what's in it for me.

Please, be patient. Don't
give me an ultimatum.

I'll give you a
week of patience.

That's an ultimatum.

Call it whatever you want.

Look, it's this one,
the label, everything.

Is it exactly the same though?

Yeah, sure, Bellota, 13
lbs... Everything is the same.

Come on then, we'll buy it.

Right, it costs 450 euros.

Let's carry on searching a bit.

Searching for what, Minister?

The other hams
will be different.

They're Serrano hams, dammit.

But, where they come
from, the label,

- everything. The taste.
- We've got the label.

And the packaging is at
home, I didn't throw it away.

Minister, they'll find out.

Come one! Do you think
they're going to check?

I don't know, but
I wouldn't risk it.

Well, it's an option,

but I much prefer your idea.


Buying a cheaper one
and swapping the label.

- I didn't...
- Scroll down a bit.

That one, for example.

Well, it costs 250 euros.

You know what?

Since it isn't going
to be exactly the same,

let's go all out and get
an even cheaper one. Go on.

There's one here from
Teruel for 138 euros,

it comes with a
free spicy sausage.

The spicy sausage is tempting,
but you know what I like...?

Scroll down... down a bit.

The one right at the bottom
is much more appealing to me.

Pork ham substitute.
At 35 euros:

three euros per pound.
Well, no, a bit less.

What do you reckon?

It's from Poland.

If you fancy that one, get express
delivery, we need it quick.

Okay. It's eight euros more.

Or better still, go to the shop,

let's not risk not receiving it.

- Go ahead.
- Minister, the shop is in Aluche.

Bloody hell! What a stroke
of luck: the green line.

Go on.

My God, we should have
thought this over.

If you wanted to dye your hair, we
could've found you a hairdresser's.

I'm going to Badajoz, not
the Latin Grammy Awards.

That colour looks awful on you.

It'll wash out in
three or four washes.

Only people in Badajoz
will see me, no one else.

What are the people from Badajoz
called? I'll have to address them.

The name of the inhabitants?

I'm just finishing your speech.

It says pacences here.

What do I say? "Hello, pacenses
and pacensas"? It sounds odd.

- Yes, pacensas...
- Say good evening, colleagues of Badajoz.

Remember to talk about
the guest of honour.

Yes, I've learnt that part.

- Amancio Jurel was a long-serving...
- It's Armando Jurel.

- Armando, yes.
- And he's alive.

- He must be a fucking old codger.
- Very old, but alive.

Right then,

Armando Jurel is a role model of
the political party in Extremadura,

he was president of the
party for 30 years...

Fucking hell.

I don't know. What a sad life.

Be born, be president of a local
political party in Badajoz and die.

He's alive.

- Yes, alive, but in Badajoz.
- Look,

this is a first draft.

When Pepa sent me the invitation,
I didn't think twice...

it was time to be in Badajoz.

Dear Armando...

Don Armando Jurel,
you are Extremadura,

and Extremadura
is Armando Jurel.

Armando, it seems
like only yesterday

when you took the
reins of this party

and you set it up in
that poky little room

which was more like
a stable. Yet now,

the political party of
Badajoz is strong, vigorous...

and it's in the same place,
but in better conditions.

And that is what we have to do
with our political party: renovate.

Knock down a few walls.

Renovate other walls to erase
every trace of corruption.

And I, colleagues,

pacenses and
colleagues of Badajoz,

I want to build a
better political party

with you.

Pepa, Pepa, Pepa, come up here!

Armando, I want
to say something!

Pepa, come up.

Armando, you've done
enough by coming.

Thank you. Pepa, thank you.

When I received
Pepa's invitation,

you can't imagine how
thrilled the team was,

me in particular,

but I must tell you something:

the invitation came
with a Serrano ham.

The trouble is... Yes.

The trouble is, Pepa,

in my commitment to openness, I
cannot accept such a good Serrano ham.

I mean, I'm sure it is...


I've brought it to give it
back to the party members

as a show of my zero
tolerance of corruption.

How marvellous.

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Minister,

take the opportunity to
ask Pepa to back you.

So, you liked my speech then?

Of course I did, apart
from the stable bit.


Very good. I asked
a party member

from the audience to video the
first part with their phone.

Good, good. Carmen
hasn't said anything yet.


You did very well.

- You okay?
- Shall I send it to you?

Send it to the group.

What group?

Well, I think it's
time to talk to Pepa.

Have you got a WhatsApp group?

So, everything okay?

Yes, yes. Good. People
seem happy, we're fine.

It's a pity Recalde didn't come.

Well, yes, the Cabinet Secretary
said he'd be in Stockholm.

Yes, some people have more
important things to do

when you call them
to come to Badajoz.

You know what I always say?

More Extremadura
and less Strasbourg.

I hope you bear that in mind

when it comes to
sharing out the backers.


Well, I came...

I came.

- And we're grateful.
- Thank you.


But we can't choose someone

without knowing who will do
what's best for Extremadura.

Of course! No, no.

You know, it's extremely
hard to draw up a programme

with everything you plan
to do for each town.

Although I can explain
that to you right now...

if you like.


Do you mind if I
go to the toilet?

Whatever, come on, whatever...

think of something quick,
we're losing our backers.

Right then, solutions
for Badajoz.

Badajoz has no solution.

See what Recalde is
promising. We'll double it.

People are always
complaining about the train.

- The AVE, we'll promise them the AVE.
- No, Minister.

Recalde has promised the
AVE to Badajoz and Cáceres.

Well, to Mérida.
And to that town...

Dammit, the one
that ends in "illo".

It's a sergeant's name.

Fucking hell.

To Trujillo. AVE.

Neither Talgo, nor Alvia.
AVE. The proper AVE.

That's fine. The AVE is fine,

but it isn't all
that matters here.

There is much expectation
with the Oliva Park project.

You're not the only ones.

My team and I are very
excited about that project.

We believe it could create jobs,

direct and indirect employment,

and boost the area, positioning
it for the 21st century.

How much do you plan to invest?

Well, allow me to
ask my assistant...

- Is that young lad your assistant?
- Yes.

Ask him for his
phone number too.

- What?
- What?

Only joking.

I'll ask for the exact amount.

They're saying there's
no more food left.

We'll open the Serrano ham the
Minister has given back to us!

- Go on.
- Okay.

- Find out what Oliva Park is.
- Oliva Park?

- As it sounds?
- As it sounds.


I've told her we're
going to do it.

It's an olive oil theme park.

Bloody hell!

It's like Euro Disney
but with olives.

The fucking bitch.

She's coming over.

Play it calm and smile.


- Hello.
- Hello.

We were just talking
about your theme park,

it sounds wonderful.

How much money are
we talking about?


- Five?
- Yes, million.

We've set a budget
of three and a half.

Well, we're studying it,

to give you a bit of a margin.

- Sure, to round it all off.
- Yes.

- It's a lovely project, isn't it?
- Yes.

- Very much so.
- A lovely project,

and it's important that someone deals
with the R&D ideas in Extremadura.

- Bravo.
- Young people.

- Sure.
- Well, let's make a toast. Grab a glass.

Yes, yes. To
"Super Olive-man".

- It's the theme park mascot.
- How amusing!

We're talking...
This toast is...

It's what I think it is, right?

Well, I'd say so.

- Right?
- Right.

Yes, Pepa, yes.

We're talking of
backers, of course.

What else would we
be talking about?

Of course, I'll get the rest of
the team and we'll drink a toast.

Wait here for me.

Have you been with him for long?

Well, just over a year, yes.

- You're experienced now then?
- Experienced...

I have...

Well, we're working on it.

I didn't know you smoked.

I don't smoke.


You seem a bit odd since
we arrived in Badajoz.

I'm fine.

If anyone had said two weeks
ago that we'd be here like this,

I would never have believed it.

Like what?

Bloody hell, with Vallejo's
support, with backers.

Carmen, I know you've always
had doubts about my project,

about me really,

you had and you
still have doubts.

Hey, I do too. I
have my own doubts.

You think I don't?
Sure, I have my doubts.

But I don't let it show.

But I have many doubts.
Well, not too many.

I have my doubts.

If this works out,

I'd like you to come with me.

Don't talk nonsense, Minister,
that's a long way off.

Why do you say that?
Because of Recalde, or what?


Mr. Carrasco, he'd
like to have a word.

Hey! Yes, sir. How are you?

I just wanted to say...

Don't worry, you
needn't thank us,

we're here to help.

Take a photo for Instagram.


I just wanted to say that
you're a goddam son of a bitch.


- Is he off his rocker?
- Minister!

- The ham...
- Go fuck...

Pepa, there must
be some mistake.

Eat this.

The only mistake here

is that you thought you
could come to Badajoz

with airs of an honest man.

Have another piece.

Look, Pepa, let's not
make a fuss over a mix-up.

Eat it.

I'm not hungry.

You tried to swap it
for this crap ham...

That's down to personal
taste, I won't go into that...

Pepa, honestly, all
this was my idea.

The Minister knew
nothing at all.

Eat some, Macarena.

Eat it!

Leave. Leave before I
tell the party members

or you won't leave
Extremadura alive.

What about the backing?

Aren't they here?

Have you phoned them?

Got no answer.

Nothing to say?

I told you, I don't
see it, Minister.

You don't have to see it.

I don't see it either, you know?

This is something I'm
asking you personally.

When did I ever
ask you a favour?

What will I do all afternoon
on my own in Badajoz?

Catch a bus tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning?

Where will I sleep?

This place is full
of party members,

we're all party members.

I'm sure you'll get
along with someone,


I don't like Pepa.

Who's talking about Pepa? Who?

Why do you want me
to stay here then?

Only if you want to.


I don't want to.

You should've seen Pepa a few years
ago, she had a hand in things...

I've got a girlfriend.

Really? Since when?

We've been out
together a few times.

She isn't your girlfriend then.

See? You want me to
get involved with Pepa.

Listen, I'm having nothing
to do with your affairs.

It's none of my business.

Víctor, Víctor.

You know what, Víctor?

I believed in you.

You had it going for you. You
seemed pretty sharp-witted.

But I always had my doubts:

what will happen when
it comes to the crunch?

When Víctor has to do something specific,
something significant for the party.

To hell with the party! For
yourself, Víctor, for yourself.

Didn't you want to stay
in the youth organisation?

I can't, because of my
age. It's in the statutes.


I can change the statutes

if I'm in charge.

But for that, I need backing...

I need backing.


If I stay...

will you add me to
the WhatsApp group?

Sure, man. You can
be the administrator.

So, you did have one.

And you've just earned
being part of it.

What's your girlfriend's name?

- Belén.
- Belén...

Belén must be thrilled.

Belén, campanas de Belén...

- Let's go.
- What about Víctor?

- He said he's staying.
- Here?

- Yes, he's decided to stay.
- We can't leave without him.

- I said that, but he was adamant.
- Shall I phone him?

No, leave him a message.
In the WhatsApp group.

Víctor isn't in the group.

Yes, he is.

Come on.

The angels are ringing

Bells of Bethlehem

Your sheep are rounded up

Where are you
heading, shepherd boy?

To the stable to take

Cottage cheese, lard and wine

Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem

The angels are ringing

What news do you bring?

Bell after bell

And after each bell two

Come to the window

God is being born

Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem

The angels are ringing

What news do you bring?

Walking at midnight

Where are you
walking to, shepherd?

I'm taking, to the
child who is born

As God, my heart

Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem

The angels are ringing

What news do you bring?