Upstairs, Downstairs (1971–1975): Season 5, Episode 2 - A Place in the World - full transcript

It's February 1920 and James Bellamy is still trying to find his way in the world. After writing a letter to the Times on the current lack of support for World War I veterans who are suffering with the high level of unemployment and lack of government programs, he accepts an offer to stand for the Conservative party in a by-election. His father thinks that politics isn't for amateurs and isn't very supportive of James' desires. When Richard does offer him his help, James refuses it. Below stairs, the servants receive a visit from Edward and Daisy who have clearly fallen on hard times. Daisy had a miscarriage and lost their baby and Edward is unemployed. Neither have eaten for some time and Edward is clearly one of those veterans that James Bellamy had written about. Edward is too proud to accept the charity of his friends and his bitterness leads to harsh words with Mr. Hudson. On a subsequent visit, they learn what true friendship means.

Subtitling by
Acorn Media (re-sync by moviesbyrizzo)

RUBY: Can I take your cup,
Mr. Hudson.

No, no, Ruby.

Fetch Mrs. Bridges at once.

I have something I want to read
out to you, all of you.

Frederick, sit over here,
will you?

MRS. BRIDGES: What's this about
then, Mr. Hudson?

HUDSON: Sit down please,
Mrs. Bridges, and you will hear.

You listen too, Ruby.


It's from
the correspondence page

of this morning's Times.

It begins "Dear sir, I have
recently heard of a story which

fills me with horror,
dismay and shame --

the case of a former Sergeant
of the King's Royal Rifle Corps

unable to find employment
who has been reduced to living

for the past nine months with

his wife and four children
in a patchwork shack

made up of tarpaulins
and old army groundsheets."


"The total space in which
the family

must live, eat and sleep
is ten feet by six feet."

RUBY: How big is that,
Mr. Hudson?

HUDSON: You can measure it out
for yourself later, Ruby.

"Nor is this
an isolated incident.

I am informed that there are
thousands of ex-servicemen of

all ranks in a similar plight
all over the country."


HUDSON: "Men who fought so
gallantly and endured horrors

and deprivations in the worst
war mankind has ever known.

Men whose welfare now
should be the top priority

of any government, but what
is the government doing?

The pledges given at the last
election to re-house

and re-employ returning soldiers

are already shown to be
pitifully inadequate.

Can we truly claim to be
building a land

fit for heroes to live in?

From Major the Honourable
James Bellamy MC,

the Guards' Club,
London, west One."


It's monstrous!

I'm referring to the letter,
Mrs. Bridges.

MRS. BRIDGES: I was referring
to the contents, Mr. Hudson.

- HUDSON: Indeed it is shocking.

LILY: That poor man.

However can
it be allowed to happen?

HUDSON: Well, it's a question of
money and priorities, Lily.

You see, the government has
recently devoted

all its energies
to securing world peace.

MRS. BRIDGES: Never mind
about the peace.

It's the soldiers that should
come first,

just like the Major says.

Ruby, what are you at?

RUBY: Measuring, Mrs. Bridges.

From here to that fireplace,
it's just six foot that hut.

Well, that's not enough
to kneel down

and say your prayers in even.

Oh, well, there, there.

HUDSON: You're very silent,

What do you think about it?

I can't find
the words, Mr. Hudson.

I'm just proud the Major
Wrote that letter, that's all.

I'm not to take it, am I,

that you disapprove
of the letter?

Of course not.
The letter was admirable.

People have been congratulating
me for the past two days.

Members of the government?

Not all of them, no,
though one or two

have privately
expressed their approval.

No, I am simply saying
that one heartfelt letter

from a gallant ex-officer
doesn't turn him overnight

into a peacetime politician.

Geoffrey, have
the Central Office

sent you here?

GEOFFREY: Good heavens, no.

I've no official connection
with Central Office.

But one or two people
have let it be known

that they're
interested in James.

I'm surprised no one's
spoken to you about it.

Oh, the subject has been

though I dismissed it
right away.

VIRGINIA: Isn't that being
a little hasty?

No, my darling,
I am not being hasty.

I know what's behind all this
and so does Geoffrey.

The boy's young, intelligent,

served in a fine regiment,
won a good MC,

now that carries its own aura.

The Conservative Party
knows this.

They simply want him to enhance
their own prestige.

But what happens
when he gets in?

He has no knowledge
of government affairs,

wouldn't know how
to make a speech,

he won't survive.

He's survived worse.

He's an amateur.

That's what I mean.

No training for the life.

Sorry, Richard,
but James has lived in

an atmosphere of politics
in this house all his life.

Isn't that sufficient training?

As to his heart being in it,
I honestly don't think that...

[James speaking]

Well, don't you think you
should let him

answer that one for himself?

JAMES: Oh, hello, Sir Geoffrey.

What's -- what's this?

Not financial troubles, I hope?

GEOFFREY: No, James,
I just called in

to congratulate you
on your letter.

JAMES: Oh, thank you.

Remarkable story.

Richard's just been telling me

you got it from a doorman
at the Guards' Club.

Yes, the fellow was his

We just passed the hat round
for him, poor fellow.

Well, it's a start, I suppose.

GEOFFREY: A very healthy one.

JAMES: Is that all
you called in about?

You look conspiratorial.

GEOFFREY: May I tell him,

If you must, Geoffrey.
I can't stop you.

James, have you ever seriously
thought of going into politics?

Me? Good Lord, no, why?

There you are, you see.

JAMES: What is this?

RICHARD: Geoffrey has received
what amounts

to a proposition from
the Conservative Central Office.

GEOFFREY: Nothing of the sort.

VIRGINIA: They want to know
if you'd be interested

in standing for Parliament.

You father
doesn't think you would.

[James scoffs]

On the strength of one letter,
scribbled in haste?

Oh, they must be hard up
for candidates.

They are, of the right sort.

Young men who fought and who can
truly represent the interests

of ex-servicemen
and their families.

Isn't that right, Sir Geoffrey?

In a nutshell, yes.

JAMES: Yes, but my letter
was supposed to be

attacking the government.

The coalition government,
not the Conservative Party.

The coalition
won't last forever.

No, thank heavens.

Well, you see,
it's an intriguing idea.

Tell me, would I be tied
to the party line

or could I speak my mind?

I imagine, you'd be free
to say whatever you like.

I take it you support the basic
principles of the party.

Well, the principles, yes.

But not always the way
they go about things.

Hmm, this needs thinking about.

Well, it's true I have been
looking for something to do

with my idle life.

What do you think, father?

I am strongly against the idea.

I made it quite clear to
Geoffrey and Virginia,

politics is a serious business
not meant to be taken idly.

JAMES: Oh, am I giving
that impression?

RICHARD: You are rather when you
talk of filling your idle life.

I'm delighted you're well again
and ready to do something,

but not politics.

I beg of you, James,
not for you.

JAMES: Oh, I do believe
you're jealous, father.

GEOFFREY: If you found the life
was not to your taste...

JAMES: Or if I failed to get in.

RICHARD: Of course he'll get in
somewhere, that's not in doubt.

The question is
what does he do afterwards?

He'll put himself in
an entirely false position.

Handling constituency problems,
making speeches,

it's a job for a professional.

Yes, thank you, father.
I take your point.

But if I have an opportunity

I must be allowed
to decide for myself.

If I do agree, Sir Geoffrey,
how do I go about it?

Well, there'll be a by-election
quite soon. Rotherhithe.

Old Harry Wetherell,
who contested the seat

unsuccessfully for years,
died last month.

He was 73.

RICHARD: Rotherhithe?

JAMES: Oh, that's Dockland,
isn't it?

I don't know much about docks.

Well, you could soon learn.

Enough to get by, anyway.

It's a cast iron Labour seat.
He doesn't stand a chance.

If he really wants to get in,
for heaven's sake

let us find
him something safe.

No, no, father,
I wouldn't want that.

GEOFFREY: Plenty of
ex-servicemen homeless,

unemployed in Rotherhithe,
I'm afraid.

Interesting to see what sort of
impression could be made.

RICHARD: Not very much,
I should think.


Well, you've been very quiet,

Tell me, what do you think
about all this?

VIRGINIA: Oh, I'm not sure that
my opinion counts for very much.

Oh, it counts for a great deal.

VIRGINIA: Very well.

I think you should do it, James,
if you want to.

I don't want to seem disloyal
to you, Richard,

but quite frankly I find your
objections impossible to fathom.

Well, there's no great mystery
to politics.

It's not some exclusive club,

unless those inside choose
to make it one.

Well, if a man from any walk of
life has a sincere

and honest wish
to serve his fellow men,

then we should encourage you
all we can.

That's what a democracy means,
I've always thought.

GEOFFREY: Perhaps I should
leave you to talk it over.

JAMES: No, no, Sir Geoffrey,
don't go.

Tell me, when --
when must I let them know?

The sooner the better.

The local association are
vetting applicants this week.

Are they?

Father, I promise you, I'm not
going to take this lightly.

But I believe I might have
started something with this

damn letter that I have
an obligation to see through.

James, there are other ways.

Now, what other ways?

This is the way
you've always chosen.

So why shouldn't I?

I've got politics in my blood,
on both sides of the family,

I'm feeling fit now, energetic.

Maybe, I've just been waiting
for the right moment.

GEOFFREY: May I tell them that
you're interested?

JAMES: Well, you can do more
than that, Sir Geoffrey,

you can tell them
if they want me,

I'm game.

GEOFFREY: Splendid.

Well, Virginia,
I really must go.


Do I detect a new influence
in the house?

You've had this room
redecorated, haven't you?

VIRGINIA: Oh, Oh, that.

Yes. Do you approve?

Well, we must all move
with the times, I suppose.

I should hope so.

EDWARD: Come on, Daisy.

DAISY: Oh, let's go home, Eddie,
I can't face them.

EDWARD: Come on.
It's your idea.

DAISY: It isn't.
You can't blame me.

EDWARD: Come on,
We're here now, love.


EDDIE: Oh, hello, Frederick.

Daisy and I were just
in the neighbourhood

so we thought we'd pop in
and see how -- see how you are.


MRS. BRIDGES: Hello, Daisy!
Oh, how lovely to see you.


And Edward.

DAISY: How you keeping?

MRS. BRIDGES: Oh, I'm all right,
but my goodness, you two --

You're soaked to the bone.

Here, put the kettle on,
Ruby, quickly.

Now you go in there,
take your coats off,

dry yourselves
by the fire.

I'll bring you
a nice cup a tea.

EDWARD: Thanks, Mrs. Bridges.
Shocking weather out.

MRS. BRIDGES: Oh, shocking.

DAISY: Hello, Lily.

LILY: Hello, Daisy.
Hello, Edward.

EDWARD: Hello, Lily.

Darning the lady's socks
are you, Frederick?

Hmm, never did that in my days,
always left that to the girls.


Well, there was rather
a shortage

of girls where we were
at the front.

I didn't mean that, actually.

LILY: Shall I take
that coat for you?

Oh, thanks very much, Lily.

It's soaking wet.

can you take mine, as well?

LILY: Yes.


Come on, Daisy,
warm yourself up.

Oh, hello, Mr. Hudson.

What are you both doing here?

DAISY: Oh, just passing really,
Mr. Hudson.

EDWARD: Yeah, we were in
the neighbourhood

so we thought we'd pop in
and see how you all was.

DAISY: Actually it was Rose
we really come to see,

wasn't it, Eddie?


Daisy thinks she left
a pair of winter shoes here,

so she thought she'd pop in

and pick them up
if Rose has still got them.

Ha, no point in splashing out
on a new pair, is there?

No, indeed.

Well, Rose isn't here,
I'm afraid.

She's gone down to Southwold.

Her aunt has passed away.

Oh, oh, lam sorry.
When's she coming back?

We don't know for certain,

but Lily can look out
the shoes for you.

Oh, no.
No, no, don't trouble, Lily,

they're probably lost
after all this time.

LILY: Excuse me.

EDWARD: Oh, sorry,
oh, well,

we'll just have a cup of tea

and then we'll have to catch
the tram back to Camberwell.

Oh, no you won't.
You're stopping to supper.

Aren't they, Mr. Hudson?

Are they?

Richard, darling, may I present

the prospective Tory member
for Rotherhithe East.

RICHARD: So they've adopted you?

JAMES: That's right, father.

RICHARD: Well, I suppose
they know what they're doing.


VIRGINIA: Aren't you going to
ask him what they said?

RICHARD: Yes, yes, of course.
What did they say?

JAMES: What? what they usually
say, I suppose.

Hmm, they're a pretty rum lot.

Very complacent and fatalistic,
if you want my frank opinion.

I went there armed
with my full battery

of limited Dockland knowledge

and they didn't ask me a single
question on the subject.

All they wanted to know was my
state of health, whether I was

RC or not and how much I was
prepared to give to party funds.

I said £200,
their faces lit up,

handshakes all round
and I was in.

Not a sign
of any other contender.

Well, they've no need
to reassure themselves

with your ability.

JAMES: Hmm, tipped off by
Central Office, you mean?

Oh, father, I know that you see
me as an enthusiastic amateur,

but I shall have a damn good
stab at proving you wrong.

I met the agent, by the way,
Arthur Knowles.

He, at least,
seems to be on my side.

We took a walk round
the constituency.

Very depressing --
rotten campaigning weather.


JAMES: Is that --
that pot still warm?

I think we need champagne,
don't we, Richard?

Yes, yes, of course.

The servants will be so pleased.

Standing for Parliament?

Well, that's marvellous.
I'd vote for him.

I'm sure we all would, Edward,
if we lived in Rotherhithe East.

LILY: He wrote this letter
to the papers, you see,

about the plight
of unemployed servicemen.

DAISY: It's about time someone
stuck up for them, poor devils.

EDWARD: Daisy.

FREDERICK: Heard any more about
that furniture job, Edward?

That one you was after
Romford way?

EDWARD: Yeah, well, no,
I didn't get that one actually.

It fell through.

Still selling brushes then?

EDWARD: Yeah, that's right.

Going all right, is it?

Well, you know, up and down.

Weather doesn't help much.

Rain and all that, eh?


I get some funny stories
knocking on people's doors.

Do you know what?

There was an old lady
the other week,

she wanted a nice soft
brush for her cat.

So I go in -- there's the cat
all right, sitting on the bed,

but do you know what?

It was stuffed, dead.

She wanted a brush
for her dead cat.

DAISY: Can I help, Mrs. B?

Oh, no, thank you, my dear.

Ruby and Lily can manage.

You're looking pale, Daisy.

Getting enough to eat?

DAISY: Oh, yeah, plenty, thanks.

RUBY: Daisy, what happened to
your baby?


Oh, it's all right, you'll have
to know sometime.

I lost it.
Miscarriage, six months.

Oh, my dear.

I am sorry.

So am I, Daisy.
That's a great shame.

DAISY: Yeah, well.
I was disappointed,

especially for Eddie,
but the doctor said

I'd be able to have
another one.

There's plenty of time.

Well, of course there is,
plenty of time, yes.

Well, are we ready for supper
then, Mrs. Bridges?

Just coming, Mr. Hudson.

You go in
and sit down, my dear.

come and help me dish up.

For what we are
about to receive

may the Lord
make us truly thankful.


ALL: Amen.

Well, it certainly
looks and smells delicious,

Mrs. Bridges.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Hudson.

Well, I hope everybody's hungry.

You still stopping
at the same place, Daisy?

EDWARD: Yeah, Number 9
Stockwell Road, Mrs. Bridges.

You'll have to come and visit us
sometime, won't she, Daisy?

Oh, I'd like to do that.

DAISY: This house don't seem to
have changed much, not one bit.

HUDSON: Apart from the children,

who make for a lot of
extra work.

Ask Frederick and Lily.

EDWARD: Children, here?

Lady Bellamy's children.

Master william and Miss Alice.

Quite reasonable,
as children go.


LILY: Have you got any regrets,
giving up service, Daisy?

EDWARD: No, no, no.
No regrets, Lily.

Just happy memories.

DAISY: Yeah.
We live on them.

What do you mean, Daisy?

Oh, nothing, Mr. Hudson.

She, er, just gets a bit

misses the company,
that's all.

FREDERICK: With you out at work
all day, eh, Edward?


Well, you do get depressed
after losing babies.


They know about it.


HUDSON: We're very sorry to hear
about it, Edward.

EDWARD: Yeah, well, thanks.

Ruby's right.
That's all it is though.

We can't keep our Daisy down
for long, can we, eh?

Why do you have to keep this
pretending, Eddie?

Why don't you tell them
the truth?

EDWARD: Truth?
- DAISY: They aren't fooled.

What are you talking about,
the truth?

I think we've guessed the truth,
haven't we, Edward?

Tell them, for pity's sake.

EDWARD: Well, I think what Daisy
wants me to say is

that brush selling
didn't work out.

Well, I'm out of a job
at the moment,

but I'll get something else.

I mean, I'm not downhearted.

Daisy, come on.

DAISY: Oh, I'm sorry.

They're so cruel
to people like my Eddie.

I get so angry.

Stupid hoity-toity women

and butlers shouting
rude things,

slamming the door in his face.

Don't they know
what he did for them out there?

What he went through?

Daisy, shut up, they don't want
to hear about that.

They should hear about it,
they're our friends.

They're the only
friends we've got.

HUDSON: We do sympathize,
believe me, Edward.

It's a strange, cruel world.

But you did make your own beds,
the both of you.

Well, what do you mean by that,
Mr. Hudson?

I know what he means,
Mrs. Bridges.

He means it's our fault.

I didn't say that, Edward.

No, you meant it, though.

You see I've never forgotten
what you said

to me and Daisy
when we left here.

You wanted us to stop
when in service, like Rose,

for the rest of our lives but...

me and Daisy,
we wanted something different

because I reckon
we'd earned it.

Only Daisy's right, you don't
know what it's like out there

in this rotten world
because you've never tried it,

and until you do try it
you've got no right --

Eddie, don't!

Well, he hasn't,
he wants to try

looking for work
and supporting a wife

and -- in a miserable little
room with the rain coming in.

That's why she lost our baby!

Because it wasn't possible!

It wasn't bloody possible
the way we're living!

Please, Eddie.

No, let me finish,
I'm not frightened of him.

He's just a self-satisfied,
smug old man

who did nothing in the war
except serve bloody sherry!

Go on! Go!

MRS. BRIDGES: Oh, Daisy, Daisy,
if there's any winter shoes

or anything you want, I'm sure
we could find something for you.

Thanks very much, Mrs. Bridges,
but we don't want charity.

Come on.

- So, is this a good spot?
- Yes.

They'll come through those gates
in a moment

on their dinner hour.

The pension office
is just round the corner

so we ought to draw
the servicemen.

And the women will come out
of the tenement building.

JAMES: Am I preaching to
the employed or the unemployed?

MAN: Preaching?

Well, it does seem a bit like

a revivalist meeting,
doesn't it?

Well, do I just, er, start?

MAN: Yes.

Here, Major.

Have a drop of this,
loosen your voice.

Mr. Wetherell always used to
like to take a nip

before he
started to speak.

JAMES: Good morning.

I am...

MAN: Major, try this.

Good morning.
Good morning.

I am your Conservative
candidate, James Bellamy,

and I'm here today
to ask for your support

in the coming by-election.

Good morning, madam.

But first of all
I want to introduce myself

and to try and explain
why I'm standing here today.

Now, most of my life I have been
a professional soldier.

I know that it is often said
that soldiers should stick

to what they know and shouldn't
meddle in politics.

Well, I used to believe
that once myself.

But these times
We're living through,

the aftermath of this
most terrible war

in which we have all suffered,

have caused me
to change my mind.

The gallant working men of this
country, with whom I fought

in the trenches and for whom
I gained an undying respect,

I believe...
I believe deserve a better deal

than they're getting
at the moment --

decent housing,
proper employment, higher wages.

Now, the coalition government,

Mr. Lloyd George
and his mixed band of helpers,

claim that this is being done.

But I say it is not being done
fast enough

nor with a true
understanding of your needs.

There are too many arguments,
too much time is being wasted.

Now a single party,
united and pulling together

can do the job
in half the time.

That party
is the Conservative Party.

Now, during the weeks to come
I shall be holding open meetings

and issuing pamphlets
which lay down our proposals.

And also, I hope, during my
campaign in the constituency,

to meet many of you to discuss
your individual prob--

To discuss your individual

FREDERICK: From Mrs. Bridges.

She would have come herself only
the weather's so bad.

She apologizes for old age

but they're good quality,
she said.

Try them on, see if they fit.

DAISY: Yeah.

EDWARD: You're not accepting
them, Daisy.

DAISY: Well, I need them, Eddie.

EDWARD: Take them back and thank
Mrs. Bridges very kindly.

But we don't need them,
we've got some.

She won't believe you.
Besides, she'll be upset.

DAISY: Give them here,
I'm gonna try them on.

You do, Daisy, I warn you,
I'll walk out of here.

Well, go on then, walk out.

I don't care, I need them shoes.

FREDERICK: She could do
with them, Edward.

EDWARD: Shut up!

DAISY: They do fit.
They're comfortable.

EDWARD: Daisy!

DAISY: Thank her very much
for me, will you, Frederick?

Yeah, I will.

She said to say she felt bad
about the other day.

EDWARD: Just leave us alone,
will you, Frederick?

FREDERICK: And she said
be sure to drop in, you know,

any time
you're passing.

EDWARD: Come on, out,
please, leave us alone!

All right, Edward, I'm leaving.

[Baby crying]

See you, Daisy.

RICHARD: Concern? what concern?
What do you mean, Geoffrey?

GEOFFREY: I am only repeating
what I've been told, Richard.

VIRGINIA: Surely they haven't
been spying on him.

GEOFFREY: They've been keeping
an eye on things, naturally.

RICHARD: This agent, Knowles,
has he been...?

GEOFFREY: No, no, no, no,

it's the local association
mainly, I gather.

RICHARD: He's been criticized
to Central Office

and you've been sent here
to tell us.

I see.

There were even cries
of "communist"

at one of his Tory
club meetings.

Ironical, I hasten to add,
but the feeling

is growing that
he's getting out of his depth.

Well, Geoffrey, you did rather
push him into this.

You can hardly
blame the boy now.

There is no question of blame,

All I want to suggest is that
he needs a little advice.

VIRGINIA: Thank you for coming
and telling us, Geoffrey.

RICHARD: Well, we'll see what
we can do, but I rather feel

I'm the last person
he'll listen to.

Yes, quite.

Well, I thought you
ought to know.

Hello, Sir Geoffrey.
Just leaving?

Oh, yes, I'm afraid so, James.
Excuse me, won't you?

I can see myself out.

What did he want, the old fox?

Oh, he wanted to know
how you're getting on.

And what did you tell him?

Only what you tell us.
How did it go today?

Oh, not too badly.

Beginning slowly
to break through

the barriers of apathy.

Arthur still insists
we keep doing the rounds

of the Tory clubs.

They're a pretty stuffy lot
for the most part.

But at least I'm getting them
to shout back at me now.

I caught a glimpse of my Labour
opponent, trades union

fellow called Harry Shadbolt --
ho, ho, dreadful looking fellow,

no charm at all.

So, I must stand a chance.

Hmm, I also discovered that he
didn't fight in the war --

lung trouble or something.

So, they won't listen to him.

No, I'm having,
I'm having a big open meeting

on wednesday night, the day
before polling, a sort of

final rallying call
in the Seamen's Mission Hall.

VIRGINIA: Can we come?

If you felt it would help,
I'm prepared to speak.

JAMES: Yes, thank you, father,
but l...I'd rather you didn't.

I don't want to draw any more
attention to my background

than the press
are doing already.

Doesn't help much.

We'll find someone else.

JAMES: No, no, I'll do this
on my own, thank you, father.

RICHARD: My dear boy,
do consider no one's ever

fought a campaign
entirely on his own.

Father, I don't wish to sound
churlish or ungrateful,

but I don't think there's
a single person

in the Tory party who'd be

any use to me at all,
not down there.

Oh, nonsense, we can find
Austen Chamberlain,

Stanley Baldwin --

Father, please, let me decide.

Well, it's been a long day.

I've got a lot of work
to do later.

Well, Virginia and I
are going to the theater.

Will you come and change,
my dear?

Yes, darling, in a moment.

JAMES: Can't he realize?
Doesn't he understand?

They're all the same.

They're old men hanging on
to pre-war notions,

assuming they still have
something to say

to those people out there.

Don't they know the gulf?

Yes, they know the gulf
very well and they use

all their wisdom and experience
to bridge it.

Sorry, James, but you can't
expect me to side with you

against Richard all the time.

I know what his feelings were
to begin with,

and you can't
blame him for that.

But ever since your nomination,
all these past weeks,

he's done everything he can
to support you.

He offers me the kind of advice

that would be very helpful
if I was fighting

a safe seat
in Gloucestershire.

You don't know that,
you haven't listened to him.

He's been here every night,
longing for you to discuss

the problems with a lifetimes
experience to give

and you shut him out.

Then you have the gall

to accuse him of being
a meddling old man.

Well, quite apart
from the hurt you're causing,

I also think
you're being very pig-headed.

Oh, I see.

Well, I, um, I admire your
loyalty, Virginia.

Oh, don't be so --

No, I understand how things
must seem to you.

But you don't know everything
that's been going on.

I have to fight
the local Tory association,

my own damn people, every day.

Yes, we know that.

JAMES: No, no, you can't know.

James, we hear things.

JAMES: Who from?
Sir Geoffrey?

It doesn't matter.
We hear them.

And it seems to me
that you need help.

And your father is the best
friend that you've got.

So just. . .think about it.

You all right, Angus?
You look rather tired.

Yes, yes, I am a wee bit tired.

I didn't sleep very well
last night, that's all.

Oh, thank you, Mrs. Bridges.

Nothing on your mind, is there?

HUDSON: No, no.
Why should there be?

MRS. BRIDGES: I didn't sleep
very well, neither.

I was worrying about
poor Daisy and Edward.

And then by
this afternoon's post

I had ever such a nice
letter from Daisy.

It did cheer me up.

Would you like to read it?

Why should I read it,
if it was written to you?

Oh, I think you should.

Frederick took them round
on his afternoon out,

very kindly.

Oh, I'm so glad they fit her.

I am surprised she accepted
them, after what happened.

Oh, I don't think
she had much choice,

judging by the ones
she was wearing.

Poor thing.

Anyway, that's all finished
and forgotten.

Edward's not
the one to bear a grudge.

If anyone should bear
the grudge,

it's me, Mrs. Bridges.

I've never been spoken
to like that in my life before.

I know, Mr. Hudson,
of course you haven't.

But, you see, Edward was upset.

His pride was hurt
in front of you,

who he's always
looked up to so much.

Anyway, I was thinking
of inviting them

to tea next Tuesday.

That is,
if you have no objection.

No, I have no objections.

Who you ask to tea is your own
affair, Mrs. Bridges.

They're ever so comfy, Mrs. B.

Oh, lam glad, my dear.

RUBY: They look a bit
old fashioned.


Go in and put the kettle on.

Even if they are comfortable,
there's no need

not to take your
weight off them.

So come and sit by the fire.

FREDERICK: Still shocking
Weather, eh, Edward?

Yeah, it is.

[Bell rings]


Mr. Hudson about,
Mrs. Bridges?

Oh, yes, somewhere, Edward.

Hello Lily.
What you doing, eh?

LILY: Oh, I'm making a frock
from a pattern.

EDWARD: Oh, it's the latest
style, is it?

It's a nice blue.
Suits your eyes.

LILY: Oh, thank you.

EDWARD: You ought to try making
one of these sometime, Daisy.

Hello, Mr. Hudson.

HUDSON: Hello, Edward, Daisy.

EDWARD: Mrs. Bridges asked us
to tea, Mr. Hudson.

HUDSON: Did she? Yes.

She very kindly give me
a new pair of shoes.

I'm wearing them.

Well, they're certainly
an improvement

to your last pair.

EDWARD: Mr. Hudson, please,
I'd just like to say...

HUDSON: I know what
you're going to say, Edward.

I think the subject is best
left alone, don't you?

If you say so, Mr. Hudson.

MRS. BRIDGES: Well, now,
come along, Lily.

Clear away your sewing things,
We're going to have tea now.

Ruby, hurry up with that kettle.

And come and lay the tea.

RUBY: I'm coming as fast
as I can, Mrs. Bridges.

MRS. BRIDGES: Don't you eat
none of them cakes.

FREDERICK: Mr. Hudson,
her ladyship would like

to see Edward and Daisy
before they leave.

EDWARD: Us? what for?

I suggest you both go up now,
before your tea,

rather than keep
her ladyship waiting.

[Knock on door]

You wanted to see us, my lady?

Ah, yes, come in.

It must be over a year
since you left, isn't it?

EDWARD: Yes, my lady.

DAISY: Fourteen months, my lady.

Where are you living now?

Oh, we've got a nice room
in Camberwell, my lady.


It occurred to me, the flat
above the garage is empty.

It seems ideal
for a married couple.

We need a chauffeur.
Can you drive, Edward?

Yes, my lady.
I learned during the war.

VIRGINIA: Oh, good.

We also need
another housemaid, Daisy,

with Rose away, and when she
returns she will be

my personal maid
so that wouldn't affect you.

Lily would be under you.

DAISY: Thank you, my lady.

Frederick would continue
as footman

and also valet his lordship,

but the Major needs a valet
so it would be helpful

if you could combine
your duties, Edward.

Yes, my lady.

[Edward and Daisy whispering]

As to salary, I suggest £40
a year for you, Edward,

and £35 for you, Daisy.

Does that seem all right?

Oh, more than satisfactory,
my lady!


Hmm, now,
can you start quite soon?

Oh, as soon as possible.
We're so grateful.

Honestly, you don't know.
We'll work ever so hard.

Yes, well I expect you'd like to
go and tell them downstairs.

Edward and Daisy are willing to
come back into service.

HUDSON: Very good, my lady.

That was
a good suggestion, Hudson.

Thank you.

HUDSON: My lady.

Oh, good morning.

JAMES: Oh, good morning, father.

RICHARD: Have you seen Virginia?

- JAMES: No.
- RICHARD: Oh, well I'll --

JAMES: Sorry.

I expect she's in the nursery.

Um, Edward and Daisy are coming
back, have you heard?

Yes, Hudson told me
this morning.

I'm delighted.


JAMES: Father.

I'm -- I'm sorry if I've seemed
in any way offhand

these last weeks.

It wasn't meant or directed
at you, personally.

It seems that I, quite wrongly,

associated you with certain
party attitudes.

RICHARD: Yes, well you don't
have to apologize, James.

JAMES: I had to prove myself,
you see.

Oh, yes, I quite understand.

You wouldn't like to come to
this meeting today, would you?

Well, Virginia and I were going
to the Leicester Galleries

to see
the Epstein sculptures.

Oh, I would have liked you
to come.

Both of us?

Both of you.

It would be a pleasure.


LILY: I'm relieved, really.

Well, it'll take
the load off us anyway.


But there's no need to make
their bed for them, Lily.

Oh, no, that's all right, Lily.

Leave that, we'll finish it.

oh, thanks, Lily.

LILY: That's all right.

DAISY: Oh, Eddie!

Look at it!

Comfy bed at last!

Well, cheer up.

EDWARD: Oh, I'm sorry, Daisy,
but it's...

it's a step back,
can't you see that?

I mean, I don't want to be
in service

for the rest of my life.

DAISY: Well, I know.
I don't want you to be.

But we must be grateful.

EDWARD: Yeah, but who to?
Mr. Hudson?

I still cannot see why --

DAISY: No, it was Mrs. Bridges,
it must have been.

She knew you didn't mean
what you said.

EDWARD: But I did.
I meant every word of it.

DAISY: Oh, it's a lovely little
kitchen in here.

EDWARD: And look where
it got us --

straight back into
bloody uniform.

DAISY: A chauffeur's uniform.
Step up.

Better than
the last one you had.

And look at mine --
head house parlour maid.

I'm going to get
straight into it.

[Edward laughs]
[Daisy gasps]

- DAISY: Eddie, not now.
EDWARD: Why not?

DAISY: Oh, Mr. Hudson said we've
got to get straight to work.

EDWARD: You don't take any
notice of Mr. Hudson.

- DAISY: It's soon yet.
EDWARD: Give us a kiss.

Mmm. Love you.

DAISY: Yeah, I know that but.

EDWARD: We can have babies here.

DAISY: Oh, no, we can't.
We'd lose our job.

You aren't half daft, Eddie.

EDWARD: No, I'm not.
You are, Mrs. Barnes.


- DAISY: Oh, oh, look at...

FREDERICK: Sorry, but the Major
wants you with the car, Edward.


[Horn honks]

EDWARD: Sorry about
the journey, sir.

It might be a bit bumpy.

JAMES: No, it was fine,
Edward, fine.

[Scattered applause]

JAMES: You'd better wait.

EDWARD: With your permission,
sir, I'd like to come and watch.

JAMES: Very well.

Ah, this is my step-mother,
Lady Bellamy,

my father, Lord Bellamy --
Arthur Knowles.

How do you do, my lady?

How do you do,
my lord?

What sort of turn out?

ARTHUR: Oh, quite good.
More than we'd hoped for.

Will you go that way,
my lord?

Oh, very good.

[Scattered applause]


[Crowd boos]

ARTHUR: Quiet!

Your Conservative candidate

and prospective member
of Parliament,

Major the Honourable
James Bellamy MC.

[Mixed cheers and boos]

JAMES: Thank you.

Now, during my
two weeks among you,

I have been impressed by
many things --

the industry and dedication
of the dock workers,

striving to get his country
back on its feet.

MAN: It'll never get on
its feet with the Tories.

JAMES: And the fortitude of
those of you...

WOMAN: The Tories are
the enemies

of the working classes!

JAMES: And the fortitude
of those of you unemployed,

many of you ex-servicemen.

MAN: Hear, hear!

JAMES: In what must be the most
disheartening circumstances.

MAN: Why don't they do something
about it, then?

ARTHUR: Quiet!
Let him speak.

JAMES: I mean to do something
about it, sir, if elected.

Now many of you, I hope,
will have read this pamphlet.

MAN: It's rubbish!

JAMES: In which I lay down...

WOMAN: Upper class propaganda.

JAMES: In which I lay down our
proposals for re-housing.

WOMAN: Down with
the class system!

Down with the class system!

Please, let him speak.

I am sorry for the interruptions
by a few of you.

Most of you, I know,
have come here to listen.

WOMAN: The workers are the wage
slaves of their employers!

We want common ownership!


Abolish the social classes!

JAMES: Madam.

Madam, the spirit of

co-operation and fellowship
that was built up during the war

between people of all classes
must be maintained.

MAN: Why, tell us why!

It's your sort
that's keeping us down.

You're the aggressors now.

First the Huns
and now the Capitalists.

WOMAN: It's the Tories!

JAMES: Sir, the Tory program
is patriotically

dedicated to the cause
of national prosperity.

How can we be bleeding

when the prices keep
going up?

Even if we are employed,
we can't afford to live.

MAN: Yeah!

MAN: They have to do some work.

JAMES: Higher prices are
an international problem,

the direct result of the war.

MAN: That's just an excuse,
that is.

You all say that
to keep us quiet.

MAN: Oy, oy, just a minute.

If you get in, are you gonna
raise our wages then?

MAN: Yeah!

JAMES: Now look, I know,
I know you want higher wages.

But higher wages
lead to less employment.

MAN: True, true.

Now, if we keep wages steady

it will mean more
employment for the servicemen.

MAN: Hear, hear!

[Cheers and applause]

JAMES: The servicemen who fought
in the mud in France.

MAN: Hear, hear!

JAMES: We owe it to them
to help them back on their feet,

to make Britain
a country fit for heroes.

[Cheers and applause]

MAN: Were you a hero,
was ya? MC?

[Crowd laughing]

MANIA country fit
for you to live in.

Where did you get
your bleeding medal?

Sitting in some chateau
behind the lines?

MAN: Shh.

I risked my life
for you to say that.

We don't want to hear
about the war.

We've had enough of that bloody
war, that's just excuses.

No, no, you can't...

You can't ignore the war
as if it never happened.

WOMAN: Here!
Don't you accuse us.

I had two fine sons,
a husband,

what died for this
rotten country.

MAN: Aye.

JAMES: For this great country.

MAN: Great for you, maybe.

MAN: Yeah,
upper class shirker.

When you ever done
a day's work?

You're not one of us.

JAMES: No man under my command

in the trenches
ever said that.

[Crowd laughing]

MAN: Who does he think he is?
Douglas bloody Haig?

Get back to your
nice warm fireside,

you bloody Tory toff.

You bloody amateur.

JAMES: Now, now, now, one of
the most important issues

in this pamphlet is housing.

MAN: You gotta nice house,
have you?

MAN: How many rooms has it got
and how many bleeding servants?

MAN: Yeah.

JAMES: I want more houses
for you, for the people.

MAN: That's what
the bloody government said,

and what did they
do about it?

[Crowd yelling]

ARTHUR: Let him speak, please.

WOMAN: He's got nothing to say.

MAN: Let him speak.

WOMAN: There's only one way
to save this country,

and that's by revolution!

Follow the lead of Russia!
Smash the greedy Capitalists!

Send them back to their cages
Where they belong.

Vote for MacNeal.
Socialist Labour Party!

[Mixed cheers and boos]

VIRGINIA: You don't want

you've had enough of fighting.

And that is what a Bolshevik
revolution would mean.

MAN: Hear, hear.

Now is the time for unity,

for working together,
not disruption, not strikes.

WOMAN: Listen to her,
swathed in furs.

How does she know
about our suffering?

VIRGINIA: They are the enemies
of this country.

MAN: Hear, hear.

Peace and prosperity.

Vote for Bellamy.

[Mixed cheers and boos]

RICHARD: Get the car round
the back of the building.

Quick, look smart.


[Police whistle]

HUDSON: Quiet.

Quiet, please,
pay attention, everyone.

Before we begin our breakfast,
I should like to read out

the results of
the Major's by-election.

HUDSON: Bellamy, Conservative,
7,369 votes.

DAISY: Oh, that's good.

HUDSON: MacNeal, Socialist
Labour party, 1,043 votes.

EDWARD: He's done it.

FREDERICK: He's done it.

HUDSON: Shadbolt, Labour...

18,928 votes.


HUDSON: Mr. Shadbolt
is duly elected to Parliament.

MRS. BRIDGES: They ought to be
ashamed of theirselves.

LILY: He'd have made
a lovely MP.

FREDERICK: He can always try
again, Lily.

Yeah, somewhere safe next time.

RUBY: Where they won't chuck
things at him.

HUDSON: Ruby, that's enough.
Pass the cruet.

EDWARD: Bloody fools.

GEOFFREY: Thank you.

No cause
for despondency, James.

In the eyes
of Central Office,

you fought a good campaign.

You handled the rowdy elements
with dignity and courage.

You did well.

JAMES: I did not do well.
I failed.


You held the support
old Harry Wetherell had.

And nothing more
was expected, after all.

JAMES: I failed.


It's good experience, James.

That's the important thing.

You proved to me,
and a great many other people,

you have the makings
of a politician.

We're lunching here, Geoffrey,
would you join us?

GEOFFREY: I should be delighted.

Unless you feel it should be
a family occasion?

RICHARD: Not at all.

JAMES: Well, it's not the result
that upsets me.

That's the least of it.

It's what I saw
with my own eyes.

I believe there was
one spark of hope, just one

that came out of the hideous
waste of that war,

and that was the courage,
the fellowship,

the sheer bloody good sense
that chaps like me saw

for the first time
in the working man.

And I believed if we could
just...just hold onto

that common ground,
keep trusting each other,

that we could build
something in peace time.

But what happens?
We become two nations again.

Back to the old,
entrenched positions.

It seems without officers
they become an undisciplined,

ignorant, greedy rabble,

content with all the sham ideas
of trade union socialism

that hangs on to the traditional
baiting of the ruling classes

and offers nothing in return.

Or else they drift into
the destructive hands

of the Bolshevist agitators.

Communists are the curse
of everyone at the moment.

Hmm, well,
it's a bloody tragedy.

And what do we have to offer
them, father?

Our party.

Well, what a pathetic lot
we are --

skulking behind Lloyd George,
complacently biding our time.

Well, I tell you, father, I tell
you, if ever that time comes

there won't be a country left
worth governing.

All decency, all tradition,
all values will be gone,

vanished without a trace.

Now, Sir Geoffrey, you can,
you can tell Central Office,

if they're interested,
that I shan't be standing again.

If you'll excuse me, father,
I don't think I can face lunch.

If anyone wants me
I'll be at the club.

Ah, Hudson,
I shall be lunching out today.

HUDSON: Very good, sir.


might I, on behalf of the staff,
offer you our sincere

congratulations on reducing
the Labour majority.

Did I?

By 639 votes, sir,
from the general election.


HUDSON: It was a notable
achievement, sir.

Thank you, Hudson.

Luncheon is served, my lady.

Subtitling by
Acorn Media (re-sync by moviesbyrizzo)