Two Weeks to Live (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

After kidnapping her daughter, Tina and Kim must return to the mansion to stop an execution. The race is on to escape before they face the bullet themselves. As Nicky attempts to repair his relationship with Kim, Jay makes a discovery.



We just got back right now mom.

Darling, you know,
I can't hear you

when you mumble like that.

I'm in trouble mum.

And that's why we're going home.

I told you, you couldn't
cope out here.

I told you, you weren't ready.

Jimmy's dead.

I killed him.

And my fingerprints are
all over that house.


How many times have
I said to you?

Gloves and a gun, if
you want to have fun?

I mean it
rhymes for fuck's sake.

I don't think she's
coming back, kid.

We should just go.

And what about Ian?

It's not our problem man.

We didn't do any of this.

Let's just go.

But not with that money.

This is our chance to set up
the business properly bro.

Just me and you kid.

Like dad always wanted.

Just stop rushing around
like a fucking bull in a

Chinese shop.

You mean bull in
a china shop.

What's a china shop?

You know, they sell cups and that.

What from China?

Made out of China.

That's why you can have a bull in
there because it break everything.



I thought the bull was
panicking because he was

in a Chinese takeaway.

They cook loads of
beef, don't they?

This is not our money.

We need to put it back
and just wait for Kim.

It's easy for you though, isn't it?

It's the fucking big brains.

What about me, Bro?

What have I got?

Do you really think Beth's gonna want
to spend the rest of her life with the...

....bloke of the fish counter?


I do actually, yeah.

We need to put this back.

We need to get Ian to the
hospital one way or another.

So, are you going
to help me or what?

Come on, then.

Such a...

...fucking goody-two-shoes ain't you?.



I am shocked.

Sorry lads, I can't let
you take that money.

Excuse me, Mister! We were
lireally coming in here to

give this...

Ohh, come on!

Which one of you
little fuckers is Nicky?

Come on.
Own up.

It's me.

I'm Nicky.

I'm Nicky.

Actually. It is him.

Sorry bro, but when she
pointed that thing at me I

was like - nah, you know what I mean?
Fuck tha...

Shut it!

What's that?

Oh, yeah, like I'm
going to fall for

that. It's behind
you thing.

No, seriously. What
is that?


Oh, my head.

Are you okay?

Get me up.

This is the last time you put
me in a fucking bag. Okay?

Well, maybe I wouldn't have to
put you in a bag if you didn't just...

There is no reasonable
end to that sentence.

How do you not understand that?

Don't worry, Kim.

I've got this.

Alright sunshine. Don't give
yourself a nosebleed.

I won't actually.

Okay. I only get them in the
summer when I sneeze too much.


Stop it,
both of you.

Nicky, Jay.

This is Tina,

my mom.

I'm just going to...

Hey, thanks for coming
back for us.

Just start cleaning. Okay?

We've not got long.

So. Jimmy doesn't like new people.

So keep your mouth shut unless
he talk's to you directly.

But he know that
I met Terry though, right?

You told him that
she would vouch for me.

Yeah, yeah. that's all sorted.
Just keep your answers short.

Don't look him
in the eyes.

And if you could say that you are allergic
to bees that would really helped me out.


Yeah, Jim keeps them at the
bottom of the garden.

He's always banging on about them.

Drives me up the wall.

So, like when I'm introducing myself,
I just kind of drop in the...

No, no. Don't volunteer
the information.

Otherwise, he'll
know I prepped you.

So is this a problem?

It's just a lot to
think about isn't it?

When I'm already trying
to make a good impression.

You know, what forget it, right?

Okay, but don't blame me if
we still here at four

o'clock in the
afternoon discussing

the wider impact of
fucking bee population

decline, alright?

It's a serious issue.



Go on, then.

Chop, chop!

You better come look at this?


Okay. Look this is
my girlfriend's house.



Beth will be back at 8:00.

And I want everything
exactly the same as

how it is now.

Thanks Jay. We just need somewhere
safe until nightfall and

then we can bury the body
and be out of your way.

All right, just
keep it civil.


Would anyone like a chocolate finger?

Oh, I didn't realize we
were at kids birthday party.

Mom, he's just being nice.

Cup of tea?

Oh yeah, that will really
hit the spot after the

morning we've had.

glass of wine?

Okay, King Henry the 8th.

Have you got any roast
hog to go with your wine?

Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just
trying to do something normal

because I think a degree
of normality is what's

is flippin required right now.

Coming from the guy who thinks it's okay
to play pranks on young innocent girls.

How about

a toast

to my daughter.
The avenging Angel?

Nah, not for me. I
hate that stuff.

It's chocolate milkshake. It gets you pissed.
What's not to like?

Yes, a bit sweet innit?

Ahhh, so men are still pretending

not to like things that
they obviously do like. Are they?

He doesn't like it.
it's not a big deal.

It is Kim. Because nothing's
changed in 15 bloody

years. And this is the
world that you're so

desperate to explore. One where
no one's free to

be themselves. That's what
you're signing up to.

Which is far more dangerous
than Jimmy ever was.

So drink up, Jay. Let
me tell you something.

Ninety-nine percent of the
world's problems would be

solved overnight if men
just admitted that they

like three things; Sweet
drinks, musical theater

and a finger up the ass.

They don't and
around we go.

I need some air.


Hold on.

What Nicky?
What do you want?

Can I introduce
you to someone?

I think she might
be able to help.

There she is.

Mrs. Lonely tree.

When I was little,
me and my dad used to

try and cheer her up.

Make a little Daisy
chains and stuff.

When he died, I found this was

the only place where
I could cry.

She looks so sad.

I'm sorry for lying to you.

It was stupid.

But I'm still
trying to help.

Even though, I'm really
fucking scared.

And even though

There is a piece of

Fucking brain in my pocket.


Come here.

I'm still here.

But every time I look at you

it reminds me of that tree.

I'm still trying to work
out what that means.

I think it means that out
of the two of us.

You're the weird one.

Which is...

There's going to be some very bad
people looking for that money.

Get rid of it.

Do you understand?

Good lad.

Hi Terry.

So it looks like it
was Ian who killed your dad.

He's run off with the money.

Me and Thompson are
just at the house now.

Yeah, sure.
She wants to talk to you.

Hi Terry.

I'm so sorry about your father.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Bit of an old dog, new
tricks sort of situation.



Yeah, I can assure I'm
in complete cont....


Hello, Linda love.
Is Ian about?

Right, me and Mom
will dig the grave.

Mom and I, will dig the grave.


You don't have to come with us, but we could
really do with someone to

keep watch.

I watch stuff all the time.


My language around my nan.

Okay, great.

Thank you.

Stay here with me, kid.
Are you mad?

I will be fine.

You do realise that if you
get in that car

you'll be accessorising
the crime.

Accessorising it?

Like a fancy clutch
or a cummerbund?

You weren't laughing when
Gary Flint stole your world cup

2002 sticker book, where you?

And who broke his nose with a
baseball bat to get it back?

It was a table tennis
bat and you bruised his cheek.

Now listen. It's my job to
look after you and I

don't understand what you're
doing right now.

We should just go
to the police.

Well, surely.

Look, I'm just trying to put the
toothpaste back in the tube.


You know what, do what you want.

But don't bring them back here.

Take them back to our
house when it's done.


Time to go.

Oh, you might want
to go coat.

I think it's
going to rain.

Oh, no, I've checked my app
and it's not going to rain.

But, look at those clouds.


It's just that no one looks
at stuff anymore, Kim.


We're going to be fine.

Trust me.

It honestly should not be raining.

I don't understand.

Stay here and keep watch
if anyone comes just do

the mating call of the
Chinese water deer.

Or maybe something a
little easier.

Okay, the mating call of
any deer will do.

If anyone comes just
blow on this.



Good luck.

Hi, babe.
I'm home.

Nice day, then?

Bit of a bloody mess from
start to finish to be honest.




Did you know that Capers
are actually pickled

nasturtium seeds?


Yeah, you see I'm not
so stupid now am I?

I don't think you
are stupid babe.

You notice something
new every day with me.

Well exactly.

What about you then?
What about me?

I don't know if you got
anything to teach me or tell me?

Like what?

What nothing.
I'm just wondering.

Oh, do you want a
glass of wine?

No, I'm off booze for a
bit until its merger is complete.

Good idea.


See. This is nice, isn't it?

Just the two of us in the woods.

Digging a grave?

Well, you made quite
a mess, didn't you?

We cleaned it up together
didn't we?

And I'm very proud of you.

Really proud.

I should have told
you I was leaving.

I'm sorry.

Oh no.
It's alright.

We're back home soon, anyway.
And a...

... I think you just
get back to normal.

Actually mom.

What is it?

So let me just get
this straight.

You met a tree

that made you re-evaluate things.


And it was like looking in a
mirror because she was just

stuck in the same place
her entire life.

Not changing anymore, not growing.
Just rooted to the


I understand that.

I do.

The thing is about trees though

is that when one
of them is under attack,

they send signals to all
the nearby trees so they

can up their defenses.

Okay, I see
what you're doing.

And did you know that
there are older trees

sometimes known as mother
trees, that can use

fungi in the soil to
send sugar to seedlings

so they have a
better chance of survival.

You're trying to out
metaphor me, and it's not

going to work.

Trees might look lonely.

But hey're communicating
all the time.

It's only when you
tear up their roots

that they


What you do next is entirely
up to you, but there

will be dangerous people
looking for us.

So all I ask is that we
go back to the cabin and

make that decision there.

Where it's safe.

It's just sensible.

Come on, we got to get this done.

What, the hell's going on?

Sorry, mate.


Coming to bed?

Yeah, one sec.

A man at reception says he's witnessed
a murder at

Jimmy Davis' house.

I thought you might
like to hear it direct.

Jimmy Davis' house you say?

Why don't you show the
gentleman in?