True Detective (2014–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Other Lives - full transcript
Ray and Frank consider new life choices; Ani and Paul go up to the coast to follow a lead.
You want milk? Sugar?
You bang down my door
for a staring contest?
A long time ago,
you gave me a man's name
on a piece of paper.
I did.
Because you knew what I'd do.
I knew what I'd do.
I didn't know you at all.
Who was he to you, that man?
Me? Nobody.
Some greaser crankhead.
Info come to me, I passed it on.
Because why not get blackmail
on a sheriff's deputy?
That didn't hurt.
But I have a sense of justice.
You know that.
That's why this
was so surprising.
That name on the piece of
paper, whoever he was...
He wasn't the man
who hurt my wife.
How's that?
They caught the guy
last month.
I didn't know about it.
I thought the info was solid.
So none of this is
a new development.
You've never been in control.
We gonna fight, Raymond?
I would have been different.
Of all the lies
people tell themselves,
I bet that's the most common.
I could have.
You fucked me.
I sold my soul for nothing.
If you were selling,
it wasn't me buying.
You wanted your hooks in a cop,
so you used my wife's
fucking tragedy
to get me to kill somebody.
I didn't get you to do anything.
I gave you a name,
and you made your choice.
And that choice was in you before
your wife or any of this other stuff.
It was always there, waiting.
And didn't you use that man
to be what you were
always waiting to become?
This thing, your wife...
Those are just excuses.
You think you were
Superman previous?
And, hey, own it.
You think I'd have done less?
If that's the kind of thing
that keeps you out of heaven,
I don't wanna go.
Who gave you the name?
Guy one of my guys knew,
as I remember.
Told me your story.
Gave up the crankhead
talking up the rape.
I never heard of the dude
until then. Or you.
He was scum, I know that.
I never even asked him anything.
That guy, I just...
You want out?
You're free.
You ain't had the nerve
for this for a while.
I don't want a shoot-out in
my fucking kitchen, Raymond.
And I don't wanna see you die
by me or one of my other guys.
I didn't set you up.
And I ain't your suicide ticket.
State lands start at the forest.
Mostly we watch
for fires and weed farms.
Some of these shacks have
been here since the '30s.
Scene looks weeks old. Could be a lot more.
Place is totally contaminated.
We'll process, but we might
not get anything else.
You have anything now?
The blood is female.
Dead gonorrhea biophages.
All right, I want a grid
search and a cadaver dog.
Jesus Christ. You don't
have enough to do?
Give this to Sonoma Sheriffs.
Blake's been running girls behind
your back outside the clubs.
That's not a
tremendous surprise.
Ambition fucked him up.
No, it's bigger than you think.
He's got a special stable
with Chessani's kid.
Eastern bloc girls.
Surgery at the Pitlor Clinic,
make 'em top gear.
He'll fill me in on it.
Don't worry.
You know about these
parties they throw?
Rich men.
Politicians, developers.
Caspere was going
to these things.
Deals get done.
I need you to give up the man
who tipped you to my rapist.
Give me some time.
I'll look him up.
You sure you got time?
On the ropes ain't the same
thing as bleeding out.
You know that.
I'm back in the corridor
and we're legit.
This past, shit you're worked
up on, it can go away.
State's following up, too.
On the DL.
Want my help
looking for the girl
who pawned the shit
that sent us to the shoot-out.
Irina Rulfo.
We're looking for her, too.
I'm gonna put
my other hand up now.
Don't you fucking
shoot me, Raymond.
You help me find
that hard drive,
I'll give you the man
who put you wrong.
Who wants the hard drive?
Corporate guy.
Could be a lot of sensitive
footage on that thing.
Where you going now?
To see about killing a man.
You sit back down
with a gun on me again...
Don't let me see you coming.
I'd like to avoid that, Frank.
You might be one of
the last friends I got.
Wouldn't that be fucked up?
This is part of it.
Vinci, Caspere, those parties
we've been talking about.
The missing girl, Vera,
she made her last phone call
from that lodge a mile back.
Caspere's GPS
put him right here.
Now we've got a scene
where a girl's been butchered.
I'm interested in collusions.
And maybe those parties are where
your collusions get sealed.
This is important.
Somebody died here.
Somebody dies every
second of the day,
and they're not all lucky
enough to do it in California.
Ladies, I've been briefed.
I think we've got this now,
you don't mind.
This connects to a state's
missing persons case.
And we'll be happy
to share our findings.
You know of any parties
get thrown up here?
A lodge a mile back,
off the road?
No, can't say we have.
It's private property, not state forest.
Sold it off a few years back.
No noise in the forest?
This is my scene, Miss Davis.
So get to it, Sheriff.
Work the girls and the parties.
You work the diamonds.
Figure out where they
came from originally.
Maybe we can figure
whoever took them.
He's on the Rulfo girl.
I thought I killed you.
Eleven years ago.
Maybe I still will.
That right?
Who'd you really kill?
There was a woman, 29 years old.
September, 2004.
An attorney.
Dark brown hair.
Underground parking
garage downtown.
Yeah, you remember.
They're saying
I did a lot of things.
Got a brain condition.
I forget things.
I feel like I should
have my lawyer here.
How'd you get in to see me?
She was my wife.
I used to be a cop.
You have no idea
what you cost me.
Hey, look, man. I ain't talking
to you, whatever this is about.
You heard what this is about!
I needed to look in your eyes.
It was you.
You don't even
look like him, either.
My eyes look the same
as yours, you ask me.
They're gonna burn you.
That remains to be seen.
You better hope they do.
Key on my eyes, dipshit.
See if I'm whistling Dixie.
If they don't give you life, I
will have every inch of your flesh
removed with a cheese grater,
starting with your prick.
I'll cut off your nose and
your lips. Your nuts, too.
And I'll make sure you live.
Hell, they give you life,
I might do it anyway.
Like I said.
Hey. Hey, who are you?
You got the wrong dude.
I don't even know you, man!
You know me.
You just didn't know you did.
When you said blue diamonds,
I remembered something.
'92, the riots.
Bad time to be in
the insurance business.
This could be the same stones.
Two and a half million
in blue diamonds, Peruzzi-cut.
That's what you got, I think.
Sable Fine Jewellers
in Hollywood.
There was a robbery,
April 30, 1992.
You got to understand
what it was like back then.
Fires starting everywhere.
Snipers taking potshots at cops.
Tanks in the street.
"Fuck the police"
coming out of every...
A lot of our guys
just up and quit.
The Sable Fine
Jewellers robbery,
that's two-and-a-half
million in blue diamonds.
Yeah, I was the one
you talked to on the phone.
Double homicide,
husband and wife proprietors.
Woman was pregnant.
Margaret Osterman.
I remember her name.
Report doesn't list a suspect,
zero people of interest.
- Yeah, well...
- Nothing.
Place was looted right after
the actual robberies,
so no crime scene integrity.
Wasn't no looters, either.
Security tape was missing.
Those two people were executed.
They knew what they were doing.
Tactical, like.
Then those poor kids.
Leonard and Laura.
They witnessed it
or something, right?
You had to show me this?
They were hiding in one
of the display cabinets.
Had to stay like that
for a long time.
Hiding with their parents
lying there like...
I had quadruple
my normal caseload.
Riots overwhelmed the system.
Something didn't close fast,
you moved on.
Kids couldn't offer up anything?
They could barely talk.
The girl was maybe four.
Boy, a little older.
Men wore masks.
That's about it.
Ended up in the foster system.
You got kids?
One on the way.
Those kids fucked me up.
Coming from where they did,
going into the system.
All that and the city burning
to the fucking ground.
Be at the Kali Klub in Ventura
next Saturday at 6:00 p.m.
Say you're me. Say you're
there to see Bogdan.
And you've got to dress like
you're worth $2,000 a night.
You're gonna need
somebody's help with that.
This bus is gonna take you up to
wherever the party is, I heard.
And they're not gonna let you take
in a purse or a phone or anything.
They're gonna make you
turn all that stuff in.
You're gonna be around a lot
of guys that expect easy sex.
What are you
gonna do about that?
I'll figure it out.
If those webcam guys were bad,
this is way worse.
Athena, I'm police. I know
how to take care of myself.
They're not gonna let you
take in a knife or anything.
They're gonna pat you down
and make you strip.
That's what I heard.
That all I need to know?
I made that for you.
I was thinking about a woman
drowning on dry land.
Well, I don't really get art.
I just don't understand why
you work so hard to be alone.
I find it really
doesn't take that much work.
I've been here for 10
minutes and you're just
playing with knives
just to keep me away.
I was working out
when you knocked.
Anything else about this party?
Just that whatever you plan,
you get on that bus,
and it's fuck or run.
It's hard, I won't lie. He
filled this house up, you know?
He loved you both as much
as any man I ever knew.
He never wanted anything
but it was for his family.
It's ridiculous, I know.
This isn't consolation.
This was his, Joyce.
That Blake guy's
not outside, right?
Right now?
You know Blake?
He turned up here
right after the funeral.
Asked how I was doing.
Condolences and
all that bullshit.
And when he got through
the bullshit?
Asked if Stan had
shared anything with me,
might help him figure out
who killed him.
Had Stan said
anything like that?
I mean, he wasn't running things for
you like that Blake guy, right?
That's just skill sets.
I loved Stan.
Mikey doesn't know what to do.
Stan was a great father.
Not like a lot of... Of them.
I think about
my little boy not having...
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
I'm sorry. It's okay, Joyce.
And this is a stealth bomber.
It could carry 80 smart bombs.
Means they never miss.
It's called the Spirit.
Maybe you're not that interested
in this stuff anymore, huh?
That's okay.
It kills people.
Maybe some TV, then?
You want to watch anything?
I DVR'd the Cardinals.
We could watch Friends.
It's always on.
Friends? That show
that's like 20 years old?
I had an old girlfriend
who used to watch it.
What-all you
scribbling over there?
There some high drama
happening I don't see?
Please limit our interaction.
I have a mandate to observe.
By all means, buddy,
find Friends.
Your dad teach you that?
My old man never
had time for sports.
You wanna sit for a second?
Your father
was a good, good man.
He was one of the best.
I know that.
Everybody doesn't
need to keep saying.
Things are gonna be hard for a
while, but you'll come out.
'Cause you got him in you.
His fight is in you.
Sometimes a thing happens,
splits your life.
There's a before and after.
I got like five of
them at this point.
And this is your first.
But if you use it right,
the bad thing...
You use it right,
and it makes you better.
It gives you something
most people don't have.
Bad as this is, wrong as it is,
this hurt...
It can make you a better man.
That's what pain does.
It shows you what
was on the inside.
And inside of you
is pure gold.
And I know that.
Your father knew that, too.
Pure, solid gold.
That's what you got.
You enjoy this?
You like your job?
Please refrain from interacting
with me, Mr. Velcoro.
Hey, your mom, she...
She mention anything changing?
She said I might not
be seeing you as much.
You okay with that?
I guess not.
Look, things, if they change...
They might...
They might tell you things
about you and about me.
And the things they say,
whatever they...
Whatever they say,
whatever stories you hear,
I am your father,
you are my son.
I will always love you.
What happened tonight, Ray?
I mean, you send him home
early, you think that helps?
I, uh...
I wanna...
I wanna make a deal with you.
I'm hanging up.
Wait, please wait.
Just don't go.
You win.
I'm not trying to win, Ray.
I really think at this point we
should leave it to the lawyers.
Just listen.
I won't contest custody. Okay?
He's yours.
I know he'll be happy
with you and...
And Richard.
Are you serious?
You're drunk again.
No, listen.
Just forget the paternity thing.
Don't tell him.
Don't ever tell him
what happened or...
Or where he comes from.
He shouldn't have to know.
Just... Just let him
believe I'm his father,
and I'll go away.
It's for...
It's for me, Ray.
I have to know.
Never tell him
and I'll stay away.
I won't contest a thing.
I'll never see him again.
Just say yes.
Please? Please. Just...
Just say yes.
And I'll leave
your lives forever.
Yes, Ray, I will...
I will do that.
You swear to me.
I swear.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The name is Irina Rulfo.
Sometime girl to
one of your guys,
got taken in that
shoot-out here a while back.
You're Santa Muerte.
You know her?
It's not like that.
It's not a gang
like you thinking.
Whatever the fuck.
It's a book club.
You were Ledo Amarilla's boy.
Moving that cheap Mexican brown.
Where could I find Irina?
There's other appendages,
won't heal up that easy.
Motherfucker! I don't know!
Where would I look?
Where's them wetback
hoochies hole up?
Where's she stay?
A flat G,
or the next nail
goes through your eye.
They got a place, El Monte.
This is gonna hurt.
Diamonds came from an unsolved
robbery during the '92 riots.
Jewelry store, double homicide.
No suspects.
You make headway
on the Rulfo girl?
You sure you wanna
work this party?
I don't want to bring this to
Davis till we have something.
Type of men at these things...
I mean, who knows?
It's your ass is what he means.
We've got your back.
We'll double-tail the bus.
I can't bring a phone in
or anything else.
You stick that somewhere.
Like in your shoe.
We'll follow.
We'll set up a perimeter
around the place.
If I have to, I'll get in.
And try not to stab anyone.
Unless you have to.
What's your name again?
You're a little older than you
said, but you got something.
Okay, on the bus.
Good. Arms.
Okay, go.
Let's go.
Okay, let's see it. Let's go.
Come on.
You get back tomorrow.
Do not be arguing, bitch.
You come here to talk some more?
Didn't know this was your place.
That's one off the bucket list.
Mexican standoff
with actual Mexicans.
She's on the bus ahead of us.
You can catch up now.
Copy that.
We'll take my car
once they land.
A guy, Ledo Amarilla,
got blown up by the cops
a couple months back.
Came to that 'cause his lady
sold some hot items.
I'm looking for her. That's it.
Sounds like you
wanna make a deal.
But you told us you
don't need partners.
Her name is Irina Rulfo.
Amarilla used to pimp her out.
I just wanna talk to her.
You know where she is,
or you can put me in touch,
we can talk about deals.
Well, we no longer
need to make a deal.
I got two protected clubs.
If you help,
you can push your stuff
through there
three nights a week for a year.
End of the year, we renegotiate
based on mutual performance.
Why do you need this girl,
if we can locate her?
I want her to answer
some questions.
This guy her man ripped off,
he was in possession
of something.
First year, I don't
take a percentage.
You keep what you make.
We'll get her
to call you... Maybe.
It's a start.
But we need to meet
face-to-face at some point.
What... What is that?
Like, pure Molly.
It's pretty great.
Keep you in good mood.
All right, I want eyes on her.
- Copy.
Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Oh...
Phone call, boss.
It's a girl.
Sounds Spanish.
Frank Semyon.
My name is Irina.
You wanna talk to me?
Yes. Yes, Irina.
Can we meet?
I'd like to talk to you about
Ledo and what happened to him.
I can pay you for your time.
No, we talk on phone.
Police said you pawned things
from Ben Caspere's house.
That's how they
got your man Ledo.
How did you get that stuff?
Ledo really kill Caspere?
A man gave them to me.
Paid me $500 plus whatever
I got to pawn them.
Can you describe him?
Thin, white. He was a cop.
Didn't wear a uniform.
How do you know he was a cop?
I know a cop.
Think I've seen him before.
He's like a jefe.
Meet with me, I'll show
you some pictures.
You pick him out.
I ain't talking to
no more white men.
They make me call, I call.
You can get your people
to come with you.
No tricks. You'll be safe.
And I'll give you a thousand.
Point the man out.
Si. Okay.
As promised, you've seen her.
We take Thursday, Friday,
Saturday night at the clubs.
No fee.
Like you said.
Next year we renegotiate.
Like you said.
Why the fuck did you do this?
Why hurt the girl?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You heard her.
Bitch was working for cops.
Fuck. Shit.
I've been watching you, miss.
You know, I said to myself,
now there is a real woman.
Not like these little girls.
Oh, they try to make
like they understand,
but it's just empty eyes.
You see, for me, it's just
as much about the dialogue.
I could talk to you all day
about the oil business,
but I'm sure you'd
like to do something else.
$12 million doesn't
fit in a briefcase.
The exchange will be secure.
We can enter the money
into the system
as marketing costs,
investment overlay.
Like you did with Semyon?
That was between
him and Caspere.
And your people's investments are
worth considerably more to us.
Now, please, enjoy the evening.
Full moon is the best
time to ratify alliances.
A nation's strength
is determined by two things,
its energy resources
and its capacity for war.
Oh, yes, here we are.
You care to watch for a while?
I do so enjoy the natural state.
You're the prettiest
little girl I ever seen.
I heard there's a unicorn
in those woods.
You wanna help me look for it?
Why don't you partake,
and I'll join you momentarily?
Excuse, please.
I... Bathroom. I return.
You come right back here, now.
Don't make me have
to find you, miss.
Splash of water.
Some of them
taste better than others.
Vera. Vera Machiado?
Oh, my God.
I'm a friend of
your sister Dani's.
We gotta get you out of here.
- No. No...
- Come on.
Come on. Get up.
Come on.
Now, I know I said don't make me
have to come and
find you, but...
Fucking whore.
Fuck you do?
Oh, God. Take her.
Take her, take her. Go.
Who is she?
My missing person.
Take her.
Come on. Let's go.
- Velcoro's getting the car. Go.
- Hey!
Just do it!
Okay, you gotta run.
You gotta run.
Come on. Go, go, go.
Fuck! Come on.
Look. That's him.
Get down! Get down!
Kill the lights.
Who's the girl?
Bezzerides' missing person.
I got this stuff.
Some kind of deal going down.
Same land area as
we were talking.
Fuck. What happened?
They gave me something.
I don't know.
I think I killed someone.
Oh, Jesus.
Those motherfuckers.
These contracts...
Signatures all over 'em.
You bang down my door
for a staring contest?
A long time ago,
you gave me a man's name
on a piece of paper.
I did.
Because you knew what I'd do.
I knew what I'd do.
I didn't know you at all.
Who was he to you, that man?
Me? Nobody.
Some greaser crankhead.
Info come to me, I passed it on.
Because why not get blackmail
on a sheriff's deputy?
That didn't hurt.
But I have a sense of justice.
You know that.
That's why this
was so surprising.
That name on the piece of
paper, whoever he was...
He wasn't the man
who hurt my wife.
How's that?
They caught the guy
last month.
I didn't know about it.
I thought the info was solid.
So none of this is
a new development.
You've never been in control.
We gonna fight, Raymond?
I would have been different.
Of all the lies
people tell themselves,
I bet that's the most common.
I could have.
You fucked me.
I sold my soul for nothing.
If you were selling,
it wasn't me buying.
You wanted your hooks in a cop,
so you used my wife's
fucking tragedy
to get me to kill somebody.
I didn't get you to do anything.
I gave you a name,
and you made your choice.
And that choice was in you before
your wife or any of this other stuff.
It was always there, waiting.
And didn't you use that man
to be what you were
always waiting to become?
This thing, your wife...
Those are just excuses.
You think you were
Superman previous?
And, hey, own it.
You think I'd have done less?
If that's the kind of thing
that keeps you out of heaven,
I don't wanna go.
Who gave you the name?
Guy one of my guys knew,
as I remember.
Told me your story.
Gave up the crankhead
talking up the rape.
I never heard of the dude
until then. Or you.
He was scum, I know that.
I never even asked him anything.
That guy, I just...
You want out?
You're free.
You ain't had the nerve
for this for a while.
I don't want a shoot-out in
my fucking kitchen, Raymond.
And I don't wanna see you die
by me or one of my other guys.
I didn't set you up.
And I ain't your suicide ticket.
State lands start at the forest.
Mostly we watch
for fires and weed farms.
Some of these shacks have
been here since the '30s.
Scene looks weeks old. Could be a lot more.
Place is totally contaminated.
We'll process, but we might
not get anything else.
You have anything now?
The blood is female.
Dead gonorrhea biophages.
All right, I want a grid
search and a cadaver dog.
Jesus Christ. You don't
have enough to do?
Give this to Sonoma Sheriffs.
Blake's been running girls behind
your back outside the clubs.
That's not a
tremendous surprise.
Ambition fucked him up.
No, it's bigger than you think.
He's got a special stable
with Chessani's kid.
Eastern bloc girls.
Surgery at the Pitlor Clinic,
make 'em top gear.
He'll fill me in on it.
Don't worry.
You know about these
parties they throw?
Rich men.
Politicians, developers.
Caspere was going
to these things.
Deals get done.
I need you to give up the man
who tipped you to my rapist.
Give me some time.
I'll look him up.
You sure you got time?
On the ropes ain't the same
thing as bleeding out.
You know that.
I'm back in the corridor
and we're legit.
This past, shit you're worked
up on, it can go away.
State's following up, too.
On the DL.
Want my help
looking for the girl
who pawned the shit
that sent us to the shoot-out.
Irina Rulfo.
We're looking for her, too.
I'm gonna put
my other hand up now.
Don't you fucking
shoot me, Raymond.
You help me find
that hard drive,
I'll give you the man
who put you wrong.
Who wants the hard drive?
Corporate guy.
Could be a lot of sensitive
footage on that thing.
Where you going now?
To see about killing a man.
You sit back down
with a gun on me again...
Don't let me see you coming.
I'd like to avoid that, Frank.
You might be one of
the last friends I got.
Wouldn't that be fucked up?
This is part of it.
Vinci, Caspere, those parties
we've been talking about.
The missing girl, Vera,
she made her last phone call
from that lodge a mile back.
Caspere's GPS
put him right here.
Now we've got a scene
where a girl's been butchered.
I'm interested in collusions.
And maybe those parties are where
your collusions get sealed.
This is important.
Somebody died here.
Somebody dies every
second of the day,
and they're not all lucky
enough to do it in California.
Ladies, I've been briefed.
I think we've got this now,
you don't mind.
This connects to a state's
missing persons case.
And we'll be happy
to share our findings.
You know of any parties
get thrown up here?
A lodge a mile back,
off the road?
No, can't say we have.
It's private property, not state forest.
Sold it off a few years back.
No noise in the forest?
This is my scene, Miss Davis.
So get to it, Sheriff.
Work the girls and the parties.
You work the diamonds.
Figure out where they
came from originally.
Maybe we can figure
whoever took them.
He's on the Rulfo girl.
I thought I killed you.
Eleven years ago.
Maybe I still will.
That right?
Who'd you really kill?
There was a woman, 29 years old.
September, 2004.
An attorney.
Dark brown hair.
Underground parking
garage downtown.
Yeah, you remember.
They're saying
I did a lot of things.
Got a brain condition.
I forget things.
I feel like I should
have my lawyer here.
How'd you get in to see me?
She was my wife.
I used to be a cop.
You have no idea
what you cost me.
Hey, look, man. I ain't talking
to you, whatever this is about.
You heard what this is about!
I needed to look in your eyes.
It was you.
You don't even
look like him, either.
My eyes look the same
as yours, you ask me.
They're gonna burn you.
That remains to be seen.
You better hope they do.
Key on my eyes, dipshit.
See if I'm whistling Dixie.
If they don't give you life, I
will have every inch of your flesh
removed with a cheese grater,
starting with your prick.
I'll cut off your nose and
your lips. Your nuts, too.
And I'll make sure you live.
Hell, they give you life,
I might do it anyway.
Like I said.
Hey. Hey, who are you?
You got the wrong dude.
I don't even know you, man!
You know me.
You just didn't know you did.
When you said blue diamonds,
I remembered something.
'92, the riots.
Bad time to be in
the insurance business.
This could be the same stones.
Two and a half million
in blue diamonds, Peruzzi-cut.
That's what you got, I think.
Sable Fine Jewellers
in Hollywood.
There was a robbery,
April 30, 1992.
You got to understand
what it was like back then.
Fires starting everywhere.
Snipers taking potshots at cops.
Tanks in the street.
"Fuck the police"
coming out of every...
A lot of our guys
just up and quit.
The Sable Fine
Jewellers robbery,
that's two-and-a-half
million in blue diamonds.
Yeah, I was the one
you talked to on the phone.
Double homicide,
husband and wife proprietors.
Woman was pregnant.
Margaret Osterman.
I remember her name.
Report doesn't list a suspect,
zero people of interest.
- Yeah, well...
- Nothing.
Place was looted right after
the actual robberies,
so no crime scene integrity.
Wasn't no looters, either.
Security tape was missing.
Those two people were executed.
They knew what they were doing.
Tactical, like.
Then those poor kids.
Leonard and Laura.
They witnessed it
or something, right?
You had to show me this?
They were hiding in one
of the display cabinets.
Had to stay like that
for a long time.
Hiding with their parents
lying there like...
I had quadruple
my normal caseload.
Riots overwhelmed the system.
Something didn't close fast,
you moved on.
Kids couldn't offer up anything?
They could barely talk.
The girl was maybe four.
Boy, a little older.
Men wore masks.
That's about it.
Ended up in the foster system.
You got kids?
One on the way.
Those kids fucked me up.
Coming from where they did,
going into the system.
All that and the city burning
to the fucking ground.
Be at the Kali Klub in Ventura
next Saturday at 6:00 p.m.
Say you're me. Say you're
there to see Bogdan.
And you've got to dress like
you're worth $2,000 a night.
You're gonna need
somebody's help with that.
This bus is gonna take you up to
wherever the party is, I heard.
And they're not gonna let you take
in a purse or a phone or anything.
They're gonna make you
turn all that stuff in.
You're gonna be around a lot
of guys that expect easy sex.
What are you
gonna do about that?
I'll figure it out.
If those webcam guys were bad,
this is way worse.
Athena, I'm police. I know
how to take care of myself.
They're not gonna let you
take in a knife or anything.
They're gonna pat you down
and make you strip.
That's what I heard.
That all I need to know?
I made that for you.
I was thinking about a woman
drowning on dry land.
Well, I don't really get art.
I just don't understand why
you work so hard to be alone.
I find it really
doesn't take that much work.
I've been here for 10
minutes and you're just
playing with knives
just to keep me away.
I was working out
when you knocked.
Anything else about this party?
Just that whatever you plan,
you get on that bus,
and it's fuck or run.
It's hard, I won't lie. He
filled this house up, you know?
He loved you both as much
as any man I ever knew.
He never wanted anything
but it was for his family.
It's ridiculous, I know.
This isn't consolation.
This was his, Joyce.
That Blake guy's
not outside, right?
Right now?
You know Blake?
He turned up here
right after the funeral.
Asked how I was doing.
Condolences and
all that bullshit.
And when he got through
the bullshit?
Asked if Stan had
shared anything with me,
might help him figure out
who killed him.
Had Stan said
anything like that?
I mean, he wasn't running things for
you like that Blake guy, right?
That's just skill sets.
I loved Stan.
Mikey doesn't know what to do.
Stan was a great father.
Not like a lot of... Of them.
I think about
my little boy not having...
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
I'm sorry. It's okay, Joyce.
And this is a stealth bomber.
It could carry 80 smart bombs.
Means they never miss.
It's called the Spirit.
Maybe you're not that interested
in this stuff anymore, huh?
That's okay.
It kills people.
Maybe some TV, then?
You want to watch anything?
I DVR'd the Cardinals.
We could watch Friends.
It's always on.
Friends? That show
that's like 20 years old?
I had an old girlfriend
who used to watch it.
What-all you
scribbling over there?
There some high drama
happening I don't see?
Please limit our interaction.
I have a mandate to observe.
By all means, buddy,
find Friends.
Your dad teach you that?
My old man never
had time for sports.
You wanna sit for a second?
Your father
was a good, good man.
He was one of the best.
I know that.
Everybody doesn't
need to keep saying.
Things are gonna be hard for a
while, but you'll come out.
'Cause you got him in you.
His fight is in you.
Sometimes a thing happens,
splits your life.
There's a before and after.
I got like five of
them at this point.
And this is your first.
But if you use it right,
the bad thing...
You use it right,
and it makes you better.
It gives you something
most people don't have.
Bad as this is, wrong as it is,
this hurt...
It can make you a better man.
That's what pain does.
It shows you what
was on the inside.
And inside of you
is pure gold.
And I know that.
Your father knew that, too.
Pure, solid gold.
That's what you got.
You enjoy this?
You like your job?
Please refrain from interacting
with me, Mr. Velcoro.
Hey, your mom, she...
She mention anything changing?
She said I might not
be seeing you as much.
You okay with that?
I guess not.
Look, things, if they change...
They might...
They might tell you things
about you and about me.
And the things they say,
whatever they...
Whatever they say,
whatever stories you hear,
I am your father,
you are my son.
I will always love you.
What happened tonight, Ray?
I mean, you send him home
early, you think that helps?
I, uh...
I wanna...
I wanna make a deal with you.
I'm hanging up.
Wait, please wait.
Just don't go.
You win.
I'm not trying to win, Ray.
I really think at this point we
should leave it to the lawyers.
Just listen.
I won't contest custody. Okay?
He's yours.
I know he'll be happy
with you and...
And Richard.
Are you serious?
You're drunk again.
No, listen.
Just forget the paternity thing.
Don't tell him.
Don't ever tell him
what happened or...
Or where he comes from.
He shouldn't have to know.
Just... Just let him
believe I'm his father,
and I'll go away.
It's for...
It's for me, Ray.
I have to know.
Never tell him
and I'll stay away.
I won't contest a thing.
I'll never see him again.
Just say yes.
Please? Please. Just...
Just say yes.
And I'll leave
your lives forever.
Yes, Ray, I will...
I will do that.
You swear to me.
I swear.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The name is Irina Rulfo.
Sometime girl to
one of your guys,
got taken in that
shoot-out here a while back.
You're Santa Muerte.
You know her?
It's not like that.
It's not a gang
like you thinking.
Whatever the fuck.
It's a book club.
You were Ledo Amarilla's boy.
Moving that cheap Mexican brown.
Where could I find Irina?
There's other appendages,
won't heal up that easy.
Motherfucker! I don't know!
Where would I look?
Where's them wetback
hoochies hole up?
Where's she stay?
A flat G,
or the next nail
goes through your eye.
They got a place, El Monte.
This is gonna hurt.
Diamonds came from an unsolved
robbery during the '92 riots.
Jewelry store, double homicide.
No suspects.
You make headway
on the Rulfo girl?
You sure you wanna
work this party?
I don't want to bring this to
Davis till we have something.
Type of men at these things...
I mean, who knows?
It's your ass is what he means.
We've got your back.
We'll double-tail the bus.
I can't bring a phone in
or anything else.
You stick that somewhere.
Like in your shoe.
We'll follow.
We'll set up a perimeter
around the place.
If I have to, I'll get in.
And try not to stab anyone.
Unless you have to.
What's your name again?
You're a little older than you
said, but you got something.
Okay, on the bus.
Good. Arms.
Okay, go.
Let's go.
Okay, let's see it. Let's go.
Come on.
You get back tomorrow.
Do not be arguing, bitch.
You come here to talk some more?
Didn't know this was your place.
That's one off the bucket list.
Mexican standoff
with actual Mexicans.
She's on the bus ahead of us.
You can catch up now.
Copy that.
We'll take my car
once they land.
A guy, Ledo Amarilla,
got blown up by the cops
a couple months back.
Came to that 'cause his lady
sold some hot items.
I'm looking for her. That's it.
Sounds like you
wanna make a deal.
But you told us you
don't need partners.
Her name is Irina Rulfo.
Amarilla used to pimp her out.
I just wanna talk to her.
You know where she is,
or you can put me in touch,
we can talk about deals.
Well, we no longer
need to make a deal.
I got two protected clubs.
If you help,
you can push your stuff
through there
three nights a week for a year.
End of the year, we renegotiate
based on mutual performance.
Why do you need this girl,
if we can locate her?
I want her to answer
some questions.
This guy her man ripped off,
he was in possession
of something.
First year, I don't
take a percentage.
You keep what you make.
We'll get her
to call you... Maybe.
It's a start.
But we need to meet
face-to-face at some point.
What... What is that?
Like, pure Molly.
It's pretty great.
Keep you in good mood.
All right, I want eyes on her.
- Copy.
Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen.
- Mmm-hmm.
- Oh...
Phone call, boss.
It's a girl.
Sounds Spanish.
Frank Semyon.
My name is Irina.
You wanna talk to me?
Yes. Yes, Irina.
Can we meet?
I'd like to talk to you about
Ledo and what happened to him.
I can pay you for your time.
No, we talk on phone.
Police said you pawned things
from Ben Caspere's house.
That's how they
got your man Ledo.
How did you get that stuff?
Ledo really kill Caspere?
A man gave them to me.
Paid me $500 plus whatever
I got to pawn them.
Can you describe him?
Thin, white. He was a cop.
Didn't wear a uniform.
How do you know he was a cop?
I know a cop.
Think I've seen him before.
He's like a jefe.
Meet with me, I'll show
you some pictures.
You pick him out.
I ain't talking to
no more white men.
They make me call, I call.
You can get your people
to come with you.
No tricks. You'll be safe.
And I'll give you a thousand.
Point the man out.
Si. Okay.
As promised, you've seen her.
We take Thursday, Friday,
Saturday night at the clubs.
No fee.
Like you said.
Next year we renegotiate.
Like you said.
Why the fuck did you do this?
Why hurt the girl?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You heard her.
Bitch was working for cops.
Fuck. Shit.
I've been watching you, miss.
You know, I said to myself,
now there is a real woman.
Not like these little girls.
Oh, they try to make
like they understand,
but it's just empty eyes.
You see, for me, it's just
as much about the dialogue.
I could talk to you all day
about the oil business,
but I'm sure you'd
like to do something else.
$12 million doesn't
fit in a briefcase.
The exchange will be secure.
We can enter the money
into the system
as marketing costs,
investment overlay.
Like you did with Semyon?
That was between
him and Caspere.
And your people's investments are
worth considerably more to us.
Now, please, enjoy the evening.
Full moon is the best
time to ratify alliances.
A nation's strength
is determined by two things,
its energy resources
and its capacity for war.
Oh, yes, here we are.
You care to watch for a while?
I do so enjoy the natural state.
You're the prettiest
little girl I ever seen.
I heard there's a unicorn
in those woods.
You wanna help me look for it?
Why don't you partake,
and I'll join you momentarily?
Excuse, please.
I... Bathroom. I return.
You come right back here, now.
Don't make me have
to find you, miss.
Splash of water.
Some of them
taste better than others.
Vera. Vera Machiado?
Oh, my God.
I'm a friend of
your sister Dani's.
We gotta get you out of here.
- No. No...
- Come on.
Come on. Get up.
Come on.
Now, I know I said don't make me
have to come and
find you, but...
Fucking whore.
Fuck you do?
Oh, God. Take her.
Take her, take her. Go.
Who is she?
My missing person.
Take her.
Come on. Let's go.
- Velcoro's getting the car. Go.
- Hey!
Just do it!
Okay, you gotta run.
You gotta run.
Come on. Go, go, go.
Fuck! Come on.
Look. That's him.
Get down! Get down!
Kill the lights.
Who's the girl?
Bezzerides' missing person.
I got this stuff.
Some kind of deal going down.
Same land area as
we were talking.
Fuck. What happened?
They gave me something.
I don't know.
I think I killed someone.
Oh, Jesus.
Those motherfuckers.
These contracts...
Signatures all over 'em.