The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries (1995–2001): Season 1, Episode 3 - Double Take - full transcript

Copenhagen, Denmark

where something's really rotten.

For starters, Granny stuck up

a Copenhagen bank.

Next, she stole Denmark's
greatest Great Dane

in a sensational daylight dognapping.

And just so we didn't miss the point

she snatched candy from a baby.

To top it off, she stole a
priceless mask of Victor Borge.

But why did Granny turn to crime?

'"I don't know why
Granny's turned to crime'

"says Danish Detective Nohans

"but we at INTERPOL always get our man.

Uh, woman."

Well, boys, that's why
we're here at Copenhagen

to clear my name.

I have suspect in sight




Now, you three behave
while I check us in.

Things started off normal enough.




Goodness, where did
that bellhop get to?

Moves pretty good for an old girl.

Such bad service.

Mr. Manager, you certainly
run a loose ship.


Oh, concierge

could you direct me to your restaurant?


I don't think I like this game.

Boy. Bellboy!

Oops, ha, ha.

Almost left my umbrella in your office.

Pop pop pop

I'm getting confused.

Come to me, my
yellow-bellied sap-supper.

Nice kitty.

The bird wasn't the only one confused.

Sylvester, knock it off!

I'm tired.

Let's all get settled in our room

up on the 5th floor.

Granny is here.

Due to her spotless reputation,
I won't arrest her now.

'But I will watch her every move.'

She's approaching the 5th floor.

Excuse me, but isn't that
your room over there?

Listen, baldy, bother me again

and I'm calling security.

I mean, uh..

Sorry, I need my rest.

But I am..


Oh, uh, valet, can you have
this dress dry-cleaned?

Here, you should get
that coat done too.

I need more sleep.

'Good Danishes here.'

But there's something
rotten in Denmark.

Oh, I made a funny.

She may have made a funny

but I wanted to make lunch.

I gotcha now.


Now that's tough love.


Well, here's a sight for sore eyes.

Humph. I'm starved and he's stuffed.



Bad kitty! Bad kitty! Bad kitty!

Two Grannys. Two Grannys.

Hee-ha-ha. Two Grannys.

Two Grannys?

I knew I was on to something

a stretcher.

Oh, thank you for finding Sylvester.

My head was spinning with clues.

Uh, here's an extra quarter.

Without even knowing it, I'd
already solved the mystery.

Two Grannys? Ha-ha-ha.

Seems like pussy needs a rabies shot.

We'll have to keep our
eyes peeled, everyone.

Our imposter isn't about to
appear at our front door.

Oh, my, another bad hair day.

Oh, so that's where

all that extra weight's been going.

Uh, where's my shaver?

Was I the only one picking up clues?


I turned to my comrades for help.


Why, you little..

Whack whack

So there you are.

Well, Mr. Smarty-pants

aren't you gonna say

"Ooh, I thought I saw a pussycat"?

What's the matter, cat got your tongue?

Well, say your prayers, lunch.

That bird wasn't looking so good.

Then again, neither was I.


Nothing yet on Granny.

Going to Plan B.

Madame, may I have a moment?

You again!

Candy for a sweet lady?

Some other time, madam.


Dress up like Granny? Check.

Steal money and priceless art object?

Attempt to frame Granny? Check.

Alas, poor Granny

I knew you well


But you broke my heart

and I swore revenge.

That was a long time ago.

So I've been busy.

It all began so well.

But then she had to belittle my name.

Moo Goo-Guy Pan?

Eh, that's your full name?

Oh, it's so cute.

Yes. Ha, ha. Keep your
voice down, please.

Eh, but I thought you said you
were born in Butte, Montana?

I was. In a Chinese restaurant.

My birth certificate got mixed up

with the Number 2 Combination.

So I got named...

Moo goo gai pan?

Yes! Yes, that's my name!

Moo Goo-Guy Pan!

Must you mock me? Oh!

There, there. No one's
making fun of you, Moogoo.

Uh, Moogooey.

Oh, I can't help it. It is so cute.

So that was the motive.


That's what she called
me a long time ago.

A man can change a lot over the years.

Tomorrow, Granny will steal

these rare Danish pastries.

After that, they'll lock
the old girl up for keeps.

Then I'll have revenge.

They always hide the ice
machine in these places.

'Nice to see you too, Granny.'


Granny? In someone else's room?

That tramp.

Granny's a man?

Let me see that.

No wonder she hits so hard.

It also explains the Old Spice.


Ooh, you must be molting.

What are you three doing in my room?

Come on, take off.

Ooh.. Uh.. Uh..

Now, I've got myself a real canary.

Now I got myselfa real canary.

This is ridiculous. How could you..

I want my little yellow bird!

Housekeeping won't like this one bit.


'You caught me surprised. Oh, no.'

I'm going with Plan C.

Later, at the Rare
Danish Pastry Exhibition

there was not one

but two Grannys in attendance.

I believe this is yours. Thanks.

Oh, goodness, I'm late.

Which way is that pastry exhibit?

Hope they've got a
good one, I'm hungry.

Look, a Canary Lover's Convention.

Swell, a feathered buffet.

'I'm just not myself today.'

Oh, what a lovely little..

He's got the most beautiful..

...canary I've ever seen.

Yes! I've died and gone to.. Hello.

First, I'll take care of you.

Then that worn out Granny.

I've waited years to get that
canary-loving old biddy.

Geriatric amateur
ornithologists like her

shouldn't be allowed on the streets!


What I meant was...

Power to the people. Ha, ha.

Houdini, she ain't.

I know what you're thinking, Granny..

...but I love you.

I loved you then and I.. I always will.

Do I know you?

The stolen loot, candy,
mask, and Great Dane.

Granny, your name is cleared.

Uh-uh, wait, please.

Oh, I remember now.

You're Moo Goo-Gai..

Oh. Oh, right, you hate that name.

He used to be a good man.

I'm sorry, detective.

You're sorry?

I kissed his hand.

The bogus Granny is gone.

But I got a feeling we'll be
seeing Moo Goo-Gai Pan again.

See? Can you say recurring character?

I'll show her.

Can't catch Moo Goo..

You know who.

There was only one loose end.

"Get a canary," my children said.

"They're no trouble," they said.

"They make great pets." Kids!
