The Sopranos (1999–2007): Season 2, Episode 4 - Commendatori - full transcript

Tony, Paulie and Christopher go to Italy to discuss business with their counterparts in his recently acquired (from his Uncle Junior) business in exporting stolen cars. Tony pushes to meet the patriarch of his Italian counterparts but finds the man, Zi Vittorio, to be old and feeble-minded. He's even more surprised however when he realizes who is now in charge. As part of the deal, it's agreed that enforcer Furio Giunta will travel to the US and work for Tony's crew. Back in the US meanwhile, Pussy tells FBI Agent Skip Lipari about the trip and the stolen car business. Pussy's wife Angie isn't necessarily happy that he's back and she shocks Carmella and Rosalie Aprile by saying that she wants a divorce.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Get out of the way.

Remember to say please.

-l can't watch tlnis again.
-This is the bootleg DVD.

-These are the alternate takes, Ton.
-You gonna tell Coppola lnow to fix it?

l do not believe tlnis.

Oh, come on.

Tlne disk is in tlnere!

You know wlnicln scene l love most?

-''lt was you, Fredo.''

You gonna go see your uncle
if you go there?

-That would be smart.

-Fucking disc!
-Paramount Pictures should.. .

. ..get tlneir shit together.

We're gonna be stealing
thousands more.

How was Junior tlne last time
you saw him?

His life is about Motrin.


What's your favorite scene?

l can't have tlnis
conversation again.

Hit eject.

Don Ciccio's villa.

When Vito goes back to Sicily.

Tlne crickets,
the great old lnouse.

lt's fucking beautiful.

Maybe because l'm going there.

l was in tlne Army Signal Corps.

What tlnis thing needs is
wlnat we call a Brogan adjustment.

-Wlnat's tlnat? You know how?

This is 1 01 0 Wins.

You give us 22 minutes,
we 'll give you the world.

Temperatures will drop tomorrow
after another scorching day.

Right now, it's 96 degrees
at Caldwell. La Guardia is 94. ..

. ..and it's 98 degrees in Central
Park and on the Upper East Side.


lt's like this every Sunday.
Yet you say. ..

. ..''great'' like it's the first time.

Lower the air-conditioning.

l'm doing it, for God's sake.
l just got this car.

l'm not familiar
with tlne instrument panel.

Get out of the fucking car!

-Take tlne car!

Get out of the car!

You nasty bitch!
Get tlne fuck out of here!

Hurry up!

Fucking Mercedes!
Let's go.


-Sic 'em, Clnurchill!
-Evan, no!

Sic 'em!

-Get them, boy!
-Fly, big boy.

Come on, Churclnill!


-Fucking niggers!

Who else, lnuln?

Who else?

West Essex Orlnopedic Group.

Mr. Soprano?

Can my nephew come?
He's got questions for the doc.. .

. ..about my lnip and all.

Of course.
Tlne doctor will be witln you.

Perhaps your nephew can lnelp you
with your clothes?

You want some help?

l'm not taking my pants off
until l know. ..

. ..tlnat prick is gonna
x-ray me again.

lt lnurts like tlne Pit and
the Pendulum just to wipe myself.

-Wlnat do you want to talk about?
-Going over.. .

. see tlnat friend of ours.

-My car operation.
-Lose tlnat puss, it's mine now.

What's your question?

Our friend.
What's lne like?

What's lne like?

l only met him once.
He came on the Michelangelo.

1 961 .

Now tlnat was traveling.

Tlne ltalian line.
Tlne food, tlne service.

Are you kidding me? We had some
bon voyage parties on tlnat boat.

-He's a serious man, Zi Vittorio.
-Serious lnow?

You know wlnat l mean.

Heads up, sonny-boy.

He don't listen to opera, Vittorio,
wlnicln is a fucking break.

lsn't lne our distant cousin?

lt's so far removed by now,
Tonto is a closer cousin.

We deal witln lnim through
Furio Giunta. He speaks English.

Going to ltaly, huh?


l never went.

lt's not over yet.

And we don't get to go.

-You got sclnool.
-Wlnat about Mom?

lt's a business trip.

Don't you tlnink slne miglnt like
a little interlude, the two of you?

You know wlnen we'd like a
little interlude? Riglnt now.

Not my idea to lnave me
set tlne table.

You want me to help
with he roast?

lt's riglnt tlnere on tlne counter.

Carm, it's a business trip.

Okay? lt's not wortln the jet lag.

-Did l say anytlning?

Naples. ..

. ..lsclnia and Capri.. .

. ..and oln.. .

. ..tlne food!


Look. Last year, Tom and Barb.. ..
Tlne trip to tlne Balnamas.

-l said l didn't lnave time.
-You didn't.

-lt was football season.
-Call your brother for dinner.

lt's our busiest montln.

Junior's last slnipment went
to Naples two montlns ago.

Tlnirty containers.
Two cars to a container.

Junior lnad to give the operation
over to wlno, specifically?

Ray Curto.

Okay, good work, Sal.

Tlnere's sometlning else. The
Moltisanti kid miglnt get his button.

-Tony, where's lne at with Junior?
-Ain't spoke in months.

-Are you being straiglnt witln me?
-Oln, Pussy.


How's it going, colonel?

-How you doing, Jimmy?
-l lneard you were in Puerto Rico.

Played there
during tlne hurricanes.

Never again, l said.

Let me introduce you
to a friend of ours.

Tlnis is Joey from Dover.


No shit! l live in Dover,
lnere, Jersey.

Tlnat's riglnt.

Joey, know wlnere they got
the name Dover from?

-The cliffs, l'm assuming.
-That's right, very good.

Does it matter?

Joey, l knew tlnis guy
wlnen lne had social graces.

lt's for Marissa's oldest.
Sixtln birtlnday.

Your kids are grown, Puss.

-Wlnat're you doing lnere?
-lt's my daughter's birtlnday.

Picking up some shit
for a baclnelor party.

You know, l'm trying to think.

Did l ever meet any
connected guys from Delaware?

-That fucking box looks heavy.
-The answer is. .. .

No, no, no!

All riglnt,
l gotta go, fellas.

Joey, nice to meet you.
You, Mr. Rude Cocksucker.. .

. ..see you around, baby.

-Take it easy. Tlnat went fine.

He saw me witln you.

You come to a store
and somebody sees you?

Sal, listen.

Tlnat went fine.
Just know tlnis:

You're doing a good job.

You must be so relieved
Pussy's back.

You must be so lnappy.

-lt was a long time.
-Wlnere was lne?

-He don't like to worry me.
-Not even a card?

Tlnat's got to be a worry.
Worry is lnorrible.

-You must be so happy.
-We're back to our old routine.

l love this song.

Oh, lnoney, l know.
Your Jackie.

Listen to me. Going on about
lnow happy l am and you a widow.

Que sera, sera.

What will be, will be.

God, lne's so lnandsome,
this guy too.

He's blind, you know.

Jesus Christ!


My God, l'm sure
lne's adjusted to it.

You fucking idiot, Rosalie!

-l'm not happy Sal's back.

l'm sad and depressed.

l've tlnouglnt of killing myself.

Fucking nosy!

Eat your manicotti.

God forgive me.

When he did come home tlnat day. ..

. ..l was upstairs.

l heard the door
and then his voice, ''l'm lnome.''

l fucking wanted to vomit.

After all that worry he might
be dead, praying lne was okay.

My heart just sank and l wislned--

He had died.

To just come and go
year after year like that.

How dare he?

Have you reaclned out to him?

Tlnat's a good one.


And l don't want my kids
to know tlnis.

Tlney found a lump under my arm.

Tlney biopsied it.
l get tlne results in a few days.

Anyway, l told Sal.

He said, ''Jesus Clnrist,''
kind of alarmed, a little.

Tlnen lne went back to
wlnatever lne was doing.

Spraying WD-40 on his pocketknife.

Hasn't asked me how l am.

Touch my face, or something,
wlnen lne comes in.

-Angie, wlnat are you gonna do?
-Benign.. .

. ..malignant.

l'm getting a divorce.

Look at this place.

Tlne mother country.
Hey. ..

., they make it real.

Vesuvius, Jesus.

Who'll tell Artie tlnat lnis mural looks
like a used Trojan compared to tlnis?

Notice the women?
Know what l realized on tlne plane?

Even the skanks are wortln fucking.

Tlnose are my feelings too.

Yo, paesan!

What do you call it?

You did all riglnt.

Two definite agendas l got:

Hit tlne topless beaclnes
and see tlnat fucking crater.

l don't care what anybody says.

Look at this fucking place.

Been lnere 1 000 years.

Hey, T, check out the paint.

-Antonio Soprano?

Hey, lnow are you?

Tlnis is tlne friend
Sil and me been talking to.

Tlnis is Paulie.



My boss, Nino, say
you can fresh up.

Maybe a little sleep.

We'll pick you up at 8.
He will meet us for fare la business.

Wait a minute. ..

. ..Nino?

l mean, l never heard of. .. .

l'm sure he's nice.
Will Vittorio be tlnere?

Maybe no.

Commendatori. You are
already clnecked in.

Like a commander.

l like that. That's respect.

-Did you hear?
-About the Bompensieros, right?

Hang on, Gab.
lt may be Tony from ltaly.

-l didn't sleep a wink last niglnt.

My God. lsn't this awful?

Did you tell Franny Altieri?

No. Slne's gonna slnit
wlnen slne hears tlnis.

When will Clnristoplner be lnere?
He's got something for Don V.

Anytime now. He went to Corso
to buy a gift for Adriana.

Nino says we always ask
your uncle for more cars.

-He was no supply.
-That's wlny l'm lnere.

Tell lnim we can fill any orders.

And also mention, no offense. ..

. ..we were lnoping Zi Vittorio
would be here.

-Anything l don't know about?

Nino is. .. .

He's a little.. .

. ..disappointed in your
attitude of him.

l'm sure l will learn much doing
business witln a man like you.

lt's an lnonor.

Nino is happy
to be at your disposal.

My uncle's problem was lne went to
the Russians for the cars.

Tlney kept the best stuff,
slnipped it off to St. Petersburg.. .

. ..Slovenia and Montenegro.

People tlnat profited
from tlnose conflicts.

Tlney got fucking bales of
liquid casln.

And you got contacts
in the markets over there.


Ton, you tried tlnis octopus yet?

l'm talking lnere.

You're like a clnild witln the food
and the pussy. Wlnat's going on?

Tlnis is a big thing to me, T.
l was never over lnere, okay?

My brotlner was and my
otlner brotlner, the doctor, was.

Mercedes ML Series.
Very popular.

ln Eastern Europe, you can
sell this car for $ 1 1 0, $ 1 20,000.

My price to you:

Ninety grand.

Manufactured in America.

What did lne fucking say?

lt's Don Vittorio.

Antonio Soprano!

Don Vittorio.

lt's an lnonor.

Wheelchair.. .

. ..Boulevard.

l tlnink.. .

. ..sometlning's wrong witln
the wlneelclnair.

He say ''Wilslnire'' Boulevard.

My name is Annalisa.
l am his daughter.



George. ..

. ..Washington.. .

. ..Bridge.


Tlnat's very good.

George Washington Bridge.

Ton, you give this guy a golf club,
lne'll probably try to fuck it.

l come 3000 miles,
you never said nothing about Nino. ..

. ..all of a sudden
lne's my blind date?

Nino was in lniding from the police
until two day ago.

l don't even tlnink Mauro Zucca
know lne's lnere.

Who the fuck is Mauro Zucca?

Mauro Zucca run tlnis family.

Obviously, Zi Vittorio.

Now l slnould be talking
to Mauro Zucca?

Mauro Zucca is serving
the life sentence.

Hey, you. Come lnere.

Yes, signore?

Can l just get some
macaroni and gravy?

Paolo, he doesn't know
wlnat you says.

You mean grapes? Uva?

Gravy, gravy. Tomato sauce!

Tlnat Nino, he's insecure.

lt affects everytlning
lne says, capisce?

l will talk on tlne side
to tlne ear of Annalisa.

What tlne fuck good
is tlnat gonna do?

She is tlne wife of Mauro Zucca.

-Camillo, where's the pisciatoio?
-Down tlne stairs, go left.

Ma-. ..

. ..-jor Deegan. ..

. ..Express-.. .

. ..-way.

Major Deegan Expressway.

l'm sorry if lne's lnassle you.

-Spend time in the States?
-Papa went.

l never been.

English from school. ..

. ..and films.

When can we get a clnance to talk?

Come to our house, stay a wlnile.

l will as well personally
give you tour of tlne. .. .

Come si dice?

-The surroundings area.

Where your family is from?

-l don't want to put you out.
-No, no.

You slnould have been guest
to our lnouse, but.. .

. ..witln my fatlner's condition.. ..
l send tlne car at 9?


l look forward to it.
Excuse me.

l'm gonna go back
to tlne Excelsior.

l gotta take a wicked shit.

Can you stop interrupting me?

We've been offered a ride.
You know lnow tlnese people are.

-Wlny didn't you use the one in there?
-l didn't lnave to go then.

He's just a kid.

Tlne kid only got
firecrackers on him.

We 're getting ready to eat.

Oh, yealn. Forgot it was
dinnertime for you.

How's ltaly?

Tlne time change and everytlning,
l forgot. Sorry.

-How's ltaly?
Honestly. ..

. ..pretty frigging good.

We 'll have to come back.
-Right. How's the food?

lt's okay.

Lots of fisln.

Sounds like you 're working hard.

Why don't you take tlne kids down
and get some Chinese?

Don't tell me how to spend my time.

lf l want Chinese food,
l don't need your permission.

lt's not permission.
lt was just an idea.

You know wlnat? Fine, l'll hang up.

lf the trip is as bland
as this plnone call.. ..

Nothing's going on.

What do you want me
to say to you? Seriously.

Better not say
wlnat you saw, Jimmy!

l'll slnove that Elvis shit
right up your ass!

l'll slnove a rutabaga in your
mouth, Jimmy. Keep you quiet.

A turnip in there.


You're lnaving a nightmare.

l tlnink it was the slnrimp
on tlne plane.

Get some lmodium.
You want to get made?

Tlnis is no way.
Tony wants us to lnang witln Nino.

Work out the dock facilities.

Hope we get some spare time.
l'm gonna see tlnat volcano.


Tlnis song, Jesus!

l've been to ltaly many times
and really. ..

.'re not missing all tlnat mucln.

Tlne sexual harassment
that l was subjected to.

l went witln my friend Zane.

Her, they didn't bother. Me, tlney
couldn't keep tlneir hands off.

Mucln less the wlnistling
and the lnooting.

lt's not ltaly.

Remember Angie Bompensiero?

Angie Belfiore.
Married Sal Bompensiero.

-Slne's thinking of divorcing lnim.

You know them?

No, but to be married
to a man like tlnat.

-A man like wlnat?
-The attitude, tlne medieval outlook.

He is sucln an adoring fatlner, though.

Tlnree beautiful kids tlney raised,
wlno are now from a broken lnome.

No sons, l lnope.
Tlnree more of lnis ilk, we don't need.

He's very maclno.

Maclno? No.

Try swaggering mama's boy,
lnypocrite, slnall we?

-Carm. ..

. ..come on, stop.
Just stop.

ls tlnat lnow you see your brother?

We were talking about Angie.

Tlnese O .C. pricks, especially.
Witln their prostitutes.

Emotional cripples.

Tlney expect tlneir wives to live like
the nuns at Mt. Carmel College.

-lt's not that simple.
-Of course not.

Madonna/whore is the full equation,
l believe.

Clotlnes. ..

. ..and appliances. ..

. ..and houses.

You are talking about me?
About us?

Carmela, no.

l don't know.

Tlnat a woman of your intelligence. ..

. content to ask so little
from life and from herself.

l don't know, l'm.. ..

lt's none of my business.

-Marriage is a holy sacrament.

Family is a sacred institution.

-And you. ..

. ..trying to fan the flames
with Richie Aprile?

Talk about old school.

Riclnie, because of lnis
experience in prison.. .

. ..he's sensitive
to tlne plight of women.

Oh, my God!

l am not gonna touch tlnat one.

But you lnad me going for a wlnile tlnere.
Oh, Janice, lnoney. ..

. ..l gotta love you.

Nice slnot!

l shank lnim.

Well, it's a man's club.

l'll send you one your size.

Whole set.

So, Tony.

You don't mind me calling you Tony?

What can l do for you?

-You could introduce me to tlne boss.
-You can talk to me.

A fucking woman boss?

-So, what do you want?
-Never happen in the States. Never.

Our men kill each other.

All my brothers, for example.
Tlney all got murdered.

Or they go to prison.

Rome lnas a war against us.

But tlne men are in love
to tlneir mama, huh?

So obeying a woman is not--

Come si dice? lt comes natural.

Well, l'll be dipped in shit.

You act like your father's nursemaid.

l am his nursemaid.

lf an old man carries tlne respect
of tlne troops, you keep him around.

-l did sometlning like tlnat myself.
-We are cousins.

You lnungry?

l could eat.

So. ..

. wanted to talk about business?

Can l ask you a question?

We won't pay tlne price
on tlne Mercedes.

Why do you save
your toenail clippings?


You want them?

lf your enemy comes into possession
of your nail or hair clippings.. .

. ..tlney can make tlne evil on you.

l'm flattered you'd trust me, but can
l pass without ruining tlne moment?

l already burned them.
Nobody gets them.


A lot of guys become soft
living in America.

Not one in five guys,
they're a fucking rat.

Can't find anybody tlnat
believes in tlne old ways:

Keeping silent.
Putting the family first.

So you want Naples' guys.

Fucking clairvoyant over lnere.

Tlnat way l get guys
with no ties over there.

Tlney'd be loyal to me, 1 1 0 percent.

-Wlnat do l get?

You get an obvious advantage
to having your guys there.

-How mucln you pay me for tlnis man?
-Pay you?

Your profitability is gonna go way up.

Who are you thinking?

-Well, Furio to start.

-Take it easy!
-l give you one of my best men. ..

. ..and all l get are numbers
in the air!

Witln all due respect, hon,
you're being slnortsiglnted.

He's my cousin, one of my best men.
lt's not gonna happen.

-l'm asking you nice.
-Or what?

Hey, look, l don't
even think you understand--

-Talk to your lnusband.
-My lnusband? Fuck you!

He's never coming back.
You lnave to fucking deal with me.

Up your ass!

-You're up.
-Wlnere's my otlner belt?

-Did you look under the bed?
-Fuck, yealn!

-l just came from the doctor's office.

-The biopsy came back negative.
-Yealn, good. l'll be back later.

The 3:32 to Mount Vesuvius is now
leaving at the side entrance.


-Wlnat are you doing here?
-l was nearby.

Tlne baclnelor party's looking
for entertainment.

-Enougln said. Want some coffee?
-l'm good.

Come on, it's on tlne boil.


Boss say to tell you one hour.


l want to get out of here.
You drive me to the city?

Sure. Absolutely.

l have to ask.

What's it like, working for a woman?

-Wlnat are you gonna do?
-A woman boss?

-ln America you don't lnave?


-Come down to eat.
-Jesus, is that all you people do?

We had a huge lunch.

-We need to finisln our business.
-l said all l'm gonna say.

All riglnt, l'm coming down.

Yeah, l know. For indigestion, right?


So, wlnat is tlnis place?

My fatlner was born in tlnis lnouse.

Later, we make the new one.

You were born here
and your kids are raised next door.

lt's a nice tlning.

You take good care of your father.

What are you going to do?
Send him to ospizio?


Listen. .. .

Tlnis one needs to be stayed with
until lne goes to sleep, huh?

l'll take you back in tlne morning.

Good niglnt.

-lt was horrible, what he did.
-Miglnt as well have fucking cancer.

What did the lawyer say today?

l have a good case
and we'll file on Tuesday.

-You're gonna take Monday to think?
-Monday's a Jewisln lnoliday.

-l'm finished tlninking.

-l thought myself into nonexistence!
-Well, you are not nonexistent.

-And Pussy doesn't see you tlnat way.
-Fuck what he sees!

Not anymore! lt's wlnat l see!

God gave me more years, Carmela.

Tlnis very morning, God gave me a gift!

And l will use that gift!

l won't waste it like l've wasted
24 fucking years witln this man!

You know wlnat the Clnurch
says about divorce.

Let the pope live witln lnim.

What about tlne kids?

Tlney're 1 9, 21 and 24.
lt's time we all grew up.

Kevin is just starting
lnis soplnomore year of college.

He'll know you stayed together,
waiting for lnim to leave.

He only cares about not losing
privileges at our house on tlne shore.

He's so fond of lnis father.
Tlnat's all l'm saying.

And Terri and Scott witln their
money problems and tlne pregnancy. .. .

You want to set this example
wlnen your daughter's struggling. ..

. keep her marriage alive?

-Wlny are you working tlnis lnard?

For all of tlne reasons l just said.
Because you are my friend.

l'm not even saying don't.

At the very least, you gotta
ask yourself these questions.

Tlney're not even sure Terri
can lnave children of her own.

Sal began to cry wlnen lne heard that.

Oh, lnoney. Come lnere.

ln the end,
l know you're not gonna leave lnim.

l know you won't do that.

l'm from America.

Hey, cara mia, on your way back.. .

. ..bring me one of those plums
from tlne breakfast tray.

Never mind.

l gotta hand it to you.
Great fruit you got here.

None of them fucking steroids.

Come si dice ''steroids''?

Tlnere you go. Who said you're not
a great conversationalist?

Fucking twat.

Tlnere's my little fragolina.

Hey, the customer's always right.

Did l say you should leave?

You know, my grandfather
was Neapolitan.

He went to America in 1 91 0.

Tlnree thousand miles.. .

All by himself.

l'm Neapolitan. Me and Tony both.

Some of tlne guys are Sicilians.

Hotheaded bastards. Am l right?

So, wlnat part of Naples you from?

Ariano lrpino.

You're slnitting me!
Tlnat's where my grandfather's from.

We come from the same town!

Our families probably know eacln otlner.

Tlne island back there
is called Progida.

Madonna, look at tlnis.

l gotta bring my kids here.

Show them all this.

ln olden time, tlne Sibyl of Cumae. ..

. ..was tlne second most
important oracle after Delplni.

-l thought Delphi was in Greece.
-The Greeks were here.

Way before tlne Romans.

And before tlne Greeks,
there was somebody else.

And before tlnem, somebody else.

''Rulers would come
from across tlne world.. .

. lnear the Sibyl's predictions
of tlneir future.

She would sit inside the cave
inhaling gases--''

l tlnink l dated tlnis broad.

''--possibly volcanic, no longer active,
and would speak in a voice not her own.

Delivering unto tlnem tlneir fates.''

Let's go into the cave.

Tlne Sibyl sat way back there.
See that shaft of liglnt?

lt's a fucking trip.

Tlne Sibyl were very beautiful
in most cases.

Oh, yealn?

Got a premonition for me?


You're no problem to read.

-You are your own worst enemy.
-Oln, is that riglnt?

Riglnt now, you remind me
of somebody from back home.

Not your wife.

-Your girlfriend?
-Oln, l got one.

To answer your question.

But no.

Not lner.

But she's someone you want to fuck.

l can tell.

Oh, really?

You know, everybody's
their own worst enemy.

So maybe your psyclnic power
lnas been overrated a little bit.

You don't want to fuck lner?

You don't want to fuck me?

Yeah, l do.

But l don't slnit where l eat.

lt's bad business. We're in business.

Not at tlnose price.

All riglnt.

You give me Furio.. .

. ..and l'll whack down the price
of tlne cars to 85.


l get more guys.

On my timetable.

Seventy-five tlnousand.


Okay, tlnanks.

-So lnow tlne fuck was it?
-Fabulous. l felt right at home.

-Did real good business-wise.

l feel sorry for anyone wlno
lnasn't been. Especially any ltalian.


-Don't put it off for anotlner second.
-l fucking heard you.

Where's Clnristoplner?

He's in the duty-free
buying a gift for Ade.

Four days, he's a block
from tlne best shopping district.

-Wlny didn't lne tlnink of it tlnen?
-A broad.

He found out who got eiglnt great
tomatoes in tlnat little can.

Fuck lnim! Leave him here. Drive!

What's the matter, Tony?


Did l tell you we did
real good business-wise?

Got fucking double on tlnose cars.

Here lne comes! Hey, come on!

Hello! l'm lnome!

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