The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2010–…): Season 6, Episode 22 - Reunion Part Two - full transcript

Tonight, the reunion continues.

Your shoplifting arrest,
was that the low point?

- When I took the first drink
was my low point.

- Are we good? Are we good?

And I felt like we were.
Weren't we?

- There was some kind
of an intention there.

- You called Erika a pussy.
- And a liar.


- I could tell that you had
underwear on.

- I did.

- Lisa's just never seen
that kind of underwear before.


Even if I didn't like you
at times, I always loved you.

[tense music]

- I'm sorry that you
find me manipulative.

- I don't trust you.

- Do I really look like
a woman to you that needs pity?

♪ ♪

- You talk around and around,

and it just makes me
so fáááing crazy.

I gotta walk away for a second.

Just own it, Lisa!
Fáááing own it!

- This isn't a soap opera.
This is reality.

- When were you in
an abusive relationship?

He hurt you.

- Sorry.


- Let's go right to
the Munchausen conversation.

This was not malicious.

- But to repeat this
in front of the whole world...

♪ ♪

- I'm gonna be
really, really honest.

We were at my birthday party,
and you came,

which was fantastic.

I was thrilled to see you.

You came with no makeup.
You left.

Ken had said you look terrible.

Harry said, "You know what?
That's not okay.

This woman is sick,
and that's that."

And you went, "There goes
our fáááing storyline."

- No, I did not say that.
- Yes, you did.

- Well, the cameras
were there all night.

- You said, "There goes
our fáááing storyline."

- I wouldn't say,
"There goes our storyline."

- But wait, I'm not done.
I'm not done, I'm not done.

We all talked about it.
- Yeah? Yeah?

- I shared it with both of you,
the Munchausen.

"True Munchausen syndrome,

"wherein those affected
feign disease, illness,

"or psychological trauma
to draw attention,

sympathy or reassurance
to themselves."

You encouraged me
to say "Munchausen."

- No way. Why... I would say...

When you brought it up
I said to you,

"I don't think we should
be talking about this."

- Sorry, you encouraged me.

- Are you okay?
- And guess what, I did it.

- Is she okay?
- Oh, so you did it for me?

- I did it, I did it.
- Oh, come on.

- I did it.
- Come on.

- I did it and I'm sorry.
I did it.

[tense music]

- You're saying
that you brought up...

- But I'm owning it.
But I'm owning it.

But you have to own
the phone call.

Own it. Just own that you
encouraged me to do it.

- You say I called you and
said bring up Munchausen's?

- You didn't use the word. You
didn't need to use the word.

- What do you mean?

- You said...
Lisa, the word you said...

- Oh, my God, no.

♪ ♪

- I don't know, it's just
so fáááing hurtful.

It's just crazy.

I just don't want them
to see me cry.

- Just take a second.

- [exhales]

It's just... I just don't get it.

You know? - I understand.

It's very disappointing.
What can I do?

- You guys all know
what I'm talking about!

[indistinct chatter]

I put it out into
the fáááing zeitgeist.

It's become a word. I did that.

Yes, I did.

- I want to wait for Yolanda
to come back because...

- How's Yolanda?
- She's good.

She's just getting it together.
Just had a mild meltdown.

- [sighs]

- She'll be back.
- Okay.

- Just give her a second
to pull it together.

- Okay.
- I am not...

- But we never thought
she had Munchausen's.

- I would never
have brought that word out

if you hadn't called me
to encourage me.

- I would not call you and say,

"Bring up the word

- You didn't say the word.
You didn't have to say it.

- Oh, my God.

- Lisa, we've known
each other a long time.

- Yeah, we have.
- And I know you.

And that's what you did.

And I was stupid enough
to just go,

"Yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm gonna do it."

- You say what you want, Lisa.

- That's right.
- You cannot pass it on to me.

- I won't, but you just need...
I'm not gonna pass it on to you.

I said it, but you need to own
the fact that you called me.

This was a big thing.
- Munchausen was a label,

and none of us thought
she had Munchausen's.

- No, we didn't.
- We didn't.

- Okay, I want to just
reset this,

because Yolanda's coming back.

So, Yolanda, we're hearing
two different things

on this issue of
Rinna's accusation

that Vanderpump said,
"There goes the storyline."

Who do you believe?

- I am really confused.

I want to believe
what you're saying,

but I'm doubting it,
because I lost my compass.

I had a hard time
really going like,

"God, who do I believe?
Is... is this truthful?

Is this... do they really
mean what they're saying?"

And it's very confusing for me.

- I was wrong
to doubt you, totally.

- Lisa, we've seen you
through the years do things...

You know, even if you
don't do it on purpose,

trying to manipulate things,
but, you know...

You know, you're great
at what you do.

You're a very powerful woman.

You're beautiful, you're
funny, you make us laugh.

But I think in certain times
you manipulate things

in a certain way that
will look great for the show,

but you can't run over dead
bodies to get a great show.

- Exactly.
- Yep.

- Sometimes the integrity
in it and the compassion

for other people
should be first.

- And that got lost
among all of us, I think.

- And that got lost
in this whole story.

- Does that mean that you
do believe that she said that?

- I don't...

It's possible. - That Lisa...

- It's possible.

- Well, that's
where it goes back

to the very beginning
of the birthday.

And for you to say,

"You know, there goes our
fáááing storyline," it's like...

- Oh, please, I would not say,
"There goes our storyline."

- It goes back to that.
You did, and I'm gonna say...

- So we're on camera,
we've got mics on,

and I go,
"There goes our storyline"?

- Yeah.

- She called me right after
and said that you said that.

- I called Eileen.
- Well, weren't you there?

- No.
- No, she wasn't.

You knew this story
was gonna get told.

- But not "storyline."

Yolanda was putting
out there publicly...

- God damn it, you talk
around and around,

and it just makes me
so fáááing crazy.

I gotta walk away for a second.

Just for a second.

It's like you just talk
around and around

until everybody
just goes fáááing crazy.

Just own, Lisa! Fáááing own it!

Own it!

Be done with it.

- Own what?
- [sighs]

- Why... why are you saying...

I don't actually understand
what you're saying.

"There goes our storyline"?

- You manipulate...

- You fáááing
manipulate everything!

Just own it. - Oh, my God.

- Lisa, and I have to say,
that's what's bad about this...

- Oh, please,
you two have been...

- Oh, shut up. You know what?

Just fáááing own it!

- Did I say,
"There goes our storyline"?

- I'm owning my sháá!
- I didn't hear.

- I always said...
What did I always say to you?

- Ahh!

- But true to yourself
and... please.

- Don't talk about it.
Just say it.

- Okay.
- That is such B.S.

- You mentioned
that Mohamed said

that... that Yolanda's kids
didn't have Lyme disease.

That their kids
didn't have Lyme disease.

- Well, I said to Yolanda,

"Maybe he never
wanted me to know."

And I understand that because...
- And I told you that.

And I told Mohamed
after that lunch, I said,

"Mohamed, what exactly
did you say to Lisa Vanderpump?"

And said, "I said they're fine."

But, you know, it did
harm your friendship, right?

Because you guys
don't talk anymore.

- You don't speak anymore
because of it?

- It ruined the friendship,

and they were really,
really close friends.

- Well, he thought I'd
been saying negative things

about his kids.

- So you're not speaking
as a result of this?

- Well, he said,
"I've calmed down now."

So yeah, I think we need
to put it back on track.

- But you brought it up
at the barbecue going,

"What did Mohamed say
about the children," right?

- Yeah, but I don't know...
I don't know that...

- 'Cause no one knew
that they had Lyme disease

until you told me in the park.
- But I told you...

I told you in the park

Why didn't you believe me?

- I didn't say
I didn't believe you.

I said, "What's happening
with Bella and Anwar?"

- But I told you what was
happening with Bella and Anwar.

- Because when you said
they had Lyme disease,

that was the first time
I'd ever heard that.

- I don't think that it's
that horrendous of a question

to say, "How are they?
What's going on with them?"

I don't think that that's,
like, outrageous to say that.

What the response was
is what triggered the problem.

But, like she said,
that came from Mohamed saying...

Not wanting her to know.
- But as I said to you at lunch,

maybe... I'm sure
he never wanted me to know.

- I brought you their tests,

and I want you to
take it home and read it.

- No.

If Mohamed said they're healthy,

I... that's him being defensive
and telling me to shut up.

- He didn't want
to talk about it.

- Yeah.
- You okay?

- I don't know.
I feel bad for her.

- I do, too.

- Erika, Lucy from
Springfield, Missouri, said,

"You were my new favorite
until you didn't admit

"you were the one
who told Yolanda

"about Kyle and Vanderpump
talking about her kids.

"You're supposed to be
all about the truth.

Why did you just
sit there in silence?"

- I was so tired from the show.

Totally did not understand
the question.

And once I figured it out
the next day,

I was like, "Hey,
I was the one that did it."

That's the truth.

- Rinna, you called Erika
a pussy for not standing up...

- And a liar.

- Did I say liar?

- You called me a pussy
and a liar,

but, listen, I can sit here...

- I didn't...
- Here's the thing with that.

If I was, I would tell you,

but, you know, I really just...

I was... I didn't know,
and I was like...

- No, I was
getting blamed for it,

and you know what? Okay.

- It's fine.
I don't... I don't hold any...

- You know what,
you texted me instantly,

and you said "pussy,"
and we had a funny moment.

- I said, "Why did you
call me a pussy, you bitch?

I didn't even bring up
your name."

- It was funny actually, but...
- It was fine.

- It wasn't even
about who told me.

It was the information
that I had...

- But then those girls
thought I had said it, so...

- And the whole time, it was me.

- But that wasn't...

All of a sudden, we're
talking about who said it?

Who fáááing cares who said it?

- It matters, really.
- It was about what was said.

I shared because
I got more and more frustrated

every day that I was sick

with not being able
to find a cure.

If you come and spend
one day with me

at the Lyme clinic,

if you see the parents
sell their house

to live in
a little shááty van...

- I understand that.
- To cure their children,

you all would be ashamed
of what you're saying.

- We are.
- We are sorry.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- We're sorry.

- Because it is so much worse
than you can ever imagine.

- You know what, I'm sorry.
- We're sorry.

- This is more important
than anything.

I don't want you to cry.

- Of course I'm crying. It's
my life you're talking about.

- So sorry.
- I'm sorry.

- Trust me, I have so much...

- We should have
come around you.

We should have come around you,

and we should have
helped you no matter what

and done no matter what we
could have to done to help you.

- I know you don't believe it,

but she was behind it.

- I don't want to be
living under a rock.

I have so much things
to be grateful for.

I have three chil...
I have two daughters

that are on top of the world.

Don't you think that if I had
one day of feeling good,

I wouldn't be on the plane
to Paris?

What would be the purpose
of being dishonest?

- Okay...

- It just feels like such
lack of compassion.

You know, if I only
opened one heart,

then this... sharing this
is worth it to me.

- Okay.
- So let's leave it at that.

- Okay.
- All right.

This is a good time
to take a break.

- [exhales]
- Oh, yeah, stretch my legs.

- Gosh.
- Ugh.

♪ ♪

- Sorry.

- Like, one a day...

- I hope we can start over

at some point in our lives.
- Yeah.

- Because I don't know
what happened.

- I know.
- I'm sorry.

- I know you are.

- I never really wanted
to hurt you ever.

I did it, and I'm so sorry.

I really am.

- [indistinct]

- I just hope there's a silver
lining in it somewhere for you,

'cause I know it must be tough,

what you're going through
right now.

- Yeah.
- On a lot of levels.

- It's getting easier.
- Good.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

- All right, [indistinct].
Stand by.

- Coming up...

You feel like you were
hard to love?

- Welcome back to

"The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills Reunion."

Joining us is one of
our original Housewives

and Kyle's sister, Kim Richards.

Hey, Kim. - Hi. How are you?

- I'm good. How are you?

- I'm good, thank you.

- You recently lost
your ex-husband, Monty,

to lung cancer.

I'm so sorry to hear
about his passing.

- Thank you so much.
- How are you hanging in there?

- I'm good.

As much as I knew it was coming,

I truly didn't think
it was coming when it did.

He's the best friend I ever had.

I've known this man since
I'm just 19 years old.

- We laugh.

We still...

bitch with each other.

Just like, still married.

- Right?

- Best friend you ever had?

- Yes, I will never have
a friend like Monty again.

- That's for sure, yeah.
- Definitely.

- Kyle, knowing how close
Kim and Monty were,

this must have been
very hard for you too.

- Well, it's just hard
knowing how difficult

it is on her too, you know?

And my niece, Brooke,
her daughter, so...

- Well, the question
everybody used to ask was:

Where's Kim?

This season,
the question has become:

How is Kim?

But Kyle didn't want to hear it.

She wasn't even speaking
to her sister

until Kim's birthday.

Take a look.

- But Kim, I haven't
really been speaking

with her that much,
to be honest.

First of all, we're not
in the best place as you know.

- Kyle, I have to ask you,

what the hell's going on
with your sister?

- I'm sure you've heard,
she's in rehab.

- Well, I thought that
she escaped or something.

- Well, I don't know "escape"...

- They used the word "fled."

Last I heard, Kim fled rehab
in the middle of the night.

She kicked a police officer.

When is somebody gonna say
enough is enough?

- [gasps] Did you see
that Kim was arrested?

- Oh, my God.
- Did you see that?

- Yeah, I can't believe it.

She was arrested in Target

for possible shoplifting
of toys.

- Have you spoken to her?

- Do you know where she is?
Do you know anything?

- Yeah.

- Are you doing
what you can to help her?

- Obviously.

My sister Kim right now
is a very sensitive topic to me,

and nobody seems to care.

There's literally
nothing anybody can do.

Nothing anybody can say.
- It's true.

- Any advice,
any words of wisdom

anybody ever offers,
I have fáááing done.

- I was put in a situation

that was so questionable,
I had to ask these questions.

- See, now this is really
uncomfortable for me.

I can't hear that right now.

- If Kyle knew my true
feelings about her sister,

she may never want to have
anything to do with me again.

I want you to get better.

- Like, you just threw
a dart at me, honestly.

- Your life has been...
Has been complicated lately.

- You don't know
how my life has been.

- Kim's getting arrested
right and left.

It's gross.

- It's really hard for me.

- What's hard?

- What it was like for the time

I didn't talk to you.

- I wouldn't think
it would be hard,

'cause I feel like you hate me.

- I love with all my heart.

I guess I'm hard to love.

I love you.

You know, if you have faith...

- I don't have the answer.

I really don't have the answer

of how we're gonna
repair our relationship

and keep it together.

- Try.

Otherwise you'll never

get to really

love me again
or whatever, like...

- That's the part
I have to work on.

- So, Kim, where do you
stand right now

in your recovery?

- I'm sorry, um...

Well, I'm in recovery.

And I'm choosing to keep
my recovery to myself.

Just because before
I've opened up my recovery,

because I thought
it would be good for me,

keep myself accountable.

I thought it was helping
a lot of other people.

And it wasn't.

There's a clause
in The 12 Traditions,

it says, "not for public
television or radio,"

and there's a reason for that.

- Good.

That really got to you, huh?

- Thank you.

- It's hard watching
another family go through it.

- Um, I...

Watching that with my sister,

I think at times
it has been hard to...

to love me.

I guess it is.

- No, that's not true.

No, there's a difference between
love and liking at times.

- But that's how she feels.
That's how she feels.

- Well, I'm letting her know,
as her sister, that's not true.

Even if I didn't
like you at times,

I always loved you.

- Always.

- You feel like you were
hard to love?

- Yes.

- Because you feel like
you put her through a lot?

- Yes, I put my whole
family through a lot.

- You feel guilty about that?

- Of course. Of course, I do.

I... you know...

- It's very difficult on her.
It's difficult on the family.

And then she
beats herself up too.

You know, she beats herself up
more than any of us ever could.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- What are you feeling?
- It's just hard.

And I'm... I'm...
I'm so cheering for you, Kim.

- So am I.
- I think you're amazing.

- Thank you.
- I want you to know that, Kim.

I know we had some crap
that went down last year,

but I really have always
wanted the best for you.

- Thank you.

- And so have I.

Even though it might
not look like it,

that was then and this is now,

and I want you
to feel good about yourself.

You deserve it. You deserve it.

And I have only wonderful
thoughts for you for the future.

- Seeing some
of the things I saw,

it does hurt my feelings.

It does hurt my feelings.

- You know, your judgment
of her was so strong.

- It felt like an attack,
and it was so angry,

and when I did
try to talk to you

at the final party,

I wasn't trying
to make any trouble.

It felt like you're carrying
something against me,

and I... I don't want that.

- Well, it's complicated.

- I... I said
I wanted to talk to you

because I didn't want to feel
like I was sitting in a room

with all these people
that I like so much,

and then there's
this one person, and I'm...

"I don't see you,
I don't see you.

Okay, Lisa's not here."

I didn't want to do that.

- You called her dangerous.

You said that her...
You called her arrest gross.

Do you take accountability

for your words towards her

and your kind of rage
towards her?

- She's dangerous,
if you ask me.

Flat-out dangerous.

Well, I was angry,
I'll admit to that,

and, you know,
I apologized to Kyle,

'cause I know
it hurt her feelings.

And I don't like
using those words,

and I'm sorry
that I used those words.

I was angry and we didn't
ever really have any closure.

- She wants to
hold you accountable

and not just walk away...

- Why? Why? Why?

- We have to.

- Why do I need
to be help accountable?

I don't need to be
held accountable for anything.

I didn't put her anywhere.

She took a drink,
she does what she does.

I wish her well.

I want her to be
healthy and happy

and find love in her life,
that's it.

That's it. That's it!

That's all I have for you, Kim.

I lost my sister to addiction.

I know addiction.
I wish you well.

I want you to be happy.

- So why were you
not sensitive to that then,

if you lost your sister?

- 'Cause maybe I'm human.

[tense music]

- Coming up...

Every time I see you,
you overexaggerate,

and I like you, Eileen.

- I overexaggerate?

- I lost my sister to addiction.

I know addiction.
I wish you well.

I want you to be happy.

- So why were you
not sensitive to that then,

if you lost your sister?

- 'Cause maybe I'm human.

That was then and this is now.

I'm moving forward,

So if you can accept that,

that is all I can give you
with my heart.

- Okay.

- You gotta be careful
how you judge somebody.

- Honestly, it was
behavior at my home.

- And how you talk to Eileen,
I mean, come on.

- How do I ignore
that behavior at my home?

- I call a thousand.

- You don't even know what
you're doing, you stupid...

- I don't know what I'm doing.
- Fááá you!

- Don't fáááing call me stupid.

- Don't start me with...
Don't, don't.

- Jesus, guys, come on.
- Stop it.

- Quiet, girls.
- What did you call me?

- Child upstairs.

Obviously something was wrong.

- It was a human being

That's what was wrong.
- But the point is.

- We tried to help.
- No, that's the point.

No, you didn't try to help.
- Can I speak?

Clearly we didn't invent
your behavior.

It happened.

- Clearly.
- Right.

But it wasn't like we were
looking for something either.

- But you never
spoke about it with anger.

- It seems like it did.
- Okay.

- No, you didn't.

- When Lisa gets upset
and she says something,

I see you jump in

and completely... "Girls, girls."

- You know, honestly...
No, that's not true.

- Yes, it is. I've seen it.

Every time I see you,
you overexaggerate,

and I like you, Eileen.

- I overexaggerate?
- But it is.

And this isn't a soap opera.
This is reality.

- Don't be rude.

- I'm not. It's the truth.

- Well, I want to move forward
a little bit.

Rinna, you said
in the Hamptons episode,

"Did I hand her a drink?

"Did I hand her a bottle
of pills and say take them?

"Absolutely not, but I was
Kim Richards's worst nightmare

because I was just her mirror."

You didn't like it
that she said that.

- Well, I didn't like
any of the things

that she said about my sister,

and she knew that.

Um, it's hurtful.

I'm looking at it
and I'm thinking,

my sister's gonna see this,

my nieces and nephews
are gonna see it.

So it hurts, but she knew,

and she apologized to me

"I feel terrible,

and I'm not gonna
do that ever again,"

and, you know, that's
basically what she said to me.

- Kathryn, Jocelyn from
Lake Charles, Louisiana, says,

"You came down pretty hard
on Lisa Rinna

"for talking about Kim Richards.

"I understand people with
addictions need help.

"Weren't you missing
the other part of that equation,

how addicts affect
the people around them?"

- When we were sitting there
at that table,

I believe you were
either in rehab

or just getting out if it,

and for me it felt
very insensitive,

knowing the situation
that Kim was in,

to say anything less
than encouraging.

I want to send that
positive energy out there.

I didn't want anything
to slightly get back to Kim

that everyone wasn't
100% behind her.

- It meant a lot to me,

and I just want to personally
thank you for that.

Really, you know, it meant...
You know, I cried when I saw it.

I really did.
It just meant a lot to me.

- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

- But, you know, she's lived it,

so you have that,
you know, compassion

and empathy
for those who struggle.

- And, Erika, you know,
you too, you know,

you were really just...

That whole moment there
was so powerful for me.

- I've dealt with this
just as Kathryn's dealing now.

- How have you dealt with it?

- Well, in my family.
I lost someone, you know?

He was 29 years old.

So I'm behind you 100%.

I know how this is.

- There have been a lot
of conflicting stories

about your shoplifting arrest.

What happened that day?

- You know, I really
can't talk about it,

'cause it is a court case,

and so I'm really not
at liberty to discuss that.

- Was that the low point?

- Last year
was just a low point.

- A low year.
- It wasn't a high one.

- It was not a great year
all the way around.

- A low year.

- You know,
when I took the drink,

when I took the first drink
was my low point.

- Yes.

- When I took the drink
two weeks prior...

- Yeah.
- Yes.

- That was my one drink.
I'm done.

- Right.

- That's when I knew

it doesn't get
any lower than that.

So, you know,
that was my... that was my...

That was it.

- Lisa Rinna.
- Yeah.

- You told the other ladies
that you were enraged

with Yolanda for being
friends with Kim and Brandi.

- Oh, that was a word thing
that came out.

Like, I guess
you used "annihilate"

when you were
talking about Faye.

Sometimes words come out.
That was then, this is now.

I'm over it.


- It's so easy to do.
- No, I know.

- We're having to deal with...
- Really, you know what I mean?

You know, at the moment...
- See, here's the thing.

You are... I mean, it's good...
- What?

- You're being a little Marco
Rubio with your talking points,

and you are... but you are...

- Don't say that, Andy.

Do not say
I am being like Marco Rubio.

No, uh-uh.

- With the talking point,
because you are...

- No, it's not okay
for you to do that.

- Oh, for me? Lisa, you...

- What do you want...
What do you want me to say?

- Well, no because...
No because you...

- Kim's here with us.
I wish her well.

- No, I know. I guess...
- I really want to move on.

What is the big deal?

- And I think everyone
appreciates that.

I think that what
I'm sensing the frustration

at least among Yolanda

is that you said
a lot of strong things

that you obviously felt
very strongly about.

- At the time, I did.
- In a rage.

- And it seems like you're just
sweeping them all under the rug.

- I'm not sweeping them
under the rug.

- You know, but if you would
have come to me and said,

"Yolanda, you know, just
I'm sensitive about the fact

that you're still friends
with Brandi or Kim,"

that would have felt different.

- I guess I could have
done a lot of things,

and you could have come
to me and said, "You know..."

- It's not your business!

She invited me and I spoke
to my girlfriend.

- So I thought
you should have been there.

- But it's not your business.

- That's all, big deal.

- Kyle, you've admitted
that both you and Kim

are experts at sweeping
things under the carpet.

- Mm-hmm, professional.

- Are you still doing that?

- Professional sweepers.

- Yeah, we're better,
but we're not wonderful.

But we're good now.

Like, right now I feel like
so much stuff has come up,

and we had to discuss things
even when we didn't want to,

especially because of the show.

Now it's just sort of
trying to start a new chapter.

I'm starting fresh,

so maybe that's sweeping
things under the carpet,

or just trying to start fresh.

- Sometimes I think you do need

to sweep things
under the carpet,

especially if...

- I mean, you're also
a professional sweeper.

- Yeah, no, but sometimes
you do need to,

like with what's gone down.

- I bought Kyle a broom
for her birthday.

- You did?
- Yes.

- That's funny.
- And she bought me one.

- But what's the point
of rehashing it?

You've just got
to start from now, right?

- Sometimes it makes it worse,
to be honest,

especially our stuff
is so deep and, you know,

intense for us.

It's almost too much sometimes.

- When you fail, you feel
more and more inadequate.

And like you said, you feel like
you don't deserve to be loved.

But you know what?
You deserve to be loved,

and we're cheering
for your journey.

And you are gonna
fáááing make it, okay?

- Yeah, I know.
- And it's gonna stick.

- Yeah.
- Okay?

- Well, Kim,
it's great to see you.

- Thank you so much.
- Yeah.

- It's great to see you
doing so well.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

You guys are awesome.
- Thanks. We'll be right back.

Coming up...

Who looked the most
like a hooker?

- I'm out because I look
like a hooker all the time.


- Welcome back to

"The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills Reunion."

Kathryn, do you ever
get mistaken for Aviva

from "The Real Housewives
of New York"?

- I never have
until I started doing this.

Do I look like Aviva?

- I don't think so at all.

- Maybe just, like, a teeny bit.

- I mean, I wouldn't
have thought of it

unless you said it. - Right.

How is your new
hearing device working?

- It's amazing.

I forget to wear it
sometimes and...

- Are you wearing it today?

- I forgot them.

- Ah!
- You did?

- I left them in San Diego,

and Donnie was gonna drive
back to get 'em.

I said, "I'm sure
it's gonna be quiet.

It's gonna be
a tight environment."

But if there was background
music and a lot of noise,

I would need them.

But in this situation,
I'm hearing everything 100%.

- Okay, good.

Whether the theme is
"Moulin Rouge!,"

a non-barbecue barbecue

or carnival of butts,

the ladies of Beverly Hills
sure know how to party.

[upbeat music]

- Hello, Lisa.
- How are you doing?

- I'm gonna do a little
barbecue here at the house

just with the girls.

- It's pretty with all
of the grape, the purple.

- Oh, my God,
I thought you said barbecue.

- I know, but, you know...

- You said barbecue.
I said casual.

- I know, but you...

I'm gonna stop using
the word barbecue.

- [sighs]
Let's go get a cocktail.

- Party!

- Oh, my God, there's, like,
men with their shirts off.

- Ohh.

- It's not a barbecue.

There's no weenies on the grill.

The weenies are in the pool.

- We should have, like,
a butt contest.

- No thanks.

Cheers to all of you.

[cheering] - Whoo!


- I'm a little bored.

We need a little spark
of something

to grab my attention.



- I don't think
he'll be forgetting

his 70th birthday anytime soon.

- [indistinct]

[exciting music]

- Oh, my God, look at us.

We are like
fáááing cheap hookers.

♪ ♪

- Whoo!
- There you go.


- Wouldn't be a season of

"The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills"

if we didn't get
some splits from Kyle.

- That's my party trick, okay?

Leave me alone.

- I love it.

- Talk to me about the hat tree

at Ken's birthday party.
I've never seen...

- I thought it would just be
a fun thing to do, you know?

It was just, like,
great visuals,

an English garden party.

♪ ♪

- What would you like?
You have to pick one.

- And so, yeah, I went out
and bought the hats,

and it was very cute.

And of course it rained like
a typical English garden party.

- I loved it.
I thought it was a great party.

- Every time you had
an event this year, it rained.

- It rained.
- Every single time.

- Ken is 70.
He had both hips replaced.

- Yeah, yeah.
- He got pushed in that pool.

I think everyone was
very freaked out about that.

Were you? - Really upsetting.

- Well, yeah, but
his hips are strong.

I mean, they're stronger
than they were, trust me,

than, you know,
before he had them done.

- Did that flip you out or not?

- Yeah, I didn't like it

because he could have hit
his head on the side, you know?

So it's a white suit,
it's shoes, it's a watch.

- Very concerned about
his shoes, by the way.

- But, you know,
he was, like, shocked,

and he kinda just went
down under the water,

like, "Oh, I'm just gonna..."
- Yeah, of course.

- And everybody was like, "Ahh!"

- Erika, Jennifer from
San Francisco wants to know

what Tom thinks of all those
young, shirtless guys

in his pool.

- Not much.



I mean, those are my boys
that I'm on the road with.

- I like your road boys.

Kyle, Ben from Chandler,
Arizona, said,

"Who throws a barbecue and
then wears a long, flowing dress

after she's told everyone else
to dress casually?"

- I'll tell you who does that,

the person that feels chubby
and the jeans don't look cute.

- It was a maxi dress.

- I wear according
to how I feel about my body.

- Okay.

- So if I feel good in jeans
and a T-shirt, I will.

If I don't,
then I wear this dress.

- I have to assume you're
feeling great today.

- I'm feeling okay.

There's certain things I don't,
but whatever.

I don't need to point out
my flaws.

- So once and for all,

define the meaning
of a barbecue to me.

- When I have a barbecue,

it means everyone come over
and we eat outside.

And there's times that Mauricio
will cook on the barbecue,

but if he's not there to cook,

I don't even know
how to turn the barbecue on.

And then I don't want
to be cooking,

'cause then I don't get
to talk to anybody and hang out.

So then it becomes
a dinner party outside.

So I will never
say "barbecue" again

unless there's a hot dog there.

- But why do men
who don't cook all year,

suddenly they get a barbecue

and they think they're,
like, a bloody chef.

- But usually barbecue's, like,
flip-flops and jeans, right?

- Yeah, but,
you know, we make it...

There's times it is like that.

Many times you come in
a bathing suit and a cover-up.

- Erika, what's your
definition of a barbecue?

Hot guys in Speedos?

- I think you clearly saw it.

I wanted food and liquor

and invited my dancer boys over

and, you know.

- I'm gonna have a real
barbecue next year,

like a real one
where we grill on the grill.

Harry will make Kobe beef,
which is out of this world,

and we'll have a real barbecue.

- Can we have ribs?

- We can have ribs.
We can have hamburgers.

I'll take the orders now.

- I was just happy
'cause Erika's barbecue

made mine look like, you know...

Hers looked like Mardi Gras
next to mine,

so I was happy.

- 'Cause you didn't have
a grill either, I don't think.

- Um, we did,
but I wasn't doing it.

- I know you weren't
gonna do it.

- Eileen, you and Lisa Rinna

joked about looking like hookers

at the "Moulin Rouge!" party.

Out of the entire group, who
looked the most like a hooker?

- Who looked the most
like a hooker?

- I don't know.

- I'm out because I look like
a hooker all the time.

- You do not.

- You actually had long sleeves.

- Yeah, which is why
I did it that way.

I changed it up.
I was like, hmm.

- Thank God for the bow or...

- Ah, you've got
no underwear on.

- Yes, I do.
- Yes, she does, she does.

I've already seen it.
- What's that make yours then?

- Did any of you
get lucky that night?

- You did.
- Oh, nice.

- Did you keep it on
or did you take it off?

- I had fishnets on,
so obviously.

- She tore a hole
through the fishnets.

Come on, let's be serious.

- They're sexy outfits.
It's fun.

- Vanderpump,
you didn't think Kathryn

was wearing underwear
that night.

Was that because you weren't
wearing underwear that night?

- [gasps]

- I probably went out
with my big knickers.

- Oh, my gosh.

- My brother saw that,

and he called me and said,
"Don't ever do that again."

My big brother,
and he was laughing.

- I could tell that
you had underwear on.

- I did.

- Lisa's just never seen
that kind of underwear before.

- Shut up, you.

- Coming up...

- If I reacted a certain way,

it's because I don't trust you.

[tense music]

- Back in Beverly Hills
with the ladies.

I'm Andy Cohen.

How did the affair start?

It was the question that haunted
Eileen and Lisa Vanderpump

for months,
leading to hurt feelings,

tense words
and awkward apologies.

Take a look.

- I've been married three times.

- No. And then you met Vinny.

- Yeah, I met him on my show.

- How did the affair start then?

- Out of nowhere, she
brought up how Vinny and I met.

I was clearly uncomfortable

because I'm in public,
and we're talking about this,

and she's not letting it go.

You asked me
about how I met Vinny.

- Yeah.

- And you kind of kept going on,

and I was just
really uncomfortable.

- I apologize if I asked you
too many questions.

If you ever don't want
to discuss something,

surely you just say, "Oh, I
don't want to talk about that."

This doesn't make
any sense to me.

I'm sorry for asking you
about your life,

but I only ever looked to
your relationship with Vinny...

- Well, that's not my life.
That's a tiny part of my life.

- Okay, well, I can't
do anything right then, can I?

- I never really felt
like the apology was sincere.

I feel like you felt more
on the spot about it,

instead of understanding
where I was coming from.

- I'm truly sorry
for saying the wrong thing

or for saying anything at all.

- For anything at all.
- You know what? We're good.

- How good? 'Cause I need
to be really fáááing good.

- I feel like I'm pounding
on Vanderpump,

and it doesn't go anywhere,

and I feel like
I'm being a bitch now.

- I know.
- Everybody runs for cover.

- You are so right.

- Why is it okay for me
to take the bullet all the time?

- What's the big deal saying...

- The big way is, you know what,
when you do this, own it.

Just say, "I'm sorry."

- I'm sorry for saying
"the affair."

Oh, my God, it's like
a dog with a bone.


- You know what you have to say?

- Apologize for using
the wrong terminology.

- No, not like that.
You're gonna say to her,

"I honestly had no idea
that would hurt you like that,

and I apologize."

- I totally never
intended to hurt you,

and I... I'm really
sorry for that.

I just wanted you to know.

- And I want you to know

that I really appreciate
you saying that.

- I told her what
I wanted her to hear

to make the situation better.

- But the big thing is,
is that you meant it.

- I meant,
"I'm sorry I upset you.'

- Not, "I'm sorry
for what I did."

- Well, that kind of
says it all.

- What was your reaction
when you saw that?

- Vindicated.

I felt vindicated.

Because I never felt that
your apology was sincere, ever.

And you know what's
so ironic about this,

when you asked me about,
"When did the affair start?"

I was like, "Okay, that's..."

I know that you're smart.

You're pretty calculated.

I don't think things come out
of your mouth flippantly.

- Eileen, we were sitting there
for an hour talking.

- May I...
- Yeah, sure.

- Could I finish
my point of view?

Okay, so, you know,
I was uncomfortable,

and obviously I try
to get resolution.

But I went to you nicely.

This wasn't even
a confrontation.

I just said, "You know what,
I felt uncomfortable.

What was that about?"

And you were just like...

- And I encouraged her to do it.
- Yes, she did.

- I didn't understand it,
because it was two days later.

- But then, well, whatever.

- And we'd had lunch and dinner,
and then you suddenly said...

- Well, whatever it was,
when it was,

I was nice about it.

- Yeah.

- And you just got
very dismissive.

- You had an affair
and you got married

and it was...
- Are you kidding me?

You're completely...
- I didn't understand that.

- You're completely
missing the point again.


This isn't even about
you saying it.

- Why do you think
she's offended?

- It's... I have to tell you.

- Lisa, do you know?
- No, well, to me

the word "affair" and having
it doesn't seem to be...

- Everybody is missing this.
It's not even about that.

It's about how you treated me
when I went to you very nicely

and said you made me
feel uncomfortable,

and you dismissed me,
and you were condescending.

And that felt like manipulation.

- Okay.
- Okay?

And the other thing

is if I reacted
a certain way that night,

it's because I don't trust you.

I felt there was some kind
of an intention there.

- Why didn't you tell her,
in the moment,

I'm not comfortable...
- I absolutely should have.

I absolutely should have,
but I was taken aback.

- But that's why
I was taken back

when you said two days later.

- Well, whatever.
I wasn't dismissive of you.

- You know what I mean?
- I wasn't dismissive of you.

- 'Cause I said, "Go to Lisa.

"She'll be open with you
and go tell her how you feel.

"She'll be like,

'How great, you came to me
and said your feelings.'"

And... and... - I was taken back,

because I'd seen her
for lunch and dinner,

and she was fine
and she was friendly,

and then she said...

- I was friendly
when I came to you.

- Yeah.
- So why are you making it sound

like some kind of a
confrontation, which it wasn't?

- Because I was thinking,
I didn't understand.

- You know why, Lisa?
'Cause everything feels

like a confrontation to you
if anybody asks you anything.

- I didn't realize and felt
that I did anything wrong.

- It's about how she feels,
and all you had to do was go,

"I see you. I hear you.

I know how you feel. I'm sorry."

That's all you had to do.

- Okay, I do see you,
I feel you, I hear you,

and I'm...
- No, I'm not laughing at you.

I'm laughing at your words.

I don't need you to feel me
or see me or hear me.

- But I can't...

- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.

- Okay, so she's saying it was
really about your behavior

when she went to you
saying she was uncomfortable.

- How your apology
was very dismissive

and wasn't sincere at all.

- Do you then,
looking back on it...

- Probably should have said,
"Okay, I'm not getting this.

I'm not understanding
how I've hurt you," you know?

Because I didn't realize
that I'd hurt her.

I really didn't.
I really didn't.

That's why I went up
Burj Khalifa.

- She said so to your face.

- Lisa, Lisa.

Lisa, she was coaching you
on how to say, "I'm sorry."

Then you said, "I just said it

because I don't want her
to be upset anymore."

You didn't mean it.
Still, okay, I know.

- Yeah, I didn't want you
to be upset anymore.

- Let me ask Erika,
Paul from North Hollywood said,

"Did you think
Lisa Vanderpump's questions

about Eileen and Vince's affair
were innocent or calculated?"

- She got the reaction
she wanted out of Eileen.

Eileen was hurt.
She asked for the apology.

She didn't get it.
- You know, I'm sitting there.

I don't think she has
any malicious intent.

To me, like I said,
there's certain triggers,

and then it was the apology
wasn't, you know, what you...

- And I don't trust you,

and that really is
the basis of this.

- Theresa from
Washington, D.C. said,

"Lisa Vanderpump
lost her you-know-what

"the day in her garden
when she said she needed

to be really fáááing good
to move on."

- 'Cause I wanted to make sure
that we were good.

I wanted to say, "Are you good?
Can we get past this?

Can we... are we good?
Are we good?"

And I felt like we were.

- You felt like we were?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Weren't we?

- [laughs]


- You know, it really does feel

like just two different planets.

But I think the point
I was trying to make

is that, um, you manipulate.

I'm sorry, but there it is.

- I'm sorry that you
find me manipulative.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Coming up...

When were you in
an abusive relationship?

♪ ♪

- Eileen, Caroline from
Estes Park, Colorado, said,

"Hold on,
you didn't want to talk

"about your past relationships.

"But what's the difference
between talking about the affair

and talking about being abused?"

- That's what... I didn't
understand that either.

Suddenly she was
bringing up something that...

- Two different things.

- That's a completely
different thing.

- Is it?
- That's a completely diff...

And again, and again,
I think I also just said

that was a loaded thing,

what you brought up at dinner,

and it really wasn't about that.

The thing about being
in an abusive relationship

was really about
letting people know

who I am and what
I've been through,

and that's what
it was really about.

And I read your blog, and
that was incredibly offensive.

You spoke about how you had been

in an abusive relationship,
but you don't feel the need

to share it and...
- That's absolutely true.

- That's so interesting

because I remember where you
were all sitting around,

and you were all saying,

we're sharing something
that happened in our pasts,

and I think they turned to you

and said, "Has anything happened
to you that you want to share?

What keeps you up at night?"

- But I didn't even
want to share.

- Your biggest problem
can't be getting a pony

onto a private plane.

- Lisa's very good at getting
everybody else's story

and not really... and being
very guarded about her own.

- I'm not guarded about myself.

- That's Eileen's point.

Like, you want
to share her stuff...

- But the affair thing,
word was out there.

Because I didn't have
an inkling.

I didn't have an inkling until
she told me two days ago.

- You can see the look
on her face, she's like...

- What difference does it make?

It was the way you reacted
to me that really set me off.

I didn't like it.

It was dismissive,
it was manipulative.

- Well, I apologize
for not reacting properly.

- It is interesting
that you shared about...

When were you in
an abusive relationship?

- Oh, my God.

I was 19.

And I was threatened
and physically hurt.

- How long was
that relationship?

- The relationship
was quite a long time.

- Aww.

- He hurt you?

[somber music]

♪ ♪

- Once.


♪ ♪

- Next week,
the reunion concludes.

- This is, like, a desperate...

- You're desperate, honey.
Not me.

What you did was a áááá move.

- You just can't figure out,
am I a people pleaser

or am I bipolar crazy
and a crazy bitch?

- Can I tell her that you
called her a harmless old lady?

- I'm assuming you're
a member of the mile high club.


- Does "Housewives" trump
daytime in the drama department?

- Oh, my God.

- When you go through it,
you don't really understand

that you don't know
what's going on.

- Is there anyone that
you want to apologize to?

[tense music]

- Hey, guys!

I'm drinking wine and no one
can say a damn thing.

♪ ♪

- You told... I never heard
the world Munchausen

until you brought it up.
Why'd you say we did it?

- You fáááing called me
on the phone.

- She's not a liar, Lisa.
- You know what?

- Everyone has their issue.
No one's a fáááing angel here.

- How do you think you can move
forward with your friendship?

♪ ♪

- To learn more
about the Housewives,