The Odyssey (1992–1994): Season 3, Episode 10 - Tangled Web - full transcript

(suspenseful music)

- [Narrator] The doctor
said I was in a coma.

Maybe I was,

but there is a world beyond consciousness

that they knew nothing about.

(suspenseful music)

But when I came back,
nothing was quite the same

and I couldn't leave
that other world behind.

My Odyssey continues.

- I need to clean up, but
just to make yourself at home.

- You mean sprawl around and eat nachos?

- Yeah, whatever works.

Oh, I think there's some
juice left in the fridge.

Just go ask my mom, okay?

(phone ringing)

- [Voicemail] Hi, this is Sierra.

I can't come to the phone right now,

but I wanna hear from you.

So wait for the beep.

(phone beeping)

- [Nick] Yeah, it's me, Nick.

Weren't we supposed to get
together this afternoon?

What's going on, Sierra?

(suspenseful music)

(water splashing)

(wood cracking)

- Is someone there?

(suspenseful music)

(leaves rustling)


What a surprise.

My favorite reptile.

Come to sun yourself on a rock?

- My dear, is that nice?

(suspenseful music)

- [Nick] As soon as you get
in, I want you to call me.

- Who does he think he is?

- Maybe he thinks he's your boyfriend.

- Was my boyfriend.

I'm gonna tell him tonight.

- You're gonna break up with him?

- So you've decided, have you?

I'm the bad guy and
Jay's the white Knight?

(camera clicking)

- You're standing in my sun.

- You give your hero a little time,

he'll be worse than I ever was.

- What's happening to you, Finger?

You never used to be boring.

- Wait for it.

Here's the part that's interesting.

Before you know it,

the clubs are gonna be
at each other's throats

over something totally trivial.

Next, your hero's gonna
start lying to all of them.

He'll tell you this is war.

He has to do whatever it takes.

And third, he's going to be betrayed

by the one person he's
always trusted completely.

Have I ever lied to you?

- Constantly.

- Well, this time it's different.

This time I'm telling the truth.

(suspenseful music)

- Finger won't give up without a fight

and by rallying the clubs together,

we're throwing down the gauntlet.

So whatever happens, we
have to stick together.

- Point of order, how
come she gets that chair?

- That chair has arms.

- It's a captain's chair,

so clearly some sort of
statement is being made.

- Oh, get a grip, it's just a chair.

- If they think it matters so much,

maybe you could let them sit in it.

- No way, I got here first.

- Come on guys, this is totally trivial.

(chairs creaking)

(suspenseful music)

- Totally trivial?

(suspenseful music)

(footsteps approaching)

- Jay, where were you?

- Where were you?

- The contest, remember?

Dress up as the best dead singer

and win two tickets to The
Nine Inch Nails concert?

- That was today?

- This morning.

You were supposed to
meet me at the TV station

two hours ago, dressed
up like Jim Morrison.

- Look, I'm really sorry.

I guess I had other stuff on my mind.

- Like Sarah Jones, right?

Now that you and the media
princess are joined at the lips,

you don't have time for the rest of us.

- Ha ha, very funny, I just forgot.

- Like this whole thing is a joke.

You know, you're never
gonna get anywhere with her.

- Oh, yeah?

She's breaking up with her old boyfriend.

- Yeah right and I'm Elvis.

- If the clubs don't pull
together, Finger wins.

What am I supposed to do to
get this through their heads?

- There's only one thing to do.

We're gonna have to move a
lot faster than we planned.

Hold the rally tomorrow,

make it look like we're still in control.

- We are in control.

- For now.

Most of all, we have to be careful

because if someone wants to try something,

now is the time.

- You almost make it sound
like you're expecting

an assassination attempt or something.

- Rule one, always anticipate for worst.

Then you're ready for it.

(suspenseful music)

- Hang on.

Do you know something I don't?

- No, of course not.

- Then why are you so sure?

- I'm not, but dozens of club reps

are arriving for this rally tomorrow

and I'll bet you anything,
they're not all your friends.

Watch your back.

Don't tell anyone more
than they need to know

and be really careful who you trust.

(suspenseful music)

- [Flash] Left! Left!

♪ I don't know but I've been told ♪

♪ Fascists kids are bad in ball ♪

Left! Left!

Left, right Left!

- Flash, you got a minute?

- Company, halt!


Yeah, what's up?

- I may have a problem
with a couple of the clubs.

Now look, this is strictly
between you and me.

- Okay, you gotta straighten out the arm

and lift up the elbow and
that'll give you a better aim.

All right, you're doing good.

(indistinct chattering)

- It looks like you're a popular guy.

- Yeah, these are great kids.

They're totally loyal.

They'll do anything I say.

- What about what I say?

- What I say, what you say.

What's the diff, right?

What did you want to talk to me about?

- Nothing, really.

I'll deal with it.

Just keep up the good work.

(suspenseful music)

I'm worried about everyone
sticking together.

I need your help, Styrene.

- So what are you offering.

- [Jay] A chance to get rid of Finger.

What else do you want?

- A reward for being a good girl.

After we take the tower,
I am the deputy leader.

- I already gave my word.

All the clubs are equal.

- Sure they are.

Mine's just a little more equal.

- Styrene, I can't bend on this.

- Too bad.

I was beginning to hope you were someone

I could do business with.

- All right, under one condition.

You don't say anything to anyone.

(suspenseful music)

(door opening)

(footsteps approaching)

If you see Cork, tell him I
wanna see him, in private.

(suspenseful music)
(birds chirping)

(water bubbling)

- [Styrene] Birdwatching?

- Yeah, sorta like that.


- It's good to have a hobby.

(camera clicking)

(suspenseful music)

- Deputy leader.

- And what else?

- That's my final offer.

- I want a badge that
says "Deputy Leader".

And when we take over the tower,

I get first pick of the
bedrooms and my own TV show.

- I guess I can live with that.

- I guess you'll have to.

- Welcome to the team.

- I love being a team player.

(suspenseful music)

- What do you think you're doing?

- Whatever it takes to
get them both on our side.

- Until they get together
and compare notes,

then what happens?

- They both think they're
getting away with something,

so they won't say a word.

I've thought this through Medea.

Trust me.

(suspenseful music)

- Jay, what's happening to you?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- You lied to those kids.

- Look, this is war.

I've got to do whatever it takes to win.

- That's exactly what he said you'd say.

- That's what who said?

- Nothing.

Nobody said anything, I'm
just thinking out loud.

(upbeat rock music)

- She broke up with him, huh?

- What are you talking about?

- Nothing.

(paper rustling)

I guess it's better for you to know.

- No wait, this isn't how it looks.

- It says this picture
was taken last night.

- Yeah, because she had to go with him

to some music industry banquet.

She was gonna break up
with him afterwards.

- Then that's why she looks so happy

to have his arm around her.

- That's just for show.

Look, Sierra phoned me this morning.

We're meeting at The Source for lunch.

I think everything's cool.

- You actually believe that, don't you?

You poor jerk.

(upbeat rock music)

(suspenseful music)

(Styrene laughing)

- Come on, we can trust
Thor to deliver his troops

for the attack on the tower.

(suspenseful music)

- He'll never admit how
many warriors he controls.

(suspenseful music)

- Flash's shoes?

- And Styrene's.

They were in the hot tub together.

- Yeah, so?
War is stressful.

- Don't you get it?

He's selling you out.

- No, Flash wouldn't do that.

- He's doing it right now.

I should've seen this coming.

Flash is the one person you've
always trusted completely.

- Wait, all we have a shoes.

Until we have proof-

- It's classic, Jay.

It's textbook treason.

I grew up in the tower, remember?

I know what conspiracy smells
like and this just reeks.

- No way.
- Trust me.

It's the way these things always play out.

- It can't be.

Not Flash.

(suspenseful music)

(footsteps approaching)

- Oh, hey Sierra.

- Oh, hi Keith.
- Hey.

We need to talk about Jay.

- Cool, one of my favorite
subjects these days.

- Yeah, sure.

Anyway look, don't take this
the wrong way or nothing,

but you gotta stop jerking him around.

- I beg your pardon?

- Well, you're the first
girl he's ever really liked

and he likes you a lot, okay?

- I like him too.
- You do?

- Well, of course.

That's why I'm going out with him.

And if you have a problem with that-

- Hey, Sierra?

We need to talk.

- We're talking.

Do you mind?

- Nick, I meant what I said last night.

I'm really not sure what
we have to talk about.

- Look, we don't need an audience.

- You don't get it, do you?

- All right.

I'm sorry, I was out of line.

I can't help it,

I can't just turn my
feelings off like that.

- You caught me at a
bad time, I'm busy and-

- Look, just give me 15 minutes.

Is that too much to ask,

after all we've been through?

- Come on, I'll buy you coffee.


Everything's cool.

(footsteps fading)

(suspenseful music)

- Flash, we've known each
other for a long time.

Been through a lot and
we've always been able

to be open and honest with each other.

- Is there some kind of problem?

- No, nothing like that.

I mean, I'm sure it's no problem.

It's just, well it's like this.

Is there any possibility

that you might've seen
someone in the hot tub?

- Someone like who?

- A girl, possibly?

- No, it must've been someone else.

- Are you sure?

- Well of course.

I mean, I'd be the first person to know

if I saw some girl in the hot tub.

- I'm glad we got this straightened out.

So let's get to know where things stand.

(suspenseful music)

(melancholic music)

- Two years and one fight you wanna cut me

right out of your life?

- No, that's not what I want, Nick.

I still want us to be friends.

- Oh give me a break, Sierra.

I'm not a child, I know what that means.

- It means exactly what it says.

(melancholic music)

- So now we know for
sure, Flash lied to me.

- Well, we can't let the others find out

because once they smell blood in the water

they'll be on you like piranhas.

- What are you suggesting?

- We have to go overboard

to remind everyone what
good friends you are.

- That's the easy part.

Next question, what do we do about him?

- I don't know.

- I think you do know, Medea.

I think we both know.

Whatever it takes.

It's too late to turn back now.

- But we can't let Flash suspect a thing.

He's got to still think he
can trust you completely.

- Of course.

- Okay.
Then let's get to work.

- Medea, I don't know
what I'd do without you.

- Don't worry, you won't have to find out.

(romantic music)

(suspenseful music)

(crowd applauding)

- Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I understand that some of
you may have some concerns

about our battle plans against the tower,

so I've asked Flash to
join us this afternoon

and answer any questions you might have.

But first of all, some
of you may not realize

how I feel about this guy.

Flash and I go back a long, long way.


well, no one could ever
hope for a better friend.

Come here, bud.

- Go on.

(crowd cheering)

(camera clicking)

- He's putting on a show.

He's worried about something.

(suspenseful music)

- What kind of a deal did he cut with you?

(suspenseful music)

(camera clicking)

(crowd applauding)

- So that's the game.

- Who'd have thought he'd
run it so well, so fast?

- I'm collecting my people
together and we're outta here.

Who needs it?

- Wrong question.

Who needs Jay?

- Good to see as he didn't fool us.

We take them down, then we take over.

The three of us.

- Equal partners.

- Equal partners.

- Okay, I'm in.

- I still get my own TV show.

- This could be the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.

- Don't push it.

What we've got here is just
a little bit of a coup.

- I'd have figured to follow

when I saw the three years sneaking off.

That's it, I'm taking you in.

- Here's the deal.

We'll cut you in.

- Dream on.

- Thor, chill.

- All right, you win.
You're the leader.

We'll help you take Jay down

and then we'll throw
our support behind you.

You can't get a fairer deal than that.

So what do you say?

- How many times do I have to say it?

You're busted.

(dramatic music)

- [Jay] Well done, Flash.

- No sweat, it's under control.

I'm just rounding up a few rodents.

- There's the real traitor,
she's been plotting with Finger.

- Oh, give it a rest.

- Trouble is I've seen the proof,

here in the hot tub.

- But she wasn't plotting with him.

She was telling him to get lost.

- How do you know?

- Can I have a moment?

I'll see you two back
at the camp, won't I?

(dramatic music)

- Well, here's your moment.

(suspenseful music)

- I lied to you, okay?

When you asked me if I saw her.

- You thought I was talking about Medea?

- I mean, I'm supposed
to be your best friend

and here I am spying on your girlfriend

when she's practically naked.

What are you talking about?

You really figured both of
us were selling you out?

- I'm not exactly sure
what I was thinking.

- If we're your friends,

how do you feel about your enemies?

- I'm sorry, both of you.

- [Public] Jay! Jay! Jay!

- Is this how it happened to Finger?

He started out okay

and then he just slowly got twisted?

- He was good at being bad.

Your public's waiting.

They're counting on you, Jay.

- [Public] Jay! Jay! Jay!

(triumphant music)

- You're kidding.
She really dumped him?

- I was there.

What's the matter?

- I just left a message
on her answering machine.

I told her I don't wanna see her again.

- That probably wasn't a
really swift thing to do.

- But if she already broke up with him,

then how come they're
still seeing each other?

- 'Cause breaking up can
be kinda complicated.

I mean, you don't just say,
"So long" and that's it.

Geez, you miss out on a lot of things

when you're in a coma, don't you?

(upbeat rock music)

- [Jay] Hi Sierra, this is Jay.

I'm calling about my earlier message.

Can you just forget about it now?

I didn't really mean that message.

Well, I mean, I meant it at the time

but I don't mean it now.

I mean, I wouldn't have said what I said

if I knew now what I know.

Maybe you should just
skip this message too

and I'll phone again and
leave another message.

(suspenseful music)