The O.C. (2003–2007): Season 2, Episode 3 - The New Kids on the Block - full transcript
Caleb spends the night in jail until Sandy bails him out, and all of Orange Country finds out about his troubles via a front page newspaper spread. Seth realizes that he really does make everything about him, as Summer previously suggested, so he decides that he needs to become selfless, for the greater good of man, and just in case Summer might want him back. He decides to get tickets to a Walkmen show at The Bait Shop, but they're sold out. So he accepts a manual labor job at from the co-manager, a punk rock princess by the name of Alex, of cleaning toilets to be rewarded tickets so that he can give them to Summer and Zack to prove his selflessness to her. Summer realizes that Zack is the perfect guy, though he may not be perfect for her, and agrees to arrange a lunch where Zack can meet her Dad, hoping it will go better than when Seth met him last year. Ryan gets assigned a lab partner in his AP Physics class, a new girl named Lindsey, though he's already met her. Earlier that day he had spilled coffee all over her shirt, accidentally slammed his elbow into her nose and spilled the belongings in her purse all over the floor. They are less than thrilled to be working together, but are forced nonetheless. They are given their first assignment, an assignment they are to work on together, but Lindsey distrusts Ryan's level of smarts, assuming he's another dumb, rich kid from Orange Country, and hands the assignment in without consulting Ryan or letting him contribute in the slightest. Kirsten, Sandy, Julie, and Caleb are all fretting over Caleb's current state, and what it is to come if he does get sent to jail. But Sandy is hot on the trail of finding ways to get Caleb out of hot water. And Sandy has plenty of time to deal with the matter now that he has quit his job at his top law firm; because the partners agreed that as long as he was representing Caleb, he wasn't working there. Later, Seth finds out this his new boss, tough girl Alex, is only 17, got kicked out of three different high schools and her parents' house. He earns the tickets, and gives them to Summer, but Zack convinces her to go to the concert alone, see Seth and talk about their status. Everything is going fine and a friendship is forming, until he tries to kiss her, and ruins it all. Caleb announces to Kirsten and Sandy that he will be stepping down from his position in the Newport Group, and appointing a new CEO-Julie. Kirsten is furious, and quits, saying she refuses to have Julie as her boss. Caleb convinces her to come back, saying it's just a figure-head position, and Kirsten will continue to run the show as Chief Financial Officer. Seth goes to talk to Marissa about his problems with Summer, because he's burned out anyone else who was willing to listen. She tells him it would be best just to apologize if he really wants a friendship with her. He shows up at the restaurant where she's having lunch with her father, but is crushed to see Zack also joining them, and having an enjoyable time. Meanwhile, Marissa sees Ryan at Harbor doing his Physics homework with Lindsey, laughing, flirting, and smiling. Turns out, Seth and Marissa are floating in the same boat of loneliness and making several attempts of not sinking.
Caleb is going to be indicted.
I don't know when.
'Oh God, the yard guy?'
- 'Yeah, I know.'
- 'Marissa!'
What was I supposed to do,
wait for you?
You weren't coming back.
I wanted you tell me the truth.
- Who's your favorite writer?
- Bendis.
- Well, hot damn, welcome to the club.
- Thanks.
- Dude, I love that guy.
- You're not the only one.
You had me three months ago,
and you left.
I wanna make that up to you.
It has nothing to do with me.
It's about you,
and it's always about you.
Put your hands
behind your head.
Don't say anything.
I'll follow you to the station.
I'm his lawyer.
Do you think I did
the right thing..
...cutting my hair?
I can't believe this about your
grandfather. He's in trouble.
Yeah, I know.
Creek and the no-paddle.
Damn Oregonian barbers, man
making my head too small
for my body.
How do you work
with this mirror?
Grandpa, front page, jail?
Yeah, I know, I was in that photo.
I got cut out,
because of my hairdo.
Sorry to see you're so upset.
I'll survive. It'll grow out.
I'm talking about Caleb.
Looks like someone was
way off the base.
Accusing you
of making everything about you.
My God, she is right.
'I'm just kidding, man.'
No, dude, here I'm going on
and on about my haircut.
My grandfather's in the cooler.
I'm like a monster.
I'm all I think about,
and not in a good way.
There's a good way?
Hey, talk to me about anything
other than me.
-Go, give me anything.
-Ah, here it is.
First day of A.P. Physics today.
I'm kind of nervous.
Ryan, could you quit fretting
over your gear for five seconds?
We've a real crisis on our
hands, unless Summer's wrong
and I'm not
completely insufferable.
Why didn't you tell me, then?
It's kinda hard
getting a word in.
I mean, you're a good talker,
but not so good with listening.
I've to do it. I've to change.
I've to be a better person.
- Better how?
- Uh, less selfish.
More selfless.
Less take, more give.
Less pitching, more catching.
I'm used to it.
You don't have to change for me.
- Oh, I'm not changing for you.
- For who, then, Summer?
Uh, no, no. I think for
the greater good of man.
There's no hidden agenda here,
like, say, getting Summer back?
Dude, I don't even
want Summer back
unless... that's
what she wants
in which case,
that's not about me.
That's about...
me supporting her,
and her wanting of,
of, of me.
But I think
that's what she wants, okay?
Just admit it,
you want her back.
No. No, I don't.
It's the new me, Ryan, it is.
World, wrap your head
around the new Seth Cohen.
You're talking about yourself
in the third person.
How is Seth's hair right now?
[Phantom Planet playing "California"]
The New Kids on the Block
* California, here we come *
* Right back where
we started from *
* California *
* California *
* Here we come *
* Oh *
Oh, you can thank me later.
Thank you..
...for letting me sleep
the night in jail.
It was the most vile,
most inhuman night of my life.
Well, coming from the guy
who married Julie Cooper.
That's saying something.
So, aside from coming up
with your hilarious one-liners
what's our next move?
My next move is to meet
with the partners.
Make sure they agree to my
taking you on as a client.
Why wouldn't they?
You're not exactly
the ideal client.
Rich, powerful?
You missed the turn.
I'm not taking you
to the office.
Kirsten's meeting us
at the house.
I've a business to run.
Who are you kidding?
We both know, with the exception
of the underhanded stuff
Kirsten does everything anyway.
'Step down.
Put Kirsten in charge.'
That's your next move.
[upbeat music]
Excuse me.
I'm new, it alright
to park here?
Sure, if you're
not embarrassed.
- Ryan, what would you like?
- You buying?
No, but I'm letting you
order first.
I may be selfless, but
I'm still pretty stingy.
In that case, let's see.
Can I have a...
what, what do you got?
Large coffee.
I just didn't want
to keep him waiting.
That'd be selfish.
Iced coffee for me, please.
There's a new club at the pier,
The Walkmen are playing there.
You know who loves The Walkmen?
- You?
- Yeah, and?
- Summer.
- Summer's going out with Zach.
Yeah, I'll buy her and Zach
tickets to the show.
Why would you do that?
Out of friendship,
show how selfless I can be.
- And to get her back.
- I can't hear you.
Seth, your coffee.
Oh, thanks a lot.
- I'll get you next time.
- Hmm.
- Ah!
- Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
That was...refreshing.
Here, let me..
[both gasping]
- Ouch.
- so sorry.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I have get a rhinoplasty
but now I'll look just like
all the other girls here.
It's okay, really.
You can leave my tampons
where they are.
- Uh..
- Thanks.
Is there anything I can do?
Well, I guess you could
dislocate my shoulder
or shave off my eyebrows.
Is this how you guys treat
all your new students
or is today my lucky day?
Can I buy you a coffee?
No, no, no, no, no.
Please, please don't.
I've had plenty, thanks,
and I'm guessing you have, too.
So, um...
I'm just going to
ring out my shirt
and stuff toilet paper
up my nose
and I'm sure I'll have
no trouble fitting in now.
So, thanks.
Dad, we have to think
about the future here.
The only way a company is going
to survive a crisis like this
is the C.E.O. to step down.
Face it, Caleb. It's time
to get your Martha Stewart on.
[doorbell rings]
There's more police, more
reporters or angry stockholders.
- Julie.
- Caleb.
As soon as I saw the paper
I walked right out of my seaweed
wrap and I came right here.
Oh, that's a heartwarming tale.
But a relaxing weekend
at the Montage
was exactly what I needed
to remind me what's important.
I know I haven't been
there for you, sweetie.
But you haven't been
exactly honest with me.
Uh, we're going to..
It was just getting good.
When Jimmy went down,
our marriage fell apart.
I do not want that
to happen to us.
We're partners,
which means we share everything.
So, put me to work.
What can I do?
Talk to the press,
make some calls?
Kirsten's taking care
of all of that.
But she can't do everything.
Surely there's something
I can do.
There is one thing, but..
Name it.
Since I'm going
to be working from home
we'll need some water,
some coffee
some of those pumpkin muffins,
I like so much.
Thanks, Juju.
Kirsten. Sandy.
Back to business.
Is it just me,
or is Zach perfect?
He's good-looking,
but not into himself.
'Smart, but not a show-off.'
'Athletic, but sensitive.'
A politician's son.
Hey, he's like Newport's
Prince William.
Yeah, the kind of guy
parents love.
Hey, did I tell you
how stoked my dad is
that I'm dating a
congressman's son?
He's like dying to go
have lunch with Zach.
- So, are you going to do it?
- No way.
You remember what a Grade A
disaster that was with Cohen?
Yeah, but Zach's not Seth.
Believe me, I know.
So, then what's the problem?
You afraid he might
actually like Zach?
Then you two will live happily
ever after with no problems
and nothing standing
in your way?
Oh, so then you're
not over Seth.
Oh, I am. I've divested myself
off Seth's material possessions.
I'm vibrating, Coop, at an
extremely Cohen-less frequency.
Okay, so then you don't
really like Zach.
No. I mean yes.
I don't.
Ew, shut up.
Hey, Summer.
Hey. Come sit down.
Oh, hey, Marissa.
I was really sorry
to read about your stepdad
in the paper today.
You read the paper?
Just the L.A. Times,
The New York Times
the Orange County Register
and The Wall Street Journal.
This relationship is probably
over now, right?
'I'll just go.'
No, no, no. Stay.
Actually, we were just talking,
and, umm..
What are you doing this weekend?
[clears throat]
- You gotta be kidding me.
- I know.
I know. I'm sorry,
but it's the only seat left.
Don't worry, I promise
I'll keep my hands to myself.
Well, it's your elbow
I'm worried about.
Why do you hate me so much?
- No, I don't.
- What did I do?
- It was an accident.
- No it was like four accidents.
Six, if you count each
individual tampon.
I said I was sorry.
I don't know what else to say.
Nothing. In fact, we don't need
to speak to each other again.
That's too bad, I was really
enjoying getting to know you.
- I wasn't.
- That's being sarcastic.
I wasn't.
Morning, guys.
'Your favorite physics teacher
here, R.E. Greenberg'
with your new lab partner
We've got Adrianna Alberghetti
with Philip Raskin.
'Ryan Atwood
with Lindsay Gardner.'
'Jennifer Anderson
with Jamie Barber.'
- Ryan Atwood.
- Lindsay Gardner.
The Bait Shop.
Could be our very own CBGBs.
"CB" what?
Come on, what, the only music
they had in Chino
is the sounds of gunshots
and helicopters?
Oh, let's get the tickets.
Hi, excuse me.
Uh, we're here
about tickets.
She's got headphones on.
Yeah, I can see that.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Touch me again,
I'll hurt you.
Okay, fine.
What do you call this?
- What do you want?
- Tickets for Friday's show.
Sold out. Sorry.
That's the last one.
It's all set, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Here are your tickets, and I
threw in a couple extras.
Cool, thanks.
Why does he get tickets?
Because he works here.
If I work here,
can I get tickets?
- You don't work here.
- What's that right there?
- You wouldn't want that job.
- No, sure I would. Sign me up.
You don't want to know the pay,
the hours, job description?
No, I'm good.
Minimum wage, long.
Taking tickets, cleaning toilets and
the light preparation of fried foods.
I'll be sure and wash my hands
between the last two.
I have to ask Nat, the owner.
- But he's never here, so..
- Perfect.
Okay, I'm Alex.
You can start right now.
If I don't fire you
by the end of tonight
then come back tomorrow.
- I've a mop, Ryan.
- You got a mop, bro.
So, you're doing all this
for Summer?
Yeah, for her friendship.
Wow, you really are changing.
Yeah, I am.
Changing urinal cakes.
That's how committed Seth Cohen
is to the new Seth Cohen.
Okay, now you're talking about
yourself in the fourth person.
Well, it's a whole new dimension
of selflessness, Ryan.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm off to the urinals.
I don't know
where they are.
[whistling continues]
Check out the new Ryan Atwood
studying at the breakfast table.
How are classes going?
- Tough. Physics.
- Oh, physics is tough.
It's not the work,
it's the students.
A student, to be exact.
God, my back.
Personal growth is so painful.
My son, doing manual labor?
I never thought I'd
live to see the day.
Hey, Mom. Check out this
ironic twist of events.
Ryan is now a science nerd,
I'm working a blue-collar job.
That's nice, honey.
Oh, Seth, don't worry.
Your grandfather's situation
is very serious
but your father and I
are handling it.
Right, Grandpa.
To tell you the truth,
I haven't even, like..
...umm, slept well
the past couple nights
so concerned have I been
for his well-being.
But everything's
gonna be okay?
And what, if Grandpa, like,
he did have to go
to some white-collar prison
with tennis and TiVo--
Don't worry, Seth,
it won't affect you.
- He wouldn't lose the company?
- No.
What about the house?
Son, that's crazy talk.
'Everything's gonna be fine.'
I don't want you
to worry, sweetie.
I'm not.
Because it's not going to be
like it was with your father.
I'm going to hold
this family together.
Marissa, listen to me.
I know that there's
a lot of uncertainty
in our lives right now
but I want you to believe me
when I say that Caleb
is not going to jail.
Oh, well, that's a shame,
'cause if Caleb did go to jail
then you'd be out on the street
and I could go back to living with Dad.
So, should we maybe exchange
numbers or something?
For what?
To work on our lab report.
I already turned it in.
Don't worry,
I put both our names on it.
You'll get an "A."
Funny, I thought we were
supposed to--
Yeah, I know, but,
here's the thing.
The only reason why I transferred to Harbor
was so I could load up on A.P. courses
get accepted into Yale early and
never have to look at another cheerleader
or water polo player ever again.
No offense.
Okay, I think you got
the wrong idea about me.
You think I'm stupid.
God doesn't give with both
hands, so, take the "A."
Enjoy it. It's my treat.
Where are you going?
- Mr. Greenberg?
- Yes?
That lab report
Lindsay handed in?
I'm afraid I'm not
quite finished with it yet.
Well, it looks
perfect to me.
Nice work.
You guys make a great team.
Actually, I didn't get
a chance to contribute
a whole lot to that report,
by a whole lot, I mean anything.
Is this true? Lindsay?
Look, guys, good science
requires teamwork.
Part of the assignment
is working together.
Maybe if we had
different partners?
No. I'm keeping the
two of you together
and giving you an
additional assignment
which you'll do together.
Or fail...together.
Oh, yeah, you're not stupid
at all.
Uh, a little help here.
I think I'm going
to have a hernia.
I had a hernia
when I was little once.
I had to have an operation.
- Seth, can you..
- Oh, oh, sorry, sorry.
My leg just went numb.
My legs went numb,
but we're cool.
That's okay, right?
That's normal?
You are so
out of your element.
I'm not.
What are you doing here?
I need tickets.
I'll do anything to get 'em.
What are you,
like, a huge fan?
Yeah, of a certain
prickly brunette
named after my least
favorite season.
You're doing this for a girl?
To be clear, I'm actually
getting the tickets
for her and her boyfri--
Her boy--
Her friend that's a boy.
I'm showing her
that I'm capable
of thinking of somebody
other than myself.
Huh, that's sweet.
It's pathetic, but sweet.
Yeah, that's my niche.
Pathetic and sweet.
[phone rings]
No. Mom!
I don't know, maybe.
Okay, I love you, too,
and say hi to Daddy.
How old are you?
- Seventeen.
- What? Really?
- You don't go to school?
- I used to.
I got kicked out of Corona,
Matre Day and Newport Union.
'After that,
my parents had enough'
said, "Go away, get a job,
move out," which I did.
I got my own studio
on the numbered streets,
and I work here,
and I've never been happier.
Yeah? This is you happy?
[clears throat]
Look, you barely
earned these, but..
Hey, right on.
Alright, Summer's gonna be
very stoked...on the band.
I hear they're really good live
and I think it's the best thing
for our friendship, is a good
live band.
Yeah. As a girl,
I feel I should warn you
that this whole little game
you're planning
she's gonna see
right through it.
Mr. Brubaker, I assure you
that my father is innocent.
[knocking on door]
'No, he's not in the office,
but...I'll have him call you.'
I am so happy to see you.
Guess who no longer works
for Partridge, Savage and Cann?
- You quit?
- Or got fired.
Quit slash got fired.
Lot of things were said.
None of them good.
- What happened?
- Your father.
They said as long as I was
representing him
I wasn't working for them.
[man on TV] 'I love April, I do.
She's like the most awesome girl ever.'
[knocking on door]
It's Thursday night.
No knocking until 9:00 p.m.
How did you get in here?
Your stepmom,
who's in unusually good spirits.
It's the Klonopin.
That'd explain that eye twitch.
- I'm not gonna stay long.
- You can't stay at all.
- The Valley is on, so..
- I have something for you.
Unless it's a plutonium-fueled
car to take me back to last year
so I can never date you,
I'm not interested.
Okay, it's two tickets
to The Walkmen tomorrow night.
I'm not going to a
concert with you.
Hey, I'm not going.
I'm going, but I'm not going
with you.
- These are for you and Zach.
- Me and Zach?
Is this a trick?
Nope, just wanted to do
something nice for someone
other than myself for a change.
So hopefully, we can all hang
out, we can be friends.
If you want.
Anyways, enjoy the show.
- Do you want this closed, or?
- Yeah.
Thanks for letting me stay over,
and thanks for breakfast.
You finally learned how to
make French toast, huh?
Anytime, happy to have company.
I know what you mean.
Yeah, what do you know about
being lonely?
Hmm. Well, let's see.
My stepfather blackmailed me
into living with my mom.
My mom ships my little sister
off to boarding school.
Oh, my boyfriend spent
the entire summer with a girl
who may or may not be
pregnant with his child
and now that he's back
he won't talk to me, thanks to DJ.
Who's DJ?
Doesn't matter since
he's not talking to me, either.
Mariss, honey?
You ready to go?
I'm gonna go get my stuff.
Back to the gulag.
She knows I heard that.
It's a little game we play.
So, how's Caleb?
Fantastic, never better.
Facing prison,
we could lose everything.
So, you gonna divorce him
and take his kids?
You think he'd be
just a little bit grateful
show some appreciation
for my personal growth.
He only listens
to Kirsten and Sandy.
Well, the woman I married
wouldn't stand for that.
Nobody puts Julie Cooper
in the corner.
I don't know how this
is happening again.
Maybe 'cause you keep marrying
for money?
I did not marry for money.
I didn't marry you for money.
No, you married me
because you were pregnant.
You married me
because I was pregnant?
I married you
because I loved you.
- Bye, Dad.
- Bye, sweetheart.
- Love you.
- I love you, too.
Back to the gulag.
Okay, E equals
one half MV squared.
So if gravity is the constant,
we plug in these velocities.
Ryan, what are you doing?
Trying to do the assignment.
Except you've already
finished it.
I'm sorry,
but if you flunk out of Harbor
you spend the rest of your life
floating in your parent's
infinity pool, okay?
I'm here on academic
scholarship, so..
Okay, what makes you think my
parents have an infinity pool?
I mean, they do,
but they're not my parents.
I transferred in from Chino
last year. I was just like you.
You were assaulted by the
captain of the water polo team?
I've never even seen a water
polo game, match, whatever.
Second of all,
yeah, yeah, I was.
'I took a second to get
to know the guy'
and he was
a pretty good friend.
Well, um, I'm not here
to make friends.
Yeah, well,
mission accomplished.
Look, clearly,
this isn't working.
So, let's just..
Look, you do the first
half of the assignment
I'll go over it before
I put it together with mine.
- And I'll go over yours.
- Fine.
We'll have to get together this
weekend, go over it together.
Sounds like the perfect way
to spend the weekend.
See ya.
The Bait Shop.
- Where is that exactly?
- I don't know.
So where'd you get
these from, then?
You know, Cohen.
He gave them to you?
To us.
Hmm. Why'd he do that?
He said he wants to be friends
that he's trying to change.
Umm, to be less Coheny
and more like, well, a person.
He might be trying that
just to win you back?
No! I mean, no.
Okay, let's say, hypothetically,
Seth really is changing.
Would that mean you'd want
to get back together with him?
You know what? Don't answer.
Just go to the concert alone.
- Zach!
- See Seth.
No bickering, no bantering,
just talk.
As much as
I like you, Summer
you need to figure
this out with him.
I need you to figure
this out.
Holy mack.
You're, like, such an adult.
I mean, you're not insecure,
you're not jealous.
Are you a robot? Huh?
We had a great time
over break, right?
But if that's all
it was supposed to be
and we've taken this as far as
possible, just let me know.
Do you think champagne
is really necessary?
Absolutely. We need to toast to
quitting, slash, getting fired.
- To independence.
- You mean unemployment.
Dad, think how much time Sandy
will have to spend on your case.
Padding around the house in
socks and robe. I can't wait.
Cal, don't you have a toast
to make, too?
No. It's all right. Too much
champagne, I get giggly.
When have you ever been giggly?
Dad, what is it?
Julie and I have been talking,
and, I've come to a decision.
Tomorrow morning,
I'm calling a press conference
to announce that I'll be
stepping down
from The Newport Group
and appointing a new CEO.
I'm glad you listened to reason.
Dad, wow.
[clears throat]
As of tomorrow morning,
Julie will be
the new Chief Executive Officer
of the Newport Group.
Who needs more champagne, hmm?
[hard alternative rock intro]
* Somebody's waiting
for me at home *
* Somebody's waiting
for me at home *
* I should have known *
* I should have known *
* And somebody's got
a car outside *
* Somebody's got a car outside *
* Let's take a ride *
* Let's take a ride *
* Somebody's waiting
for me at home *
- Hey, thanks.
- Yup.
Any Summer sightings?
Oh, no, not yet.
What if she doesn't show?
What if, after all this,
she never knows
the blood and sweat
and other people's pee
that went in to getting her
those tickets
because Zach took her to,
like, an Incubus concert.
And you'd be happy for her
'cause you're her friend, right?
Totally, yeah.
'Hey, you came.'
Where's Zach?
Oh, um, he couldn't make it.
Oh, that's..
That's real...that's too bad.
Let me show you to your
very VIP seating. It's this way.
* Somebody's waiting
for me at home *
* I should have known *
I wasn't planning
on coming here tonight.
I'm here for Team Summer.
I'm here for Team Seth.
So, what do you think?
Seth and Summer,
star-crossed lovers?
Or better off just friends.
Destined to be together?
Or just too dysfunctional
together to make it work.
I guess only time will tell.
Yeah, I guess.
[bell clanging]
Do you wanna go in,
watch the band?
The last time
we went to a concert
it, uh, didn't turn out
too well.
Things are different now.
[bell clanging]
Well, then, come on.
You like this band?
I like Journey.
Julie's waiting in the car. You
and I are gonna talk later, yes?
I'm not sure
I wanna talk to you.
Kirsten is the one good thing
in your life.
How could you do this to her,
after all she has done for you?
I have to think of my marriage.
What does Julie Cooper
know about being the CEO
of a multi-million dollar
It's a figurehead position.
You said so yourself.
- Kirsten will continue to run the show.
- And work for Julie?
Why the hell would
she want to do that?
What do you suggest I do?
I suggest you find a way
to make it up to Kirsten now.
[horn beeps]
Unless you want Julie
to be your lawyer, too.
* What's in it for me? *
* What's in it for me? *
* I came here for a good time *
* And you're telling me
to leave *
- Can you see okay?
- Yeah, I can see fine.
There's no, like, obstructed
views or anything, right?
- Right.
- Okay.
I know, sometimes at shows, you
can't see so well
'cause, the tall people are
Yeah, right, but now I'm just
having a hard time hearing.
But thanks for getting
me a seat.
No problem.
Look, Cohen, I think
we need to really talk.
There you are.
Some guy just puked over the
amplifier, and--
I'm on it.
Why was that tattooed girl just
telling you about vomit?
She's, uh...she's my boss.
I actually work here now.
- What?
- Yeah.
It's the only way I could get
these tickets.
But why?
I needed the tickets to show you
that I could be selfless
and I needed to be selfless
to get you to stop hating me,
and I really needed you
to stop hating me
so that we could be friends.
Cohen, that was really sweet.
Pathetic and sweet?
No, just sweet.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Oh, God.
Come on, I'm sorry.
Summer, just wait a second.
You are unbelievable.
Not in a good way, right?
I thought you just wanted
to be friends.
- I do.
- Then what was that kiss?
I didn't mean for
it to happen.
- Really?
- Yeah.
So this night wasn't
a plan to get me back?
No, absolutely not. Unless,
maybe, that's what you want.
- Cohen!
- What? Come on! Wait a second.
I believed you.
You were changing,
you just wanted to be friends.
I do! That's..
Maybe I can't be
just friends with you.
Well, then, I guess maybe
this is it for us.
I'm so tired right now.
I didn't even sleep at all.
Oh, dude, the only thing holding
my head up is my lungs.
Sorry, man.
I handled that Summer situation
so wrong. I just..
I really shouldn't have returned
her phone calls.
- She never called you.
- I should've dated other girls.
What other girls?
Maybe if I'd played her
hot and cold, right?
Mess with her mind, a little
bit. I don't know.
It potentially could've worked.
Look, man, I'm sorry.
Really, I am.
I'd love to rehash the evening second
by second, one more time, but I'm late.
Late for what?
I'm meeting my lab partner.
I've got this physics assignment.
'On a Saturday?'
Ryan, the whole geek routine was
really amusing at first
but you're taking things a
little bit too far.
This chick's going down.
Please, I need to talk about me
for several more hours at least.
- I thought you didn't do that anymore.
- That was the new Seth Cohen.
I'm back, Ryan.
Cohen Classic.
Red, white, and me. Come on.
Hang in there.
I won't be gone long.
The light of dawn make any of
this a little easier to take?
Harder, actually.
- So, what are you going to do?
- I'll tell you this.
I'm not going back
to the office.
I may tolerate Julie
as my stepmother
but I will not suffer the
indignity of her being my boss.
Which means, from Monday, we're
both officially unemployed.
- Well, there's a concept.
- Come on.
You and me, a couple of
bathrobes and black socks?
The thought of that is so..
- Liberating.
- Scary.
Forget the black socks.
Barefoot, baby, barefoot.
I can't be unemployed.
I can't even take a vacation for
a week without freaking out.
A vacation with you
is no vacation
what with the itineraries
and the sightseeing.
I can't have worked this hard
and nothing to show for it.
I don't know.
Can't quit.
Can't go back there.
I don't know, either.
What I do know is
I'm not the one
you should be
telling this to.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You're in my room.
How'd you get in here?
I took a left at the grotto
and I hopped the funicular
to the dumbwaiter.
This is a...nice place.
So, what are you doing in here?
When I have a problem, I like to
talk about it incessantly.
Yeah, no, that's it.
I just think I burned out anyone
else who will listen.
Is now a bad time?
I'm game.
So...I think I really
messed things up
with Summer last night,
hurt her pretty bad.
Yeah, you did.
Okay, not going to
sugarcoat this one, huh?
Not for you.
Look, if you really want
to be her friend...
then maybe you should think
about just apologizing.
You know,
say you were sorry.
Yeah, no, I know.
Sounds so simple
when you say it.
I think that's a good place
to start.
Okay. Uh, do you happen to know
where Summer is right now?
I just have this thing
that I've got to tell her.
Yeah, she's at the club
having lunch with her dad.
Oh, yeah, her father.
Cool, well, I'm just
going to, you know...
Whoa, Seth, you know what?
Don't go there now.
Just, uh, give her some space.
Yeah, space, totally. I know.
Hey, do you know where Ryan is?
'Cause we had fun last night,
and I just thought maybe...
Ryan's actually at school
doing his physics homework.
I don't know.
He's kind of a dork now. Thanks.
She's agreed to
supervised visitation,
20 minutes max.
She's my daughter, Sandy.
I don't need
to be supervised.
I'm supervising her.
I'm afraid she
might kill you.
I'm sorry.
About yesterday.
So that's it?
No second thoughts?
You're not going
to change your mind?
It's what I have to do, Kiki,
for Julie...
to save our marriage.
Who is going to save
the company?
That's why I'm
appointing you
Newport Group's Chief
Financial Officer.
'Cause we all know
whoever controls the money
controls the company.
Does Julie know that?
She'll find out.
I don't know.
Come on, Kiki.
The company needs you.
The family needs you.
I need you.
Julie will get bored
after a day, anyway.
Want to go to
a cardio bar,
fashion island...
Do I get a raise?
So, um... I
what you're trying
to do with the...
Okay, I'm reading here.
Oh, uh, take your time.
I just wanted
to let you know
that you didn't
do a bad job.
Your work isn't terrible,
A little rushed, maybe.
So, I've been thinking.
Um... I owe you
an apology.
Well, several,
You have to actually say
the words.
That's kind of how
it works.
I would like to extend... to you
'a formal
'that I...'
may have, um, unintentionally...
I'm sorry.
Me, too. I'm sorry.
I-I'm sorry about the coffee
and the...
black eye and the... tampons.
Well, you can see why I thought
you were intellectually
challenged, right?
I'm just...
I'm really glad
that you're not.
Your, uh, penmanship, however...
Hey, what's wrong
with my penmanship?
'Nothing, just...'
- No?
- Next time, don't hold the pen
'between your toes.'
'Oh, well, um,
next time'
'don't spell "canceling"
with two L's.'
Yeah, that's wrong.
You want to...
you want to fix that?
I... I was using
'the Canadian
'Oh, you're using the
Canadian spelling, eh?'
Hi. I'm looking for, uh,
Roberts, table for two?
We've got Roberts
for three.
Okay. Thank you.
* Gone *
* She is gone *
* How do you feel about it? *
* That's what I thought *
* You're real done up about it *
* And I wish you the best *
* But I could do without it *
* And I will
because you've worn me down *
* Oh, I will because you've
worn me down *
* Worn me down like a road *
* I did everything you told *
* Worn me down to my knees... *
* Can't stop thinking... *
If someone would've told me
last year
that you and I would be
the two loneliest people
in Newport, I wouldn't have
believed 'em.
at least not the you part.
* Can't stop thinking
about her *
* No, you can't stop thinking
about her *
by paulonline