The O.C. (2003–2007): Season 1, Episode 21 - The Goodbye Girl - full transcript
When Anna announces that she is leaving Newport to go back to her home in Pittsburgh, Seth feels guilt-ridden for he way he treated her. Meanwhile, trouble brews for both Caleb and Kristen at the Newport Group over their legal funds, and Sandy tries to help them out. Luke finds that his secret romance with Julie is getting harder to keep a secret. Also, Theresa brings a lot of trouble for herself and Ryan from Chino when her boyfriend, Eddie, shows up, making Ryan slightly jealous and worried about Theresa's well being.
Previously on The O.C.
- Hi, Theresa.
- Hi, Marissa.
Hey. I'm looking for Theresa.
We're, uh, engaged.
You look good.
Luke, I'm Marissa's mother.
You're a student at the school.
You mean, it's over?
No. See you tonight.
A friend of mine is in trouble.
I want you to help him out.
Uncle Shawn, in that room
that you accidentally stumbled into,
were documents containing
information valuable to Caleb.
Construction's a dirty business.
But my answer's still no.
What about Kirsten?
She's complicit in this too.
Do you love her?
I don't know.
Better be ready to fight for her.
I don't want you to go.
Why don't I want to go?
But what-what kind of kiss was it?
I don't know, a kiss.
My lips, Theresa's lips, a kiss.
Lips, now that's interesting.
Uh, was there tongue?
I'm not answering that.
You really want to know?
No. But just tell me this.
What sort of level of kiss are
we talking about?
Was it like a
Christina- Madonna peck,
or was it like a Brittany-Madonna
sort of smooch?
Or was it full-on, like an Al and
Tipper Gore lip lock?
It was just a kiss, okay? Okay,
you guys a couple now?
She's staying here?
If so, where is she going to live? And how?
What's her credit?
What sorta lease
is she looking to sign?
Are we talking about
like a year?
Or a month-to-month,
or is she looking to buy?
There's no lease, okay?
Okay. So then what, she's going back?
And what'll you do?
Are you going to commute from Chino?
Whose car? How will you pay for
gas? How are you gonna do that?
What freeway?
Are you gonna take the 55 to the five,
or the 91 to the 71?
If you're gonna take...
Whoa! Just, just...Whoa.
Okay. I'll just whoa.
You guys kissed, and you should've
a plan, 'cause it's kind of a big deal.
No, it's not. You're making it.
Really. I don't know
when I'd see her again.
Theresa. Hey.
Hey. We were just
discussing your plan.
What plan?
Yeah. Exactly.
I had off. I thought you might
need a ride to school.
Oh, yeah. Great.
I hope it's okay, me stopping by.
It's fine. Come on.
Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't it be?
Marissa. Hello.
Theresa. Hi.
I didn't think you'd be...
Staying? Yeah, well...
What's up?
Nothing. I thought you guys
would need a ride to school.
Oh, thanks.
Well, I can go
with Marissa and
Ryan and Theresa
can go together.
No, no, Seth, really.
It's okay.
Actually, it makes more sense
if you take them.
Why? Because we go to the same
school or because I live here?
I'll go with Marissa. And
Ryan and Theresa can go...
Yeah. Sorry.
You know what? I should have called first.
I should have called.
I'll just see
you guys at school.
I shouldn't just stop by.
I'm going to go.
No, wait, wait-- it's okay.
Call me later.
Well, looks like we're hitchhiking.
(piano and acoustic guitar
strumming gentle melody)
The Goodbye Girl
* California, here we come
* Right back where
we started from *
* California
* California...
* Here in Come...
* California
* California
* Here we come.
Morning, beautiful.
Good morning.
Kirsten. Sandy.
Well, you're not going
to believe who is
Riviera magazine's
Man of the Year.
Mrs. Cohen. Mr. Cohen.
Well, that's nice.
I mean she really
deserves the award. Good kid.
It's my Dad.
My vote stays with Theresa.
Hey, is it
a good morning?
So, Ryan, a couple of your
friends stopped by, briefly.
Yeah. We know.
It was awkward.
So is Theresa staying? Yeah,
looks that way.
Looks that way.
I thought she was going home.
No. Change of plans.
It's amazing.
His lips don't even move.
Well, how long is she staying?
Well, uh, uh...
You tell them.
We're... we're figuring
it all out.
Well, is she, going to what,
rent a place?
What kind of lease?
Month-to-month? Year?
Can she buy? What'll she do?
I am this way for a reason.
Yeah, I told you, it's only
for the tennis tournament.
A job after that?
What about her fiance?
Is she going back to school?
Well... uh... school.
Now, you know why
I do all the talking.
We're going to need
a ride. Thanks.
I'll take them.
It's on my way to the office.
Is my dad gonna
be in a good mood?
He should be.
He's Man of the Year.
I meant the case.
Are you going to take it?
I'm thinking about it.
It's just, we're going to host the
reception here for my dad's award
and it'd be nice
if Uncle Shawn could be here.
Not if we have
to pay for the bar tab.
I'm thinking about it.
(playing mellow rock melody)
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, sure.
When you and I broke up
and I started dating Ryan,
was it hard for you?
To see us together?
But hey, we wouldn't have
broken up if I hadn't...
deserved it.
I guess now I know
what it feels like, huh?
To deserve it.
The sooner you realize
that it's never going to go back
to the way it was...
...the sooner you can move on.
Okay. I'll see you
guys later.
Ryan... I'm sorry about this morning.
No, no, no. That's okay.
I just didn't realize
she was gonna be there.
Yeah, there was
a change of plans.
How long is
she staying for?
I don't know. She's gotta
find a job, place to live.
Minor details, huh?
Well, if you need any help.
Check out Gramps.
He looks so angry.
That's because he is.
I don't know why? He's on the
cover of a magazine.
Can't believe that doesn't leave
him happy and fulfilled, right?
Totally. I know.
Oh! I love
the society page.
It's like suddenly all of the
people we know are famous.
Wow. Diana Caan
totally got a chin implant.
They have chin implants?
Yeah. My dad does them all the time.
He says chins are the new nose.
So did Picasso.
Really? What hospital
does he work for?
Kidding! I'm not
that dumb. Just shallow.
So, all this talk
of Newport and plastic surgery
boring you, Anna?
No. Actually, I'm savoring it.
I won't be hearing it
much longer.
I'm leaving.
You're getting desert?
No. I'm going back to Pittsburgh.
I'm gonna go live with my aunt and uncle.
I just kind of had enough
of Newport, so...
I'm moving.
Park ranger cadet?
Full-time position available.
I wouldn't look
good in the hat.
You get to put out
forest fires.
Moving on...
Classifieds are, uh...
* You gave me
You'll find something.
We'll figure it out.
I know.
I'm glad you called me
to come meet you.
Who knew being unemployed
could be so much fun?
* ..and you bore a hole in
(bell ringing)
I got to get to class.
* What I am
* And what you are
* Some things just don't hold
the way... *
It will be okay.
* Oh, love doesn't
feel so cold. *
Caitlin. Hi.
Hi, Luke.
What's going on?
Well, I just finished school for
the day, you know,
which is always a good thing.
I so know what you mean.
Luke, what are you doing here?
We're talking, Mom.
Go get ready. Daddy's coming
to take you to dinner.
So I'll see you soon?
Luke, you know not to come here.
We meet at the motel.
I just thought that you needed
help with your DSL.
Luke, as much as I want
high-speed Internet access,
it's not worth Caitlin
becoming suspicious.
(car door closes)
Luke just came by to defrag my hard drive.
Hurry along, Luke.
Make it quick.
I'll make sure Caitlin's ready.
Hey. Should I put another piece
of swordfish on for Theresa?
Or Marissa? Or any other ladies
you plan on having over?
I was going to
go pick up Theresa, so...
Done, and done.
So how's that
going with you guys?
Uh... good.
Just trying
to figure it out.
It being?
Pretty much everything.
You want to know what I think?
You're going to tell me either way, right?
Like my own son.
You're in high school.
She should be.
You're both in
way over your heads.
She's got no real job.
She's got no place to live.
Don't ask if she can stay here.
I wouldn't.
Good, you don't know
what Kirsten did the last time.
Theresa's got family in Chino.
She's got a life in Chino.
Running away is
not the answer.
I know.
It's kind of crazy.
It's sweet.
It's totally misguided,
but, yeah,
it's kind of charming.
You got to tell her.
It's time she faced the music.
Or at least the fiancée.
And you'll do that with the white lights
in your backyard, right?
Of course, Dad.
I love the white lights.
And no cilantro.
I hate cilantro.
You're Man of the Year.
I think they can make some food
without cilantro.
I'll have to make a toast.
You got that '73 Dom in
your wine cellar, yes?
I think you went through that
on your birthday.
Hey, Kirsten.
Mr. Nichol.
Why don't you call him Caleb?
Congrats on your award.
Ah, it means nothing.
They're lucky I agreed to pose
for their front cover.
You should use that in your
speech. Place for Theresa?
I'm gonna have to get back to
you on that.
I'm going to go check on the Dom.
You know, I was thinking
Chardonnay for dinner.
Nah, get the Pinot.
Do what you like. It's your
house. I'm just making a salad.
Man of the Year and still so modest.
I'm so glad to see it hasn't
gone to your head, Cal.
The case. Have you
made your decision?
I've decided what it'll
take to make me decide.
You tell Kirsten everything.
She's better off not knowing.
No, she's not. You are.
She is already implicated
without her knowledge.
Then why worry her?
This may all go away, you know.
It may not.
And I won't spend
the next year lying to her,
so, if you want my help,
you tell her everything.
(crickets chirping)
We should talk.
I have news.
(anxious laughter)
You go first.
I just got off the phone with Eddie.
And I told him I'm not coming
home anytime soon.
You did?
He didn't take it well.
But uh, now that I did it,
which I can't believe I did,
I feel so much more free
or something.
What did you want to talk about?
How do you feel about swordfish?
So she's leaving?
No, she's staying.
What? When did you talk to Anna?
Yeah, she told me
she's going back to Pittsburgh.
Anna's going back to Pittsburgh?
Well, uh, uh, not anymore,
according to you.
I'm totally confused.
She-- Anna-- is leaving.
She-- Theresa-- is staying.
Right. Got it.
(heavy sigh)
So she really is leaving.
That sucks.
Do you think
it's 'cause of me?
I can't believe
I caused a girl
to leave the state--
the county, maybe, sure.
You really think
it's 'cause of you?
Well, I mean, we broke up,
she went back east,
she had a great time.
She comes back,
only to see me
standing on a coffee cart declaring my
eternal love for Summer.
Or maybe she just doesn't
feel that comfortable here.
Not everybody does.
I know. I get that.
If it is 'cause of me, maybe I
can talk her out of it.
It's just that
I can't ask her
if it's 'cause of me without
sounding totally self-absorbed.
I'm not self-absorbed,
right, Ryan?
Me. Me. Me.
Huh? Sorry.
Uh, just thinking
about Theresa.
(heavy sigh)
She's staying.
What am I going to do?
She's leaving.
What am I going to do?
Hi, Kiki.
Thanks for meeting me.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, just...
why don't you have a seat.
Is it Uncle Shawn?
A hotel room
that he accidentally
stumbled into
the other day--
Joe McKuen was
staying there.
Well, that's quite
a coincidence,
since Joe McKuen
is the leading lumber supplier
on the West Coast.
Not such a coincidence.
It's not the first time
that he's accidentally
stumbled into a hotel room,
it's just the first time
he's got caught.
I knew Uncle Shawn
was a tough negotiator,
and yeah, well, he sent
extra-nice Christmas presents
to certain Teamsters,
but breaking and
entering, theft?
And what else: Blackmail?
Is he going to jail?
Not if Sandy can help him.
Well, if he can't,
are they going to go after you?
I'm afraid it's not just me.
Catching up on Western
Civ? Yeah. Spanish Inquisition.
Lot of fun.
Yeah. Tell me about it. Could
they give us any more reading.
Get up.
Eddie, Eddie, what's going on?
You know exactly what's going on.
You sleep with her?
No. No.
Why'd she tell me
she's not coming back?
Why'd she stay here?
This isn't right time...
No! Don't touch me, man.
After all that I've done for
you, at least be honest.
You be a man
and you tell me--
Are you sleeping with her?
Excuse me.
This lounge is for faculty
and students only.
I'm not letting her go.
This is nice weather
we're having.
Did you hear the Lakers won?
Did they?
They did. There's something else
I wanted to talk to you about, actually.
I can't remember.
That's it.
You're leaving.
Why the hell
are you leaving?
I can't--
I'm late for class.
Yeah, you got at least three minutes.
No, it's complicated than that.
Why don't you start
with, one reason.
There's gotta be, you know,
one main overriding reason.
Alright, fine, look--
I miss the seasons.
I miss fall foliage.
I miss the snow.
I miss the first
signs of spring.
You miss the seasons?
Yeah. And...
And my little dog Swifty.
We left him with
my aunt and my uncle.
And the Jimmy
Stewart Museum
and peanut butter cup
pies at Dingbat's.
The vinyl selection
at Record Village.
And Sundays, the Super
Flea flea market.
I guess I did get into
three minutes, huh?
So that's it? There's not, like,
one other reason?
Did I say
peanut butter cup pies?
Then no.
Good. Excellent.
Um... tomorrow,
we're having this thing
at my house for my grandpa.
Can't-- I'm leaving.
You can't leave without saying goodbye.
I'll come say good-bye.
* Oh
* Oh...
Is there anything I can do
to help? You, Theresa?
Yeah, sure--
she still needs
that job and a place
to live, so...
Does she need a friend?
'Cause I could help out.
Why don't you invite
her to party?
We could all hang out.
Why the hell would you want that?
Look, I'm used to
getting what I want,
which I know is not the
most attractive quality,
but I also know that I
can't compete with a girl
you've known your whole life.
Not after everything that's
just come between us.
I don't think she has
the clothes-- a dress for it.
But thanks.
* But I know it's too late
* I should've given you
a reason to stay... *
Hey...How was the rest
of your day?
I just wanted to
get home and see you.
After the Heights, I knew
that my dad wasn't above board,
but this is beyond anything
that I could've imagined.
We're going to
figure this out.
And you better believe I'll do
everything I can to protect you.
No, I don't want you to.
I'm going to get
outside counsel.
I do not want you involved.
When I asked for your help,
I had no idea
what I was asking you for.
Oh, I know that.
But this is my mistake,
not yours.
And I will not let you
compromise yourself.
Not even for me.
And I called
the caterers.
To make sure that, uh,
there's no cilantro
for the Man of the Year.
(crickets chirping)
She's lying. I know it.
You're thinking
about Anna right now?
I just...
I just wish I could convince her
not to leave 'cause of me.
You think she's leaving
just 'cause of you?
Makes sense, doesn't it?
Well, yeah, but even if
I thought it, I wouldn't say it.
I mean, that's a little
self-absorbed, Cohen.
I just never wanted
to hurt her feelings.
Maybe she just didn't
like it here.
I hear there are
a few people who don't.
It does rain sometimes,
in January.
(gentle laughter)
I'm kind of...
kind of hungry.
You want to eat?
Are you good at foot massages?
My feet hurts.
We... we gotta talk.
So no foot massage?
Oh. No.
Listen. Listen.
I... I don't know
what to do about us.
I can't get you a job.
A place to live.
Shh. Shh. Shut up.
Shut the hell up.
I don't need you to take care of me.
I can take care of myself.
I know, I know.
I am not one of
these Newport chicks
that needs a trust
fund to survive.
But, the fact that you
thought I needed you is really great.
What about Eddie?
I told Eddie that
I can't marry him right now.
Just 'cause you're okay
with it doesn't mean that he is.
I'm not okay with it,
I just know it's for the best.
I'm here to be with you.
Why are we doing this?
It's not like
we haven't before.
* You make me lose
my buttons, oh, yeah *
* You make me spit
* I don't like my clothes
anymore *
* We're spending
time and money *
* Yeah, you're colder
than yourself *
* Now we're moving,
now we're taking control... *
(music continues)
(engine revs, tires squeal)
What's the matter?
It's not like home.
I got people that notice
if I don't get back.
I had the day off. I thought
we could to go to the beach
or to the pier?
I have a thing.
A "thing"?
Yeah. Kirsten's dad is being
honored by some magazine.
They're having a cocktail party
at the Cohen house.
Do, uh... you want to come?
Do you want me to come?
'Cause I'm kind of getting
the vibe that...
No. Yeah. No.
Um, it's just, you know
what these things are like.
And it can be weird.
The girl who serves food
at the party is now a guest.
I wasn't saying that.
I feel you're not
trying to invite me.
No, I do. I-I... I do.
I-I, I didn't think
you'd want to go.
I know what these things
are like for me.
I don't, I wanted to make sure
you're not embarrassed to bring me.
I'm not.
I have nothing to wear anyway.
But, come over after
and we can both wear nothing.
(door opens and closes)
Well, if you keep
looking up like that
all you're going to see
is a bad shot.
Hey Hoades.
How are things
at the DA's office?
Better since you left
the PD's office.
My people seem to win
a few more.
Well, that's why I left.
I started feeling bad for you.
So why don't I think
it's a wild coincidence
to see you here?
Well, you have trust issues.
That's why you've
never been married.
Well, saves me
a phone call.
We have a deal to
offer your client.
Ah... he's not my client.
That's not what he said.
He's drunk most of the time.
Can't take anything he says
very seriously.
We're taking what we think
he has to say very seriously.
Just out of curiosity...
what kinda deal
were you gonna offer him?
Yeah. Mild.
If he were to cooperate,
let us know who signs his
marching orders,
we'd consider pleading him down
to a lesser charge.
Unless the plaintiff
decides to drop the charges,
in which case Shaughnessy
would have no reason to talk.
Except the plaintiff has
no reason to do that. Right?
Let me tell you
something, Sandy.
The Newport Group is
Orange County's Enron.
You make this a little
difficult for me,
and I'll come down
on you as hard as I can.
Oh, wow. This must be
a re-election year.
Oh, spare me.
You and I have been
friends for years.
That's probably why
Caleb Nichol hired you.
But it used to be
Sandy Cohen's moral compass
wouldn't point him anywhere
except the direction of truth.
No matter who he took down.
Ah, spoken like a man
who's never been married.
I just can't hit it
any better than that.
(wind whooshing)
Good to see you again.
Hey, man, where've you been?
Theresa's. Did your
parents say anything?
No, I covered for you.
But you shouldn't be doing this.
You're sleeping there now?
That's serious.
I just fell asleep.
I heard some scary guy
showed up at school.
He's called Eddie, is he?
Yeah. He came down to talk.
Yeah? About how it's getting
serious between you and Theresa?
Yeah. You and Anna have a talk?
Don't change the subject to me.
I'm powerless
not to talk about it.
I tried and she gave me a list
of reasons why she's leaving.
You didn't make the cut?
But she's lying.
I want her to know
I'm sorry that I hurt her,
but she doesn't have to do this.
She shouldn't be doing this.
Then just tell her.
Just tell her, huh?
Simple, honest, direct.
No wonder I never considered it.
Okay, fine. I will.
I'll tell her tonight.
Have to have a little bubbly
first though.
Veritas and vino,
know what I mean?
Hardly ever.
Come in.
How are you?
What's going on?
Well, there's this
party tonight, and...
I heard.
Yeah, well, I thought
maybe you'd want to go.
I can't.
Um, I didn't really bring
any of my nice clothes with me.
Well, I have some options.
(instrumental music)
(cell phone rings)
Hello? Hey, Joel.
Thanks for getting
back to me. Huh?
No, actually now
is a perfect time.
Come on, smile
for your father, Kiki.
I'm smiling on the inside.
Veritas and vino.
Yeah. Then we have a deal.
Why spend a lot of money when
you can make a lot of money.
Yeah. Caleb will be pleased.
Yes, Mr. McKuen,
I'm fully aware.
We do what we must.
(peppy music)
Theresa coming?
I doubt it.
(music continues)
Look. I get why you're
doing what you're doing.
But she does really love you.
I know. It's just...
Yeah. The Oliver thing.
I know. It was messed up.
But, hey, she dated Luke
for years.
You can't always trust
her judgment.
But she has a good heart.
(indistinct chattering)
Not your typical
backyard barbecue.
Yeah, well,
they never are.
You, uh... wow.
I had some help.
Come on, Seth,
get in the picture.
You are the future
of the company.
Oh, something
to look forward to.
You'll grow out of comic books
at some stage,
and grow into
wanting to be rich.
No, I won't.
I just came to say goodbye.
My plane is leaving soon.
You're really leaving?
Well, you might not believe
this, but I'm gonna miss you.
What's even more unbelievable
is that I'm gonna miss you.
That's pretty unbelievable.
Bye, Blanche.
See you, Rose.
Have you seen Molly Miller's
boob job? They're huge.
Notice Robin's facelift? Wow.
Diane Kahn
totally had chin implants.
They have chin implants?
yeah. Chins are the new nose.
Haven't you heard?
Hey, Anna. Theresa.
Nice to meet you.
Came to say goodbye to Seth?
Could you give him this?
It's supposed to say everything
that I couldn't say,
but now that I'm here I just...
can't say anything at all.
Yeah, yeah. Of course.
See you, Ryan.
Thanks for teaching
me how to waltz.
You have the best life.
You deserve it.
(instrumental music)
(woman laughing)
You look so hot.
Not here, Luke.
I know.
It's just...
your ass.
Excuse me, guys.
I saw the DA today.
It didn't go what I would call, well.
I thought you were friends.
You made deals all the time.
Well, it's an election year.
It seems you're not too popular
with the people.
That's the best you could do?
I've gotta make my toast.
I'll make this go away,
but you'll have to give something up.
Joe McKuen is gonna need to
be the chief lumber supplier
for the next big
Newport group contract.
He won't be buying wholesale,
but it will work.
I knew I could rely on you.
Not if you were
Man of the Century.
What's the matter, Sandy?
You cut deals for your clients
all the time.
Yeah, well, usually they're the
ones that have broken the law.
Not me.
Mr. Nichol, it's time
for your speech.
Right this way.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Hey, Jules.
Forgive me.
This can't possibly be happening, right?
I'm crazy, to even
think it, right?
Think what?
Okay, that's what I thought.
Because it would destroy
And I think we both know
she's been through enough.
Honestly, Jimmy, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Now, shh, let him speak.
It really is a tremendous honor.
Few publications
better represent
this great county of ours
than Riviera magazine.
(applause and whistles)
(Caleb continues speaking)
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna give Seth his letter.
Okay. I'll be here trying
to spot chin implants.
(Caleb speaking indistinctly
over P.A. system)
CALEB: Where would I be
without my wonderful family?
My beautiful daughter Kirsten,
and my favorite--
well, my only-- grandson Seth.
Come join me.
What're you doing here?
Can we talk for a minute?
I just want to talk...
Let's go somewhere and figure this...
I'm not going anywhere.
(both talking at once)
Hey! You stay the hell
away from me. Okay?
You're lucky I don't
kick your ass right here.
Look, can we please...
Just go. Go.
Please, just... Okay?
(people gasping)
(Eddie grunts)
What the hell is going on?
You should leave now
before the cops get here.
You're dead!
Alright! Right now!
Don't ever come over!
You're dead, you hear me?!
Get off me, man!
(guests murmuring)
SANDY: That's gonna be quite a shiner,
but they look good on you.
Yeah? Thanks.
I'm so sorry about everything.
Oh, it's okay, sweetie,
it's not your fault.
Hey, I heard there was
a rumble in the bedroom.
I'm gonna go break it up.
You okay?
I can't believe Anna didn't show.
Uh, actually, uh...
You're just giving me this now?
I was a little distracted.
The ink's all smudged--
I can't even read it.
Is that a "V" or a "Q"?
Okay here, look,
right there.
First sentence says
"I love you."
But what's that word right
there? Azerbaijan? Aztecs?
You think it's "aspirin"?
No. You're giving me
a headache.
Coincidence? Confucius?
What is this "C" word?
It says "confusing"?
No, you're confusing me--
what do you care what it says?
Summer, Anna couldn't
even say goodbye to me.
I think she's leaving
'cause of me.
I don't want it to happen.
What's going on?
Last week you stood on a coffee
cart declaring your love for me.
Now you're, like, "Anna's letter! I can't read it."
This isn't like that, okay?
She's just my friend, and
I don't want her to leave.
Then go.
Stop her.
So, what're you gonna do?
I need to call Eddie, try
and straighten everything out.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm sorry to interrupt,
I need you to drive me to the airport
Gotta stop Anna from leaving.
You can't drive yourself?
I've had, like, three glasses
of champagne.
You know how it goes
straight to my head. Please.
You should go.
He needs you.
Thank you very much.
You're, uh, gonna be
at the motel when I get back?
I don't want you to be late.
Hi, Ju-ju.
I was wondering if you're
gonna ignore me all night.
You seemed busy.
Thanks for coming.
Can I drive you home?
I can walk down the driveway.
Can I call you...
take you out on a real date.
Things have gotten a bit crazy.
I know I didn't appreciate you.
I want to.
I want to make you
feel appreciated.
Plan the perfect date,
run it by me-- we'll see.
(peppy music)
Come on, man,
her flight leaves soon.
I'm doing 75 in a 65, alright?
(mocking): I'm doing 75 in a...
Everyone knows 80's the new 75.
What? Who talks like that?
What is up with this AC?
My Jewfro's frizzing out.
I look like Screech.
AC's fine.
What is this music?
Do not insult Journey, alright?
(music playing loudly)
How are you?
Just embarrassed.
I can't believe they had this
huge fight at a fancy party.
Actually, not the first
time that's happened.
(chuckles softly)
Here. Um, I'm not
gonna have time
to get it dry-cleaned
before I go.
Before you go?
I've been fooling myself
thinking this was gonna be easy.
I made a huge mess
of everything, and...
I have this whole life
to figure out, and so does Ryan.
take care of him.
I'll see you.
I talked to my dad.
He told me what you did.
Obstructed justice.
Tampered with a witness.
So what happens now?
My guess is, not much.
Since it's an election year,
the D.A. can't afford to lose.
And without their star
witness, they don't really have a case.
If you're gonna
go after the king, Caleb,
then you had better know
that you can kill the king.
I told you I didn't
want you to get involved.
I'll always do what's best
for my family.
I'd rather go to jail
than be responsible
for you being mixed up in this.
You're getting into bed
with my father.
I promise you,
I'd rather send you to jail
than get into bed
with your father.
(upbeat music)
You do something
like this...
there's no going back.
Yeah. It's kind
of like prom night.
Believe me...
if anybody's gonna be
putting you into handcuffs,
it's gonna be me.
(music continues)
* If you leave
* Don't leave now
* Please don't take
my heart away *
* Promise me
* Just one more night
* Then we'll go...
Anna, wait. Wait.
Seth... Hold on.
Seth, what are you
doing here?
Okay. Maybe...
it's just the champagne talking,
but I'm just gonna say it, okay?
Please do not leave
because of me.
You love me. I read it.
And I get it.
And I'm so sorry
if I did anything
to hurt your feelings...
or cause this problem.
I don't want you to leave.
None of us do.
Seth... I love you,
as a friend.
God, I love you
as a friend.
It doesn't say "Azerbaijan"?
Look, I think you're an amazing
A little self-absorbed maybe,
but great.
But, if there's one thing
our relationship taught me,
it's that... we don't have
a lot of chemistry.
So you're not leaving
because of me?
I'm leaving 'cause
I need to leave.
But who knows, maybe one day
we'll be perfect for each other.
I don't know.
I do know I have to go
to Pittsburgh.
I'm moving, Seth.
I thought I could make this
my home, but I can't.
Thanks for coming here...
saying goodbye.
* You've gotta say you will
* I touch you once
* I touch you twice
* I won't let go at any price
* I need you now
* Like I needed you then...
Anna, wait a second.
What am I gonna do without you?
Who am I gonna play Jenga with?
You're so wise.
All your sage wisdom.
What am I gonna do without that?
Confidence, Cohen.
* I touch you once
* I touch you twice
* I won't let go at any price
* I need you now
* Like I needed you then
* You always said
we'd meet again someday *
I'll be right back.
* If you leave
* If you leave...
What if the girl I'm supposed to be with
just went back
to Pittsburgh?
What if she went
back to Chino?
Why would Anna go to Chino?
I'm kidding, come on.
Nice one.
Well, at least
we have each other.
Actually, I have
Summer now...
but, uh, I'll put a little Seth-and-Ryan
time on the books.
That's quality time.
Thanks, buddy.
I could always hang out
with Luke, you know.
What do you think
he's doing right now?
discovering fire?
Hunting and gathering?
Shaving his chest
with a buck knife?
You guys could do that together.
I do do that.
by paulonline
- Hi, Theresa.
- Hi, Marissa.
Hey. I'm looking for Theresa.
We're, uh, engaged.
You look good.
Luke, I'm Marissa's mother.
You're a student at the school.
You mean, it's over?
No. See you tonight.
A friend of mine is in trouble.
I want you to help him out.
Uncle Shawn, in that room
that you accidentally stumbled into,
were documents containing
information valuable to Caleb.
Construction's a dirty business.
But my answer's still no.
What about Kirsten?
She's complicit in this too.
Do you love her?
I don't know.
Better be ready to fight for her.
I don't want you to go.
Why don't I want to go?
But what-what kind of kiss was it?
I don't know, a kiss.
My lips, Theresa's lips, a kiss.
Lips, now that's interesting.
Uh, was there tongue?
I'm not answering that.
You really want to know?
No. But just tell me this.
What sort of level of kiss are
we talking about?
Was it like a
Christina- Madonna peck,
or was it like a Brittany-Madonna
sort of smooch?
Or was it full-on, like an Al and
Tipper Gore lip lock?
It was just a kiss, okay? Okay,
you guys a couple now?
She's staying here?
If so, where is she going to live? And how?
What's her credit?
What sorta lease
is she looking to sign?
Are we talking about
like a year?
Or a month-to-month,
or is she looking to buy?
There's no lease, okay?
Okay. So then what, she's going back?
And what'll you do?
Are you going to commute from Chino?
Whose car? How will you pay for
gas? How are you gonna do that?
What freeway?
Are you gonna take the 55 to the five,
or the 91 to the 71?
If you're gonna take...
Whoa! Just, just...Whoa.
Okay. I'll just whoa.
You guys kissed, and you should've
a plan, 'cause it's kind of a big deal.
No, it's not. You're making it.
Really. I don't know
when I'd see her again.
Theresa. Hey.
Hey. We were just
discussing your plan.
What plan?
Yeah. Exactly.
I had off. I thought you might
need a ride to school.
Oh, yeah. Great.
I hope it's okay, me stopping by.
It's fine. Come on.
Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't it be?
Marissa. Hello.
Theresa. Hi.
I didn't think you'd be...
Staying? Yeah, well...
What's up?
Nothing. I thought you guys
would need a ride to school.
Oh, thanks.
Well, I can go
with Marissa and
Ryan and Theresa
can go together.
No, no, Seth, really.
It's okay.
Actually, it makes more sense
if you take them.
Why? Because we go to the same
school or because I live here?
I'll go with Marissa. And
Ryan and Theresa can go...
Yeah. Sorry.
You know what? I should have called first.
I should have called.
I'll just see
you guys at school.
I shouldn't just stop by.
I'm going to go.
No, wait, wait-- it's okay.
Call me later.
Well, looks like we're hitchhiking.
(piano and acoustic guitar
strumming gentle melody)
The Goodbye Girl
* California, here we come
* Right back where
we started from *
* California
* California...
* Here in Come...
* California
* California
* Here we come.
Morning, beautiful.
Good morning.
Kirsten. Sandy.
Well, you're not going
to believe who is
Riviera magazine's
Man of the Year.
Mrs. Cohen. Mr. Cohen.
Well, that's nice.
I mean she really
deserves the award. Good kid.
It's my Dad.
My vote stays with Theresa.
Hey, is it
a good morning?
So, Ryan, a couple of your
friends stopped by, briefly.
Yeah. We know.
It was awkward.
So is Theresa staying? Yeah,
looks that way.
Looks that way.
I thought she was going home.
No. Change of plans.
It's amazing.
His lips don't even move.
Well, how long is she staying?
Well, uh, uh...
You tell them.
We're... we're figuring
it all out.
Well, is she, going to what,
rent a place?
What kind of lease?
Month-to-month? Year?
Can she buy? What'll she do?
I am this way for a reason.
Yeah, I told you, it's only
for the tennis tournament.
A job after that?
What about her fiance?
Is she going back to school?
Well... uh... school.
Now, you know why
I do all the talking.
We're going to need
a ride. Thanks.
I'll take them.
It's on my way to the office.
Is my dad gonna
be in a good mood?
He should be.
He's Man of the Year.
I meant the case.
Are you going to take it?
I'm thinking about it.
It's just, we're going to host the
reception here for my dad's award
and it'd be nice
if Uncle Shawn could be here.
Not if we have
to pay for the bar tab.
I'm thinking about it.
(playing mellow rock melody)
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, sure.
When you and I broke up
and I started dating Ryan,
was it hard for you?
To see us together?
But hey, we wouldn't have
broken up if I hadn't...
deserved it.
I guess now I know
what it feels like, huh?
To deserve it.
The sooner you realize
that it's never going to go back
to the way it was...
...the sooner you can move on.
Okay. I'll see you
guys later.
Ryan... I'm sorry about this morning.
No, no, no. That's okay.
I just didn't realize
she was gonna be there.
Yeah, there was
a change of plans.
How long is
she staying for?
I don't know. She's gotta
find a job, place to live.
Minor details, huh?
Well, if you need any help.
Check out Gramps.
He looks so angry.
That's because he is.
I don't know why? He's on the
cover of a magazine.
Can't believe that doesn't leave
him happy and fulfilled, right?
Totally. I know.
Oh! I love
the society page.
It's like suddenly all of the
people we know are famous.
Wow. Diana Caan
totally got a chin implant.
They have chin implants?
Yeah. My dad does them all the time.
He says chins are the new nose.
So did Picasso.
Really? What hospital
does he work for?
Kidding! I'm not
that dumb. Just shallow.
So, all this talk
of Newport and plastic surgery
boring you, Anna?
No. Actually, I'm savoring it.
I won't be hearing it
much longer.
I'm leaving.
You're getting desert?
No. I'm going back to Pittsburgh.
I'm gonna go live with my aunt and uncle.
I just kind of had enough
of Newport, so...
I'm moving.
Park ranger cadet?
Full-time position available.
I wouldn't look
good in the hat.
You get to put out
forest fires.
Moving on...
Classifieds are, uh...
* You gave me
You'll find something.
We'll figure it out.
I know.
I'm glad you called me
to come meet you.
Who knew being unemployed
could be so much fun?
* ..and you bore a hole in
(bell ringing)
I got to get to class.
* What I am
* And what you are
* Some things just don't hold
the way... *
It will be okay.
* Oh, love doesn't
feel so cold. *
Caitlin. Hi.
Hi, Luke.
What's going on?
Well, I just finished school for
the day, you know,
which is always a good thing.
I so know what you mean.
Luke, what are you doing here?
We're talking, Mom.
Go get ready. Daddy's coming
to take you to dinner.
So I'll see you soon?
Luke, you know not to come here.
We meet at the motel.
I just thought that you needed
help with your DSL.
Luke, as much as I want
high-speed Internet access,
it's not worth Caitlin
becoming suspicious.
(car door closes)
Luke just came by to defrag my hard drive.
Hurry along, Luke.
Make it quick.
I'll make sure Caitlin's ready.
Hey. Should I put another piece
of swordfish on for Theresa?
Or Marissa? Or any other ladies
you plan on having over?
I was going to
go pick up Theresa, so...
Done, and done.
So how's that
going with you guys?
Uh... good.
Just trying
to figure it out.
It being?
Pretty much everything.
You want to know what I think?
You're going to tell me either way, right?
Like my own son.
You're in high school.
She should be.
You're both in
way over your heads.
She's got no real job.
She's got no place to live.
Don't ask if she can stay here.
I wouldn't.
Good, you don't know
what Kirsten did the last time.
Theresa's got family in Chino.
She's got a life in Chino.
Running away is
not the answer.
I know.
It's kind of crazy.
It's sweet.
It's totally misguided,
but, yeah,
it's kind of charming.
You got to tell her.
It's time she faced the music.
Or at least the fiancée.
And you'll do that with the white lights
in your backyard, right?
Of course, Dad.
I love the white lights.
And no cilantro.
I hate cilantro.
You're Man of the Year.
I think they can make some food
without cilantro.
I'll have to make a toast.
You got that '73 Dom in
your wine cellar, yes?
I think you went through that
on your birthday.
Hey, Kirsten.
Mr. Nichol.
Why don't you call him Caleb?
Congrats on your award.
Ah, it means nothing.
They're lucky I agreed to pose
for their front cover.
You should use that in your
speech. Place for Theresa?
I'm gonna have to get back to
you on that.
I'm going to go check on the Dom.
You know, I was thinking
Chardonnay for dinner.
Nah, get the Pinot.
Do what you like. It's your
house. I'm just making a salad.
Man of the Year and still so modest.
I'm so glad to see it hasn't
gone to your head, Cal.
The case. Have you
made your decision?
I've decided what it'll
take to make me decide.
You tell Kirsten everything.
She's better off not knowing.
No, she's not. You are.
She is already implicated
without her knowledge.
Then why worry her?
This may all go away, you know.
It may not.
And I won't spend
the next year lying to her,
so, if you want my help,
you tell her everything.
(crickets chirping)
We should talk.
I have news.
(anxious laughter)
You go first.
I just got off the phone with Eddie.
And I told him I'm not coming
home anytime soon.
You did?
He didn't take it well.
But uh, now that I did it,
which I can't believe I did,
I feel so much more free
or something.
What did you want to talk about?
How do you feel about swordfish?
So she's leaving?
No, she's staying.
What? When did you talk to Anna?
Yeah, she told me
she's going back to Pittsburgh.
Anna's going back to Pittsburgh?
Well, uh, uh, not anymore,
according to you.
I'm totally confused.
She-- Anna-- is leaving.
She-- Theresa-- is staying.
Right. Got it.
(heavy sigh)
So she really is leaving.
That sucks.
Do you think
it's 'cause of me?
I can't believe
I caused a girl
to leave the state--
the county, maybe, sure.
You really think
it's 'cause of you?
Well, I mean, we broke up,
she went back east,
she had a great time.
She comes back,
only to see me
standing on a coffee cart declaring my
eternal love for Summer.
Or maybe she just doesn't
feel that comfortable here.
Not everybody does.
I know. I get that.
If it is 'cause of me, maybe I
can talk her out of it.
It's just that
I can't ask her
if it's 'cause of me without
sounding totally self-absorbed.
I'm not self-absorbed,
right, Ryan?
Me. Me. Me.
Huh? Sorry.
Uh, just thinking
about Theresa.
(heavy sigh)
She's staying.
What am I going to do?
She's leaving.
What am I going to do?
Hi, Kiki.
Thanks for meeting me.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, just...
why don't you have a seat.
Is it Uncle Shawn?
A hotel room
that he accidentally
stumbled into
the other day--
Joe McKuen was
staying there.
Well, that's quite
a coincidence,
since Joe McKuen
is the leading lumber supplier
on the West Coast.
Not such a coincidence.
It's not the first time
that he's accidentally
stumbled into a hotel room,
it's just the first time
he's got caught.
I knew Uncle Shawn
was a tough negotiator,
and yeah, well, he sent
extra-nice Christmas presents
to certain Teamsters,
but breaking and
entering, theft?
And what else: Blackmail?
Is he going to jail?
Not if Sandy can help him.
Well, if he can't,
are they going to go after you?
I'm afraid it's not just me.
Catching up on Western
Civ? Yeah. Spanish Inquisition.
Lot of fun.
Yeah. Tell me about it. Could
they give us any more reading.
Get up.
Eddie, Eddie, what's going on?
You know exactly what's going on.
You sleep with her?
No. No.
Why'd she tell me
she's not coming back?
Why'd she stay here?
This isn't right time...
No! Don't touch me, man.
After all that I've done for
you, at least be honest.
You be a man
and you tell me--
Are you sleeping with her?
Excuse me.
This lounge is for faculty
and students only.
I'm not letting her go.
This is nice weather
we're having.
Did you hear the Lakers won?
Did they?
They did. There's something else
I wanted to talk to you about, actually.
I can't remember.
That's it.
You're leaving.
Why the hell
are you leaving?
I can't--
I'm late for class.
Yeah, you got at least three minutes.
No, it's complicated than that.
Why don't you start
with, one reason.
There's gotta be, you know,
one main overriding reason.
Alright, fine, look--
I miss the seasons.
I miss fall foliage.
I miss the snow.
I miss the first
signs of spring.
You miss the seasons?
Yeah. And...
And my little dog Swifty.
We left him with
my aunt and my uncle.
And the Jimmy
Stewart Museum
and peanut butter cup
pies at Dingbat's.
The vinyl selection
at Record Village.
And Sundays, the Super
Flea flea market.
I guess I did get into
three minutes, huh?
So that's it? There's not, like,
one other reason?
Did I say
peanut butter cup pies?
Then no.
Good. Excellent.
Um... tomorrow,
we're having this thing
at my house for my grandpa.
Can't-- I'm leaving.
You can't leave without saying goodbye.
I'll come say good-bye.
* Oh
* Oh...
Is there anything I can do
to help? You, Theresa?
Yeah, sure--
she still needs
that job and a place
to live, so...
Does she need a friend?
'Cause I could help out.
Why don't you invite
her to party?
We could all hang out.
Why the hell would you want that?
Look, I'm used to
getting what I want,
which I know is not the
most attractive quality,
but I also know that I
can't compete with a girl
you've known your whole life.
Not after everything that's
just come between us.
I don't think she has
the clothes-- a dress for it.
But thanks.
* But I know it's too late
* I should've given you
a reason to stay... *
Hey...How was the rest
of your day?
I just wanted to
get home and see you.
After the Heights, I knew
that my dad wasn't above board,
but this is beyond anything
that I could've imagined.
We're going to
figure this out.
And you better believe I'll do
everything I can to protect you.
No, I don't want you to.
I'm going to get
outside counsel.
I do not want you involved.
When I asked for your help,
I had no idea
what I was asking you for.
Oh, I know that.
But this is my mistake,
not yours.
And I will not let you
compromise yourself.
Not even for me.
And I called
the caterers.
To make sure that, uh,
there's no cilantro
for the Man of the Year.
(crickets chirping)
She's lying. I know it.
You're thinking
about Anna right now?
I just...
I just wish I could convince her
not to leave 'cause of me.
You think she's leaving
just 'cause of you?
Makes sense, doesn't it?
Well, yeah, but even if
I thought it, I wouldn't say it.
I mean, that's a little
self-absorbed, Cohen.
I just never wanted
to hurt her feelings.
Maybe she just didn't
like it here.
I hear there are
a few people who don't.
It does rain sometimes,
in January.
(gentle laughter)
I'm kind of...
kind of hungry.
You want to eat?
Are you good at foot massages?
My feet hurts.
We... we gotta talk.
So no foot massage?
Oh. No.
Listen. Listen.
I... I don't know
what to do about us.
I can't get you a job.
A place to live.
Shh. Shh. Shut up.
Shut the hell up.
I don't need you to take care of me.
I can take care of myself.
I know, I know.
I am not one of
these Newport chicks
that needs a trust
fund to survive.
But, the fact that you
thought I needed you is really great.
What about Eddie?
I told Eddie that
I can't marry him right now.
Just 'cause you're okay
with it doesn't mean that he is.
I'm not okay with it,
I just know it's for the best.
I'm here to be with you.
Why are we doing this?
It's not like
we haven't before.
* You make me lose
my buttons, oh, yeah *
* You make me spit
* I don't like my clothes
anymore *
* We're spending
time and money *
* Yeah, you're colder
than yourself *
* Now we're moving,
now we're taking control... *
(music continues)
(engine revs, tires squeal)
What's the matter?
It's not like home.
I got people that notice
if I don't get back.
I had the day off. I thought
we could to go to the beach
or to the pier?
I have a thing.
A "thing"?
Yeah. Kirsten's dad is being
honored by some magazine.
They're having a cocktail party
at the Cohen house.
Do, uh... you want to come?
Do you want me to come?
'Cause I'm kind of getting
the vibe that...
No. Yeah. No.
Um, it's just, you know
what these things are like.
And it can be weird.
The girl who serves food
at the party is now a guest.
I wasn't saying that.
I feel you're not
trying to invite me.
No, I do. I-I... I do.
I-I, I didn't think
you'd want to go.
I know what these things
are like for me.
I don't, I wanted to make sure
you're not embarrassed to bring me.
I'm not.
I have nothing to wear anyway.
But, come over after
and we can both wear nothing.
(door opens and closes)
Well, if you keep
looking up like that
all you're going to see
is a bad shot.
Hey Hoades.
How are things
at the DA's office?
Better since you left
the PD's office.
My people seem to win
a few more.
Well, that's why I left.
I started feeling bad for you.
So why don't I think
it's a wild coincidence
to see you here?
Well, you have trust issues.
That's why you've
never been married.
Well, saves me
a phone call.
We have a deal to
offer your client.
Ah... he's not my client.
That's not what he said.
He's drunk most of the time.
Can't take anything he says
very seriously.
We're taking what we think
he has to say very seriously.
Just out of curiosity...
what kinda deal
were you gonna offer him?
Yeah. Mild.
If he were to cooperate,
let us know who signs his
marching orders,
we'd consider pleading him down
to a lesser charge.
Unless the plaintiff
decides to drop the charges,
in which case Shaughnessy
would have no reason to talk.
Except the plaintiff has
no reason to do that. Right?
Let me tell you
something, Sandy.
The Newport Group is
Orange County's Enron.
You make this a little
difficult for me,
and I'll come down
on you as hard as I can.
Oh, wow. This must be
a re-election year.
Oh, spare me.
You and I have been
friends for years.
That's probably why
Caleb Nichol hired you.
But it used to be
Sandy Cohen's moral compass
wouldn't point him anywhere
except the direction of truth.
No matter who he took down.
Ah, spoken like a man
who's never been married.
I just can't hit it
any better than that.
(wind whooshing)
Good to see you again.
Hey, man, where've you been?
Theresa's. Did your
parents say anything?
No, I covered for you.
But you shouldn't be doing this.
You're sleeping there now?
That's serious.
I just fell asleep.
I heard some scary guy
showed up at school.
He's called Eddie, is he?
Yeah. He came down to talk.
Yeah? About how it's getting
serious between you and Theresa?
Yeah. You and Anna have a talk?
Don't change the subject to me.
I'm powerless
not to talk about it.
I tried and she gave me a list
of reasons why she's leaving.
You didn't make the cut?
But she's lying.
I want her to know
I'm sorry that I hurt her,
but she doesn't have to do this.
She shouldn't be doing this.
Then just tell her.
Just tell her, huh?
Simple, honest, direct.
No wonder I never considered it.
Okay, fine. I will.
I'll tell her tonight.
Have to have a little bubbly
first though.
Veritas and vino,
know what I mean?
Hardly ever.
Come in.
How are you?
What's going on?
Well, there's this
party tonight, and...
I heard.
Yeah, well, I thought
maybe you'd want to go.
I can't.
Um, I didn't really bring
any of my nice clothes with me.
Well, I have some options.
(instrumental music)
(cell phone rings)
Hello? Hey, Joel.
Thanks for getting
back to me. Huh?
No, actually now
is a perfect time.
Come on, smile
for your father, Kiki.
I'm smiling on the inside.
Veritas and vino.
Yeah. Then we have a deal.
Why spend a lot of money when
you can make a lot of money.
Yeah. Caleb will be pleased.
Yes, Mr. McKuen,
I'm fully aware.
We do what we must.
(peppy music)
Theresa coming?
I doubt it.
(music continues)
Look. I get why you're
doing what you're doing.
But she does really love you.
I know. It's just...
Yeah. The Oliver thing.
I know. It was messed up.
But, hey, she dated Luke
for years.
You can't always trust
her judgment.
But she has a good heart.
(indistinct chattering)
Not your typical
backyard barbecue.
Yeah, well,
they never are.
You, uh... wow.
I had some help.
Come on, Seth,
get in the picture.
You are the future
of the company.
Oh, something
to look forward to.
You'll grow out of comic books
at some stage,
and grow into
wanting to be rich.
No, I won't.
I just came to say goodbye.
My plane is leaving soon.
You're really leaving?
Well, you might not believe
this, but I'm gonna miss you.
What's even more unbelievable
is that I'm gonna miss you.
That's pretty unbelievable.
Bye, Blanche.
See you, Rose.
Have you seen Molly Miller's
boob job? They're huge.
Notice Robin's facelift? Wow.
Diane Kahn
totally had chin implants.
They have chin implants?
yeah. Chins are the new nose.
Haven't you heard?
Hey, Anna. Theresa.
Nice to meet you.
Came to say goodbye to Seth?
Could you give him this?
It's supposed to say everything
that I couldn't say,
but now that I'm here I just...
can't say anything at all.
Yeah, yeah. Of course.
See you, Ryan.
Thanks for teaching
me how to waltz.
You have the best life.
You deserve it.
(instrumental music)
(woman laughing)
You look so hot.
Not here, Luke.
I know.
It's just...
your ass.
Excuse me, guys.
I saw the DA today.
It didn't go what I would call, well.
I thought you were friends.
You made deals all the time.
Well, it's an election year.
It seems you're not too popular
with the people.
That's the best you could do?
I've gotta make my toast.
I'll make this go away,
but you'll have to give something up.
Joe McKuen is gonna need to
be the chief lumber supplier
for the next big
Newport group contract.
He won't be buying wholesale,
but it will work.
I knew I could rely on you.
Not if you were
Man of the Century.
What's the matter, Sandy?
You cut deals for your clients
all the time.
Yeah, well, usually they're the
ones that have broken the law.
Not me.
Mr. Nichol, it's time
for your speech.
Right this way.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Hey, Jules.
Forgive me.
This can't possibly be happening, right?
I'm crazy, to even
think it, right?
Think what?
Okay, that's what I thought.
Because it would destroy
And I think we both know
she's been through enough.
Honestly, Jimmy, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Now, shh, let him speak.
It really is a tremendous honor.
Few publications
better represent
this great county of ours
than Riviera magazine.
(applause and whistles)
(Caleb continues speaking)
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna give Seth his letter.
Okay. I'll be here trying
to spot chin implants.
(Caleb speaking indistinctly
over P.A. system)
CALEB: Where would I be
without my wonderful family?
My beautiful daughter Kirsten,
and my favorite--
well, my only-- grandson Seth.
Come join me.
What're you doing here?
Can we talk for a minute?
I just want to talk...
Let's go somewhere and figure this...
I'm not going anywhere.
(both talking at once)
Hey! You stay the hell
away from me. Okay?
You're lucky I don't
kick your ass right here.
Look, can we please...
Just go. Go.
Please, just... Okay?
(people gasping)
(Eddie grunts)
What the hell is going on?
You should leave now
before the cops get here.
You're dead!
Alright! Right now!
Don't ever come over!
You're dead, you hear me?!
Get off me, man!
(guests murmuring)
SANDY: That's gonna be quite a shiner,
but they look good on you.
Yeah? Thanks.
I'm so sorry about everything.
Oh, it's okay, sweetie,
it's not your fault.
Hey, I heard there was
a rumble in the bedroom.
I'm gonna go break it up.
You okay?
I can't believe Anna didn't show.
Uh, actually, uh...
You're just giving me this now?
I was a little distracted.
The ink's all smudged--
I can't even read it.
Is that a "V" or a "Q"?
Okay here, look,
right there.
First sentence says
"I love you."
But what's that word right
there? Azerbaijan? Aztecs?
You think it's "aspirin"?
No. You're giving me
a headache.
Coincidence? Confucius?
What is this "C" word?
It says "confusing"?
No, you're confusing me--
what do you care what it says?
Summer, Anna couldn't
even say goodbye to me.
I think she's leaving
'cause of me.
I don't want it to happen.
What's going on?
Last week you stood on a coffee
cart declaring your love for me.
Now you're, like, "Anna's letter! I can't read it."
This isn't like that, okay?
She's just my friend, and
I don't want her to leave.
Then go.
Stop her.
So, what're you gonna do?
I need to call Eddie, try
and straighten everything out.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm sorry to interrupt,
I need you to drive me to the airport
Gotta stop Anna from leaving.
You can't drive yourself?
I've had, like, three glasses
of champagne.
You know how it goes
straight to my head. Please.
You should go.
He needs you.
Thank you very much.
You're, uh, gonna be
at the motel when I get back?
I don't want you to be late.
Hi, Ju-ju.
I was wondering if you're
gonna ignore me all night.
You seemed busy.
Thanks for coming.
Can I drive you home?
I can walk down the driveway.
Can I call you...
take you out on a real date.
Things have gotten a bit crazy.
I know I didn't appreciate you.
I want to.
I want to make you
feel appreciated.
Plan the perfect date,
run it by me-- we'll see.
(peppy music)
Come on, man,
her flight leaves soon.
I'm doing 75 in a 65, alright?
(mocking): I'm doing 75 in a...
Everyone knows 80's the new 75.
What? Who talks like that?
What is up with this AC?
My Jewfro's frizzing out.
I look like Screech.
AC's fine.
What is this music?
Do not insult Journey, alright?
(music playing loudly)
How are you?
Just embarrassed.
I can't believe they had this
huge fight at a fancy party.
Actually, not the first
time that's happened.
(chuckles softly)
Here. Um, I'm not
gonna have time
to get it dry-cleaned
before I go.
Before you go?
I've been fooling myself
thinking this was gonna be easy.
I made a huge mess
of everything, and...
I have this whole life
to figure out, and so does Ryan.
take care of him.
I'll see you.
I talked to my dad.
He told me what you did.
Obstructed justice.
Tampered with a witness.
So what happens now?
My guess is, not much.
Since it's an election year,
the D.A. can't afford to lose.
And without their star
witness, they don't really have a case.
If you're gonna
go after the king, Caleb,
then you had better know
that you can kill the king.
I told you I didn't
want you to get involved.
I'll always do what's best
for my family.
I'd rather go to jail
than be responsible
for you being mixed up in this.
You're getting into bed
with my father.
I promise you,
I'd rather send you to jail
than get into bed
with your father.
(upbeat music)
You do something
like this...
there's no going back.
Yeah. It's kind
of like prom night.
Believe me...
if anybody's gonna be
putting you into handcuffs,
it's gonna be me.
(music continues)
* If you leave
* Don't leave now
* Please don't take
my heart away *
* Promise me
* Just one more night
* Then we'll go...
Anna, wait. Wait.
Seth... Hold on.
Seth, what are you
doing here?
Okay. Maybe...
it's just the champagne talking,
but I'm just gonna say it, okay?
Please do not leave
because of me.
You love me. I read it.
And I get it.
And I'm so sorry
if I did anything
to hurt your feelings...
or cause this problem.
I don't want you to leave.
None of us do.
Seth... I love you,
as a friend.
God, I love you
as a friend.
It doesn't say "Azerbaijan"?
Look, I think you're an amazing
A little self-absorbed maybe,
but great.
But, if there's one thing
our relationship taught me,
it's that... we don't have
a lot of chemistry.
So you're not leaving
because of me?
I'm leaving 'cause
I need to leave.
But who knows, maybe one day
we'll be perfect for each other.
I don't know.
I do know I have to go
to Pittsburgh.
I'm moving, Seth.
I thought I could make this
my home, but I can't.
Thanks for coming here...
saying goodbye.
* You've gotta say you will
* I touch you once
* I touch you twice
* I won't let go at any price
* I need you now
* Like I needed you then...
Anna, wait a second.
What am I gonna do without you?
Who am I gonna play Jenga with?
You're so wise.
All your sage wisdom.
What am I gonna do without that?
Confidence, Cohen.
* I touch you once
* I touch you twice
* I won't let go at any price
* I need you now
* Like I needed you then
* You always said
we'd meet again someday *
I'll be right back.
* If you leave
* If you leave...
What if the girl I'm supposed to be with
just went back
to Pittsburgh?
What if she went
back to Chino?
Why would Anna go to Chino?
I'm kidding, come on.
Nice one.
Well, at least
we have each other.
Actually, I have
Summer now...
but, uh, I'll put a little Seth-and-Ryan
time on the books.
That's quality time.
Thanks, buddy.
I could always hang out
with Luke, you know.
What do you think
he's doing right now?
discovering fire?
Hunting and gathering?
Shaving his chest
with a buck knife?
You guys could do that together.
I do do that.
by paulonline