The L Word (2004–2009): Season 3, Episode 11 - Last Dance - full transcript

At Dana's funeral and memorial services, her uptight and fiercely conservative parents, still in denial to her true sexual orientation, treat her friends coldly. Afterwards, Alice gets ...

Previously on The L Word...


It's me.

It's Lara.

I was just calling to say I miss you.

and I wanna talk
to you about coming home.

- So, how's she doing?
- She's doing better, I think.

- I'll tell Dana to call you.
- I would really love that.

- Those are her ashes?
- Yeah.

She told me she wanted them
scattered at her summer camp.

You know they're putting her in a mausoleum.

- That just sucks.
- It does suck.

They suck. I mean, look at this. This isn't Dana.

Why are we sitting all the way back here?

The front rows are reserved for family and 'close' friends.

- And we are...
- Does it really matter, Tina?

Yes, I think it does, Bette.

It would matter to Dana.

Maybe we can put ourselves aside for once.

Guys, we are here for Dana.

That's what I was saying.

Al, have you, erm...talked to Lara?

I think she's still in Paris.
And I called her and left her messages.

But I don't even know that she knows.

She was a champion.

That much we all know.

We know that through deep faith and rigorous discipline...

applied to her truly extraordinary and God-given gifts,

Dana outstripped most of us.

And when he chose her to join him,

God knew that he was doing so
before this beautiful girl...

ever got the chance to fulfill her other great longing.

To find domestic happiness.

Dana longed for companionship and she
most certainly would have found it.

She did, she absolutely found it.

I know, it's ok.

If Dana had had more time on this worldly plane,

beautiful girl like Dana, she would have.

Could have easily found a love mate.

She found love!

We know that, Shane, that's all that matters.

Would have settled down,

with a loving partner, someone to care for her,

a strong devoted man,

a loving husband who could match her strength...

What are you talking about?

Dana was gay!

So were we explicitly not invited back to the house?

Well, if you consider we had our relations,

and family friends for more 15 years,

why don't we just go anyway?

What do you think?

Why would you wanna do that?

Well Because. You know, I just feel like...

I haven't said goodbye to her.

I'm gonna go home to be with my baby.

Especially since her other mother is taking...

her off this afternoon to be with her new manfriend.

- You be alright?
- Yeah.


- What are we waiting for?
- Alice.

So Max, what was the name of that...
the job that you applied for?

It's a place called InTech Mode.

Jenny thought it'd be cool for me.

Oh wait, but didn't you already like interviewed
for that one or something, did you?

- No, Moira did.
- Oh.

And they were a bunch of sexist pigs,

so I was gonna write an arcticle for it.

Oh, you think they'll give Max a job that they refused Moira?

It's the better job actually.

It's the senior project manager.

He seemed to really liked my resumee, so...

- Good for you, Max.
- Here she comes.

Hey guys, look what I got.

Are those Dana's ashes?

Oh no, you didn't!

You are my hero.

We're gonna have our own memorial at camp Imalahkaha.

That's so cool!

This group is working on

expanding software development

for the InTech server chip.

Pablo is the project leader.

Let me introduce you to the guys.

- Meet Max Sweeney, everyone.
- Hey Max.

- How's it going?
- Good.

Here we're looking at a key system
strategy for IT managers.

That must mean a dual-core mobile chip.

Wow! You sure got the hardware.

It's the SID-virtualization technology.

Charl Dean had a system set up like this
for client platforms.

What the...?



Henry, Mikey, this is Bette.

This is Angelica's other mother.

- Pleased to meet you.
- Pleased to meet you.

Thanks for letting us hang with Angelica today.

It would have been a bummer to
go to the aquarium without her.

Well, I've heard it's a great aquarium.

Oh you haven't been?

Henry took the day off work so he could go after Dana's funeral.

Thought it would be a good antidote.

- Do you wanna join us?
- I have a...

I have a meeting. I'm being headhunted by art college LA.

They want you to teach?

They're searching for a Dean.

Congratulations. Sounds exciting.

- We should go.
- Yeah.

Come on.

Wait, I wanna take a picture with my special camera.

Why don't we wait till we get to the
aquarium to take a picture, dude?

Can you take it?

You want me to take a picture?

A family picture.

Thank you.

Ok, come on.

I'm giving in my footage...

which you can throw away, you can burn it...

if you want.

I hope instead that you use your passion...

and your resources...

to put the story forward.

I believe in it.

It's one of the few things I still believe in.

I'm so sorry, Helena.

I don't know what it was like for you...

coming out of the closet.

And we hardly know one another.

I've never told you how I grew up, what Danny did for me.

I dont even...

not even want face myself.

Even now I...

I just...I can't face the things about myself
that I've been running away from.

It just...It just caught up with me when I met you.

Really don't know how to face

the fact that I love...

Wow! Is that a 260 stinger?

Are you a powerboat enthusiast, Max?

I just love engines and...

that's got the most beautiful twin SPC's.

Well, maybe i'll take you out for a spin.

After you get settled and get your
project group up to speed.

Does that mean...Have I got the job?

Welcome aboard, Max.

Welcome to InTech Mode.

Wow! Thanks, man!

Woa, that's exciting!

Do you marry me?

I know that you're probably surprised
that I would come to you.

No, not at all.

If I were in your position I'd come to me too.

And what position is that?

A non-birth mother in a lesbian
relationship that's breaking up.

How did you know that Tina and I are breaking up?

I'm a lesbian in Los Angeles.

Did you also know that she has a boyfriend?

Oh of course she does.

Well, the good news is...

is that the law is on your side.
Did you know that?


California law actually recognizes you as...
What's the kids name?



You're Angelica's intended parent from conception.

You've actively co-parented her.

And you and Tina filed the adoption
petition at the time of her birth.

California court would almost certainly grant the adoption...

and award you 50-50 joint custody.

It's not what I want. I don't want 50-50 joint custody.

Oh please don't tell me you're trying
to get out of child support.

'Cause even if Tina has to raise this baby alone
you still have a financial obligation.

I want sole custody.

How do you figure that?

Tina may have given birth to her but
really...Angelica is the mirror of me.

I know what she's gonna experience
as a biracial girl growing up in a divisive world.

I mean, let's face it, when Tina goes
out in public with Angelica...

people automatically assume that she's been adopted.

But when they see me with Angelica...

they see a mother, not a daughter.

I'm the one who's gonna be able
to give her a sense of belonging.

Wow, ok. Erm...

How do you think Tina will react to this?

Look, you know what? All I know is that...

when I saw Angelica about to go out the door
today with Tina...

and Henry, and little fair-haired Mikey...

I just...

I just wanted to fucking scream.

You know? Because I do not want my
daughter growing up in a house...

where she feels like an outsider...

because everyone else is white.

And when she looks around,
she doesn't see another familiar face

that looks like her own.

She's gonna get that enough
as it is in a world that large...

and I know what that feels like.

Angelica belongs with me.

And what did the guys say
when you told them they passed on Moira...

for a lesser job with the exact same
resum? and the same qualifications?

Do you know how much they're offering to pay me, Jenny?

What did they say?

6 figures!

I mean, that means we can get our own place!

And between the book and this...
it's like we're practically roling it.

I think you have to go back!

You gotta go back!

You gotta go confront their fucking hypocrisy,

that equal opportunity bullshit.

You know, I spoke to my agent about it and
she was gonna talk to the New Yorker...

about writing a piece.

That's so uncool.

I mean, I told you I don't wanna do that.

So what are you gonna do now?

You're gonna sell out?

And start sleeping with the enemy?

If you think men are the enemy...

than you and I have a problem.

What the fuck?
No, I'll get it.

I'm so lonely, Kit, I don't think...

I've ever been this lonely in my life.

I just...I can't...I can't...

I can't bear this.

You know...I never even got to say goodbye to her.

You get to say goodbye to her tomorrow.

Dana knows.
She's waiting for us before she takes off...

on the big trip.

You just sleep in there.

No, I'll be fine.


Please, come on.

Angus, could you watch Angelica tomorrow...

while we're scattering Dana's ashes?

Of course, Tina already called me.

Hey...I'm your guide, you know that?

You got family here.


Go on, and do get some rest.

Thanks babe.

Her brother was saying
it's a bit of a high-tilled waterfall.

Ok i think there's two falls.
I think she's talking about that one.

I think we take the Algonquent trail
through the Pasmequate.

But do we take...

You guys, I got it.

We'll just take the Algonquent through the Pasmequate pass

take a right at the the Nick Meck Valley, and that 3rd nature trail

- ...will take us to the forthgena road...
- Great.

Alright, let's go.

Guys, first we have to find her cabin up there.

It was really important to her.

You know, she talked about it in her first meeting.

Alright guys, here's the cabins.

Which one did Dana stay in?

It was called Hinata.

I'm not really sure.

Here it is! Hinata!

I can't believe it's still here.

Come on, we gotta go in.

This is the first place Dana got along with a girl?

And why do you know this?

I was writing for this girls sports magazine
if you can believe that...

I mean writing for sports, but...

I was given an assignment to interview this tennis player.

Ok, Dana. I'm exciting about this interview.

Did you have a special person like a mentor, you know...

someone who inspired you?


Erm, well...erm...

I was a senior camper

at camp Imalahkaha

and I was in Hinata

and Hinata means leader and...

there was this...I had a bunk mate who was
just sort of like the leader of all of us leaders.

And she was...oh...

She was just really mature and together and...
strong. She was really funny.

And she always knew that she was...

gonna be a professional tennis player.

So I guess...yeah, she...

She was sort of the first person
I really looked up to in that way.

But she was always an amazing athlete.

And she was beautiful too, I mean...

She had long blond hair and...
really incredible muscles...

and she was always really tanned.

- Wow!
- Yeah!

So it's kind of like...I mean...
is it fair to say maybe you were...

infatuated you had any love feelings for her?


But I mean...
you must have had a crush or you know...

You know, I'm not saying that
she was a dyke or that you are.

But that...

What are you talking about?

Well, girl athlete, long blond hair, big muscles...

You know, I'm sorry, I can't do this interview.

I've heard about this kind of thing happening before...

I just never really expected it from
a recordable publication like yours.

I...I have to go.

You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

So, how did you two end up being friends
after she got you fired?

Oh, she didn't get me fired.

I mean, they canned the story and
they never hired me again.

So, one day I'm hanging out at Fred Seagal, right?

And I look up and I see their shoes,
Dana Fairbankks and her mother.

So I was sitting at this table with a bunch of people,

Gabby Deveaux was with me...

and she kept starring at me and
she really couldn't take her eyes off me.

So afterwards I went to the florist,
I was buying Gabby tulips.

And she was cheating on me already, but anyway...

And I came out and I just went up to her car to talk to her...

Nice wheels.

- Oh Hi.
- Hey.


Where did your friend go?

Oh, that's my mother.



Did you guys eat here?


You know, Fred Seagal caf? is...

the biggest lessie hangout in West Hollywood.

No, I didn't know that.


Maybe sometime do you wanna go for lunch?


Yeah sure.

- Really?
- Sure.

Oh cool!

- Great.
- Ok.

Maybe Wednesday!

Yeah ok.

Great, cool.

Maybe we'll go to Fred Seagal caf?!

Maybe Fred Seagal caf?.


Y eah.

Hey, off the record, swear...


At camp Hinata...


You and that girl...

You got it on, right?

Off the record?


I'll see you Wednesday.

So this is where it happened.

With a tennis player.

I mean, it could've been on this bed.

And it took her years to tell me.

She was really deep in that closet.

And then right after you met her,
you brought her to our millenium 2k party.

Where we partied like it was 1999.

- Oh my God.
- That party was just fucking insane.

Do you remember that girl in the box?

Yeah that perfomance artist.

Yeah, she was writing on that glass.

Hey Kit, this is Dana Fairbanks.

She's a pro tennis player.

No shit!

That's cool.

Kit Porter, she's the sister of one of our hostesses.

Oh cool!

Nice to meet you.

Oh, this is my boyfriend Harrison.

Hey how're you doing?

That's your boyfriend?

Yep, isn't he cute?

Yeah, you're cute alright?

How long have you guys been dating?

Erm, well, it's been a little while.

I'm not sure of the date exactly.

When you date someone, who knows dates really?

It's been a couple of months.

I can't remember exactly...

Do you know, honey?

- So it's a crash romance?
- Yeah that's it.

You all couldn't wait to out her outta that closet.

Yeah, like you were so innocent about that...

What? She was suffocating in there.

You had to bring her out!

She couldn't breathe, she needed to live.

Am i wrong?

Kit, you were shitfaced.

Not to shitfaced to know that that boy
was gay as the day as long.

I don't get it.

It's a man, right?


Well then, where is the...

He hasn't like fucked between his legs.

Oh my God, who are they kidding?

Yeah, like they're gonna be doing the
funky-monkey tonight.

Oh right.

You know what? I gotta go.


Hey Dana, come here.

Come here!



Did you guys know that Dana and I fooled around once?

- Excuse me?
- You and Dana?

Yes. Yes.

- Are you kidding me?
- Totally kidding.

Are you fucking kidding?


You're just saying this to get attention again.

No, I'm not saying it to get attention.

Shane say it. It's true.

It's true. She did it.

Ok, Jenny details.

We..erm...I was at the Palms and she came
and we bumped into each other...

and we started talking and whatever...

and then she came back to the shed...

and we proceeded to have the worst sex ever in history.

How did you recover after that?

Erm...We said that we should just stop...

before it just got totally out of hand...

and just like two crazy people...

and then she asked me if I wanted to learn how to dance.

Oh 'cause she was a really good dancer, wasn't she?

Uhm, yes!

You know, bring it together in circles like this.
There it is!

Oh I like that!

Remember when her and Lara broke up?

I don't think I had seen her that devastating in a long time.

So I took her to the Tegan & Sara concert.

You fuck, You weren't supposed to do that.

I know. And I'm sorry. I just wanted to
do something to cheer her up, I mean...

I mean she was in the worst place, but erm...anyways...

I don't know why but I brought Acid...

I don't think Dana really cared that night.

Hey, you don't have to if you don't want to.

No, I do.

Just...what's it gonna do to me?

Well, that depends.

I don't know, I find that it makes me floaty and
I see trails and colors sometimes...

It's...expect that.

But is that fun?

I think it's a blast.

I don't know.

Well, let's set me free.

You know what? It'll give you illusion that
will set you free and that's...just too good.

How do you feel?

I don't feel anything.

You will.

Do you know who's a lesbian?

Dana Fairbanks.

I am not!


Come on Dana, come out of that closet.

She danced her ass off too.

Yeah, a crazy dancer.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And she was the best kisser.

And an incredible lover.

And a trusting trustworthy friend.

You're all that...and so much more.
We love you Dana.

We love you love you love you, Dana.

Hey, who's gonna drink mine?

We will.

I asked Carmen to marry me.

Losing someone you love as much
as you love Dana, can...

really make you think about the rest of your life.

And the worst part is, is that we're estranged from her family.

I'd love to repair that.
I'd love to ask for their blessing.

She hasn't even said yes yet.

I can hear the waterfall.
So we must be getting close.

Dana, we are not all athletes like you.

Come on, Kit. You can make it.

Want an arm?

Hey you guys, look at the waterfall.

Dana, you don't know how much we're gonna miss you.

But we know that everything's fine.

And you're in a peaceful place...
and everything is ok.

No, it's not.

Of course, it's not. It's not for us...

but Dana is in a peaceful place.

- She is. Her spirit is...
- No, no.

No, I don't buy that fucking spiritual bullshit.

I'm not gonna see you pretend that it's ok.
Because it is not!

And she didn't die peacefully. She died alone.

And I'm not gonna sit here...

and put this in a box so that everyone just feels better.

Because it's not the truth.

It's not.

Shane. Shane!



I do love you.

Subbing: PerfectSam