The Jeffersons (1975–1985): Season 3, Episode 17 - A Case of Black and White - full transcript

George invites Frank Howard, a man he is hoping to do business with and who is in an interracial marriage, to his apartment to meet his "dear friends" Tom and Helen to prove to Frank that he is not prejudice towards interracial couples. However, when Tom and Helen walk out on George, he asks Florence to pose as Helen and Ralph to pose as Tom.

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe
apartment In the sky ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We've finally got
A piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
In the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn On the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up
In the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live
It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
Wrong with that ♪

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe
apartment In the sky ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the East Side ♪
♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We've finally got
A piece of the pie ♪


I gotta say, George,

I am very impressed
with your setup here.

You got all the
latest equipment.

Oh, look, you ain't
seen nothing yet.

Next week we're
getting this machine

that not only rips the
buttons off your shirt,

it writes a note of
apology at the same time.


Here, you might as well
look these contracts over.


I think my restaurant chain

and the Jefferson cleaners

can do a little
business together.


We're gonna do a lot
of business together.

Your dirty tablecloths
are my worry from now on.

But I don't mind,

because there's lots of
gravy in that there gravy!

Hi, Pop.

Hey, Lionel. Glad
you dropped in.

I'd like you to meet
a friend of mine.

Frank Howard, a future
business associate of mine.

This is my son Lionel. He's
an engineer. Smart as a whip.

How are you doing? Hi, Lionel.

A pleasure to meet you.

Can I talk to you
for a minute, Pop?

Sure. Excuse me a minute, Frank.


What can I do for you, son?

Look, Pop, Mom and
I have been thinking.

You know Jenny's folks are
having an anniversary next week.

That's their problem.

Now, wait a minute.

Look, we're the only family
that the Willises really have.

Their own parents never
get together with them.

That's because
they got good taste.

Now, listen, Pop.

Look, we were thinking,
it would be a great idea

if you could throw
a party for them.

It would kind of cement
the family together.

Now, what do you think?

Yeah. I think the Willises
would look great in cement.

Come on, Pop! I'm serious.

No, you ain't. You're dumb. Pop!

Look, ain't no way

I'm throwing no party
for no Willises, no dice.

That's your last word?

No. I got three more.
Stop wasting my time.

Okay. Forget it!

Your son upset about something?

He'll get over it.

He bought himself
a lot of trouble

and wants me
to help him with it.

What kind of trouble?

Well, he married into

one of them mixed-up families.

What do you mean, "mixed-up"?

Zebra city.

He's white, she's black,
the kid's a medium-rare.

But that's what happens

when you're dumb enough
to marry the wrong color.

Ah, yes, ma'am,
what can I do for you?

No, you can't do
anything for her

but I'll do something for you.

Jean, this is George Jefferson.

George, I'd like for you to
meet Mrs. Howard, my wife.

I'm so happy to meet you.


Look... Look, did I come
too soon or something?

No. As a matter of
fact we just finished.

Wait a minute, Frank,
you got me all wrong.

No, I've got you right, George.

I was just making in-law jokes.

Everybody makes in-law
jokes. Black, white, yellow.

How about zebras?

That was just to
make the joke funnier.

That don't mean I
really feel that way.

Yeah, right, George.

Don't mind my
husband, Mr. Jefferson.

He's a little oversensitive
on the subject of race.

Oh, I see.

Well, look, you two don't have
to feel uncomfortable around me.

I mean, hell, some of my best
friends are black-and-white.

Like my good
friends the Willises.

Lovely people, especially
him. He's the white one.

Okay, we believe
you. Goodbye, George.

Wait a minute. We
ain't signed nothing yet.

That's right.

Look, Frank, I
wanna prove to you

that I'm not the kind
of guy you think I am.

It just so happens that my dear,
warm, close in-laws the Willises

are coming over for
dinner tomorrow night.

I'd like you two to join us.
Seven-thirty sound okay?

Sounds okay to me. Jean, look...

No, Frank. Come on.

Now, Mr. Jefferson is
bending over backwards

to show you that
you're wrong about him.

You'll love the Willises.


All right, we'll come to dinner.

Out of sight!

We'll get to know
each other better.

And one thing you'll
learn about me, Frank:

the color of a person's
skin don't matter to me.

I'm glad to hear that, George.

I'll see you tomorrow evening.

Right, Frank.

Looking forward to
seeing you, Mrs. White.



Hey, Weezy, the
table looks great!

Oh, thank you.

I'm really looking forward
to meeting the Howards.

And I'm so pleased you
asked the Willises to join us.

I just can't get over that.

Ain't no big thing.

I mean, the Willises and I
have had our differences

but they're part
of the family now.

Oh, that's nice.

Maybe not the front part.


Just kidding. I
love 'em. I love 'em.

Maybe now you'll throw

that anniversary
party for the Willises.

I don't love them that much.

Hey, wait a minute. How come
that avocado dip looks so funny?

Because it's clam dip.

Green clam dip?

Well, it didn't
look too appetizing

sitting there all
lumpy and white

so I decided to fix it up.

How does it taste?

How come clam dip that
looks like avocado dip

tastes like peppermint?

What do you think
turned it green?

Peppermint clam dip?

It sweetens your breath
while it sours your stomach.

But I hate peppermint.

Good. Because
that's for your guests.


That's the door, Florence.

It sure is.

Never mind, George. I'll get it.

Oh, hi. Come on in.

Hi, Louise. Hi, Louise.

George, it's Tom and Helen.

Well, well, well, it's
my favorite in-laws.

Am I glad to see you.
Thank you for coming.

Have a seat. Make
yourselves comfortable.

Tom, would you please pinch me?

Sure. May I pick my spot?

I just wanna make
sure I'm not dreaming.

I've never felt so
welcome before.

Well, don't fight the feeling.

George has turned
over a new leaf

and I think it's wonderful.

Okay, what'll it be?

I'll have a glass
of wine, please.

What about you, Tom, old buddy?

Scotch, please. Coming up.

How about this? No arguments,
no insults. Isn't this nice, Helen?

Well, it's different.

I know what you mean,
Helen. I can't get over it myself.

George just decided to
accept things as they are

for the sake of the families.

What's so strange about that?

A man can't keep his head
buried in sand all his life.

You almost made it.

Now, don't start
anything, Helen.

It's about time Lionel and
Jenny had a family they can enjoy.

Not like our in-laws.

Your parents have never
gotten over the fact that I'm white.

That's because you
never got over being white.

Just kidding.

I just wanted to show you

what the old George
used to be like.

I can still remember what
the old George used to be like

as if it were only yesterday.

It was only yesterday.

I think there's something
wrong with this Scotch.

What are you talking about?

That's 12-year-old
Scotch, best in the house.

That's what's
wrong with it! Huh?

What happened to
that 6-week-old stuff

you used to give me?

I threw that garbage out.

Nothing but the best
for you from now on.

What do you say to that, Helen?

I believe. I believe!

Say, maybe now you two

could come up to our
place for dinner some time.

Oh, sure, sure.

How about next week?
How about next year?


Well, I don't wanna
become a pest.

Oh, I see your
table is set for six.

Who else is coming?
Anyone we know?

I don't think so. Frank
and Jean Howard.

Frank and George might
be doing business together.

You're gonna love them. You'll
find you have a lot in common.

Oh? Like what?

Uh... ooh... uh...
lots of things. Like...

Is he in the
publishing business?

Uh, no. He owns a
chain of restaurants.

Do they live in
this neighborhood?

Uh, no.

Do they go to our church?


Are they a man and a woman?


Then that's it.

There's more,
isn't there, George?

Are the Howards by any
chance an interracial couple?

I don't know. I never noticed.

HELEN: Uh-huh.

I know. We're here because
we're just like them, huh?

That's baloney. You
ain't nothing like them.

He's black and she's white.

George, you
didn't tell me that...

Of course he didn't.

Because then you would
know what he was up to.

That's right. We'd all
know what he was up to.

What's he up to?

Exploiting us.

George exploiting you?

Certainly. He's using
us to get to the Howards.

We're nothing but his
token zebra couple.

Let's go, Helen.

Wait a minute. You
got me all wrong.

It's just a coincidence that
they're mixed-up like you.

I mean, I really
want you to stay.

Well, what do you say, Helen?


Because if you leave now,
you'll blow a big deal for me.

Now do you see what he's up to?

Let's get out of here.


Well, Mr. Wonderful,
you've done it again.

How could you do
that to Tom and Helen?

Don't get on me now, Weezy.

I got more important
things to think about.

Like what?

Like where am I gonna find

another integrated
couple this time of night?

Mrs. Jefferson, I'll get that.

Don't answer that door.

Why not? You gotta
go to the bathroom.

No, I don't. Yes, you do.

Why? Because
your slip is showing!

Hi! Louise, it's the Howards.

LOUISE: Hello.

Hey. Hi, George.

I'm sorry we're late.

You're not late.
You're the first.

Oh, the Willises
aren't here yet?

No. But they're coming.

They are? They'll
be here any minute.

But they just... They
just called to say

they're coming right down.

Well, now, isn't this nice?

Oh, Weezy, I gotta
get this door fixed.

Well, don't just stand there,
Weezy, show our guests around.

But, George! Starting
with the kitchen.

Well, maybe they'd
like to freshen up first.

Weezy, they already freshened
up before they left the house.

See how clean they look.

We'd love to see the
kitchen, wouldn't we, Frank?

Yeah, that sounds
like a real thrill.

Take your time, Weezy.
Don't rush around.

I'm sure they wanna
see everything.

What's the big
idea, Mr. Jefferson?

My slip ain't showing. I
ain't even wearing no slip.

Florence, dear...

Uh-oh, look out, Florence,
here comes trouble.

Florence dear, I want
you to do me a favor.

Big trouble. Come on, Florence!

All I want you to do is
pretend to be Helen Willis.

Pretend to be Mrs.
Willis? What for?

For 10 minutes. You're crazy.

A week off with full pay.

You're beginning
to make more sense.

Good. This ain't
something bad, is it?

Florence, would I
do something bad?

Is Jimmy Carter Baptist?

How could it be
bad? It's business!

All I want you to
do is act like Helen,

say you've got a
headache and go home.

How can I go home
when I'm already home?

Pretend to go home!

And how am I gonna
look like Mrs. Willis?

You just stick your
nose in the air, talk proper

and put on your best dress.

My best dress? [DOORBELL RINGS]

That'll cost extra. You got it.

Now go in the bedroom
and get changed.

Oh, good evening,
Mr. Jefferson, sir.

Here's that extra
Scotch you ordered.

Oh, yeah, Ralph, thanks.

Haven't you forgotten
something, sir?

Later, Ralph. I've
got a problem here.

Ralph. Hey!

That's it. You're number two.

Well, sir, I do try harder.

Am I glad to see you.

Well, thank you, sir.

LOUISE: And, of
course, the living room.

Well, it's lovely. You've
decorated it beautifully.

Thank you. Would you
like to see the bedrooms?

No bedrooms. The
bedrooms are out.


Not till they've seen the view.

I'm sure the Howards
would love to see the terrace.

We would? Absolutely.

George, it's cold out there.

It's good cold.
It's healthy for you.

Smell that air.
Look at the view!

But, George, it's freezing!

That's when the air's
clearest. Come on out, Weezy.

Enjoy yourselves.

Ralph, where are you going?

I can take a hint, sir.

Look, Ralph, listen carefully
because I don't have much time.

I want you to do me
a favor. A favor, sir?

I want you to pretend
you're Tom Willis,

say your wife's got
a headache and go.

Mrs. Willis is ill?
I'm sorry to hear that.

Not Mrs. Willis. Florence!

Florence? Maybe she's
been working too hard.

She ain't Florence,
she's Mrs. Willis.

Oh. Maybe you've been
working too hard, sir.

I told you to listen, I
don't have much time.

There's a guy in there that
wants to meet the Willises.

They walked out on me.

Now, I need them
to clinch a big deal.

Florence has volunteered
to be Mrs. Willis

and I want you to be Mr. Willis.

Oh, I don't know if I could
get away with being Mr. Willis.

It's easy! Just act dumb.

Nobody will know
the difference. Sir...

Ralph, go downstairs, put on
your street suit and come back.

But, sir, I'm on duty now.

Too many people depend on
me for cabs, packages, deliveries.

No, I couldn't do it.

There's 50 bucks in it for you.

I couldn't do it for
anybody but you, sir.

Thank you, Ralph.


Get in the closet. What?

Get in the closet!

Oh, you were right,
George, it's lovely out there.

Yes. But it's cold.

I could use a drink
to warm me up.

Ah, what will it be?

Scotch and water.

Yeah, I'll have the same.

You got it.

Just as soon as you've
seen our bedroom.

The bedroom?

Oh, yeah, the
tour's not completed

till you've seen our bedroom.

Well, if that's the price
of a drink around here,

let's go see the bedroom.

Oh, no. There's
nothing special about it.

Nothing special!

I love our bedroom so much

I go in two or three
times a day just to look.

Now, George...

My dear, don't argue with that.

If your husband loves
his bedroom that much,

you must have one
hell of a marriage.

Well, okay. This
way to the bedroom.

Don't you ever push
me in no closet again!


Do you know that that light goes
out when you close that door?

Come on, let's go.

Where are we going? Out.

Uh-uh. That ain't
part of our deal.

Look, you're going out
in the hallway for Ralph.

For what? Because
he's your husband!

Have you gone crazy?

Look, he's playing Tom Willis
and you're playing Helen Willis.

Now get out there
and wait for him.

Uh-uh. Let my husband come
down here and wait for me.

Florence, would you come on!

I ain't gonna stand in this
hall and look like no dummy.

You can't help the way you look.

Well, that's the
end of the tour,

unless George wants
you to see the roof.

Well, well, look who's here.
My dear friend Helen Willis.

Very pleased to meet you.

I'm Jean Howard and
this is my husband Frank.

I are charmed.


I know what you're
gonna say, Weezy.

"How come the
drinks ain't ready yet?"

[MUTTERS] I'll explain it
to you later. Just play along.

Make yourselves comfortable,
everybody. Drinks are coming up.

Good. I'll have champagne.


There's a bottle
in the refrigerator

on the second shelf.

Champagne is the only thing
my husband and I ever drink.

By the way, where
is your husband?

Oh, he'll be down in a minute.

He had to go back
upstairs and change his suit.


It got wrinkled coming
down in the elevator.

And he's so saditty.


You finish making the
drinks, Weezy. I'll get the door.

Why don't you
have Florence get it?

She went home while
you were in the kitchen.

Why? Look, her
mother's very sick.

Her mother is dead.

Well, you can't get
no sicker than that.

I got here as
quick as I could, sir.

Oh, great, come on in.

Frank and Jean, this is
Tom Willis, my old buddy.


Pleased to meet you.

And of course you
remember your wife, Helen.

Oh, yes, of course.

Hello, my darling.

George, I would like to
talk to you in the kitchen.

Not now, Weezy. I'm sure my
old buddy Tom would like a drink.

Yes, sir. I'll have a
Scotch and soda, sir.


That's a little private joke.

Tom has such a
great sense of humor.

Well, I guess he needs it,

like we did when
we first got married,

fifteen years ago.

Yeah. It feels just like 20.

How long have you
two been married?

18 years. 25 years.

Which is it?

25 years. 18 years.

Actually, they're both right.

You see, they were
married 25 years ago

and then after 18 years,
they had a second wedding.

Like me and Weezy
did. Remember, Weez?

Yeah. And I must
have been crazy to do it.

No, no. I think second
weddings are very romantic.

I was talking
about the first one.

Well, what do you do, Willis?

I'm a doorman.

Doorman Publications.

He's a publisher.

I've never heard of them. What
kind of books do you publish?

Books people read.

That's the best kind.

What are some of your titles?

We don't have any titles.

Just call me "Mister."

He means book titles.

Oh! Titl... Of course we
give all our books titles.

Otherwise people wouldn't
know what to ask for

when they went to
buy them, would they?

I remember when Frank and
I first started out in business.

Whew, the opposition we met.

Has your marriage caused any
problems with your company?

No, I've never had
any marriage problems.

From the look on
your wife's face,

I don't think she
quite agrees with that.

What are you thinking, Helen?

I'm thinking how come I ain't
had none of that champagne yet.

Are you sure you want
a drink, Helen, dear?

I'm positive, honey.

But you know it's
bad for your headache.

I don't have a headache.

Yes, you do. No, I don't.

I'll have another Scotch
and soda, old buddy.

The Jeffersons are
always so "hospi-table."

Oh, hi, everybody.

Hi, Lionel.

You remember Frank
Howard? Oh, yeah, hi.

His wife, Jean. How do you do?

Hey, Flore... You
don't have time.

Jenny called. What?

Jenny called and dinner's ready.
But, Pop, why is Florence...?

Shame on you, Lionel, keeping
your wife waiting like that.

But, Pop...

Oh, my goodness.

I'm just training him to
be a good son-in-law.

Your Jenny deserves the best.

Thank you, Georgie, dear.

Okay, now, where were we?

In the middle of making
your good friend Tom a drink.

Oh, yeah. Then you
can all join me in a toast.

To what?

To the big deal me and Frank
are gonna make. Right, Frank?

Right, George. We got a deal.


But I still doesn't
have no champagne.

Coming right up, Helen,
dear. You deserve it.


Doorbell, Louise.

Thank you, Helen.

Remind me to talk
to you tomorrow

about hiring a new maid.

Hello, Louise.

Oh, what are you two doing back?

We just bumped into Lionel.

Here's the champagne.
Wrong year.


George, I think you ought to

have the pleasure of
making the introductions.

Oh, ah...

Oh, you must be
Mr. and Mrs. Howard.

That's right.

I'm Florence Johnston,

the Jeffersons' maid.

You are?

Oh, yes, she sure is.

And I'm Ralph. I
work in the building.

And I don't know who I am.

I just stopped by to see

if you needed any help
throwing that big party.

What big party?

The big bash you're throwing

for the Willises'
anniversary next week.

I ain't throwing no party
for no Willises' anniversary.

Really? And after all
they've just done for you?

And you don't want
them to stop, do you?

Well, maybe just a little party.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Willis,

I hope we didn't
spoil the surprise.

Ain't nothing gonna
surprise me after tonight.

But what a very nice thing to
do for your friends' anniversary.

Oh, George is like that.

And he was just kidding
about the little party.

When George does
something, he goes all the way.

Don't you, George? Yep.

He's renting a
private dining room.

I am?

And hiring an orchestra, right?

And he's inviting all
the Willises' friends.

All of them?

Weezy. And the
best caterer in town.

And a lot of
champagne. And caviar!




ANNOUNCER: The Jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪ Movin', movin' up... ♪