The Goldbergs (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Kara-Te - full transcript
On the eve of the annual high school talent show, Beverly and Murray square off over Barry's plan to perform his karate routine, while Pops encourages Erica to sing.
(Adult Adam) In the '80s, a defining
moment for every teenage boy
was seeing "The Karate Kid."
It kicked and punched and swept
the leg of our hearts.
No one loved it more
than my brother Barry.
(Gong resounds)
Come at me!
High block! Cobra strike!
Fake left, go right!
Ninja roll!
(Kicks table)
Ahh! It's okay. I'm okay.
Now throw a chop!
(Karate yell)
I block that chop! I retaliate!
High kick! Fist of fury!
(Rhythmic panting)
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
- Death blow!
- Aah!
Hmm, you know,
I was thinking...
It might be better if you didn't
call out your moves first.
That's a great idea.
- Sneak attack!
- Aah!
Sure, my big bro had
an inflated sense of skill,
but in my house, my mother was
the one who did the inflating.
She wore something we called
"Mom Goggles."
They made everything we did
not just good, but spectacular.
Oh, look at you,
my little kung fu master!
- (Adam groaning) Aah!
- It's not kung fu. Stop!
- I do kara-te.
- Bilingual and dangerous?
Oh, you are just
off-the-charts amazing, honey.
- Ohh!
- Aah!
Most kids ignore their mom's high
praise, but Barry wasn't most kids.
He really believed the hype.
Unfortunately, that confidence did not
translate to his moves with the ladies.
- Hi...?
- Yo.
Locker strike! Hyah!
- Ow! Oh...
- Are you okay?
I'm fine.
My hands are like rocks.
But they're soft, too.
And gentle.
- Like baby ducks.
- Weird.
(Man) All right, kids!
That time of year again.
Holiday talent show.
(Laughs) Eh?
- Nobody?
- Oh, my God, I love the talent show.
Oh, do ya now?
Do ya now?
(Chuckles) You're great.
See ya later.
Barry had a plan in motion, and
that night, he put it into action.
Good evening.
Glad you could all
make it tonight.
- What... what is this?
- Big announcement.
I've decided to do a kara-te
routine at the school talent show.
Auditions are tomorrow.
Now I don't wanna make
too big a deal out of this,
but I do believe it will be the greatest
moment in the history of everything.
Oh, my goodness!
What a wonderful idea!
Murray, isn't this
a wonderful idea?
If I say yes, can I be
out of the conversation?
What about you, Erica?
You should absolutely do
this talent thing.
I've heard you singing
Pat Benetton in the shower.
Don't worry, guys. I'll be
at the talent show... In the front row.
'Cause my friends and I
always go for a good laugh.
Go ahead! Bring all your hot friends.
I'll wow 'em with my moves.
Now, Adam, chuck a dinner roll
at my face.
Watch me deflect it.
Come on.
No. No. Not like that.
And don't hit me in the face
if you can...
- No... What are doing?!
- Gently.
- Let me get ready, okay? Come on.
- (Murray) Stop it!
- Hyah!
- (Beverly) Yes!
- What the hell?
- Like lightning! I'm like lightning!
I knew you could do it!
I knew you could do it!
♪ (I Fight Dragons) ♪
Season 1, Episode 11
♪ I don't know the future, but the past
keeps getting clearer every day ♪
It was December 9th,
and Barry's holiday cheer
was nowhere in sight.
(Vacuum whirring loudly)
(Shouting inaudibly)
(Turns off vacuum)
- What's the point of anything?!
- Whoa, whoa. Slow down. What's wrong?
- I didn't get into the talent show.
- I don't understand.
- They rejected me.
- That literally makes no sense.
Everyone who auditioned
got in but me.
I hear what you're saying, but
I cannot wrap my mind around that.
Mr. Glascott said my routine
was too inappropriate.
How is being a perfect
kara-te angel inappropriate?
Barry! Okay,
I have been thinking.
Your kara-te routine...
It needs a professional director.
That's me!
A big idea guy.
Plus, I've seen a million
karate movies.
- Are you crying?
- (Voice breaks) No.
(Gasps) No! They're warrior's tears,
and it doesn't matter!
The school said no!
I'll never cobra strike again!
(Crying) Uhh!
This isn't fair!
At that moment, there was only one
thing running through my mom's mind.
(Door slams)
No one tells my baby
he can't cobra strike.
Mr. Glascott!
I need to speak to you immediately.
Oh, I'm sorry. I have an important morning
meeting with the kids from the math club.
The nerds can wait.
My son... Barry Goldberg... cannot.
- Are you... Beverly Goldberg?
- Oh, yes, I am.
Tell me, what kind of educator stomps
on the dreams of his students?
Look, Barry's a good kid,
which is kinda why I discouraged
him from taking part in the show.
See, some of the more
high-profile students here
can be very critical,
if you follow me.
I really don't.
The popular kids here
are real douche-sacks.
Last year, one kid did
a lovely ventriloquist act.
The kids... well, they did unspeakable
things to that doll after the show.
Quite frankly,
it was very jarring.
And Barry's karate is really ripe
for that type of ridicule.
Uh, this is high school,
not "Star Search."
(Chuckling) I mean, who died
and made you Ed McMahon?
Mr. Johansson. Our gym teacher.
He died.
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Barry is doing that show.
I will go to the top on this.
I'll petition the principal,
the school board,
the superintendent,
the mayor's office,
the U.S. Secretary of Education,
if I have to.
So what's it gonna be,
- You know my name.
- I know everything.
I got into the talent show!
(Gasps) That's good news,
and very surprising to me.
Mr. Glascott said the tri-state
talent show committee
met and ruled that kara-te
is an art form.
Wow, the tri-state
talent show committee met.
You know, that's almost
Well, it happened,
so let's just move on.
Oh, man, we're back in business!
Let's get to work!
I'll go get my nunchucks
and firecrackers.
No firecrackers!
So... you threatened
a teacher?
Please. I just gently
that he do what I say, or
there'd be dire consequences.
Why is it you go
trotting down to the school
and yell at somebody every time
one of our kids doesn't get their way?
I'm involved.
That's a good thing.
- You are out of control!
- I had no choice, Murray.
Have you even seen Barry
do kara-te?
It's like a beautiful ballet, but with
punching and grunting and rolling around.
He quit after eight lessons
because he didn't want to bike
the six blocks to get there.
- It hardly makes him Chuck Norris.
- Oh, really?
- Barry, get in here.
- What?
Your father would like a sneak peek
of your routine before the big show.
- Adam, get the firecrackers.
- No fire-crackers!
No fire-crackers.
("The Touch" by Stan Bush playing)
- Hyah!
- ♪ You got the touch
- Dragon stance! Kee-ya!
♪ - You got the power
Tiger claw! Hyah!
Sumo tomahawk chop!
Assistant. Present weaponry.
♪ Aah!
That's okay. I'm okay.
Bo staff! Hyah!
(Thuds) Sorry.
♪ - After all is said and done
- Hyah!
(Broom clatters)
And now...
The most deadly weapon
of 'em all... my hands.
Oh, no! A robber!
Don't worry, Kelly Lebrock,
I'll save you!
(Exhaling) No... oh...
Don't! Ow!
You're not supposed to hit me.
Disarm! Adam!
(Lowered voice) Jeez,
you're supposed to disarm.
You're supposed to let go!
He has been disarmed!
And now...
The big finish.
♪ You got the touch
♪ You got the power
(distorted growl)
(Distorted roaring)
- Aah! Damn!
- ♪ you got the touch
That'll break during the show.
(Turns off music)
That was the greatest thing
my eyeballs have ever,
ever seen!
- Do you want me to go again?
- (Laughing) Yes!
- We're going again!
- Yes! (Murray groans)
Turns out, not everyone
had mom goggles.
Do it again!
Do it again!
The talent show was the furthest
thing from Erica's mind,
but pops was hoping
to change that. (Knock on door)
Hey, kiddo,
mind if I sit down?
I know what you're gonna say,
and I'm not doing the talent show.
That's not why I'm here.
I came to...
Borrow this magazine.
"Eight ways to catch a hunk."
What is this garbage?
- But since you brought it up...
- Pops, forget it!
Doing the talent show
is social suicide.
I might as well go up on stage
with a sign that says, "I have lice."
That doesn't sound like
much of an act.
Come on, you have
an amazing voice,
a-and you're terrific
on the guitar.
- You got to play the guitar.
- Can't. Sold it.
- What?! You loved that guitar.
- And now I love my leather jacket.
That is very angering.
Look, I appreciate you
believing in me and all that crap,
but there's no chance
I'm gonna do the talent show.
Oh, there's a chance, 'cause
I'm gonna get you to do it.
- Uh, not gonna happen!
- We'll see!
- Waste of time!
- Can't hear you...!
(Rhythmic exhaling)
Good morning, Bar.
Nice karate pajamas.
It's called a gi.
You need to educate yourself,
man. See more movies.
Listen, I know your mom loves
this whole Hong Kong-fooey act, but...
Haven't you considered
doing something else?
- Why would I ever do that?
- Because you're Barry Goldberg,
a man of many
different talents.
It's true.
I am great at a lot of stuff.
Skateboarding, rapping,
A little...
Pop-and-lock action.
Why are we even having
this conversation?
I'm doing kara-te.
The committee ruled in my favor.
Barry, you can't do this act.
I speak from experience.
What are you talking about?
When I was your age, I was
the funniest guy on the football team.
- Funny? Since when are you funny?
- I'm plenty funny, okay?
I was hilarious.
I used to tell dirty jokes,
I'd snap guys with a towel.
I gave everybody a nickname,
like, uh, Pretty Boy and Shorty.
- Those are terrible nicknames.
- Shorty wasn't short.
As a matter of fact, he was a giant.
Oh, my God. Had a gland problem.
- Actually sad stuff.
- What's the point to this?
The point is, the coach said,
"Murray, you're a card."
"Why don't you host the pep rally?"
So, I did.
I get up there, I realize I've only
got one minute of material.
One minute!
I bombed
in front of the whole school.
- They threw peaches at me.
- Why'd they have peaches?
I don't know!
They weren't even in season!
All I know is, I don't want you
to go through what I went through.
Please don't do your act.
I'm begging you!
- So you think I'm gonna suck?
- No, son.
I know you're going to suck.
Well, I got news for you.
The audience won't
throw peaches.
They'll throw flowers.
And cheers! And boobs!
Naked boobs! Everywhere!
Just you watch. Watch!
Boobs! Naked!
In that moment, my dad realized
he only had one way to protect Barry.
He was gonna stand up for his son
by standing in his way.
Mr. Glascott...?
We need to talk.
(Door closes)
- I'm out again!
- What?!
Mr. Glascott said the national
talent show committee
overruled the tri-state
talent show committee.
Well, this is very surprising
and unacceptable,
but they have made their ruling,
and I believe
we should honor it.
The talent show committee
system in this country's broken!
National committee, huh?
Well, it's more powerful
than the tri-state committee.
- What can I say?
- This is unbelievable.
You trotted down to that school
after being so judgy with me about it?
Hey, I'm just being an involved parent.
You told me that was a good thing.
Not when you do it.
You got your own son
kicked out of a talent show.
Who does that?
Look, I'm doing the kid a favor
by not wearing mom goggles all the time.
- "Mom what"?
- Goggles! We all know you wear 'em!
It makes you think our kids are so
brilliant and perfect and poop rainbows.
For once, just take those
mom goggles off
and admit that our wonderful children
are terrible at so many different things.
I will not.
They're gonna have plenty of people
trying to tear them down in life,
so while they're under my roof, the least
I can do is try to build them up.
Accept our children's
It's freeing!
Seriously? I'm right here!
- Oh, not... not you. You're fantastic.
- Yeah, you're a real gem yourself.
As the talent show
drew near,
pops thought it was time
to pull out his secret weapon.
(Banjo strumming)
(Pops vocalizing)
(Continues vocalizing, stops)
Hello. I... I didn't realize
you were here.
Me, I'm just sitting here,
relaxing, strumming the old banjo.
You're wasting your strums.
Am I? Or is it time to do
that duet we used to do?
(Resumes strumming)
♪ Won't you come home,
Bill Bailey? ♪
(Sings indistinctly)
Pops. Pops!
- I'm not doing the talent show.
- Come on! Do this show!
You can even borrow my banjo.
Don't take this
the wrong way,
but toting a banjo up on stage
isn't exactly what you'd call cool.
- Since when is the banjo not cool?
- Since the invention of the banjo...?
Erica, when you were younger,
you used to do everything...
Volleyball, gymnastics,
school chorus.
What happened to you?
Well, I go to high school,
where people judge you.
Well, if you don't think the banjo's cool,
I can always break out the accordion.
Turns out pops wasn't
the only one
still trying to get a Goldberg
into the talent show.
Or out of the talent show.
(Man) Get out of the way, idiot!
(Tires screech, horn honks)
What are you doing here?
Stopping you from doing
what you're doing!
The only thing I'm here
to do is...
Fake left, go right.
(Pops) But isn't it your responsibility
to encourage talented students...
Oh, hey. I-I was just
talking to Mr. Glascott here
about putting Erica
into the talent show.
I can't take this anymore.
You want your kids in, they're in.
Oh, great! Which one?
I don't know.
Both of them? None of them?
I really don't care! I mean, it's a
stupid freakin' high school talent show!
I had one moment of weakness where
I tried to do something kind for your son.
I apologize!
All I care about now is that
I owe 20 grand in student loans,
I live in a studio apartment
above a steaming hot dry cleaner,
and I have a second job
where I work as a pizza man,
and occasionally I get
to deliver pizzas to my students.
Oh, also I have a parrot
that I can't get rid of.
They live for 80 years.
Did you know that?
Nobody tells you about that.
You have to put them in your will!
It's a nightmare!
So, yeah, do whatever you wanna do,
'cause I really don't care!
That made me hungry for pizza.
Who wants pizza?
All right, we've gathered you here
because we've got some great news.
There's been some movement
on the talent show.
Again? This has been
an emotional roller coaster.
- Turns out Barry can do the show!
- Or not, if you don't want to.
What are you talking about? The national
talent show committee already ruled.
- It's binding.
- Actually, um...
- We're the committees.
- What?
Your mother took it upon herself
to trot on down to the high school
and yell at Mr. Glascott when
you didn't get into the talent show.
- What?!
- Your father trotted, too.
At least I was trying
to get him into the show.
Unbelievable! Why is anyone
trotting anywhere?!
The silver lining?
Erica's in the show, too.
- Excuse me?
- I talked to Mr. Glascott. Troubled man.
But I told him
all about you.
Well, you can tell him something else.
I'm not doing that show.
Me, too! 'Cause mom meddled,
I'm not doing that show anymore!
(Exhales sharply)
And 'cause dad
doesn't believe in me,
I'm gonna prove you wrong,
and I'm gonna do the show.
- Wait. Wh-which one is it?
- I don't know!
I'm just so angry
at both of you.
(Whispers) I really think
you should do it.
All right.
I spoke with Adam.
This thing matters a lot
to a lot of people.
I'm back in.
The talent show was back on,
and so was my directorial debut!
(Dance music playing)
It was only the opening act
of the William Penn Academy
holiday talent show,
and Barry was already
getting cold feet.
Wow. They're really good.
It's gonna be
a tough act to follow.
What are you worried about?
You got a black belt.
That I took
from dad's bathrobe!
(Music ends)
(Cheers and applause)
Dorks! (Laughter)
In that moment, Barry realized the reason
why Lexy Bloom loved the talent show.
Like the rest of the cool crowd,
she could bag on all the idiots on stage.
- I can't go out there!
- What?!
I can't do it! Dad was right.
I'm gonna humiliate myself.
They're gonna
throw peaches at me!
Peaches? Who has peaches?
What are you talking about?
I can't do it!
Despite pops' best efforts, Erica decided
to not even go to the talent show.
But our grandfather had
one more card to play.
(Cheers and applause)
(Man, amplified voice)
And that was our second-to-last act,
Ellen McRae juggling!
- All right, karate kid, you're up next.
- I can't go out there.
What are you talking about? You're
our closer. We gotta have a closer.
- Or I could just end it.
- Well, I'm out.
I'm in.
My grandfather said you might
have a spot open for me.
Well, seeing as I don't care
at all, yes.
(Indistinct conversations)
One of the Goldbergs.
(Amplifier hums,
scattered applause)
(Amplified voice)
So, um...
This is a song I sing
in the shower.
(Scattered giggling)
(Erica exhales)
Just get it over with,
I guess.
(Strums lightly)
♪ Oh, you're a real tough
cookie with the long history ♪
♪ Of breakin' little hearts
like the one in me ♪
♪ That's okay,
let's see how you do it ♪
♪ Put up your Dukes,
let's get down to it ♪
♪ Hit me with your best shot
♪ Why don't you hit me
with your best shot? ♪
(Rhythmic clapping)
♪ Oh, hit me with your
best shot ♪ (Cheering)
♪ Fire away
(cheering continues)
♪ You come on
with your "come on" ♪
♪ You don't fight fair
♪ But that's okay,
just see if I care ♪
♪ Knock me down,
it's all in vain ♪ (Speaks inaudibly)
♪ I'll get back up
on my feet again ♪
- ♪ Hit me with your best shot
- (Boy and girl) Yeah!
♪ Why don't you hit me
with your best shot? ♪
♪ Oh, hit me with your
best shot ♪
♪ Fire away
- I'm back in!
- Still don't care.
♪ You're a real tough cookie with the
long history ♪ (Rhythmic exhaling)
- Nunchucks!
- ♪ Of breakin' little hearts
♪ like the one in me
(grunting and exhaling) ♪ That's okay,
let's see how you do it ♪
♪ Put up your Dukes,
let's get down to it ♪
♪ Hit me with your best shot
(Screams indistinctly)
Sneak attack!
♪ Why don't you hit me
with your best shot? ♪
♪ Hit me with your
best shot ♪
♪ Fire away
(laughing) My babies!
- Hyah!
- ♪ Hit me with your best shot ♪
(Grunts loudly)
♪ Why don't you hit me
♪ With your best shot?
(Crowd gasps)
♪ Hit me with your
best shot ♪
- You can do it, baby!
- ♪ Fire away...!
(Erica holds note)
Pops was right. Erica had nothing
to be embarrassed about.
In fact, in that moment, it felt
damn good to be a Goldberg.
I have the most talented
kids in the world!
More talented than yours!
More talented than yours!
- Calm down. Calm down.
- Oh, my God!
Especially for my dad, who put on the mom
goggles for the first time in his life.
Yeah! Yeah...
Thank you, guys.
And as for me, I did what
any good director would do...
I made my star look good.
I switched Barry's board
for balsa wood.
(Rhythmic exhaling)
Huh! Hyah! (Grunting)
Ha! Huh! Ha! Ha!
Okay, mom. Next talent show's
only a year away.
Can't start preparing too early!
Show me what you got.
I wrote a smooth soul jam.
You ready?
♪ Girl
♪ I want to get with you
♪ Big tasty wants
to get with you-u ♪
♪ You got to, mmm,
back it up ♪
♪ Mmm, back it up,
uh, uh, uhh.
I'm sorry, was that Barry Goldberg,
or Barry Manilow?
I can't tell the difference!
(Doorbell rings)
(Sighs) Crap.
moment for every teenage boy
was seeing "The Karate Kid."
It kicked and punched and swept
the leg of our hearts.
No one loved it more
than my brother Barry.
(Gong resounds)
Come at me!
High block! Cobra strike!
Fake left, go right!
Ninja roll!
(Kicks table)
Ahh! It's okay. I'm okay.
Now throw a chop!
(Karate yell)
I block that chop! I retaliate!
High kick! Fist of fury!
(Rhythmic panting)
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
- Death blow!
- Aah!
Hmm, you know,
I was thinking...
It might be better if you didn't
call out your moves first.
That's a great idea.
- Sneak attack!
- Aah!
Sure, my big bro had
an inflated sense of skill,
but in my house, my mother was
the one who did the inflating.
She wore something we called
"Mom Goggles."
They made everything we did
not just good, but spectacular.
Oh, look at you,
my little kung fu master!
- (Adam groaning) Aah!
- It's not kung fu. Stop!
- I do kara-te.
- Bilingual and dangerous?
Oh, you are just
off-the-charts amazing, honey.
- Ohh!
- Aah!
Most kids ignore their mom's high
praise, but Barry wasn't most kids.
He really believed the hype.
Unfortunately, that confidence did not
translate to his moves with the ladies.
- Hi...?
- Yo.
Locker strike! Hyah!
- Ow! Oh...
- Are you okay?
I'm fine.
My hands are like rocks.
But they're soft, too.
And gentle.
- Like baby ducks.
- Weird.
(Man) All right, kids!
That time of year again.
Holiday talent show.
(Laughs) Eh?
- Nobody?
- Oh, my God, I love the talent show.
Oh, do ya now?
Do ya now?
(Chuckles) You're great.
See ya later.
Barry had a plan in motion, and
that night, he put it into action.
Good evening.
Glad you could all
make it tonight.
- What... what is this?
- Big announcement.
I've decided to do a kara-te
routine at the school talent show.
Auditions are tomorrow.
Now I don't wanna make
too big a deal out of this,
but I do believe it will be the greatest
moment in the history of everything.
Oh, my goodness!
What a wonderful idea!
Murray, isn't this
a wonderful idea?
If I say yes, can I be
out of the conversation?
What about you, Erica?
You should absolutely do
this talent thing.
I've heard you singing
Pat Benetton in the shower.
Don't worry, guys. I'll be
at the talent show... In the front row.
'Cause my friends and I
always go for a good laugh.
Go ahead! Bring all your hot friends.
I'll wow 'em with my moves.
Now, Adam, chuck a dinner roll
at my face.
Watch me deflect it.
Come on.
No. No. Not like that.
And don't hit me in the face
if you can...
- No... What are doing?!
- Gently.
- Let me get ready, okay? Come on.
- (Murray) Stop it!
- Hyah!
- (Beverly) Yes!
- What the hell?
- Like lightning! I'm like lightning!
I knew you could do it!
I knew you could do it!
♪ (I Fight Dragons) ♪
Season 1, Episode 11
♪ I don't know the future, but the past
keeps getting clearer every day ♪
It was December 9th,
and Barry's holiday cheer
was nowhere in sight.
(Vacuum whirring loudly)
(Shouting inaudibly)
(Turns off vacuum)
- What's the point of anything?!
- Whoa, whoa. Slow down. What's wrong?
- I didn't get into the talent show.
- I don't understand.
- They rejected me.
- That literally makes no sense.
Everyone who auditioned
got in but me.
I hear what you're saying, but
I cannot wrap my mind around that.
Mr. Glascott said my routine
was too inappropriate.
How is being a perfect
kara-te angel inappropriate?
Barry! Okay,
I have been thinking.
Your kara-te routine...
It needs a professional director.
That's me!
A big idea guy.
Plus, I've seen a million
karate movies.
- Are you crying?
- (Voice breaks) No.
(Gasps) No! They're warrior's tears,
and it doesn't matter!
The school said no!
I'll never cobra strike again!
(Crying) Uhh!
This isn't fair!
At that moment, there was only one
thing running through my mom's mind.
(Door slams)
No one tells my baby
he can't cobra strike.
Mr. Glascott!
I need to speak to you immediately.
Oh, I'm sorry. I have an important morning
meeting with the kids from the math club.
The nerds can wait.
My son... Barry Goldberg... cannot.
- Are you... Beverly Goldberg?
- Oh, yes, I am.
Tell me, what kind of educator stomps
on the dreams of his students?
Look, Barry's a good kid,
which is kinda why I discouraged
him from taking part in the show.
See, some of the more
high-profile students here
can be very critical,
if you follow me.
I really don't.
The popular kids here
are real douche-sacks.
Last year, one kid did
a lovely ventriloquist act.
The kids... well, they did unspeakable
things to that doll after the show.
Quite frankly,
it was very jarring.
And Barry's karate is really ripe
for that type of ridicule.
Uh, this is high school,
not "Star Search."
(Chuckling) I mean, who died
and made you Ed McMahon?
Mr. Johansson. Our gym teacher.
He died.
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Barry is doing that show.
I will go to the top on this.
I'll petition the principal,
the school board,
the superintendent,
the mayor's office,
the U.S. Secretary of Education,
if I have to.
So what's it gonna be,
- You know my name.
- I know everything.
I got into the talent show!
(Gasps) That's good news,
and very surprising to me.
Mr. Glascott said the tri-state
talent show committee
met and ruled that kara-te
is an art form.
Wow, the tri-state
talent show committee met.
You know, that's almost
Well, it happened,
so let's just move on.
Oh, man, we're back in business!
Let's get to work!
I'll go get my nunchucks
and firecrackers.
No firecrackers!
So... you threatened
a teacher?
Please. I just gently
that he do what I say, or
there'd be dire consequences.
Why is it you go
trotting down to the school
and yell at somebody every time
one of our kids doesn't get their way?
I'm involved.
That's a good thing.
- You are out of control!
- I had no choice, Murray.
Have you even seen Barry
do kara-te?
It's like a beautiful ballet, but with
punching and grunting and rolling around.
He quit after eight lessons
because he didn't want to bike
the six blocks to get there.
- It hardly makes him Chuck Norris.
- Oh, really?
- Barry, get in here.
- What?
Your father would like a sneak peek
of your routine before the big show.
- Adam, get the firecrackers.
- No fire-crackers!
No fire-crackers.
("The Touch" by Stan Bush playing)
- Hyah!
- ♪ You got the touch
- Dragon stance! Kee-ya!
♪ - You got the power
Tiger claw! Hyah!
Sumo tomahawk chop!
Assistant. Present weaponry.
♪ Aah!
That's okay. I'm okay.
Bo staff! Hyah!
(Thuds) Sorry.
♪ - After all is said and done
- Hyah!
(Broom clatters)
And now...
The most deadly weapon
of 'em all... my hands.
Oh, no! A robber!
Don't worry, Kelly Lebrock,
I'll save you!
(Exhaling) No... oh...
Don't! Ow!
You're not supposed to hit me.
Disarm! Adam!
(Lowered voice) Jeez,
you're supposed to disarm.
You're supposed to let go!
He has been disarmed!
And now...
The big finish.
♪ You got the touch
♪ You got the power
(distorted growl)
(Distorted roaring)
- Aah! Damn!
- ♪ you got the touch
That'll break during the show.
(Turns off music)
That was the greatest thing
my eyeballs have ever,
ever seen!
- Do you want me to go again?
- (Laughing) Yes!
- We're going again!
- Yes! (Murray groans)
Turns out, not everyone
had mom goggles.
Do it again!
Do it again!
The talent show was the furthest
thing from Erica's mind,
but pops was hoping
to change that. (Knock on door)
Hey, kiddo,
mind if I sit down?
I know what you're gonna say,
and I'm not doing the talent show.
That's not why I'm here.
I came to...
Borrow this magazine.
"Eight ways to catch a hunk."
What is this garbage?
- But since you brought it up...
- Pops, forget it!
Doing the talent show
is social suicide.
I might as well go up on stage
with a sign that says, "I have lice."
That doesn't sound like
much of an act.
Come on, you have
an amazing voice,
a-and you're terrific
on the guitar.
- You got to play the guitar.
- Can't. Sold it.
- What?! You loved that guitar.
- And now I love my leather jacket.
That is very angering.
Look, I appreciate you
believing in me and all that crap,
but there's no chance
I'm gonna do the talent show.
Oh, there's a chance, 'cause
I'm gonna get you to do it.
- Uh, not gonna happen!
- We'll see!
- Waste of time!
- Can't hear you...!
(Rhythmic exhaling)
Good morning, Bar.
Nice karate pajamas.
It's called a gi.
You need to educate yourself,
man. See more movies.
Listen, I know your mom loves
this whole Hong Kong-fooey act, but...
Haven't you considered
doing something else?
- Why would I ever do that?
- Because you're Barry Goldberg,
a man of many
different talents.
It's true.
I am great at a lot of stuff.
Skateboarding, rapping,
A little...
Pop-and-lock action.
Why are we even having
this conversation?
I'm doing kara-te.
The committee ruled in my favor.
Barry, you can't do this act.
I speak from experience.
What are you talking about?
When I was your age, I was
the funniest guy on the football team.
- Funny? Since when are you funny?
- I'm plenty funny, okay?
I was hilarious.
I used to tell dirty jokes,
I'd snap guys with a towel.
I gave everybody a nickname,
like, uh, Pretty Boy and Shorty.
- Those are terrible nicknames.
- Shorty wasn't short.
As a matter of fact, he was a giant.
Oh, my God. Had a gland problem.
- Actually sad stuff.
- What's the point to this?
The point is, the coach said,
"Murray, you're a card."
"Why don't you host the pep rally?"
So, I did.
I get up there, I realize I've only
got one minute of material.
One minute!
I bombed
in front of the whole school.
- They threw peaches at me.
- Why'd they have peaches?
I don't know!
They weren't even in season!
All I know is, I don't want you
to go through what I went through.
Please don't do your act.
I'm begging you!
- So you think I'm gonna suck?
- No, son.
I know you're going to suck.
Well, I got news for you.
The audience won't
throw peaches.
They'll throw flowers.
And cheers! And boobs!
Naked boobs! Everywhere!
Just you watch. Watch!
Boobs! Naked!
In that moment, my dad realized
he only had one way to protect Barry.
He was gonna stand up for his son
by standing in his way.
Mr. Glascott...?
We need to talk.
(Door closes)
- I'm out again!
- What?!
Mr. Glascott said the national
talent show committee
overruled the tri-state
talent show committee.
Well, this is very surprising
and unacceptable,
but they have made their ruling,
and I believe
we should honor it.
The talent show committee
system in this country's broken!
National committee, huh?
Well, it's more powerful
than the tri-state committee.
- What can I say?
- This is unbelievable.
You trotted down to that school
after being so judgy with me about it?
Hey, I'm just being an involved parent.
You told me that was a good thing.
Not when you do it.
You got your own son
kicked out of a talent show.
Who does that?
Look, I'm doing the kid a favor
by not wearing mom goggles all the time.
- "Mom what"?
- Goggles! We all know you wear 'em!
It makes you think our kids are so
brilliant and perfect and poop rainbows.
For once, just take those
mom goggles off
and admit that our wonderful children
are terrible at so many different things.
I will not.
They're gonna have plenty of people
trying to tear them down in life,
so while they're under my roof, the least
I can do is try to build them up.
Accept our children's
It's freeing!
Seriously? I'm right here!
- Oh, not... not you. You're fantastic.
- Yeah, you're a real gem yourself.
As the talent show
drew near,
pops thought it was time
to pull out his secret weapon.
(Banjo strumming)
(Pops vocalizing)
(Continues vocalizing, stops)
Hello. I... I didn't realize
you were here.
Me, I'm just sitting here,
relaxing, strumming the old banjo.
You're wasting your strums.
Am I? Or is it time to do
that duet we used to do?
(Resumes strumming)
♪ Won't you come home,
Bill Bailey? ♪
(Sings indistinctly)
Pops. Pops!
- I'm not doing the talent show.
- Come on! Do this show!
You can even borrow my banjo.
Don't take this
the wrong way,
but toting a banjo up on stage
isn't exactly what you'd call cool.
- Since when is the banjo not cool?
- Since the invention of the banjo...?
Erica, when you were younger,
you used to do everything...
Volleyball, gymnastics,
school chorus.
What happened to you?
Well, I go to high school,
where people judge you.
Well, if you don't think the banjo's cool,
I can always break out the accordion.
Turns out pops wasn't
the only one
still trying to get a Goldberg
into the talent show.
Or out of the talent show.
(Man) Get out of the way, idiot!
(Tires screech, horn honks)
What are you doing here?
Stopping you from doing
what you're doing!
The only thing I'm here
to do is...
Fake left, go right.
(Pops) But isn't it your responsibility
to encourage talented students...
Oh, hey. I-I was just
talking to Mr. Glascott here
about putting Erica
into the talent show.
I can't take this anymore.
You want your kids in, they're in.
Oh, great! Which one?
I don't know.
Both of them? None of them?
I really don't care! I mean, it's a
stupid freakin' high school talent show!
I had one moment of weakness where
I tried to do something kind for your son.
I apologize!
All I care about now is that
I owe 20 grand in student loans,
I live in a studio apartment
above a steaming hot dry cleaner,
and I have a second job
where I work as a pizza man,
and occasionally I get
to deliver pizzas to my students.
Oh, also I have a parrot
that I can't get rid of.
They live for 80 years.
Did you know that?
Nobody tells you about that.
You have to put them in your will!
It's a nightmare!
So, yeah, do whatever you wanna do,
'cause I really don't care!
That made me hungry for pizza.
Who wants pizza?
All right, we've gathered you here
because we've got some great news.
There's been some movement
on the talent show.
Again? This has been
an emotional roller coaster.
- Turns out Barry can do the show!
- Or not, if you don't want to.
What are you talking about? The national
talent show committee already ruled.
- It's binding.
- Actually, um...
- We're the committees.
- What?
Your mother took it upon herself
to trot on down to the high school
and yell at Mr. Glascott when
you didn't get into the talent show.
- What?!
- Your father trotted, too.
At least I was trying
to get him into the show.
Unbelievable! Why is anyone
trotting anywhere?!
The silver lining?
Erica's in the show, too.
- Excuse me?
- I talked to Mr. Glascott. Troubled man.
But I told him
all about you.
Well, you can tell him something else.
I'm not doing that show.
Me, too! 'Cause mom meddled,
I'm not doing that show anymore!
(Exhales sharply)
And 'cause dad
doesn't believe in me,
I'm gonna prove you wrong,
and I'm gonna do the show.
- Wait. Wh-which one is it?
- I don't know!
I'm just so angry
at both of you.
(Whispers) I really think
you should do it.
All right.
I spoke with Adam.
This thing matters a lot
to a lot of people.
I'm back in.
The talent show was back on,
and so was my directorial debut!
(Dance music playing)
It was only the opening act
of the William Penn Academy
holiday talent show,
and Barry was already
getting cold feet.
Wow. They're really good.
It's gonna be
a tough act to follow.
What are you worried about?
You got a black belt.
That I took
from dad's bathrobe!
(Music ends)
(Cheers and applause)
Dorks! (Laughter)
In that moment, Barry realized the reason
why Lexy Bloom loved the talent show.
Like the rest of the cool crowd,
she could bag on all the idiots on stage.
- I can't go out there!
- What?!
I can't do it! Dad was right.
I'm gonna humiliate myself.
They're gonna
throw peaches at me!
Peaches? Who has peaches?
What are you talking about?
I can't do it!
Despite pops' best efforts, Erica decided
to not even go to the talent show.
But our grandfather had
one more card to play.
(Cheers and applause)
(Man, amplified voice)
And that was our second-to-last act,
Ellen McRae juggling!
- All right, karate kid, you're up next.
- I can't go out there.
What are you talking about? You're
our closer. We gotta have a closer.
- Or I could just end it.
- Well, I'm out.
I'm in.
My grandfather said you might
have a spot open for me.
Well, seeing as I don't care
at all, yes.
(Indistinct conversations)
One of the Goldbergs.
(Amplifier hums,
scattered applause)
(Amplified voice)
So, um...
This is a song I sing
in the shower.
(Scattered giggling)
(Erica exhales)
Just get it over with,
I guess.
(Strums lightly)
♪ Oh, you're a real tough
cookie with the long history ♪
♪ Of breakin' little hearts
like the one in me ♪
♪ That's okay,
let's see how you do it ♪
♪ Put up your Dukes,
let's get down to it ♪
♪ Hit me with your best shot
♪ Why don't you hit me
with your best shot? ♪
(Rhythmic clapping)
♪ Oh, hit me with your
best shot ♪ (Cheering)
♪ Fire away
(cheering continues)
♪ You come on
with your "come on" ♪
♪ You don't fight fair
♪ But that's okay,
just see if I care ♪
♪ Knock me down,
it's all in vain ♪ (Speaks inaudibly)
♪ I'll get back up
on my feet again ♪
- ♪ Hit me with your best shot
- (Boy and girl) Yeah!
♪ Why don't you hit me
with your best shot? ♪
♪ Oh, hit me with your
best shot ♪
♪ Fire away
- I'm back in!
- Still don't care.
♪ You're a real tough cookie with the
long history ♪ (Rhythmic exhaling)
- Nunchucks!
- ♪ Of breakin' little hearts
♪ like the one in me
(grunting and exhaling) ♪ That's okay,
let's see how you do it ♪
♪ Put up your Dukes,
let's get down to it ♪
♪ Hit me with your best shot
(Screams indistinctly)
Sneak attack!
♪ Why don't you hit me
with your best shot? ♪
♪ Hit me with your
best shot ♪
♪ Fire away
(laughing) My babies!
- Hyah!
- ♪ Hit me with your best shot ♪
(Grunts loudly)
♪ Why don't you hit me
♪ With your best shot?
(Crowd gasps)
♪ Hit me with your
best shot ♪
- You can do it, baby!
- ♪ Fire away...!
(Erica holds note)
Pops was right. Erica had nothing
to be embarrassed about.
In fact, in that moment, it felt
damn good to be a Goldberg.
I have the most talented
kids in the world!
More talented than yours!
More talented than yours!
- Calm down. Calm down.
- Oh, my God!
Especially for my dad, who put on the mom
goggles for the first time in his life.
Yeah! Yeah...
Thank you, guys.
And as for me, I did what
any good director would do...
I made my star look good.
I switched Barry's board
for balsa wood.
(Rhythmic exhaling)
Huh! Hyah! (Grunting)
Ha! Huh! Ha! Ha!
Okay, mom. Next talent show's
only a year away.
Can't start preparing too early!
Show me what you got.
I wrote a smooth soul jam.
You ready?
♪ Girl
♪ I want to get with you
♪ Big tasty wants
to get with you-u ♪
♪ You got to, mmm,
back it up ♪
♪ Mmm, back it up,
uh, uh, uhh.
I'm sorry, was that Barry Goldberg,
or Barry Manilow?
I can't tell the difference!
(Doorbell rings)
(Sighs) Crap.