The Ghost and Molly McGee (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Game Night/The Don't-Gooder - full transcript

The McGees lets competition get the best of them during family game night. When Andrea steals credit for Molly's volunteer work, Molly tries to expose her.


-♪ I can't believe
You're all mine ♪
-Uh, what?

- ♪ You and me for all time ♪

- ♪ I'm never, ever, ever
Gonna be alone again ♪
-Oh, boy.

-♪ The dream team
You and me ♪
-For all eternity?!

- ♪ For all eternity! ♪

♪ It's a ghost, it's a ghost
And Molly McGee ♪

♪ I've been cursed
It's the worst ♪

♪ Now you're stuck with me ♪

♪ We're never gonna be apart ♪

- ♪ Is there a way
To hit restart? ♪

♪ We're the ghost
Ghost and Molly McGee ♪

-That's me!
-Well, that's she.

-[chorus] Ooh!
- ♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee ♪

Live from the McGee family
living room

in Brighton's defund
manufacturing district.

It's Wheel... of... Chore-Fun!

The heck is this?
Other than a waste
of perfectly good macaroni?


It's a time-honored tradition
that all McGees must face.

The McGee Family Chore Wheel!

Hope I get trash duty!

It's where I get
my best blackmail material.

But why do I have
to clean the house?

You bought it, you clean it!

And there's that stare,
so I'm in for chores.

-Help me in.
-OK! Here I go!

Ah hah! Closets! Nailed it!

Carpets. . . Uh, not great
for my dust allergies.

-But it could be worse.
-Kitchen. I'll take it!

Compost duty. Phew.

[sigh of relief]

N-- No, no!

Not the downstairs bathroom!

That's the-- [retching]
That's the grossest
chore of all!

-I command a re-spin!
-Too late.

The wheel has spoken.

This is outrageous!

When I became a McGee,

I was under the impression
families were all about perks.

Like unconditional love,
free food,

and a bunch of schmoes
who do everything for me.

I did not sign up
for manual labor!

It's all part of being
a family, Scratch.

Sometimes it means
fun and games,

today it means
hard water stains
around the toilet.

I guess you're righ--
Oh, what's that?

Urgent ghost business?

McGees, I'll be back.
I'm so sorry. I gotta go...

-We hereby banish you

-to the Flow of Failed--

Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt.
I know you guys are busy.

No it's fine, really. Just take
all the time you need.

Great. I just thought
I'd, y'know, check in.

Any urgent scares
you need me to,
uh, scare up, y'know?

I could totally do that.
Watch it. Boo! I'm just

But that's how fast
they were.

I can-- Anything I can do
for you personally?

Y'know, that wig is
looking a little flat.
I could fluff it up for you.

-Give it some bangs.
-You are dismissed, Scratch.

Oooh, no!


[disgusted noises] Yuck!

I'm too dead for this!

So many memories,
so little resale value.

Sweet baby corn!

Mom, Dad, Darryl, Scratch!
Come quick!

What? I'm still working!

Look what I found!

Mega City?!

Oh, We haven't played this
in forever!

-I thought we lost it
in the move.
-It was all the way in back,

like someone was trying
to hide it or something.

What's the big deal?
It's just a board game.

-[they gasp]
-Just a board game?!

Mega City is the game
that inspired me
to become a city planner.

I might just be the best player
in the entire world.

Dad, you're not even
the best player
in this entire family.

Heh, thank you, Darryl.
I have won the most games.

No way. Check the tally.

So, you guys play
this game a lot...

Some might say too much.

We used to play every week
for Family Game Night.

-Why did we stop playing?
-Isn't it obvious?

The goose egg over there;

And it's all right, Sharon.
You're good at many things!

Like, board-- board
games is the one thing
you're not good at.

But other things you're good

Oh, I'm blanking right now.
This is a bad time to blank.

-I'm sorry I'm blanking.
But many things!
-Uh... thanks?

Now let's put the game away
and get back to our chores!

Whoa, whoa whoa, we're just
gonna go back to chores?

Without playing one game
of Mega-whatever?

Y'know, you say I'm
a member of this family,

yet I've never experienced
the camaraderie
of Family Game Night!

That is a really
good point, Scratch.

And we could finally
break the tie

and declare the ultimate
winner of Mega-city!

Yeah! Game on!

Ooh! Scratch, red's Mom's

Oh, that's fine.
Scratch can take my place.

Some of us have
better things to do.

-[slams door]
-See? She can't stand losing.

-Still love you, honey!
-[they laugh]


In Mega City, as in life,

I believe you can
play nice and still win.

See? I have a Cat Cafè
and a Doggy Daycare

living next to each other
in harmony and peace, baby!

Ah, tract housing. Now that's
how you build a city!

-Bye, Pete's Suites,
hello, Darryl's palace.

The biggest casino in town!

My turn!

Ooh, a gold card.
What's that mean?

-Tower of Power!
-Tower of Power!

Oh, wait a minute.
Should I-- What's going on?

Should I be doing
what you're doing?
Seems like you guys--

I mean, it's my first time,
so bear that in mind.

-In your face!

Thank you,
civil engineering degree
and crippling student loan debt!


You McGees are
really competitive.

Count up those pieces
and declare a winner already!

I'm making my famous chili.

Who won? Was it me?
Bet it was me, right?

-Oh, no! Another tie!
-A tie will not stand!

-We have to play again.
-We'll stay up past
our bedtime if we have to!

-A victor must be crowned!
-[Mom] Guys.

This is why we canceled
Game Night!

You all get too competitive
over a silly, meaningless game!

I want everyone
back on chore duty.

-Yes, Mom...
-Yes, honey...

Oh, and Scratch?
I got something

that'll make your job
a lot easier.

This isn't a chore!
This is cruel
and unusual punishment!

If I'd known I was going
to get bathroom duty,
I would've cheated!


Oh, there's an idea.

We're breaking this tie
one way or another.

Just no one tell Mom.
She's really committed
to chores.

I was thinking--
musing, if you will. [chuckles]

What if we made this

-What'd you have in mind?
-Losers do the winner's chores.

That's three out of four chance
we get... extra chores.

-That's risky.
-What? Afraid to lose?

Um, sounds like someone
doesn't know their civil
plumbing regulations.

[gasps] You're on!

[gasps] Peter McGee!

Sharon, you knew
I was a thrill-seeker
when you married me.

Good luck against
these maniacs, Scratch.

Ah, don't worry about me.

In Mega City, as in life,
I play by my own rules.

Uh, ghost rules!

Only one theme park
and four of us.

Lotta points on the table.
Lotta points.

Too slow! Mollyworld is
open for business, baby!

Heh, heh, heh, ghost rules.

Darryl, I challenge you
to a special election.


-Tower of Power!
-Tower of Power!

Hah! Faster! Higher!


Tornado? I don't remember
this card--

It's super-legit!

Well, would you look at that.

Mega City is mine!

I win! Hah, hah!

Now if you'll excuse me,
[clears throat]

the winner, that's me,
has earned himself some chili,

while the losers
clean the disgusting
downstairs bathroom

for me, the winner!

-[evil laughter]

-[evil laughter]

I learned a valuable
lesson today.

Never attach your self-worth
to a board game.

Unless you win. I mean, then--
then you're probably good.

I don't understand
how Scratch beat us.

He cheated! Trust me.

-I'm an expert on the art.
-Less yakking
and more scrubbing!

I wanna see my face
in that toilet!

We demand a rematch!

Sorry, no takebacks!

Oh, don't make a long face.

"It's just part
of being a family."

[loud squeak]

I was thinking,
what if we played
one more game?

You versus me.

You win, you never have
to do chores ever again.

But if you lose, you're
on bathroom duty forever.

Uh, Sharon, are you sure
you wanna be the one to play?

Maybe it should be someone
who's actually, you know,
won a game.

Too late. Challenge accepted!

I'm sorry. Do you mind
if I play red?

It's kind of my lucky color.

Go ahead! You need
all the luck you can get!


['80s rock music playing]

♪ Give it all I got to give ♪

♪ Throw like it'll

♪ And the win is on my mind ♪

♪ I'd do anything to win ♪

♪ Win, win, win,
Win, win, win, win ♪

♪ Win, win, win, win, wiiinnn ♪


♪ Win! ♪

- ♪ Win! ♪

♪ Win! ♪

♪ Win! ♪

♪ Win! ♪

♪ Win! ♪

♪ Wiiinnn! ♪

Hah! Mega City is mine!

Looks like you're
on bathroom duty

for the rest of your afterlife.


What-- But how-- How do--

Did I mention that I was Junior
National Mega City Champion

from 1990 to 1994
and then again in '96?

What happened in '95?

Disqualified for making
my opponent cry.

You see, I'm good
at many things.

But board games is
what I'm best at!

Yeah, but you always
lose to us.

Oh, I've been taking
it easy on you three.

I didn't want to crush
your fragile widdle spirits.

That's why I hid the game!

But that cat's out
of the bag now!

So who wants to play me next?

Know me! Fear me! Lose to me!

-I think we should
hide this game again.
-Roger that.

-[kids grunt]
-Cowards! Wherever you put it,

I will find it!

-Thanks, Scratch.

I know this part
of being a family isn't fun,

but we appreciate
you doing your part.

Ah, I guess it wasn't so bad.

Just make sure you flesh-wads
keep this bathroom clean
from now on!

-'Cuz I am--
-[Darryl] Get out of my way!

-That chili ain't sittin'

- ♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee ♪

We did it, Scratch!
Brighton Middle School's
recycling program

-is officially a go!

It is my honor to kick off
Volunteer Week

-by recycling--

...the very first can.

Consider the week kicked--

-Happy Volunteer Week,

Be like me
and give mother nature

a perfectly manicured hand
by recycling!

-[kids cheering]

Recycling is the first
step to saving the Earth.

It's hard work,
but someone had to do it.

Umm, I love you. Byee!


That someone was us!

Who does this Andrea
think she is?

She's gonna just roll it in,
take all the credit?

She did get people to recycle.

-And that's what matters.

Yes. So, you know,
what if she's got

the adoration of thousands
of online followers?

We have grimy fingers
from a job well-done.


[dog barking]

Phew. There!
Brighton's Bark Park
is clean again!

Let the puppy kisses commence!

I love what you've done
here, Andrea!

"Local do-gooder proves
anything is pawsible!"

I don't mind getting
a little dirty to help
our furry friends.

-OK, that's enough.

My puppy kisses.

That should be your face
covered in dog slobber!

Nah. No, I mean,

Andrea gets the fancy photo ops
and beagle smooches.

But we got... uh...

-Grimy fingers?
-I'm thinking. Gimme a minute.

Ah-hah! Done.

Now we can officially
downgrade the Brighton River

from health nightmare
to health hazard.

Uh, You got something
on your hair, dear.

-What? [screams]
-[possum screams]

[scared noises]

I'm here with hometown
do-gooder, Andrea Davenport.

How does it feel to be
Volunteer of the Week
of Volunteer Week?

They named her what?! Ahh!

-No, Scratch! Stop it! Look...

Andrea's getting an award,
and of course she is!

Why not since she has
everything else she wants?!

But you know
what she doesn't have?

-Your extreme capacity
for delusion?
-Yeah, probably.

-Just let me give her one pin!
-I can't let you do that!

Volunteer of the Week
of Volunteer Week?

Wow. I'm just doing my part
to en-happify Brighton.

[chuckles] that's just a silly
little word I came up with.

-And trademarked.
-What? En-happify is my word!

Yes! It is your word, Molly.

And Fraud-drea
just used your word

on the hyper-local news
for the whole world to see!

Destroy her!

Molly volunteers
for the right reasons.

-Helping others.

-You don't need to be on TV.
-Hey, look! Molly's on TV!


Mom, let's not send this
to Grandma Nin, OK?

-Uh... Whoops.


Can you believe
Andrea cleaned up

the whole Bark Park by herself?

And she started
the recycling program.

She recycled one paper cup!

Charity is not
a competition, Ms. McGee.

Doing good is its own reward.

But that's what I've been say--

Now, on to the charity

We're raising money
for a much needed
school marquee!

[tapping, chirps]

As the final event
for Volunteer Week,

whoever sells
the most nougat bars

will get a big fancy trophy!

Sign up now
for the Tournament of Nougat!

We need a new marquee?

Then I'm gonna help us get it!

By selling more candy
than Andrea Davenport!

Vengeful charity. Ah! [sniffs]

-I'm so proud of--
-OK, hold on.

-Because it's not about
-Sure it is.

-I just wanna do
good for the school.

And if that happens
to show Brighton
who the real do-gooder is,

-Then, you know...
-Then we got her!

Right by the nougat!

-Molly! So great of you
to help, you cutie!

You'll sell nougat,
I'll sell more nougat.

We'll earn enough
for that marquee in no time.

May the best do-gooder win.

♪ Giving my all to win this ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na-na ♪

♪ I won't let no one
Steal the show ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na-na ♪

♪ I'm working myself
Senseless ♪

- ♪ Na, na, na, na-na ♪
-[dogs barking]

♪ While you're just over there
Painting your toes ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na-na ♪

♪ You look good
For the cameras ♪

♪ But that won't stop me
From working hard ♪

♪ I'm gonna show the world
Just what I'm made of ♪

♪ You may be standing
In the spotlight ♪

♪ But I'm working hard ♪

♪ It's only a matter of time
Till I break through ♪

♪ And they'll see that you ♪

- ♪ You're hardly working ♪

♪ You're hardly working ♪

♪ You're not doing anything! ♪

♪ You're hardly working ♪

I worked twice as hard
and cared nine times as much!

I'm gonna win that award.
There's no way I don't.

We're going to crush Andrea.

-For charity, of course.
-Yeah... charity.

-[microphone pops]
-The winner

of Volunteer Week's
Tournament of Nougat


I'm kidding.
You know who it is.
Andrea Davenport!


Hard work truly does pay off!

You kidding me?!
She has everything!

Why does she have to take
the one thing I have?

-And she didn't even try!
-Yeah, between you
working so hard,

-and me sabotaging her sales--
-Wait, what?

The bottom line is,
I smell something funky.

What you smell is
the soul-rotting stench
of a charity-cheater.

A-a-a-- A don't-gooder!

A don't what? Not your best.

-It doesn't exactly--
It works and it's
what Andrea is!

And we're gonna expose her,

Andrea's house.

The den of Don't-Gooding.

OK, I'll climb onto the roof,

pry off the air-duct cover,
drop inside, then you--

Now, you know I love
a good breaking and entering

as much as the next
common criminal,

but Molly, this doesn't
seem like you.

So what if we just do
this instead? Boot!

Whoa. Mol, what is behind
this door is mind-blowing.

Really?! Well, open it!

I mean, just in a word? Wow.

-Scratch, open the door!
-Seriously, this--

I'm prepared!
Open the door, Scratch!

All right, all right,
all right, I'm going.


[chewing] What?!

You're good with a felony B&E,

but you draw the line
at eating unsold merchandise?

[gasps] Scratch!
This is a receipt

for 4,000 nougat bars
with Andrea's name on it!

-Do you know what this means?
-Andrea's allowance is too

It means Andrea sold
all of the candy to herself!

But she did technically
sell the most nougat.

She won! What are you doing?

Photographing the crime scene.

She's not gonna
get away with this.

O-OK, but you and Andrea

both raised enough money
for the new marquee.

She wins a trophy. I win
because taking this nougat
is a victimless crime.

You? You win because doing
good is its own reward.
Remember when you told me that?

Oh, this is about more
than doing good, Scratch.

It's about doing right!
We have to show
do-gooders everywhere

that their hard work is
appreciated and rewarded
with shiny objects!

This is about sending a message
to all of the Andrea Davenports

that she can't take
this away from us!

This... is about... justice.

I know I'm the ghost,
but right now,
you're scaring me.

Hey, Fawn-dreas! Check it out!

All my hard work
selling nougat paid off.

Everybody's here
for the unveiling.

Even my parents!

Darryl, when Ms. Lightfoot
calls Andrea's name,

you get these photos
onto that marquee. Got it?

Oh, so now you wanna hack
the school server,

but when I suggest it,
it's quote, unquote, wrong!

Mol, it's not too late to step
back from the brink of madness.

Oh, yes, it is.

Congratulations, Andrea.

You must've worked so hard
to sell all that candy.

I guess I'm just
a born salesman,
like my parents.

-Right, Daddy?
-Hold that hug
for the cameras, Button.

We'll get more likes
if it feels real.

Oh, no. Oh, I've made
a horrible mistake!

Andrea wasn't trying
to steal my credit.

She was just trying to get
her parents' attention!

Oof. That is sad.

Honestly I almost feel bad
for her. And you know me.

I have very little
empathy for others.

Scratch, what have I done?!

I let my jealousy get
in the way of charity!

-[sighs] I'm the don't-gooder!
-That still doesn't work.

The winner
of The Tournament of Nougat

and our hearts, is...

You gotta stop Darryl
before he releases
those pictures! Please!

Do I have time
for an "I told you so"?

No! You can say it twice later!

[Principal in slow-motion]


Phew. Darryl, I thought I
gonna stop you in time

-from releasing those photos.

I was ordering a burrito.
The photos are already up.

[everyone gasp]

That's one for the oops column.

What's the meaning
of all the excess nougat?

Uh... so this is all
of the nougat Andrea sold!

In her garage!
Because she sold it
all to herself...

What are you doing?!


I can explain everything.

You see, Andrea wanted
to make sure we got
the new marquee

and no one had to eat nougat.

Because nougat is...
terrible for your teeth!

So she knew that everyone
eating that much nougat
would give everyone cavities

and wanted to protect
Brighton's overworked
dentistry community.

-So without further ado,

I give you
the Volunteer of the Week

of Volunteer Week,
Andrea Davenport!


Thank you.

Our baby girl did it!

-That's the brand.
-Never doubted it.

She's just like us!




-[door shuts]
-Whoa! What's this for?

I just realized I have
everything that matters
right here.

'Cept... Scratch?
Where'd he go?



♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee ♪