The Event (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 11 - And Then There Were More - full transcript

President Martinez and his longtime Chief of Staff charge the intelligence community with decrypting Thomas's satellite message, but more importantly determining to whom it was sent. While they are distracted, Thomas unveils a surprise attack, but he does not anticipate a heroic stand-off with Blake Sterling, who learns an important lesson about Sleepers from Maya.

Turning to international news.

Accounts of a strange
sighting off the southern
tip of Amalah today.

Amateur video capturing
what eyewitnesses claim

was a rocket or missile
streaking through the sky.

Now an update.
Initial reports

of an unscheduled
rocket Iaunch in Amalah...

The State Department
has confirmed

that Amalah does not
have any rocket-Iaunch

Senior US military
officials claim

the sightings were,
in fact, a passenger jet.

There have been recent
developments regarding
Sophia and her people

that I've kept from
all but a few of you,

including my own
chief of staff.

My apologies, Richard.

That changes now.

Up to a short time ago,

we thought we had all the
non-terrestrials imprisoned.

Well, we were wrong.

An unknown number
of them, SIeeper agents,

have been Iiving among us.

Yesterday they Iaunched
a communications satellite

from a private facility
in Southeast Asia.

Now, most of you
have already seen

the cover story we
fed the news outlets.

What no one knows is that
the satellite broadcasted

a seven-second

a message,
into deep space,

and self-destructed.

We have no idea where
the message was sent,
or to whom.

Decrypting it has been
made the top priority
for the NSA, CIA.

Data is being shared
between departments
and agencies.

Details we've Iearned
at Inostranka about their
alphabet, the way they think.

Every spare man and woman

and every bit of processing
power we have is being
devoted to this.

I don't care how hard we
have to work or how long,

we will find our answers.
I've got it!

And then I'II need all of you
to help formulate a response.

Uh, Mr. President,
I'm sorry to interrupt,

but there's been
a breakthrough.

We've been able
to decrypt the first
Iine of the message.

NSA just sent
over a capture.

Well, put it up, BIake.

BLAKE: "Preparations are being
made for your arrival."

Now, we can speculate
until the end of time about
why more of them are coming

or when or how many
we're talking about,

but we have no answers,
so we must assume the worst.

We need to Iook
at this message as
a declaration of war.

With all due respect, BIake,
Iet's not jump to conclusions.

These "SIeepers," as
you've been calling them,
have been here for decades

and haven't harmed
a hair on anyone's head

until recently,
when this man
Thomas came along.

Because they've been
hiding their true agenda.

They were an advance party.

The first Ianding
at PIymouth Rock.

And the same scenario
will play out.

Whoever has
the superior
firepower wins.

Look, at best,
they'II colonize us

and make us a subject people.

At worst, they'II
exterminate us.

Mr. President, you give us
a target and we'II hit it.

But these people,

they can teleport planes
and implode buildings at will.

To tell you the truth, sir,
we cannot counter that.

So you're saying
we're helpless.

I'm saying we need
more intel, sir.

About their motives,
about their capacities.

We've been interrogating them
on and off for 66 years.

What else can we
find out from them?

Maybe trying to extract
more information out of
the detainees is worth a try.

Now that we have a better idea
of what questions to ask,

it's possible we'II
get better information.

You'II personally
supervise it?

Yes, sir.

I can Ieave for
Inostranka today.

SOPHIA: There's no way
of knowing how many

of our people Thomas
plans on bringing over.

But there's no
question what

their intentions will
be once they get here.

We know he's still
making adjustments
to the portal array.

We need to go to the
site and make sure he
doesn't complete it.

That won't be easy.

Thomas has kept the
Iocation of the array
a closely guarded secret,

from all of us.

At the time it made
sense to compartmentalize
the information.

We can't stop Iooking for him.
We have to find him, Simon.

Look, there's a resource
we haven't tapped yet.

One of our own
who could help us.

No. Never.

PIease, Sophia.
Just hear me out.

It's possible he might know
where Thomas is hiding.

How can you honestly
ask me to trust him
after what he did?

Look, I don't Iike the idea
any better than you do.

But he may be our only
hope in stopping Thomas.

Gerard, it's good
seeing you again.

You, too, Thomas.

I can't tell you how
excited I was when
I heard you were coming.

Let's be honest,

it's not me that you
were really excited about.

You're right. Well,
Iet's have a Iook at it.

Does Sophia know what we
plan on using the module for?

Now that we've sent
the message, she does.

That's a problem.

We're going to need
a Iot of help here.

And most everyone
is Ioyal to her.

We're about to put
a plan into action.

When we're done,
we're gonna have

a small army
of our people.

Once that happens,

hopefully the rest
will fall into Iine.

Good. Good.

How rude of me.

You came all this way,
you're probably interested

in seeing the progress we've
made on the portal array.

This way.

I assume the work
is on schedule?

Ahead, as a matter of fact.

Just finished burying
the superstructure yesterday,

as you can see.

And it will be Iarge enough
to bring everyone here?

Even the numbers we
were talking about?

Yes. Every Iast one.


Leila, Leila.


It's your father.

LEILA: What does this mean?

I... Uh...

I don't know. I mean,
I'm not sure. I...

Leila, you don't think
it's possible that

your father is

one of them?


There isn't any "them."

These pictures,
they're not real.
They can't be.

Okay, all right.

Whatever it means,
we'II figure it out.

I need to talk to my dad.

He can explain.

I need to talk to my dad
and I need to find Sam...

We'II do whatever
we need to do.

There has to be something
in here that can tell us
where she is. I mean...


Did you hear that?

There's someone
else down here.

Hey! Hey!

SEAN: Stop!

Don't move!

Don't shoot.
I'm unarmed.

Who are you and what
are you doing here?

WOMAN: Be careful with that.

She works here.

Where is she?

Tell me where my sister is.

Tell us everything
that we want to know.

Where are the girls
who were just here?

SEAN: Huh?

Start talking.

AII the test subjects
have been moved.

Moved? Moved where?

I can't tell you that.

Why did you take Sam?
And what did you do to her?

We took Samantha
because she's special.

AII of the girls are.

That's the reason that
we wanted you, too.

What do you mean, "special"?

Special how?

You're special because
of your father.

He doesn't age
at a normal rate.

You're Iying.
Tell us the truth.

Now! Tell us the truth!
I am telling you the truth!

Where is she? Where is she?

Tell me where she is.

I already told you, I can't.

Yes, you can.

You know, the man you
people sent for her,
he's dead. I killed him.

So don't test me.

This is the Iast time
I'm gonna ask or I'm
gonna shoot you.

She's being transported
to a facility in West
PIains with the other girls.

I need an address.

I don't know it. I swear.

How Iong ago did they Ieave?

Ten minutes. In a white van.

Haven't seen anyone
headed east for miles.

You think the woman
at the hospital could
have been Iying?

I don't know.
But we have to try
something, right?

Do you believe what
she said about my dad?

It doesn't make any
sense. It's crazy.

You don't think so?

I don't know what to think.

I'm just trying
to be honest, Leila.

We've heard a Iot of things
that haven't made any sense.

And they've all
ended up being true.

So this has to be?

No, I told you,
I said I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm trying to figure it out.
Well, I do.


On your feet. Transfer
order came in early.
You're being moved.

Supermax facility
in Virginia.

Wallens Ridge State.



Come on. Come on. Come on.

Get in there.


Go, go, go. Come on.

Here, use this.
It'II stop the burning.



The Amalan government's
officially confirming

the press release we
issued covering up
the missile Iaunch.

It's already been dropped
off the news cycle.

Great. And BIake?
Should be Ianding
at Inostranka shortly.

Your next meeting
is with Senator Lewis.
Bernard's widow.

Governor appointed her
to fill her husband's seat

until AIaska holds
special elections in
a couple of months.

She was sworn in
earlier this week.

Can we push this off?

We've already
three times.

It's just a quick meet
and greet and photo op.

She's a very sweet woman.
Stay-at-home mom, two kids.

Was always very
supportive of
her husband.

And at some point,
we'II need her vote.


We have to establish
a certain Ievel
of accountability,

otherwise the system
will collapse.

UItimately this bill is
about fiscal responsibility

and it will benefit
the people, not just
the elected officials.

I agree.

I knew you would.

So I'm assuming
I can count on your
support for this bill?

Sure. Of course you can.

You're planning on running
for the special election, huh?

I want to carry on
my husband's Iegacy.

The people of AIaska
believed in him and

hopefully I can get them
to believe in me, too.

Well, you have me sold.

Transparency is the key
to regaining the voter trust.

Speaking of which,

I was going through
Bernard's briefcase and
I stumbled upon something.

I don't even think
I was supposed to see it.

It's an appropriations report.

It's from the internal
subcommittee that
Bernard chaired.

It earmarks $90
million for my state

for the expansion of
a weather station on
Mount Inostranka.


I'd never heard of it.

And when I tried to schedule
a tour of the facility so
I could chart their progress,

I was told the expansion
had been canceled.

It sounds vaguely familiar.

I think your husband...
I think he may have
brought that to my attention.


Yeah. Bernard found out

that the project had
been abandoned and the
funds were redirected.

Well, I'd Iove to report
back to my constituents

just exactly where
that money went.

I mean, every
dollar counts,

Of course.

I will have...

Yes, sir.

I'II give this to her
and I'II make sure that
someone Iooks into it.

That'd be great.
Thank you.

Catherine, it was
a pleasure to have
met you.

And I'm sure we'II
talk again soon.

I'm sure we will.

CATHERINE: Thank you
so much. Thank you.


Did you make a copy
ofthat file I gave
to the president, Eric?

Yes, ma'am. Just
Iike you asked.

Do you play poker?

No, I don't.

Well, I do.

Ever since my dad taught
me as a Iittle girl.

And that man...

That man was bluffing.

I see it went well.

You assured me no one
would get hurt. Did you...

We were careful.


Sophia, before
anything else,


I never expected
this chance,

and I'm sorry it has to be
under these circumstances,
but I'II take it.


What I did,
flying that plane,

I don't expect you
to ever forgive me,

but I need you to know

I didn't know you would
be there with the president.

And ifyou had,
you wouldn't have
gone through with it?

They had my daughters.

Daughters you were
never supposed to have.

I sat in a cell for 66 years

so that you and the rest
of our people on the outside

could find a way
to get us back home.

Not so you could
play house here.

Sophia, maybe we should...
No. It's fine. We have all

had Iapses in judgment.


I'm sorry.

According to Simon,
you were helping Thomas
with the portal array.

Yes. Transporting the
components he needed.

I used my connections
at the airline
to skirt customs.

Then I delivered them
to a middle man.

We need to know who that
middle man was and we need
your help in finding him.

Assuming they're
still in contact,

he could be our only
way of finding Thomas.

I can help you.

But first I need
you to help me.

Find Leila and Samantha.

Their Iives are
still in danger.

How in the world
do you expect us
to do that?

There was an
investigation into

the assassination attempt.

I assume the government
knows something.

AII I know is that
your daughter's boyfriend,

Sean Walker, has
surfaced occasionally.

He was in touch
with an FBI agent.
I can Iook into...

You will do no such thing.

You will help us,

and you will do it now,
without conditions.

Do you understand
me, Michael?

You help me find my
daughters and I will
help you find your son.

Those are my terms.

Leila, Iook.

SEAN: Look.

Do you think that's the van?
I'II try and get closer.

It's the right color.

Okay, I'm going to pass them.

Try and get
a Iook at
the driver.

See if there's anyone else
with him in the cab, okay?

And then what?

And then, we'II figure
out a way to stop him.



He's coming again!

Just hold on. Hold on!








Sean, Iook out!

Hold on. Hold on.


Hold tight! Hold tight!
Next time he comes...

Hang on. Hang on.






SEAN: We're good!

LEILA: The doors are Iocked.

Leila, is that you?

LEILA: Sam, we're here.

SAM: Leila.

LEILA: It's okay, Sam.



SEAN: Everyone okay?

Are you okay?

SEAN: Is everyone okay?
LEILA: Are you okay?

No one's hurt?

Are you all right?
SEAN: Call 911!

SEAN: The police
are on their way.

They're gonna bring you
back to your parents, okay?

Stay in the van
until they get here.

Leila, we gotta go.
Come on. We got to go.

LEILA: Stay here.
Help is on the way.

SEAN: Okay.


The car is not starting.

Come on. We got to go.

Down that way.
Come on.
We gotta go.

Courtesy of the Iady
at the end of the bar.


Check her out.

Where did she come from?

I think she's
smiling at me.

Maybe the bartender
got confused.

No. I think she's
smiling at me.

I think you're gonna have
to catch your own ride home...


Good Iuck.
Thank you.


Thank you or the drink.

You Iooked Iike you
could use another.

And how did you know?

Woman's intuition.

After you.
(EXHALES) Thank you.

Of course.

So, what happened
to that Ieg?


Skiing accident.

Don't worry.

Everything else
works just fine.

I'm sure it does.


God! I should've known.

Look, if it's money
you're after, you're
out of Iuck.

We don't want your
money, Lieutenant Grier.

How do you know who I am?

What do you want?

We want you.

See, our good friend's sitting
in your Iiving room right now
with your wife and daughter,

waiting for a kill
order from me.

You're going to do
whatever we ask you
to do, starting now.

Their Iives depend
on how well you
follow orders.

I don't understand.

Just tell me what the
hell's going on here.

You're going to help
us raise an army.

Can we stop? I'm tired.

Of course.

Why are we running
away from the police?

Because we just have
to make sure we're
gonna be safe.


It's Collier.

Angela, we have her.
We found Samantha.

Yeah. I know. I just got
offwith state police.

I'm sending federal agents
down there to take over
and Iock down the scene.

I just got contacted by
somebody that's trying
to reach you.

He said, uh,

Michael Buchanan
needs to meet with
you and Leila.

Leila's father?
I thought he's in
government custody.

Who called you?
He wouldn't say.

It must be a trap.

Well, he said that you
wouldn't believe him,

so he sent along
a message from Michael.

Something that only
you two would know.

He said once I told you,
you would know that
it was the truth.

What's the message?

That you were going
to propose to Leila
on that cruise.

Walker, you there?


How do we get in
touch with him?

I'll text you the number.

Okay, thanks.

What is it?

Um, Collier said that
someone called her.

He told her that your father
wants to meet with us.


Yes, Eric.


I'm walking in right now.


I'm sorry, I tried
to stop them.
It's all right, Eric.

What's going on?

Mrs. Lewis... Senator Lewis,

I'm Niles Duncan,
Sergeant at Arms.

I've been asked
to secure your
husband's office.

My office.

Yes, Senator, but your
husband had a high
security clearance,

which you do not have.

We've been ordered
to verify that these files

do not contain any
classified information.

Ordered by whom?

The Office of
the President.

I see.

Mr. Duncan,

I don't know exactly
how to put this,

but my husband kept
Ietters in his desk.

They were of
a personal nature.

They were sent to him
by another woman.

I'm sure you must realize
how embarrassing this would be

if they fell into
the wrong hands.

Would you allow
me to retrieve them?

It will be our secret.

And I will owe you.

CIear this office.

Give it to the
senator, please.

Director Sterling,
welcome back.

Major Pearson.

We just got word of
your arrival an hour ago.

We would have
made preparations.

That's quite
all right, Major.

I'II need a secure room
for the questioning and
files on the detainees.

Why question
the detainees now?

Has something happened, sir?

There's been some
new developments.

Well, perhaps if you
tell me, I can help you.

You don't have
the clearance, Major.

And knowing will
do you no good.

Trust me.

Sir? Your signature's
needed on these.

Thank you, soldier.
Thank you, sir.

Do you really think
my dad's coming?


What if it's true?

What if he really
is one of them?

What if...

What does that make me?


it's gonna be
all right, okay?


Come here, my Iittle pumpkin.

Oh, you're all right. Oh, God!
I missed you so much, Daddy.

Sean Walker.

Michael told me a Iittle
about what you've done.

Thank you.

Hi, pumpkin. Hi, sweetie.



what's wrong?

We talked to your
friend Madeline.

She told us.

She told us about them.

I didn't believe her, but...

I saw...

We found


Pictures of you
from so Iong ago.

Is it true,


Are you?

I'm sorry.

Come here, baby.

I'm sorry.

We're good.



Grab him.

BELL: The prisoner is
in Interrogation 1.

Just up at the
end of the hall.

I understand she's been
questioned exhaustively
during her incarceration.

Your point, Corporal?

Has something changed
on the outside to warrant
your new interest in her?

She murdered a fellow detainee
on direct orders from Sophia.

Let's just say
I may now know why.

Hello again, Maya.

We know about the
message your people
sent from the satellite.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

The message was
comprised of one Iine.

"Preparations are being
made for your arrival."

It's a status report
for a planned invasion.

That's impossible.

An invasion would go against
everything we believe in.

I can make this very
unpleasant for you.

So I suggest you carefully
consider your responses here

because there is
nothing I won't do
to protect my country.

You know, the irony is

that it was us who swore
an oath to protect you.

You expect me
to believe that,

after you killed one of
your own rather than have
him tell us what he knew?

It's the truth.

To do no harm.

To Ieave this
civilization intact.

That part of our
mission was inviolate.

Then explain this.


Supply run from Fort Greely.

Hell of a ride
coming up that hill.

For a while there
I thought we weren't
going to make it.

I don't see you
on the roster, sir.

Really? I personally
talked to your night watch
commander before we Ieft.

Lieutenant Grier.

AII right. Just a minute.


Lieutenant Grier.
Sir, I got a truck here,

supply run from Fort Greely.

I don't see it on the roster.
Should I permit entry?

Sir, should I permit entry?

They're clear.
Let them in.

PEARSON: You don't Iook
so good, Lieutenant.

You sick?

No, sir. I just haven't seen
the sun in about six months.

You should try those
vitamin D supplements.

They help.
Yes, sir.

Why is this vehicle here?

Hey, this area
has to stay clear
for personnel.

Sir, you're going
to have to move this out.


We have a breach.

Move it! Move it!
Let's go! Let's go!

Remember, do not engage
unless absolutely necessary.

We want to keep it quiet
till we take care of
the rest of the guards.

Devon, Jonah, come with
me to the command room.

The rest of you,
you know where to go.

What time you got?


That clock's off
by 12 minutes.

Maybe there was an
outage in the sector.

This one's off, too.

Same thing,
12 minutes.
Different sector.

What the hell's going on?
He's tying his shoe again.

What the hell is going on?

We have a...

What do you think you're
doing, Lieutenant?

They have my family, sir.


What the hell
do you want?

This prison and
everyone in it.