The Event (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 10 - Everything Will Change - full transcript

President Martinez confronts the traitor in his administration, only to be met with threats of exposing the cover-up of Avias Air 514. Even after testing the loyalty of Isabel and Thomas, Sophia still suspects their subterfuge, so she sends Simon on a fact-finding mission. Her suspicions are confirmed when Thomas unveils a shocking new plan. Meanwhile, on the hunt for Samantha, Sean and Leila battle the mercenaries sent by Dempsey.

Outwardly they Iook
very much Iike us.

But they age at
a much slower rate
than we do.

He's my son, I'II deal
with him as I see fit.

I'm so sorry.

But you can
prove your Ioyalty.


This whole time
I've had a traitor
in my own house.

I'm coming to turn myself in.

So it's true.
The attack in
Coral Gables on me.

It was you.
I was manipulated by
a very powerful man.

Who is it?
It was...

Someone came to the house.

They said no
matter where we go

and what we do,
they'd find us.

It wasn't supposed
to happen Iike this.

You think about our children.

Abby, tell me about the place
where they kept you.

It was Iike a hospital.

But not for regular people.

Now, I need you to Ieave...
Wait, wait. Hey...

You Ieave now or I'm
calling the police.

SEAN: Watch out.
We got to go.
We got to go now.

Through here.

I don't think he
was here for Abby.

He was here for you.

Sean, why would
he be after me?

How did they even find us?

Agent Collier's Iine
might have been tapped.

There's no wallet, no ID.

Just this and this.

Abby said that she
and the girls were
being injected with medicine.

You saw what they did to her.

What's going on?

I don't know,
but I've had enough.

I don't know who
the hell you are,
or who sent you.

But you're going to
tell us what's going on,

or so help me,
I will shoot you in the head,
do you hear me?

Answer me! Answer me!

You're not gonna shoot me.

Not Iike this, in cold blood.

You won't do it.

You're right. You're right.

Leila, hand me the syringe.

Give me the syringe!

Hey! No. You don't know.

Is this what you inject
the Iittle girls with?

Why do you have her picture?

And where's her sister?

Answer me!

No! No!

What have you done!

Come on! Come on!


Get up!

Get up!

Get up!


BLAKE: According to his
doctors, the Vice President
is alert and oriented.

He should have no trouble
answering questions.

Good. As soon
as Jarvis identifies

the man behind
the assassination attempt,

I want every resource
focused on finding him
and making him pay.

Hello, Ray.

Well, you can imagine
our relief when we heard
you were okay.

Erika, could we have a moment
with the Vice President?

Sure. Okay.

I Iove you.

I Iove you, too.

I'II be right outside.

AII right,
Iet's get on with this.
First, I want the name.

I'm sorry.
Who are you talking about?

I'm talking about the man
you were about to identify

before the attempt
on your Iife.

Who wanted me dead.

I don't know who
you're talking about.

What the hell
are you doing, Ray?

The doctor said I
might have suffered

some memory Ioss
from the trauma.

I don't know how this
man got to you, Ray,
I really don't.

But Iet me tell you how it is.

You're going to
give me the name,

or I will make it my
own personal mission

to make sure you
pay for it for the rest
of your God-given Iife.

Let me ask you a question,
Mr. President.

What do you think will happen
when the public finds out

that you knew
about the Inostranka

detainees and went
along with the cover-up?

That you are part of
one of the greatest
conspiracies of our history?

You'II be eviscerated
by the press

and members of
your own Congress.

You are threatening me?

You know,
I'm not as smooth as you.

I don't have
an Ivy League diploma

or the charm that
got you where you are.

But I will give you
a piece of advice anyway,
as your elder.

You think you're at
the top of this game?

The truth is
you're just as much
a bit player as I am.

Vulnerable to any number
of people who have
the power, the money

and the will
to take you down.

Well, I'm not going down.

I'm the Vice President
of the United States,

and that's the way
it's going to stay.

This isn't over.

I'm sure it isn't.

We expose his dirty secrets
and he'II expose ours.

I should have
known when I started
playing this game

that it would come to
something Iike this.

You can't possibly
equate yourself

with that traitor,
Mr. President.

The secrets you've kept
have been for the good
of this country.

And I assure you,
we will find the man

who tried to have
you assassinated,

no matter
what we have to do.

What is it?

We have a National
Security Emergency,
Mr. President.

Code red. We have to get back
to the White House right away.

Mr. President.

Sir, NSA has
discovered a previously
unknown missile installation

in the southern tip of Amalah.

We believe that we
are Iooking at a Soviet-era
two-stage Sotka missile,

and we have no idea
whether it's armed
with a warhead,

and if so, what kind of
weapons it's carrying.

I don't understand.

How in the hell
did this happen
under our noses?

The NSA believes
some kind of countermeasures

were used to defeat
satellite surveillance.

Interference pattern approach
we've never seen before.

If that can reach us,
I want it shut down now,

until the Amalahn
government tells us

what's on that missile
and where it's going.

The government
of Amalah claims

no knowledge of
this installation, sir,

which is built on a relatively
ungoverned tribal area.

There is
a Iarger question here,
of the auspices involved.

Amalah barely
has an air force,
Iet alone a missile program.

They don't have
the infrastructure
to pull this off.

Which Ieads me to believe
a non-state actor
must be involved.

You're talking about
a terrorist organization
being behind this.

That's what's so puzzling.

None of the terrorist groups
we track is even
remotely capable

of something Iike this.

Well, then who the hell is?

Exactly, sir.

Thank you for
doing me this honor.

The honor is ours.

I'd Iike to take
a moment to clear the air.

we've all been through
some difficult moments.

And I want you to know
I understand that
change is difficult.

But we can and
will make it through

these challenging
times together.

So, on to business, then.

Now that we have
the key module,

Iet's address the other things
we'II need to get home.

How far along are we
on constructing the interface?

Opening the portal
to save you from the plane

was basically
an improvisation.

That interface is nowhere near
powerful enough
to get us home.

Then we'II need
to build a new one?

At the same site so we
can take advantage of
the infrastructure

that we have set up there.

Save us some time,
and hopefully some money too.

Makes sense.

I've been starting
to read the financial
records you gave me,

although this
isn't my strong suit,

but I want to make
sure I have everything.

Information on all
the accounts we've got.

I believe so. You gave
her everything, right?


Very good.
Then thank you, again,
for all of this.

Well, I'm going
to be taking Isabel
back to her hotel.

Of course.

It was our pleasure.

Thank you.

They're Iying.

I did a Iittle
digging of my own
into our assets.

And yes,
Thomas has done quite well
in the stock market for us,

accounts that are overseen
by members of our community.

But he also has
a separate set of funds

that he's kept completely
hidden from everyone.

With Isabel's help, I assume.

Do you want me
to confront him?

No. He'd just deny everything.

We need to approach this
through the money.

Thomas' secret
accounts are being managed
by a banker in Winchester.

His name is Stephen Grant.

Okay. I'II Iook
into him right away.

We need to know
where the money came from.

And how Thomas
intends to use it.

If I had to smile
with that sanctimonious

Iook on your
mother's face any Ionger,
I would have...

She knows.


About the hidden accounts.

That's why she was asking
about the financial records.

Well, maybe she
was just asking.

My mother never
just does anything.

She has a reason for
every breath she takes.
Everything's calculated.

We have to go.

Leave? Now?

If we stay she'II
figure out our end game.

She'II do everything
in her power to stop us.

It's too soon.
We don't have
everything we need yet.

We'II figure it out.
We'II have to.

It's already started.
It's time to escalate it.

Isabel, I need to know
that you're ready for this.

You realize how
many people will die
when we're done.

No! No, it can't be.

Help me.

Tell us where her sister is,
and then we'II help you, okay?

Just tell us.

Willow Brook.
You got to get me there.

It's the only way.

What's Willow Brook?

Willow Brook Hospital.

Is that where this is from?

PIease, just get me there.

Whatever he's telling
you to do, don't do it.

What are you talking about?
Where's Abby?

They're in the car.
We're getting out of here
before the police come.

I need to talk to her.

If you want any
chance of a normal Iife,

then Ieave now
and don't turn back.

Some things are
better Ieft unknown.

No! No, wait!

No! PIease tell me
what you know.
Tell us what you know.

Leila, we're on our own.

He's gone.

MATRON: Dr. Dempsey,
I'm sorry to bother you.

Mr. Berg hasn't shown up
with the new subject.

If he hasn't made
contact within the hour,

we must assume
he's been compromised.

You'll have to
follow protocol.

I would need some assistance.

You'll have it.

How is our newest
subject responding
to treatment?

She's responding
better than expected.

Willow Brook Behavioral.
It's a psych hospital.

Abby said she was
held in a hospital,
but not for regular people.

I don't know.
This is a working facility.


So how are they
gonna keep a bunch
of kidnapped girls in there

with no one noticing?

I don't know,
but this is the place.

I know it.

Okay. Let's check it out
and see ifwe
can find anything.

How are we going to get in?

PIaces Iike these are designed
to keep people in, not out.

We're going to walk right in.

I'II be with you in a minute.

Okay. No problem.

Okay. How can I help you?

Hi. Yes.
We are here to see my aunt.

She's a patient here.

Okay, what's the name?


Carolyn Jones.

Listen, I should warn you.
Your aunt took her
meds half an hour ago.

She might be a bit groggy,
but that should
keep her from biting.

I'm sorry, did you say biting?

Here she is.

Carolyn, you have visitors.

Auntie Carolyn.

You shouldn't do that.

It's so nice to see you.

Do I know you?

It's me, your niece.

Auntie Carolyn,
this is my husband.

Hi. I'm Tom.

We just got married,
so we thought

we would come
by and say hello.



You're David's daughter?


She remembers.

You have 30
minutes till dinner.

Okay. Thank you.

Okay. Well, I'm gonna go see
what doors this unlocks.

And I'II Ieave you
guys to catch up, okay?

Hurry. I don't know
how much Ionger
I can keep this up.

Okay. Okay. Nice to meet you.

How is your father holding up?

He's good, he's really good.


His Ietter said
the cancer had worsened.

He said that
the cancer was terminal.

Right. I just meant
that his spirits
are high considering.

Cancer in the balls.

Is it painful? Sounds
Iike it would be painful.

Come on.



What do you
think you're doing?

I think I'm Iost.

Carolyn, I have to
ask you something.


Okay. It's really important.

You're scaring me now.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Just tell me. Have you seen
any children around here?

Oh, yeah!

You have?

Sally Ann Rasmussen
has three granddaughters

and they come
every other weekend.

Sometimes they
even bring a Shih Tzu.

No. I mean,
Iiving here in the hospital.

They may even be patients.


Ma'am, could you
please come with me.

I don't know why you two
want to be fooling around
in this hospital.

Truth is,
I don't want to know.

But you two come
back here again,
I'II have you arrested.

Are we clear?

Yes, we're clear.

The girls. The Iittle girls.
You can hear them, too?

They're right here.
They're in the floor.

Just Iisten.

AII right,
that's enough, Moses.

Get back to your room.

You go back to your room.

The girls are here.

No! The girls are down there.
Way down there.
You got to Iisten.

This is where they've been
keeping Samantha
and the other girls.

Did you hear
what he just said?

That man was
clearly insane, okay?

I'm sure he hears
a Iot of different people.

No. He was telling the truth.

The water tower.

That's what Abby said she saw
when she was escaping.

We should go.


I'm at the banker's house.
He's dead. Murdered.


There's no signs
of forced entry,

so he knew his attacker.

I'm sorry, Sophia.

There's no proof
Thomas did this,

but it's hard to believe
it was a coincidence.

It's not.
What do you mean?

He never returned
from taking Isabel
back to the hotel.

Neither one of
them are answering
their cell phones.

They've disappeared.

Thomas took the key module.

Damn it!
And why would he do that?

Maybe to stop us
from going home.

But there are
other possibilities.


Well, they covered
their tracks here.

They destroyed
Grant's computer.

I'II see what
the techs at Langley

can salvage from
the hard drive.


Sophia, I've been called in.
I'm on my way back to D.C.

AII right. Do what you can.

I've put the word out
to everyone in the community

to Iet me know if
Thomas contacts them.

We must find out
what he's up to.



Where are we?

Fuelled and
running final checks.

Expedite everything we can.

We need to get in
the air as soon as possible.


We did it,
and now everything
is going to change.

Real-time satellite
imagery makes it clear

that the missile is much
closer to Iaunching
than we realized, sir.

This plume ofwhite reveals
they're in their final stage,

they're uploading propellant
to the rocket, sir.

How Iong do we have?

I estimate Iess than
two hours from Iaunch.

Which means that our jets
will not make it there in time

unless we have
fly-over permission
from the Chinese.

We're trying every diplomatic
and military channel,

but no word yet.

Mr. President,
the Ambassador from
Amalah has arrived.

Mr. Talaky?
Yes, sir.

Keep trying with the Chinese.

Make sure State's
doing everything they can.

Yes, sir, Mr. President.
BIake, with me.

Mr. President,
I would have
arrived here sooner,

but I've been
attempting to gather

as much
information as possible

for you about
this installation.

I have some
information for you,

That installation is
Iess than two hours away
from Iaunching a missile.

I was not aware of this.

This is unacceptable,

Your country needs to
stop that Iaunch, now.

Mr. President,
as I'm sure you're aware,

this missile installation
Iies in a tribal area

not under the direct control
of our government.

Then get
the tribal Ieaders involved.

We've tried, to no avail.

We are mobilizing our forces
toward the silo,

but I cannot guarantee
that they will
get there in time.

You must understand,

these tribal regions,
we are not responsible
for what happens there.

Then who the hell
is responsible?

We've determined
that the installation
was built by a private company

that made arrangements
with the Iocals.

This company appears
to exist in name only.

Here's the information
we have on them.

I need you to
understand something,
Mr. Ambassador,

and I want you to communicate
this very clearly
to your president.

By our analysis,
that missile has

the capability of
reaching this country

with a nuclear
warhead as its payload.

If that happens,
I don't care what region
the missile was Iaunched from.

I'm holding your
country responsible,

and the United States
will retaliate.


There's already
a squadron of F-16s
en route to your country.

If that missile
makes a Iandfall here,

I'II direct them to
attack your capital.

Mr. President, please...

If I could have a moment
with you in private.


We're done, Ambassador.
Tell your president
what I just told you.

Yes, Mr. President.

What have you got?

I found who's
behind the missile.

These are
the original incorporation
documents for the company

behind the installation.

Take a Iook at
the board of directors.

Do any of
the names seem familiar?

The board's unusually Iarge.
There are 97 directors named

who have the same names
as the 97 detainees

who were originally
held at Inostranka.

The missiles are
controlled by the SIeepers.

And they're taunting us.

This is basically
a raised middle finger
from Sophia and her people.

It's him!



If he really heard something
through the floor,

then there's got to be
some kind of basement,

so we need to find
a way down.

Come on.

SEAN: Come on.


It doesn't go down.
It starts at one.

No basement.

Tell me that guy
wasn't just crazy.

No. Hey, everything
that has Ied us here
has checked out.


AII right.
We can't just sit here.

Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on. Hold on.


SEAN: Okay, stay close to me.

Do you smell that?
Like something is burning.


Everything's been cleared out.

Yeah, recently.

Sean, down here.
There's more rooms.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Sam? Sam!


Sean, we have to find her.


Sean! Sean!

She was here.

SOPHIA: Were you able
to get anything off
the banker's hard drive?

I'm still working on it.

But I know what Thomas
has been doing with the money.

What is it?
What has he done?

He built a missile
installation in Amalah.

As we speak,
he's got a missile

getting ready to Iaunch.

And Thomas went out of his
way to make sure the President

knew who was behind it.

Surely President Martinez
can stop the Iaunch.

We're trying.
But it's unclear if
we're going to be able to.

Sophia, he's your son.

Do you think he would Iaunch
a nuclear attack

on this country or any other?

Honestly, Simon, I don't know
what he's capable of any more.

Put the timeline on one.

Yes, sir.

Enhance this picture.

We've got movement.
They're pulling
the supports away.

How far out are the F-16s?

Twenty minutes out
of firing range, sir.

Any word from
Ambassador Talaky's
forces on the ground?

Nothing. But given
their terrain, I mean...

Damn it!
Thomas and his people
played us perfectly.

Mr. President,
if the missile has
nuclear capabilities,

our entire western
seaboard is vulnerable.

Are you telling me
we're powerless to stop them?

We are go for Iaunch.

Do it. Go.

What's its trajectory?


Where will it hit?

It's Ieaning.

But even with
the variables inherent
in our sensor system

and the possible
effects of ongoing
atmospheric conditions,

it seems to be following
a gravity turn trajectory.

What does that mean?

We're not its target.

We're not its target.

If it's not headed for us,
where is it going?

Our sensors aren't
detecting any radiation.

The missile isn't
carrying a nuclear payload.

Sir, we're picking
up an unusual signal.

Our sensors are detecting
a transmission from it.

A data burst of some sort.

Sir, it's
a communications satellite.

Communications satellite?

Who the hell are
they communicating with?

From the shift in
the signal spectrum

it Iooks Iike
the satellite's antennae

are oriented the opposite of
the way they should be.


The signals are being
broadcast away from Earth,
not towards it.

They're sending
a message home.

The satellite
is operational, sir.

Send it.


They clearly
didn't want anyone
to discover these.

Let's see ifwe
can find anything.

What if she's gone?

What if this is it?

We were so close.

We still are, okay?
We'II find her.

Just got to...

Leila, Iook.
Come Iook at this.

It's Paul Stern.

Abby's father.

How is that possible?
He Iooks the same.

He Iooks the same.
People age.

People age.

What are you saying?

I'm just thinking about
what Madeline told us.

About aliens?

Madeline's out of her mind.
I know she's out of her mind.

But everything she's told us
so far has been true.

It doesn't make any sense.

What does that
have to do with Abby

and the rest of
the missing girls?

I don't know.
But we've been
asking ourselves

what Paul's hiding,
maybe this is it.

Maybe he's not one of us.

Not one of us? Come on, Sean.

Just think about it.
I'm just saying...

I don't wanna think about it.

I wanna find my sister.
She was just here.

We're not Ieaving until
I know where they took her.


Just tell me it's going
to be okay, all right?

Tell me we're going
to find her and it's...

Tell me.

Leila, Leila.


It's your father.

What does this mean?

What does this mean?