The Enid Blyton Adventure Series (1996–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Sea of Adventure - full transcript

The family have come to Wellington, New Zealand for a combined holiday and business trip. They are met by Bill's friend, another agent, called Dennis. Dennis would like Bill's help to solve the mystery of a missing agent who is investigating the movements of the arch villain, Perez, who has been stealing museum treasures of the ancient world. Bill doesn't want to get involved. He is on holiday and Allison is organizing an exhibition of Maori Art. Perez looks at the photographs that his sidekicks, Bruce and Davey, have taken of Bill arriving at the airport. Perez has heard of Bill's reputation and sends Davey to bug his room. Bill has hired a boat and intends to take the children bird watching on Penguin Island. Prior to going, they take a car trip to a bird sanctuary. Bruce shoots at Bill, but misses. Later on at the hotel, the children watch a Maori dance troupe and afterwards, mistakenly rugby tackle the eccentric Horace Tipperlong, when they think he's aiming a gun at Bill. It is merely a radio mike for recording bird song. Tipperlong is an Ornithologist. When Perez learns of the boat trip he has Davey install a tracking device on it. Allison is bid farewell, and the kids set off on their boat trip. Bill sails all night and when the kids wake, gets some rest himself. Jack sees a low flying aircraft which appears to be dropping packages into the ocean. The others think he imagined it. At his Island headquarters, Perez watches the approach of Bill's boat on the tracking screen. Behind him, in a cast aquarium, a shark circles hungrily. Bill and the kids arrive at Penguin Island. While they set up camp, Bill goes to catch them a meal and sails off. The kids finish their work and decide to explore. They don't notice the strange, wild haired man watching them. Perez watches the blip that is Bill's boat approach his aerial drop point for the looted treasure. He send his men to capture him. As Bill fishes, frogmen climb aboard and take him prisoner. The children wonder where Bill could be. He's late. They are hungry. They settle into their tents as a storm brews, but it becomes too violent and the tents blow away. They seek shelter and find a Maori hut. Thinking it abandoned, they go inside to shelter from the elements. Then, at the door, a frightening figure. Te Ariki, although terrifying in appearance, is friendly. He welcomes them to his home. Bill is battered but unbowed. Perez gets nothing from him. Perez threatens him. He will be shark meat. Next day, Te Ariki helps Philip with his fighting techniques. The girls light a fire to cook what they can find and jack explores the shore. They see a boat and think it's bill. It's not. It's Bruce and Davey exploring the fire they've seen. The kids hide in Te Ariki's hut and avoid detection. The baddies leave. Horace Tipperlong putters up to Penguin Island in his little boat. He's come to see the penguins. The kids see him disembark as they light a signal bonfire and decide to steal his boat. They leave a very angry and upset man behind as they set off to rescue Bill. Bruce and Davey return to the Island and assume Tipperlong is Bill's partner. They capture him too and bundle him off. The kids watching from their boat, behind an outcrop of rocks, realize Tipperlong is innocent. Allison, having failed to raise Bill on the mobile, is getting very concerned. She enlists Dennis' help. The kids arrive at Perez's Island and head over land. They accidentally trigger off an alarm but hide successfully on a flock of sheep. They arrive at the headquarters and seeing Bill is about to be fed to the sharks, create a diversion and they all escape. They leap into Tipperlong's boat and set sail. The baddies pursue them, but with the use of a harpoon and a decoy stick of dynamite, force the baddies to abandon their boat. Ill commandeers it and they sail back to Wellington. Allison and Dennis meet them at the quayside and they have a happy reunion.

(intense theatrical music)

(crunching footsteps)

(heavy breathing)


(knock on door)

♪ Whenever there's danger ♪

♪ You gotta be strong ♪

♪ So trust in your heart ♪

♪ Be careful, go on be true ♪

♪ Ill always stand by you ♪

- No!

No Gary, Gary no!

- Gary, Gary stop!

- No (crying).

(cart crashing into water)

(mysterious musical interlude)

- That should do it,

a hurricane wouldn't shift it.

- Are we expecting a hurricane?

- (laughs) Hope not.

I want to make a fire.

- On the lawn?

Mum would go mad.

- What's the point of
a camp without a fire.

- Well, we're in a garden,
not out in the wild silly.

- A fire would be great wouldn't it.

We could cook, on a spit, chicken!

Baked potatoes in the envos, yum!

- Should we bake some we can ask her.

(large bird shriek)

- What was that?

- Oh ugh, get it off
please, get it off please.

- Hang on.

- Philip you're rotten,
why don't you doze off.

- But why are you so scared of spiders?

- I don't know, I just am.

- But they're harmless.

- Well it didn't feel harmless to me.

- Cut it out Phil,

you'll ruin the night if you
keep doing things like that.

- It was just a joke.

- [Dinah] Well I'm not laughing.

- What shall I do with this?

Shall I give it to Kiki?

(Kiki squawks)

- Don't you dare I'll
put it somewhere safe.

Give it to me.

(car tires on gravel)

Mum's here.

- Hi.

Give me a hand with the shopping?

Everything been alright?

- [Dinah] Yes mum.

- I see you managed to
put the tent up okay.

- [Philip] No problem.

- Oh Jack, Lucy-Ann,
did you read that letter

that came for you from America,

I think it's from your uncle.

- No.

- Go on, you have to read it sometime.

- Ah, now the agent's body was found

somewhere about here.

But there he is, that's
not where he was killed.

- Oh yes that's where um...

- Mrs. Mannering?

- Yes, that's where Mrs.
Mannering lives with her family.

- Exactly.

Now don't you think it's about
time you paid her a visit?

- I see.

- Oh naturally, this is
all very confidential.

Mrs. Mannering must'nt
find out why you're there.

Nor anyone else for that matter.

The simple fact of the matter is

we really don't know what's going on.

All we know is that one of our agents

has been found murdered.

And he was investigating the source,

somewhere in that area,

of irradiated rods that had been appearing

in the hands of terrorists
and other dubious groups.

And his body had a dangerously
high radiation count.

Now obviously we want
to know who killed him

but above all, we want to know if he found

the source of the radioactive material.

Now that's where you come in.

- Yes sir.

- Now get cracking man.

You're young so is she.

Mangle an invite.

- I can't say that I want
to come back to England

at this time I'm having
to leave work undone.

Apart from anything else,

I'm feeling tired and
somewhat under the weather.

However your holidays will soon be over,

and I can't impose on
Mrs. Mannering any longer

so I will be arriving home on Friday.

Yours Uncle Eustace.

Auntie Stiff sennds her regards.

- I don't want to go back.

(Kiki squeaks)

- Shut up Kiki.

- I'm happy here.

- Me too.

- Well tell him you want
to stay here with us then.

- That's it, tell him that you
don't wanna go back to him.

- How can we do that?

- [Philip] We could
get mum to talk to him.

- We'll ask her.

Come on Philip.

- I wish mum and dad were alive.

- I know, but they're not.

- Yeah but it would be best if they were.

- Yes, and the next best thing

would be to stay with Philip and Dinah.

- [Kiki] Poor Jack, poor Lucy-Ann.

(piano notes)

(Lucy-Ann slams hand on piano keys)

- Look he's a difficult man I agree,

but he's still their uncle
and they live with him.

I don't like having to say this,

but Jack and Lucy-Ann are just going

to have to go back,

and they must understand that.

- Couldn't we adopt them?

- Oh Philip be sensible please.

- We could, couldn't we.

- Yes mum we could.

- Look it's not as simple as that,

so you're just going to have to

forget about that idea all right?

- Yeah okay.

(owls hooting)

(ominous music, footsteps)

- Oh look at you.

- [Greg] Margaret.

Margaret I'm sorry.


- Come on, chop chop.

Look I've told you it's perfectly safe,

now get a move on.

The quicker we get this job finished

the sooner we can get
out of this madhouse.

(heavy breathing, owl hooting)

(TV noises)

(phone rings)

- Alison Mannering speaking.


How lovely to hear from you.

What a surprise.

- I hope you don't mind
me calling like this

but well I've got a few days off

I thought I might drop down to your side

of the country and see you all.

- [Lucy-Ann] You're down a snake.

- Mum said she can't do anything about it.

- Didn't think she would.

- Well she's sorry but what can she do.

- I want to stay here with you.

- Me too.

- Well we can't, so let's
put it from our minds.

- No I was planning to stay in a hotel.

Well that's very kind but I
wouldn't want to put you out.

- No no it's no problem at all,

we've got heaps of room.

Uncle Joss has just gone
off halfway around the world

visiting his old army pals
so you can have his room.

Don't be silly.

(owls hooting)

- A long-eared I bet!

I'd like to take a look at that owl.

See if it's a long-eared.

I've never seen one before.

One last adventure, before
we have to go back to him.

To boredom.

- Do it in the morning.

- Do it in the morning.
(children laughing)

- Oh that's right, they
go to bed in the morning.

(Kiki talking)


- I'll come with you.

- I don't want to go.

- I'll come.

- Okay but don't make a noise alright?

I want to identify it but not disturb it.

(Kiki talking)

- Shut up Kiki, we've got
to leave her here though.

See you later then.

- Wait!

You can't just leave me on my own.

Wait up, wait for me.

- Right, well thanks very much.

No I'll be coming by train,

I'm afraid the department won't

give me a car for the holidays.

(owl hooting)

- Listen.

(heavy breathing)

- Is that it?

- No.

- It made me jump.

- What's over here, this way.

- Fine well I'll see you tomorrow then.

Oh I'm really pleased,
the kids will be too.

If they're still awake
I'll go and tell them.


See you tomorrow then.


- Well done Cullingham.

That walking holiday idea
will be a splendid cover up.

Let you snoop around without
anybody being suspicious.

Now what's the matter?

- I don't like deceiving her.

- Deception is all part and
parcel the job you know?

- She's a very nice woman.

- Well it's just as well
you're a single man.

You don't have a family to lie to.

- It might not always be that way.

- Oh, you've got designs on
our Mrs. Mannering have we.

- Fat chance I'll have if she
finds out I'm lying to her.

- Well women are a complication
that you can't afford.

Not if they interfere with the job.

(ominous music)

- How's the work going?

- We're catching up,

no thanks to that son
of yours where is he?

- He's sleeping.

- Best place for him, he's a menace.

- He's not well.

- Not well?

He's crazy, you ought to take him away.

- He won't leave the
castle he won't listen.

- Well just keep him under control.

We don't want anymore
foul ups like that hiker.

- He tries to control himself.

It's as if he's possessed,

you see ever since poor Margaret died --

- Yes yes missus but I mean

look I don't have time to
listen to your excuses.

Just keep him out of my hair please.

You ought to lock him in his room.

- I daren't. I'd be frightened
he'd jump out the window.

- Best thing that could happen to him.

(ominous music, heavy breathing)

- [Philip] What's this?

- [Jack] There's a notice here.

- [Dinah] Wood's Castle.

- Mum was talking about
that the other day.

- [Jack] We can get up here.

- I'm not going in there.

- I don't want to either.

Looks creepy doesn't it.

- [Lucy-Ann] I think it's haunted.

- Haunted.

- It doesn't look haunted.

- [Lucy-Ann] What does haunted look like?

- Dark and gloomy.

- Lightening flashing.

- Owls hooting.

- A door creaks open,

and there stands my uncle. (boys laugh)

- [Dinah] The castle, look!

- [Philip] Someone's in there.

- Spooky.

- Is it a ghost?

- Ghosts don't need light.

- How do you know.

- Let's go have a look.

(Dinah screams)

- [Jack] What is it?

- What was that?

- Did you see that?

- I saw something.

- Weird.

- It didn't look human.

- A real ghost.

- There's no such thing as ghosts.

- I think we should go home.

- Oh, have they gone inside?

They wouldn't have left
you out here on your own,

would they Kiki.

Come on, you come with me.


Children are you upstairs?

(mysterious music)



Philip, Dinah, are you in here?

Philip, Dinah?

If you're out there will
you come in now please.


Where have you been?

- [Philip] We were looking
for a long-eared owl.

- I was just about to phone the police.

- Why?

- Why?

Because I thought you
were all safe in the tent,

instead of which you've been
out roaming in the woods

at this time of night
hunting for some bird.

- A long-eared owl.

They're not very common you know.

- Right that's enough,
upstairs all of you.

That's the end of the tent for the night.

Go on, go to bed.

- [Children] Sorry.

- So you should be.

Now please don't ever do
anything like that again.

- [Children] We won't.

- Alright, no more about it off you go.

- Mum, do you know anything
about Wood's Castle?

- The Castle?

- Yes.

- Why do you ask?

- Well, we were near the wall.

- Were you.

Well I don't know that much about it,

but when I was in town last week

someone mentioned it.

It's not supposed to be safe,

so you stay away from it, alright?

- Goodnight mum.

- Mum, I'm sorry that I upset you.

- Go to bed.

(incoherent mumbling, whispering)

(ominous music)

(playful jazz music)

I love to stop here and
look down over the house.

- Beautiful isn't it.

You're very lucky.

- Mm, I think so.

- Of course there's the isle of gloom.

- I can't look at that
place without shivering.

- Well that's all over now.

- I never want anything
like that to happen again.

- I don't blame you.

- Still I'm glad you're on holiday

this time and not working.

- Yes.

- Whatever it is you work at.

- Oh, same old thing.

- I'm sure.

And if it hadn't of been for the adventure

on the island we wouldn't have met you.

- That's true.

- I mean it.

- Thanks.

- Come on let's get back to the kids

they're dying to see you.

Oi, chocolates after lunch.

- I think Bill's got his gun with him.

- How do you know?

- When I went out to tell him that lunch

was ready I saw him
putting it in the drawer.

I think it was a gun anyway.

- You must've imagined it.

- He wouldn't need a gun on holiday.

- [Jack] Maybe he's not on holiday.

- Shh!

- [Kiki] Oh, uh-oh!

- Ah, Bill there you are come sit down.

Phil put those away til after lunch.

Now have you thanked Bill
for those chocolates.

- [Jack] Yes.

- [Philip] I wish you weren't on holiday.

- Why?

- I wish you were investigating something,

so we could help you.

- Sorry I'm not, I'm just on holiday.

- Do you have your gun with you?

- No of course not, I'm --

- Leave the man in peace, he's on holiday.

So let him have a holiday.

- Sorry.

- Me too.

- No problem.

- [Kiki] Let's eat!

- Quite right Kiki, let's eat.

(mystical music)

- Let's go and look at Wood's Castle.

- Good idea, while mum's
concentrating on Bill.

- Yeah let's leave them on their own.

- I don't like it there it's scary.

- Come on Lucy-Ann this is the last chance

we've got for an adventure before

we have to go back to Uncle.

- I know that, but...

- Come on, I'm fed up,
I want to have some fun.

- I'm fed up too, but.

- We'll all be together and it's daylight.

- Oh come on, Lucy-Ann.

- Stay at home then,

but don't say where we've gone.

- I'm not gonna stay at home
with a lie I'll come too.

- [Dinah] What do we tell mum?

- [Philip] Oh hang on.

- Yeah?

- We're just going into the woods.

- Well that's fine but just
you be careful alright?

- Yeah okay.

Don't eat them all at once.

(adventurous music)

Let's go.

- Kiki!

- [Dinah] I'm sure it was a gun.

- [Philip] But why would
he have a gun on holiday?

- [Dinah] How do I know?

- You must have imagined it.

- I didn't.

- Well you had to.

- I know a gun when I see one.

- Come on you two stop lagging behind.

- [Jack] Coming.

(Kiki hooting)

- Very good Kiki, just
like the real thing.

- [Computer Voice] Radiation high.

Radiation high. (beeping)

Radiation high. (beeping)

Radiation high. (beeping)

- Here we are.

It's always brand new,

haven't had time to do
much walking here myself.

Well there's lots of places to see.

- What's this a castle?

- Ooh that must be the
castle in the woods.

It's not much to see apparently.

It's been deserted for years.

- Do you know it's history?

- Well I only got it from the locals.

Something about some mad woman

in the family in the last century.

She let the place get very run down.

- Anything else you need Mrs. Bright.

- No thank you.

- I'm just taking Gary a bite to eat.

- He was praying to that
picture again last night.

The place was lit up
like a Christmas tree.

- The blinds were drawn.

He thinks she's a saint.

- A devil more like.

- He wasn't always like this.

It was after his sister died in the fire.

He blames himself, because
he couldn't save her.

He was so burned,

he was so badly burned trying --

- Yes yes.

- They were so close.

Always playing games, hide and seek.

- Come on you two, cheer up.

There's three days here til he gets back.

You never know what might happen.

- [Philip] He could miss the plane.

- His plane could take
him to the North Pole.

- Or the moon.

- He could get sick again.

- He could get chickenpox again.

- [Jack] I don't think
he can get it twice.

- You never know.

- [Philip] He could
have some special sort.

- We've had chickenpox,
you can't get it twice.

- She was all scabby.

- So were you!

- Not as much as you were.

- I was in bed for three weeks.

- She got all crusty,

Uncle said she looked like a baked potato.

- I did not.

- Boo!

(Lucy-Ann screaming)

- [Lucy-Ann] Philip, stop doing that!

(Philip shouting in background)

(children laughing, playing)

- He was such a good boy.

- Yes well lets face it
shall we, he's not now.

He's a maniac.

So just keep him out of trouble.

Such a good old woman.

(church bell ringing)

- Well if the worst comes to worst,

you could always hide in the castle.

- [Jack] Sanctuary.

- [Philip] Right.

- Those from the church?

- Doesn't matter.

Well, we could bring you food and drink.

- Every day would be an adventure.

- And who's going to aide us

when you two go back to school?

- I hadn't thought of that.

- [Dinah] Goodbye to that good idea.

- Hey Philip take a look at this!

- Wow, what is that?

I've never seen anything like it.

- Yuck, leave it alone Philip!

- [Philip] Wish I had a box or something.

(Kiki talking)

- [Jack] Looks quite
different by day doesn't it.

- Well I still don't like the look of it.

- Come on Lucy-Ann, there's a perfectly

ordinary explanation for last night.

It doesn't look so haunted now.

(ominous music)

(heavy breathing)

(footsteps crunching)

(ominous music)



Stupid bird.

- I don't like being here.

- What's the matter?

- I don't know, I just want to go home.

(footsteps crunching)

- [Dinah] What's that?

(heavy breathing)

- I don't know.

- [Lucy-Ann] I'm going home.

- [Dinah] Me too.

- [Jack] Kiki, Kiki!
- [Philip] Come on Jack.

(intense music)

(creepy laughter)

♪ Wherever we go ♪

♪ Only the brave will follow ♪

♪ Together we stand that's
what friends are for ♪

♪ Forever we try ♪

♪ We know we'll find a friend with us ♪

♪ Whatever the prize ♪

♪ And when the night falls ♪

♪ Don't be afraid ♪

♪ Just whisper that wherever you stay ♪

♪ Whatever the danger,
you gotta be strong ♪

♪ So trust in your heart ♪

♪ We can go on ♪

♪ Be true, I'll always stand by you ♪

♪ I will always stand by you ♪

♪ I'll always be true ♪

♪ And I'll always stand by you ♪