The Carrie Diaries (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 12 - A First Time for Everything - full transcript

Carrie's quest for the perfect night with Sebastian only makes things worse. Dorrit turns to Donna LaDonna for advice about her budding love life.

Before there was sex,
before there was the city,

there was just me-Carrie.
Carrie Bradshaw.

And lots of things were changing...

For all of us.

Mouse. I figured you'd be enjoying
your spring break

now that you're not team manager anymore.

Sorry about that.
And i'm sorry to see you go.

You gonna miss me?

No way.


I don't even know your name,

but you might be the most annoying woman
i have ever met.

- I'm Deb.
- Tom.

- Have anyone ever kissed you, Dorrit?
- No.

- Can i be the first?
- Yes.

- I'm here for you, Carrie.
- I know. Just...

All i can think in my head is,
"For how long?"

I know i don't say it
as much as you do,

But i'm kinda terrified, too.

A lot of things
are out of our control,

like what number comes up on the dice.

But if you're lucky,

you get to choose
what direction you go in.

Mm. Pink-entertainment?
Or green-science & nature?

Hmm. Which should i choose?

I know which color you're gonna pick.

You think i'm gonna choose pink
because it's a pretty color.

And because i know
everything there is to know

about everything related
to movies and television.

If it was a "Love boat" question,
i would crush it.


I'm not afraid of
a little science & nature.

I like a challenge.

Always keeping me on my toes,
huh, Bradshaw?

Well, that's the plan, Kydd.

Well, it's working.

I love you, Carrie Bradshaw.

I wanna have sex with you.

What was i thinking?!

Um... going with you weren't.

I don't know what happened.
My mind was saying,

"I love you, too, Sebastian Kydd,"

and then my mouth was all,
"Let's do the nasty. "

It's like i lost total control
of my verbal synapses.

Well, it's not the worst case scenario.

You know, i'm guessing most guys
would be pretty psyched

to know they're gonna get... to do it.

Was he psyched?

I think so.
I mean, he seemed pretty happy about it.

But it pretty much obliterated
the whole "I love you" thing.

I can't believe i did that.

I mean, i have dreamt
of my first "I love you"-

when the guy would say it,
who would it be?

I mean, i imagined my first
"I love you" would be perfect,

and now i don't have to imagine it anymore.

Apparently, i don't say it back.

There's still time, Carrie.

But i ruined the perfect.

Do you not love him?

No, i do.

I am in love with Sebastian Kydd.

Do you want to have sex with him?

- Yes.
- Oh, my god.

And i can tell him that i love him

when we're together for the first time,

and that will make it even more perfect.

- Why can't he leave me alone?
- I don't understand.

I thought he was all flirty with you.

He is. He's nothing but flirty.

I hate flirty.

He's just flirting with me
to get in my head,

screw up my grades,
and get into Harvard over me.

Okay, your brain is broken.
That is the only explanation.

This is isn't my first day
at the college admissions rodeo.

He's got good grades and sports

and he's annoyingly good-looking.

But he has a weakness. A big one.

I'm afraid to ask.

Minimal extracurricular activities

and president of no clubs.

He's a sheep, not a leader!

I'm a leader.

I've already joined and run
for president of eight clubs.

This week, i'm taking the rest.

- That sounds horrible.
- Exactly!

Which is why i'm sure to land officer
roles in all of them.

And while i'm busy attending
all my meetings,

I can also be avoiding

that totally hot but duplicitous West.

Looks like you've got
everything under control.

I do!

- Got it!
- I've got it!

Dad, no one ever calls for you!



Um... it's for me.

Well, goody for you,
but i'm waiting for a call.

Well, that's why we have call waiting.

So if someone calls for you,
i will let you know.

But since... this is a work call,

it takes precedent.

Whatever. I'm outta here.

Where you off to?

The mall. Maybe check out
some records or somethin'.

Hey. Sorry.

That's okay.
I don't mind waiting.

And i don't mind being called a work call.

My ex-husband used to say
i was a lot of work.

Don't let that scare ya.

It doesn't.

Uh, but i'm-i'm sorry about that.

It's just that my kids don't really know
that i'm dating yet.

- That's okay, right?
- Oh, we are dating now?

Oh, is that-is that...
not what i should call this?

I'm j-i don't really know
how all this works.

I mean, we made out in your car

and got coffee a couple times.

Yeah, sorry. I'm a little rusty.
What would you call that?


I'm just messing with you.

I'm an easy target, aren't i?

I would say just right.

I'd like to see you again.

I was thinking the same.

Uh... maybe you could come over here
for a nightcap?

A nightcap?

You know, to put a cap on the night.

I thought it'd be fun.

Say Friday night?

I gotta pick Dorrit up
from a school thing.

Hey, what about Saturday night?

Ugh. I have my son.

- Sunday?
- We do a family dinner.

Ooh. Weekdays are tough.

What about, uh, next Friday night?

Um... yes!

That will work.

A nightcap next Friday night.

That sounds great.

I'll see you then. Oh, and Tom?

Come prepared.

I will.

I... will come prepared.

And while my dad suddenly felt
like he had a lot to learn,

my sister had apparently signed up
to learn everything.

The book is so creepy.
I loved it.

I knew you would.

And i can't believe that's
what they thought it'd be like now.

I mean, 1984 was just last year.

If you think about it,
it's not that far off

with Reagan in the White House.

They want to control everything.

I never thought about it that way.

You make me look at the world
totally different, Miller.

Like i'm seeing it for the first time.

All these books...
I finally feel like i know stuff.

You've always known stuff, Dorrit.

I can see it in your eyes.

You know pain.
You're deep.

That's why you hide behind
all that makeup and those clothes.

It's like the armor you wear

'cause you know there's stuff
out there to be scared of.

I'm not afraid,
especially when i'm with you.

I wear all this crap to piss my dad off.

But i gotta be honest-

It doesn't even seem to shock him anymore.

What's the fun in rebelling
if nobody notices?

I think the best version of rebellion

is to become someone who people
don't even realize is rebelling.

Mm! Talk about a woman
who knows how to rebel.

I mean, she makes a wedding dress

look positively perverted. Mm!

I never even wanted
to wear a wedding dress

until i saw her in this one.

Netted stockings and a veil?
Yes, please.

I went to a few rehearsals
for her concert.

Her faux fornication is divine.

Wait. Was this for "The virgin tour"?


We're gonna do a section of the magazine

dedicated to "The virgin tour"-

As if there are any of those
in the world anymore.

Virginity is so over.

Well, it can only be over
if it's there in the first place.

So... not over for everyone.

You are very wise, Carrie Bradshaw.

Anywho, she's launching
the tour in Seattle,

but having the big launch party here,

because no one actually lives in Seattle.

I wonder why she's even doing a concert there.

Now the party's gonna be
at the Oak Room at the Plaza.

- Very old school.
- That sounds amazing.

It won't all be fun and games,
my sweets.

We're all gonna be getting quotes
from the people involved in the show.

Andy wants to do a big
behind-the-scenes thing-

How the tour came together,
the costumes,

the lighting, the dancing.

"The material that made the material girl. "

Ohh! I am so gonna steal that!

I can't believe we get to talk
about Madonna

as, like, a person.

Wait till you see her. She is...


Not the greatest voice, but, mnh.
Who cares?

She has got that je ne sais quoi.

Wait. Do i get to go to the party?

Honey, i've known Ms. Ciccone for years.

I used to let her
in the back of Danceteria

when she couldn't afford the cover.

She bloody owes me.

Oh, and bring that gorgeous boy
of yours if you want.

Madonna loves eye candy.

It'll be a magical night,
not to be missed.

Some might even call it a perfect night.


What do you mean what?

You've got that look-

some would even call it a gleam-

like you've got something to say to me.

Oh, i have many things to say to you.

Oh, you do, huh?

This Friday, Madonna's having
an exclusive kickoff party

for her "Virgin tour. "

Oh. It's a party conversation.

Madonna's party.

And Larissa gave me two tickets.

One for me, one for you.

I was thinking
we could make a night of it.

I'm starting to get the picture.

Maybe even spend the night...

in a hotel room in the city?

Maybe the St. Regis?

Well, i was gonna say "Together,"

but that sounds even more perfect.

Get a room.

Don't worry. I am.

Madonna's song might be called "Like a virgin,"

but after the party,
i knew i wouldn't be.

The plans for my perfect evening
were in place,

but as a teenager,

my life wasn't entirely in my control.

I still had to get permission.

Hey, dad.

So Larissa invited me to party
in the city on Friday.

Uh, sort of a work thing.

So i was going to ask Mouse to come

and then crash at her place afterwards.

Where is this party?

The Oak Room at the Plaza.

Oh, that should be nice.

I guess Dorrit is sleeping over
at Audrey's,

so i'll just... be here by my lonesome.

You, uh... don't want me
to cancel my plans, do you?

No, no. No. No.

Um, i just-do you know what time
you might be getting back

in the morning?

I mean, i just wanna know
if you're gonna need breakfast.

Or i was thinking about
maybe getting up early

and going to the gym or something.

Um... no, i definitely think
i'm going to want to sleep in.

- So work out away.
- Okay. I will.

I will work out away.

Dorrit, you look nice.

Whatever. I don't need your approval.

What was that about?

I don't know.

But i was pretty sure i did.

Try knocking next time.


Can i come in?

Can't stop you from being here.

So... how's it going with the boy
you've been seeing?

What boy?

And i don't see boys.
I'm not a loser or a kid.

I'm 15, you know.

I know. You're allowed to hang out
with whoever you want.

I'm just trying to be friendly, Dorrit.

Don't bother.
And his name's Miller.

So it is a guy.

It must be, if you're dressing
and looking like this.

Can i have the bathroom back now?

Sure. I'm happy for you, Dorrit.

Why? 'cause someone likes me?

People do that all over the world.
It's no big deal.

Well, it is if you like him back.

I just wanna make sure
you don't feel like

you don't have to change
who you are for a guy.

I'm not changing anything.

Good. Because as much

as i like seeing you not look
like the handmaiden of Death,

he should like you for who you are,

not for who he wants you to be.

No offense, Miss goody-two-shoes,

but i'm not taking advice from a person

who took, like, 47 years to kiss a guy.

As everyone knows, back in March,

U.S.A. for Africa released
their hit single,

"We are the world. "

Now as far as i'm concerned,

charity and helping others
shouldn't need a music video

to be cool.

Sorry i'm late. Practice ran over.

Well, you should dribble right back out of here.

We have work to do.

If we're not watching the video,
then what are we doing here?

We are prepping boxes of chocolate bars

to raise money to help fight faminen Africa.

No video and we get to box up candy bars?


Come on. All this famine talk-
i'm totally starving.

Wait. Don't go.

We have a ton of chocolate to work with here.

I'll give out a few free ones if you stay!

If we work together,

I'll bet we'll be able
to get all those candy bars sorted

in a couple of hours.

While Mouse's day was going south,

my night was going south as well...

to Manhattan.

Are you excited?

Of course. You?


Lot of things are gonna happen tonight.

You know, we're gonna do and say things

we haven't done or said before.

Well, i mean,
some of us have said stuff,

but you know what i mean.

It's gonna be great. I promise.

I know.

I just wish we were driving
into the city

instead of taking the train.

I miss being in control.

Yeah, but this way,
we don't have to worry

about parking overnight.

And we can hold hands.

Now i'm glad we didn't drive.

And there it was-

The moment i was looking for,

to tell him how i felt.


Tickets, please.

And just like that, my moment was gone.

What'd you wanna tell me?

Uh, it can wait.

My perfect moment wasn't going to be here,

but i wasn't worried.

It was going to be a long night.

I'd get other chances...

I hoped.

This place is awesome.

Yawn. It used to be.

Now the only place
that is anyplace in here

is the V.I.P. area.

She's right.
That's where the real party is.

All this-fake party.
People who wish they were V.I.P.s.

Don't you even dare
think about partying.

- We are here for work.
- Of course we are.

Now let's get a drink,
and make mine a double.

Us V.I.P.s shouldn't waste out evening

among the commoners.

They might think you're one of them.

Yes, us V.I.P.s
wouldn't wanna be mistaken

for one of the commoners.

You couldn't be if you tried.


Carrie Bradshaw and Sebastian Kydd.

I've got Bradshaw.

No Kydd.

There must be a mistake.
Um, do you have the spelling right?

- K-y-d-d?
- Nope.

Um, what about a plus one?

Do you have me down for a plus one?

I'm sorry. I checked.

You're on the list. He isn't.

I'm afraid we have a problem.

And while i geared up for a fight...

Mouse was doing more or less the same.

What exactly
are you doing here anyway?

It's like 7:00 at night.

Don't you have somewhere to be?

Just trying to help.

And i like hanging out with you.

Are you deliberately trying
to ruin my grades?

Is that what you think?

That i pretend to like you
just to mess up your G.P.A.?

Please, i'd do the same thing
if i thought of it first,

or if i could flirt, which i can't.

Which is why i like you.

I definitely do not like you back.

Whatever you say.

Stop it.

Stop what?


That cute smiling of yours.

Did you just say "cute"?

I meant annoying
and not at all appreciated

or charming, and least of all, sexy.

It's not going to work.

I'm in complete control.

Whatever you say.

Until she wasn't.

And while Mouse's evening took
a surprising turn...

My dad was still trying to figure out

what his evening was going to be, exactly.

So when a woman asks you
over for a nightcap,

what does at mean these days?

It means you're getting laid, Tommy.

Oh, come on.
This is a single mom from the suburbs.

I'm only asking if i should
bring a bottle of something.

She said to... come prepared.

With condoms.

Neither of you are teenagers,

So stop wasting her time and yours.

Get in there. Have some sex.

- Come on, Tommy. Listen to me.
- Maybe you're right.


Maybe i'm just being uptight
because i haven't been dating

- for a while.
- Or getting laid, my friend.

- And it's time.
- It is.

I'm gonna go in there
with a full head of steam,

put on some Barry White,
make some moves, you know?

Maybe i'll be a little rusty, but-

You just said "Making moves. "

I'd say you're a bit more than rusty.

And go with Marvin Gaye.
You're rusty, not dead.

All right.
Thanks for the advice.

And one more word to the wise.

Have a lot of fun.

Oh, i will.


Look, i don't know how many
other ways i can say this.

You're holding up the line.

So either come in or go away.
You got me?

Well, is there someone else
we can speak to?

Because this is supposed

to be an important evening, and-

Carrie. We can hang out here.
It's no big deal, really.

Are you saying "It's no big deal"

because it's actually no big deal,

or are you gonna be annoyed
about it later?

It's no big deal.

It's just, i hate giving up like that.

This was supposed to be
a special night.

It is a special night.

And getting into that area
doesn't change that.

I promised you a perfect evening,

and you're going to get one.

And that includes breathing
the very air Madonna breathes

- inside the V.I.P. area.
- Carrie...

Don't ask me to give up
because i'm not going to.

I'm gonna go in there, find Larissa,

And get us some help, okay?

You really don't have to do this.

Have you met me?

You're sexy when you're determined.

I'll give you that.

I couldn't explain,

but as Sebastian disappeared
into the crowd.

I had this awful feeling
that our perfect night

was disappearing, too.

Hey there, Carrie. Oh.

What happened to your boy toy?

He's stuck on the other side
of the velvet rope.

I think Larissa forgot
to put him on the list.

Do you know where she is?

Last i saw,
she was headed to the kitchen

'cause she heard they had coke,

but i'm pretty sure
they meant the drink,

so she'll probably be back soon,
and cranky.

Okay, well,
you're the nightclub expert.

How do i get Sebastian
into the V.I.P. area?

Well, let's see.
I'd say seduce a bouncer

like Floyd over there,

but you're not really Floyd's type-

You know, male.

Also, i'm kinda taken.

You're so cute with your morals.

All right, you know what i always do?

I find some guy with big wrists.

Tell him he's cute,
and then ask him to borrow his wristband.

Voila. V.I.P. ready.

Not that i was looking,

but Sebastian has pretty big hands, right?

- Yeah.
- Lucky you.

Well, this will never fit him.
I put it on too tight.

Um, we need to find someone like...

like... oh, that guy.

Yep. He's got big wrists-
big, terrifying wrists,

ones that could snap me like a twig.

Yeah, i think he uses them
to strangle bears.


May Madonna be with you.


Hi. Excuse me.

Uh... i was wondering
if you might be willing

to part with your bracelet
for a couple of minutes?

See, my boyfriend is stuck
on the other side

of the V.I.P.line.

He was supposed to be on the list,

but for some reason, he isn't,
which totally sucks,

because tonight was supposed to be
a special evening for us.

I mean, really special.
Like, you know what i mean.

And i'm starting to think
he's getting annoyed with me

because i dragged him here
and because

he told me he loved me
this past week,

and i've been trying to find
the perfect time and place

to say it back,
which i thought it was tonight,

- only now-
- stop.

Yes, i'm sorry.
I will shut up. I'm sorry.

Me and my boyfriend kissed
for the first time

to Madonna's "Burning up. "

And i'm a sucker for a love story.

My boyfriend runs the V.I.P. area.

Let me talk to him.

Thank you.

And while i was relived
to have regained control...

Mouse felt like
she had completely lost it.

Okay. Enough of this.

Huh. Where are you going?

I have somewhere to be.

So you don't wanna talk
or hang out more?

We could just lie here.

Of course that's
what you'd like me to do.

Just lie here and be distracted.

It's not going to happen, buster.

I have things to do.

It figures you'd be reading a book
about cancer.

Ms. Doom and gloom
and her sister tiny dancer.

Not that i care what you think,

but it's a book about sex.

Well... color me interested.

A book about sex and an outfit

that doesn't scream "Hate me. "

Does little Bradshaw have a man?

You do.
Good for you.

What's your name again?


Funny name.
You can carry it though.

- Thanks.
- So you're all dolled up for your new man.

Are you seeing him tonight?

I'm not dressing like this for him.

Why not? I always change
for the guys i'm with.

I once went Goth for three weeks

for this one guy,
but it was a horrible look for me.

Take my advice.

Boobs and an army jacket do not work.

So what guy are
you wearing that bag for?

The Coach bag is for me
because it is gorgeous.

Doesn't changing for a guy
kinda make you a little pathetic?

Like you're giving away
your power or something?

You're not giving up control.
You're taking control.

Relationships are transactions.

I give you cleavage
and legs up to here.

You buy me dinner.

I give you sex.
I take... well, everything.

Circle of life.

But isn't giving it up,
well, giving it up?

In my experience, it's the opposite.

Once they have sex with you,
they're hooked.

Yeah, i think that's probably
just for you.

Maybe. Sex is fun.
It isn't love.

Just remember that, and you will be fine.

And be safe.
We don't need any more curly haired crazies

running around this town.


Smart girl.

Got you a little present.

Did you have to do anything illegal
to get me that?

Do you really wanna know?

Not if i'll have to testify.

Look, i'm really sorry
about leaving you alone.

I mean, i'm the one
who dragged you to this party.

All my friends are here.
You don't know anyone.

Are you kidding?

I had my scottish friend here
to keep my company.

I know. I just hate being taken
to parties

where i don't know anyone,

and i didn't want you
to feel that way.

You know?

Carrie, i wouldn't feel that way

if you didn't keep bringing it up.

Seriously, it's fine.
I'm not afraid to be on my own.

So can we drop it?

Yeah. Sure. Okay.

Now what do you say we stop
with all the apologies

and worrying and go have fun?

Yeah. Sounds good.

Still sorry, though.

Stop it.

And while i led Sebastian
into the VIP area,

my dad was being led
somewhere exclusive as well.

And... this is my bedroom.

I used to have
a waterbed until my son decided

to jump on it wearing his cleats.

Waterbed, huh?

I always wanted to sleep
on one of those.

Well, how do you feel about
a posturepedic,

which is what i have now?

Posturepedic, huh?
That sounds...


You know what?
There's really no way to make that

- sound sexy, is there?
- Not really.

Let's go back to talking
about that waterbed.

That was more fun.

Uh... wh-what are you doing?

I am totally reading
this situation all wrong, aren't i?

Oh! I'm such an idiot.
I never should've listened to Harlan-


I'm kidding.

- Still an easy target, huh?
- Yes.


Why are we still talking?

I could use another drink.
You want anything, Bradshaw?

Oh, you don't have to do that.

I can get the drink.

I can handle it.
What do you want?

Surprise me.
And when you get back,

I promise we'll
spend some time together,

just the two of us.

Now that sounds amazing.

Bennet, hey.

I can't talk right now, Carrie, okay?

I just found out Madonna's
about to leave,

which means this place
is going to clear out in,

like, four minutes, six tops.

And there's no after party.

There's always an after party.

The party will still be fun.

No, the party will be over.
O- v-e-r.

And i haven't even gotten
all my quotes yet.

I- i thought there'd be more time,

but there are just too many people

for me to talk to myself.

Maybe you could help me.

Oh, i totally want to. Totally.

But... i don't want to
abandon Sebastian again.

I'm worried he might
be a little pissed at me.

Just to clarify, any quotes you can get

would go in the magazine,

"reported by Carrie Bradshaw"

My own byline?

Suddenly, i saw an opportunity-

one i couldn't afford to pass up.

So i decided to take control.

I'm your girl.

- Seriously?
- Mm-hmm.

- Great. Okay. You see that guy over there in the booth?
- Mm-hmm.

That's Billy Steinberg.

He wrote the lyrics to Madonna's
"Like a virgin"

If you could
just get a quote from him-

I mean, something, anything-

I would totally owe you.

Okay. On it.

Thanks, darling. You are a lifesaver.

All right, i'm off to talk
to the costumer about crinoline.

I didn't have time to feel guilty.

I had a quote to chase.

Sebastian and my own byline?

It would truly be a perfect evening.

Where are you off to in such a hurry?
Hot date?

Sebastian, i'm sorry.

I- i just have to go
take care of a work thing.

Oh, you really were
heading off somewhere,

and here i was joking.

Well, i'm sorry.
Bennet was in a bind,

so he asked me to do
a favor for him,

and it might really help
my writing career.

You have a career now?

Well, a future one,
if i get this quote.

Do what you have to do, Bradshaw.

- You sure?
- I'm not afraid to be on my own.

I already told you that.

Okay. I'm sorry.
I'm really, really sorry.

I know. You told me a hundred times.

So no one like the title?

No one.

I even had to convince Tom,
my writing partner,

that it's a lyric
we should stick with.

So why did you stick with it?

Because that's how i felt.

New love makes you feel
like you're being touched

for the first time,

like you're a virgin,

like it's perfect.

Have you ever felt that before?

I feel that now... with my boyfriend.

He's here waiting for me.

But what are you doing here with me?

Oh. Leaving.
Is that okay?

I wrote the song.
I believe in it.

Go get touched
like it's the first time.

Little did he know, it would be.

Thank you.

Hey. Hey, buddy.

You looking for the bathroom?

Uh... yeah.

It's in there.


I'm Tom.


'kay. Night.

What's going on?

Oh, not much.
I, uh, i just ran into your kid

out in the hallway.

- And i was naked.
- Oh, god.

Is he okay?

I don't know.
He just- he walked back to his room

like this kind of
thing happens to him all the time.

Does this kind of
thing happen to him all the time?

No. He must have been sleepwalking,
i hope.

God, he never wakes up.

I honestly just can't believe

you would let a man spend the night here

while your son was under the same roof.

I thought you told me that your ex

was taking him for the night.

He was,

until he flaked on me.

Look, i thought about canceling,

but i really like you,

and with our schedules,

I wasn't sure when i'd get
my chance to see you again.

Look, you of all people should understand

how challenging it is to be a single parent.

It is not that challenging.

How about just...
don't have sex in the house

while your kid is in it?

Okay. That's it.

You need to leave.

I am doing the best that i can here, buddy.

And i don't need to be judged
by the likes of you.

I didn't mean to judge.

Look, i-i can stay longer
if you wanna talk about it more.

Oh, let me think about that.
Um, i'm a single mother

who doesn't get enough sleep, so no.

I don't need you to stay
so we can talk about it.

You can let yourself out.

You're here kinda late.
Is everything cool?

I finished the book.

You read faster than i do.

I don't know anyone
who reads faster than me.

I'm fast at a lot of things.

You mad at me or something?

Did you give me that book

so i'd want to have sex with you?



Does that make me a horndog?

Makes you smart.

I've been thinking about it a lot.

- You have?
- Yeah.

You know what?
I have, too.

And you've been through so much this year

with your mom and everything,

and i know you don't show it,
but you feel everything.

You're vulnerable,
and i don't wanna hurt you

by taking advantage of that.

You wouldn't be.
I want to.

You don't know what you want.

A month ago, i sat in my room all day

just waiting to see
if anybody would wonder where i was

or what i was doing.

No one ever came...

or cared... for nine hours.

My family never even checked on me.

I would have.

I know.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

What are you doing here?

This is the meeting
of the astronomy club.

I am the president, and i'm very busy.

Doing what?

Presiding over this club... of one-me.

Well, i've always want to know more
about the stars.

So why don't you tell me something
about astronomy?

The Crab Nebula is visible tonight.

I've never seen the Crab Nebula.

This is nice.

I don't really care about astronomy.

I don't get it. You don't like me?

No, worse.

- You're repulsed by me?
- Worse.

I can't control myself
when i'm with you.

I've been down this road before,

and i ain't going there again.

Is this because of your ex?


He was the first boy
i ever had sex with.

Ever loved.

What happened?

I blew my G.P.A. up

and lost Number One in the class to you.

Meeting adjourned.

That was amazing.
It was the perfect quote,

which means i might get
my first byline in the magazine.

My name in "Interview"

seriously, if you would have
told me this a year ago,

I never would have believed you.

This might end up being
the best night of my life.

That's why this is
the best night of your life?

Because of the magazine?

This was supposed to be
a night about us.

It is about us.

No. You pretty much just made it
a night about you.

Are you serious?
I mean, sure, i helped out a friend

with some work
and then caught a lucky break,

but if anything, i feel like
i spent the entire night

worrying about you.

I'm fine, Carrie. I've been fine.

I never asked you to take care of me.

You never ask.
I always have to dig things out of you.

I mean, you basically denied

you were annoyed with me the entire
night when you really were.

Because you kept getting distracted
by everything else.

I didn't care about the party
or the V.I.P. room.

I just wanted to be with you.

You kept saying you were fine.

You're always doing that-
putting up walls,

and then leaving me to figure out

how to take care of you.

I can't believe
you're the one saying

i never tell you my feelings.

It's not like you told me yours.


Seriously? I told you i loved you
a week ago.

I kept thinking you were waiting
to tell me you loved me

because you're such a perfectionist.

That-that's not true.

Then why didn't you say it?

Is it because you don't feel it?


Then why?

Because i wanted the moment to be perfect.

That doesn't make me a monster.

God, you just can't

let anything be real, can you?

Most people,
when they feel something,

they say it.
That's what i did.

Well, now i can't say it

because you're just gonna think

I'm saying it because i have to.

Why do you have to think
so much about everything?

Because that's who i am,

and obviously
you don't like that

or the choices i make

or what's important to me,

So if that's the way you feel,

then maybe we should just break up.

Once again,
i had lost control of my mouth.

I could only hope
Sebastian was in control of his.

Well, if that's what you want, fine.

It's always about
what you want, anyway.

I never even told him i love him, Mouse.

And i do... so much.

Maybe you could call him,
tell him you made a mistake.

He let me break up with him.

He didn't fight for me.

Well, maybe he was afraid to.

I think that's
why i said it in the moment-

that we should break up.

Like if it was going to happen,

I wanted to control it
and make it hurt less.


Like i'm in physical pain.

I'm sorry.

And i get it.

It'll get better.


Not soon enough.

Listen, i'm-i'm sorry
i ran out on you last night.

I kicked you out.

Yeah, but you wouldn't have done that

if i hadn't tried to run out on you
in the first place.

I should have been more sympathetic.

Of course i know
how hard it is to date

when you have kids.

I mean, obviously,
i'm new to the situation,

but i get it.

Anyway, i'm...

pretty sure i've screwed all this up,

and it's too late,
but for what it's worth,

I apologize.

And i totally understand
you not wanting to see me again,

but i hope at least now, you know,

when we bump into each other,
it wouldn't be hideously awkward.


Look, just wait.


Look, uh, we're dating,
and that means we're gonna fight.

We are?

Yeah, of course we are.

I don't know.

I mean, we made out in my car,

had coffee a couple of times.

I'm sorry. I'm a little rusty.

What would you call that?

I'm messing with you.

I'm an easy target, aren't i?

No. Just right.

Boy, dating sure looks a lot different

than when we were young, huh?

Some things are scarily similar.

Instead of sneaking around,
trying not to bump

into somebody's parents,
i'm hiding from their kid.

And on that note, uh,
if we are gonna keep dating,

I promise next time,
i will get a babysitter.



What are you doing here?

Are you kidding? It's saturday.

That means two things-

that my brother's watching "Smurfs" on TV,

and i hit the gardening club.

You can set your watch to it.

What? I can't be into gardening, too?

No one's into gardening,

especially on a saturday morning.

Okay, maybe i'm not into gardening,

but i'm into the president
of the gardening club.


Just the two students
i was hoping to run into.

- Hi, Mr. Sperry. - Hey there.

So... I gather you two were both here
awfully late last night.

We... were.

And i gather you spend

a lot of productive private time together?

Mr. Sperry, we can explain.

Explain? You don't have to
explain anything.

I read the minutes.


As secretary of the U.S.A. for Africa
and Astronomy clubs,

it's my job to make sure
the faculty advisor

gets all the minutes
from the meeting.

But you already knew that.

First, you both stay here late dealing
with the chocolate bars

for U.S.A. for africa,
then you two

single-handedly resuscitate
the astronomy club,

and by the looks of it,
the gardening club is next?

I am gonna write you both

one hell of a recommendation for college.

What was it you were telling me

about how dating me would get in the way

of your grades
and your college applications?

West, i don't know.

Do you like me?

If you say no,

i will leave you alone, i promise.

No. I don't like you.

I don't believe you.

No fair.
You said you'd leave me alone.


I do like you. So what?

So... i like you, too.

Does anything else really matter?

Yes. Lots of stuff matters.

What are you, an idiot?

Come on. One date.

You know i'm not gonna leave you alone

until you say yes.

I'm gonna bug you so much

that i will seriously
mess up your grades.

You're gonna have to go
to Cornell or something.


One date.

I knew it.

You're into me.

We should probably keep it down.

I don't want my dad to know
i snuck you up here.

Not a Judy Blume in sight.

Those are over there,

Next to all my "Little house" Books.

One look at this shelf,

you'd never guess i was a rebel.

I'm just too lazy to bother,

and i secretly love
my cabbage patch kids.

I love all your secrets.

You don't think
they're scary and weird?

I think they're a part of you.

So no.

Even how i smell my hair
when i'm nervous or thinking?

Well, i think that's just cute.



I'm glad we're gonna do it.

That's really weird hearing
you say that

when your dolls are staring at me.

Don't worry about them.
They're total pervs.

They like hearing about doing it.

Corrections by Grzesiek11