Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993–1999): Season 6, Episode 3 - Sons And Daughters - full transcript
Serving with his recruit son aboard a Klingon vessel, Worf finds his relationship with his son strained. Meanwhile, strained relationships abound on DS9 between Major Kira and Gul Dukat.
Sisko to Dax.
Yes, Captain.
We arrive at Starbase 375
in five minutes.
I'll meet you in
the transporter room.
Dax out.
Ooh... now,
that's what I call
really bad timing.
I have to go.
there is just
one more thing.
As long as it's not
about the wedding.
When we exchange
our vows
you must remember
to present your d'k tahg
to General Martok
as a formal request for him
to accept you into our House.
But I don't want
to join his House.
I don't want
to get caught up
in all those blood feuds.
Every time a member
of the House of Martok
gets dishonored
or killed
I'll have to drop
whatever I'm doing
and rush off on some quest
for vengeance.
It's boring, Worf.
If you refuse,
it will be a grave dishonor.
General Martok will
not understand--
I'm joking.
So you will join
our House?
Of course I will.
I can see our lives together
will not be easy.
But they'll be fun.
Channel open.
This is General Martok
of the IKS Rotarran
requesting permission
to dock.
General, you're cleared
for docking at Bay 11.
Thank God.
I never thought
I'd miss
field rations.
Give me some
freeze-dried peaches
or some
powdered carrots--
anything, as long
as it isn't moving.
It's not the food,
it's the singing.
Oh! Till all hours
of the night.
If I have to listen
to another ballad
about the honored dead
I'll go stark-raving mad.
Captain Sisko, Admiral Ross
extends his compliments
for a job well done
and requests that you
and your senior staff
beam to his conference room
for debriefing immediately.
Tell the Admiral
we're on our way.
Starbase out.
Once again,
thank you for
rescuing us, General.
Hmm. Try not to get
too comfortable
lounging around
the starbase.
We need you back
in the fight.
Are you a betting
man, General?
One of my
many pleasures.
Then a barrel
of bloodwine says
I set foot on Deep
Space 9 before you do.
( laughs )
General, I just received word
the replacements
from the Vor'nak are here.
Look at this, Worf--
barely moving.
I'd give my good eye
for a plate of fresh gagh.
How many replacements?
I requested 15.
General Tanas
could only give us five.
( sighs )
We keep falling back.
The Dominion
keeps pushing forward.
I tell you, Worf,
war is much more fun
when you're winning!
Defeat makes
my wounds ache.
pat'leH pum tliH-takk!
Oh, the replacements.
( sighs )
I am General Martok.
Welcome to
the Rotarran.
May you prove worthy
of this ship
and bring honor to her name.
This is a glorious moment
in the history of the Empire
a chapter that will be written
with your blood.
Fight well, and our people
will sing your praises
for a thousand years.
Fail, and
there will be
no more songs,
no more honor
no more Empire.
Who among you hears the cry
of the warrior
calling you to glory?
Who offers their life
for the Empire?
N'Garen, daughter
of Tse'Dek!
son of Ch'Pok!
son of Larna!
Doran, daughter
of W'Mar!
Alexander Rozhenko.
Of what House
is Rozhenko?
Of no House, sir.
My honor will be my own.
there will be
plenty of honor
for the taking
on this ship--
enough for all of you.
I accept your lives
into my hands.
Glory to you,
and to the Empire!
This Alexander
you know him?
He is my son.
Captioning sponsored by
KIRA ( quietly ):
The next thing we need
is a secure way
to communicate
with our contacts
on Bajor.
the Cardassians
are extremely adept
at locating the source
of any illicit
subspace transmission.
Well, we'll just have to
be smarter than they are.
( sighs )
Mind if I join you?
( chuckles )
You already have.
I want in.
In on what?
Your resistance cell.
What cell?
Come on, Major
I have my sources.
How reassuring.
I can help.
As a reporter
I hear things--
people talk to me.
About what?
Major, all I'm asking for
is a chance.
It's time, Major.
1457 hours.
The shuttle will be docking
in three minutes.
I better get going.
Don't want
to keep him waiting.
I see Gul Dukat's still
having you meet him
every time he returns
to the station.
Like I said, I hear things.
shouldn't you be wearing
your dress uniform?
You look lovely
just the way you are.
So am I in or not?
You... don't want to get
involved with this.
But... if you
are looking
for something to do
I could use
another waiter.
( sighs )
Ah, Major Kira!
So good
to see you again.
You're out of uniform, Major.
Bajorans could use
a lesson in respect.
Damar, please.
This is a
happy occasion.
Let's not spoil it.
I have a surprise for you.
I am so glad
to see you.
What are you doing here?
You're supposed
to be on Bajor.
I talked her into taking
a little sabbatical
from the University.
Talked her into it?
It didn't take
much convincing.
Why don't you and I
have dinner tonight
and I'll tell you
all about it?
All right.
We'll dine in my quarters
at 2200 hours.
Wait a minute,
I didn't mean--
I can't tell you
how much I've missed you.
Come along, Ziyal.
I'll see you tonight.
All right.
You sent for me,
Orders at last.
We are to escort a convoy
to Donatu V.
The last three convoys
that were sent there
were destroyed
by the Jem'Hadar.
Which is why this one
must get through.
How many ships
will form the escort?
The Rotarran is all
the High Council
can spare.
A vital mission,
impossible odds
and a ruthless enemy.
What more
could we ask for?
I tell you, Worf,
I feel young again.
Here's the briefing.
Start battle drills
Train them hard.
By the time we join the convoy
they will have the reflexes
of a Norpin falcon.
I expect nothing less.
Worf, one moment.
We have shed blood together
escaped from a Jem'Hadar prison
You have pledged yourself
and your life to my House.
Yet in all this time
you have never once mentioned
that you had a son.
It is a... difficult subject
to discuss.
That much is obvious.
Alexander and I
were never close.
His mother was only half-Klingon
and was disdainful of our ways.
I see.
So you allowed her
to raise the boy.
No, General.
She was killed
when he was very young.
He spent a short time with me
aboard the Enterprise
but after that,
I sent him to live
with my foster
parents on Earth.
He showed...
no interest
in becoming a warrior.
It was difficult,
but I learned to accept it
and, in time,
encouraged him to find
his own path.
Then why has he joined
the Klingon defense forces?
I do not know.
I have not spoken with him.
This is not good, my friend.
When a father and son
do not speak
it means
there's trouble between them.
General, I prefer to handle this
my own way.
Then do so.
( door beeps )
Bekk Alexander Rozhenko
reporting as ordered, sir.
You have grown.
So I've been told.
How are your grandparents?
Your parents were
in good health
when I last saw them.
Do they know you are here?
They weren't pleased
about my decision
but when they realized
I was determined to enlist
they supported me
as they always have.
I know we have not seen
each other for some time
but let us talk
as father and son.
I am not here to call you
I am here to serve the Empire.
Serving the Empire was not
one of your priorities
when last we spoke.
As you say,
that was some time ago.
Did you think enlisting
would please me?
Pleasing you did not enter
into my decision.
With all due respect, sir
does this conversation
have any bearing
on my duties aboard this ship?
Stop pretending to be a warrior!
We both know
you do not belong here!
You heard
what I expect
from the rest of the crew.
Twice that, I expect from you.
Do we understand each other?
You may go.
( sighs )
( door chimes )
Come in.
Nerys, you're early.
I've just started
the ramufta.
I'm not having dinner
with you tonight.
It's because of
my father, isn't it?
That's right.
I thought you might
change your mind.
I was hoping
I was wrong.
Ziyal, what are you doing
back on the station?
Please don't be
upset with me.
I know how hard
you worked
to arrange things
for me on Bajor.
I tried.
I really tried.
I'm not upset
with you.
I'm a little confused.
What happened?
It wasn't
any one thing.
The students at
the University...
everybody was... polite.
But then I'd see
them whispering
in the hallways...
staring at me.
I'm the daughter
of Gul Dukat.
My father is
leading a war
against the Emissary
of the Prophets.
I don't know what made me think
I belonged there.
This station is the closest
thing I have to a home.
You're here.
My father is here.
But the last time you defied
him, he left you here to die.
We talked about that.
He admits he overreacted.
But family loyalty
is important
to my father
and he felt I betrayed him.
You betrayed him?
I think
it's the other way around!
He misses me.
And I've missed him.
I have to give him a chance.
He's all I have, except for you.
I was hoping
you would have dinner
with us tonight because...
well, there's something special
I wanted to share
with both of you.
But I guess that's impossible.
All right, I'll be here.
But I won't guarantee
it's going to be any fun.
I promise my father will behave.
( laughing )
( clears throat )
Is this seat taken?
Alexander Rozhenko.
We were holding it
just for you.
I am honored.
The honor is ours.
Bregit lung,
an excellent choice!
Would you care
for some grapok sauce?
Uh, no, thank you.
Oh, you must
try some.
It brings out
the flavor.
( laughing )
That's enough.
Thank you.
Some bloodwine
to wash it down?
( laughing )
Why are you laughing?
Or perhaps the son of our
illustrious First Officer
would prefer an Earth beverage.
A glass of root beer
with a lump of ice cream?
( laughing )
Are you mocking me?
Now why would I mock you,
son of Worf?
I am called Rozhenko.
I will call you
whatever I please.
And you will learn
to like it.
( laughing )
( all laughing )
Does the son of
Starfleet's finest
think he is too good
to eat with us?
Have some lung!
I do not like
your smile!
Perhaps I will
cut you a new one.
( laughing )
( laughing )
He fights like a Ferengi!
( all laughing )
( laughter )
Your combat training
has been sadly neglected
little one.
I will teach you a new lesson...
one that you will
not soon forget!
( growls )
You have no right to interfere!
You will both report
to the Medical Ward
and when they have finished
with you
you will remain in quarters
until your
next watch.
The rest of you,
back to your stations!
Are you going to fight
the Jem'Hadar
for him as well?
Vedek Nane taught me
to focus intently
on the image
that I want to evoke
to allow it to fully form
in my mind
before I even
pick up the brush.
Well, what do you think?
very good.
You think so?
They remind me
of Vedek Topek's
early work.
How ironic.
I was about to say
they're similar in style
to Napart Malor
the founder of the Valonnan
School on Cardassia.
The Director of the Cardassian
Institute of Art
said the same thing.
You spoke with the Director?
I sent him some of my drawings.
You should have told me, Ziyal.
I could have arranged
for you to meet him in person.
I know.
I wanted to do this on my own.
He said I have a real gift.
The Institute
is having
an exhibition of new artists
next month.
He might want
to include my work.
It's a chance to show
that both Bajorans
and Cardassians
look at the universe
the same way.
And that's what I want to do
with my work--
bring people together.
I guess it sounds
a little silly.
On the contrary, my dear
you're quite eloquent.
Are you ready
for dessert?
I'm not going
I don't believe
the change.
I have never
seen her so...
Neither have I, Major.
I mean, she's finally
found something--
a talent,
a direction.
I'm reluctant to admit it
but you were right
to send her to Bajor.
I'm glad it worked out.
We seldom see
eye-to-eye, Major
but I know you care
about my daughter
and for that, I'm grateful.
There is only
one thing I hate
about convoy duty--
it's the waiting.
You'd think
after all these years
I'd be used to it.
But nothing breaks
the tension better
than a tankard
of warnog.
Except maybe
a good brawl.
You heard about the fight
in the mess hall.
Yes, but not from
my First Officer.
I lost him the moment
his son stepped
aboard this ship.
You think I acted improperly?
It is not an easy thing
to stand aside
and watch someone
injure your son.
Alexander was no match
for Ch'Targh.
He would have
killed the boy.
Ch'Targh might have
cut him a little
and maybe broken a few bones
but nothing more.
You told me Alexander
never wanted to be a warrior.
Clearly he has changed his mind.
Worf, you are his First Officer.
Teach him to survive.
The Jem'Hadar
will be less forgiving
than Ch'Targh.
Battle stations.
Alert Status 1.
Captain to the Bridge.
attack ship
bearing 170 mark 045.
Estimated weapons range
in 22 seconds.
On screen.
Where is it?
I have no target on my sensors.
Switching to manual.
Reroute primary sensors
to weapons control.
Aye, sir.
( console beeps )
The Jem'Hadar has launched
two torpedoes.
At us or the convoy?
At us.
Impact in ten seconds.
Drop cloak, raise shields,
evasive action.
Torpedoes still locked on to us.
They will hit in four seconds.
Brace for impact.
Reinitialize primary sensors.
Sensors reinitialized.
The Jem'Hadar ship is gone.
Of course it is gone.
You forgot to erase
the battle simulation program
from the sensor display.
( sighing )
Stand down from Alert Status,
resume course.
Re-activate cloak.
Keep a close watch.
There may be more
hostile simulation
programs out there.
( all laughing )
He'll never make
that mistake again.
It's better that we
should be too ready
than not ready enough.
At least you're
keeping us on our toes.
( laughing )
( chuckling )
You see, they have accepted him.
They have accepted him
as the ship's fool.
In closing,
let me emphasize again
that Cardassia's gift of 15
industrial replicators to Bajor
ushers in a new age
of cooperation and understanding
between our two peoples.
Hand in hand,
we'll march into a new era
of peace and prosperity
as Dominion allies.
( applause )
Thank you, thank you,
that will be all.
Ah, Major Kira
may I have a word
with you, please?
Have you heard?
The Cardassian
Institute of Art
has decided to exhibit
three of Ziyal's drawings.
Oh, that's wonderful.
She must be excited.
I'm hosting a celebration
for her in my quarters tonight.
I hope you'll join us.
What time?
Uh, 2130...
unless I'm
unavoidably delayed.
Ah, the busy life of
an interstellar despot.
( laughing )
This is a kar'takin
a weapon favored
by the Jem'Hadar.
Defend yourself.
No, that is not
the proper grip.
The thumbs
must be opposed
so that twisting motions...
I understand!
Then proceed.
( grunting )
No, do not try
to shove my blade away.
Deflect it and then use
your momentum to counter.
I know!
Then do it.
No, do not try to fight
force with force.
You will lose
every time.
( grunting )
What did I tell you?
Well, pick it up!
If you had kept
what I taught you
when you were a boy
this would be second nature
to you by now.
( grunting )
What is wrong with you?
I knew it would be
like this.
Like what?
You must be pleased.
Now you can tell me
what a failure I am
as a Klingon.
Or are you just going
to send me away again?
We are not playing
in holosuites now.
This is war.
The Jem'Hadar
will cut you to pieces.
Then I will be dead...
and you will be happy.
Now, leave me alone!
( door opens, closes )
( door chimes )
Come in.
What do you want?
From Gul Dukat.
For some reason,
he thought you would enjoy
having me deliver it to you.
What is it?
A gift...
for the party tonight.
What the hell am I doing?
Come in.
Ah, Major Kira
what a pleasant
Come in, come in.
You don't like
the dress?
The dress is fine.
I don't like you.
( sighs )
Major, that's just not true.
There's a bond
between us.
Only in your mind.
You are an opportunistic
power-hungry dictator
and I want nothing more
to do with you.
Ziyal would be very disappointed
to hear you say that.
She'll get over it.
Please, Nerys, let's sit down.
We'll talk about it.
We won't.
( sighs ):
Who was that?
A delivery.
It's a little something for you
to wear to the party tonight.
Do you like it?
It's beautiful.
You can be so thoughtful.
I try.
( grunting )
Hmm... fine blade,
well balanced.
But in the end
it is only as good
as the warrior who wields it.
I need
more practice.
Tell me, Alexander Rozhenko...
why are you on my ship?
To serve the Empire, General.
That is a slogan, not an answer.
Say what is in your heart.
Do you ask every new crewman
this question?
I have no need to.
I look in their faces,
and I know why they are here.
They are
Klingon warriors.
They have answered the call
of Kahless.
So have I.
lie to yourself, if you must,
but not to me.
You do not hear
the warrior's call.
I ask again, why are you here?
I'd rather not say.
It's a private matter.
( groans )
You're as tightlipped
as your father.
I am nothing like him.
Both stubborn,
tiresome qu'vatlh.
The only difference is
I need him.
I do not need you.
All I ask is a chance
to prove myself.
I just gave you one
and you failed.
Your father has requested
that you be transferred off
this ship.
He has no right.
He has every right
both as your superior officer
and as your father.
At 2317, you will transport
to the Cargo Vessel Par'tok.
Collect your gear.
You are fortunate
that I am your father.
If you had challenged
anyone else in that manner
you would be dead right now.
If you want me off this ship
you're going to have
to kill me.
Alexander, I do not want
to hurt you.
I want to help you.
By getting rid of me?
All you've ever done
my whole life is send me away.
I am a Klingon warrior.
I lead a warrior's life.
This is not the path for you.
You told me this yourself.
And I have come to accept it.
You call yourself my father
but you haven't tried to see me
or talk to me in five years.
I wasn't the
kind of son
you wanted
so you pretended
that you had no son.
You never accepted me.
You abandoned me.
Battle stations!
Alert Status 1.
( alarm blares )
Aft Thruster Compartment
fire now contained.
Shields at 60 percent.
ELN and TRC off-line!
And the Jem'Hadar?
Which one, sir?
The one shooting at us!
His aft shields are down
to 25... no, 20 percent
and he's losing antiprotons
from his starboard nacelle.
Weapons, lock on that nacelle.
Fire at will.
Full pattern.
( screams )
We've lost
target lock.
Switching to manual.
Helm, bring us
to 317 mark 045.
Weapons, can you hit him?
Negative, he's out of range.
We've lost internal
Come to course 020 mark 7--
There's plasma venting
from the primary
impulse injector
on deck 5.
Subspace transceiver
array off-line.
Worf, get that plasma leak
under control
before we lose the entire deck.
( yelling )
Impulse injector temperature
approaching critical.
Injector breach immanent.
I can seal the leak.
matrix sequencer.
I'm of no use to you here.
I will go with him.
It will take
at least two of us
to secure the injector
before it explodes.
Engineering, reroute
all auxiliary power
to the disrupters.
Disengage overload
Worf, put us off
the Jem'Hadar's
starboard quarter.
Weapons, continue to target
his damaged
Helm, on my command
reduce impulse power
to one third.
Bring us
to course 355 mark 090.
be ready for him to
pass in front of us.
Course laid in.
Weapons standing by.
( beeping )
Well done.
Captain, permission
to leave the Bridge?
Stand down from Alert Status.
N'Garen, take the helm.
We sealed the impulse
injector, Commander.
Where's my son?
Trapped in
that corridor, sir.
After we secured the injector
I sent him in there
to put the tools away
and somehow,
he tripped
the emergency lockdown.
We are trying to override it
( coughing )
You locked yourself in?
Yes, sir.
( laughter )
You didn't come
to the party last night.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't.
I think you know why.
Please don't ask me
to choose between you.
I'm not.
There's no choice--
he's your father.
I cannot change the mistakes
I have made
but from this day forward
I promise I will
stand with you.
We'll see if you mean it.
Yes, we will.
What you are about to do
entails a grave obligation.
Do not accept it lightly.
I understand
and I accept.
I will teach you
what you need to know
to be a warrior.
And you will teach me
what I need to know
to be a father.
Martok degh, to-Duq degh
bat-LEH degh,
mat-LEH degh.
Martok degh.
Martok degh.
Alexander, vih-nob d'k tahg.
wachk ihw,
wachk kkor-duh.
wachk ihw, wachk kkor-duh.
wachk ihw...
wachk kkor-duh.
mat-LEH gih-Hegh.
Welcome to the House of Martok,
son of Worf.
Captioning sponsored by
Yes, Captain.
We arrive at Starbase 375
in five minutes.
I'll meet you in
the transporter room.
Dax out.
Ooh... now,
that's what I call
really bad timing.
I have to go.
there is just
one more thing.
As long as it's not
about the wedding.
When we exchange
our vows
you must remember
to present your d'k tahg
to General Martok
as a formal request for him
to accept you into our House.
But I don't want
to join his House.
I don't want
to get caught up
in all those blood feuds.
Every time a member
of the House of Martok
gets dishonored
or killed
I'll have to drop
whatever I'm doing
and rush off on some quest
for vengeance.
It's boring, Worf.
If you refuse,
it will be a grave dishonor.
General Martok will
not understand--
I'm joking.
So you will join
our House?
Of course I will.
I can see our lives together
will not be easy.
But they'll be fun.
Channel open.
This is General Martok
of the IKS Rotarran
requesting permission
to dock.
General, you're cleared
for docking at Bay 11.
Thank God.
I never thought
I'd miss
field rations.
Give me some
freeze-dried peaches
or some
powdered carrots--
anything, as long
as it isn't moving.
It's not the food,
it's the singing.
Oh! Till all hours
of the night.
If I have to listen
to another ballad
about the honored dead
I'll go stark-raving mad.
Captain Sisko, Admiral Ross
extends his compliments
for a job well done
and requests that you
and your senior staff
beam to his conference room
for debriefing immediately.
Tell the Admiral
we're on our way.
Starbase out.
Once again,
thank you for
rescuing us, General.
Hmm. Try not to get
too comfortable
lounging around
the starbase.
We need you back
in the fight.
Are you a betting
man, General?
One of my
many pleasures.
Then a barrel
of bloodwine says
I set foot on Deep
Space 9 before you do.
( laughs )
General, I just received word
the replacements
from the Vor'nak are here.
Look at this, Worf--
barely moving.
I'd give my good eye
for a plate of fresh gagh.
How many replacements?
I requested 15.
General Tanas
could only give us five.
( sighs )
We keep falling back.
The Dominion
keeps pushing forward.
I tell you, Worf,
war is much more fun
when you're winning!
Defeat makes
my wounds ache.
pat'leH pum tliH-takk!
Oh, the replacements.
( sighs )
I am General Martok.
Welcome to
the Rotarran.
May you prove worthy
of this ship
and bring honor to her name.
This is a glorious moment
in the history of the Empire
a chapter that will be written
with your blood.
Fight well, and our people
will sing your praises
for a thousand years.
Fail, and
there will be
no more songs,
no more honor
no more Empire.
Who among you hears the cry
of the warrior
calling you to glory?
Who offers their life
for the Empire?
N'Garen, daughter
of Tse'Dek!
son of Ch'Pok!
son of Larna!
Doran, daughter
of W'Mar!
Alexander Rozhenko.
Of what House
is Rozhenko?
Of no House, sir.
My honor will be my own.
there will be
plenty of honor
for the taking
on this ship--
enough for all of you.
I accept your lives
into my hands.
Glory to you,
and to the Empire!
This Alexander
you know him?
He is my son.
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KIRA ( quietly ):
The next thing we need
is a secure way
to communicate
with our contacts
on Bajor.
the Cardassians
are extremely adept
at locating the source
of any illicit
subspace transmission.
Well, we'll just have to
be smarter than they are.
( sighs )
Mind if I join you?
( chuckles )
You already have.
I want in.
In on what?
Your resistance cell.
What cell?
Come on, Major
I have my sources.
How reassuring.
I can help.
As a reporter
I hear things--
people talk to me.
About what?
Major, all I'm asking for
is a chance.
It's time, Major.
1457 hours.
The shuttle will be docking
in three minutes.
I better get going.
Don't want
to keep him waiting.
I see Gul Dukat's still
having you meet him
every time he returns
to the station.
Like I said, I hear things.
shouldn't you be wearing
your dress uniform?
You look lovely
just the way you are.
So am I in or not?
You... don't want to get
involved with this.
But... if you
are looking
for something to do
I could use
another waiter.
( sighs )
Ah, Major Kira!
So good
to see you again.
You're out of uniform, Major.
Bajorans could use
a lesson in respect.
Damar, please.
This is a
happy occasion.
Let's not spoil it.
I have a surprise for you.
I am so glad
to see you.
What are you doing here?
You're supposed
to be on Bajor.
I talked her into taking
a little sabbatical
from the University.
Talked her into it?
It didn't take
much convincing.
Why don't you and I
have dinner tonight
and I'll tell you
all about it?
All right.
We'll dine in my quarters
at 2200 hours.
Wait a minute,
I didn't mean--
I can't tell you
how much I've missed you.
Come along, Ziyal.
I'll see you tonight.
All right.
You sent for me,
Orders at last.
We are to escort a convoy
to Donatu V.
The last three convoys
that were sent there
were destroyed
by the Jem'Hadar.
Which is why this one
must get through.
How many ships
will form the escort?
The Rotarran is all
the High Council
can spare.
A vital mission,
impossible odds
and a ruthless enemy.
What more
could we ask for?
I tell you, Worf,
I feel young again.
Here's the briefing.
Start battle drills
Train them hard.
By the time we join the convoy
they will have the reflexes
of a Norpin falcon.
I expect nothing less.
Worf, one moment.
We have shed blood together
escaped from a Jem'Hadar prison
You have pledged yourself
and your life to my House.
Yet in all this time
you have never once mentioned
that you had a son.
It is a... difficult subject
to discuss.
That much is obvious.
Alexander and I
were never close.
His mother was only half-Klingon
and was disdainful of our ways.
I see.
So you allowed her
to raise the boy.
No, General.
She was killed
when he was very young.
He spent a short time with me
aboard the Enterprise
but after that,
I sent him to live
with my foster
parents on Earth.
He showed...
no interest
in becoming a warrior.
It was difficult,
but I learned to accept it
and, in time,
encouraged him to find
his own path.
Then why has he joined
the Klingon defense forces?
I do not know.
I have not spoken with him.
This is not good, my friend.
When a father and son
do not speak
it means
there's trouble between them.
General, I prefer to handle this
my own way.
Then do so.
( door beeps )
Bekk Alexander Rozhenko
reporting as ordered, sir.
You have grown.
So I've been told.
How are your grandparents?
Your parents were
in good health
when I last saw them.
Do they know you are here?
They weren't pleased
about my decision
but when they realized
I was determined to enlist
they supported me
as they always have.
I know we have not seen
each other for some time
but let us talk
as father and son.
I am not here to call you
I am here to serve the Empire.
Serving the Empire was not
one of your priorities
when last we spoke.
As you say,
that was some time ago.
Did you think enlisting
would please me?
Pleasing you did not enter
into my decision.
With all due respect, sir
does this conversation
have any bearing
on my duties aboard this ship?
Stop pretending to be a warrior!
We both know
you do not belong here!
You heard
what I expect
from the rest of the crew.
Twice that, I expect from you.
Do we understand each other?
You may go.
( sighs )
( door chimes )
Come in.
Nerys, you're early.
I've just started
the ramufta.
I'm not having dinner
with you tonight.
It's because of
my father, isn't it?
That's right.
I thought you might
change your mind.
I was hoping
I was wrong.
Ziyal, what are you doing
back on the station?
Please don't be
upset with me.
I know how hard
you worked
to arrange things
for me on Bajor.
I tried.
I really tried.
I'm not upset
with you.
I'm a little confused.
What happened?
It wasn't
any one thing.
The students at
the University...
everybody was... polite.
But then I'd see
them whispering
in the hallways...
staring at me.
I'm the daughter
of Gul Dukat.
My father is
leading a war
against the Emissary
of the Prophets.
I don't know what made me think
I belonged there.
This station is the closest
thing I have to a home.
You're here.
My father is here.
But the last time you defied
him, he left you here to die.
We talked about that.
He admits he overreacted.
But family loyalty
is important
to my father
and he felt I betrayed him.
You betrayed him?
I think
it's the other way around!
He misses me.
And I've missed him.
I have to give him a chance.
He's all I have, except for you.
I was hoping
you would have dinner
with us tonight because...
well, there's something special
I wanted to share
with both of you.
But I guess that's impossible.
All right, I'll be here.
But I won't guarantee
it's going to be any fun.
I promise my father will behave.
( laughing )
( clears throat )
Is this seat taken?
Alexander Rozhenko.
We were holding it
just for you.
I am honored.
The honor is ours.
Bregit lung,
an excellent choice!
Would you care
for some grapok sauce?
Uh, no, thank you.
Oh, you must
try some.
It brings out
the flavor.
( laughing )
That's enough.
Thank you.
Some bloodwine
to wash it down?
( laughing )
Why are you laughing?
Or perhaps the son of our
illustrious First Officer
would prefer an Earth beverage.
A glass of root beer
with a lump of ice cream?
( laughing )
Are you mocking me?
Now why would I mock you,
son of Worf?
I am called Rozhenko.
I will call you
whatever I please.
And you will learn
to like it.
( laughing )
( all laughing )
Does the son of
Starfleet's finest
think he is too good
to eat with us?
Have some lung!
I do not like
your smile!
Perhaps I will
cut you a new one.
( laughing )
( laughing )
He fights like a Ferengi!
( all laughing )
( laughter )
Your combat training
has been sadly neglected
little one.
I will teach you a new lesson...
one that you will
not soon forget!
( growls )
You have no right to interfere!
You will both report
to the Medical Ward
and when they have finished
with you
you will remain in quarters
until your
next watch.
The rest of you,
back to your stations!
Are you going to fight
the Jem'Hadar
for him as well?
Vedek Nane taught me
to focus intently
on the image
that I want to evoke
to allow it to fully form
in my mind
before I even
pick up the brush.
Well, what do you think?
very good.
You think so?
They remind me
of Vedek Topek's
early work.
How ironic.
I was about to say
they're similar in style
to Napart Malor
the founder of the Valonnan
School on Cardassia.
The Director of the Cardassian
Institute of Art
said the same thing.
You spoke with the Director?
I sent him some of my drawings.
You should have told me, Ziyal.
I could have arranged
for you to meet him in person.
I know.
I wanted to do this on my own.
He said I have a real gift.
The Institute
is having
an exhibition of new artists
next month.
He might want
to include my work.
It's a chance to show
that both Bajorans
and Cardassians
look at the universe
the same way.
And that's what I want to do
with my work--
bring people together.
I guess it sounds
a little silly.
On the contrary, my dear
you're quite eloquent.
Are you ready
for dessert?
I'm not going
I don't believe
the change.
I have never
seen her so...
Neither have I, Major.
I mean, she's finally
found something--
a talent,
a direction.
I'm reluctant to admit it
but you were right
to send her to Bajor.
I'm glad it worked out.
We seldom see
eye-to-eye, Major
but I know you care
about my daughter
and for that, I'm grateful.
There is only
one thing I hate
about convoy duty--
it's the waiting.
You'd think
after all these years
I'd be used to it.
But nothing breaks
the tension better
than a tankard
of warnog.
Except maybe
a good brawl.
You heard about the fight
in the mess hall.
Yes, but not from
my First Officer.
I lost him the moment
his son stepped
aboard this ship.
You think I acted improperly?
It is not an easy thing
to stand aside
and watch someone
injure your son.
Alexander was no match
for Ch'Targh.
He would have
killed the boy.
Ch'Targh might have
cut him a little
and maybe broken a few bones
but nothing more.
You told me Alexander
never wanted to be a warrior.
Clearly he has changed his mind.
Worf, you are his First Officer.
Teach him to survive.
The Jem'Hadar
will be less forgiving
than Ch'Targh.
Battle stations.
Alert Status 1.
Captain to the Bridge.
attack ship
bearing 170 mark 045.
Estimated weapons range
in 22 seconds.
On screen.
Where is it?
I have no target on my sensors.
Switching to manual.
Reroute primary sensors
to weapons control.
Aye, sir.
( console beeps )
The Jem'Hadar has launched
two torpedoes.
At us or the convoy?
At us.
Impact in ten seconds.
Drop cloak, raise shields,
evasive action.
Torpedoes still locked on to us.
They will hit in four seconds.
Brace for impact.
Reinitialize primary sensors.
Sensors reinitialized.
The Jem'Hadar ship is gone.
Of course it is gone.
You forgot to erase
the battle simulation program
from the sensor display.
( sighing )
Stand down from Alert Status,
resume course.
Re-activate cloak.
Keep a close watch.
There may be more
hostile simulation
programs out there.
( all laughing )
He'll never make
that mistake again.
It's better that we
should be too ready
than not ready enough.
At least you're
keeping us on our toes.
( laughing )
( chuckling )
You see, they have accepted him.
They have accepted him
as the ship's fool.
In closing,
let me emphasize again
that Cardassia's gift of 15
industrial replicators to Bajor
ushers in a new age
of cooperation and understanding
between our two peoples.
Hand in hand,
we'll march into a new era
of peace and prosperity
as Dominion allies.
( applause )
Thank you, thank you,
that will be all.
Ah, Major Kira
may I have a word
with you, please?
Have you heard?
The Cardassian
Institute of Art
has decided to exhibit
three of Ziyal's drawings.
Oh, that's wonderful.
She must be excited.
I'm hosting a celebration
for her in my quarters tonight.
I hope you'll join us.
What time?
Uh, 2130...
unless I'm
unavoidably delayed.
Ah, the busy life of
an interstellar despot.
( laughing )
This is a kar'takin
a weapon favored
by the Jem'Hadar.
Defend yourself.
No, that is not
the proper grip.
The thumbs
must be opposed
so that twisting motions...
I understand!
Then proceed.
( grunting )
No, do not try
to shove my blade away.
Deflect it and then use
your momentum to counter.
I know!
Then do it.
No, do not try to fight
force with force.
You will lose
every time.
( grunting )
What did I tell you?
Well, pick it up!
If you had kept
what I taught you
when you were a boy
this would be second nature
to you by now.
( grunting )
What is wrong with you?
I knew it would be
like this.
Like what?
You must be pleased.
Now you can tell me
what a failure I am
as a Klingon.
Or are you just going
to send me away again?
We are not playing
in holosuites now.
This is war.
The Jem'Hadar
will cut you to pieces.
Then I will be dead...
and you will be happy.
Now, leave me alone!
( door opens, closes )
( door chimes )
Come in.
What do you want?
From Gul Dukat.
For some reason,
he thought you would enjoy
having me deliver it to you.
What is it?
A gift...
for the party tonight.
What the hell am I doing?
Come in.
Ah, Major Kira
what a pleasant
Come in, come in.
You don't like
the dress?
The dress is fine.
I don't like you.
( sighs )
Major, that's just not true.
There's a bond
between us.
Only in your mind.
You are an opportunistic
power-hungry dictator
and I want nothing more
to do with you.
Ziyal would be very disappointed
to hear you say that.
She'll get over it.
Please, Nerys, let's sit down.
We'll talk about it.
We won't.
( sighs ):
Who was that?
A delivery.
It's a little something for you
to wear to the party tonight.
Do you like it?
It's beautiful.
You can be so thoughtful.
I try.
( grunting )
Hmm... fine blade,
well balanced.
But in the end
it is only as good
as the warrior who wields it.
I need
more practice.
Tell me, Alexander Rozhenko...
why are you on my ship?
To serve the Empire, General.
That is a slogan, not an answer.
Say what is in your heart.
Do you ask every new crewman
this question?
I have no need to.
I look in their faces,
and I know why they are here.
They are
Klingon warriors.
They have answered the call
of Kahless.
So have I.
lie to yourself, if you must,
but not to me.
You do not hear
the warrior's call.
I ask again, why are you here?
I'd rather not say.
It's a private matter.
( groans )
You're as tightlipped
as your father.
I am nothing like him.
Both stubborn,
tiresome qu'vatlh.
The only difference is
I need him.
I do not need you.
All I ask is a chance
to prove myself.
I just gave you one
and you failed.
Your father has requested
that you be transferred off
this ship.
He has no right.
He has every right
both as your superior officer
and as your father.
At 2317, you will transport
to the Cargo Vessel Par'tok.
Collect your gear.
You are fortunate
that I am your father.
If you had challenged
anyone else in that manner
you would be dead right now.
If you want me off this ship
you're going to have
to kill me.
Alexander, I do not want
to hurt you.
I want to help you.
By getting rid of me?
All you've ever done
my whole life is send me away.
I am a Klingon warrior.
I lead a warrior's life.
This is not the path for you.
You told me this yourself.
And I have come to accept it.
You call yourself my father
but you haven't tried to see me
or talk to me in five years.
I wasn't the
kind of son
you wanted
so you pretended
that you had no son.
You never accepted me.
You abandoned me.
Battle stations!
Alert Status 1.
( alarm blares )
Aft Thruster Compartment
fire now contained.
Shields at 60 percent.
ELN and TRC off-line!
And the Jem'Hadar?
Which one, sir?
The one shooting at us!
His aft shields are down
to 25... no, 20 percent
and he's losing antiprotons
from his starboard nacelle.
Weapons, lock on that nacelle.
Fire at will.
Full pattern.
( screams )
We've lost
target lock.
Switching to manual.
Helm, bring us
to 317 mark 045.
Weapons, can you hit him?
Negative, he's out of range.
We've lost internal
Come to course 020 mark 7--
There's plasma venting
from the primary
impulse injector
on deck 5.
Subspace transceiver
array off-line.
Worf, get that plasma leak
under control
before we lose the entire deck.
( yelling )
Impulse injector temperature
approaching critical.
Injector breach immanent.
I can seal the leak.
matrix sequencer.
I'm of no use to you here.
I will go with him.
It will take
at least two of us
to secure the injector
before it explodes.
Engineering, reroute
all auxiliary power
to the disrupters.
Disengage overload
Worf, put us off
the Jem'Hadar's
starboard quarter.
Weapons, continue to target
his damaged
Helm, on my command
reduce impulse power
to one third.
Bring us
to course 355 mark 090.
be ready for him to
pass in front of us.
Course laid in.
Weapons standing by.
( beeping )
Well done.
Captain, permission
to leave the Bridge?
Stand down from Alert Status.
N'Garen, take the helm.
We sealed the impulse
injector, Commander.
Where's my son?
Trapped in
that corridor, sir.
After we secured the injector
I sent him in there
to put the tools away
and somehow,
he tripped
the emergency lockdown.
We are trying to override it
( coughing )
You locked yourself in?
Yes, sir.
( laughter )
You didn't come
to the party last night.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't.
I think you know why.
Please don't ask me
to choose between you.
I'm not.
There's no choice--
he's your father.
I cannot change the mistakes
I have made
but from this day forward
I promise I will
stand with you.
We'll see if you mean it.
Yes, we will.
What you are about to do
entails a grave obligation.
Do not accept it lightly.
I understand
and I accept.
I will teach you
what you need to know
to be a warrior.
And you will teach me
what I need to know
to be a father.
Martok degh, to-Duq degh
bat-LEH degh,
mat-LEH degh.
Martok degh.
Martok degh.
Alexander, vih-nob d'k tahg.
wachk ihw,
wachk kkor-duh.
wachk ihw, wachk kkor-duh.
wachk ihw...
wachk kkor-duh.
mat-LEH gih-Hegh.
Welcome to the House of Martok,
son of Worf.
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