Spider-Man Unlimited (1999–2005): Season 1, Episode 8 - Ill-Met by Moonlight - full transcript

[Spider-Man] Almost daylight,

and I still can't find Jameson.

He ran off while we were talking

and I haven't seen him since.

The thing is,
none of the other rebels

seem to know
where he went, either.

Ah, well, if I got to be up,

there's nothing like good news

to start the morning.

Bad news to spoil it.


Mom, what's going on?

Get back to bed, Shane. Now!


Hope you've got
a good supply of glue.


[Spider-Man] Hey, you might want
to take something

for that throat condition.

Cherry or menthol?


Over here, fuzzy!
I don't like seeing
my friends mistreated.

Maybe you need
a lesson in manners.

Spider-Man, no!

-[Naoko] Don't hurt him.

Him? What about me?


♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Who's the ♪

♪ Who's the ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

-[Spider-Man] Ah!

[Spider-Man grunts]


What's the matter, furball?

Not into the vegan lifestyle?


[inaudible speaking]


Nice move, webhead.

Now you know
what a wrecking ball feels like.



Spider-Man, it'll be all right.

If you can just hold him off
a little longer.

[grunts] A-A little longer?

Whose side are you on?




Afraid so, webslinger.

Afraid so.

I've been treating him
for several weeks.

He came in early this morning
suffering from convulsions.

Before I could help him,

he changed
into that man-wolf you saw.


Did I hurt anyone? Is Shane OK?

Don't worry, John. He's fine.

He's safe upstairs.

How did this happen?

That's not something
I even like thinking about.

Pardon the pun, John John,

but if the cat's not
out of the bag,

the wolf sure is.

When I first came here,

the High Evolutionary
stuck me in his lab

and put me through a battery
of experimental procedures.

Turns out they were
the preliminary stages

of bestial transformation.

his plan was to turn me

into some kind of wolf creature.

I was rescued
before he could complete
the process,

but part of me remained
a mindless animal.

I sent some tissue samples

to a biochemist colleague
of mine.

the foreign DNA thrives

when negative ions
are absorbed through the skin.

So, I created one of these.

A bioelectrical implant.


It releases electrical pulses

that fool the body into thinking

it's being exposed
to direct sunlight.

As long as
it's functioning properly,

he can't transform.

So what went wrong?

Mmm, looks like a short.

-Caused by?
-Some kind of energy source.

Looks like an electrical shock.

Remember, it's a prototype.

I've still got tests to run.

So what do we do
in the meantime?

Put John boy in a padded room?

I have replacements.

[Shane] You OK, Mr. Jameson?

A little tender, but I'll live.

This is a heck of a predicament
you're in, John John.

What are your buddies
in the movement
going to think of you

being an undercover bestial?

They can't know anything
about this.

They wouldn't understand.


we know you're in there.

You are wanted for crimes
against the state.

Surrender immediately

or face the consequences.

Welcome to the fraternity,

Looks like you've got a price
on your head, too.

With my luck, I'll wind up
in the bargain bin.

Catch me if you can, tin man.

And I thought
chalk on a blackboard was bad.

Further resistance
will not be tolerated.


Stop. Your orders
have been superseded

by authority
of the knights of Wondergor.

These suspects
are now in my custody.

Return to your station

Great. Are you the frying pan
or the fire?

I am neither,

but once I was known as X-51.

Hey, the old
rust bucket himself.

Like the trendy new look.

He's working with us now.

We kludged together
some exo-armor, slapped it on...

And now, I am better than new,

But the subterfuge
will not last long.

We must go
before the authorities return.

Sounds like a plan.
Lead the way.

Blimey! Every time I look
at the download

from X-51's
original memory storage,

I find something new.

A harness fusion power plant.

That monstrosity

taps into a natural fusion core

and lets enough radiation spill

into the basement's water system

to destroy half the city's
human population

within a few years.

All in the name

of powering the upper world.

Shutting the place down
will be a pleasure.

There's a small problem, love.

Getting past
the usual assortment

of security measures
is one thing,

but the main power switch

-is located
just inside this room.

And roving laser sentries

make it impossible to reach

without getting your bum fried.

Even you.

What if we found someone

who can walk on the ceiling,

with good enough reflexes

to avoid the sensors?

I assume you mean Spider-Man.

The bloke hasn't exactly
warmed to our cause.


[Karen] Security breach!

[John] Good work
re-coding those alarms.

John, you're back.

And you brought Spider-Man.

Hey, I found him.
Where's my hug?

I've got something better.

Karen's right,

the only one who can get

to that power switch is you.

With the plant offline,
the High Evolutionary

won't have a choice.

He'll have to negotiate with us.

I got to level with you,
John John.

The longer I stay here,
the more I understand
your passion

for ending the New World Order.

But I'm a solo act.

Keep traveling your lonely road.

Ignore the millions
of human lives

that are at stake here.

Well... since you put it
that way...

Talk about
your rag-tag armies...

These guys don't even have
a marching song.

Things I get into

just because for a minute there

Karen reminded me of MJ.

There's our target.



Look, I know you got
the inside scoop from X-51,

but my spider-sense
is on overdrive.

You have entered
a restricted area.

Surrender now

or face immediate termination.

Uh, gang, I hate
to break it to you,

but we've lost
the element of surprise.

Halt. Your orders
have been superseded

by authority
of the Knights of Wundagore.

These humans are my prisoners.

Return to your station

Negative. Our central processor

has deemed your orders invalid.

I knew we couldn't get away
with that one twice.

Step aside or face termination.


We've got work to do. This way.

Hey, is it me,
or did the whole concept

of "All for one and one for all"

just take a nose-dive?

This you call a power plant?

What did Bromely use
to decrypt that data,

a decoder ring?



Sensors are jammed.
We're in business.

Great wheels, John boy,

but I didn't sign on
for a joy ride.

The power plant's our next stop.

While the firefight
keeps the High Evolutionary's
forces occupied,

we'll be halfway across town
pulling the plug.

We didn't fill you in
because this is
a military mission.

Everything's strictly

Confidentially, colonel,

I've got a few needs of my own.

This tracker is calibrated

to the master switch's
electrical frequency.

I get it. Just follow
the bouncing ball,

and I'm home free.

Here it goes.

Remind me to compliment Git
on his counterfeiting abilities.

No sign of any guards.

So why doesn't that
make me feel better?


Master switch, here I come.

Well, cute little guys.

If you got a thing for flies.

-The communications room
is up one level.

Even the Easter bunny
couldn't keep up
this hopping forever.

Now, if I can just remember

the sequence Bromely showed me.

-You're hurt.
-I'll survive.

Let's keep moving.


Way to go, boys! Way to go!


[all gasp]

That'll teach them to tangle
with the old web meister.

Uh-oh, spidey,
you spoke too soon.

You did a bad, bad thing.


You know me?

Well, sort of,
but compared to you,

the Electro I know
looks like a movie star.


You'll have to do
better than that.

Auxiliary power. That should run

the basic internal systems.



The disc with our demands.

Start transmitting them
to the High Evolutionary.

-Is that what I think it is?

This guy definitely
wasn't in the specs.

I hate these security surprises.





Always I hope for a challenge.

But destiny won't allow it.

Destiny? Where's he hiding?

Ah, come on,
fighting one at a time
is tough enough.


What is the meaning
of this outrage?

What's it look like, big shot?

We just shut you down.

Your muscles weaken,

but my electricity
constantly replenishes.

That's how I know that someday

I will face bigger
and better things.

Listen, pal, if you want
to skip this stage

and go right to the next level,
that's fine by me.

You humans think

this pitiful attempt
at rebellion

will change anything?

We sure hope so.

Unless our demands are met,

half of New York state's

going to stay shut down.


No one makes demands
of the Creator,

Certainly not humans!




So this is what it feels like

to be a bull's-eye.

Once I get the city back online,

the Creator will have to give me

the ultimate reward.

A place with the Knights
of Wundagore.

The waste from this plant
offends you?

You think you deserve
something better?

If humans must suffer

to preserve the sanctity
of my kingdom,

then so be it.

That is a sacrifice

the High Evolutionary
is willing to make.

You're willing?

What about us?




Got to stop Electro
from turning the power back on.

Destiny or no destiny.

[Electro] Better, but still not
good enough.

I don't want to have
to use this, John.



[Spider-Man] Ya!


Your implant must have
shorted out again.

Shutting the power down
probably created

enough negative ions

to grow hair
on The Chrysler Building.




It's sparky you want,

not me!

Your friend looks hungry.

Think he'd like
a barbecued snack?

Sorry, squiggy,
but I'm turning off
your burner permanently.

No! I'm overloading! [groans]

The siphon core's going to blow!

We've got to get out of here.

Ah! [gasps]

Good doggy. Here, boy. Here.



Sorry, fuzzy,
but this is going to hurt you

more than it does me.

Hope you can drive this thing,
'cause somebody's got
to get us out of here

before this whole place
melts down.



[gasps] Hah!

[John exhales] Karen, I know
what you must be thinking.

The leader of the rebels
part bestial.

Hush, John. Get some rest.

We'll all be happy knowing
that power plant is history,

and its radiation sealed off.

I almost forgot,

I found this data
in the comm room.

What is it,

or is this need-to-know, too?

It's a way of saying thanks.

The location of the ship
you came in.

It's what you've wanted,

Your ticket home.



♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪

♪ Spider-Man ♪