Shadowland (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - It's Demonic - full transcript

- You gotta look him in the eye
when you say it.

He's gotta know you believe it.

He is a man.

And I doubt very seriously

if he knows he's a part
of a cabal.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- There's a relatively
small part of the population

that is enmeshed inside
conspiracy beliefs.

And the question is,
how do we keep

the susceptible population
from moving there?

Because once you're inside,

the likelihood you're gonna
get out is not very high.

♪ ♪

- I have nothing to hide.
Nothing to hide.

♪ ♪

- I don't want an attorney.

They're only in it
to make money.

- What's illegal is the undoing
of God's law.

It's shit made up.

- My defense is that
their rules, codes,

statues, and ordinances
do not apply

to an American State National.

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

- He obviously doesn't
really care what the truth is.

- You know, across
all social media platforms,

you know,
we're pushing, you know,

4.5 million followers.

- He just wants to be popular.

♪ ♪

- We need to start fighting.

- He has taken her
into custody.

He's locking her up.

[unsettling music]

♪ ♪

- I'm Adam Harris.

I'm a staff writer
at "The Atlantic,"

where I cover education
and national politics.

There's this thought
that conspiracy thinking

only is--you know,
only makes appearances

in certain communities,

that there's a certain type
of person

that is susceptible
to conspiracy theories.

But when I would go
to the barbershop

on a weekly basis, you would
hear different things about,

you know,
the "New World Order."

You would hear things
about illuminati.

But then there
are also reasons

why people believe things
like that.

There have historically
been conspiracies

that have panned out.

I have relatives
who were a part

of the Tuskegee
Syphilis Experiment.

- The United States'

did something that was wrong.

Deeply, profoundly,
morally wrong.

- A 40-year experiment,
where nearly 400 Black men

living with syphilis
were denied treatment.

Public health officials
wanting to see

the effect of the disease

As a result,
more than 100 men died

from syphilis
or related complications.

- You know,
civil rights leaders

were actively surveilled

by, you know,
counterintelligence agencies.

- 56 years after the death
of Malcolm X,

lawyers revealed what they call
"new evidence of a conspiracy."

- Ray Wood
was an undercover officer.

He wrote a letter
in his death bed

confessing that New York City
police department

and the FBI both conspired

to kill
the civil rights activist.

- You can see where
that mistrust

of a common narrative
comes about.

- There's Watergate.

There's Iran-Contra.

- There are plots
that are real.

- What do you do
with that information?

Do you use it
as a way to say that,

"Okay, well, we should
question things,"

or does it drive you
further down

a rabbit hole of conspiracy?

[somber music]

♪ ♪

- Been talking about, uh,
the life of the apostle Paul.

What I love about this passage
is no matter what

Paul went through,
he kept going.

No matter how many death
threats he got, he kept going.

And God protected him
the entire trip.

So I'm gonna say something.
It sounds weird and spooky,

but it's the truth.

You are invincible
until God says you're done.

I'm telling you,
you are going to survive

until God says it's time
for you to come home.

So quit frettin'.
Quit worryin'.

I've watched God protect people
way too many times, okay?

I've watched God answer prayer
way too many times.

In big areas
and in little areas.

There is no natural reason
they hadn't gotten me yet.

No natural reason. Okay?

And we're talking about people
that hate our church galore.

It could happen at any second.

What has God done?
He's protected us.

God protects His people.

In big ways, in little ways,
in every way.

Amen, fellas?

All right, that's good stuff,
but, uh,

we gotta share
some prayer requests

so we can roll on here
in a little bit.

All right,
what--what do we got?

Got any prayer requests?
Yes, sir.

- Just wanna mention [bleep].

He's lost 19 pounds
from being sick

over the last week and a half
with Covid.

And I have more faith now

that God's gonna get him
through this

after talking to him yesterday,

but he still needs prayer.

- Amen. All right.

- Lift up brother [bleep].

He's been down
for about 15 days.

He's not doing well,

so if we would
just come together

as a body of Christ

and pray over [bleep]
this morning.

- Yeah.

- Yup. Gotta keep standing.

- Yeah, it is.

Yes, sir?

- [bleep],
she lost her job, um,

because she refused
the vaccination.

They wouldn't accept
religious exemptions,

so they, um--

- Amen!
- It is wicked.

It is evil.

'Bout to get fired up when
we go into prayer, praise God.

I don't care if them cameras
are here or not.

I'm tellin' you right now,
don't believe this non--

stand your--make 'em fire you.

- Amen.

- This is a wicked,
nefarious, globalist, Chinese--

fraudulent-president situation.

I'm telling you. It's wicked.

Don't put that rat poison
and fertilizer in your body.

All right?
And you can quote me on that.

Let's pray.

Father, we're grateful
for, uh, gathering

every single Monday morning.

Lord, without fail
these guys are faithful,

and I thank You for that.

We ask these things
in His name, amen.

And amen.

♪ ♪

- This call is not private.

It will be recorded
and may be monitored.

If you believe this should
be a private call,

please hang up and follow
facility instructions

to register this number
as a private number.

To consent to this
recorded call, press 1.

All right, you may start
the conversation now.

- Hello?

- Hey.
- Hi.

- You stood your ground, girl!

I'm so proud of ya.

- I don't know.
I mean, not--I'm...

My 30 days is October 17th.

But this guy ain't gonna
let me out on October 17th.

- Well, we're gonna find out
about this 30 days

because you haven't consented
to anything

and he does not have
your signature.

- It's Washington, D.C.

It's its own country.
They can do what they want.

- You're gonna get through
this, girl.

- You have one minute left.

- Well,
I just hope it all works.

- Yeah, we all do.

- Well, you--you--if you--

you can give up any time
you want, okay?

You can be outta jail

if you just agree
with the judge.

[line beeps]
They just cut us off.

Are you still there?
- No, she's gone.

- They just cut us off.

- I'm hoping and praying
that she gets out.


If she goes to jail
for lengthy time,

she's not gonna come out
the same person.

She's not.

Uh, I'm just,
coming from me, her sister,

I want the best for her
and I don't want any harm

to come her way.

I mean, she's...

on a real decline in herself

throughout this whole ordeal

- Depression and what else?

What does decline mean?
- Well--

- Losing weight, losing sleep?
- Yeah.

When do we say enough
is enough?

That's what I'm--
- When Pauline--

when--to answer that question,

when do we say enough
is enough,

is when Pauline says enough
is enough.

- She can't go this route.

She can't continue with this.

This is gonna kill her.

Like it's--she has to get
a lawyer or something.

- And what decision
did she make for herself?

She stood there, all little--
all 105 pounds of her.

- [laughs]
- She stood there and said no.

Your sister's a lot stronger

than both of us
give her credit for.

I wanna lead you to that

'cause I can see
you strugglin' with it.

I can see--look at me.

I can see you
struggling with it.

- Yeah. [chuckles]
- Okay?

- How much is she willing
to get destroyed?

'Cause I--even when she--

before she started
this process,

I told her, I said,
"They're going to destroy you."

And I don't think she realized
what she was getting into.

I don't know
what's gonna happen.

And I'm gonna try
to keep the restaurant going

as long as I can.

I don't know what else to do.

- Hey, what's up, girl?

- Hey.

- I talked to David.

David has given me information.

David's helping me write
these documents.

He's teaching me.

David has 100 people
that he's dealing with

in your same situation.

I have probably five
or six people

that I'm--that are
in your same situation,

and I'm helping them.

And there's only so many hours
in a day.

Plus I'm working
a full-time job.

- So...I'm helping you
as much as I can.

Listen, listen,
you have to decide

if the risk you're taking

to defend your status
as a woman,

is worth going to jail
for five or six years.

Or if you wanna agree
to the power of the court,

you wanna agree
to their contract,

and you wanna hire Carmen

and say, "Yes, I will agree
to the court,

"and I will take a plea deal,

and I'll take 18 to 24 months

And you won't be in jail.

That's your choice.

You have to do
what's best for Pauline

and your convictions.

So what do you wanna do?

[tense music]

[line beeps]

They cut us off.

- Recently, we've seen several
conspiracy theories,

like, pop up
at school board meetings.

- School board races
are normally quiet contests

centered on local issues
like budgets,

but this year, many of
these boards are engulfed

in nationalized, cultural,
hot-button fights.

- Parents and local leaders
will say really wild things

about the vaccines,
about masks.

- I wanna talk about
the real pandemic:

child sex trafficking.

By putting masks
on these kids' face,

you can't identify any of 'em.

So by the nine of you already
voting on this,

tells me you guys
support sex trafficking.

- A conspiracy theory
is a theory

that there is someone bigger
that is pulling the strings.

If there is a mask policy,
there is a reason for that

that extends to the upper
echelons of government.

- This is a bioweapon
to depopulate.

- It has everything to do
with submission and control.

- It's a long-term agenda,

Agenda 21,

which is called "Depopulation
by the New World Order."

- This is evil. It's darkness.
It is hell.

And these are criminals
for abusing our children.

You need to be
on the front lines every day!

- They're turning
into really aggressive,

and at some points,
potentially violent situations.

crowd: No more masks!

- All right.
crowd: No more masks!

crowd: Unmask our kids!
Unmask our kids!

- In Wisconsin, there were
several school board members

who resigned, saying that
the political environment

around the school board
had become too hostile.

- In a Facebook post,
Klatt wrote about

his family not feeling safe,
including an incident

where a car sat running
in front of his house

late at night.

- Down in Arizona, right,
a parent shows up

at his kid's school
with zip ties.

- So we're gonna go confront

and if necessary, I'm gonna
make a citizen's arrest.

I'll show you.

Law-enforcement zip ties.

- A parent was told his son
could not attend a field trip

because he was exposed
to Covid-19.

Shortly after, the parent
showed up to the school office.

- One of them was--
was carrying zip ties.

Military, black, large zip ties

and standing in my doorway.

- You have this very tense
political environment,

where you have to walk out
into the parking lot

after a school board meeting.

- We know who you are!
- We know who you are!

- You can leave freely,
but we will find you!

And we know who you are!
- You will never be allowed

in public again!
- We know who you are!

- I'm hoping
to identify places

where conspiracy theorists
have made their way

onto school boards

or are trying to push
the school board

towards their worldview.

The question of what parents
and the kind of folks

who have gone to these extreme
levels are fighting for

is really kind of
what I'm trying to answer

with the reporting.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Can I ask you a question?
- Yeah.

- So why do you require a mask
if there's no mask mandate?

- Oh, no,
we don't require them.

We just, like, request,
like, if you could, please.

We don't require,
but we're just--

we're just saying, like--

- 'Cause it says,
masks required.

- I know.
Our sign's a little weird.

We said, like--
- Clearly, I ignored it.

- No, no. You're fine.

No, yeah, but we just say
on the sign,

like, "masks available inside"
if you want.

But no, it's not--
it's not required.

- Is this the barrier?
- [laughs]

- Yeah, unfortunately.
- The Covid barrier.

- Basically.

- Obviously, you know,

from back here,
Covid won't attack you, right?

- [laughs]

[under breath]
- Ridiculous.

Thank you.
- Yeah. Have a great day.

[light instrumental music]

♪ ♪

My name is Jeannine Cannito

and I am a psychiatric
nurse practitioner.

And I have, uh, two kids.

They're wearing masks
walking outside.

This is--
this is not a viral pandemic.

This is a fear pandemic.

♪ ♪

I have a now 19-year-old
and a 16-year-old.

And I have never, ever,
until this year,

been to a Board of Education

Perhaps you have forgotten
who voted you in

and who you answer to.

Now I've been to--
I don't even know how many

Board of Education meetings.

And I'm not wearing this

because you're not gonna
be able to hear me if I do.

- Ma'am, the rule is that
you have to have a mask on.

- Okay. I'm a nurse.

You're very far away from me.

They are very far away from me.

I'm pretty sure
that I am not a risk to you,

so if you would like
to embarrass yourself

by having me taken out
of the building

for not wearing a mask when
I am like 15 feet from you,

have at it.

Back in probably 2014,
maybe early 2015,

and this is kind
of a spiritual thing,

I've always had a connection
to God.

And I just kept hearing
something is coming,

and it's going
to change everything.

And then
when the pandemic hit,

I thought
"Oh, boy, here we go."

Is this it?

And for me,

it--it does feel spiritual.

And there are some
very evil things going on.

[dramatic musical sting]

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Fortunately, I did away with
cable when I moved in here,

so I haven't watched
mainstream news in years,

which is maybe why I believe
what I believe.

A lot of it is Telegram,

some is BitChute,

some Rumble.

- The masks are a way
to control.

Uh, the masks are a way
to suppress.

The masks are a way
to instill fear.

- They want to make sure
that they have control

over the population,

and these masks are part
of that control.

- It's, you know, sources
that I consider reliable.

Stew Peters' show.

- They take a happy town
with functioning schools,

and safe streets,
and happy children,

and swiftly turn it
into an ugly cesspool

of corruption, and crime,
and filthy people.

Liberals are sick perverts,

and they want
to molest children.


- There's something terrible
going on,

and I believe
that involves well-known folks

who think they are above
reproach and the law,

and it's horrific,

Especially when
it involves kids, I--I get...

- Yeah, I get really cuckoo
for that kind of stuff.

[ominous music]

- What this whole thing
really is

is the global sex trafficking
of children

by the ruling class
of society.

Businessmen, politicians,
entertainers, and financiers.

- Adrenochrome.

- When a child is in
such a state of terror

and there's adrenaline

it is said
that it's like a crazy high

and there are
anti-aging benefits to it.

So that is the theory behind,

you know, why children
are being terrorized

is for the benefit
of these adults who want--

want these effects.

- Another reason why
the ruling class

loves sacrificing kids
is because the kids

produce something
called adrenochrome.

- It's an actual
ancient ritual

to terrify--mainly children
'cause they're more pure--

and then
you finally kill them,

and you drink their blood,
and it's, like,

the ultimate aphrodisiac,

it's like the fountain
of youth.

- Jim Caviezel,
who played Christ

in "The Passion of Christ,"
he talks about adrenochrome

and how sick these people are.

- If a child knows he's going
to die, uh,

his body will, uh, secrete
this, uh, adrenaline.

It's the worst horror
I've ever seen.

And these people that do it,

there'll be no mercy for them.

- I mean, he's an actor,
what does he know?

But I'm pretty sure
he got immersed in that world.

So again,
it's--you know, if you--

if you have two columns
of it's true, it's not true,

the true column,
it--it's just bursting.

The "oh, it's just bologna,"
is--is rather empty actually.

So there are terrible things
going on

and I think it's only
a matter of time

before plain folks in their--
in their bubble

will be forced to acknowledge

that there are some very ugly,
ugly things

going on around us
that we just never--

we just never knew about.

- The main
Covid soup ingredients?

Social distancing, face masks,
nose swabs,

PCR tests, quarantines,

vaccinations, and fear.

All of this was done
on purpose.

It was planned years ago

as the depopulation agenda's
crowning glory.

I believe that there
are wealthy, powerful families

that want
to control everything.

And, you know, there are
various means to do that.

I think the, you know,
"pandemic" was--

was one of those things.

- You know,
it--it has become

a topic that I don't bring up.

It is been hard
with my children.

My daughter will tell you--

I said, "You are not
getting vaccinated."

My son got vaccinated
'cause he was 18 and I--

you know, I had no say
in the matter.

But for my daughter,

not going to happen
on--on my watch.

I hope that someday,
she will appreciate

how I'm trying
to fight for her.

Even though she finds it
incredibly annoying

at the moment.

But I don't bring it up

because it causes arguments.

So I fight behind the scenes
at board meetings.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

There he is.

Oh, no.
- How are you, Miss Jeannine?

- Good.
- I wrote something tonight.

- Oh, good!

- Off, off!

- I'm nervous. I don't like--

- Well, of course you should
be. You should be nerv--

- But I want you to look at it
and see--

- I'm--I'm nervous every time
I get up there and speak.

- You never--
- Come here.

- Lisa and I met after
a Board of Education meeting.

And ended up hanging out.

They literally sit there
with blank expressions

with their masks.
- Yeah.

- And what is going on
right now

is akin to a mass delusion.

- Yes.
- And hysteria

because it is not based
on rational thought.

♪ ♪

- [indistinct].
- [laughs]

I--I hear you. I hear you.

- [sighs]

- They say you will wear masks.

It is sending
a very dangerous message:

"comply or you don't get
to walk through the doors."

- Good evening, all.

Just briefly,
I wanted to mention

that the community
Covid transmission rate

here in Harford County

has risen
to about double the threshold

for high transmission rate.

Our positivity rate has climbed
above 10% as well.

- As. Dr. Bauer mentioned,

we're seeing rising numbers
right now.

I'm positive we're gonna get
some public comments

about masks,
and I will be right up-front

and remind everybody
this is not the time

to remove masks
with rising numbers.

- So next, we're going to move
to public comments.

- Good evening.
I've come before you

many times
over the last few months.

And part of me
really doesn't know

what else to say to you.

What we're in the midst of
is a fear pandemic.

Adults are acting
to diminish their own anxiety.

And our children are paying
the price.

You're in the fight
of your life come spring.

I encourage you all to be
mindful of this going forward:

decisions always
have consequences,

even for you.


- The mask mandates are cruel
to young children.

Please unmask our children.
Thank you.


[clears throat]

- Okay, well,
that will be the conclusion

of our public comment.

- [speaking indistinctly]

- [speaking indistinctly]

- They're in kind
of groupthink mode.

And it's like
a massive delusional disorder.

It's eerie.

I feel like I'm living
in "The Twilight Zone."

- I know.
- Yeah, like, what--

why do you not see
the same things I see?

[dramatic musical sting]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- We are in Grand Blanc,

and there has been a--

a rift in the community

that deals a lot with
the makeup

of the current school board.

There's a school board member
named Amy Facchinello

who has posted QAnon-related

and QAnon-adjacent
Facebook posts.

[car horns honking]
- There's a group of students

in Grand Blanc concerned one
of their school board members

is aligned with QAnon.

- GBCS student Lucas Hartwell
says he was worried

after he came across
a Twitter account

he believes is Facchinello's

with several posts
about QAnon.

We asked Facchinello
if she is aligned with QAnon.

She told us she doesn't know
much about QAnon's beliefs.

- They just wanna cancel
Trump supporters.

That's what I think it is.

- This is looking at the fact

that we have a conspiracist
on our school board

and dealing with the fact
that this is dangerous.

- A lot of members
of the community

are really worried about
what that will mean

to have someone
who has those views

on their school board.

- Hi. How's it going?
- Good. Come on in.

- Is it all right if I record?
- Sure.

- Okay.

- Yeah.
So this one, from May of 2020,

has a picture of Bill Gates,

something about microchips
in the vaccine.

Then this one
is from June of 2020.

"George Floyd, riots,
and anonymous exposed

as deep state psyop
for 'New World Order.'"

So I'm assuming that's like

"George Floyd's a hoax
like Covid."

And then this one's...

"They can delete
our YouTube channels,

our Facebook groups,
Twitter accounts, and links,

"but they'll never break
our spirit

or stop what's coming."

And that's the big flaming Q.

[ominous music]

- Can you kind of talk about
what it meant

to have seen
that she had these posts?

- It was really disturbing.

And I wasn't even as familiar
with QAnon and what that was.

We were all kind
of under the impression

that it was dying down
a little bit and it's just not.

- And so after you heard what
Miss Facchinello was saying,

what was the sort of next step
that you took?

- I committed to, you know,
going to as many board meetings

as I could, and I've been
to every one since.

And it's really hard to manage

when you have a whole household
and three kids

to, you know, take care of,

but it's also something
you can't really unsee.

- What is the risk
that the community more broadly

runs the--
- It's--it's a huge risk.

It's extremely problematic

because what we're living
through right now,

it's such
a weird reality anyway.

It's a perfect time
for any kind of conspiracy

to kind of take off because
there's so much unknown.

It just creates so much tension
between people

that, you know, like, our board
meetings are really unsafe.

- I'm curious to see how
the meetings actually look now.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

I know that the folks
who are anti-Amy Facchinello,

some of them will be speaking.

But from what I understand,

you will also have
several folks speaking

who are
pro-trustee Facchinello.

Hopefully they're willing
to talk to me.

♪ ♪


- [laughs]

- I'm--

- Okay.

- Yeah. That makes sense.

- Yeah. I apprec--
- Yeah.

- Thank you so much.
- Yeah, no problem.

- Good evening.
Welcome to the Monday,

October 25th,
Board of Education meeting.

Moving on to 2.04:

Approval of the September
Financial Reports and Bills.

Madam Treasurer.

- Um, everything up here's
in order,

and I'd like to make a motion
to approve.

- Yeah, and I wanna
congratulate our football team.

They're undefeated, 9-0.

And I know
we are all hearing a lot

about the availability
of the vaccine

for 5- to 11-year-olds.

We will host
vaccination clinics--

we've done that before--

for families
to take advantage of.

However, I wanna be clear
that these clinics

will not be in the school
during the school day.

- Miss Facchinello.

- Just on the record,
I am not in favor

of, uh, the mask mandates,

and I really would prefer
if, uh, there was going

to be vaccine clinics,

that they were held
off property.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

As we move on
to public comments,

we know that everyone
has their opinions,

and we're asking you
to please respect each other.

[somber music]

- Hello. Sasha Burton.

So you know,
I had a whole speech prepared,

but in the middle of the night,
came across some articles

that I found
extremely disturbing.

- The [indistinct]
is a four-story brick building.

The children that are sent
to these centers

are from child services.

These children became subjects
of drug trials

sponsored by NIAID Fauci.

They're experimenting
on our children.

They did it then.
They're doing it now.

The Nazis aren't coming.
They're here.

Please quit supporting this.

This is nonsense.
Do some research.

- Thank you.


- Sandra.

When people say,
"Listen to those--the experts,"

guess what?

Sometimes the experts
are bought and paid for

or they don't know what
the hell they're talking about.

Wake up.

Tyranny is here,
and you better wake up.

- Thank you.


- I'm not sure
how you can sit there

and decide for parents
what's right for their child

unless you're receiving
a lot of money

to bend your moral compass.

It's all gone too far
and it all needs to stop,

and you are in a position
to do just that.

"But will you do it?"
is the million--

million-dollar question.
Thank you.

- Thank you.

And with that,
this meeting is adjourned.

- How come
you guys are signing up

for three, four,
five boosters now?

Where do you stop?

Where does your line drawn?

Mine was way back when they
started to mask the children.

- Mm.

- Where's your line drawn?

- Yeah.
You ever think about it?

Thank you very much, sir.
- Thank you very much.

And also, if I have
any follow-up--

We just finished up
the board meeting.

It was actually interesting
because there were basically

like two parallel things
happening at the meeting.

There was like
the focus on education,

like what you would expect
a school board meeting

to be about, like this focus
on what the students are doing,

the focus on making sure the
school district

is financially viable
or financially sound.

And then you had, you know,
the loudest voices in the room

being the loudest voices
in the room.

And, you know, at the end,

I actually think
the thing I took the most

from the interviews at the end
was like from the students.

So what do you think
of the meeting,

including the regular
and the public comment?

- I thought
it was really disappointing

when it got to
the public concern section

of the meeting.

We trust science,
my friends and I,

so we know that
this is keeping us safe.

I've had Covid,

and I'm on
a rescue inhaler now.

So, like, it's really upsetting
to see that people challenge

and fight it
with all their might.

- One of the things
that I'm thinking about

and that I'm exploring
in this story is really about

what a deterioration of actual
local politics looks like.

I'm thinking a lot about
and worrying about, like,

what happens if that part
of the meeting,

and you know,
people who are wanting

to kind of derail
that regular business part,

what happens if that becomes

like a controlling part
of the meeting?

What does that mean
for how they're able

to conduct the actual business
of education?

Miss Facchinello?

- I gotta go.
- Hi. Oh--

I'm Adam Harris.
I'm with "The Atlantic."

I sent you an email.
I was just wondering if...

you might be willing
to chat with me.

- Hey, Frank. How are you?

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

- Anger among some residents
at a meeting

of the Grand Blanc
school board tonight.

They confronted a member

over her reported participation

in the effort to overturn
the 2020 presidential election.

- 16 republicans forged
and signed papers

to certify the election

for former president
Donald Trump.

- Among those 16 individuals,

Grand Blanc school board
member, Amy Facchinello.

- They didn't have evidence

they won the popular vote
in the state,

they didn't
have legal authority

to represent Michigan
in the electoral college.

Still, they sent a document

declaring former president
Trump the winner.

- Now some Grand Blanc schools

are calling on Facchinello
to resign.

- There hasn't been any kind
of accountability

or even acknowledgement
of what happened.

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

- That's right.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

- I thought
it was gonna be freezing here.


[somber music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

- 2 billion tonight.

- Starring General Flynn,
Mike Lindell,

Roger Stone,
Pastor Greg Locke!

- Uh, Clay's big idea
with the ReAwaken tour

was to get people
to kinda wake up

and understand
a lot of the, uh,

tyrannical lockdowns,
and mandates,

and things like that.

Ha-ha, my man. Yeah, they'll
get that outta the way.

Good to see you, brother.
Hey, can I--

- Good to see you too.
- I need, uh--

- Oh, yes. Yes, we can.
- Okay.

- Here, can you hold that?

- Y'all [indistinct] the bus?

- Oh, no, no. You're good.
Give me one minute.

- Make sure that you have
your driver's license

and your ticket available.

Today only. Today only.

- So, um, [indistinct]'s house.

- I told 'em.

- I know.
- So um...

I just wanted to talk
to you about it f--

- I'm--I'm for you guys.
- Okay, all right.

- Okay.
- I'm here for y'all.

- All right, sounds good.
- [laughs]

- Come on in! Come on in!
Come on in!

Join us.

♪ ♪

- Now I'm sorry some of you
grew up in a church

that a pastor fell
into all this nonsense

and he became a coward.

But if he's still closed

and still has
all these mask mandates,

and wants you
to sit six feet apart,

and you gotta sign up
to go to Sunday school,

you better find you
a new church.

Somebody shout "amen"
up in this house.

[cheers and applause]

They said Greg Locke has grown

because he profited off
of Covid.

I said, "No, we grown

"because we profited off
of courage

is what we profited off of."

[cheers and applause]

- Whoo!

♪ ♪

- Recently, at the ReAwaken
America Dallas event

that took place
at the beginning of December,

Jovan and several other people
in the conservative movement

came down
with mysterious symptoms.

- And I was talking
to, um, Jovan Pulitzer.

Now Jovan was at the, um,
ReAwaken America tour

and was in the back.

And Jovan says, "Hey, look,
I heard you're sick.

I'm really sick."
And it's not just him.

Now he's saying
that other people

that were in the back
that were speakers

were also, um--
have gotten very, very ill.

- One of the attendees,
Doug Kuzma

from the "Frog News Network"--
it's a podcast--

uh, is actually expected
to die.

He's not expected to live.

- Hey, everybody. Doug here.

As everybody knows,

I'm pretty much
under the weather right now

um, after my return
from Dallas.

- He was found
on December 25th, on Christmas,

unresponsive on the floor
of his home

and then was taken
to the hospital,

and he's been on a ventilator.

His lungs are not responding.

And uh, Doug is--is not gonna
make it it looks like.

- I'm hanging in there.
I'm almost sure of that, um,

I do have, you know--gosh,
I hate to say it--Covid.

[melancholic music]

♪ ♪

- And the rumors flying around
all over the place.

One of them being the rumor
of a bio attack

in Dallas
at the ReAwaken America tour.

Several apparently sick
after what somebody--

an influencer online
in Telegram

is referring to as
an anthrax attack.

So in Dallas
at the ReAwaken America tour,

was there an anthrax attack?

- Well, Stew, there certainly
hasn't been one reported

to the CDC or local authorities
in Dallas,

and it's news
to the organizers.

- Now, if somebody
is sick as a result

of attending the event,

um, I don't know
the statistical probability

of being around
thousands of people

and not eventually having
somebody get sick,

but we have had
no anthrax attacks

or bioweapon attacks to, well,
my knowledge thus far.

Even though at the last
four events in a row,

it has been insinuated
by many people that there is,

uh, bioweapon attacks,
but I have yet to see them.

Also, there is a person posting
on Telegram right now

stating that I was raining down
anthrax from the ceiling

at the event,
which is not true

because there's
a fog machine brought in

by the, uh, the church.

That being said, we have
a gentleman here with us here,

uh, who's known
as the vaccine police.

- Well, um, at the event,

one of my friends came up
and showed me the video,

um, of the fog,
as you guys are saying,

coming from the ceiling.

And [bleep],
a very good friend of mine,

is--is very, very, bad sick.

And then I get phone calls
from six other people

that are very sick
and they're like, "You know,

wh--what do you think's
going on?"

Then I go back and I'm like,
"Oh, wow.

"I remember that stuff
coming from the ceiling.

You know, what was that?"
I don't know what it is.

That's why we put
that out there.

We're asking the question
what it was.

And you know, I don't know
and you guys are coming now

and saying
that it was a fog machine.

- And now, as far
as what your--your role is,

why do you come, uh,

to the ReAwaken America
tour events,

and why do you
have an obsession--

and I believe in a good way--
to expose what's inside

the Covid-19 vaccines,

- They're trying to start
a civil war, Clay,

and they're coming
for our children.

And we have to prove this,
we have to show this,

and we have to speak up,
and stand out,

and show people
what is going on, Clay.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

- This call is not private.

It will be recorded
and may be monitored.

You may start
the conversation now.

- Hello?
- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hey. How are you doing today?

- Um, okay.

Just got out.

- You just got out?

- Well, no, they don't let us
out of our rooms till 4:00.

- Hmm.

- Anything going on?

- Uh, yeah.
The film crew's here.

I'm wired up as we speak.

♪ ♪

- "Dear Judge McFadden,

"I, Pauline,
from the house of Bauer,

"have learned the errors
of my ways

"and will agree to adhere
to the conditions of release.

"I will agree to call in
weekly and give pre-trial

"a virtual tour of the place
that I inhabit

"from time to time.

"I apologize
for any misstatements

"before the court
and realize that

"I cannot defend my case
from my jail cell.

By Pauline Bauer."

♪ ♪


- I should've just agreed
last time.

- Yeah, probably.

Trying to hold
the fort down here, so...

- I know, Pam.

I'm so sorry.

- It's all right.
- [sighs]

- [scoffs]

I don't know.
I really don't know.

I don't know.
[chuckles dryly]

I don't know how long
I can continue to do this.

And we're trying to come up,
find a lawyer.

But who the hell do you get
to [indistinct]...

- Thank you for using--
- All right.

I'll see you. Bye.
- Goodbye.

[line beeps]

- [sighs]

♪ ♪

- She, uh...

she's really feeling down
down there.

I try to write her
every couple days.

And I think, when she gets
these letters,

it makes her feel
a little bit better.

- I absolutely do.

I--I--I have--

I wish she would've.

I asked her two days
after we come from D.C.

to get a lawyer with me.

She wouldn't get the lawyer.

She wanted to do it her way.

I told her
I didn't think it was right,

but she was working
with some guys

that I was hoping was leading
her down the right path.

When we first met and when
she got into what she got into,

you know, going down
the way she was going down...

uh, I told her
I don't believe--

she wanted me
to do the same thing.

I told her,

"I do not believe

any of that stuff that
they are telling you."

And I told her, "I do hope that

"they are not taking you
down a rabbit hole

"and gonna get you, uh--
get you stuck in prison

"and, uh, get you,
uh, convicted

of worse
than what you deserve."

She said, "Well,
that's not gonna happen."

But you can see, I'm here
sitting on my back porch.

She's down there behind bars.

She is trying to lawyer up now.

Is it too late? I don't know.

I'm hoping it's not too late.

♪ ♪

- That's a good question.

Do I feel any--
do I feel responsible

or any sense of guilt
that she's now locked up

because of--
no, I don't.

Pauline managed
to keep herself out of jail

for quite a few months.

Pauline came to me
and asked me for help.

I helped Pauline based on
what she asked me to do.

So do I feel,
you know, um, guilty?

Hell no.

Pauline's fighter.

And she's got it in her
to fight.

The only thing she lacks
is the training,

the time, the hours
to get this information

that's laying around you
on these tables,

to take all this information
and put it into her head

and then be able
to regurgitate it at will.

That's the only thing
she's lacking.

The fighting spirit?
She does not lack that.

- How I feel about it

How I feel about it personally
is, I mean--[sighs]

♪ ♪

I wish there were more people
that were awake.

I wish that
we had more free people

that understood the difference
between the shit made up

and what is real law.

Because then we could impanel
a people's grand jury,

and we could hold a real court,

and we could start arresting
these people

who are undermining
our constitution for treason,

and start holding them

♪ ♪

Test, test, test.

Audio check. Audio check!

I'm just showing you
what the truth is.

Because the cabal,
the Bar Association,

the banking guild,
the illuminati,

the handful of people
that owns all the corporations

pretending to be government,

they don't want you
to find the truth.

- Yeah.
Am I doing it for money?

- Yes.
- [clears throat]

My wife and I put on
our first seminar

in Greencastle, Pennsylvania.

It cost us $12,000
to rent the venue,

buy the meals for two days...

pay for the air travel,
and the hotel,

and the rental car.

We spent $12,000
for that two-day weekend.

We only recovered $9,000,
and we lost money.

Nobody's getting rich off
of this.

I make plenty of money
with my business and what I do.

I'm not a "paytriot," P-A-Y.

I'm a patriot.

And I'm not in this
for the money.

Truth will unite us.

Knowing who our true enemy is
will unite us.

This is how we fix
our country, folks.


[ominous music]

- It's not
a conspiracy theory.

I mean, um--
and I hate that word.

That's just a word to say,
"You're a kook, you're a crazy,

and I'm gonna discredit you."

- The person sneaking in now
is the same person

that could be dealing my child
drugs in 15 years.

- Abso--absolutely.

- Or trying to kidnap my child
for sex trafficking.

Like, this hits home.

- This was like watching her
make a narrative

out of thin air.

♪ ♪

- They're gonna try
to twist my words,

but let me tell you,

we are under attack.

- I hear over and--
"Why aren't you speaking?"

Why am I not speaking?
I'm not given a fair chance.

- Hi, my name is Zach.

I'm known as
the Google whistleblower.

- Why am I not here?

- I feel for her.
She loves me.

She also wants to be famous.

- Who's gonna
hold Zach accountable

because he's a celebrity

and everybody's just gonna
blow smoke up his ass?