Shadowland (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - This Was Planned - full transcript

- The textbook definition
of a conspiracy theory is

the idea that
a small group of people

are sort of
collaborating in private,

in secret to enact harm
on the common person.

- People want to know, "Well,
who's pulling the strings?"

Because obviously
there's a puppet master.

- And believing
conspiracy theories

is a way to sort of understand
the bad things that happen.

- You are hypnotizing

an entire planet by fear

to get injected to make money.

[keys clacking]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- One of our hypotheses
going into "Shadowland"

was that a lot of this
is about money.

♪ ♪

- The way that I make money...

I mean, look, I don't do any
of these appearances for money.

♪ ♪

- I'm a successful,
intelligent, hardworking

entrepreneur that actually
cares about people's health.

How do I explain to my parents
that I'm not an F-up?

♪ ♪

- I came across
the "Plandemic" video.

- It's called "Plandemic."

A 25-minute video
claiming to show

the real story
behind COVID-19.

♪ ♪

- I feel like I'm a hero.

- I've been totally attacked.

- I could end up
as a millionaire

if people come in
and want to help me do this.

- At this point,
I'm trying to save myself

by escaping San Francisco.

We're all in the same boat of,
where are we gonna feel safe?

Are they gonna take us
to the Gulag

'cause we're
unvaccinated vermin?

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter on TV]

- Mimi, what can I help with?

- Nothing.

[indistinct chatter continues]

I'm basically heading
to a new state

and not really knowing

what's gonna end up happening,

but I'm also excited.

Hey, Zach.
- Yes.

- I'm gonna call in a minute.
- Okay.

- I'm just looking for my mask.
- I'm gonna wrap this up.

So my content got removed.

They're basically saying that

I was spreading COVID-19
medical misinformation.

"Just FYI, this is tyranny."

- Life is short, and I would
like to have my freedoms.

So I'm leaving to go
to Florida.

It's more
of a conservative environment.

- Come here.
We got a little time.

We don't have to rush.

- No, we do need to rush.
We're late.

- Can't rush.
We're waiting on the taxi.

So just chill for a second.
Just chill, okay?

So imagine
that you've got your toes,

and they're dipping
into the warm Florida ocean.

How does that make you feel?

- So happy.
- Yeah?

- [laughs]

Zach recently realized

there's no future
here in this city,

and I know in Florida,
he'd be a rockstar.

♪ ♪

But, you know, he has to make
the decision for himself.

♪ ♪

- So the basic thing
I'm working on

is sort of the intersection
of conspiracism and capitalism,

essentially the way

that conspiracy theories
sell themselves,

the way that they collide
with the logic of advertising

to help with the profit motive.

I'm Megan Garber.

I am a culture writer
at "The Atlantic."

I cover a lot
of different things--

books, TV,
occasionally music, movies.

So, you know,
when I watch Alex Jones,

I personally
am not entertained,

but he is acting
as an entertainer.

- They launched COVID-19
and all that it stands for.

It is the designed, organized
collapse of civilization.

- There's also kind of the
merchandising element of that.

Alex Jones
will sell you information,

but he will also
sell you stuff.

- It is Cyber Monday,
and I want to remind

all the listeners and viewers
that it is your support

that keeps
this key organization on air

in the fight
against the globalists.

And so this is the last week

of the biggest sales
of the year.

- So often, you know,
the content is sort of driven

by individual people who have
kind of branded themselves

and who are sort of,
you know, seeking fame.

- I'm presenting evidence

so that you see it
for your own eyes.

We then send it to you
in a newsletter.

It's all you have to do--
is give us your email

and just hit
the donate button.

We're asking for $21 for 2021.

- Almost just like
in the sort of typical economy,

you know, there are
the people who are struggling

to make a name for themselves
to, you know, sell products.

- If you want more information
about what's truly going on

right now
with the COVID-19 pandemic,

you need to get your
Restricted Republic.

I am offering a mega discount
for the annual rate--

$60 a year forever.

- And then the mid-tier,
where you do become

a bit of an influencer
and you do,

you know, have a bit
of power and attention.

- They are getting ready

to take us down
and kill dissenters.

- But I think
for the people at the top,

there is a lot
of financial gain to be had.

- We appreciate if you would
think about including

The sales are unbelievable.

- I think so much
comes back to attention.

If you are able, through
whatever means you have,

to amass attention,
that is going probably

to prove financially viable
for you.

It varies a lot,
you know, in the ways,

but that level of attention

is a big power
and a big currency right now.

[car beeps, door opens]

- There's our billboard, guys.

"Vaccines kill!"

Please, guys, join me.
We're headed to the CDC.

We'll be there
in about 2 1/2 hours.

We'll be there at about 7:00.
Vaccine police, out.

- Controversy along I-35
in West tonight,

as a new anti-vaccine

is up and getting
all kinds of attention.

- Who's behind it?
A man from Alabama.

- My name is Christopher.

I am the vaccine police.

Good morning, everybody.
Vaccine police here.

My job is try to educate people

to what my beliefs are.

Wake the hell up.

This is not
about keeping anybody safe.

This is all about eugenics.

This is all
about population control.

They think
we're useless feeders,

and they don't like us, guys.

We are headed to the CDC
in Atlanta, Georgia,

their headquarters, and
we're headed there to protest

because we've been told now
that they're gonna start

vaccinating our children
to 5 to 11 years of age.

And I cannot stand down
and not speak out about this,

because I, again, believe
that this is gonna kill

hundreds of thousands,

if not million,
of our children.

[key rattles, car beeps]

[camera beeping]

These are my cameras.

I'm not trying to record y'all,

but I'm going live
with this one right now.

[bullhorn blaring]

We're out here
in front of the CDC.

They know that this vaccine

is killing our children.

I think one
of the biggest ways

to get the message out there
is through social media.

And it's gotten very popular.

Hell, no.
I've never taken any vaccine.

Never will I take a vaccine.

I want to go see
the cops over here.

Let's see what they know.

Are you guys protecting
the evil ones?

And I know
you're just following orders.

In Nazi Germany, they were
just following orders.

You know what happened?

All those who were just
following orders were hung.

I'm getting donations
from people that want somebody

to be their bullhorn,
to speak out for them.

This has to stop, guys.

It has to stop now, guys.
Vaccine police, out.

I was in health and wellness
my whole life.

Growing up,
I always worked out.

I was very athletic.

I used to own a health club
called Steel City Fitness,

and our club was
very, very successful.

And I loved it.

I loved it tremendously
because that was my purpose.

And I tell people that

I've never worked a day in
my life till seven years ago.

And seven years ago is
when the government came in

and seized everything I owned

and told me I couldn't practice
in my field anymore.

- It is called
deer antler spray.

Deer antler spray
is a sports supplement

that has been marketed to some
of the nation's top athletes

by a company called S.W.A.T.S.

- I used to own
a health company called...

I can't say the whole name,

or I'll be in contempt
of court, and I'll go to jail.

But I can say it was S-W-A-T.

The last letter
starts with Sam.

You can say it.
What was the last letter?

Okay. That was the name
of our old company.

- S.W.A.T.S. told
"Sports Illustrated"

that it can take
the deer antler velvet,

freeze-dry it, extract it,

and turn it
into a spray form or a pill.

- That company,
my ex-partner, Mitch,

created it,
and then I came on later on.

- Owner Mitch Ross claims
the products

can help boost performance
and help muscle recovery.

It's not even certain whether
taking the deer antler velvet

will have any effect

- The other one was our Chips.

- His favorite product is
something he calls "Chips"--

thin plastic stickers
embedded with a hologram.

Ross claims the Chips
aid performance,

alleviate pain,

and can fix a sprained ankle
in three days.

- Would you say
that the Chips helped you

during this past season?
- I definitely would.

- It looks like
a little sticker.

You could take it
and put it where your pain is.

And the pain would be
greatly decreased, if not gone.

It's frequency.
It's energy.

And I can take
those frequencies then

and put it
in the human energy field,

and those frequencies would
resonate throughout your body.

And everybody thinks
that's witchcraft.

They think it's hocus-pocus
and this, that, and the other,

but it's not.

The Chips we sold,
I think, for 30 bucks.

They cost pennies to create.

- On September 5th,

the Alabama
Attorney General's Office

raided what they said

was a supplement
and wonder-drug outlet

and seized $200,000 of cash
and vehicles.

- They said that
we were snake-oil salesmen,

that we were con men.

- Ross was charged
with 264 counts

of deceptive trade practices
in a 38-page civil complaint

that labeled him
a sham salesman.

- The government came in
and seized everything I owned

and told me I couldn't practice
in my field anymore.

They got to keep

over a million dollars'
worth of product,

$250,000 in
our checking account...

automobiles, lab equipment,
gym equipment.

Nine months ago, it was the
best thing that happened to me,

you know, so--'cause I was able
to go back to my purpose.

[car beeping]

I'm traveling around

with a product called MMS.

MMS is chlorine dioxide,

and my goal is to try to get
as much chlorine dioxide

to as many people as possible.

- A warning tonight

about a fake coronavirus cure
being sold.

- The products are known
as Miracle Mineral Solution.

- This product is promoted
as a cure for cancer,

autism, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis,
and other illnesses.

But nothing can be farther
from the truth.

- It allows the body
to oxygenate and alkalize.

If you alkalize and oxygenate
the human body,

you don't get sick.

- Your miracle solution--
chlorine dioxide.

What is it?

- Chlorine dioxide
is used basically as a bleach.

- Look what happened
when we poured some of it,

onto a pair of jeans.

The denim turned white
through both pant legs.

- But the media said that,
you know, they did this study,

and the study said

that it killed all these people
or this, that, and the other.

- The FDA received reports
of people

requiring hospitalization,

developing life-threatening

even dying after drinking MMS.

- Just in the last couple
of years,

more than four people went
to prison for selling MMS

with the intent to defraud
or mislead people.

- I don't sell anything.

Just to make sure
I don't get on their radar,

I give everything away.

So I don't sell anything.

How I've been able
to survive right now

is through the money
that has come in

from people that have chosen
to help donate

to what it is
that we're doing.

♪ ♪

The plan is,
I'm now taking all the MMS,

the Chips, and the T-shirts
to Louisiana

to give away.

We have quite a few churches
that we're gonna go visit

and show the documentary

And to let people see
that this isn't a pandemic,

that this was orchestrated
and done by design.

And if the government wants
to come after me,

come get me.

Am I gonna fear them at night

that they're gonna
come do that to me?

No, I'm not,
'cause I fear no man.

I fear not Satan.

[engine turning over]

♪ ♪

[keyboard clacking]

[dramatic music]

- Anger is something
that has come up so often

in my interviews
for this piece.

I mean, anger
is everywhere right now,

and you certainly see that

when it comes
to conspiracy theories,

where so often
the sort of fundamental message

of the conspiracy theory is,

"You should be mad
because of X."

- This is about exerting
control and humiliating

anybody who refuses
to go along with these things.

And this will continue

for as long as
they can get away with it,

for as long as we allow them
to get away with it.

- And there is
an economic reason for that--

because anger sells.

- Folks, these leftists
are full-blown tyrants.

All right, let me get
to my next sponsor.

Speaking of privacy online,
it's important.

Your data's your business.
Get a VPN.

- I mean, it's very easy
to take advantage of someone

who's angry
and who wants to feel angry.

- The only way this pandemic
is going to stop

is when the people say

enough of the government
usurping our rights

and violating
our constitutional--

our constitutionally protected,
inherent rights.

We're gonna talk about that
in a second,

but first I want to talk to you
about Trust & Will

to get the good deal.

- And I want to be clear--
there are some things

in the world that, you know,
are legitimate sources

of outrage that people
should be angry about.

But, you know, what you see
in conspiracy content

in particular is
the invention of anger.

You know,
they are trying to sort of

manufacture anger whole cloth
and then kind of,

you know, feed it back
to their followers,

and that becomes
the economic premise.

It's just more
and more and more.

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Yes. Amen, amen, amen, amen.

Shout to the Lord
this morning, church.

Shout to the Lord this morning.

Give the Lord
a good hand of praise.

- A local pastor says he was
on the U.S. Capitol steps

while the deadly insurrection
took place last week.

- Global Vision Bible pastor
Greg Locke

told me he was praying
and preaching

while the insurrection
went on behind him.

- He posted about it
on social media,

alongside other
recent tweets, like,

"Dear Left, your fake outrage
is nauseating."

And calling leftists
"demon-possessed mongrels."

- I'm Pastor Greg Locke,

and I pastor
Global Vision Bible Church

in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee.

But I'm gonna tell you--
the two people

that are gonna save America
are parents and pulpits.

[cheers and applause]

Let me say that again--
parents and pulpits!

I did not grow up
in the ministry.

My dad was in the
Tennessee State Penitentiary

for almost the first ten years
of my life.

My parents divorced
when I was about three.

And so I very quickly
as a young man

began to follow
in my dad's footsteps.

I was trying drugs, vandalism.

By the time I was almost 16,
I'd been arrest 6 times.

I was on probation 5 times.

I was expelled from
our local junior high school.

They wouldn't let me ride
the public-school bus

just because of vandalism
and just--

I was just so angry.

I was just acting out any way
that I possibly could.

I was just mad.

This is a demonic attack.
[cheers and applause]

When I came
to begin to preach,

I was able to express it
in ways that I understood.

This is spiritual warfare.

This is the beast system

being set up before
our very eyes--101.

It's happening
before our very eyes.

I could express my anger,
I could express my frustration,

my anxiety, whatever it was
through the pages of scripture.

Forced vaccinations
on these kids...


I'm sick of it.

And make no mistake,
the boldness is powerful.

People resonate with that.

They're looking for somebody
just to lead

through all this,
what I call, a crap-fest

in our nation right now.

So I'm here to tell you--

I don't care how many
death threats we get.

They can threaten to burn down
anything we want to,

break into our house,
act a fool, act stupid,

send us poop in the mail.

They can put all manner of
crazy stuff in the newspaper,

and we can have 57,000
different documentaries come,

and they could all do
hit pieces.

At the end of the day,
what we're learning

is that, prophetically,
spiritual leadership's

what's gonna save this nation.

That's what's gonna save
this nation.

[cheers and applause]
- [mouthing words]

- I just think of all
the people that I've...

fired up,

all the people
that really believe now

something that they found
in me, a voice they never had.

You say, "Well, what are you
trying to say?"

I'm trying to say,
"This means war,"

is what I'm trying to say,

and it's time to stand up
and take our rights back.

I've become that voice
in the wilderness,

as it were, to them.

♪ ♪

How many of you are here
because in the last 18 months,

the church you went to
or the church you grew up in

sorely disappointed you
the way that they responded

to all this COVID nonsense?

Put your hand up if the church
has disappointed you.

Look at that.

When COVID happened,
I just saw it for what it was.

I just thought it was nonsense.

- Pastor Locke has been
outspoken on his stance

about the pandemic,
calling it a hoax,

and it's only
grown his congregation.

- We've literally gone
from a 300-seat building

to a 3,000-seat tent
in 18 months.

If they go through round two
and you start showing up

all this masking,
all this nonsense,

I'll ask you to leave.
[taps mic]

I will ask you to leave!

And so our church
is in the spot right now

where numerically
and financially

we are better
than we've ever been.

And I think it's because
we've been faithful.

I'm done with it!
I said I'm done with it!

- Greg Locke is a showboating,

egotistical narcissist

that's building a platform
for himself,

and he just chose religion
to be his vehicle for it.

- He told his congregation
that he knew

of six witches
who were members of his church.

- You better look
in my eyeballs.

We ain't afraid of you,
you stinking witch.

you devil-worshipping
Satanist witch,

- He went on a ridiculous rant
in a tent meeting

about autism being demonic.

- Are you telling me
my kid's possessed?

No, I'm telling you
your kid could be demonized

and attacked,

but your doctor
calls it autism.

Ain't no such diagnosis
in the Bible!

- And then, I mean,
the deeper you look,

you find out he's
an anti-vaxxer, COVID denier.

He helped spread
QAnon conspiracies.

- Some of your heroes
are pedophiles and perverts!

[cheers and applause]

And when the time is right,

I'll name every last one
of them from this platform--

- Greg Locke started
an initiative against demons,

which included
holding a book burning.

- We gonna have
a burning service.

[horn blaring and cheering]

- You better get rid
of that Harry Potter

mess in your house!

That is full-blown witchcraft!

- Really,
the most concerning thing

about this is the audience--

the people eating this up,
cheering it on.

- We gonna send that mess
back to hell where it belongs.

We gonna have us
a burning service.

You know, across
all social-media platforms,

you know, we're pushing,

you know,
4 1/2 million followers.

- Burn it, burn it, burn it.

- I guess the major growth--
what we call

the social-media organic growth
started in 2015.

So, in 2015, I had maybe 5,000

on my Pastor Greg Locke page.

I made a video called
"I'm Coming Out of the Closet."

Ladies and gentlemen,
let it be forever known

from this day forward...

that Greg Locke is officially
coming out of the closet.

And it was clickbait.

It was a play on words
because the Supreme Court

had just made their decision
for same-sex marriage.

I'm coming out of the closet
about the fact

that I believe in one man,
one woman for life.

That video had gone
bonkers viral--

in the millions.

And so our page in two weeks
went from 5,000 to 50,000.

And then Facebook gave us
a blue check mark,

made us a verified page.

It was every time
we would step

into something controversial
like that.

Target's transgender
bathroom situation--

soon as that happened,
I did a video.

What you are targeting
are perverts, pedophiles.

28 million views in 6 days.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
please put your hands together

and stand to your feet
for Pastor Greg Locke!

- Amen!

- He obviously doesn't
really care what the truth is,

so he just wants to be popular.

- We're joined in the next
segment by Pastor Greg Locke,

who is absolutely on fire
for human freedom right now.

- This guy obviously
has the gift of talking.

He's a good talker.

He could be a used-car salesman
if he--

honestly, if he repents
from being a pastor

and does the right thing,

but he'll make
a lot less money.

♪ ♪

- My fellow patriots,
you are in the right place!

This is the movement for you!


- How you doing, brother?
Good to see you.

How you doing, man?
Good to see you.

- Holy moly.
I'm here for you.

When are you speaking?
- Tonight.

- There he is.

- As a public figure, one thing
people don't recognize--

Everybody's like, "Oh, I want
to be Internet famous,"

until it happens, and
then you have no private life.

- So how thing's going
with you, Pastor Locke?

- [imitates explosion]

- What got you involved
with the whole political stuff?

- That the pulpits have been
so silent about politics

that people were starving
to death for it.

And so I don't know--just
through the years, it just...

[imitates explosion] Took off
exponentially, and here we are.

I can do interviews like this.
It doesn't bother me.

Do them all day long
and enjoy it.

I believe the election
was absolutely stolen.

Joe Biden is
a fraudulent president

and I believe a lot of the
results are coming to light,

but the media just
doesn't want to cover it.

I believe all the evil's
gonna be exposed,

no doubt about it.

- Hey.
- Hello. How are you?

There is no doubt in my mind,
the Biden administration

is extraordinarily fraudulent,
and they know it.

So whoever is
behind the whole plan

has a lot of money,
and they're well planned,

and they're well practiced,
and this is well thought out.

And you can go back
for a very, very long time

and figure out,
they knew this was coming.

That person.
What do you mean?

Oh, absolutely.

I mean, Bill Gates has a ton
to do with this, right?

All these globalists,
elitists, you know?

All of them are in on this

You have George Soros
paying all kinds of money,

you know, to make sure
that the economy's bankrupt,

to make sure
this COVID nonsense

keeps going, keeps going,
and they're all in it together.

They're all in bed together,
every last one of them.

2020 was a fall down
the steps year,

but you hear me?

God used it to thin out
the ranks and raise up an army.

And I believe
we got an army of patriots

and an army of people
that are willing to push back

and say we've had a gut full
and we've had enough,

and we're going
to take this nation back,

ladies and gentlemen.

They can't have it,
and they not gonna steal it!

Do you believe that
out here today?

- Yes!

- On January 5th,
we rented out Freedom Plaza,

and me and a bunch
of very well-known, you know,

and TV personalities,

we had rallies all day long.

God, help us to live,
help us to fight,

and, if need be, lay down
our life for this nation.

And we thank You for those

that have gone before us
and done just that.

And I was scheduled to speak

at a prayer rally
at the Capitol.

- When thousands of people

stormed our nation's capital
last week,

Pastor Greg Locke
from Mt. Juliet was there,

outside in the crowd.

[crowd shouting]

[shouting continues]

[shouting continues]

- Rioters,
outnumbering law enforcement

by more than 50 to one,

attacked, dragged,
and beat police officers,

crushing them underfoot and
spraying them with chemicals.

- Yes!

[cheers and applause]

- 5 people died as a result
of the violence January 6th.

- In total,
nearly 150 police officers

were injured on the day.

- That's right.

- Yeah!
- Yes!

- Now, some were

And now we're on lists
of, you know, FBI's most wanted

and, you know, trying
to get our medical records

and our history
and our financial records

and every person
we ever talked to.

- The House Select Committee
tasked with investigating

the January 6th insurrection
has now issued

its first sweeping requests
for documents.

- They really want
to understand

who were the organizers behind
the "Stop the Steal" rally

and, in the simplest terms,
whether one of their intents

was to create a crowd
that would then be leveraged

to facilitate the riots.

- Look, at the end of the day,
am I gonna get a subpoena?

Oh, there's no doubt.

There is no doubt
everybody on that list,

40 of us, however many--
I'm second one on the list.

I guarantee I'll get it.

I need a criminal defense
attorney if anybody knows one.

Praise God.

There was a list that came out
this past week.

It's Nancy Pelosi's list.

And on that list
are, like, the top-40...

homegrown terrorists
in America.

I don't need you to amen.
I don't need you to clap.

I need you to listen.

If they want to show up--
Because I'm on the list.

If they want to show up,

they have full legal authority
at this point to arrest me

without any hesitation
no matter what.

And I'm just preparing you
for that.


Yeah, so we've got
all that planned out.

As soon as they put
the shackles on me,

begin to beat the drum

louder than you've ever
beat it before.

Rally the troops.

This is fight or flight.

This is stick with it
or close the whole thing down.

This is our moment.

This our Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego.

This our fiery furnace.
This our 1776.

This our pushback moment.
[imitates gun cocking]

We gonna fight!
[imitates gun cocking]

We gonna fight!

[cheers and applause]

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- So the story that
I'm working on is a look

at conspiracy theories
as media content,

as sometimes pieces
of entertainment.

And I'm trying to get at,

what makes conspiracy
theories alluring, you know,

how are they crafted to really
be compelling to people?

- So the first question
to ask is,

what is the conspiracy theory?

That is, what is the theory
that is being offered?

Who are the conspirators?
What are their motives?

- Right.
- Because a conspiracy theory

assumes that there are,
in general, powerful actors

who are engaging in something

that you would not approve of
as a society,

and they are successfully
covering it up.

Once you put
that definition in place

then the audience
for the conspiracy theory

is an audience that says,

"Ah, I can now see

"through the ruse
that is the conspiracy,

"through the markers that
are being left inadvertently

by the conspirators."

And the people who are engaged
in the action

are assumed to be so powerful

that they could cover up
their identities.

It's one of the reasons
that conspiracy theories

are described as self-sealing,
because if you offer me...

- Yeah.
- Information that discredits

the conspiracy theory,
I can say,

"You know why you think
that's evidence?

"They put that there
so that you would be able

"to discredit
my conspiracy theory,

and their power is such
that they persuaded you."

That's the reason that
scholars who are studying this

are increasingly concluding
that once people

are deep into conspiracy world,

it's very difficult
to ever draw people back out.

- Yeah.


♪ ♪

- Hello.
- Hey, hey.

- Hello, hello.
- Hey, hey.

- Hello.
- Everybody's here.

All right,
you got to open it up.

This is your birthday present
right here.

- My birthday present?
- Yeah.

- [laughs]
Why are you laughing for?

- 'Cause you're gonna love it.
- [laughs]

- Watch him.
Look at him.

- I'm freaking, man.
- [laughs]

- Oh, yeah,
we should've got him that.

- No, I can't read it.
What does it say?

"Lifelong member
of Facebook jail."


If you're
a conspiracy theorist,

you're a freaking nut job.

You're one of those guys
that have a tinfoil hat on.

The media make, you know,
people that are like myself

to be the crazy lone nut.

I don't care.

I don't care
what anybody thinks about me.

♪ ♪

What bothers me is my family.

When they don't believe
the things that I believe in...

you know, when they take
their pharmaceutical drugs...

when they take their vaccines,
you know.

So that's what bothers me is,
when they think that...

They think that...

I don't think they think
I'm crazy,

but they think
that the things I do are crazy.

Like, my father just wants me
to have a real job.

♪ ♪

They don't talk to me much.

They're never
gonna understand me,

so the best way
to deal with it now

that I've realized is
just don't talk about it.

And that's what we do.
We don't talk about it.

[indistinct chatter]

It's like we don't talk
at all.

Somebody gave us
some supplements to try.

Mainly my father.

He's not really had
a conversation with me...

since I got divorced.


We got divorced
11, 12 years ago.

He told my ex-wife

that he thought
he was a failure as a father.

♪ ♪

You know, my dad
was my best friend.

He's the one
that made me the way I am--

to always be outspoken,

to always stand up
for the little guy,

and to be heard.

♪ ♪

He continues to say,

Why can't you be normal?"

♪ ♪

- Dear Heavenly Father, thank
You for this bountiful harvest.

Bless this food into
the nourishment of our body

and sanctify it in Jesus' name,

- Amen.
- Amen.

- Is that the same stuff you
had last time you were here?

I'm curious.

- This is my MMS.

- What is that?

- This is the chlorine dioxide.
- What is MMS?

- It kills everything
in his body.

- This is--Smell it.
- Or...

- Smell.
- Club soda.

- Whoa.
- [laughs]

- Let me smell.
- Lord have mercy.

- Oh, my God!
What is--

- You gonna drink that?
I want to see this.

- That makes my eye twitch.
- I'm done.

I am done.
Ooh, Lord.

- [laughs]

- So you're going
to Atlanta tomorrow.

- Right, then we're going

to Louisiana
for the Red Pill event.

Then we're going to churches,
and I have my first own event.

Since nobody will let me speak,
I'm having my own event.

While we're going
to these churches,

I'm also giving away the MMS,
anybody wants it.

You remember when Mark Grenon,

that one guy
called us from prison?

- Yeah, I remember.
- Yeah.

- Yeah,
we were sitting out here.

- Yeah, he's the one
that's been in prison now

for almost 500 days
for giving this away.

- Where was he?
- For giving this away?

- Wasn't he in Cuba?
- Why?

- They came in, SWAT team,

you know,
knocked down the door.

So should I be scared
about giving it away?

♪ ♪

Mark, oh, there you are.
Mark, can you hear me?

- Yes, sir.
- How you doing, brother?

- Just in prison here.

- Prosecutors say Mark Grenon,
along with sons,

Jordan, and Joseph Grenon,

sold their miracle
mineral solution.

- They claimed the product
would cure COVID-19.

- They were ordered
to stop selling

their toxic bleach solution,

saying they would not comply
and threatening violence.

- Mark and Joseph Grenon are
currently in federal custody.

- You would've thought
we were terrorists.

They say we defrauded
the American people.

We lied
to the American people,

and, also, chlorine dioxide
is dangerous.

They have no evidence

and Fauci and the FDA

are gonna pay
for crimes against humanity.

- His sermon to people
who were charged $450 a head

seems to have come right out
of the book of shams.

Available for anyone who makes
what is called a donation.

- The fact that
anybody would suggest

that you should give this
to somebody is ridiculous.

This is scary, dangerous stuff.

- I'm in the process
of traveling around the U.S.,

and I'm gonna show "Plandemic"

to as many churches
and to as many people as we can

and then also talk
about chlorine dioxide

and talk
about what happened to you

and give
that chlorine dioxide out

to any of those people
that want it.

Should I be worried about me

being put in jail
like yourself?

Like, if somebody
makes a donation...

Is that what
got you in trouble,

that they were
making donations or what?

- I'm not gonna say 100%
they won't arrest you.

Look at us.

[keys clacking]

- There's a way
that hucksterism

and conspiracism are just
completely intertwined

with each other.

There's a trust
that the influencer

or the proponent
of the conspiracy theory

will engender with followers.

That is so powerful--

you know,
where if Alex Jones puts out

a questionable medical product,
for example,

you know, a lot
of his followers

might be inclined
to just trust it implicitly

because it's coming
from Alex Jones.

So it's not so much
about the product itself,

but it's about the person
who is selling it.

- I'm the vaccine police.

It was funny initially,
but I knew what was coming.

I knew eventually they
were gonna try to vaccinate

every single human being
on this planet.

I have twins

that were born with one
of the most rare diseases

on the planet
called phenylketonuria.

So the first thing
they want to do

to our children
when they're born is what?

- Vaccinate.
- They want to vaccinate.

Because of my twins,
God woke me up.

That's when I began
to do research,

because I had to make sure

that anything that went
into my twins's body was safe.

And I would never let Satan
take any of these vaccines.

I'm not a medical doctor, okay?

I do not practice medicine
without a license.

We help people without drugs,

without chemicals,
without surgery.

We show you guys solutions.

Chlorine dioxide--

we're giving it away
to everybody tonight for free.

That anybody that wants it,
you can have it.

They don't want you to know
about these simple solutions.

Okay, they want you to take
this new mRNA technology

that was developed
at warp speed,

and they want you
to give it to your child

that's five years of age.

This was planned, okay?

My belief is this was
completely, 100% planned,

and the evidence is all there.

But yet, they're calling me and
others a conspiracy theorist.

They don't want you guys
to know all this information.

We can't live
in fear anymore, guys.

- That's right.

- They're coming
for our children.

They're coming
for every single one of us.

I thought it went amazing.

Can I give you a hug?
'Cause it's so--

I so appreciate
that you're willing to listen.

I feel like a lot of people
took that information in

and will pass
that information on,

because that's what
I'm trying to do--

is go in and plant a seed.

And one turns to two,
two turns to four.

And before you know it,
we have seven billion people

that are awake
to what's going on.

So it's about planting
those seeds,

and I thought it went amazing.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Okay.

It's my job to speak up

and to speak out against
the tyrannical government

that's stripping away
our freedoms.

So I've been totally attacked,

but I am
this persistent person

that just doesn't quit

and keeps on going regardless.

[elevator bell dings]

I'm so happy to be in Florida
and be hot.

[indistinct chatter]

I'm going to a conference.

♪ ♪

Here we are.

It is a conference
about health and wellness,

natural health and wellness.

- I'm just making sure
everything's working.

- Check, check.
Can you hear me?

Bri is gonna be my wingman.

We're gonna do
a couple of interviews,

which will land
on the YouTube channel.

If you look at the channel,
the focus is health

and functional media--

or functional medicine
and not so much politics.

And kind of been
out of the loop,

focusing on the Rona.

♪ ♪

Is Dave speaking here?

Did he start?

[cheers and applause]

- Dave Asprey, the founder

of the Bulletproof coffee

and arguably
the most well-known biohacker.

[indistinct chatter]

- So I was scheduled
to interview Dave Aspery.

We have to hustle
because we only have

five minutes with him.
- Oh, shit.

Can we go in?

And there was--
I guess I'll describe her

as a junior publicist.

She had shared that she worked
at the Bulletproof Café.

So I asked if there's a mandate
where they ask you

to show a proof of vaccination.

- Oh, there he goes.
- All right, see you later.

♪ ♪

What's happening?

Next thing I know...

It's gotten back
to the head publicist...


[dramatic music]

- I want you to mark down
Monday night.

Roger Stone is gonna
be back in the house.

Amen. He's gonna be speaking
here at Global Vision.

[cheers and applause]

I met Roger Stone
on the advisory committee

for Evangelicals for Trump.

- Roger Stone, the former aid

and longtime confidant
of President Trump,

today was found guilty

in a federal court
on seven felony counts.

- This all having to do
with his appearance

before members of Congress

who were investigating
Russian interference.

Prosecutors saying
that he lied.

- So-called dirty trickster
Roger Stone

emerging from the courthouse

moments after
he was found guilty

of witness tampering,

and lying to Congress.

- President Trump
announcing late Friday

that he has commuted
the sentence of Roger Stone.

The president's decision
coming just days

before his longtime friend

was set to begin
his prison sentence.

- Somebody made me that
for doing a wedding--

the bobblehead.

Let's get a Roger Stone
- Roger Stone has...

- Bobblehead doll.

I don't even know
where they made that.

- Let me suggest to you

the correct pose
for the bobblehead.


- I thank God for it
because God has allowed me

to have a platform

with some of the most
well-known people on the planet

that would've never paid me any
attention without a platform.

- I'm so proud of you.

- You are proud of me?
Am I looking good?

- You are looking good.
- [laughs]

- You can never go wrong with
a blue suit and a white shirt.

You can never go wrong.
- I learn from you.

When he sees me
really hot in the media,

he'll text me or call me
and be like,

"Hey, if they're talking
about you, it's okay.

"It doesn't matter
what they're saying,

as long as
they're talking about you."

You know, as long as
you're out there--

That's his philosophy--
as long as you're in the media,

it doesn't matter
what they're saying,

right, wrong, or indifferent.

- "Stop the Steal" may appear
as a grassroots uprising,

but it started
more than four years ago.

Brainchild of a political
dirty-trick artist

and convicted liar
who has pushed

disinformation schemes
for years.

- But while Stone was not

at "Stop the Steal" rally
on January 6th,

he did speak at one

in Washington, D.C.,
the night before.

- They seek nothing less
than the heist

of the 2020 election,

and we say no way.

- I never got--
I was on the list with you.

I never got the subpoena--
did you ever get the subpoena

for the whole
Nancy Pelosi nonsense?

- I have not been subpoenaed.
- Me neither.

I know several people
on the list have.

- Cyndi has.
- Cyndi was.

Yeah, she sent it to me.

- Cyndi has, and they called
her for a deposition.

Did she tell you that?
- Yeah.

She said she's not
gonna fool with them.

- But this is really simple.
I don't...

I mean, Steve Bannon's a big,
fat, old drama queen.

All he's got to say is,

"I assert my fifth amendment
rights not to testify."

- Yeah.
- Over.

They can't compel him
to testify.

They can't charge him.
Just say it...

- Yeah.
- Unless you want publicity.

Do you want publicity?
- I got you.

- I mean, so they can send me
a subpoena.

They sent me a subpoena before
when I was--

before I went to trial,
and I pled the fifth.

I'm not coming
in front of your committee.

- Yeah, they said everybody's
gonna get one, but we didn't.

So I was wondering if you did.
- Yet.

- Yet. I don't know how long
this thing's gonna go on.

I mean--
- As long as they can make it.

I mean, 'cause it distracts
people from their crimes.

- Wow.

- Well, I would not want
to be them

when God's vengeance comes.
- Yeah.

Now, do you know
the time constraints tonight?

Do you have any idea?
I know you sent me that thing.

But one's opening,
and then I'm at the end again.

So is my speech
at the beginning,

or is my speech at the end?
I'm trying to--

'Cause you know we want to give
the most amount of time to--

- Yeah, we want to--
- To Roger dodger here.

- I'm pretty sure the way
that we're doing it is...

- It's like a--
- Like a town hall.

- That joke converted
pretty well, didn't it?

- Oh, I didn't hear
the punch line.

Are you gonna use it again?

- I could.
- He might. It's up to him.

- Might. I might.
- It's his speech.

- So I did a thing yesterday
where I said,

"You know, they charged me
with lying to Congress.

"Yet, didn't hid any underlying
crimes, was immaterial.

"Tony Fauci lied to Congress,
and he lied about

"the formulation of the virus,
the vaccination for which

"has injured hundreds
of thousands of Americans.

"Let me tell you right now--

I've had it up to here
with Tony Fauci."


- Right into the waist.
- Right.

- I bet they loved that one.
- They did.

It went over really good.
I will use that.

- That would go well here,
I guarantee you,

no matter what crowed
we have tonight.

[cheers and applause]

- Welcome
to the "Real America's Voice"

town hall to save America.

[cheers and applause]

- And it is such an honor to be
here with pastor Greg Locke.

- Whoo! I'm feeling at home
tonight at our church! Amen.

God bless you guys.
Welcome to our church.

Thanks for being here.

[cheers and applause]

- I was charged
with lying to Congress,

but Anthony Fauci
lied to Congress under oath

about the funding

of the development of a virus,

the vaccination for which
has injured thousands

and killed thousands
of Americans.

I've had it up to here
with Tony Fauci.

- [laughing]
[cheers and applause]

- Now, "CNN" tells us

that no, no,
there's no irregularities.

There's no fraud
in the election.

Let me say this,

I don't get my news from CNN

for the same reason
I don't eat out of the toilet.

[cheers and applause]

- Join us,
because we are God's army,

and we do battle for the Lord.

[cheers and applause]

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Dr. Judy Mikovits
has been called

one of the most accomplished
scientists of her generation.

At the height of her career,

Dr. Mikovits published
a blockbuster article.

The controversial article
sent shockwaves

the scientific community

for exposing
their deadly secrets.

The minions of big pharma
waged war on Dr. Mikovits.

Now Dr. Mikovits
is naming names

of those behind the plague
of corruption

that places all human life
in danger.

- So you begin by credentialing

the source
of the specialized knowledge.

Credential--Dr. Mikovits
as Dr. Mikovits.

- Okay.

- Add, "She is being opposed
by powerful forces,

the minions of big pharma."
- Okay.

- And now you have
the "we against they"

of the conspiracy theory.

- Right.

- I've talked with doctors

who have admitted that
they are being incentivized

to list patients that are sick
or have died with COVID-19.

- Yeah, $13,000 from Medicare

if you call it COVID-19.

- There's a fact
underlying a conspiracy theory.

There's no conspiracy theory

that doesn't have
at least one underlying fact,

sometimes more.

Now here's the truth
underlying this.

There is a higher rate
of reimbursement for--

because it is far more
expensive to care

for the COVID patient--
- Right.

- There's a logic to this
that makes perfect sense,

but this piece of "Plandemic"
feeds into "it's not real."

- Yeah.

- How do I account for
those body bags in trailers?

This is the logical next step.

All you need now
is the explanation

for why anyone
would exaggerate that.

Now you're into,
"explain the malign motives

of those who are lying to you
about COVID."

Malign motive
is a profit motive.

- Yeah.

- If we activate
mandatory vaccines globally,

I imagine these people
stand to make

hundreds of billions of dollars
that own the vaccines.

- And they'll kill millions,

as they already have
with their vaccines.

- The ultimate claim
about someone

you're trying to discredit
as a conspirator

is they're trying to kill you
or kill people like you.

- Right, right.
- That is the ultimate claim.

- Yeah, yeah.
- And you're hearing it.

- Is it safe to say

that anything
that cannot be patented

has been shut down

because there's no way
to profit from it?

All these natural remedies
that we've had forever?

- Absolutely,
that's fair to say

and that's exactly
what's going on in COVID-19.

- We're not all
equally susceptible

to this conspiracy theory.
- Yeah.

- If I just trust big pharma
to begin with,

I have a susceptibility
to the argument

that is now being made
in "Plandemic."

There's a relatively small part
of the population

that is enmeshed inside
conspiracy beliefs.

There's then a population
that's susceptible

but not yet there.

And the question is, how do we
keep the susceptible population

from moving there?
- Yeah.

- Because once you're inside,

the likelihood you're
gonna get out is not very high.

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- Guys, this is
Christopher Key.

I'm here
in Lafayette, Louisiana,

and we're about
to have a showing

of the wonderful documentary
called "Plandemic."

I believe this whole thing's
been planned

and they have orchestrated
a kill shot

to give to every single person
on this planet.

Let's go in here
and see what's going on.

See what kind of crowd we got.

[indistinct chatter]

One second.

[indistinct chatter continues]

So look at this, guys.

We probably have
40 people in there.

Stay tuned.
Vaccine police, out.

Hey, guys, real quick--
we're gonna get started.

They're gonna be bringing
your food and everything in.

We're about to watch the
documentary called "Plandemic."

And, guys, this documentary's
so powerful, I believe,

and it's something very simple

to get your family members
to watch.

Have a movie night.

Put this in.
Don't tell them what it is.

It's only 26 minutes.

If they can sit
and watch this and realize

this whole thing
has been planned,

it's been planned
for a very long time--

We have to share
this information,

and the best way to share this
information, "Plandemic."

- For exposing
their deadly secrets,

the minions of big pharma
waged war on Dr. Mikovits.

If we activate
mandatory vaccines globally,

I imagine these people
stand to make

hundreds of billions of
dollars that own the vaccines.

- And they'll kill millions,

as they already have
with their vaccines.

- One of the things a lot
of you people don't know about

is chlorine dioxide.

Okay, I'm not a medical doctor,
thank God.

I do not practice medicine
without a license.

Dr. Manuel Aparicio is
a medical doctor in Mexico,

and he told the world
that they had cured

over half a million people

that had COVID
with chlorine dioxide.

And I drink it
every single day,

every single day.

And I have it out here
if anybody wants it.

The other thing I have is
little pain chips.

If anybody has any pain
in their body right now,

we can take this little chip,
put it where your pain is,

and your pain
will be greatly decreased,

if not gone, just like that.

Who has pain right now?

Like, shoulder, back,

something that you don't have
to completely undress?

You do?

Scale of one to ten,
how much discomfort?

Okay, nine.

Okay, where is
the worst pain at?

- Right here.

- Right there, and it radiates
up to your neck?

- It's coming
from my neck down.

- Okay.

- I have three levels
messed up in my neck.

- Okay.

Move your hand.

♪ ♪


I mean, what?
Say it again.

I didn't hear you.
- It doesn't hurt.

- It was a nine
a minute ago, right?

- Yeah.

- And what is it now,

- Zero.
- Like, a one.

- Guys, I mean, you don't have
to be in pain.

You don't have to be hurting
all like you are.

♪ ♪

If you want
any chlorine dioxide,

I have it out front--
you can grab it.

If you want any pain chips
or energy chips,

you can have it also.

Everything I have,
I give it away.

If you want to make a donation,
you can,

but, guys, please, listen
to me, hear me very carefully.

You do not have to donate
anything at all, ever.


If you need more,
there's my cell phone.

Just send me a text
with a mailing address,

and I'll ship them out to you.

- Thanks a lot, man.
I appreciate it.

- I thank you.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

- December 19, I'm gonna be
in Miami, Florida,

because Mark Grenon
and his three sons

have been in prison now
for 500 days.

Mark was doing the same thing
that I'm doing right now.

He was giving this away,

and he's now been incarcerated
for over 500 days.

If they can put him in jail
for that,

they can do the same thing
for each and every one of us.

- Follow this man
wherever he goes

in his mighty calling
on his life.

Protect him,
Father, on his journey.

In Jesus' name, I pray.

- All right, love you guys.

I know, and they can't take
anything else from me.

They've already got everything.
- I heard what you said,

but I'm just saying.
- I know.

The government came in
seven years ago,

seized all my assets,
shut me down.

They've taken
everything from me.

I have nothing anymore.

There's nothing else
they can take from me

except for my life.

- Recently we've seen
several conspiracy theories,

like, pop up
at school-board meetings.

- They're experimenting
on our children.

They did it then.
They're doing it now.

The Nazis aren't coming.
They're here.

- You can see
where that mistrust

of a common narrative
comes about.

- You have to decide

if the risk you're taking

to defend your status
as a woman...

is worth going to jail
for five or six years.

The cabal...

the handful of people

that owns all the corporations
pretending to be government--

they don't want you
to find the truth.