S.W.A.T. (2017–…): Season 3, Episode 14 - Animus - full transcript

The S.W.A.T. searches for a link to a misogynistic gunman. Luca works on a homicide in his neighborhood. Lt. Lynch wants a day-in-the-life interview with a female S.W.A.T. member.

Previously, on

Thinking about doing that
"Good Neighbor" house program.

You see
the neighborhood this is in?

Maybe you can still cancel
the sale.

Oh, hell no, man.

This is part
of the city program for cops.

- Hear you want to talk.
- I figure we could set some ground rules.

This is our neighborhood.

We belong here.
You don't.

- How are you getting home?
- I was kind of hoping

- you might give me a ride.
- I don't get in cars with strangers.

Maybe we could arrange something
to try and cure this...

"strangers" problem?

Hey, baby. I'm glad you called.

Check this out.

You read my book.

I've been thinking about you.

A city is like a person.

If there's
something wrong inside,

you have to figure out
what's causing the problem

- and tackle that.
- Okay, I hear that,

but if you're hurting,
you got to treat the symptoms

while you're working
on the cure, though, right?

100%. I'm not saying
we don't need cops.

But I also believe
in working toward a future

where we don't need
as many of them. So you're trying

to put me out of business?

In an ideal world, yes.

It would give you more time
to cook for me.

You don't ever have to worry
about me making time for that.

Thanks for joining
us tonight.

Thank you.

I'm gonna go
to the ladies' room.

Meet you out front?

Roger that.

It's the gray Charger.

Thanks, brother.


Oh, my God.

It's been too long. Wow, Nia.

How you doing? Good.

You're looking
sharp as ever.

You, too. Listen, I'm...

headed in for dinner
with some girlfriends,

but we should grab a coffee
or a drink sometime.

Could be fun. It would be nice
to catch up.

But I should probably mention
I'm seeing someone.

I'm actually with her
right now.

Really? Look at you
getting domestic.

How long? Couple months.

So it's still early days.

Good luck with that.

I'll text you.

- Ex-girlfriend?
- I wouldn't go that far.

- Mm-hmm.
- Come on, now.

I don't have a problem. I'm just
calling it like I see it.

She was going
through a divorce,

and I... Helped her move on?

It was a while ago.


I could say yes
to a cocktail.

Come on, you got it man.
This is good.

All right, give me three more.

Three, two...

Aah! Damn it!

Still not good enough. Dude, that's solid.

I mean, you're at it,
like, every morning

before the sun comes up.

You work out probably more
than anyone I know.

You're, like, twice as strong
as last week.

And half as strong as I was
before getting injured.

I need to be 100% if
I'm gonna pass my PFQ

and get back out
in the field.

But you're making
great progress.

It's one step at a time,
you know.

That couldn't have been
more than a few blocks.

Drop the weapons!
Hands where I can see 'em.

Do it now, Marcos!

This is 22-David off duty.

We got a possible 245
on Mapleton Street.

Making contact with two
possible suspects.

That's my friend, ese.

We heard shots and came
running, just like you.

He's dead. I checked.

Oh, Benjamin, man.
Marcos, what happened?

This had to be the
Los Diablos Dormidos. Why do you say that?

You see the shooter?

No. But I know it was them.
Probably that Tony guy

- that cruises by sometimes.
- You're gonna have to give us more,

- to go on than that.
- Weapon's cold.

Full magazine.
Hasn't been fired.

Is that thing registered?

You got any other
weapons on you? No.

I'm trying to tell you
this wasn't us.

He was our damn friend.

I've known Ben-Ben since grade
school; he's hurt nobody.

He's not even in the game.

Okay, if it was this Tony guy
that you're talking about,

- we'll find him, trust me.
- Not if I find him first.

Listen to me, Marcos, you need
to let us handle this.

Can we get up now?


Look, no disrespect.

I know you helped out
my brother Shorty before.

But this is my hood.

And if you can't protect it,
better believe I will.

I'm not gonna let you
or anyone else

turn this neighborhood
into a shooting gallery.

Marcos, I know what it's like to
lose a buddy and want revenge,

but trust me, man, it is not
worth going down that road.

Oh, please. Like your
bitch ass knows

the first thing
about this life.

I'll handle my business
my own way.

Let's go, Big Roy.


- Put your hands behind your head!
- What?!

- Now! - I had nothing to do
with this, and you know it.

You were waving an unregistered
firearm in broad daylight.

I need to take you in for that.

- Are you serious?
- Play nice.

Help us find who did this.
I can get the charges dropped.

I gotta take you in. I can't
let you play street hero.

Marcos, you've done time, so
just tell us what you'd rather,

a day in holding
or a lifetime in prison.

- What about me?
- Just hang tight.

Give a report to the detectives
when they get here, okay?

These guys here will
keep you company.

Hands behind your back,
now. Other hand.

Hey, I thought you were

at home rehabbing.

Yeah, I was, but this
shooting went down

a couple blocks
from my house,

so I'm putting in a request
to increase patrol in the area.

Help keep things
from popping off.

Yeah, I saw that one
come through.

That's a sketchy
part of town.

Yeah, well, it's also home.

I'm doing my best
to make it less sketchy.

Most cops live as far away
from hot zones as possible.

Why'd you buy a house
in the middle of one?

Cost me practically nothing,
but more than that,

my pops always told me
to lead by example.

So it's tough to do sometimes
when folks in some areas

only ever see us
with our guns out.

Did you know the victim? A little.

He was friends with some
of the bangers on the block

who want to handle things
their own way.

So added patrol presence

would really help
keep things cool

- = till we get ahead of this.
- Okay.

I'll get your request

Watch commander can only
saturate the area

for the first 24 hours, but
that should give Homicide time

to find a lead worth chasing.

- All right, thanks, Lieutenant.
Appreciate it. - My pleasure.


You are just the
highly decorated cop

I was looking to catch
this morning. Good news.

I'm not gonna like this, am I?

The L.A. Chroniclewants to
interview a SWAT officer.

A "day in the life"
kind of thing.

The mayor wants you.

Why me? Why not you?

Sorry, I don't do interviews.
I'm allergic to the spotlight.

But LAPD's got 70 other
SWAT officers.

I'm sure you'll find somebody
who'll be happy to do it.

Kate, I'm missing the
Cornwell file; have you seen it?

Here. You left it on my desk
when you got back from court.

And, Joan, is there any chance

you can push my lunch
with Nichola to next week?

I need to clear this off my desk
by the end of the day.

Yeah, sure.

Hi, can I help...

*S.W.A.T. (2017)*
Season 03 Episode 14

Episode Title: "Animus"
Aired on: 03/04/2020

Sync corrections by srjanapala

Three dead.
Maria Goodwin, she's a lawyer,

and two employees.

No cameras, no witnesses,
and the shooter's in the wind.

This was left behind.
Forensics will run prints on it.

How many shots fired?

30 rounds.
Only three victims.

I think I got something.

Four days ago, a man was
arrested outside

the Spring Street courthouse
for making death threats.

He'd been in a custody hearing
with his ex-wife.

- Let me guess, he lost.
- Yeah.

The wife got custody
of the kids,

- and the wife's lawyer was...
- Maria Goodwin.

Suspect's name is
Chad Weatherly.

Deacon, Tan.

According to the report
the courthouse cops filed,

Weatherly was screaming
how he'd kill Maria,

as well as the judge who
oversaw the case.

Well, the judge needs to be put in
protective custody immediately.

- I'll make the call.
- Hondo.

Burrows, this the guy?

- Yeah, that's him.
- He's got no priors.

No gun registered to his name.

- Where's he work?
- He teaches metal shop

- at a vocational college
in Woodland Hills. - Not anymore.

By the looks of things,
he's reinvented himself

as a dating coach.

"Perfect your booty call

Little career shift.

Sounds like a full-blown
midlife crisis.

Are you ready to learn
the rules of the game?

At Casanova Camp, I'm gonna
teach you how to pick up women

and increase your lay count.

Come on with me.
We got some work to do.

- "Casanova Camp"?"
- Lay count"?

This guy's giving men
pick-up advice?

And charging them over
a grand for it, too.

Hold up.

That seminar's today.

With this approach, you are
going to strike out sometimes.

You might even strike out
most times.

And that's okay, guys,
because this is a numbers game.

And I'm going to teach you
the secrets of seduction.

Come on.

Come on!
You are the man.

You own this place.

Chad Weatherly.

You're gonna come with us.

Why? What-what happened?

Let's go. We got
a couple questions for you.

About what?

I-I've got a seminar
that's about to start,

and a lot of people have
paid good money for this.

I guess you'll be
refunding them.

Think he's really our guy?

He doesn't look like someone

who gunned down
three women an hour ago.

To be fair,
he doesn't seem like

the master of seduction
type either.

I didn't kill anyone.

Sure, I was pissed.

She had convinced the judge
to take my kids away,

but I didn't shoot anyone.

Sit down.

And, excuse me, what are you
doing with my laptop?

You can't search that.

Uh, the warrant says
we can, actually.

Over a dozen
people heard you

threaten to kill
your wife's lawyer.

We all say things
whenever we're angry.

I-I didn't actually mean
any of it.

What about these posts?
Mean any of them?

- "I want to put a bullet in
that slut's head." - Mm-hmm.

Yeah, that was
a private chatroom,

and I go there to vent.

Free speech is not illegal.

At least not yet.

There's free speech, and then

there's criminal threat,
which is illegal.

I'm sure the D.A.'s gonna
appreciate all this evidence

for your upcoming trial.

His alibi checks out.

At the time of the shooting,
Casanova here was

livestreaming a seminar on how
to get out of the friend zone.

Told you.

Can I get back to my job now?

I can still make my seminar.

Hi. Detective Barker.

You were running Homicide
this morning in East L.A.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, I wish I had more intel,

but I'm happy to share
what little we know.

So you got no
solid leads?

Victim was 26-year-old
Benjamin Cruz.

A stock boy at Home Depot.

No priors. No weapons
at his residence.

No known enemies.

Okay, what about that guy
that Marcos is so sure did it?

Yeah. Tony Cardona.

Runs an East Side crew
of small-time bangers,

the I-2Ds.

They may have a beef
with Marcos,

but we've got security footage
putting Cardona neck deep

in pole dancers
at a downtown strip club

at the time
of the shooting.

At 8:00 in the morning?

Guess he's dedicated
to the art form.

Well, doesn't mean he
didn't order the hit.

Doesn't mean he did.

Problem is, we got
no proof either way.

Okay, unless we can pin this on
Tony or prove that he's clean,

Marcos is gonna go straight for
him the second we let him loose.

Might help if we knew
a little more about the victim.

I questioned Big Roy
on scene

and Marcos in custody,

but they're stonewalling me.

Maybe you'd have better luck
working the personal angle.

Yeah, well,
they're not my biggest fans,

but I'll give it a shot.

Sergeant Harrelson.

Wow. Twice in two days?

That's some coincidence.

D.A. perks up
when a law firm run

by a former prosecutor
gets shot up.

Wanted to know where we're at
finding the shooter.

I may or may not have
volunteered to come by to ask.

Well, we had a suspect,
but his alibi checked out.

I still think he's connected
to the crime somehow though.

You mean like he hired someone
to carry out the hit?

No, it wasn't professional.
It was too sloppy.

So, no leads then?

Not yet.

But the day's
still early.

City's got
its best man on it.

Mm. I don't know
about all that.

So, that girl
last night,


I don't know.

I guess we're getting serious
about maybe getting serious.

Trying not to put too
much pressure on it.


Good for you.

I mean, doesn't
really sound like you...

No offense...
But I respect the effort.

You know what they say
about old dogs.

Watch who you're calling
old, young lady.

I'm just saying,
at some point,

we are
who we are, right?

And the two of us are cut
from the same cloth.

What cloth is
that, exactly?

The kind that doesn't like
to get pinned down.

I'm not judging.

Hey, I tied the knot
myself once.

I also went through hell
getting untangled.

I'm not trying to
get hitched just yet.

Just keeping my mind open
to new possibilities.

And I commend you for it.


Well, I got
to make the rounds.

I don't make it
down this way often.

Catch you before I leave?

I'm around.

Nice shooting.

Killing time.

Killing more than that,
it looks like.

I wanted to talk a little more
about that interview,

if you have a moment.

Everyone passed?

I didn't ask them.

The mayor wants you.

We should all be so popular.

Yeah, lucky me.

But you're gonna have
to tell her no.

I'm sorry.
Cover your ears.

You think you're being singled
out because you're a woman.

Do you know how hard it was
to make SWAT?

I can guess.

But you earned it.

You deserve to be here.

- You prove that every single day.
- Because I have to.

I slip up one time,

and they won't say it's
because I had a bad day.

They'll say it's
because I'm a woman.

You think
it's tough now,

I joined LAPD in the '90s.

Back then, diversity meant
hiring a white guy

over the max weight requirement.

I might not look like
I can scramble up a ladder,

but, believe me,
I've done it.

And now I see it as a duty
to reach a hand down

and help those women who are
trying to climb up behind me.

Maybe some young girl reads your
article and says to herself,

"Hey, I'd like
to do that someday."

We've all got

Mine's saving lives out
in the field, not doing PR.

Call just came in.

Mass shooting
at a sorority house.

We're rolling.

Give me two!


Go, go, go, go.

- Move! Out, out, out, out! Everybody out!
- Everybody out. Go. Anybody hurt?

- Out. Keep going. Keep going. Go, go.
- Okay, go, go, go, go, go!

You see
where the shooters went?

I got a pulse.

Get her out.

Kitchen's clear.

Let's move upstairs.

Right side, right side.

Two, two, two, two, two.

Right side clear.

Chris, Street,
upstairs. Go, go.

I got the landing.

Closet only.

You're gonna be okay.

Left side clear.

26-David, I got a female victim.
Conscious and breathing

with a gunshot wound
to the chest.

I need an R/A ASAP.

It's gonna be okay.

It's okay.

Clear. Two.


You see where the shooter went?


It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

He went that way.

Tan, get her out of here.

I got her. Let's go.
Come on. Deacon, go.


This is 20-David to Command.

House is clear.

Suspect gone on arrival.

Is she gonna make it?

If she does,
it'll be thanks to you.

I told
Becca he was psycho.

I made her go to the police
to get a restraining order

- against him.
- Do you know his name?

Dave something.

She met him at a bar
a month ago.

It was a one-time thing.

She ghosted him after.

He didn't like it,

even though
everyone does that.

He threatened to post
a sex tape of her online.

She didn't even know
he was filming them.

Just gross.

I'd look into him.

same ammo

we found at the law firm
shooting this morning.

Has to be the
same shooter.

I'm telling you,
he's totally insane.

Suspect's name is Dave Warner.

26-year-old sports agent.

One of the victims,
Rebecca Thompson,

had a restraining order
out on him.

He's got one gun
registered to his name,

but it's a Glock,
not an AR-15.

Could any of the girls I.D. him?

Burrows is still interviewing,
but, so far,

no one's gotten
a good look at the shooter.

So, for right now,
Warner is our number one suspect.

Why would he target
a law firm earlier

and then a sorority house?
What's the connection?



♪ I'm burning
all these secrets ♪

♪ I'm burning all these
secrets ♪

♪ Your voice is only as deep

♪ Burn this down

♪ I'm burning
all these secrets ♪


♪ All these secrets

♪ Your voice is only as deep

♪ Burn this down

♪ Tell me something
that I don't know ♪

♪ Because it seems,
because it seems that ♪

♪ All your rhymes
have got the same flow ♪

♪ And you know, honestly...

LAPD.Hands in the air.

Hands in the air! Whoa.

Get off of me!

Hey! Try that again.

- You all right?
- I'm fine.

We got him!

A recording device.

Budding filmmaker?

No way. He's been
with me all day.

Do you have any way
of proving that?

I do. Found this recording
equipment hidden in the bedroom.

Camera behind the TV.

Mics under the bed.

Did you know that he was
recording the two of you in bed?


You were taping us?!

And from the little I saw...

And I do mean

I wouldn't be so eager
to broadcast your performance.

Get him out of here.
Let's go.

- You know what this means though.
- Yeah.

If the two of them
were here all day...

We still don't know
who the shooter is.

Hondo, heard you found

Tech ran a search on both
Chad and Dave's computers.

Turns out both these guys

are members
of the same online chat room.

"Take The Red Pill"?

Yeah, it's a place where men go
to spew crap against women.

Chad and Dave both posted
detailed revenge fantasies

about two of today's victims.

Chad about killing the lawyer
in the first shooting,

Dave about one of the girls
at the sorority house.

But neither of these guys
is our shooter, so...

Seems like someone
read their fantasies

and decided to act them out
on their behalf.

This website's toxic.

If the killer's enacting
men's hate fantasies,

any woman mentioned in the forum
could be a potential target.

Exactly. Also means that our killer's
been hanging out in this chat room.

How many users
do they have?

Got over 5,000.

All anonymous,
for the moment.

So how do we find
this guy then?

Burrows contacted
the chat room moderator.

They've agreed
to come in for questioning,

hopefully, to help us
narrow down the field.

That's the best we got
right now.


I want to be there.

Homicide's got the case
until they I.D. a suspect.

As soon as they do, you'll
be the tip of the spear.

Extra set of ears
won't hurt, boss.

Fair enough.

I'll let Burrows know
you want to join him.

We got evidence placing
Tony across town

at the time your
buddy got hit.

So, looks like
it wasn't him.

You know anyone else who might
have had it out for your boy?

Look, what's your beef with
me, bro? All I'm trying to do

is help solve your
friend's murder.

By locking me up?

Actually, yeah.

Okay? Because if I hadn't,
you would've put a hit

on Tony and his crew
based off of nothing.

They would have retaliated.

There'd be more dead
bodies on both sides.

If it wasn't Tony, who was it,
then? That's what I'm asking you, man.

We should be working
together on this. Look,

just because we shook hands
once or twice

don't mean we're a team.

All right.

Well, just 'cause I haven't
run you off the block,

it doesn't mean I'm above it.

You want black-and-whites
outside your door every morning?

Noise violations every
time you crank your tunes?

I get it.

You got a rep to maintain.

Okay, believe it or not,
growing up,

I had a line I had to walk, too.

- Man, please.
- You know what?

I'm third-generation SWAT.
That means

just like you, I had
an image to protect.

I had to watch who I ran with
or my pops would beat my ass.

So why the hell
you living on my block now?

Go be with your own kind.

That's funny.

You're the second person
to ask me that today.

I guess I got sick
of letting other people tell me

who I could be friends with.

I thought maybe
I could make a difference.

You know, help keep
people out of jail

instead of waiting
for them to do something

that makes me lock them up. Big of you,

But I ain't the type to buddy up
with cops. Look, I'm not looking

for a friendship bracelet.

Just help me figure out
who killed Benjamin.

Man, he went by
Ben-Ben, not Benjamin.

Don't try to make him sound
like some kind of punk-ass.

My bad, dude.


All right.

How'd he get the name?

'Cause he was always
dreaming, man.

If you wanted to
get his attention,

you had to say
his name twice.

Ben-Ben. That's perfect.

Yeah, he was going
places, man, you know?

Like, in his mind,

nothing was out of reach.

There was this one checkout girl
at work.

Way out of his league.

But in his mind...

- He knew she was gonna be his.
- Did he ever

make a play on her?

Kept talking about it.

Don't think he
ever did, though.

Well, maybe she knows if he was
beefing with someone at work.

What was her name?


White girl in Culver City.

But I'm telling you, man.

This was someone
from the I-2Ds.

- Okay. - But it can't hurt
to talk to the girl, right?

Man, talk to whoever.

My ass is gonna be walking out
of here in a few hours.

Just sit tight, drink your soda
and let me do my job.

I'm Detective Burrows.

This is Officer Alonso.

I got to admit,

we were expecting your husband
to come talk to us.

I run the site myself.

My husband's too busy
providing for our family

to spend much time online.

- What is this about, exactly?
- You run

a chat room focused on demeaning
and insulting women?

No. I run a chat room
designed to let men

voice frustrations they're not
allowed to voice anywhere else.

- Frustrations about women.
- Among other things, yes.

Men have it harder today
than at any point in history.

But society's decided
they're not allowed

to acknowledge that,
let alone complain.

That's why the movement
is so popular.

The movement?

The men's rights movement.

Acknowledges the
discrimination men face today.

Are you serious? Men suffer higher
incarceration rates,

mortality rates, suicide rates.
They're less likely

to win custody of their children
in a divorce.

They're also responsible
for over 90% of violent crimes.

And the majority of the time,
the other victim is a man.

Well, is this...

is this when you tell me
that I'm suffering

from internalized misogyny?
Because I'm not.

Men are losing jobs

to less qualified
women and minorities

in the name of diversity.

They have a right to
be angry about that.

I don't see
any feminists out there

slaughtering innocent civilians.

I'm not condoning
violence against anyone.

I'm just suggesting that
this push to blur the lines

between the sexes is ripping
our country apart at the seams.

So, yeah.

I'm anti-feminism.

- But I'm not anti-women.
- The men

- on your site are.
- Look,

I don't like everything
that gets posted.

But they're just
blowing off steam.

The First Amendment
grants that right. Someone

from your chat room
murdered five women

in less then 24 hours,
so this is

a little bit more
than just talk.

The shootings today.

Why didn't you say that before?

We needed to see
if you were connected or not.

What? Of course I'm not.

We think the shooter
frequents your site,

but you've got thousands
of users and years of postings.

Hope you might be able
to help us narrow the field.

How? Visit the site

and flag
the most aggressive users.


Okay. Could take a while.

I'll let you know as soon
as we got something to run with.


How'd it go
with that chat room guy?

Turns out the
moderator's a woman.

I can't say we agree on much,
but... at least she's willing

to help us zero in
on the suspect.

How's your cheek?

Worth it to know it landed

the guy who did it in jail.


I'm sorry if I pushed you
earlier about the interview.

I think that you would be great,
but if you really

don't want to do it,
then I'm gonna drop it.

Can I ask you something?


Why did you become a cop?

Because I tried stand-up,
and it didn't pan out.


I didn't...
I didn't really try stand-up.

Um, let me see.

Because I wanted to feel
that what I did was important.

Why'd you become a cop?

To serve and protect.

Just wanted to make
a difference, you know? Yeah.

That's what I said
in my psych eval, too.

The real reason
I became a cop is because...

my dad laughed at me
when I told him

I wanted to join the force.

What's your real reason?

That's okay.
You don't have to tell me.

But if you do
ever want to talk,

my door is open.

I was attacked when I was 14.

I was, uh,
dragged off the street

by a group of men.

They pulled me into a van.

They thought
I was someone else.

Not that it mattered.

I was raped.

It went on for a long time.

I never reported it.
I didn't tell anyone.

I just, um... just tried
to get on with my life.

It didn't work out so well.

Bad time.

I'm sorry.

I became a cop

because I got tired
of being afraid.

Afraid of walking
down the street.

Afraid it might happen again.

I thought if I was a cop
and if it ever did happen

to some other 14-year-old kid
out there,

I'd be able to find out
who did it and make them pay.

If I do this interview,

they'll want to know why
I became a cop.

And I don't want to lie.

A few years ago,
I finally told my family.

But I never told anyone
on the team.

That's why
I can't do the interview.

I have to go out there

in the field with them
every single day,

and I don't want them
seeing me differently

or thinking of me as a victim.

That's not how anyone
could ever see you.

Detective Burrows just got

a list of the suspects
off the chat room.

I got to go.

Chat room moderator

narrowed down the
field of suspects

based on their online history.

These two top the list.

Luke Manford. Donny Ward.
Both in town

- at the time of the shootings.
- Can you pull up

their most recent activity
in the chat room?

Already on it.
Manford posted this

- a few hours ago. - "Anyone else
sick of female sportscasters,

I'm about to throw
my TV out the window!

"Sexist but not exactly homicidal.

And this is Donny Ward.
Posted yesterday.

"Finally reclaiming my manhood
from my shrew of a girlfriend.

Ready to help others
do the same."

Well, that's a little
more concerning.

Also, he owns
a registered AR-15,

and last week, he maxed out

his Amex card buying ammo.

- 'Il get a warrant.
- Let's move.

The is the Los Angeles
Police Department.

Come out
with your hands in the air.

Still no response.

Roger that.

Tan. Chris.

- Ready to breach.
- Copy.



Do you smell that?

There's a dead body
in here somewhere.

Right side clear.

Left side clear.

It's clear.

Cover me.


Oh, my God.

Think we just found
the girlfriend.

Coroner says the girlfriend's
been dead for about two days.

Oh, she must have been first
in the firing line

when Ward finally snapped.

Wonder what triggered it?

Tan and Street found suitcases
on the bed, half-packed.

My guess is
she was trying to leave him.

That's when abusers
are most dangerous.

He's not gonna
stop, is he?

Not until we stop him.

For a guy who hates women,

he doesn't seem to mind
having his girlfriend

pay all his bills.

No joy in there.

Just a room full
of first-person shooter games.

Burrows analyzed Ward's
comment history on the forum.

He railed against his
girlfriend more than once,

so there's no surprise that
she was his first victim.

Any leads on who he might be
going after next?

We I.D.'d all the users

Ward interacted with who
posted revenge fantasies online.

Of these,
12 are local,

and eight specifically mention
the name of the women

they'd like to see die.

On the list... the lawyer
from the first shooting,

and the girl
at the sorority house.

So there are still
six women out there

on this guy's hit list, and they
got no idea they're in danger.

My guys are on it, trying
to track them down as we speak.

Most of the names on this list
are first names only,

so it's not gonna be that easy.

Can I see that list? Thanks.

This is interesting.
Looks like Ward bought

a waiter outfit from
a uniform warehouse yesterday.

Thought he didn't have a job.

He could be planning
on using it as a disguise.

To gain access

Still doesn't
narrow down his next target.

Could be any restaurant in L.A.

This one... Mallory. There's
not a lot of Mallorys.

- No chance it's Mallory Raine, is there?
- Should I know that name?

She's a journalist and
a political activist.

She'd be exactly the kind of woman
Ward would go after.

Guys, she's the keynote speaker
at an awards ceremony tonight.

Each of these
women had one thing in common...

The ability to captivate
an audience

with a passion in the way

they use their word,

specifically able
to reach the people

that really needed to hear it...

the men.

All right.
All right.

All right, yeah.
Roger that.

Security can't find Dr. Raine

and she's not answering
her phone.

Has Ward been spotted?

No, but it doesn't mean
he's not already on site.

The hotel's almost 500 rooms.
14 floors.

That's a lot of space to hide.

Yeah, and if Ward figures we're
onto him, he might open fire,

or we could end up with
a hostage situation.

Street, Tan, clear the lobby.

Everyone out
of the public areas.

Any sign of Ward yet?

No. Only have five security guys
working today.

Other two are trying
to locate Dr. Raine.

Which way is the ballroom?

Down the hall.

Remain calm. Out the front door. Everybody,
let's go.

Donny Ward, LAPD!

Stop right there!

Suspect headed south
out of the ballroom. In pursuit.


Out of my way!

Deacon, blow it, blow it.


Fire in the hole.

Three, two, one.

Did you see which way he went?

That way, back toward the lobby.

Chris. You stay here.

- We're gonna get you help.
- All right.

Come on.
"The ability to captivate.

The ability to..."

"The ability
to captivate,

the ability to motivate,
we just..."


Okay. It's over.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Who's this?

Nia Wells, Assistant D.A.

You serious, man?

You really pushing
these charges on me?

No, actually, Ms. Wells
is here to make a deal.

If you're willing
to testify

in Ben-Ben's homicide case,

she's willing to
drop the gun charges.

I know you
didn't see the shooter,

but you were the first on scene,

so your testimony
could prove vital.

- Wait a minute, you got him?
- Yeah,

he's sitting
in handcuffs as we speak.

Which one of the I-2Ds was
it? Turns out that your boy

did a lot more than dream
about that checkout girl.

They've been hooking up
for weeks.

- Ben-Ben was mackin' Stacy?
- Yeah,

sounds like they were pretty
into each other, actually.

The trouble is, her
ex-boyfriend found out

and decided to eliminate
the competition.

This ex-boyfriend
run with a crew?

No, just a jealous guy
with a temper and a gun.

So, what do you say, man?

Are you willing
to work with the D.A.,

or you want to play proud
and let Ben-Ben's shooter walk?

Glad to see it, man.

Hey. Spoke to the hospital.

Becca, the young woman from the
sorority house that you helped,

she made it.

How you doing?

Have you seen this?

Over a thousand new comments

since the shootings
this morning.

Hundreds of new forum members.

Most of them
congratulating the shooter.


it's an ugly world out there.

And in this job,
we see the worst of it.

I'm tired of fighting
this battle.

You ain't
fighting alone.

I'm not talking about the job.

I know you're not.

Feels like the world's never
gonna change enough.

It is changing, Chris.

That's what
they're so angry about.

And me and the
rest of this team,

we got your back, always.

You know that.


Something you should see.

What's going on?

- There's been another shooting.
- In Kansas City.

We're hearing
more than a dozen people

have been critically injured,
and police tell us this shooting

was inspired by this morning's
deadly rampage in Los Angeles.

♪ There's something
happening here ♪

♪ What it is

♪ Ain't exactly clear

♪ There's a man with a gun

♪ Over there

♪ Telling me
I got to beware... ♪

Come in.

Hey. What's up, Chris?

I wanted to come by
and ask you

- if it was too late.
- For what?

To do the interview.

Are you sure?

I guess I realized I can't let

the people who hate me
have a louder voice than my own.

♪ So much resistance
from behind... ♪

Hey. I didn't know
you were still here.

Stopped by to check on one
case, wound up landing another.

Hmm, never a dull moment.

Wouldn't have it any other way,
though, would we?

Uh, after a day like
we just had, I'm not so sure.

You know, with
the lives we lead,

you got to unwind
now and again.

Blow off all that steam.
Go grab a drink?

What do you say?

Relive some old times
with a kindred spirit?

♪ A thousand people
in the street ♪

♪ Singing songs
and carrying signs ♪

♪ Mostly say,
"Hooray for our side" ♪

♪ It's time we stop

♪ Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look ♪

♪ What's going down?

♪ What's going down?

What's up, handsome?

Wasn't expecting
you to stop by.

I had a hell of a day.

And when it ended,

I just realized the only thing
I wanted to see was your face.

That is so sweet.

♪ The men come
and take you away... ♪

You all right?

♪ Hey, what's that sound?

Yeah. I am now.

♪ What's going down?

♪ What's
going down? ♪

♪ What's going down?

- Officer Alonso.
- Call me Chris.

Thank you for agreeing
to talk to me.

Is it okay if
I record this?

Of course.Great.

Uh, I was hoping we could start
with your story, if that's okay.


what made you become a cop?