Reba (2001–2007): Season 5, Episode 22 - Reba's Heart - full transcript

Van & Cheyenne are not sure about their marriage after the failed second wedding. Reba collapses at church and is taken to the hospital. She wants to help Van & Cheyenne's marriage. BJ tries to help Reba, but that only makes matters worst.

[Reba] Now, previously on Reba.

According to this reading,
you have high blood pressure.


Yeah? Will you marry me again?

[Chuckling] Oh, Van.

You did not listen
to a word that I said.

What are you talking about?
This whole thing is for you.

For me? Hah! I don't
get why you're so mad!

That's just it, Van.
You... just don't get it.

You forgot the
bride. She's gone.

What do you mean she's gone?
She's gone. The bride's room is empty.

The kids had a little,
um, misunderstanding.

I'm su... I'm sure it'll be...

I'm gonna sit down just
for a second, okay? Reba?

[Reba] Oh. Reba, are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Who let the doves out?

Excuse me. Who here is
Mrs. Hart's family? I am.

- And you are?
- Hi. I'm Barbra Jean Hart.

I'm her ex-husband's new wife.

That doesn't make you family.

I'm sorry. I'm also
her twin sister.

- You know what? I'm her daughter.
- Oh, getting married?

Oh, no, no, no.
That's her runnin' outfit.

Doctor, how is she doing?

Well, we're not exactly
certain what happened yet.

But anytime anyone with high blood
pressure passes out, we take it seriously.

- So it's serious?
- I didn't say it was serious.

I said we take it seriously.
We've gotta be thorough.

- So, can we see her now?
- Sure. As long as you don't...


Startle her.

I will never leave
your side, Reba. Never!

I'm glad to hear
that, Barbra Jean.

They think it's bird
flu. [Shrieking, Yelping]

[Reba] Ha, hey!

♪ My roots are
planted in the past ♪

♪ Though my life
is changing fast ♪

♪ Who I am is who I want to be ♪

♪ A single mom
who works too hard ♪

♪ Who loves her
kids and never stops ♪

♪ With gentle hands ♪

♪ And the heart of a fighter ♪

♪ I'm a survivor ♪♪

Sorry, guys. I didn't
mean to scare you like that.

Nah, nah, Reba. We weren't
worried. We knew you'd be fine.

You know, for a moment there, when
I was running behind the ambulance,

I couldn't remember
what you looked like.

[Van] Mrs. H, you gave us a
good excuse to cancel the wedding.

"Mother of Bride Collapses"
sounds better than...

"Psycho Bride Dumps
Sweet Innocent Groom."

You know what, Van? No
one asked you to propose.

You know what, Cheyenne?
No one asked me not to either.

That's not even an argument.

You know what? It might be.

It might not be. Mi...

[Groans] Can I talk to you guys?

Hey, Reba, I'm just gonna have a
little chat with Paris and Nicole here.

Look, I told you guys before.

It's not good for Reba
to hear you argue.

Now, if you can't control
yourselves, take it outside.

That's right. Take it
outside. You take it outside.

No, you. No, you
take it outside.

Get out.

What are you doin'?

I'm just getting a sense memory.

Has your arm always
been this hairy?

Oh, stop it!

Get those kids back in
here. Kids, get back in here.

No, Reba. Reba, please! Would you relax?
You've been through a terrible ordeal.

I can't just sit here
in this hospital bed.

Van and Cheyenne's marriage is
falling apart, and I gotta go fix that.

Reba, this might be a good time
for you to learn that sometimes...

you just gotta let
things go, okay?

I mean, you cannot
fix everything.

- Oh, yes, I can.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Reba, no.

No. Back into bed,
all right? At least wait

until the doctor gets
back with the test results.

That could be forever!
This hospital's on my H.M.O.

Look, just wait 10
minutes, all right?

If he's not back by then, you
can get up and go save the world.

Okay, fine. [Brock] All right.

What are you doin'?

Well, I decided to
get a taped memory.

You know, my senses are shot.

All right. Now hold your
arm up. I wanna see that hair.

It looks like a red wheat field.

This is not my fault, Van.

I wish you would understand what
a difficult position you put me in.

What difficult position?

How hard was it to say you'll marry
me when you're already married to me?

Very hard! Because this time when
you asked me, I knew what it would mean.

If we weren't married, I wouldn't
know, so it would be easier. But it's not.

Watch TV.

Look, Van, if you hadn't
asked to renew our vows,

I would never have
reexamined our relationship.

But guess what. I did.
And I didn't like what I saw.

I wasn't trying to make
you reexamine anything.

I wanted to renew our
vows to make you happy!

But I'm not happy. I get that!

These people... they get it too!

Look, Van, ever since I started
volunteering at the homeless shelter,

I see things
differently. Oh, charity.

I knew nothing good
would come of it.

You know what? You
hate that I've grown.

I used to act self-centered
and silly, and you loved that.

I did. It was hot.

You know what? You're not the
only one who's grown. I've grown too.

I lost one job, and I'm doing
really great at a new one.

Yeah... too great.

It seems like all you think about
anymore is business and making money.

I like money. It
doesn't yap at me 24-7.

I'm not yapping at you,
Van! I'm trying to fix this.

Oh, really? Anyone here
think that we're fixing anything?

Show of hands. Huh? Huh?

You know what... Watch the TV!

Look, Van, all I'm
trying to say is this:

People grow. They change.

But what happens when two people
who are married grow at different times?

Well, then I guess one person
waits for the other one to catch up.

And what happens if they
grow in different directions?


Well, then I guess
we have a problem.

Shut up.

Barbra Jean, I'm not
taping a profile for MySpace.

Would you quit taping me?

I have learned that
you have got to take

every opportunity to
tape the person you love.

I mean, I always wanted
to tape my grandfather

before he died, and I
just never had the chance.

- What'd he die of?
- High blood pre... Hit by a car.

- Brock, how many
more minutes left?
- Eight.

Look how weird your mouth looks.

- How many minutes now?
- Nine. Penalty minute.

You wanna go for 10?

Okay. All right. That is Brock.

Now, he left Reba
four years ago.

That is when the first crack
appeared in her fragile heart.

Brock, make her leave,

or I'm gonna put a
crack in her fragile skull.

[Sighs] Barbra Jean, listen, uh,

why don't you shoot some establishing
shots of the outside of the hospital?

What? Brock, I'm
not hurting anyone.

I just wanna get some footage of
Reba, so that when she's all better,

we can just look back and laugh,
you know. [Strained Laughter]

Yeah, ri... I know. I know. But remember
how the doctor said that she should relax?

So maybe it'd be a little better if
you gave her some peace and quiet.

Okay. Well, you know,
I guess you know best.

So why don't you
just come over here a

minute and... and just
tape me for a second?

Then I'll go. Okay? Sure. Okay.

All right, you listen
to me, pretty boy.

If something happens
to my best friend,

this videotape may be the only thing I
have to comfort me for the rest of my life.

Now give me back my
camera and back off!

Before I rip out your beating
heart and I give it to Reba!


[Exhales] I'm outta here. I gotta
go talk to Van and Cheyenne.

Reba, get back into
bed. Get out of my way.

No, no. Whoa, whoa.
Just take it easy! Get out.

Okay, this is good.
This is all good stuff.

I could intercut the sad stuff with
these action shots. It's great. It's great.

Yeah, blondie, you keep filming. If he
ever turns me loose, I'm gonna hurt him!

- Turn me loose!
- What is going on in here?

[Groans] She was
trying to escape.

It's okay. I know
what I'm doin'.

I'm a dentist.

- Please, get back into bed.
- I don't want to
get back in bed!

I have a family emergency
that I need to deal with.

That is gonna have
to wait, because I'll be

back in five minutes
to prep you for surgery.

Surgery? But I... I haven't even
gotten my test results back yet.

The doctor will be
in shortly to explain.

I'll be back in five.


When I make the
sound track for this,

this part is gonna go... [Descending
Line] ♪ Dun, dun, dun ♪

Havin' surgery? Why am I havin'
surgery? What's wrong with me?

Okay. Just calm down. I'm sure the doctor
will explain everything when he comes back.

I'm... I'm sure
it's nothing. Yeah.

Nothin'? They don't cut on
you when it's nothin', Brock.

If they say, "Put this little Band-Aid
on your elbow," then that's nothing.

But surgery is something! Okay,
Reba... Reba, just listen to me, all right?

Now these surgeons are highly
trained, okay? They're experts.

You do not have to worry.
Yeah, you're right. Yeah.

Yeah, I gotta calm
down. Oh. Think positive.


- Unless they leave scissors or a
glove in when they sew you up.
- What?

That happens. Barbra Jean!

Rarely! I mean that
happens rarely. Oh!

But it happens.

I can't have surgery.
There's no milk in the house.

What if I'm right in the middle of surgery
and somebody wants a glass of milk?

I've never even been
to the Grand Canyon.

- I'll buy some milk.
- Okay.

And I will rent a
Thunderbird convertible, and

I will put your ashes
in the seat next to me.

And I will drive them over the
rim of the Grand Canyon. Okay?

Where are the kids? Where are Van and
Cheyenne? I think they're right outside.

I gotta go talk to 'em. I gotta
talk 'em out of this mess.

Reba, please, get back
into bed. I'll go get 'em, okay?

What are you saying?
Am I too weak to walk?

Do you know something
you're not tellin' me?

Of course not. I just
want you to relax!

I'll relax! I'll relax after I
knock their two heads together.

Get out of my way! [Mutters]

Van, where's Cheyenne?

She's probably down at
the gift shop buying one

of those teddy bears
that say "Shut up, Van."

Mom, what are you
doing out of your room?

I have something to say,
and I want you to listen.

Mrs. H, I'm really not in the
mood for a lecture right now.

Well, too bad. 'Cause
I got one for you.

You two do this all the
time, and I'm sick of it.

You take your petty little arguments,
and you blow 'em into gigantic problems.

- Mom, this is a big problem.
- Oh, stop it! You two love each other.

At the end of the day,
that's all that matters.

I'm gonna give you five
minutes to work this out,

or I'm not gonna be the only
one that has to have surgery!

What? Surgery?

Yes, surgery!

And I'm a little scared.

Oh, Mom. I'm fine.

It's just that it's easier for me to
concentrate on your problems.

Now, work it out. Don't
let me down. Okay?

Now I'm gonna go back inside, 'cause I'm
tired of Barbra Jean filming my backside!

[Barbra Jean] And cut.

Surgery? Van, I
cannot believe this.

She'll be all right.
She's a survivor.

Van, Mom's wrong.

The kind of problems that we
have, you can't fix in five minutes.

So we lie. What?

We go in there and tell her we
made up. But we didn't make up.

That's why it's a lie.

Okay, fine. Okay, look.
Okay, that's a good idea.

We'll go in there, and
we'll just renew our vows.

But I didn't write down any
vows. You were supposed to.

Well, you were
supposed to marry me.

You know what, Van? You
just shut up and you smile.

Okay, Reba. Now just in case
the surgery doesn't go well...

[Exhales] any last words?

Bite me.

- Mrs. H, we have something
to tell you.
- Okay.

We're really sorry that we let our
silly little argument ruin the ceremony.

So Van and I thought that we
might renew our vows for you...

right here in the hospital room.

Really? I think that's
a wonderful idea.

Oh, good. Okay. Van?

I think you should go first.

I think you should go first.


Okay. Sure. Okay.

Cheyenne, you're a handful.

You were when I married you, and
you are now. Actually, you're more now.


And I know you've grown a lot.

There's this new and improved
Cheyenne. [Strained Chuckle]

But when I look
into your eyes...

When I really
look into your eyes,

I see the woman
I've always known.

And you say you were self-centered
and silly, and you probably were,

but you're also sweet,
kind and beautiful.

And that, Cheyenne,
will never change.

It's the core of who you are.

It's the woman I married.
It's the woman I love.

- Whew. Wow.
- You guys.

That was really sweet, guys.
Stop filmin' me, Barbra Jean.

Okay, Mrs. Hart, we're ready to take
you down and prep you for surgery.

Oh. Uh, could I have a couple of
minutes with my family, please?

[Exhales] Sure.

Uh, before I go in, I'd just like
to take a few minutes to say...

I'm too young to die!

- Oh, Mom.
- [Reba] You're my family.

Cheyenne... My
beautiful Cheyenne.

You're the light of my life.

I know, Mom. I know.

And, Van, you started out in
this family as my son-in-law,

and now you're my son.

Thanks, Mom.

And, Brock, this is
gonna be difficult.

But if I did die, there's something
that I'd want you to know.

Yes, Reba, what is it?

You done me wrong.

But you've been a really
good father to our children,

and I guess that's about as
much as a person could ask for.

You're my family.
And I love all of you.

Reba? Do you have
anything you wanna say to me?

Nope. That about wraps it up.

Oh. Okay.

Wait, Barbra Jean.

I've been angry with
you for a long time.

And today made
me realize that...

I shouldn't judge
you for what you did.

I should judge you
for what you do.

You've always
been there for me...


To the point where
it's a little creepy.

Stop it.

You're makin' me cry.

But your heart's
always in the right place.

And I was just thinking that...

I've actually...

wanted to think of you as...


- As one of my closest...
- Say it, Reba. Just say it.

Well, as one of my...

Hey, there. Ah! He
stepped on my moment!

Sorry. I just had to rush in here
before they prepped you for surgery.

Um, the nurse got your chart
confused with another patient.

[Forced Laughter]

So, wait. I'm not
having surgery?

No. You probably had a little
anxiety and some low blood sugar.

That coupled with your high
blood pressure made you pass out.

Ho, ho, ho, ho! So I'm fine?

Well, you're gonna have to realize
that you have high blood pressure.

You're gonna have to
change a lot in your life.

Okay, Doc, I will. I will.

I... I'm gonna start by... by
spending more time with my family...

and making sure there's
enough milk at the house.

And, Barbra Jean,

go rent a Thunderbird

'cause we're goin'
to the Grand Canyon!

Oh, my God! We're
goin' to the Grand Canyon!

You're taking Barbra
Jean to the Grand Canyon?

No, but it got her out
of the room, didn't it?

♪ My roots are
planted in the past ♪

♪ Though my life
is changing fast ♪

♪ Who I am is who I want to be ♪

♪ A single mom
who works too hard ♪

♪ Who loves her
kids and never stops ♪

♪ With gentle hands
and the heart of a fighter ♪

[No Audible Dialogue
Over Montage]

♪ My roots are
planted in the past ♪

♪ Though my life
is changing fast ♪

♪ Who I am is who I want to be ♪

♪ A single mom
who works too hard ♪

♪ Who loves her
kids and never stops ♪

♪ With gentle hands
and the heart of a fighter ♪

♪ I'm a survivor ♪♪

Acme! [Coughing]