Psych (2006–2014): Season 6, Episode 7 - In for a Penny... - full transcript
While working a case, Shawn & Gus also plan a birthday party for Juliet. They find out her absentee father is in town, and hope to reconcile Juliet and her father as a gift. The father is a con man who has trouble toeing the line.
Juliet, party's almost over.
I don't think
daddy's coming, sweetie.
He's coming, I know it.
But it's a little rude
to stay in here all day.
And hey, your clown's
leaving soon.
He can't even juggle.
I knew it!
I knew it!
I knew it! I knew it!
Daddy! Daddy!
Hi, cutie.
Tell your folks
to vote for Hank Pauper.
He's good people.
So what's the story
with these guys?
This group of thieves
hit West Medical Supply
earlier this morning,
made off with
a couple dozen oxygen tanks.
It's because
of the great oxygen drought.
Hold your breath, people.
Do your part.
They most likely stole
the tanks because
one would need a license
to purchase them.
The street value
for the tank
is about 25 grand.
That seems like a lot of
risk for such a modest reward.
Are they amateurs?
No, they were
very well armed,
extremely efficient.
My gut tells me we're gonna
hear more from these guys.
Keep me in the loop.
What he said.
Okay, Jules.
We're nervous
about three things.
Gary Busey.
Gary Busey.
And your 30th birthday bash.
I made a small list
of things you'll want
for the party.
All I see is Gary Busey.
- No, beneath him.
- Oh.
An inflatable bounce house.
- Mm-hmm.
- A slip n' slide.
And I was about to add
two ginormous ponies.
You mean horses.
Oh, look,
you already got a card.
Who's it from?
Oh, it's, uh, just my dad.
He's in LA
and he wants to come up
and see me for my birthday.
- Oh.
- That's fantastic.
I'll add him to the list.
Don't add him to the list.
But Jules, we're
talking about your birthday.
- I mean, he...
- Sean, we talked about this.
The subject of my dad
is off limits.
Look, he missed most
of my birthdays anyway.
It's really complicated
and, well, he's just not...
Really presentable.
Not presentable?
What does that mean?
Tell you what it means.
Juliet has a problem,
and as the man...
It's my job to fix it.
I don't think
that's what it means.
Gus, there are certain
things about women that no one
in the world understands
except for me,
and NBC anchor Brian Williams.
When a woman complains
about a personal issue,
she doesn't want the man
to just listen.
She wants him
to solve the problem.
I don't think
that's right, Shawn.
I'm telling you, man.
When they say one thing,
what they want
is for us
to do the exact opposite.
I strongly disagree.
Watch and learn
from the master of women.
Look, you...
what the heck was that?
Who knew it would be so easy
to sneak onto
a private golf course?
Definitely not me.
- Is that Juliet's dad?
- I hope so.
Hey, fellas!
Great day for the
hot links, huh, fellas?
You don't look like
Tito Nagasaki and Bob Jones.
I've been told
on many occasions
that I am the spitting image
of Tito Nagasaki.
And if this guy
doesn't look like Bob Jones,
well, I don't know anything.
Yeah, well, Tito and Bob
were supposed to meet me
for a round of golf
and then a business talk.
they're not showing.
Ah, right.
Well, sir, my name
is Shawn Spencer.
This is my partner,
Ingle Woods.
We're on a mission of sorts.
What can I do
for you, gentlemen?
I'm dating your daughter.
Pleasure to meet you...
Likewise, sir.
Why don't we
play a few holes
and then, uh,
have a few drinks.
Back at my chateau.
Come on.
Mr. O'Hara...
As a budding
entrepreneur myself,
I was wondering.
How did you
make your fortune?
- Work, more hard work.
- Hmm.
And you, Shawn.
As the man who's
dating my daughter.
How do you earn a living?
I'm a
psychic detective, sir.
I was asking you
a serious question.
I know it must sound
a little crazy,
but the truth is, sir,
I have a unique gift.
And I use that gift
to make the world
a safer place
for your daughter,
and ginormous ponies
that apparently we're
just calling
"horses" these days.
For instance.
I'm sensing that you're about
to embark on a long voyage
on your yacht.
Perhaps to a faraway
and exotic place.
I purchased a home
in the Caribbean.
My apologies,
that's a very
impressive talent you got.
Thank you, sir.
- Gentlemen, join me.
- Ooh, yeah.
This is very,
very special stuff.
One of life's
great pleasures.
So Burton.
How long have you been
a single man?
How do you know I'm single?
How much time do you have?
Seriously, why haven't
you seen your daughter
in 15 years?
I put my heart...
into my work,
look around you.
You can see
the results of that focus.
- Truly amazing.
- Meaningless.
I'm now dedicating
my life to repairing
those important moments
in my life
and I would like
nothing more
than to share
all my success with her.
Mr. O'Hara...
I am here to broker a reunion
between father and daughter.
See, I've
reached out to Jul.
But unless she responds...
I think it's wise
to stay away.
See, sir, I think
that would be a mistake.
I know how Juliet feels.
I didn't speak with
my father for many years.
And I know it creates
a void in your life.
I'll say this.
I can and will
help orchestrate
this reunion.
Why are you
smiling like that?
It's a secret.
Okay, I'll tell you.
Your father's coming
to your birthday.
- I arranged the whole thing.
- We.
- We arranged the whole thing.
- Mm-hmm.
- You did what?
- He arranged the whole thing.
I specifically said
that I didn't want him here
and I meant it, Shawn.
Yeah, but I... I...
I thought you wanted me
to do the
exact opposite of that.
Why would you think that?
'Cause I...
know women.
Do you have any idea
how completely inappropriate
it is that you
went behind my back
and invited him here?
Yeah, but I only
did all of this
to show you
that you're completely wrong.
He is totally presentable.
He's got a giant house
and a yacht.
He doesn't have
any of those things.
Gus, back me up here.
He's rich and
awesome and powerful.
He's not rich
and he's not powerful.
He's a con man.
# I know you know
# that I'm not
telling the truth #
# I know you know
# they just don't
have any proof #
# embrace the deception
# learn how to bend
# your worst inhibition's
# tend to psych you out
in the end #
Security cameras disabled.
We're goin' in.
Ten seconds.
Hello, boys.
Good to see you, Jimmy.
Relax, Gus.
So Frank fooled us,
big deal.
It happens to us
once every seven days.
I don't like being taken
behind the woodshed, Shawn.
I'll be damned.
- You're a con man.
- I prefer "confidence" man.
You should be
ashamed of yourself.
I'll have you know
that I've been referred to
as a "modern-day Robin Hood"
by many of my colleagues.
You rob from the rich
and give to the poor?
I con from the rich
and give to myself
when I'm at my poorest.
Aren't your
colleagues also con men?
- Yes.
- You know what?
I'm gonna
do the right thing,
and return that scotch
that we drank.
$25,000 a bottle.
I'll write
an anonymous letter.
You lied to us, Frank.
That wasn't your chateau,
that was some
poor stranger's house
you were probably
in the middle of cleaning out.
The stranger's name
is Dale Fern.
One of the most corrupt CEOs
in corporate America.
That doesn't make it right.
No, it doesn't.
What makes it right
is I gave everything back.
It's criminal to leave a house
like that sitting empty.
I'm telling you
the truth here.
I miss my daughter,
and I have recently...
and I accept the fact that
it was only 11 hours ago...
turned a corner.
I'm going straight.
What are you...?
Do you honestly think
that Gus and I
were born on
the Fourth of July?
Or yesterday?
Or to run?
I'm sorry, Frank,
I can't help you.
But Shawn,
it was your influential words
that convinced me to earn
a relationship with Juliet.
Okay, I'm back in,
I can help you.
Not me, I'm out.
Excuse us.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- What?
Behind every great man
is a great woman.
And in my case,
that woman is an intelligent,
sophisticated, full-foreheaded
stallion named Burton.
And she's black.
And she can dance.
I need you on this, buddy.
Because tonal shifts
are tricky for me
and this is
getting all serious.
Come on.
Foghorn needs Leghorn.
They're the
same rooster, Shawn.
We're good.
Ground rules.
We ease into
the situation with Jules,
same way Gus
eased into being black.
Am I the only on
who's suddenly nervous
about bringing a criminal
into the police station?
Just to clarify.
My record is clean.
I've been in the biz
30 years
and I have never been
charged with a crime.
All the same,
I think that we,
meaning you,
shouldn't say a single word.
Of course.
All right.
Just act natural.
All right,
everybody, listen up.
A band of thieves
who we've been after
finally pulled the score
that they had been planning.
They busted one of their
low-life friends out of prison.
As you can see they used
an extremely high-powered
pure oxygen blowtorch
which they stole
from West Medical Supply
yesterday and it cut through
18 inches of concrete.
Here is a picture
of the escapee.
That's Jimmy Fitz.
Oh, my God, Frank.
What are you doing here?
Who's Frank?
My father.
Your what?
Shawn, Gus, I can see you.
- Surprise.
- Oh, no, no.
I'm not Gus, I'm his cousin.
- His cousin, uh...
- Okay.
I'll be with you shortly.
And we're
going to have words.
Now as I was saying,
Jimmy Fitz
was serving three years
of a ten year sentence.
We find him, we most likely
find the rest of his crew.
Well, none of these guys have
accomplished their mission.
They're gonna lay low.
We need to jump on this scent
before it goes cold.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Frank.
Not now, Frank.
I'm sorry, Juliet, I...
look, our personal business aside,
let me just
say this one thing.
And I promise I'll be quiet.
I'll zip it up.
- I swear.
- Fine.
Jimmy Fitz is one of
the most talented safecrackers
in the business.
I think these guys are gonna
pull out a big score.
Otherwise they wouldn't risk
breaking out a guy
with Jimmy Fitz's talent
out of Lompoc.
They need him
to complete the score.
How does your dad
know so much about this?
I'll be having
those words with you now.
Since I'm not really
involved with this...
Oh, you're not
going anywhere, Gus.
Jul, I understand
you're upset.
Just so you know,
it's not Shawn's fault
that I'm here.
- Nor mine.
- Or Burton's.
It's true that Shawn did
say some meaningful words that
had a great deal
of influence on me.
Words that
if they hadn't been spoken
I'd be halfway
to the Cayman Islands by now,
but you can't
blame him for this.
Frank, I'm not sure
this is helping.
Well, I have some words that
I hope will have
an influence on you.
I don't want you here.
And I have 30 years
of reasons why.
So I will do
the respectful thing
and leave it at that.
I understand your feelings.
But I've turned a corner.
Oh, and how many corners have
you turned over the years?
Still counting, right?
May I say something?
I know I'm in the doghouse.
Oh, you're not
in the doghouse.
I'm not?
No, you're gonna
have to work really hard
to make it
into the doghouse.
Okay, so I'm in the yard.
Which is still
an enclosed area.
Unless I'm in the pound.
Jules, am I in the pound?
Where's Gus?
Is Gus with me?
Why do I have to
be in the pound?
So we can
get adopted together
like two
inseparable weenie dogs.
I don't wanna
be in a pound, Shawn.
- Guys.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Look, I was just gonna say
that Frank seems very sincere
about wanting to rebuild
his relationship with you.
You know, you're right,
I always go about these things
the wrong way.
I shouldn't have
rushed in here.
I'm sorry.
Look, can I just...
can I just have a little time
to think about this?
Then maybe I'll call you.
Uh, Jul...
You know that Jimmy Fitz
only pulled a score
with two other guys.
Yes, Ricky Roma
and Chad Emigh.
Did you know that Ricky
joined the invisible choir?
He's in
the fertilizer business?
He's dead, Ricky's dead.
Chad is the leader
of the crew
that you're looking for.
Your dad was right.
We just got word
that a place called
General Industries was hit.
Three masked men,
in and out
took a bunch of
construction equipment.
Heavy duty drills,
diggers, that sort of thing.
Drills and diggers.
Those guys are
gonna make their score
in the next 24 hours,
I guarantee it.
Goodbye, Frank.
Tell me again...
Trust me,
they have a ton of new cars.
Why don't you just
let him borrow the Blueberry?
Come on,
so what will I drive?
Well, he's right.
And I mostly
borrow people's cars
who didn't know
they were being borrowed.
Now it's time I stepped up
and bought myself
a new car for
the first time.
Frank, I don't think
you should leave yet.
Listen, I want to spend
more time with Juliet.
But I don't think
her feelings are gonna change
and I don't blame her.
I'll take that one.
It's a $300,000 Bentley.
Everybody will
take that one.
Here, how about this one?
It's a little more practical,
has wi-fi.
Then that's the winner,
what's wi-fi?
Hey, Jules, what's up?
You're kidding me.
We're on our way.
So there's been complaints
about construction noise
downtown, right?
There are dudes drilling in
the middle of a parking lot.
City never issued permits
for the work.
That sounds like our guys.
- Frank, you were right again.
- Ha ha.
- Great job, let's go.
- No, no, no.
I gotta respect
Juliet's wishes.
You know, she's right.
I'm not officially
on this case.
When you're done with that
I want you to dust that thing.
Wow, really?
Don't tell me,
they broke into a safe.
No, they took
an entire safe.
And they were able to pass
the top-notch security system
because they went
underground to do it.
Look, showing up at the
station is one thing, Frank,
but this is a crime scene.
I thought
I was clear before.
The only people allowed here, are
the people working the case.
But Jul,
I am working the case.
What are you talking about?
- What is he talking about?
- This is awkward.
Okay, Jules.
- When a man truly knows a woman...
- Shawn?
Gus hired your dad.
You must be
out of your damn mind.
He hired your dad.
Okay, we hired your dad.
I can't believe
you hired my father!
For the record,
I did not hire your father.
Oh, you're in this, Gus.
You're in deep,
you're an accomplice.
In fact, if this were a crime
you'd be in cuffs right now.
Jules, the truth is,
we just needed
an extra set of hands
around Psych.
- Our old assistant Kung...
- Ken.
Who we fired twice.
Will not return my calls
for some reason.
That's no great loss.
Your dad just
happened to be around.
Look, it is
extremely frustrating
to be constantly ignored.
In fact, it's getting
a little hurtful, Shawn.
Okay, I only did this
because your dad
is so desperate
to spend more time with you.
And by helping with the case
I think he thinks
he's making up
for the mistakes.
You know, working with
the good guys for a change.
You don't
know him like I do.
Jules, I know I don't
know him the way that you do,
but what I do know
is Frank is well aware
this is a very
sensitive situation.
He knows the
best thing to do
is just lay low.
Has anybody got a megaphone?
I'm not very good
at projecting.
I used to have
the same problems.
What you want to do is
breathe from your diaphragm.
Oh, my God,
this is not happening.
your father has his finger
firmly on the pulse
of this case.
You know this isn't repairing
our relationship, right?
Jules, I'm trying
to assist here on this case.
Let me just say a few words
and then I'll
take a back seat.
Make it quick.
So here's what
we know so far.
The crew we've been following,
led by this guy on the right,
Chad Emigh,
stole a top of the line
safe this evening.
And we now know that the
safe contained legal papers
from a big law firm.
Nothing of any real value.
Well, maybe they were after
the information in the safe
and not the money.
I don't think they cared
what was in the safe.
Jimmy Fitz is the safecracker
on the crew, right?
He's rusty from the time
he spent in the pokey.
Probably just wanted
something to practice on.
That's very good, Shawn.
Thank you, Frank.
No, thank you.
All right.
Let's zero in
on what the big plan is.
We gotta figure out what
these guys are after next.
Now forget about banks.
It's federal,
it means the FBI.
No, we're looking at
something privately owned.
Auctions, stamps,
jewelry shows,
venues that move
from city to city.
Those silly coin expos
you go to.
Do they really
have coins there
worth more than their
face value?
Of course they do.
The Santa Barbara Expo
has a featured coin every year
worth millions,
and in fact...
Oh, I'm getting something!
Oh, boy.
Uh, Santa Barbara Coin Expo.
That's right,
travels from city to city.
With a boatload
of privately owned,
very valuable coins.
The star attraction
this year is a...
1943 bronze penny.
Valued at $2 million.
There's only a dozen of them
in existence.
And even though I do love me
some 1913 Liberty nickel,
I have to say that...
That could be it.
I'm proud of you, Shawn.
- You are?
- What about me?
I knew the exact year
of the coin.
Spoken like a man
with no girlfriend.
Well, I couldn't have
done it without you, Frank.
That light little
pat on the buns
was exactly what I needed
to get over the hump.
I wish you were
my little league coach.
Hey, I was your coach
in little league.
Really? That short-fused
balding guy was you?
We have no evidence
that they were going after
the coin expo.
Well, that's true, but
until we have a better lead
it's worth checking out.
So you mean to tell me
someone might wanna steal
the fascinatingly rare
1943 bronze penny
worth 2 million bucks
from my coin expo?
That's right.
Well butter my buns
and call me a biscuit.
I'm shocked, shocked!
This is not
my first coin show, kids.
No, but it
might be your last
if these guys rip you off.
I'm not worried about it.
And why is that?
Because hello,
I do this for a living.
And I use
top-notch security.
I use decoys,
I use smoke screens.
And I use my smarts.
All to outwit
low-life crooks.
I have a question, Sheldon.
How much is this puppy
worth right here?
Exactly 10?.
How much will you
give us for it?
Two nickels
or maybe ten pennies.
Or just a different dime.
What do you think?
We'll take the two nickels.
Okay, are you folks done
wasting my time?
No, I'd like a list
of all your employees,
specifically the new hires.
What? Why?
In case there's
an inside man.
That's my girl.
- Too soon?
- Too soon.
- It's worth 25?.
- Man.
Will you stop it?
A real pro can get through
this safe in two minutes.
Your coins are
sitting ducks in there.
Please, have you not listened
to anything I've said?
I certainly haven't.
But I didn't
think you'd notice.
Oh, it's gonna take
a couple of days
to go through
all these people.
I told you,
I've had the same team
of people with me for years.
There are no
new employees here.
Well, then
let's get to work.
Thank you, sir.
Shocked, shocked!
This is not
my first coin show, kids.
I'm getting something.
Like a power outage
or something...
Yeah, we did have
some electrical issues.
So we hired someone
to fix them.
So you do
have a new employee.
Well, no, he's temporary.
I don't count him
as a real employee.
Nice work, Shawn.
Oh, no,
good work from you, sir.
Let's just check
that electrician, shall we?
- The electrician's clean.
- How do you know that?
Did you not just see
the show I put on in there?
I was scaring myself.
Trust me, he knows nothing.
- He knows something!
- He knows something!
Oh, my God.
Well, unless someone
can get some information
out of him, we have
nothing to hold him on.
I remember
a six-year-old
who could charm her way
into selling every last sip of
the worst lemonade ever made.
It was sugar-free.
Jules, I've
had your lemonade,
it's pretty rough
on the palate.
- Sugar is a key ingredient.
- I get it.
- Just trying to help.
- She's touchy.
Hey, Kevin.
Juliet O'Hara,
we met earlier.
How long have
you been married?
- Uh, three years.
- And kids?
One, a boy.
Mm, I have a little girl.
They're so much fun,
aren't they?
- Jules has a kid?
- What?
Shawn, she's playing him.
- Oh, I feel very silly.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, they are.
- Hmm.
- Heh.
You know what I think, Evan?
I think these guys
are the kind of guys
that would kill me
or someone like me
if I got in their way.
And I don't see that in you.
When I look at you,
I see somebody
who is scared,
and somebody who wants
all of this to just go away.
And you know what?
I can make
all of it go away.
Because they haven't stolen
anything from the coin expo yet.
So if you can give me
information that can prevent
a crime from happening,
then we're one
giant step closer
to righting whatever
you've done wrong.
Some guy approached me
and offered a couple grand
if I gave him info
on the building
where the expo
is being held.
Access point,
stuff like that, you know?
I needed the cash
to make ends meet.
That's my girl.
I want all resources
at that expo immediately.
North and South
teams report.
All clear.
- You okay, Frank?
- I'm fine.
Why wouldn't I...
There! The guy
with the black briefcase.
Uh, suit and tie.
Black briefcase, red tie.
Take him down!
Unarmed, clear!
There, backpack.
Black hat.
West corner,
backpack, black hat, go!
He's clean.
You're sure?
Are you sure that wasn't them?
Yes, they're sure.
Are you out
of your damn minds?
Are you kidding me?
I'm not sure
if you're aware,
but coin enthusiasts are
an easily scared group
of mostly single men.
Not true.
Mr. Gates,
just calm down.
There was a
very good reason for...
Hang on.
Yeah, chief.
No, we'll be right there.
Place called
Prestige Safe Deposit was
just robbed by
a couple of masked men.
Sheldon, are you all right?
I use decoys,
I use smokescreens
and I use my smarts
all to outwit low-life crooks.
He's not all right.
Prestige Safe Deposit is
where he keeps the real penny.
What happened
out there today?
The other team
played better.
Maybe I should
go talk to him, huh?
I don't think
that will be necessary.
- You all right?
- I thought I had 'em there.
No, I failed on every level.
I must have been crazy
to think I could...
I was guessing
the whole time.
Got caught up.
I shouldn't have
been there, Jules.
Hey, O'Hara.
Got the surveillance photos
from the Prestige
Safe Deposit robbery.
You wanna see these?
I've done
enough damage already.
As you can see,
the crew is wearing gas masks.
The employees weren't an issue
because they were drugged.
We found three tanks
of nitrous oxide
in the air shaft
of the building.
These guys got in unarmed,
took the penny
and made a clean exit.
The pictures are useless.
Why don't we
play a few holes
and then get a few drinks
back at my chateau.
It's criminal
to leave a house like that
sitting empty.
What's wrong?
I'll tell you on the way.
- Frank stole the penny?
- Unfortunately, yes.
Wait, how?
He was with us
in the van the whole time.
Yeah, but his crew wasn't.
He conned us, Gus.
He made us believe
those thieves
we were after were the ones who
were gonna steal the penny.
Meanwhile, Frank wanted it
for himself the whole time.
He set this whole thing up
so that the
entire police department
went down to that coin expo
while his crew stole the penny
from where it was
actually being kept.
So what are the guys
we're after going to steal?
I have no idea.
Will you please just tell me
of a plan of some kind?
You're damn right I do.
Here get on
the freeway over here.
We're headed back to LA.
Well played, Frank.
Well played.
Get yourself
a good night's sleep
in another man's mansion,
and then take his yacht
wherever your heart desires,
Take your electrician
and your caddie
along with you.
Hey, guys.
So let me get this straight.
You roll into town
under the guise
of patching things up
with your daughter.
Meanwhile you're planning
a con the whole time.
I came to town
with every intention
of making things right
with Juliet.
Didn't hatch the plan
to take the penny
until I got inside
the police station
and saw this other
crew of thieves
pulling scores
in Santa Barbara.
And I could take
whatever I wanted
and pin it on them
because the police
were listening
to every word I said.
You gotta understand
that something like this
had never fallen
into my lap.
I just couldn't stop myself.
How did you know where
the real penny was, Frank?
You know how.
You swiped the Prestige
receipt off Sheldon's desk,
didn't you?
Damn it, you have got to stop
doing this to your daughter.
She was just starting
to allow herself to believe
that you were actually
a changed man.
I know, I know,
and I wouldn't do anything
to jeopardize that.
Could have fooled me.
I want out.
I'm quitting this life.
But it's not that easy.
See, I owe outstanding
balances that need to be paid,
and I'm not talking about
Mastercard and Visa.
This was supposed to be
a clean score.
And my hope was that Juliet
wouldn't know it was me.
So what do you got?
So the police waiting for me
to take me away?
No, Frank.
No... no cops.
Look, if a $2 million penny
is more important to you
than having a relationship
with your daughter then go.
Get the hell out of here.
You said the penny
was worth a hundred grand.
Pipe down, Kato.
I'm gonna give you
till tomorrow morning
to make things right.
Otherwise I'm telling her
everything, Frank.
Okay, Gus.
Frank doesn't get here
and come clean
in the next six seconds,
I'm telling her the truth.
Can I wait in the car?
- Hey, Jules.
- Hey!
We got our guy.
Uh, let me explain.
We got an anonymous tip
regarding the whereabouts
of Chad Emigh.
He was sleeping
in his hotel room
penny right on
his nightstand.
- An anonymous tip.
- Yep.
It was the perfect bust.
We got all the evidence
from this room,
we are processing it now,
and we are about
to interrogate him.
You know, Jules,
before you go in there,
I'm thinking...
- Hey, we got our man.
- That's my girl.
- Still too soon?
- Still too soon.
One day at a time.
Make this easy
on yourself, Chad,
just tell us where
the rest of your crew is
and maybe we
can work out a deal.
No, I don't think so.
How about you put the
arrogance on ice, moron.
Lest we forget,
the stolen penny
was found ten inches
from your thick skull
when we took you down.
You planted
the penny on Chad.
This is a win-win situation.
Cops get their man,
we know he's a bad guy.
That penny goes back
to that d-bag Sheldon,
and, uh, Juliet
is none the wiser.
I told you I have an alibi.
So check it out.
It's legit.
I also told you that I was
sleeping like a baby.
Someone removed
part of my window,
came in my room
like a ghost and, uh,
planted it on my nightstand.
You expect us
to believe that?
Believe what you want.
Looks like she
is the wiser, Frank.
What are you doing?
Where are you off to, Frank?
Oh, nowhere,
just thought maybe
you could
handle things from here.
You know, it's funny.
After mom kicked you out
and changed
all the locks on the doors,
I always wondered
how you would sneak
into my room
and leave little gifts
on my nightstand.
And eventually
I just figured out
that you were really good
at taking apart a window
and putting it
back together.
In and out.
Like a ghost.
I don't know
what you mean, Juliet.
You're such a coward.
There's no need for that.
Actually, there's
a long overdue need for it.
Your life has been
so starved of honesty
that the second you feel
it creeping around the corner
you are out
the nearest door.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
It's not a feeling, Frank.
It's the truth.
I'm not done.
Look, I don't know
if you realize this
but I'm not a kid anymore.
And I'm not going to
sit around
and waste my time
and my tears
on missed recitals
and birthdays.
But what really
breaks my heart
is that you won't be there
for all the moments to come.
You don't know that, Juliet.
Yes, I do.
Because that's my choice.
And I don't want you there.
You don't mean that.
Sadly, I mean every word.
Because I feel cheated.
I feel robbed.
So congratulations, Frank.
Your longest con of all
was on your own daughter.
Again, Jules.
I'm super-duper sorry, okay?
I'm gonna make this up to you,
I promise.
You're a flawed man, Frank.
But we all are.
But deep down,
I know you're a good man.
What the hell?
- What's up?
- Not a lot.
Juliet's still pretty upset.
And to make matters worse,
they had to let Chad go.
His alibi checked out
and we only have circumstantial
evidence against him.
Oh, yeah, and they confirmed
an eyewitness report
of a middle-aged man
rummaging around a bush
outside Chad's hotel room.
So there's that.
Hmm, bummer.
That means Chad
is free to pull off
his score while
I'm pulling off my con.
Yeah, that really
is a bummer, Frank.
We got an anonymous tip
regarding the whereabouts
or Chad Emigh.
Wait a minute.
I just had a vision of Chad
attending three very random
concerts this week
at the Santa Barbara Bowl.
That sounds like they're
casing the place out.
I think we just figured out
what they're gonna rob.
Hey, can I come with?
I know, I know it's...
but if I actually help you
bring them down...
Sorry, Frank.
No can do.
Not this time,
what you need to do
is throw yourself
at Juliet's feet
and literally beg for mercy.
You're right.
Go get 'em, men.
Go get 'em.
Don't touch anything!
Nothing worth touching.
Jules, just hear us out.
We know what Chad
and his crew are gonna rob.
The Santa Barbara Bowl.
I had a vision
of him attending three
totally random
concerts there.
He was casing the joint.
We did find a variety
of concert ticket stubs
in the evidence
from Chad's hotel room.
We should bring Lassiter in
and put together a plan.
Keepin' it real
in this old school spot.
Don't do that.
You know what this is like?
This is like
the end of The Town.
Which makes me
the guy from Mad Men,
Gus is Affleck
and Jules is Minnie Driver.
You just mashed up The Town
with Good Will Hunting.
you're wicked smart, Guster.
Oh, thanks, fella.
That was kind of you to say.
What the hell was that?
That was dead-on Southie.
That was like Mr. Ed
if he was Irish.
Ha ha,
that was kind of you to say.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Juliet, I swear on Gus' life
we had no idea
he was coming here.
You have to believe me.
I know I shouldn't be here,
but Shawn said I should
throw myself at your feet
and beg for mercy.
Have you lost your mind?
You are compromising
our entire operation, Frank.
Get in the van.
Frank, I didn't mean
throw yourself at her feet
in the middle
of the stakeout!
- Can I say something?
- I would rather you didn't.
Is this gonna
get awkward again?
- It already is.
- It already is.
I'll make this quick
and then
you never have to speak
to me again.
I'm truly sorry.
The mistakes and decisions
I've made are...
I wanna change.
But obviously I have
more soul-searching to do.
Despite my shortcomings, the
one thing I can't live without
is being there for the
important parts of your life.
Well, you've
already missed them.
They're gone.
You deserved first place
in your fifth grade
talent contest.
The only reason that
bratty little Wendy Pence won
was because her mother
was flirting with the judge.
And that song you sang...
The Time After Time
was a beautiful choice.
You sounded like an angel.
That clown juggler
at your ninth birthday party,
he was awful,
criminal, just... just...
I have a lot of
proud moments of you, Juliet.
But the proudest was
when they swore you in
and gave you that badge
and I realized,
you're nothing like me.
Why would you hide?
Well, when
your mother remarried,
and I saw what
a great step-dad
Lloyd made for you
and the boys,
I thought maybe I'd just
stay out of the way.
And another part of me
thought maybe you, uh,
might be embarrassed
if I showed my face.
I'm not embarrassed by you.
But never embarrassed.
You have a lot of
great people around you.
Very special people.
I don't know about him.
But very special people.
So, you know,
I'll go and, uh...
You guys take care.
Grey sweatshirt.
He's talking to his hand.
He's miked,
he's one of the crew.
Being the closeted
soft rock fan that you are,
are you familiar
with a station called
103.1 Surf?
No, I'm not.
Oh, boy,
I'm getting something too.
Turn on the radio.
- It's a dead station.
- Wha...?
If it's a dead station
why is there
a KSFR 103.1 The Surf
van parked out there?
That's them.
Should we
call in the SWAT.?
No, there's
way too many civilians.
We can't risk the crossfire.
I have an idea.
Moving in, moving in.
Out of the van, now!
Hand in the air!
It was a good plan, Dad.
It was the least I could do.
Almost, almost.
Okay, you can open them.
Happy Birthday!
Where are
the ginormous ponies?
You mean horses.
Yeah, apparently
they're very expensive to rent
and they poop a lot.
Oh, good call.
Thank you for this, Shawn.
Your heart was always
in the right place.
Go, have a blast.
Look who's here.
Thank you for coming.
Happy Birthday, O'Hara.
Not bad, huh, Frank?
So what's the plan?
You thinking of, uh,
sticking around a few days?
Yeah, I think I might.
I might even
get a regular job.
Where's the penny, Frank?
I know the one in the
evidence room is a fake.
And it's only a matter of time
before they figure that out.
I don't have the penny.
What do you think?
You think this is
my first surprise party
for a girlfriend whose dad
is a professional con man?
It is.
It is my first.
Where is the penny?
The real penny is being
put into the evidence room
right about now.
Kato is breaking into
the evidence room?
Kato is finagling his way
into the evidence room.
Oh, finagling his way.
Oh, my God.
What are you all
talking about?
Gifts and cake.
Which one do you
wanna bust out first?
Juliet, party's almost over.
I don't think
daddy's coming, sweetie.
He's coming, I know it.
But it's a little rude
to stay in here all day.
And hey, your clown's
leaving soon.
He can't even juggle.
I knew it!
I knew it!
I knew it! I knew it!
Daddy! Daddy!
Hi, cutie.
Tell your folks
to vote for Hank Pauper.
He's good people.
So what's the story
with these guys?
This group of thieves
hit West Medical Supply
earlier this morning,
made off with
a couple dozen oxygen tanks.
It's because
of the great oxygen drought.
Hold your breath, people.
Do your part.
They most likely stole
the tanks because
one would need a license
to purchase them.
The street value
for the tank
is about 25 grand.
That seems like a lot of
risk for such a modest reward.
Are they amateurs?
No, they were
very well armed,
extremely efficient.
My gut tells me we're gonna
hear more from these guys.
Keep me in the loop.
What he said.
Okay, Jules.
We're nervous
about three things.
Gary Busey.
Gary Busey.
And your 30th birthday bash.
I made a small list
of things you'll want
for the party.
All I see is Gary Busey.
- No, beneath him.
- Oh.
An inflatable bounce house.
- Mm-hmm.
- A slip n' slide.
And I was about to add
two ginormous ponies.
You mean horses.
Oh, look,
you already got a card.
Who's it from?
Oh, it's, uh, just my dad.
He's in LA
and he wants to come up
and see me for my birthday.
- Oh.
- That's fantastic.
I'll add him to the list.
Don't add him to the list.
But Jules, we're
talking about your birthday.
- I mean, he...
- Sean, we talked about this.
The subject of my dad
is off limits.
Look, he missed most
of my birthdays anyway.
It's really complicated
and, well, he's just not...
Really presentable.
Not presentable?
What does that mean?
Tell you what it means.
Juliet has a problem,
and as the man...
It's my job to fix it.
I don't think
that's what it means.
Gus, there are certain
things about women that no one
in the world understands
except for me,
and NBC anchor Brian Williams.
When a woman complains
about a personal issue,
she doesn't want the man
to just listen.
She wants him
to solve the problem.
I don't think
that's right, Shawn.
I'm telling you, man.
When they say one thing,
what they want
is for us
to do the exact opposite.
I strongly disagree.
Watch and learn
from the master of women.
Look, you...
what the heck was that?
Who knew it would be so easy
to sneak onto
a private golf course?
Definitely not me.
- Is that Juliet's dad?
- I hope so.
Hey, fellas!
Great day for the
hot links, huh, fellas?
You don't look like
Tito Nagasaki and Bob Jones.
I've been told
on many occasions
that I am the spitting image
of Tito Nagasaki.
And if this guy
doesn't look like Bob Jones,
well, I don't know anything.
Yeah, well, Tito and Bob
were supposed to meet me
for a round of golf
and then a business talk.
they're not showing.
Ah, right.
Well, sir, my name
is Shawn Spencer.
This is my partner,
Ingle Woods.
We're on a mission of sorts.
What can I do
for you, gentlemen?
I'm dating your daughter.
Pleasure to meet you...
Likewise, sir.
Why don't we
play a few holes
and then, uh,
have a few drinks.
Back at my chateau.
Come on.
Mr. O'Hara...
As a budding
entrepreneur myself,
I was wondering.
How did you
make your fortune?
- Work, more hard work.
- Hmm.
And you, Shawn.
As the man who's
dating my daughter.
How do you earn a living?
I'm a
psychic detective, sir.
I was asking you
a serious question.
I know it must sound
a little crazy,
but the truth is, sir,
I have a unique gift.
And I use that gift
to make the world
a safer place
for your daughter,
and ginormous ponies
that apparently we're
just calling
"horses" these days.
For instance.
I'm sensing that you're about
to embark on a long voyage
on your yacht.
Perhaps to a faraway
and exotic place.
I purchased a home
in the Caribbean.
My apologies,
that's a very
impressive talent you got.
Thank you, sir.
- Gentlemen, join me.
- Ooh, yeah.
This is very,
very special stuff.
One of life's
great pleasures.
So Burton.
How long have you been
a single man?
How do you know I'm single?
How much time do you have?
Seriously, why haven't
you seen your daughter
in 15 years?
I put my heart...
into my work,
look around you.
You can see
the results of that focus.
- Truly amazing.
- Meaningless.
I'm now dedicating
my life to repairing
those important moments
in my life
and I would like
nothing more
than to share
all my success with her.
Mr. O'Hara...
I am here to broker a reunion
between father and daughter.
See, I've
reached out to Jul.
But unless she responds...
I think it's wise
to stay away.
See, sir, I think
that would be a mistake.
I know how Juliet feels.
I didn't speak with
my father for many years.
And I know it creates
a void in your life.
I'll say this.
I can and will
help orchestrate
this reunion.
Why are you
smiling like that?
It's a secret.
Okay, I'll tell you.
Your father's coming
to your birthday.
- I arranged the whole thing.
- We.
- We arranged the whole thing.
- Mm-hmm.
- You did what?
- He arranged the whole thing.
I specifically said
that I didn't want him here
and I meant it, Shawn.
Yeah, but I... I...
I thought you wanted me
to do the
exact opposite of that.
Why would you think that?
'Cause I...
know women.
Do you have any idea
how completely inappropriate
it is that you
went behind my back
and invited him here?
Yeah, but I only
did all of this
to show you
that you're completely wrong.
He is totally presentable.
He's got a giant house
and a yacht.
He doesn't have
any of those things.
Gus, back me up here.
He's rich and
awesome and powerful.
He's not rich
and he's not powerful.
He's a con man.
# I know you know
# that I'm not
telling the truth #
# I know you know
# they just don't
have any proof #
# embrace the deception
# learn how to bend
# your worst inhibition's
# tend to psych you out
in the end #
Security cameras disabled.
We're goin' in.
Ten seconds.
Hello, boys.
Good to see you, Jimmy.
Relax, Gus.
So Frank fooled us,
big deal.
It happens to us
once every seven days.
I don't like being taken
behind the woodshed, Shawn.
I'll be damned.
- You're a con man.
- I prefer "confidence" man.
You should be
ashamed of yourself.
I'll have you know
that I've been referred to
as a "modern-day Robin Hood"
by many of my colleagues.
You rob from the rich
and give to the poor?
I con from the rich
and give to myself
when I'm at my poorest.
Aren't your
colleagues also con men?
- Yes.
- You know what?
I'm gonna
do the right thing,
and return that scotch
that we drank.
$25,000 a bottle.
I'll write
an anonymous letter.
You lied to us, Frank.
That wasn't your chateau,
that was some
poor stranger's house
you were probably
in the middle of cleaning out.
The stranger's name
is Dale Fern.
One of the most corrupt CEOs
in corporate America.
That doesn't make it right.
No, it doesn't.
What makes it right
is I gave everything back.
It's criminal to leave a house
like that sitting empty.
I'm telling you
the truth here.
I miss my daughter,
and I have recently...
and I accept the fact that
it was only 11 hours ago...
turned a corner.
I'm going straight.
What are you...?
Do you honestly think
that Gus and I
were born on
the Fourth of July?
Or yesterday?
Or to run?
I'm sorry, Frank,
I can't help you.
But Shawn,
it was your influential words
that convinced me to earn
a relationship with Juliet.
Okay, I'm back in,
I can help you.
Not me, I'm out.
Excuse us.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- What?
Behind every great man
is a great woman.
And in my case,
that woman is an intelligent,
sophisticated, full-foreheaded
stallion named Burton.
And she's black.
And she can dance.
I need you on this, buddy.
Because tonal shifts
are tricky for me
and this is
getting all serious.
Come on.
Foghorn needs Leghorn.
They're the
same rooster, Shawn.
We're good.
Ground rules.
We ease into
the situation with Jules,
same way Gus
eased into being black.
Am I the only on
who's suddenly nervous
about bringing a criminal
into the police station?
Just to clarify.
My record is clean.
I've been in the biz
30 years
and I have never been
charged with a crime.
All the same,
I think that we,
meaning you,
shouldn't say a single word.
Of course.
All right.
Just act natural.
All right,
everybody, listen up.
A band of thieves
who we've been after
finally pulled the score
that they had been planning.
They busted one of their
low-life friends out of prison.
As you can see they used
an extremely high-powered
pure oxygen blowtorch
which they stole
from West Medical Supply
yesterday and it cut through
18 inches of concrete.
Here is a picture
of the escapee.
That's Jimmy Fitz.
Oh, my God, Frank.
What are you doing here?
Who's Frank?
My father.
Your what?
Shawn, Gus, I can see you.
- Surprise.
- Oh, no, no.
I'm not Gus, I'm his cousin.
- His cousin, uh...
- Okay.
I'll be with you shortly.
And we're
going to have words.
Now as I was saying,
Jimmy Fitz
was serving three years
of a ten year sentence.
We find him, we most likely
find the rest of his crew.
Well, none of these guys have
accomplished their mission.
They're gonna lay low.
We need to jump on this scent
before it goes cold.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Frank.
Not now, Frank.
I'm sorry, Juliet, I...
look, our personal business aside,
let me just
say this one thing.
And I promise I'll be quiet.
I'll zip it up.
- I swear.
- Fine.
Jimmy Fitz is one of
the most talented safecrackers
in the business.
I think these guys are gonna
pull out a big score.
Otherwise they wouldn't risk
breaking out a guy
with Jimmy Fitz's talent
out of Lompoc.
They need him
to complete the score.
How does your dad
know so much about this?
I'll be having
those words with you now.
Since I'm not really
involved with this...
Oh, you're not
going anywhere, Gus.
Jul, I understand
you're upset.
Just so you know,
it's not Shawn's fault
that I'm here.
- Nor mine.
- Or Burton's.
It's true that Shawn did
say some meaningful words that
had a great deal
of influence on me.
Words that
if they hadn't been spoken
I'd be halfway
to the Cayman Islands by now,
but you can't
blame him for this.
Frank, I'm not sure
this is helping.
Well, I have some words that
I hope will have
an influence on you.
I don't want you here.
And I have 30 years
of reasons why.
So I will do
the respectful thing
and leave it at that.
I understand your feelings.
But I've turned a corner.
Oh, and how many corners have
you turned over the years?
Still counting, right?
May I say something?
I know I'm in the doghouse.
Oh, you're not
in the doghouse.
I'm not?
No, you're gonna
have to work really hard
to make it
into the doghouse.
Okay, so I'm in the yard.
Which is still
an enclosed area.
Unless I'm in the pound.
Jules, am I in the pound?
Where's Gus?
Is Gus with me?
Why do I have to
be in the pound?
So we can
get adopted together
like two
inseparable weenie dogs.
I don't wanna
be in a pound, Shawn.
- Guys.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Look, I was just gonna say
that Frank seems very sincere
about wanting to rebuild
his relationship with you.
You know, you're right,
I always go about these things
the wrong way.
I shouldn't have
rushed in here.
I'm sorry.
Look, can I just...
can I just have a little time
to think about this?
Then maybe I'll call you.
Uh, Jul...
You know that Jimmy Fitz
only pulled a score
with two other guys.
Yes, Ricky Roma
and Chad Emigh.
Did you know that Ricky
joined the invisible choir?
He's in
the fertilizer business?
He's dead, Ricky's dead.
Chad is the leader
of the crew
that you're looking for.
Your dad was right.
We just got word
that a place called
General Industries was hit.
Three masked men,
in and out
took a bunch of
construction equipment.
Heavy duty drills,
diggers, that sort of thing.
Drills and diggers.
Those guys are
gonna make their score
in the next 24 hours,
I guarantee it.
Goodbye, Frank.
Tell me again...
Trust me,
they have a ton of new cars.
Why don't you just
let him borrow the Blueberry?
Come on,
so what will I drive?
Well, he's right.
And I mostly
borrow people's cars
who didn't know
they were being borrowed.
Now it's time I stepped up
and bought myself
a new car for
the first time.
Frank, I don't think
you should leave yet.
Listen, I want to spend
more time with Juliet.
But I don't think
her feelings are gonna change
and I don't blame her.
I'll take that one.
It's a $300,000 Bentley.
Everybody will
take that one.
Here, how about this one?
It's a little more practical,
has wi-fi.
Then that's the winner,
what's wi-fi?
Hey, Jules, what's up?
You're kidding me.
We're on our way.
So there's been complaints
about construction noise
downtown, right?
There are dudes drilling in
the middle of a parking lot.
City never issued permits
for the work.
That sounds like our guys.
- Frank, you were right again.
- Ha ha.
- Great job, let's go.
- No, no, no.
I gotta respect
Juliet's wishes.
You know, she's right.
I'm not officially
on this case.
When you're done with that
I want you to dust that thing.
Wow, really?
Don't tell me,
they broke into a safe.
No, they took
an entire safe.
And they were able to pass
the top-notch security system
because they went
underground to do it.
Look, showing up at the
station is one thing, Frank,
but this is a crime scene.
I thought
I was clear before.
The only people allowed here, are
the people working the case.
But Jul,
I am working the case.
What are you talking about?
- What is he talking about?
- This is awkward.
Okay, Jules.
- When a man truly knows a woman...
- Shawn?
Gus hired your dad.
You must be
out of your damn mind.
He hired your dad.
Okay, we hired your dad.
I can't believe
you hired my father!
For the record,
I did not hire your father.
Oh, you're in this, Gus.
You're in deep,
you're an accomplice.
In fact, if this were a crime
you'd be in cuffs right now.
Jules, the truth is,
we just needed
an extra set of hands
around Psych.
- Our old assistant Kung...
- Ken.
Who we fired twice.
Will not return my calls
for some reason.
That's no great loss.
Your dad just
happened to be around.
Look, it is
extremely frustrating
to be constantly ignored.
In fact, it's getting
a little hurtful, Shawn.
Okay, I only did this
because your dad
is so desperate
to spend more time with you.
And by helping with the case
I think he thinks
he's making up
for the mistakes.
You know, working with
the good guys for a change.
You don't
know him like I do.
Jules, I know I don't
know him the way that you do,
but what I do know
is Frank is well aware
this is a very
sensitive situation.
He knows the
best thing to do
is just lay low.
Has anybody got a megaphone?
I'm not very good
at projecting.
I used to have
the same problems.
What you want to do is
breathe from your diaphragm.
Oh, my God,
this is not happening.
your father has his finger
firmly on the pulse
of this case.
You know this isn't repairing
our relationship, right?
Jules, I'm trying
to assist here on this case.
Let me just say a few words
and then I'll
take a back seat.
Make it quick.
So here's what
we know so far.
The crew we've been following,
led by this guy on the right,
Chad Emigh,
stole a top of the line
safe this evening.
And we now know that the
safe contained legal papers
from a big law firm.
Nothing of any real value.
Well, maybe they were after
the information in the safe
and not the money.
I don't think they cared
what was in the safe.
Jimmy Fitz is the safecracker
on the crew, right?
He's rusty from the time
he spent in the pokey.
Probably just wanted
something to practice on.
That's very good, Shawn.
Thank you, Frank.
No, thank you.
All right.
Let's zero in
on what the big plan is.
We gotta figure out what
these guys are after next.
Now forget about banks.
It's federal,
it means the FBI.
No, we're looking at
something privately owned.
Auctions, stamps,
jewelry shows,
venues that move
from city to city.
Those silly coin expos
you go to.
Do they really
have coins there
worth more than their
face value?
Of course they do.
The Santa Barbara Expo
has a featured coin every year
worth millions,
and in fact...
Oh, I'm getting something!
Oh, boy.
Uh, Santa Barbara Coin Expo.
That's right,
travels from city to city.
With a boatload
of privately owned,
very valuable coins.
The star attraction
this year is a...
1943 bronze penny.
Valued at $2 million.
There's only a dozen of them
in existence.
And even though I do love me
some 1913 Liberty nickel,
I have to say that...
That could be it.
I'm proud of you, Shawn.
- You are?
- What about me?
I knew the exact year
of the coin.
Spoken like a man
with no girlfriend.
Well, I couldn't have
done it without you, Frank.
That light little
pat on the buns
was exactly what I needed
to get over the hump.
I wish you were
my little league coach.
Hey, I was your coach
in little league.
Really? That short-fused
balding guy was you?
We have no evidence
that they were going after
the coin expo.
Well, that's true, but
until we have a better lead
it's worth checking out.
So you mean to tell me
someone might wanna steal
the fascinatingly rare
1943 bronze penny
worth 2 million bucks
from my coin expo?
That's right.
Well butter my buns
and call me a biscuit.
I'm shocked, shocked!
This is not
my first coin show, kids.
No, but it
might be your last
if these guys rip you off.
I'm not worried about it.
And why is that?
Because hello,
I do this for a living.
And I use
top-notch security.
I use decoys,
I use smoke screens.
And I use my smarts.
All to outwit
low-life crooks.
I have a question, Sheldon.
How much is this puppy
worth right here?
Exactly 10?.
How much will you
give us for it?
Two nickels
or maybe ten pennies.
Or just a different dime.
What do you think?
We'll take the two nickels.
Okay, are you folks done
wasting my time?
No, I'd like a list
of all your employees,
specifically the new hires.
What? Why?
In case there's
an inside man.
That's my girl.
- Too soon?
- Too soon.
- It's worth 25?.
- Man.
Will you stop it?
A real pro can get through
this safe in two minutes.
Your coins are
sitting ducks in there.
Please, have you not listened
to anything I've said?
I certainly haven't.
But I didn't
think you'd notice.
Oh, it's gonna take
a couple of days
to go through
all these people.
I told you,
I've had the same team
of people with me for years.
There are no
new employees here.
Well, then
let's get to work.
Thank you, sir.
Shocked, shocked!
This is not
my first coin show, kids.
I'm getting something.
Like a power outage
or something...
Yeah, we did have
some electrical issues.
So we hired someone
to fix them.
So you do
have a new employee.
Well, no, he's temporary.
I don't count him
as a real employee.
Nice work, Shawn.
Oh, no,
good work from you, sir.
Let's just check
that electrician, shall we?
- The electrician's clean.
- How do you know that?
Did you not just see
the show I put on in there?
I was scaring myself.
Trust me, he knows nothing.
- He knows something!
- He knows something!
Oh, my God.
Well, unless someone
can get some information
out of him, we have
nothing to hold him on.
I remember
a six-year-old
who could charm her way
into selling every last sip of
the worst lemonade ever made.
It was sugar-free.
Jules, I've
had your lemonade,
it's pretty rough
on the palate.
- Sugar is a key ingredient.
- I get it.
- Just trying to help.
- She's touchy.
Hey, Kevin.
Juliet O'Hara,
we met earlier.
How long have
you been married?
- Uh, three years.
- And kids?
One, a boy.
Mm, I have a little girl.
They're so much fun,
aren't they?
- Jules has a kid?
- What?
Shawn, she's playing him.
- Oh, I feel very silly.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, they are.
- Hmm.
- Heh.
You know what I think, Evan?
I think these guys
are the kind of guys
that would kill me
or someone like me
if I got in their way.
And I don't see that in you.
When I look at you,
I see somebody
who is scared,
and somebody who wants
all of this to just go away.
And you know what?
I can make
all of it go away.
Because they haven't stolen
anything from the coin expo yet.
So if you can give me
information that can prevent
a crime from happening,
then we're one
giant step closer
to righting whatever
you've done wrong.
Some guy approached me
and offered a couple grand
if I gave him info
on the building
where the expo
is being held.
Access point,
stuff like that, you know?
I needed the cash
to make ends meet.
That's my girl.
I want all resources
at that expo immediately.
North and South
teams report.
All clear.
- You okay, Frank?
- I'm fine.
Why wouldn't I...
There! The guy
with the black briefcase.
Uh, suit and tie.
Black briefcase, red tie.
Take him down!
Unarmed, clear!
There, backpack.
Black hat.
West corner,
backpack, black hat, go!
He's clean.
You're sure?
Are you sure that wasn't them?
Yes, they're sure.
Are you out
of your damn minds?
Are you kidding me?
I'm not sure
if you're aware,
but coin enthusiasts are
an easily scared group
of mostly single men.
Not true.
Mr. Gates,
just calm down.
There was a
very good reason for...
Hang on.
Yeah, chief.
No, we'll be right there.
Place called
Prestige Safe Deposit was
just robbed by
a couple of masked men.
Sheldon, are you all right?
I use decoys,
I use smokescreens
and I use my smarts
all to outwit low-life crooks.
He's not all right.
Prestige Safe Deposit is
where he keeps the real penny.
What happened
out there today?
The other team
played better.
Maybe I should
go talk to him, huh?
I don't think
that will be necessary.
- You all right?
- I thought I had 'em there.
No, I failed on every level.
I must have been crazy
to think I could...
I was guessing
the whole time.
Got caught up.
I shouldn't have
been there, Jules.
Hey, O'Hara.
Got the surveillance photos
from the Prestige
Safe Deposit robbery.
You wanna see these?
I've done
enough damage already.
As you can see,
the crew is wearing gas masks.
The employees weren't an issue
because they were drugged.
We found three tanks
of nitrous oxide
in the air shaft
of the building.
These guys got in unarmed,
took the penny
and made a clean exit.
The pictures are useless.
Why don't we
play a few holes
and then get a few drinks
back at my chateau.
It's criminal
to leave a house like that
sitting empty.
What's wrong?
I'll tell you on the way.
- Frank stole the penny?
- Unfortunately, yes.
Wait, how?
He was with us
in the van the whole time.
Yeah, but his crew wasn't.
He conned us, Gus.
He made us believe
those thieves
we were after were the ones who
were gonna steal the penny.
Meanwhile, Frank wanted it
for himself the whole time.
He set this whole thing up
so that the
entire police department
went down to that coin expo
while his crew stole the penny
from where it was
actually being kept.
So what are the guys
we're after going to steal?
I have no idea.
Will you please just tell me
of a plan of some kind?
You're damn right I do.
Here get on
the freeway over here.
We're headed back to LA.
Well played, Frank.
Well played.
Get yourself
a good night's sleep
in another man's mansion,
and then take his yacht
wherever your heart desires,
Take your electrician
and your caddie
along with you.
Hey, guys.
So let me get this straight.
You roll into town
under the guise
of patching things up
with your daughter.
Meanwhile you're planning
a con the whole time.
I came to town
with every intention
of making things right
with Juliet.
Didn't hatch the plan
to take the penny
until I got inside
the police station
and saw this other
crew of thieves
pulling scores
in Santa Barbara.
And I could take
whatever I wanted
and pin it on them
because the police
were listening
to every word I said.
You gotta understand
that something like this
had never fallen
into my lap.
I just couldn't stop myself.
How did you know where
the real penny was, Frank?
You know how.
You swiped the Prestige
receipt off Sheldon's desk,
didn't you?
Damn it, you have got to stop
doing this to your daughter.
She was just starting
to allow herself to believe
that you were actually
a changed man.
I know, I know,
and I wouldn't do anything
to jeopardize that.
Could have fooled me.
I want out.
I'm quitting this life.
But it's not that easy.
See, I owe outstanding
balances that need to be paid,
and I'm not talking about
Mastercard and Visa.
This was supposed to be
a clean score.
And my hope was that Juliet
wouldn't know it was me.
So what do you got?
So the police waiting for me
to take me away?
No, Frank.
No... no cops.
Look, if a $2 million penny
is more important to you
than having a relationship
with your daughter then go.
Get the hell out of here.
You said the penny
was worth a hundred grand.
Pipe down, Kato.
I'm gonna give you
till tomorrow morning
to make things right.
Otherwise I'm telling her
everything, Frank.
Okay, Gus.
Frank doesn't get here
and come clean
in the next six seconds,
I'm telling her the truth.
Can I wait in the car?
- Hey, Jules.
- Hey!
We got our guy.
Uh, let me explain.
We got an anonymous tip
regarding the whereabouts
of Chad Emigh.
He was sleeping
in his hotel room
penny right on
his nightstand.
- An anonymous tip.
- Yep.
It was the perfect bust.
We got all the evidence
from this room,
we are processing it now,
and we are about
to interrogate him.
You know, Jules,
before you go in there,
I'm thinking...
- Hey, we got our man.
- That's my girl.
- Still too soon?
- Still too soon.
One day at a time.
Make this easy
on yourself, Chad,
just tell us where
the rest of your crew is
and maybe we
can work out a deal.
No, I don't think so.
How about you put the
arrogance on ice, moron.
Lest we forget,
the stolen penny
was found ten inches
from your thick skull
when we took you down.
You planted
the penny on Chad.
This is a win-win situation.
Cops get their man,
we know he's a bad guy.
That penny goes back
to that d-bag Sheldon,
and, uh, Juliet
is none the wiser.
I told you I have an alibi.
So check it out.
It's legit.
I also told you that I was
sleeping like a baby.
Someone removed
part of my window,
came in my room
like a ghost and, uh,
planted it on my nightstand.
You expect us
to believe that?
Believe what you want.
Looks like she
is the wiser, Frank.
What are you doing?
Where are you off to, Frank?
Oh, nowhere,
just thought maybe
you could
handle things from here.
You know, it's funny.
After mom kicked you out
and changed
all the locks on the doors,
I always wondered
how you would sneak
into my room
and leave little gifts
on my nightstand.
And eventually
I just figured out
that you were really good
at taking apart a window
and putting it
back together.
In and out.
Like a ghost.
I don't know
what you mean, Juliet.
You're such a coward.
There's no need for that.
Actually, there's
a long overdue need for it.
Your life has been
so starved of honesty
that the second you feel
it creeping around the corner
you are out
the nearest door.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
It's not a feeling, Frank.
It's the truth.
I'm not done.
Look, I don't know
if you realize this
but I'm not a kid anymore.
And I'm not going to
sit around
and waste my time
and my tears
on missed recitals
and birthdays.
But what really
breaks my heart
is that you won't be there
for all the moments to come.
You don't know that, Juliet.
Yes, I do.
Because that's my choice.
And I don't want you there.
You don't mean that.
Sadly, I mean every word.
Because I feel cheated.
I feel robbed.
So congratulations, Frank.
Your longest con of all
was on your own daughter.
Again, Jules.
I'm super-duper sorry, okay?
I'm gonna make this up to you,
I promise.
You're a flawed man, Frank.
But we all are.
But deep down,
I know you're a good man.
What the hell?
- What's up?
- Not a lot.
Juliet's still pretty upset.
And to make matters worse,
they had to let Chad go.
His alibi checked out
and we only have circumstantial
evidence against him.
Oh, yeah, and they confirmed
an eyewitness report
of a middle-aged man
rummaging around a bush
outside Chad's hotel room.
So there's that.
Hmm, bummer.
That means Chad
is free to pull off
his score while
I'm pulling off my con.
Yeah, that really
is a bummer, Frank.
We got an anonymous tip
regarding the whereabouts
or Chad Emigh.
Wait a minute.
I just had a vision of Chad
attending three very random
concerts this week
at the Santa Barbara Bowl.
That sounds like they're
casing the place out.
I think we just figured out
what they're gonna rob.
Hey, can I come with?
I know, I know it's...
but if I actually help you
bring them down...
Sorry, Frank.
No can do.
Not this time,
what you need to do
is throw yourself
at Juliet's feet
and literally beg for mercy.
You're right.
Go get 'em, men.
Go get 'em.
Don't touch anything!
Nothing worth touching.
Jules, just hear us out.
We know what Chad
and his crew are gonna rob.
The Santa Barbara Bowl.
I had a vision
of him attending three
totally random
concerts there.
He was casing the joint.
We did find a variety
of concert ticket stubs
in the evidence
from Chad's hotel room.
We should bring Lassiter in
and put together a plan.
Keepin' it real
in this old school spot.
Don't do that.
You know what this is like?
This is like
the end of The Town.
Which makes me
the guy from Mad Men,
Gus is Affleck
and Jules is Minnie Driver.
You just mashed up The Town
with Good Will Hunting.
you're wicked smart, Guster.
Oh, thanks, fella.
That was kind of you to say.
What the hell was that?
That was dead-on Southie.
That was like Mr. Ed
if he was Irish.
Ha ha,
that was kind of you to say.
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Juliet, I swear on Gus' life
we had no idea
he was coming here.
You have to believe me.
I know I shouldn't be here,
but Shawn said I should
throw myself at your feet
and beg for mercy.
Have you lost your mind?
You are compromising
our entire operation, Frank.
Get in the van.
Frank, I didn't mean
throw yourself at her feet
in the middle
of the stakeout!
- Can I say something?
- I would rather you didn't.
Is this gonna
get awkward again?
- It already is.
- It already is.
I'll make this quick
and then
you never have to speak
to me again.
I'm truly sorry.
The mistakes and decisions
I've made are...
I wanna change.
But obviously I have
more soul-searching to do.
Despite my shortcomings, the
one thing I can't live without
is being there for the
important parts of your life.
Well, you've
already missed them.
They're gone.
You deserved first place
in your fifth grade
talent contest.
The only reason that
bratty little Wendy Pence won
was because her mother
was flirting with the judge.
And that song you sang...
The Time After Time
was a beautiful choice.
You sounded like an angel.
That clown juggler
at your ninth birthday party,
he was awful,
criminal, just... just...
I have a lot of
proud moments of you, Juliet.
But the proudest was
when they swore you in
and gave you that badge
and I realized,
you're nothing like me.
Why would you hide?
Well, when
your mother remarried,
and I saw what
a great step-dad
Lloyd made for you
and the boys,
I thought maybe I'd just
stay out of the way.
And another part of me
thought maybe you, uh,
might be embarrassed
if I showed my face.
I'm not embarrassed by you.
But never embarrassed.
You have a lot of
great people around you.
Very special people.
I don't know about him.
But very special people.
So, you know,
I'll go and, uh...
You guys take care.
Grey sweatshirt.
He's talking to his hand.
He's miked,
he's one of the crew.
Being the closeted
soft rock fan that you are,
are you familiar
with a station called
103.1 Surf?
No, I'm not.
Oh, boy,
I'm getting something too.
Turn on the radio.
- It's a dead station.
- Wha...?
If it's a dead station
why is there
a KSFR 103.1 The Surf
van parked out there?
That's them.
Should we
call in the SWAT.?
No, there's
way too many civilians.
We can't risk the crossfire.
I have an idea.
Moving in, moving in.
Out of the van, now!
Hand in the air!
It was a good plan, Dad.
It was the least I could do.
Almost, almost.
Okay, you can open them.
Happy Birthday!
Where are
the ginormous ponies?
You mean horses.
Yeah, apparently
they're very expensive to rent
and they poop a lot.
Oh, good call.
Thank you for this, Shawn.
Your heart was always
in the right place.
Go, have a blast.
Look who's here.
Thank you for coming.
Happy Birthday, O'Hara.
Not bad, huh, Frank?
So what's the plan?
You thinking of, uh,
sticking around a few days?
Yeah, I think I might.
I might even
get a regular job.
Where's the penny, Frank?
I know the one in the
evidence room is a fake.
And it's only a matter of time
before they figure that out.
I don't have the penny.
What do you think?
You think this is
my first surprise party
for a girlfriend whose dad
is a professional con man?
It is.
It is my first.
Where is the penny?
The real penny is being
put into the evidence room
right about now.
Kato is breaking into
the evidence room?
Kato is finagling his way
into the evidence room.
Oh, finagling his way.
Oh, my God.
What are you all
talking about?
Gifts and cake.
Which one do you
wanna bust out first?