Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017): Season 3, Episode 6 - The Remains of the 'A' - full transcript

A new clue could lead the girls down the wrong path. Emily gets another flashback from "that night," leading to a surprising suspect, and Aria questions Ezra's new influx of cash.

Previously on Pretty Little Liars...
There was a hoodie watching us.

What if "A" put
Garrett's mom in the hospital

to get Garrett out of jail?

I'm done, Hanna.
Are you breaking up with me?

Spencer, you were right.
I'm withdrawing the reward.

The truth always
comes out, Jason.

Meet me in the parking lot
in 15 minutes.

We know that somewhere
between being with us

and getting to Alison's grave,
you were with Jenna.

We just have to find out
what happened that night.

My boss volunteered
the bank staff to help out

at a rummage sale
at the church.

Em, I just found the gray
jacket from that night.

It just came out of
a donation box.

Are you here
without an assistant?

If you know anyone who's interested...
I'm interested.

He's writing a note
for the flowers.

His mom is in a coma. She's
not doing a lot of reading. - nowa jako?? napis?w.
Napisy zosta?y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.

Hanna, slow down.
You almost tripped over

a catheter back there that was
still attached to someone.

312, 312...

There it is.

We need to have a plan.

We have a plan.
Exposing "A."

Inside voice. Okay.

What is the plan exactly?

We're going to
replace Garrett's note

with a fake note that we wrote.

I know that part. I came
up with it, remember?

I was wondering why
you were asking me that.

But we still need
a place to lead "A."

Rosewood church, by the organ
in the main sanctuary, tonight.

How did you come up with that?
I have been living there

since my mom signed me up to sort through
spandex shorts and granny panties.

But won't the church be locked?

That's the point.
It's deserted at night.

So when Lucas shows up...
it's not gonna be Lucas!

Yes, it will, han, he had the pills.

Then I'll show up with a paddle and
finish what I started at the lake.


What happened to the girl who
wouldn't get out of her sweats?

She traded them for fatigues.
I'll write that.

Are you sure you know how?

I've been forging my mom's signature
since seventh grade in p.E.

Wow. This is really good.

Yell if you see anyone,
all right?

Are you sure that
you want to do it?

This "A" broke me and Caleb up,
do you understand?

They're gonna
have to pay for that.

Mrs. Reynolds?

Blue team to I.C.U.

Blue team to I.C.U.

Go! Go!
Go go go!

Come on!
Blue team to I.C.U.

Blue team to I.C.U.

# Got a secret,
can you keep it #

# swear this one you'll save #

# better lock it
in your pocket #

# taking this one
to the grave #

# if I show you then I'll know
you won't tell what I said #

# 'cause two can
keep a secret #

# if one of them is dead #

It's on the border
it's the first exit.

Hmm? Oh. Yeah,
I found it.

Why aren't you
going with Laurel?

She's just weird about
driving with strangers.

You're not a stranger,
you're her assistant.

What's up?

Laurel was just double-checking
that I had the right address.

How bad do you think
it would be if I canceled?

Canceled on
your first day of work?

I don't think
you'd get a second.

Yeah. That's what
I figured.

I don't understand.
Why would you want to do that?

I thought you were excited
about this job. I am.

I really am. It's just...

Hanna's still really
torn up over Caleb,

so we were all gonna
get together tonight

to try and cheer her up.

Your friends know it's a great
opportunity for you.

Besides, we gotta
pool our resources together.

I think we're on
our last package of ramen.

What is this really about?


You wouldn't have been hired

if she didn't think
you were up to the task.

Hey, look up.

Ezra, seriously.

Okay, your turn.

I want to remind you that
you know what you're doing.

So come on,
take a picture of me.

Are you happy?

No. Keep going.

"The thinker."


Okay, come on. You gotta
give me something else.

Running in place?
You gotta give me more.

# Ba ba ba-dum,
so happy #

# you make me happy, happy #

# ba ba ba-dum #

# so happy #

# so happy

# you make me so happy #


So I went
and showed her the place,

and she said she loved it.

I think I did a good job.

Once I finish putting
the beams in the loft,

she said they'd be interested
for them. Ng some custom work

that's great.

She even gave my name to an architect she knows.

That... that's great.

You're doing it again.

I'm sorry.

I know that I've been a little
bit distracted recently.

I just... I have
so much on my plate.

I have this project that's
due on Monday... okay. Okay.

I'll let you work.
Thank you.

I'll just sit next to you
and I'll watch you type.

I'll be very quiet.



mm. That's not...

Distracting at all.

Just do you know.

Hi! Dad!
How was your run?

It was fine.

I miss the days
when you ran with me.

I guess...

I guess I'll take off.

I'll call you later, okay?

Where's mom?

She, uh, had to work today.

On what case?
She got called in early.

Time-sensitive issue.

Dad, you didn't
answer my question.

Don't needle me, Spencer. I'm
not the one working on it.

So it is Garrett's case.

I know how crazy
you get about this stuff.

So what happened?

I shouldn't have brought it up.

I brought it up.

You're gonna read about it
in the papers anyway.

Turns out the physical evidence that
the police had on Garrett Reynolds,

well, it...
It can't be re-tested.

Why not?

They either don't have enough of it or
what they do have has been tainted.

Something along those lines. Why
do they even have to re-test it?

If it tested positively
the first time...

all I know is that
your mother is pushing

for the judge to rule
the evidence inadmissible,

and it looks like she's gonna
get what she wants. As usual.

But if they can't use it...

isn't the prosecution
relying on this evidence?

Without it
they won't have a case!

That's what
your mother's hoping.

Where are you going?


Did you get my text?

I haven't had time to sneeze.

How'd it go? Did Spence replace the note?
No. I did it.

But you're scared of old people.

Yeah, and apparently
they're scared of me too.

I touch the woman
and she nearly croaked.

What happened?
Look, I came to give you this.

It's the pick-up location of the
bag that your jacket came from.

Is this even in rosewood? No, but I thought
we'd go tomorrow and check it out.

Why not today? Because
after you're done working

we're going straight
to the church.

Meet me at home?
Yeah, I'll see you later.


So what's up?

I need to talk to you
about Garrett. His case.

Then you know...
about the evidence.

So it has been thrown out?

Not yet, but it will be.

Look, I think I might
have a way to make sure

that Garrett's case
doesn't fall apart.

But I'm at a dead end,
and at this point

the only person who might
be able to help me is you.

What can I do?

Do you know somebody
named April rose?

So you've never heard of her?

Would you believe I used to
wear a pair just like these?

With a suede French vest.

Wanted to look like
cat Stevens.

Well, if find a hat with a squirrel
tail on it, I'll let you know.

Um, that's Davey Crockett, and
I'd be wearing a raccoon cap.

Looks like you've got
an interesting system going.

Oh. Yeah, I'm organizing
them into seasons.

We have fall, winter,
spring, summer...

Oh. How innovative.

Is your mom coming today?

No, she can't.
She had to take the car in.

Oh. Well, I guess I'll see
you at the party tonight.

What party?

I made an announcement
about it like 15 minutes ago.

The council throws it for the
volunteers as a way of saying thanks.

Oh. Well, thanks but no thanks.
I'm busy.

Too bad.

You haven't partied until you've
partied in the church rec room.


The... the party's tonight?

Here? At the church?

Wanna change your plans now,
don't you?

But to be honest, there were so many
girls hanging around us at the time

I could have met her
and not even known it.

And by "us," you mean...

Garrett, Ian and I.

Right. The n.A.T. Club.
How'd you know about that?

Do you think that she could have been
one of the girls that you filmed?

Well, I didn't film
any of those videos.

Yeah, but you watched them.
Didn't you?

How did you get that honor without
doing any of the grunt work?

It was my idea.

Look, like I said before,
I was messed up.

High school was just
one big blur.

Do you think she could have
been in one of the videos?

It's possible.

Or maybe she was just
one of their "employees."

What does that mean?

I think Ian and Garrett
were paying girls

to set up their friends.

I don't know. At that time I had
kind of walked away from it all.

So were you guys
the only members?

Officially? Yeah.

But Ian had help.

There's no way he could have
filmed it all on his own.

At times, I even thought maybe he
was filming it for someone else.

I'll catch up with you later.

Hey, ezra,
I'm gonna have to run.

Wait... right this minute?

Not so fast.

At least give me
a proper goodbye.



I can't believe
you asked him that.

We have to find this girl,

and if anybody knows who
she is, it's Jason.

Well, he doesn't.

He might not have
recognized her name,

but he could recognize her
by a picture.

I wonder if April was the type of
girl who pimped out her friends.

I don't know. All I know is that the
prosecution's case is crumbling,

and we have to get to this girl
before "A" does.

Whatever Garrett wants destroyed could be
the only thing left that keeps him in jail.

Do you think Maya found those
tapes with Ali's stuff?

It's possible. Maybe that's what
Garrett was after all along.

Maybe April rose has a tape.

Maybe that's what Garrett
wants "A" to destroy.

What I don't get is why would "A"
take direction from Garrett?

It might be
the other way around.

Garrett might have done
whatever "A" told him to

and that's how he wound up
behind bars.

Sorry I'm late.

Finally. I'm starving.
Me too.

Do you want to split some cheese fries?
No, I want my own.

So, the plan's changed
for tonight.

It's not a plan,
it's a suicide mission.

The church is gonna be
crawling with people,

so we're not gonna be able
to figure out who "A" is.

Emily and I are gonna hide behind the
organ and just see who shows up.

I don't think that you should... Spencer,
it's not about confronting, okay?

I just want to see who it is so I'll
know how to plan a real attack.

"We." When we attack.

Just be careful.
And wear sensible shoes.

Hey, I wear three inches
or I wear nothing.

Oh, and order me a side salad.
To soak up the cheese.

What's with you? You're
acting like a pod person.


Oh. I...

I was just trying to remember how
much reward money Jason offered.

$50,000. Why?

And that was cash, right?

Did he just have all that
money lying around his house?

Well, I doubt it.

But if someone did,
would that be weird?

If you had that much cash
lying around,

you'd probably also have
a bomb shelter

and like five years' worth
of dehydrated meat.

Or you're a criminal.

I do want my own cheese fries.


Need to talk to you.
It's about Spencer.

Jason. Please,
leave her out of this.

I need her energy focused on
her future, not this trial.

Maybe you should
tell your wife that.

Jason, you're wrong
about Veronica.

She didn't take this case
out of spite.

She doesn't hate you.

Well, no, I don't think
she hates me.

I think she hates you.


I don't want my daughter's life
derailed any further.

She needs to find a way to,
you know, put this behind her.

The trial, your sister...

which sister exactly
are you talking about?

Because as it turns out,
I had more than one.

Finally. Let's go.

Uh... hey, let me introduce you
to the art of conversation.

"Hi! How was your day?"

"My day was fine.
How was yours?"

I'm sorry.
I just want to leave.

I should say hi to Ted.

Uh, can we not?

That goober is literally
trying to be my best friend.

Hanna, being kind and decent
doesn't make Ted a "goober."

I know. It's the fact
that he says "howdy"

and wears clothes
made of roadkill.

What is up with you?

Well, now that you mention it,
I'm goober's date tonight.

When did this happen?

He called this morning.
And you said yes?!

No. Mom. I... I'm sorry, you can't go.
Why not?

Because I'm going to be there,
and that'll be weird.

Hanna, you're not ten years old,
we don't need to hold hands.

But I thought it might be nice
if we could drive together.

No, we can't, because....

Toby's picking me up.

He's taking me to the dance.

Why is Spencer's boyfriend
taking you to the dance?

Is this about you
wanting to hurt Caleb?

No, it's...

there's this... Guy,
another volunteer,

and he just won't take no
for an answer,

so I thought if I take Toby,

then maybe he'll finally
leave me alone.

Is this something
I should be concerned about?

No. He's just some do-gooder creep.
He's harmless.

It's actually called
"the thank you dance"?

Who cares what it's called,

Can you get Toby to
come with me or not?

Han, it's bad enough
that I canceled a date with him

without forcing him
to go on one with you.

I don't want him involved.

He just has to stand there
and eat chips.

I don't understand though. Why couldn't
you just come up with a better lie?

I'm sorry.
I panicked, all right?

It was like my mouth was talking
before my brain could catch up.

You can make fun of me
all you want,

but this whole plan
is falling apart!

You don't think that
I'm taking this seriously?

I've spent every waking moment
searching for this April girl.

I've been in the library so much
I am on a first-name basis

with the homeless guy that
sleeps next to the microfiche.

What is this?
Police academy rosters.

I thought maybe April and Garrett
went through training together.

You think that another cop could
help him get away with murder?

Like wilden?

I don't know.

Han, I thought that
we were done with all this.

Yeah, me too.

You know, last year...

When things got really bad

I used to fantasize about
what my life would be like

if I had never met Ali.

My biggest concern right now would
be where I wanted to go to college.

I've had that fantasy too.

Yeah, but every time
I go down that road,

I have to remind myself
that if I hadn't met her,

then I wouldn't be friends
with you.

So what time
should Toby pick you up?


Okay. Now go, so I can
keep looking through all this.

Oh, and Spence...

We'll get there, okay?

We've stopped Mona,
and we can stop this person.

It's now or never.

I know. It's the "never" part
that I'm afraid of.

More coffee?
I'm done, thanks.

She don't look so good. Better get
her home before she passes out.

Found April rose.

Did you talk to her?
It's not a "her."

It's an "it."

You're driving.

You want some punch?


Oh, no thank you.

I don't drink anything
that's not shrink-wrapped.

So who am I here to scare off?

What? The creep that's
been bothering you...?

Oh! Right. Um...

yeah, it's that guy over there.

Hi, sweetie.

Hi, Toby.
Hi, Ms. marin.

Toby, this is Ted.

Nice to meet you.

You too.
You're a very lucky man.

What?! No. No, we're... we're
not... um, yeah.

We're just friends.

What do you say we try to
find the grown-up beverages?

Don't kill the messenger,
but they're not serving alcohol.

Oh. Right. Church.

Maybe we should find
someone with a beard

who can do that whole
turning-water-into-wine thing.

If not, would you settle
for a root beer?

Do you think it will ferment
if we let it stand long enough?

Toby, come on.

Oh. Hi.
Good evening.

Good evening, folks.

I'm getting ready
to close. Uh...

How can I help you?

We just came in
to pick up something

that might have been set aside?


Were you asked
to hold anything?

Half this shop.

But I'm not holding my breath
anybody's coming back.

Well, you see, a friend of
ours dropped something off

and asked us to pick it up.

But we don't know
exactly what it is,

and our friend
can't be reached.

Okay, so we can go classic
with "when Harry met Sally,"

we can watch "the notebook"
for, like, the millionth time.

I don't care.
You can decide.

That's really pretty.

Don't you love finding
new places to wear jewelry?

I'm never taking it off.

Who gave it to you?
No one special.

Just another one of
the nameless, faceless

revolving door of boyfriends
who adore you?

No. Just a friend.

I...Am going out.

Are you kidding?

My friend has a guy
who can get us I.D.'S.

I'm going to a party to pick
him up, and then I'll be back.

This is so typical.
Every time we make plans,

if something better comes
along, you totally ditch me.

Why are you spazzing? I'm making
sure we have the best summer ever.

Instead of languishing
at the kiddie table,

we'll be mixing up on futons
with frat boys.

I gotta go.
My friend's here.

Which friend?
You don't know her.

You're sure this is it?
I'm positive.

She never took it off.

Uh, how much
do you want for this?

I don't know. I've never
seen that before.

I just found it
on this mannequin.

Must have been brought in here
in the past couple of days.

And you don't happen to know
who dropped it off?


there's no code, no tags.

I can't sell it to you folks.
It's a display piece.

How about if I give you
a hundred dollars?

It's not my decision to make.

Will two hundred
make it your decision?

Four hundred.

Where are you?

I'm sorry, I got held up.
Well, get here.

I can't face "A" alone.

Toby's getting suspicious,
and wilden is hovering.

Wilden's there? Okay,
I'm leaving in five.

Here you are.

Oh. Hey.

Do you want to dance?

No, thanks.

All right, then.

Wait. Toby.

When you reach the summit, all you can hear
is the wind whistling through the rocks.

Sounds... Incredible.

I'd love to take you.

If... You're interested.

How about next Sunday?

Well, Sunday's kind of
a busy day for me.

Sunday after that?

Ah, the thing is,
I'm busy every Sunday.


I thought Hanna must have
told you. I'm a pastor?

Well, an associate pastor.

No. She didn't.

More root beer?

Why am I here?

I told you. That guy...

I know, you told me. But that kid
is scared of his own shadow,

and he's definitely
scared of yours.

So why am I here?

Why are you?

I told you.
I wanted to go to a party.

Hanna, I have had naps more exciting
than this party, and so have you.

Does this have to do with Caleb?

In a way.


I need to talk to you
for a second. Now.

I'm really sorry, Toby.
I'll be right back, okay?

Hey. Can you call me?

I'm about to leave
this church... Thing.

And I need to know why you
and Hanna lied to me.

Why didn't you tell me
Ted was a pastor?

He is?

Hanna, I have just replayed
the last hour in my head,

and I am this close
to crawling under a pew.

Oh, my gosh.
You really like him.

It's too late.
I blew it.

No, you didn't.

I made that joke
about them not serving booze.

You like your wine.
I wore a dress with cleavage!

Mom, that is practically
a turtleneck.

Hanna, all it takes
is one glance at my resume

to know that I am no angel.

Who is?


Oh. Hey, holden.

So, uh, is your whole crew
coming tonight?

No. Just me and Hanna.
Have you seen her?

Yeah, she's, uh...

Around here somewhere.

Hey, relax.
Have a cupcake.

When did you get that tattoo?

Oh, it's not a...

Is that for a club?

Not a club so much as a party.

It changes venues.

You know, I...

actually, I used to
see your friend there sometimes.

W-what friend?

Your girlfriend?

Hey, I gotta go.

Oh, there you are.

Just wanted to check on Hanna.

And how is she?
She's good.

So, do you want to dance?

I'd love to,
but word of warning,

my dance moves start at "the running
man" and end at the "Roger rabbit."

Hey, there, Ashley.

Detective wilden, right?

That's right,
but I'm off the clock.

So am I. It's Ted.

I'm happy to see you here,
if a little surprised.

That's funny, I was just about to
say the same thing to Ms. marin.

You two know each other?

We haven't seen each other
in a while.

Detective wilden was an important
part of the Alison dilaurentis case.

Hanna was a good friend of hers.
So our paths have crossed.

And they'll probably
cross again.

Anyway, have a good evening.

Now, where were we?

Oh, that's right. I was just
about to humiliate myself

on the dance floor.

I'm sorry, Ted. I just got
hit with a searing headache.

Can I get you some aspirin?


Then maybe we should sit down
for a little... thank you...

I think I should just go home.

Uh, sure.

Let me walk you to the car.

Hey, can you call me?

I'm about to leave
this church... Thing.

And I need to know why you
and Hanna lied to me.

How did it go?

As well as it could, I guess.

I told 'em I got
an anonymous tip

and they seemed to believe me.

So when will we know when...

he didn't say.

What do we do now?

Now we wait.

Um... Do you still
have those letters?

The ones that helped you figure
out that my dad is our dad.


May I see them?

Oh, Spencer.
You don't want to do that.

It'll just..Hurt.



Nothing. I was...

Just thinking about how
different you are from Ali.

I mean, the reason that you
don't want me to see them

is the very reason
that she would want me to.

I wonder what kind of person
she would have turned into.

I mean, I see it with
the kids I work with,

and at first
they're all attitude,

but you peel back the layers

and you usually
find a person underneath.

Yeah, but with Ali,

I'd keep peeling, I just...

Always seemed to find
new layers.

Where have you been?

I just had the weirdest
conversation with holden.

When were you with...

I remembered something
from that night,

and it might have
something to do with Maya.

Holden seemed to know,
but he walked away.

Well, let's find him.
I don't know where he went.

Just go wait by
the side door, okay?

I want to get there
before "A" does.

Don't lie to me, Hanna.

A nurse found this,

and wisely handed it over
to the police.

I don't know what that is.

Don't tell me you're here
for some peace and quiet.

I was looking for someone.

Why are you helping him?

I don't know who you're
talking about yeah, you do,

but I'll play along.

All that fuss you girls made,
pointing the finger at Ian.

Was that all
for Garrett's sake?

I have nothing to do with that.

I don't get it, Hanna.
Why are you in his corner?

My mom's downstairs.
Your mom left.

You know, I bet when she was your
age she caused a lot of problems.

But... She knows how
to get rid of problems.

All you do is create 'em.

I've gotta go.

There's people
he has to answer to.

You always stand up
for him, don't ya?


Did everything go okay
at work today?



Not at all, actually.

I dropped two light meters,
I switched out a wrong lens

and I punctured her mounts.


What happened?

Well, I was a little

By what I found
in your sock drawer.


It that why you
ran out of here today?

I didn't know what to say.

I can see how that
might look... Pretty bad.

Ezra, where did
that money come from?

I sold a car
my grandfather left me.

A sixty-seven jag.

I was hoping to
restore it one day,

but now someone else has it

and I have a sock drawer
with no socks.

And they paid you in cash?

Yeah, I let the guy pay me in cash
so he could have a break on taxes.

Um, o-okay. Why didn't
you just tell me that?

Well, I didn't think you'd be
going through my sock drawer.

I wasn't going through your sock
drawer... because it's embarrassing.

Okay? Six months ago
I was a Professor,

and now I'm answering want ads
for webzines and...

and reusing coffee filters.

Can I join you?

When you're loyal
to a man, hewie,

you're loyal to
everything about him...

Even his faults...

Even his son.

Good morning.

Is it?

I wanted to talk to you.

Yeah. I figured you and mom
would want to have a chat.

Your mom's already left.

An important piece of evidence in the
Reynolds case was turned in last night.

But I imagine
you already knew that.

Now, Spence, the police have
been looking for that anklet

for two years.

I didn't know that.

They didn't tell the family, and
they kept it out of the press.

But you and Jason
managed to find it.

I don't know how,
but there it is.

The anklet had trace amounts
of blood still on it...

Alison's and someone else's.

That blood has been ruled out as
belonging to Garrett Reynolds.

What... what do you mean?

They don't know whose it is,

but they know it's not his.

That's... that's not possible.

Spencer, the judge
threw out the case.

I'll take you to school.

Spencer? - nowa jako?? napis?w.
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