Paranormal Caught on Camera (2019–…): Season 6, Episode 7 - Ghost Girl in Chicago Bar and more - full transcript

Next onParanormal
Caught on Camera.

A woman in Texas

reckons with
a spiritual attachment...

had for decades.

We just wanna get
rid of it and kind
of live a normal life.

A dark entity
in Rhode Island...

Oh, my God!

It's moving.
The door's moving.

...shows itself
to investigators.

When I realized
that we were feet away
from a shadow figure,

A couple
in France moves in...

...with a poltergeist.

This is calamity.
This is chaos.

"Noisy ghost",
poltergeist type activity.

A bar in Chicago...

Can you tell us the name
of the owner of the building?

...with spirits abound.

Are there any
women in here with me?

I feel like this
investigation was
very solid evidence

of proof of life after death.

And even
more paranormal footage
you have to see

to believe.

This is so awesome!

In 1971,
the Perron family

moved into a house that
they soon discovered

was haunted.

Moving objects.

Horrific smells.

Even apparitions.

Eventually, the family called
in paranormal investigators
Ed and Lorraine Warren,

who conducted
a seance in the home

with hopes of contacting
the spirits within.

A seance which allegedly

threw Carolyn Perron,

the family matriarch,

across the room.

Afterwards, the Warrens
were asked to leave.

And in 1980, the Perrons
moved out of the home

and never experienced
the activity again.

The house still stands today.

And many believe
it's still haunted.

One paranormal group
who recently investigated
the property...

Somebody down here?

vouch for that.

It's moving.

Oh, my God!

May, 2021.

Burrillville, Rhode Island.

We're gonna
catch something.

Shane Whipple...

These spirits better be ready.

...Alex Gaska...

...this is like, the most
original that I got.

a few friends

are investigating a location

renowned for the supernatural.

-Hi, I'm Shane.
-And I'm Alex.

And this is our video.

We're about to go
into the original seance room.

It is haunted
for multiple reasons.

Not only is it 300 years old,

multiple deaths have
occurred in the house,

and it has attracted
a lot of spirits there,

and there are said to be
portals even open on

the land and inside
the building.

This farmhouse
in Rhode Island is one
of the most famous

haunted locations
in the entire world.

It became well-known
because of the experiences
of the Perron family.

Five daughters and, of course,
the mother and father who
moved in in 1971.

For the nine years
that they lived there,

they had paranormal activity
that was off the charts.

There was so much activity
around the house that
couldn't be explained

that they actually called
in the most famous

paranormal investigators
of all time, Ed
and Lorraine Warren.

We are in the living room.

It's really interesting
to see such a notoriously

paranormal house
in its current state.

It doesn't look like much has
changed in the 50 years since
the Warrens were there.

That's bizarre.

I knew it was haunted
with all these other things
but I was out to prove that

there was something
dark there.

Go down
and investigate.

Of the many
spirits haunting the house,

at least one is
considered to be evil.

A spirit named Bathsheba.

A woman who was allegedly
involved in the deaths

of two infants
on the property
in the 1800s.

Could this dark
entity still be present?

The group begins
in the basement,

known to be a hotspot when
the Perron family lived there,
to find out.

We haven't even started
the investigation yet
and we've been getting, like,

little bits
of evidence, like, right away.



I had my hair moved
across my neck.

I've never been touched
that way before.

And it really freaked
me out actually.

Getting touched
is something that happens
a lot at this location.

For people going
down into the basement,

it's common for them to brush
up against this energy

and they'll feel things
like touches on the back
of their neck,

their shoulders, their arms.

And that's exactly what Roger
Perron experienced when
he lived in that house.

Coming upstairs,
you guys, I have to hold
on to something.

There's so much energy up
here that I feel lightheaded
enough to faint.

That's the first time I've
ever felt very, very unstable.

I had to go outside
multiple times.

I was just, like, trying
to ground myself.

I felt lightheaded,
I felt dizzy.

That's my sign for, like,
negative energy. For sure.


The most important tool
that you have in your
toolshed is actually you.

The human body.

You good?

I've felt headaches,
I've had my stomach hurt,

I've just broken out
into a cold sweat

when there's no
change in temperature.

Your body's a good radar.

And while
they continue to gather
strong evidence

that there is some kind
of presence in the house...

Can you step
on the opposite end
of the green light for me?

- Holy. Holy.
- Wow.

Thank you.'s only
when they review
their footage afterwards

that they realize what exactly
that presence might be.

Oh, my God, no.

- you.
- Oh, my God!

- Oh, my God. Did you guys...
- it's moving.

The door's moving.

As they watch
a moment when a door near
the group moves by itself...


...they discover
they'd captured
the apparent source...

...of its movement.

Did you see it?

Watch again, zoomed in.

When Shane pans the camera,

a shadow, unmistakably
standing before the group.

And staring straight at them.

When I realized
that we were feet away
from a shadow figure,

my heart kind
of stopped a little bit.

I was like, "Oh."

It's definitely
the coolest evidence
we've caught.

When you see this shadowy
figure, this apparition,

it's very ominous.

If this was some
sort of real-life person
that cast their shadow,

it would follow the contour
of the doorframe.

But this looks like it has
three dimensions to it.

It's so solid that
at first I missed it.

It was in fact so visible that
I thought I was seeing one
of the members of the team.

It didn't occur to me

that I was seeing a figure
that wasn't actually there.

For them to capture
something like this shadow
person in a place like this

is no surprise but also
just confirms, uh, that

the activity is still
ongoing at this location.

I think we
captured everything we
wanted and then some.

Yeah like, a whole
hodgepodge of, like,
all of it.

Which is why
Alex and Shane are hooked.


Going toThe Conjuring house
was the most amazing, scary
adventure I've ever been on,

and I'd do it again,
in a heartbeat.

- Holy.
- Wow.

The whole experience
was honestly amazing.

I enjoyed every second of it

and I would totally do it
over and over and over again.

The door's moving.

Oh, my God!

Coming up.

A spiritual attachment

refuses to let go.

While living
in a haunted house

may sound like a dire
situation to most people,

rest assured,

there are some rituals that
can help rid your home
of unwanted spirits.

And even
if those don't do the trick,

you can always move out.

But if that doesn't work,

well, then you might
be in for some trouble.

Because as one woman
in Texas recently learned,

it could mean that
the home that you're in

isn't haunted at all.

You are.

Last time we met
Tammy Gyarmathy,

she was experiencing
unexplained activity
in her home.

Which only escalated when she
and her family started packing
things up to move.

And once they arrived
at their new house
in McKinney, Texas, in 2020,

Tammy immediately discovers
that whatever was haunting
her last home

seems to have tagged along.

I'm Tammy Gyarmathy
and these are my videos.

When I got to Texas,
my friend picked my mom
and I up from the airport,

brought us to the house.

And literally as I'm
walking into the house,

we looked upstairs,
we saw this big, dark,
black shadow figure

standing at the top
of the stairs.

After that, things were moving
on their own within just days
of us being here.

So, they
installed security cameras
throughout the house,

hoping to capture evidence.

And sure enough...


as the door to an armoire
opens on its own.

Then, something
inexplicably falls out.

What's crazy is that
piece of furniture,

it's hard to open.

So, the fact that that
flings open was crazy

because that had to have taken
a lot of energy.

While much
of the activity is concerning
to the family members,

one of them seems unfazed.

Watch as Tammy's cat
walks into the kitchen,

what appears to be
an entity follows it.

If there is any animal
that's going to notice

a ghost walking through
the room, it's a cat.

And the fact that this cat is
just sort of, like, ho-hum,

and an obvious
apparition goes by,

tells me that this apparition
is probably there a lot.

Enough so that the cat isn't
even fazed by its presence.

That cat has always
been kind of my protector.

Like, in the house
in California,

I was there by myself
for a few months and,

that's when, like, things
were banging on the walls,

and dresser drawers
were opening and closing,

and that cat, he was
always either, like, laying
in the doorway of my bedroom,

or sleeping on top of me,
always kind of keeping
me protected.

The cat's been around
it his whole life.

But how long
has whatever the cat
is so familiar with

been around Tammy?

This has really been
happening most my life.

We've had this type
of activity in pretty much
every home since I was 12.

Um, so my mom and I kind
of were, like, sitting down

and trying to put
the pieces together.

So, we've kind of put
together the fact that
I do have an attachment.

Whatever this is,
it does not want to leave.

She needs to figure
out what it is,

because this thing seems
very dedicated to her.

And if it's
something that she doesn't
want attached to her,

then she needs to have
someone remove it

because the longer it's
with her, the more
powerful it will be.

And it already seems pretty
powerful because it is moving
so many things in her house.

Tammy is currently
working with a demonologist
and an exorcist

to try to remove
the attachment.

So far, nothing has helped.

And the entity...

still roams free.

When I work with clients,
one of the things I'm really
specific about is that

we have no idea if anything
we do will help you.

We can't ever guarantee
that something will work

because we don't know
what makes up a ghost

we don't know the properties
that make up a haunting yet.

Tammy will eventually
be free of whatever spirit

has been attached
to her all these years.

And the sooner, the better.

It's a lot stronger here
for some reason.

Why, I don't know.

I don't have
the answer to that.

At this point, we just
wanna get rid of it and
kind of live a normal life.

Coming up.

Did the ghost of a girl
materialize in a Chicago bar?

Are there any
women in here with me?

Almost every
bar has their regulars.

Customers who stop
by so often,

the employees know
them by name.

One particular bar in Illinois
called The Great Escape

is said to have
several of them.

But they're not your
typical bar flies.

Originally built in 1889
as a railroad tavern,

it went on to become
a speakeasy during
the Prohibition.

With gambling downstairs

and a brothel upstairs.

While most of the building has
been renovated over the years,

the bar remains original.

And the owner believes,
some of the deceased regulars

and their family members,

are still coming around.

Can you tell us the name
of the owner of the building?

Said "Brian" clear as day.

December, 2014.

Schiller Park, Illinois.

For Brian, the current
owner of The Great Escape,

hearing about paranormal
activity in his bar

is commonplace.

One day, a customer sees
a shadow figure outside
of the women's restroom.

So, he takes a photo
in that direction.

What he captures
is mind-blowing.

It's a faint image
of a young girl,

dressed in clothing
from another era.

After learning about this
incredible capture,

David Scott and his
paranormal research team

go there to investigate.

Is there a little
girl here in the bathroom?

I'm David Scott
and this is my video.

We had our EVP analyst
with us at the time, Marcia,

go into the bathroom and she
started asking some questions.

Are there any
women in here with me?

Listen again.

As an EVP says, "Get me help."

But there's more.

Watch again.

Did you see it?

A small figure can be seen
peeking out at Marcia

from the crack
of the stall door.

Which the team doesn't
realize until they review
the footage later.

Are there any
women in here with me?

There is definitely
something right there.

In fact, it actually
looks like it's looking

at the person
who is filming it.

And it looks like,
to me, a young female,

very gaunt in the face.

Could it be that child
that haunts the location?

She could very well have
encountered the spirit.

Excellent find.

I think it might be
safe to say that it could
be the girl in the photo

that was captured outside
of the bathroom.

It's a very good quality
image of a spirit.

So, to be able to materialize
that clear in a picture,

it's possible that she has
enough energy to materialize
in the video as well.

While Marcia stays
upstairs trying to communicate
with the little girl,

David conducts a spirit box
session in the basement bar.

Can you tell me your name?

- Mike.
- Mike.

Mike, what... what did
you do here, Mike?

Bar tend? Is that
what he said?

To me that's intelligent
response and very fast, so,

so, spirits are definitely
smart and they know
how to communicate.

Can you tell us the name
of the owner, the current
owner of the building?

Said "Brian" clear as day.

It's not really surprising
to me that the investigators

would pick up the bar owner's
name during their EVP session.

A lot of cases you'll find
that it's almost as if

a spirit has gotten used
to the living that continue

to exist in a space,

which creates a really
fascinating dynamic

that you can explore.

What was the basement used
for during Prohibition?



Money and sex?

David then tries
to reach a now deceased
regular named Tom,

as Brian stands beside him.

Tom, are you here
with us right now?

This was a really
amazing EVP session

because it was just one
after another, solid hits.

I mean, the actual name
of the guy who owns the bar...
answers to questions.

about names...

...answered with names.

I mean, it's rare...

...that a spirit box provides
consistent answers

that are that spot-on
to the questions being asked.

To test
the power of the spirits,

David turns off the antenna
on the ghost box.

Right now, we're getting
no signal at all
from radio stations.

It's just white noise
scanning over dead stations.

So, if we get a voice
right now, it'd be
pretty incredible.

It's your
last chance, spirits
to come speak with us.

Brian's here.

What did it say?

Did you hear the voice?

That's incredible!

We got this voice
that came through
the dead channels,

and it said, "Hey."

Loud and clear.

I was definitely surprised.

They actually
closed the antenna

and were still getting
activity on the box.

Do I need to
keep telling you how much
of a expert I am,

to let you know
that that's haunted?

That's incredible!

When stuff is still gone
when it ain't going,

it's haunted,
you feel me?

Tell-tale sign.

With all the evidence
gathered that night

by David and his team,

it seems
The Great Escape

is as popular as ever,

for both the living

and the dead.

Overall, I feel like
this investigation was

very solid evidence
of proof of life
after death.

We had very solid,

ITC communication, where
spirit's response was

in real time.

What was the basement
used for during



And we caught
some very compelling
video evidence...

So, I would say
overall, it was a
very good investigation,

and we achieved
what we, well,
went there to do.

Can you tell us
the name of the owner
of the building?

He said, Brian...

Coming up...

A poltergeist...

a couple in France.


locations with
recorded instances
of paranormal activity

are associated with
some sort of
past trauma,

like a murder,

or a tragic accident.

But sometimes,
the most terrifying

are those
that can happen
to anyone,

at any time,


For seemingly

no reason at all.

One man in France
can speak
to that reality.

And he still,

doesn't know why.

2022, near Toulouse,

Tristan Blanjou
moves into
a new apartment

with his wife and pets.

And only a few months
after their arrival,

things begin
to get weird.

Hello, my name is Tristan,

I live in
the south of France...

That's because
for Tristan
and his family,

things quickly go
from misplaced objects... this.

A shutter over
one of Tristan's windows

aggressively closes
by itself,

freaking out both Tristan

and his cat.

This is really crazy,

unless the weight
of the blinds
collapsed them

to lower them
and the mechanism
that turns them failed,

then I don't know
what's going on here.

A short time later,

the presence
makes itself known again.

As Tristan and his wife
watch TV...

...their dining room chair

moves on its own...

...terrifying them both.

Especially, Tristan's wife.

You see the reaction
of the woman on the couch,

and I think
that reaction
was so incredibly genuine.

Her reaction,
and how she grabbed
the dog

and everything
just goes to show that

she was in
fight or flight mode

with whatever
was happening there.

The strange activity
in the apartment continues,

both when
Tristan is present...

...and when he isn't.

what could possibly

be living with
Tristan's family?

I instantly go
to a poltergeist

where they have
that ability,
that strength

to move objects around.

As with many
poltergeist type hauntings,

they start off sort of,
slow, and really
not very dramatic.

And then, a lot of times
as they become more

uh, attuned to them,

the activity tends to
uh, really,

uh, burgeon into
something larger.

So large in fact
that Tristan eventually

takes drastic measures,

and calls a priest.

as grateful as Tristan is
for that,

the mysterious experience

proved forever scarring
for him.

Coming up,

what is haunting
this school
in Indonesia?

In certain parts
of the world,

exploring creepy places

doesn't just mean
dealing with

supernatural phenomenon.

It could also mean

coming face to face

with bloodthirsty legends.

Such was
the case

for one investigator
in Indonesia,

who dared to explore
and abandoned school

that he believed
was haunted.

And found himself
confronted... an entity

that knows no mercy.


in East Java,

David Indrianto
cautiously explores
an abandoned school

that he suspects
may be haunted.

When it
comes to a school,
you have all this,

rambunctious energy
left behind.

That energy,
that nervousness,

that anxiety
of going to school
that kids have,

I think are
a lot stronger
than adults,

where spirits
are attracted to that.

And there's
another good reason
why this school

might be a hotspot
for strange activity.

It's directly next to
an old graveyard.

Man, if that place
is located right next to
a graveyard,

who's to say that

the school isn't on top of
some of those bodies,
you know what I mean?

It's probably not
like a hard line

on where they stopped
burying the bodies

and where they built
the school,
it's all underground.

They probably dug up
some of them,

they probably disturbed
some of them
to make the school.

And it seems
that David

might be disturbing
some of those spirits

right now.

A chair,
falls off a table

by itself.

And it's not done.

Only minutes later...

...the chair slides

and then somehow,

rights itself,

on all four legs.

These chairs,
they're not flimsy
little things.

They seem to have
some weight to them.

So, for those to move
on their own
without any help,

suggests something
pretty powerful.

We can clearly see
that there is

nobody around
this object

as it's moving
across the floor
on its own.

Nothing is pulling
or pushing it,

no obvious
strings attached.

There's just
something about

an object moving
on its own

when you can't see
anything responsible
for it,

and you're alone
in a room,

and it's creepy
to begin with.

That's like,
terrifying to me.

only minutes later,

it goes beyond

Watch again.

As a strange figure

floats by the window,

petrifying David.

Imma be honest,

that apparition
was probably

the craziest looking thing
I've ever seen,

I probably would've
passed out.

I would've passed out
if I saw it.

What I saw,

was what looked like
maybe a young woman

dark hair,
very pale skin,

but not...

Not alive pale,
pale in
a ghoulish way.

Sort of a...

Sinister expression
on its face,

moving past the window.

through his fear,

David runs outside...

...but finds nothing.

The fact that
it's simply gone,

the minute
he runs outside
with the camera,

to me, stepped this up

several notches

on the
"Okay, I'm freaked out"

I think that's,

who's been causing
those chairs to fall down,

maybe this is
a-a former teacher,
a janitor.

Or maybe,

it's something
far more disturbing.

It looks to me
like a pretty classic

of a Kuntilanak.

Within Indonesian

that is said to be

the spirit of a woman
who was pregnant,

and died before
she gave birth.

She usually appears

as a woman
in a long white dress.

Sometimes it's long
fingers or fingernails.

And she is
pretty angry,

and wants to steal
organs from...


Probably for the best,

that David
leaves the school

soon afterwards.

That ghost could've just
took your butt out.

And we would've
never known,

because you're
by yourself.

Ladies and gentlemen,
always hunt
with a group.

Coming up

what did a father
and son witness... the
California skies?

Say the phrase "UFO",

and almost always,

the image conjured

is that of a hard,
metallic object

zipping through the sky.

Oh my gosh!

given some recent captures,

there's another type of
unidentified phenomenon

that the general public

may soon be forced
to reckon with.


that seem to be alive.

And no two people
can better vouch for that

than a father and son
in California.

January 2021,

Garden Grove,

Edgar Paredes
and his son are playing
in their backyard,

like they've done
countless times before.

But the day takes
an unexpected turn

when Edgar's son
looks up

and sees
something bizarre.

This is just
so quirky,

because this object

at times,
appears to be

and then other times,
it's quite amorphous.

And it is
surrounded by

this light source
of some sort.

Now, there is
movement to it.

But, it's not moving
like a typical object
in the sky might.

To me,
I'm seeing almost
what appears to be

three different points
of light.

And inside the center
of this triangle,

almost looks like
a dark,

cube, if you will.

Some kind of
a dark rectangle

floating around the sky.

Very, very strange.


and extremely

given the location.

One of the
interesting aspects
of where this was filmed

is Garden Grove,

lies underneath
what's called a TFR.

It's a
restricted airspace,
because of Disneyland

which is nearby.

That extends
three miles out
and 3000 feet up.

I know
because as a pilot,

I fly this area
a lot.

And you have to have
special permission

to go in there.

So, you're only
normally seeing police,

or life flight
or emergency vehicles,

and not anything else.

And drones, in fact,

the software programs
of most of them

will shut down if you're
trying to take off
in this TFR airspace.

So drones
and commercial aircraft
are out.

And the possibility
of it being
an emergency vehicle,

like a helicopter,

is quickly shut down.

if it's none of the
usual suspects,

then what is it?

This is one of the
most unique clips
I've ever seen, it...

Definitely seems to defy

the usual categories
of UFO
that we're used to.

If I didn't know
I was looking up into
the sky,

I'd like,
think I was looking

on a microscope slide.

It seems to be wiggling,
undulating, like...

A single-celled

I am gonna
lean and say

this is
a biological UFO.

Only because
it literally looks to me

like a vampire squid.

This is not
the first time

on paranormal
common camera
that we've seen

these biological UFOs.

That is weird.

Looks like
a jellyfish.

They tend to
look like these...

Strange, like,

or cephalopods

or like, jellyfish,
or squid-like creatures.

And I think
this one's no exception.

or otherwise,

whatever is up there,

better hope Edgar's son

isn't their
first human contact.

I don't wh...

This little kid
is ready to kick
some alien butt.

He's ready to go inside
and grab his BB gun,

and take on
the entire armada.

I hope they come in peace.

But if they don't,

I want him on my side.

I don't know wh...

You know
aliens don't play,
so he ain't playing.

Welcome to Earth.

What should
you do in the event

you witness
something paranormal?

There any women
in here with me?

Here are
some tips to get it
all on camera,

check your footage
for anything unusual.

Trust that
what you're seeing

really is

Don't stop recording.

Even if you're scared.

And if you
do catch something...

It's so awesome.

or connect with us
on social media.

Your footage
could be seen right here

Caught on Camera.