North & South (2004): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript
Frederick safely reaches Spain. After her father's death, Margaret leaves Milton to live with her aunt in London. Thornton learns that Frederick is Margaret's brother. With the money that she inherited from Mr. Bell, her godfather, she decides to help Mr. Thornton's mill from closing.
Go on! Get out and don't come back!
Go on! Go on!
And don't show your face in here again!
Although the autumn
is turning chilly,
I am still determined to take my daily walk.
I cannot persuade Father to join me. He has been
very cast down since Mother's death.
He keeps to the house and his own company
and he has very few visitors to disturb him.
- That man Higgins is here.
- Show him up, Dixon.
If you saw his shoes
you'd say the kitchen were a better place!
He can wipe them, surely.
I've been looking for work.
Been keeping a civil tongue in my head
and not minding who says what back to me.
I'm doing it for him, of course, not me.
Well, not for him. He doesn't need my help
where he is, but his children.
- But I need your help, Master, if you'll give it.
- Gladly. But what can I do?
Well, Miss here has often talked about
the South. I don't know how far it is.
But if I can get down there,
where food is cheap and wages are good
and people are friendly...
maybe you can help me get work there.
- What kind of work?
- I'm good with a spade.
You mustn't leave Milton for the South.
You couldn't bear the dullness of life.
It would eat away at you like rust.
Think no more of it, Nicholas, I beg you!
Nicholas, have you been
to Marlborough Mills for work?
Aye, I've been to Thornton's.
The overlooker told me to be off
and... told me to go away, sharpish.
Would you try again?
I... I should be so glad if you would.
Mr. Thornton would judge you fairly,
I am sure, if given the chance.
It would take my pride.
I think I'd rather starve.
- If you can think of anything, Master.
- Well, of course, of course.
Thank you. I'll bid you goodnight.
I am sorry, Nicholas.
You'll find your shoes by the fire.
He is a proud man.
Still, there are qualities to be admired
in these Milton men.
Maybe... God has found His way here after all.
If only he and Mr. Thornton
could speak man to man!
If he could forget Mr. Thornton is a master
and appeal to his heart!
My word, Margaret!
To admit that the South has its faults
and that Mr. Thornton has his virtues!
What has happened
to bring about such a transformation?
Mrs. Thornton. Thank you
for sparing the time to visit us.
My father is detained
but he'd be touched by your kindness.
Thank you for your kind messages.
We're so grateful.
My aunt has sent me details of a little Italian tune
that Miss Thornton asked me about.
Miss Hale. I'm afraid I did not visit
to indulge Fanny's thirst for light music.
I have a duty to perform.
I promised your mother
that if I knew you had acted wrongly
I would offer you advice,
whether you chose to take it or not.
So, when I learned from one of my servants
that you had been seen out after dark
with a gentleman
I thought it right to... to warn you
against such impropriety!
- Many a young woman has lost her character...
- Mrs. Thornton!
I'm sure my mother
never meant me to be... exposed to insult.
Whatever Mr. Thornton has told you...
My son has told me nothing.
You know nothing of the man you rejected.
If he has any knowledge of this, he keeps it
to himself as any man of honor would.
Of course.
I don't doubt it.
I cannot give you any sort of explanation.
I have done wrong
but not in the way you imagine or imply.
I did not approve of my son's attachment to you.
You did not seem worthy to me.
But I was prepared, for his sake.
Your behavior on the day of the riots
exposed you to the comments of servants.
But by the time my son had proposed
you'd changed your mind.
- Maybe this other lover...
- You must think very little of me, madam.
I can't claim to be sorry you refused my son.
No, I'm glad. Especially now,
when you expose yourself to gossip and ridicule.
I won't listen to you any more.
I refuse to answer your questions. Excuse me.
- I need to talk to you, sir.
- I can't stop now.
- You've seen the new figures?
- I'd hoped to reduce the bank loan by now.
It's a pity so much is tied up
in the new machinery.
I needed the machinery. We were doing well.
We had large orders. I needed the cotton in bulk.
- I expected to be able to fulfill the contracts.
- You've been back to work for a good while now.
But we're still behind with the orders
and we'll not catch up for...
It's not looking like we will catch up.
Well, the bank can extend the loan.
Temporarily. But we'll have to be careful.
I don't think anyone has ever accused me
of being careless! Or frivolous!
Forgive me.
I don't know how I could have prevented this
or what to do next.
Well, there are more... modern
financial procedures.
I could let you know
when I hear of any such schemes.
I'll not risk everything
on some idiot money scheme.
Well, if matters carry on like this
you might not have anything left to risk.
- Good Lord! Are you still here?
- Yes, sir. I want to speak to you.
You'd better come in, then.
- What do you want with me?
- My name is Higgins.
- I know who you are. What do you want?
- I want work.
Work? You've got a nerve.
- Hamper'll tell you I'm a good worker.
- I'm not sure you'd like what he says about you.
I've had to turn away 100 of my best hands
for following you and your union.
And you think I should take you on? Might as well
set fire to the cotton waste and have done with it.
I'd not speak against you.
If I found anything wrong I'd give you
fair warning before taking action.
I'm a steady man. I work hard.
How do I know you're not just planning mischief
or you're saving up money against another strike?
I need work, for the family
of a man who were driven mad.
He had his job taken
by one of those Irishmen you hired.
Your union forced me into hiring those Irish.
Much good it did me!
Most of them have gone home.
If I were to believe your reason...
I can't say that I'm inclined to. I'd advise you
to try some other work and leave Milton.
If it were warmer I'd take Paddy's work and not
come back. But come winter the children'll starve.
If you knew of any place away from mills...
I'd take any wage for the sake of those children.
What, you'd take wages less than others?
They have no union, of course.
Your union'd judge my Irish for trying to feed
their families, yet you'd do this for these children.
I'll not give you work. You're wasting your time.
And yours.
I was told to ask you by a woman.
Thought you had a kindness about you.
She was mistaken,
but I'm not the first to be misled by a woman.
Tell her to mind her own business next time.
How long has he been waiting to speak to me?
He was outside the gate when I arrived, sir,
and it's four now.
Oh! Miss Hale!
- I must congratulate you.
- Yes, we are to be married soon!
Delighted to see you again, Miss Hale.
You must hurry, Miss Hale, for my dear girl
is busy buying up the whole shop.
He is a little grey, but he's very well set up.
He's a very good match for us Thorntons.
He's been trying to interest John in a speculation.
Excuse me, I just didn't think that Mr. Thornton
would participate in any kind of risky venture.
Everybody does it!
All business is risk, as my Watson would say.
John will have to be more modern in his ideas
if he's to keep up.
No! You must send the bills to Marlborough Mills.
You must not pay for a button.
We are quite rich enough!
Miss Hale could do with having
just a little humility about her position.
She was at Green's. Stopped to congratulate me.
She seemed surprised about my wedding plans.
She's so grave and disapproving,
as if we couldn't afford it. I soon put her right.
It's not as if she will ever get a husband.
She's much older than me. And so severe!
I told her about Watson's business proposition
and she really turned up her nose at me!
She as much as said you wouldn't be interested,
as if she knew you better than me. So superior.
I'll thank you not to discuss my business affairs
in the street.
What do you know about anything
except how to spend money?
If you were to take up Watson's offer and join him
in the speculation, you would be certain to profit!
There is nothing certain about speculation.
I will not risk the livelihoods of my men
by joining Watson's tomfool schemes.
If I lose money, how will I be expected to pay off
the expense of your wedding?
You'll be sorry.
Is the speculation so risky?
Do you need to ask me that, Mother?
It's very risky.
If it succeeds, our financial problems will be over
and no one will ever know how bad things are.
If it fails?
At the moment the payroll is safe.
Would you advise me to risk it?
- If you succeeded, they'd never know.
- And if it fails, I would have injured others.
Would you ask me to risk that?
Tell me what to do.
Pray for a good summer.
People will buy cotton clothes.
Pray that some of our buyers
pay their bills on time...
...and pray that Fanny doesn't have time
to order any more from the draper's.
She is in g-great...
- Are these your children?
- No, but they're mine now.
- Did your daughter teach them to read?
- I think they are teaching her.
- And these are the children you mentioned?
- You didn't believe me?
I spoke to you in a way that I had no business to.
I did not believe you. I couldn't have taken care
of a man such as Boucher's children.
I have made enquiries and I know now
that you spoke the truth. I beg your pardon.
He's dead and I am sorry. But that's the end of it.
Will you take work with me?
You've called me impudent,
a liar, a mischief-maker.
For these children, you think we could get along?
Well, it's not my proposal
that we get on well together.
Work is work. I'll come. And what's more,
I'll thank you. And that's a good deal from me.
And this is a good deal from me.
Now, mind you come sharp to your time.
What times we have, we keep sharp.
And the first time I catch you using
that brain of yours to make trouble, off you go.
- Now you know where you are.
- Reckon I'll leave my brains at home, then.
Was Miss Hale the woman
that told you to come to me?
- You might have said.
- And you'd have been a bit more civil?
Well, my father is waiting in the sitting-room.
I thought you might like to know
that I have taken Higgins on.
I am glad of it.
I didn't know that it was you
who urged him to come to me.
Would it have made you
more or less likely to give him a job?
I don't know.
I'll not withdraw it, if that's what worries you.
I wouldn't think you capable of that.
I have a better opinion of you
than you do of me at the moment, I feel.
Margaret, my dear,
you're not obliged to answer this question
do you have any reason for thinking
that Mr. Thornton cared for you?
Father, I'm sorry.
You... rejected him?
- I should have told you.
- Oh, no, no, no.
It would account for him
not coming so often to the house.
And I do value his company and conversation
especially now... now your mother's gone.
...if you feel uncomfortable in his presence
I'll ask him not to come to the house again.
I mean, I'm sure you were honest with him.
That's the most important thing.
I've done nothing that I wouldn't do again.
Thank you. I needed that.
You're becoming a model employee.
Maybe someone will tell the union.
I always kept to my time. Ask anybody.
No, I'll not give Thornton
the chance to give me the sack.
Puts in all hours himself.
Sometimes I don't think he sleeps.
He's taken an interest in young Tom,
saying he's got to have a good education.
He's a funny one. I can't make him out.
Now you will be drummed out of the union
for thinking not so badly about a master!
Laugh... at me.
C-call me...
A comee...
- A...
- Animal.
What are you doing here? Where's Higgins?
Have you had your supper?
Mary went to the butcher
but she didn't do dinner.
Why are you so late? Shift finished an hour ago.
What are you up to?
Work wasn't finished. We stayed until it was.
- Can't pay over your time.
- See you working over your time.
You go under, no one else'll take me on,
and who'll put food in his mouth?
He's not had his supper, he's been telling me.
Some days there's good meat,
other days nothing fit for a dog
even if you've got money in your pocket.
There's your market forces in action, Master.
It's a pity you can't get up some scheme.
Buy food wholesale,
cook for twenty instead of one.
Everybody'd be able to afford a good meal a day
and you'd have fit minds to do studying.
Careful, someone will report you
to the masters union for that kind of talk.
If men eat well, they work well.
That'll please masters too, unless they're idiots.
Which some of them are.
We'd need somewhere to cook.
There's an old outhouse out the back,
not in any use.
- You did bring your brains with you to work.
- Well, I can't do without them altogether.
You get some figures up and we'll see.
Not promising, mind.
Sholto cries that he cannot remember
what his Aunt Margaret looks like.
It's freezing in London. I can't wait for spring.
You must have icicles on your noses in Milton!
It must be even more arctic up there.
Couldn't you try to brave the journey and visit us
soon? And persuade Uncle to come with you.
- Will you come in? It's stew today.
- I haven't had that for a while.
- Not eaten all day, I'll bet.
- No, no, been too busy.
This is very good.
Really. Very good.
- Isn't that your daughter?
- Aye. She's a good girl.
A fair cook.
She's come into her own since her sister died,
God rest her soul.
Congratulations, Mrs. Thornton.
A very good match, I'm sure.
I haven't seen Mr. Thornton for some time.
The winter's been going on
so I do hope he isn't sickening.
My son works hard, Mr. Hale. He's never ill.
Isn't that Mr. Latimer's daughter?
It's from Mr. Bell. There's to be a reunion
of all my Oxford friends.
- This time you will accept his invitation?
- I think I will.
I can give my pupils a holiday for a few weeks
and now that Thornton's stopped coming...
I'm worried about him.
- Why? Is Marlborough Mills really in danger?
- Yes, I'm afraid it is.
But it's his spirit I fear for.
Remember, after his father... died
he struggled for years
to build everything up again.
He raised his family from poverty.
How much worse to be brought low
a second time.
I know what it is to disappoint one's family.
- He will feel bitterly he's failed his mother.
- He will not have failed in her eyes.
Now it's my turn to leave you.
- I'm a little nervous, to tell you the truth.
- Don't worry, Father.
It's natural to wonder whether a place
where you were so happy so many years ago...
...whether Oxford will be the same.
But once you're there with Mr. Bell
you'll have a wonderful time.
Wrap up warm. It's still very chilly.
It's to Margaret, of course.
She's my main concern now.
I worry.
I worry about her... when I'm gone.
Oh, come, come! That won't be for a while.
Anyway, I'm her guardian.
I've got no one else to look after.
When the time comes, have no fear.
She shall want for nothing.
You care for her better than I have.
Nonsense! I thought
you'd put all that talk behind you.
You know, these last few weeks
have done you good. You look years younger.
Yes, I feel it. I feel as though...
...I have come home.
I must tell Margaret.
- Mr. Hale? Dead?
- Aye, in his sleep.
Poor fellow.
Never recovered from his wife's death.
Master? Master, come in.
Sit down. Have some food.
And Margaret? What of her?
There's nothing to keep her here now.
Her aunt's coming to take her home, they say.
She's seen a great deal of sorrow
since she's been here.
We'll be sorry to see her go, Mary and I.
Oh, my dear! How you have suffered!
And what sorrows your father's brought you!
We are leaving instantly.
Dixon, you're to stay here for the time being
and arrange an auction for all this.
Not all the books.
I must say goodbye to our friends.
I can't imagine how many friends
you can have here!
I will help you say goodbye and then
we are leaving this horrible place for good!
I am sorry that you're leaving, Miss Hale.
I was hoping that you might visit my house.
I've finished it with Indian wallpaper from the
Exhibition. I don't suppose you could travel back?
Miss Hale will be in no mood for traveling back
from London just to see your furnishings, Fanny.
It was a while ago, but I'm sorry
for the way I spoke to you at our last meeting.
I know that you meant well.
So, you're going.
I... brought you Father's Plato.
I thought that you might like it.
I shall treasure it.
As I will your father's memory.
He was a good friend to me.
So you are going.
And never come back?
I wish you well, Mr. Thornton.
I must get her home as soon as possible.
To be sure. As soon as possible.
Look back.
Look back at me.
Nicholas! Nicholas! Stop the cab!
Margaret, there you are! We thought you'd gone.
We were going to the station to try and catch you.
Can't believe you'd leave without saying goodbye!
We would've come to London next Whitsun
rather than you go without a farewell from friends.
Oh, no, Margaret. No, not between friends.
No, not for you, Nicholas. For the children.
You can't refuse it for the children.
You'll let me know how they do.
I don't know when she's going to cheer up.
It's been three months now
and she's still insisting on wearing black.
Henry, I'm counting on you.
You know how much Captain Lennox and I
would like the two of you to get together.
Mind you, she's terribly good with Sholto.
I should hate to lose her.
Perhaps we could all live together
in one big house.
Mr. Bell arrives today.
Maybe he can make her smile.
- Mr. Bell, do you really mean it?
- Of course!
I was sitting on the train thinking, "How could we
amuse ourselves?" We should visit Helstone.
When can we go? Tomorrow?
We had to make some improvements.
Well, alterations.
- We have seven children.
- Yes, of course.
It's just... it's a pity the roses are gone.
The children must have a place to play.
Fresh air prepares the mind for God.
Better than all that book-reading,
that's what I say.
Precisely my very words.
We have to get back to simple truth.
Forget about all this intellectualism,
this questioning.
This... dissenting? Like my father?
Is that what you mean?
Well, no! Well, yes.
I thought we ought to keep things simple.
Ignorant? Uneducated? Is that what you mean?
I'm sure the world would be a better place!
Miss Hale has been in the North,
where life is a little more...
Well, more wild.
Why are you smiling?
I was thinking of Mrs. Thornton,
of how she'd love to be called wild!
Oh, dear! I nearly lost my temper.
Yes, I'm afraid this trip
has not gone as I'd wished. I'm sorry.
When we first arrived in Milton
I was guilty of romanticizing the South.
I've got to work hard at not doing the opposite.
No, I can't have this! Mrs. Thornton being wild
is bad enough. But romantic? No, no.
You wouldn't call Milton romantic
in any way at all, surely?
Mr. Bell.
When Mother was dying,
Frederick came to Milton. We were very secret.
You know why. He left before the funeral.
I went with him to the station
and we were seen.
- By Mr. Thornton.
- I see.
You were seen embracing
at the station late at night. I see.
No, no. That... that's not the worst of it.
A man approached Frederick,
someone that knew him.
He fell and died later.
Someone had seen me and I...
had to lie to the police inspector.
Well, Frederick didn't cause this man's death?
No, no. I... I lied.
I was worried because he was still in the country.
I lied and... and Mr. Thornton knows it.
Is Frederick safe now?
Yes. Yes, he's married now.
Settled down in Cadiz.
Sometimes I think I'll never see him again.
But that's not why you're upset?
No, it's just...
I hate to think...
I hate to think Mr. Thornton thinks badly of me.
Are you sure that's all?
I thought it was going to be such a lovely day.
Look. Perhaps I could have a word with Thornton,
though I'm afraid he doesn't think much of me.
Oh, no, no. I don't want him to know about Fred.
I do sometimes wish he knew,
but don't say anything. Please.
I don't know what I want.
Very well. Let us think of other things.
You know, Margaret,
I had an idea when your father died of...
looking after you.
You have. You are.
No, you don't quite understand.
I rather hoped
you would wish to look after me as well.
I never thought to have a wife.
Too busy being an Oxford academic.
Anyway, I hoped. Oh, but that doesn't matter.
I promised your father I would take care of you.
Now, I often think how depressing it would be
if one were to leave one's fortune to people who
were waiting around hoping you would die off.
So, I mean to sign over the bulk of my monies
and property to you now.
- No, I can't. I will not!
- Yes, you will.
I am going back to South America to live out
the rest of my life in perfect peace and prosperity,
knowing you are putting my money to good use.
I couldn't. What about you?
Well, something I've been trying to ignore.
My trip to London was not just to see you,
my dear. I... saw my doctor.
Oh, shh.
You must think of me living the life
under the Argentine skies.
Not many men can plan their exit from this world
in such a leisurely way.
Come now, we must cheer up.
If we go now we'll be in London in time for dinner.
Now, I'm in very great need of good food.
So, I'm almost at the end
of sorting my business affairs.
- When do you sail?
- On Wednesday.
I shall be pleased to be warmed by the sun again.
I spent much of my youth there.
Yes, I have signed all my property and fortune
to my goddaughter Miss Hale.
I have no other family
and Hale is my oldest friend.
South America.
Won't you need money to live on?
Oh, I have sufficient for a very good life there.
What remains of it.
- I am sorry.
- Thank you, but don't be.
I consider myself lucky
to be able to settle my own affairs.
To know that Miss Hale is secure
will ease my heart in these last few months.
By the way, Miss Hale is unlikely to bother you
or to interfere. She is landlord in name only.
Even if Miss Hale were minded to interfere,
she has little enough opinion of me.
There may not be much left
for her to interfere with.
I'm sorry. There is nothing more I can do.
I have left business behind me.
I sail on Wednesday.
You might be mistaken, Thornton, if you think
Miss Hale has a bad opinion of you.
And you might not judge her
as harshly as you do. In fact...
As you say, Mr. Bell,
your business in Milton's finished.
And now the future of this mill is no concern
of yours. I'm afraid I'm busy, too. Good day.
I think Margaret is looking so much better.
Don't you, Dixon?
Yes, miss. Now we're back in London.
I'm so glad she decided to stay with us in Harley
Street, even though now she's quite the heiress.
She's looking much like her old self.
What do you think, Henry?
I think Margaret looks very well.
Now she's so rich, if you don't ask her soon
we'll have a job keeping others away.
I will try her when I'm ready.
It's really none of your concern.
As it is, I'm helping her with business matters.
She will use some of her money
to help Frederick.
I hope you can. She will love you for ever!
Margaret. We're engaged
at the Pipers' on Saturday.
Oh, dear! I know that look. Margaret is about
to tell us something and we cannot argue.
She had that look on her face when she insisted
on giving up dancing lessons when we were nine.
- Margaret, what's wrong?
- Nothing. But Edith is right.
I'm so grateful to you, Aunt, for taking me in.
But I've been back in London for a long time now.
I'm of age and I am of means.
Henry is helping me to understand
my financial affairs and responsibilities.
We are trying to help Frederick.
We will probably not succeed, but it would have
pleased Mother and Father that we are trying.
It is time for me to take responsibility for my life.
You want to leave us? Sholto would cry so!
No. But I would like to make my own decisions
for my day-to-day life.
I would like to keep to my room if I wish.
I would like not to go to the Pipers if I wish.
And I don't.
I... can't stand them.
I don't like London society.
I learnt something when I went back to Helstone,
expecting it to be the paradise I knew as a child.
Try as we might,
happy as we were,
we can't go back.
I told you. I was right and John was wrong.
For once you must admit I was right.
If you'd invested in Watson's scheme, you'd have
made thousands. Enough to get out of trouble!
Admit it.
I will ask Watson if he will lend John some money
but he was very angry
when John would not join him in the venture.
He says a gentleman must pay his own way!
And you can think again about Ann Latimer!
I'm sure she won't have you now.
You mustn't mind losing the house, Mother.
I don't mind about the house.
I care about you.
Thank God Fanny's taken care of.
It'll just be you and I again.
- I have excellent news.
- Really?
You have made money.
What, since yesterday? While I slept?
How clever of me!
- Money makes money.
- I would rather earn it and put it to good use.
Margaret! You're sounding a little...
Well, I hate to notice but a little revolutionary.
Mr. Bell was a shrewd fellow. He bought into
a 100-1 investment with a chap named Watson.
- Watson? Fanny Thornton's husband?
- The very one.
Being hailed as wonder boy. Probably a nine-days
wonder, but nevertheless Fanny's struck gold.
Which is more than we can say for her brother.
He wouldn't have anything to do with it.
Far too principled.
Might just be the last straw.
I'm afraid you'll soon be looking
for a new tenant, Margaret.
"What a nice Christmas present
it will be," said Charlotte.
"But I hope..."
- Where's Higgins?
- He's finishing off something.
"Mr. Arnott will...
"...sometimes bring her cart into..."
I said, have you heard owt about Miss Margaret?
Still here.
Just because it's the last shift, Master,
doesn't mean we shouldn't finish the job well.
I am nobody's master any more, Higgins.
If you're ever in a position
to take on workers again
there's a fair number of us
who'd be happy to run a mill for you.
I got up a petition to collect the names.
Anyway, I was asking about Miss Margaret.
Have you heard how she's doing?
She's well.
She's in London. We'll not see her again.
I thought she might have gone to Spain.
- Why would she go there?
- To see her brother, now he's her only family.
Her brother?
She doesn't have a brother.
Him that were over when their mother were dying.
Kept it a secret, they did.
My Mary used to fetch things for them.
She's a quiet girl, but she talks to me.
- Why wouldn't Mr. Hale tell me he had a son?
- Something to do with the law.
Found himself on the wrong side of the Navy.
In real danger, he was.
He was her brother.
I'll bid you good day.
Goodbye, Higgins. Good luck.
I wonder, would you help me?
I've decided I need to go to Milton
and I'd like you to come with me.
Of course. Whatever I may do.
I'm... I'm at your service. Always.
Yes. Yes!
He's not here, if you've come to crow over him.
He's not here.
Come to look over your possessions, have you?
And he's worked all his life for them.
You once accused me of not knowing
what kind of man I'd rejected. And you were right.
But if you think I've come to triumph over him,
that I don't feel keenly
the misfortune of this empty place...
...then you don't know me at all.
I don't know where he is.
Don't think I'm worried for myself.
He'll see me right. He always has.
There's a ten-minute stop here. Sorry
for the delay, but we're halfway back to London.
I think we have to wait
for a northbound train to pass.
Where are you going?
To London.
I... I've been to Milton.
You'll not guess where I've been.
You've been to Helstone?
- I thought those had all gone!
- I found it in the hedgerow.
You have to look hard.
Why were you in Milton?
On business.
Well, that is, I have a business proposition.
Oh, dear! I need Henry to help me explain.
You don't need Henry to explain.
I... I have to get this right.
It's a business proposition.
I have some ?15,000.
It is lying in the bank at present,
earning very little interest.
Now, my financial advisers tell me
that if you were to take this money
and use it to run Marlborough Mills
you could give me
a very much better rate of interest.
So, you see, it is only a business matter.
You'd not be obliged to me in any way.
It is you who would be doing... the service.
London train about to depart.
London train is about to depart.
Henry, I...
Goodbye, Margaret.
You're coming home with me?
Go on! Go on!
And don't show your face in here again!
Although the autumn
is turning chilly,
I am still determined to take my daily walk.
I cannot persuade Father to join me. He has been
very cast down since Mother's death.
He keeps to the house and his own company
and he has very few visitors to disturb him.
- That man Higgins is here.
- Show him up, Dixon.
If you saw his shoes
you'd say the kitchen were a better place!
He can wipe them, surely.
I've been looking for work.
Been keeping a civil tongue in my head
and not minding who says what back to me.
I'm doing it for him, of course, not me.
Well, not for him. He doesn't need my help
where he is, but his children.
- But I need your help, Master, if you'll give it.
- Gladly. But what can I do?
Well, Miss here has often talked about
the South. I don't know how far it is.
But if I can get down there,
where food is cheap and wages are good
and people are friendly...
maybe you can help me get work there.
- What kind of work?
- I'm good with a spade.
You mustn't leave Milton for the South.
You couldn't bear the dullness of life.
It would eat away at you like rust.
Think no more of it, Nicholas, I beg you!
Nicholas, have you been
to Marlborough Mills for work?
Aye, I've been to Thornton's.
The overlooker told me to be off
and... told me to go away, sharpish.
Would you try again?
I... I should be so glad if you would.
Mr. Thornton would judge you fairly,
I am sure, if given the chance.
It would take my pride.
I think I'd rather starve.
- If you can think of anything, Master.
- Well, of course, of course.
Thank you. I'll bid you goodnight.
I am sorry, Nicholas.
You'll find your shoes by the fire.
He is a proud man.
Still, there are qualities to be admired
in these Milton men.
Maybe... God has found His way here after all.
If only he and Mr. Thornton
could speak man to man!
If he could forget Mr. Thornton is a master
and appeal to his heart!
My word, Margaret!
To admit that the South has its faults
and that Mr. Thornton has his virtues!
What has happened
to bring about such a transformation?
Mrs. Thornton. Thank you
for sparing the time to visit us.
My father is detained
but he'd be touched by your kindness.
Thank you for your kind messages.
We're so grateful.
My aunt has sent me details of a little Italian tune
that Miss Thornton asked me about.
Miss Hale. I'm afraid I did not visit
to indulge Fanny's thirst for light music.
I have a duty to perform.
I promised your mother
that if I knew you had acted wrongly
I would offer you advice,
whether you chose to take it or not.
So, when I learned from one of my servants
that you had been seen out after dark
with a gentleman
I thought it right to... to warn you
against such impropriety!
- Many a young woman has lost her character...
- Mrs. Thornton!
I'm sure my mother
never meant me to be... exposed to insult.
Whatever Mr. Thornton has told you...
My son has told me nothing.
You know nothing of the man you rejected.
If he has any knowledge of this, he keeps it
to himself as any man of honor would.
Of course.
I don't doubt it.
I cannot give you any sort of explanation.
I have done wrong
but not in the way you imagine or imply.
I did not approve of my son's attachment to you.
You did not seem worthy to me.
But I was prepared, for his sake.
Your behavior on the day of the riots
exposed you to the comments of servants.
But by the time my son had proposed
you'd changed your mind.
- Maybe this other lover...
- You must think very little of me, madam.
I can't claim to be sorry you refused my son.
No, I'm glad. Especially now,
when you expose yourself to gossip and ridicule.
I won't listen to you any more.
I refuse to answer your questions. Excuse me.
- I need to talk to you, sir.
- I can't stop now.
- You've seen the new figures?
- I'd hoped to reduce the bank loan by now.
It's a pity so much is tied up
in the new machinery.
I needed the machinery. We were doing well.
We had large orders. I needed the cotton in bulk.
- I expected to be able to fulfill the contracts.
- You've been back to work for a good while now.
But we're still behind with the orders
and we'll not catch up for...
It's not looking like we will catch up.
Well, the bank can extend the loan.
Temporarily. But we'll have to be careful.
I don't think anyone has ever accused me
of being careless! Or frivolous!
Forgive me.
I don't know how I could have prevented this
or what to do next.
Well, there are more... modern
financial procedures.
I could let you know
when I hear of any such schemes.
I'll not risk everything
on some idiot money scheme.
Well, if matters carry on like this
you might not have anything left to risk.
- Good Lord! Are you still here?
- Yes, sir. I want to speak to you.
You'd better come in, then.
- What do you want with me?
- My name is Higgins.
- I know who you are. What do you want?
- I want work.
Work? You've got a nerve.
- Hamper'll tell you I'm a good worker.
- I'm not sure you'd like what he says about you.
I've had to turn away 100 of my best hands
for following you and your union.
And you think I should take you on? Might as well
set fire to the cotton waste and have done with it.
I'd not speak against you.
If I found anything wrong I'd give you
fair warning before taking action.
I'm a steady man. I work hard.
How do I know you're not just planning mischief
or you're saving up money against another strike?
I need work, for the family
of a man who were driven mad.
He had his job taken
by one of those Irishmen you hired.
Your union forced me into hiring those Irish.
Much good it did me!
Most of them have gone home.
If I were to believe your reason...
I can't say that I'm inclined to. I'd advise you
to try some other work and leave Milton.
If it were warmer I'd take Paddy's work and not
come back. But come winter the children'll starve.
If you knew of any place away from mills...
I'd take any wage for the sake of those children.
What, you'd take wages less than others?
They have no union, of course.
Your union'd judge my Irish for trying to feed
their families, yet you'd do this for these children.
I'll not give you work. You're wasting your time.
And yours.
I was told to ask you by a woman.
Thought you had a kindness about you.
She was mistaken,
but I'm not the first to be misled by a woman.
Tell her to mind her own business next time.
How long has he been waiting to speak to me?
He was outside the gate when I arrived, sir,
and it's four now.
Oh! Miss Hale!
- I must congratulate you.
- Yes, we are to be married soon!
Delighted to see you again, Miss Hale.
You must hurry, Miss Hale, for my dear girl
is busy buying up the whole shop.
He is a little grey, but he's very well set up.
He's a very good match for us Thorntons.
He's been trying to interest John in a speculation.
Excuse me, I just didn't think that Mr. Thornton
would participate in any kind of risky venture.
Everybody does it!
All business is risk, as my Watson would say.
John will have to be more modern in his ideas
if he's to keep up.
No! You must send the bills to Marlborough Mills.
You must not pay for a button.
We are quite rich enough!
Miss Hale could do with having
just a little humility about her position.
She was at Green's. Stopped to congratulate me.
She seemed surprised about my wedding plans.
She's so grave and disapproving,
as if we couldn't afford it. I soon put her right.
It's not as if she will ever get a husband.
She's much older than me. And so severe!
I told her about Watson's business proposition
and she really turned up her nose at me!
She as much as said you wouldn't be interested,
as if she knew you better than me. So superior.
I'll thank you not to discuss my business affairs
in the street.
What do you know about anything
except how to spend money?
If you were to take up Watson's offer and join him
in the speculation, you would be certain to profit!
There is nothing certain about speculation.
I will not risk the livelihoods of my men
by joining Watson's tomfool schemes.
If I lose money, how will I be expected to pay off
the expense of your wedding?
You'll be sorry.
Is the speculation so risky?
Do you need to ask me that, Mother?
It's very risky.
If it succeeds, our financial problems will be over
and no one will ever know how bad things are.
If it fails?
At the moment the payroll is safe.
Would you advise me to risk it?
- If you succeeded, they'd never know.
- And if it fails, I would have injured others.
Would you ask me to risk that?
Tell me what to do.
Pray for a good summer.
People will buy cotton clothes.
Pray that some of our buyers
pay their bills on time...
...and pray that Fanny doesn't have time
to order any more from the draper's.
She is in g-great...
- Are these your children?
- No, but they're mine now.
- Did your daughter teach them to read?
- I think they are teaching her.
- And these are the children you mentioned?
- You didn't believe me?
I spoke to you in a way that I had no business to.
I did not believe you. I couldn't have taken care
of a man such as Boucher's children.
I have made enquiries and I know now
that you spoke the truth. I beg your pardon.
He's dead and I am sorry. But that's the end of it.
Will you take work with me?
You've called me impudent,
a liar, a mischief-maker.
For these children, you think we could get along?
Well, it's not my proposal
that we get on well together.
Work is work. I'll come. And what's more,
I'll thank you. And that's a good deal from me.
And this is a good deal from me.
Now, mind you come sharp to your time.
What times we have, we keep sharp.
And the first time I catch you using
that brain of yours to make trouble, off you go.
- Now you know where you are.
- Reckon I'll leave my brains at home, then.
Was Miss Hale the woman
that told you to come to me?
- You might have said.
- And you'd have been a bit more civil?
Well, my father is waiting in the sitting-room.
I thought you might like to know
that I have taken Higgins on.
I am glad of it.
I didn't know that it was you
who urged him to come to me.
Would it have made you
more or less likely to give him a job?
I don't know.
I'll not withdraw it, if that's what worries you.
I wouldn't think you capable of that.
I have a better opinion of you
than you do of me at the moment, I feel.
Margaret, my dear,
you're not obliged to answer this question
do you have any reason for thinking
that Mr. Thornton cared for you?
Father, I'm sorry.
You... rejected him?
- I should have told you.
- Oh, no, no, no.
It would account for him
not coming so often to the house.
And I do value his company and conversation
especially now... now your mother's gone.
...if you feel uncomfortable in his presence
I'll ask him not to come to the house again.
I mean, I'm sure you were honest with him.
That's the most important thing.
I've done nothing that I wouldn't do again.
Thank you. I needed that.
You're becoming a model employee.
Maybe someone will tell the union.
I always kept to my time. Ask anybody.
No, I'll not give Thornton
the chance to give me the sack.
Puts in all hours himself.
Sometimes I don't think he sleeps.
He's taken an interest in young Tom,
saying he's got to have a good education.
He's a funny one. I can't make him out.
Now you will be drummed out of the union
for thinking not so badly about a master!
Laugh... at me.
C-call me...
A comee...
- A...
- Animal.
What are you doing here? Where's Higgins?
Have you had your supper?
Mary went to the butcher
but she didn't do dinner.
Why are you so late? Shift finished an hour ago.
What are you up to?
Work wasn't finished. We stayed until it was.
- Can't pay over your time.
- See you working over your time.
You go under, no one else'll take me on,
and who'll put food in his mouth?
He's not had his supper, he's been telling me.
Some days there's good meat,
other days nothing fit for a dog
even if you've got money in your pocket.
There's your market forces in action, Master.
It's a pity you can't get up some scheme.
Buy food wholesale,
cook for twenty instead of one.
Everybody'd be able to afford a good meal a day
and you'd have fit minds to do studying.
Careful, someone will report you
to the masters union for that kind of talk.
If men eat well, they work well.
That'll please masters too, unless they're idiots.
Which some of them are.
We'd need somewhere to cook.
There's an old outhouse out the back,
not in any use.
- You did bring your brains with you to work.
- Well, I can't do without them altogether.
You get some figures up and we'll see.
Not promising, mind.
Sholto cries that he cannot remember
what his Aunt Margaret looks like.
It's freezing in London. I can't wait for spring.
You must have icicles on your noses in Milton!
It must be even more arctic up there.
Couldn't you try to brave the journey and visit us
soon? And persuade Uncle to come with you.
- Will you come in? It's stew today.
- I haven't had that for a while.
- Not eaten all day, I'll bet.
- No, no, been too busy.
This is very good.
Really. Very good.
- Isn't that your daughter?
- Aye. She's a good girl.
A fair cook.
She's come into her own since her sister died,
God rest her soul.
Congratulations, Mrs. Thornton.
A very good match, I'm sure.
I haven't seen Mr. Thornton for some time.
The winter's been going on
so I do hope he isn't sickening.
My son works hard, Mr. Hale. He's never ill.
Isn't that Mr. Latimer's daughter?
It's from Mr. Bell. There's to be a reunion
of all my Oxford friends.
- This time you will accept his invitation?
- I think I will.
I can give my pupils a holiday for a few weeks
and now that Thornton's stopped coming...
I'm worried about him.
- Why? Is Marlborough Mills really in danger?
- Yes, I'm afraid it is.
But it's his spirit I fear for.
Remember, after his father... died
he struggled for years
to build everything up again.
He raised his family from poverty.
How much worse to be brought low
a second time.
I know what it is to disappoint one's family.
- He will feel bitterly he's failed his mother.
- He will not have failed in her eyes.
Now it's my turn to leave you.
- I'm a little nervous, to tell you the truth.
- Don't worry, Father.
It's natural to wonder whether a place
where you were so happy so many years ago...
...whether Oxford will be the same.
But once you're there with Mr. Bell
you'll have a wonderful time.
Wrap up warm. It's still very chilly.
It's to Margaret, of course.
She's my main concern now.
I worry.
I worry about her... when I'm gone.
Oh, come, come! That won't be for a while.
Anyway, I'm her guardian.
I've got no one else to look after.
When the time comes, have no fear.
She shall want for nothing.
You care for her better than I have.
Nonsense! I thought
you'd put all that talk behind you.
You know, these last few weeks
have done you good. You look years younger.
Yes, I feel it. I feel as though...
...I have come home.
I must tell Margaret.
- Mr. Hale? Dead?
- Aye, in his sleep.
Poor fellow.
Never recovered from his wife's death.
Master? Master, come in.
Sit down. Have some food.
And Margaret? What of her?
There's nothing to keep her here now.
Her aunt's coming to take her home, they say.
She's seen a great deal of sorrow
since she's been here.
We'll be sorry to see her go, Mary and I.
Oh, my dear! How you have suffered!
And what sorrows your father's brought you!
We are leaving instantly.
Dixon, you're to stay here for the time being
and arrange an auction for all this.
Not all the books.
I must say goodbye to our friends.
I can't imagine how many friends
you can have here!
I will help you say goodbye and then
we are leaving this horrible place for good!
I am sorry that you're leaving, Miss Hale.
I was hoping that you might visit my house.
I've finished it with Indian wallpaper from the
Exhibition. I don't suppose you could travel back?
Miss Hale will be in no mood for traveling back
from London just to see your furnishings, Fanny.
It was a while ago, but I'm sorry
for the way I spoke to you at our last meeting.
I know that you meant well.
So, you're going.
I... brought you Father's Plato.
I thought that you might like it.
I shall treasure it.
As I will your father's memory.
He was a good friend to me.
So you are going.
And never come back?
I wish you well, Mr. Thornton.
I must get her home as soon as possible.
To be sure. As soon as possible.
Look back.
Look back at me.
Nicholas! Nicholas! Stop the cab!
Margaret, there you are! We thought you'd gone.
We were going to the station to try and catch you.
Can't believe you'd leave without saying goodbye!
We would've come to London next Whitsun
rather than you go without a farewell from friends.
Oh, no, Margaret. No, not between friends.
No, not for you, Nicholas. For the children.
You can't refuse it for the children.
You'll let me know how they do.
I don't know when she's going to cheer up.
It's been three months now
and she's still insisting on wearing black.
Henry, I'm counting on you.
You know how much Captain Lennox and I
would like the two of you to get together.
Mind you, she's terribly good with Sholto.
I should hate to lose her.
Perhaps we could all live together
in one big house.
Mr. Bell arrives today.
Maybe he can make her smile.
- Mr. Bell, do you really mean it?
- Of course!
I was sitting on the train thinking, "How could we
amuse ourselves?" We should visit Helstone.
When can we go? Tomorrow?
We had to make some improvements.
Well, alterations.
- We have seven children.
- Yes, of course.
It's just... it's a pity the roses are gone.
The children must have a place to play.
Fresh air prepares the mind for God.
Better than all that book-reading,
that's what I say.
Precisely my very words.
We have to get back to simple truth.
Forget about all this intellectualism,
this questioning.
This... dissenting? Like my father?
Is that what you mean?
Well, no! Well, yes.
I thought we ought to keep things simple.
Ignorant? Uneducated? Is that what you mean?
I'm sure the world would be a better place!
Miss Hale has been in the North,
where life is a little more...
Well, more wild.
Why are you smiling?
I was thinking of Mrs. Thornton,
of how she'd love to be called wild!
Oh, dear! I nearly lost my temper.
Yes, I'm afraid this trip
has not gone as I'd wished. I'm sorry.
When we first arrived in Milton
I was guilty of romanticizing the South.
I've got to work hard at not doing the opposite.
No, I can't have this! Mrs. Thornton being wild
is bad enough. But romantic? No, no.
You wouldn't call Milton romantic
in any way at all, surely?
Mr. Bell.
When Mother was dying,
Frederick came to Milton. We were very secret.
You know why. He left before the funeral.
I went with him to the station
and we were seen.
- By Mr. Thornton.
- I see.
You were seen embracing
at the station late at night. I see.
No, no. That... that's not the worst of it.
A man approached Frederick,
someone that knew him.
He fell and died later.
Someone had seen me and I...
had to lie to the police inspector.
Well, Frederick didn't cause this man's death?
No, no. I... I lied.
I was worried because he was still in the country.
I lied and... and Mr. Thornton knows it.
Is Frederick safe now?
Yes. Yes, he's married now.
Settled down in Cadiz.
Sometimes I think I'll never see him again.
But that's not why you're upset?
No, it's just...
I hate to think...
I hate to think Mr. Thornton thinks badly of me.
Are you sure that's all?
I thought it was going to be such a lovely day.
Look. Perhaps I could have a word with Thornton,
though I'm afraid he doesn't think much of me.
Oh, no, no. I don't want him to know about Fred.
I do sometimes wish he knew,
but don't say anything. Please.
I don't know what I want.
Very well. Let us think of other things.
You know, Margaret,
I had an idea when your father died of...
looking after you.
You have. You are.
No, you don't quite understand.
I rather hoped
you would wish to look after me as well.
I never thought to have a wife.
Too busy being an Oxford academic.
Anyway, I hoped. Oh, but that doesn't matter.
I promised your father I would take care of you.
Now, I often think how depressing it would be
if one were to leave one's fortune to people who
were waiting around hoping you would die off.
So, I mean to sign over the bulk of my monies
and property to you now.
- No, I can't. I will not!
- Yes, you will.
I am going back to South America to live out
the rest of my life in perfect peace and prosperity,
knowing you are putting my money to good use.
I couldn't. What about you?
Well, something I've been trying to ignore.
My trip to London was not just to see you,
my dear. I... saw my doctor.
Oh, shh.
You must think of me living the life
under the Argentine skies.
Not many men can plan their exit from this world
in such a leisurely way.
Come now, we must cheer up.
If we go now we'll be in London in time for dinner.
Now, I'm in very great need of good food.
So, I'm almost at the end
of sorting my business affairs.
- When do you sail?
- On Wednesday.
I shall be pleased to be warmed by the sun again.
I spent much of my youth there.
Yes, I have signed all my property and fortune
to my goddaughter Miss Hale.
I have no other family
and Hale is my oldest friend.
South America.
Won't you need money to live on?
Oh, I have sufficient for a very good life there.
What remains of it.
- I am sorry.
- Thank you, but don't be.
I consider myself lucky
to be able to settle my own affairs.
To know that Miss Hale is secure
will ease my heart in these last few months.
By the way, Miss Hale is unlikely to bother you
or to interfere. She is landlord in name only.
Even if Miss Hale were minded to interfere,
she has little enough opinion of me.
There may not be much left
for her to interfere with.
I'm sorry. There is nothing more I can do.
I have left business behind me.
I sail on Wednesday.
You might be mistaken, Thornton, if you think
Miss Hale has a bad opinion of you.
And you might not judge her
as harshly as you do. In fact...
As you say, Mr. Bell,
your business in Milton's finished.
And now the future of this mill is no concern
of yours. I'm afraid I'm busy, too. Good day.
I think Margaret is looking so much better.
Don't you, Dixon?
Yes, miss. Now we're back in London.
I'm so glad she decided to stay with us in Harley
Street, even though now she's quite the heiress.
She's looking much like her old self.
What do you think, Henry?
I think Margaret looks very well.
Now she's so rich, if you don't ask her soon
we'll have a job keeping others away.
I will try her when I'm ready.
It's really none of your concern.
As it is, I'm helping her with business matters.
She will use some of her money
to help Frederick.
I hope you can. She will love you for ever!
Margaret. We're engaged
at the Pipers' on Saturday.
Oh, dear! I know that look. Margaret is about
to tell us something and we cannot argue.
She had that look on her face when she insisted
on giving up dancing lessons when we were nine.
- Margaret, what's wrong?
- Nothing. But Edith is right.
I'm so grateful to you, Aunt, for taking me in.
But I've been back in London for a long time now.
I'm of age and I am of means.
Henry is helping me to understand
my financial affairs and responsibilities.
We are trying to help Frederick.
We will probably not succeed, but it would have
pleased Mother and Father that we are trying.
It is time for me to take responsibility for my life.
You want to leave us? Sholto would cry so!
No. But I would like to make my own decisions
for my day-to-day life.
I would like to keep to my room if I wish.
I would like not to go to the Pipers if I wish.
And I don't.
I... can't stand them.
I don't like London society.
I learnt something when I went back to Helstone,
expecting it to be the paradise I knew as a child.
Try as we might,
happy as we were,
we can't go back.
I told you. I was right and John was wrong.
For once you must admit I was right.
If you'd invested in Watson's scheme, you'd have
made thousands. Enough to get out of trouble!
Admit it.
I will ask Watson if he will lend John some money
but he was very angry
when John would not join him in the venture.
He says a gentleman must pay his own way!
And you can think again about Ann Latimer!
I'm sure she won't have you now.
You mustn't mind losing the house, Mother.
I don't mind about the house.
I care about you.
Thank God Fanny's taken care of.
It'll just be you and I again.
- I have excellent news.
- Really?
You have made money.
What, since yesterday? While I slept?
How clever of me!
- Money makes money.
- I would rather earn it and put it to good use.
Margaret! You're sounding a little...
Well, I hate to notice but a little revolutionary.
Mr. Bell was a shrewd fellow. He bought into
a 100-1 investment with a chap named Watson.
- Watson? Fanny Thornton's husband?
- The very one.
Being hailed as wonder boy. Probably a nine-days
wonder, but nevertheless Fanny's struck gold.
Which is more than we can say for her brother.
He wouldn't have anything to do with it.
Far too principled.
Might just be the last straw.
I'm afraid you'll soon be looking
for a new tenant, Margaret.
"What a nice Christmas present
it will be," said Charlotte.
"But I hope..."
- Where's Higgins?
- He's finishing off something.
"Mr. Arnott will...
"...sometimes bring her cart into..."
I said, have you heard owt about Miss Margaret?
Still here.
Just because it's the last shift, Master,
doesn't mean we shouldn't finish the job well.
I am nobody's master any more, Higgins.
If you're ever in a position
to take on workers again
there's a fair number of us
who'd be happy to run a mill for you.
I got up a petition to collect the names.
Anyway, I was asking about Miss Margaret.
Have you heard how she's doing?
She's well.
She's in London. We'll not see her again.
I thought she might have gone to Spain.
- Why would she go there?
- To see her brother, now he's her only family.
Her brother?
She doesn't have a brother.
Him that were over when their mother were dying.
Kept it a secret, they did.
My Mary used to fetch things for them.
She's a quiet girl, but she talks to me.
- Why wouldn't Mr. Hale tell me he had a son?
- Something to do with the law.
Found himself on the wrong side of the Navy.
In real danger, he was.
He was her brother.
I'll bid you good day.
Goodbye, Higgins. Good luck.
I wonder, would you help me?
I've decided I need to go to Milton
and I'd like you to come with me.
Of course. Whatever I may do.
I'm... I'm at your service. Always.
Yes. Yes!
He's not here, if you've come to crow over him.
He's not here.
Come to look over your possessions, have you?
And he's worked all his life for them.
You once accused me of not knowing
what kind of man I'd rejected. And you were right.
But if you think I've come to triumph over him,
that I don't feel keenly
the misfortune of this empty place...
...then you don't know me at all.
I don't know where he is.
Don't think I'm worried for myself.
He'll see me right. He always has.
There's a ten-minute stop here. Sorry
for the delay, but we're halfway back to London.
I think we have to wait
for a northbound train to pass.
Where are you going?
To London.
I... I've been to Milton.
You'll not guess where I've been.
You've been to Helstone?
- I thought those had all gone!
- I found it in the hedgerow.
You have to look hard.
Why were you in Milton?
On business.
Well, that is, I have a business proposition.
Oh, dear! I need Henry to help me explain.
You don't need Henry to explain.
I... I have to get this right.
It's a business proposition.
I have some ?15,000.
It is lying in the bank at present,
earning very little interest.
Now, my financial advisers tell me
that if you were to take this money
and use it to run Marlborough Mills
you could give me
a very much better rate of interest.
So, you see, it is only a business matter.
You'd not be obliged to me in any way.
It is you who would be doing... the service.
London train about to depart.
London train is about to depart.
Henry, I...
Goodbye, Margaret.
You're coming home with me?