New Amsterdam (2018–…): Season 4, Episode 9 - In a Strange Land - full transcript
Previously on
"New Amsterdam"...
How does your girlfriend
have a residency slot here?
I made a donation.
Does Linda know?
I know how difficult it was
for you to sign that budget.
No, you don't.
These people are not
your friends, Max,
they're your employees.
How many were laid off?
People who make this hospital
everything it is,
and you all were on that list.
Today I protected you,
but I can't protect you
Do you see it?
I sure do.
That is the tip
of a baby carrot.
I hate carrots.
Maybe that's why you
snuck it up your nose
instead of in your mouth.
Pediatric speculum.
I can't find it.
Why can't you find it?
Because Casey
kept a storage system
that he wasn't
super open about.
Excuse me.
the anxiety is getting
really bad, Dr. Frome.
I can barely get out of bed.
These 9:00 a.m.'s
are all that are keeping me
Yeah, hello?
Sorry, I could have sworn
we had a 9:00 a.m.
Did we?
We're Tuesdays at 9:00,
always, for like three weeks.
How long have you been
coming here?
I am so sorry--I lost
my head nurse and I just, um...
scheduling is not my...
it's not my forte, um...
Oh, God, okay.
Check in that crate
over by the phone.
What do I win if I find it?
Not getting fired.
I got 'em.
Nope. Forceps.
You know, Gladys was
basically a human calendar.
But, eureka, look who
stepped up to the plate.
I got this figured out.
Devlin, Tuesdays at 9:00.
Morning, Doc,
here for my 9:00 a.m.
Oh, no.
Take a number, honey.
Oh, it's, uh, hospital-wide
It's been a nightmare
for everyone, so...
It's got to be
here somewhere.
It's not over here.
I'll try the chart room.
God, just take my tweezers.
Do we need to find a real ED?
Oh, no, this is a real ED.
Uh, we just lost
our head nurse, Casey.
Mom, it hurts.
I know, baby.
I found it!
Oh, thank God.
Okay, we're good.
So...what hospital
does this Casey work at?
Why don't you just
take a seat? Yeah.
Ding dong.
So, uh, I hear we have
a new chair of general surgery
and wow.
I always suspected they valued
surgery above oncology.
I'm sorry.
This just feels, uh...
wrong...the way it happened.
Is it me, or does this place
seem different now?
Dr. Kao was a rising star
and, boom,
they shot her out of the sky.
The ED is calling it
The Bloodbath.
Surgery is calling
it The Culling.
Who's next?
Well, I'm not gonna wait
to find out.
I'll have the Golden Goddess
with whey protein, please.
and add bee pollen, thank you.
Mm. Good to know you
can still add bee pollen
while 100 people just got fired
for lack of funding.
Patients want hospitals
with good food,
so Veronica gave it to them.
Pasta bars, smoothie station--
this is what people want.
Yeah. They also want
doctors and nurses
who aren't miserable
and demoralized.
I was just coming in,
and doctors are talking about
jumping ship.
Residents are applying
to other hospitals.
And this cafeteria is Veronica
in a nutshell.
I mean her, financial argument
is just persuasive enough
that you don't notice
the real price of piece
of New Amsterdam's soul.
Hi there.
Max, I know Veronica
has been
a bitter pill to swallow.
Sometimes she's hard for me
to swallow, and I hired her.
But in many ways
she's just the medicine
this hospital needs.
Are there side effects? Yes.
But in the end, New Amsterdam
will be healthier
because of it.
Fresh peaches, in November.
level 2 mass casualty.
Fire at a midtown church.
I need everybody on point.
let's prep the burn unit.
Turan, we're going to need
general surgery.
Brunstetter, let's clear out
these patient bays.
We're gonna need the space.
And we're going to need blood.
On it.
Do we know how many?
but it's a whole church.
How's your surgical rotation
Is he being mean to you?
You're one to talk.
She says she likes me more.
Yeah, right.
Good on plasma--we've got
17 pints of O negative
and platelets and AB
on the way.
Second burn team is in route,
and if we need overflow,
pediatrics said they have room.
Oh, and you got me
the rest of the day.
You sure about that?
After last week, I wanna
help in any way I can.
We good?
First bus landed.
Here they come.
Woman in her 60s, extensive
second and third degree burns.
Walsh, to curtains.
Donde esta mi esposo?
Blood, gas chest X-ray.
45-year-old man,
nonproductive cough,
shortness of breath, BP 110/70,
two IVs, one normal saline,
O2 10 liters.
He needs to be tubed.
How many more
are we looking at?
The place went up
like a chimney.
This is just getting started.
O2 sat is 65 and dropping.
She has a mucus plug.
She's tachypneic.
She needs suction now.
Yakub, 12.
Second and third-degree burns
over 3/4ers of body surface.
Chechi! Chechi...
Yakub, we're taking
good care of her.
We'll let her know
you're here, okay?
Poor kid.
Looks like he got
the worst of it.
And these burns on
the feet are the most severe.
Have you seen that before?
My guess is that he tried
to stamp out the fire.
This little brother's a hero.
Got the plug.
SpO2 levels at 97%.
Okay, good.
She's leveled out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hold on, hold on.
What did you do?
Okay, ma'am, you're
at New Amsterdam Hospital.
No. No, put me back.
Okay, listen to me.
Your lungs were
filling up with mucus.
I need to get back there.
I was talking to God,
and you ruined it.
God was talking to me.
Get Iggy down here, will you?
Okay. Okay.
Can you just take a deep breath
for me, okay?
Lay back down.
This will help, I promise.
We should get an MRI.
24-year-old female
found unconscious.
Administered 2 liters
in the field.
Bay 27, let's go.
This should ease
your breathing.
It's not.
I can't...breathe.
Your bandages are restricting
your breathing.
We'll need to undo them.
No, no, no, no.
You'll be more comfortable.
Get away from me!
Are you okay over here?
Don't touch me.
Should I get an orderly?
No, hold on.
I got this.
Okay. Let's start over, huh?
I'm Kai, he or they pronouns.
What's your name?
Does taking your binder off
make you feel unsafe, exposed?
I get that, I do.
But the thing is, between
the smoke and your binder,
your lungs are struggling,
which is why I have to
take the binder off.
Can we do that?
My name is Temi.
My pronouns are he and him.
Its' nice to meet you, Temi.
I got him.
Father, I'm Dr. Goodwin.
You want to come with me?
Are they all here
from the church?
Yeah, quite a few
of them, actually.
And they say religion's dying.
I need to know
that they're all okay.
They're in very good hands,
I promise you.
You got a pretty nasty
burn there.
You want to have a seat,
let me take a look?
Grabbed the doorknob
like an idiot,
try and get everyone out.
Are there...
are the police here?
Are some of these folks
I'm not saying anything.
That's okay.
Just know that if they were,
all patients are safe
at New Amsterdam regardless
of immigration status.
They're all undocumented.
I prefer to think of them
as pilgrims on the road
to a better life.
Max, you gotta see this.
Uh, excuse me.
What the hell
is ICE doing here?
Waiting for us
to discharge our patients.
ICE has been circling
our church for weeks.
They've been coming by
at random times
waiting for someone
to be out of our protection.
They're coming home from work,
leaving to go to school.
Okay. Well, you're safe here.
They can't come into
the hospital, can they?
They could, but they won't.
We're a sensitive location too.
Yeah, but they're going
to be waiting out there.
Which is why we're not
discharging any patients
who came in from the church.
Spread the word--code 935.
On it.
You're gonna
let those things eat me?
You ready?
Hey, will I feel them?
You're on a lot
of pain medication
but they might tickle a little.
And we'll be right here
the whole time.
Yeah. Maggots have been
used in medicine
for thousands of years,
and they're the best way
to get all the dead tissue
off your legs.
And the best part is
they're picky eaters.
They only like the dead skin
so they leave all the nice
clean living tissue.
And after they're all done,
we'll be able to apply
new skin grafts to your legs.
we are in code 935.
I repeat, the hospital
is now in code 935.
What's code 935?
Immigration's here?
You're safe, Yakub.
Just relax,
focus on getting better.
I used to see the, uh,
ICE van
at the church every day
just sitting there waiting,
so scared they'll take me
and my sister
and put us in one
of those places...
those jails.
So I burned our papers.
did you start the fire?
I tried to stomp it out,
but it destroyed everything.
I destroyed everything.
I always mess things up...
For me,
my sister...
Okay, Rahel, hi.
So tell me about
these talks with God.
How long have
they been happening?
For as long as I can
Okay. So they started
before you came to America?
They happen more now.
Almost every day.
Almost every day.
What about your little brother?
Does he, um, talk with God?
Not unless God is on
WhatsApp, plays Minecraft.
Okay, so typical
little kid, check.
I know you think I'm crazy.
I'm not even sure if
Father O'Connell believes me,
even though everything
he preaches
is about talking with God...
even though the Bible is full
of people who talk with God.
Yeah. First of all,
I do not think you're crazy,
for the record.
And secondly,
we all talk to God, right?
Or some version of our
perception of God, anyway.
So no, I don't think
you're crazy.
What do the talks feel like?
Can you explain it?
It feels like love.
Love is good.
Okay. And it just happens
out of the blue?
I guess so.
I just light incense
and focus, and it happens.
Okay, simple enough.
You really don't think
I'm crazy?
I really do not think
you're crazy, okay?
You're no crazier than this guy
right here, or me, you know?
And that's saying something.
I don't think you're crazy.
I think you're a caring,
intuitive and spiritual
human being.
And lucky.
But I am going to need to
ask you for a few more tests.
You can trust me.
I don't trust anyone.
That's how me and my brother
made it this far.
Okay. I understand that.
But, Rahel,
if I'm gonna help you,
I'm gonna need you
to trust me.
Just a little.
I'll admit,
it's not the most welcoming,
but it will tell us
what to make of the discharge.
I can tell you
from personal experience
that getting a mammogram sucks.
It's like stepping back
into a body that isn't mine.
Does that sound familiar?
So for people like us,
trans men,
it's tempting
to ignore cancer screenings
and walk away from God-awful
machines like this one.
Yes, I know.
But you don't understand.
But we're willing to try.
You said you're from Nigeria,
Did they hurt you there?
I don't need to tell you the
terrible things that happened.
I'm alive.
I'm here.
This body, which they tried
to destroy...
All I can do...
the best thing I can do
is to fill it with love.
This body my home.
And you want to
protect your home.
I can't put myself
in that machine.
Okay. It's all right.
It's okay.
Sorry. Okay.
Do you wanna get arrested
and go to jail?
Because if you don't
step aside--
Okay, he's not the one
you have to worry about--
All right. All right.
What is the issue?
They're trying to
make an arrest.
Okay. I'm Max Goodwin,
the medical director here.
I'm going to have to ask you
to turn around
and walk out of here
or I'm going to report you
for violating HIPAA laws.
Dr. Goodwin,
I'm sorry we have to meet
under these circumstances,
but I have a warrant here
for the arrest
of Salvador Perez,
and I have a judge
issuing warrants
for every undocumented
that you're harboring.
This is a warrant for missing
an immigration hearing.
I don't make the laws,
Dr. Goodwin,
I just enforce them.
He probably missed
the hearing
because you were staking
out his church
and he was terrified to leave.
Do you really want
to walk into this hospital
and start arresting people?
We respected the church
as a sanctuary,
but this doesn't look
like a church to me.
So you can either
help us do our job
or you can get out of the way.
All right, everybody,
quickly inside.
Let's move some of these tables
and make some room.
Hi there, so sorry about this.
Do you mind if I, uh...
There you go.
Enjoying the pasta?
Max, we appreciate
what you're doing,
but I don't see
how hiding in a cafeteria
is going to protect anyone.
You're absolutely right.
Do you have your rosary on you?
Of course.
If ICE can come into
our hospital but not a church,
well, we'll have to make do.
With your blessing, Father,
welcome to your new sanctuary.
Come to make a confession?
I bet you've got
quite a few sins
you'd like to
get off your chest.
I can't believe
that I have to say this,
but you cannot hide a bunch
of undocumented immigrants
in our cafeteria.
Well, they're not just
undocumented immigrants,
Mrs. Trahn right there,
she was a nanny
for Manhattan families
for about three decades.
And that's Daniel there--
he crossed the border
pretty much by himself
to find his mother.
And the little boy
he's playing with is Nelson,
one of the brightest boys
you'll ever meet.
And he's just waiting
for the day to go to school.
Please don't try to appeal
to my sense of humanity, Max.
No? Okay. How about this.
They're our patients,
and it's going to be
pretty hard to treat them
when they're being
dragged away in vans.
And, uh,
where will they sleep?
Hmm? Where will they go
to the bathroom, Max?
ICE is here legally executing
warrants set by a judge,
and I highly doubt
they're going to just drop them
because you decided
to hide them in a hospital.
And again, for the record,
we are a hospital
and not a refugee center, Max.
You really think ICE
is going to give them
the medical care they need?
You know what?
I'm willing to let
the government do their job
and to let
this hospital do ours.
So Church Amsterdam is over.
I cannot believe
that you put up with this
for three years.
I can't do it.
I can't send that boy
to a detention center.
Neither can I.
Maybe neither of us
has what it takes
to make the hard decisions.
Maybe we can still
make the right ones.
There's a board meeting
I'll call for a vote
to terminate
Dr. Fuentes' contract.
Do you have the votes
to pull that off?
Not yet.
But I'll find them.
Carol Brantley.
Didn't know
you had it in ya.
So, Temi,
this is a transducer table.
You'll lie face-down
with your chest in the water,
and the ultrasound signals
will show us what's going on.
No compression, no pain.
It's not perfect, but it is
the best that we can offer.
I do hope you'll trust us.
Thank you.
Is the water warm enough?
Are you okay?
I'm seeing a spiculated,
hypoechoic density
with angular borders
in the lateral field
just there.
Yep, I see it.
I'd say it's removable, yes?
Yes. From the looks of it.
Temi, we have found a tumor
on your right side,
hence the bleeding.
We will need to operate,
but a lumpectomy
will leave minimal scarring.
Take them off, both of them.
Can you do that?
A-a double mastectomy?
So a full mastectomy
leaves a flat chest
that kind of dips in, concave.
That's different
than top surgery
which creates muscle contour.
This might be my only
Okay, Rahel.
So we, um, looked at your
scans, and it turns out
that your visions are actually
temporal lobe seizures.
People call them
Dostoevsky seizures
because we think that
that's what he had,
the, um, the writer.
I'm having seizures?
So you know the incense
that you light
as part of your ritual?
That incense, oddly enough,
is was is bringing them on.
The smoke is reducing
the amount of oxygen
to your brain and--
Wait, no.
No, you might see
a seizure on the scan,
but I know how I feel--
I know I'm talking to God.
That's the thing about
these Dostoevsky seizures.
They can feel...inspiring.
They can feel blissful,
like you're in another world.
But left untreated,
they can cause brain damage.
The good news is that
they are very treatable
and I just so happen
to have a medication
you can start today.
I don't want that.
I help people.
Back home, I stopped my aunt's
migraines and people at church,
they come to me.
I can carry their suffering.
Why would you take that away?
Okay. Yes, you would
stop having
this very profound
spiritual experience.
But again, if we don't treat
your epilepsy,
your seizures
will go from temporal lobe
to full tonic-clonic.
And I know you feel like you
can control them right now.
But eventually, believe me,
they will control you.
But what about Yakub?
He still needs me.
Yes, he does.
Yakub will need you
when he gets better.
That is absolutely correct.
But if you don't manage
your epilepsy,
you won't be the sister
that he knows.
I know what it's like
to lose a sibling,
and I'm not going to
let that happen to Yakub.
All right. Let's go ahead
and remove the epinephrine pads
and see what we got.
Bleeding's controlled.
Right on.
Let's go ahead
and apply some skin.
All right. Set me up with
a 2-0 chromic on an SH.
You prefer that over
the PS3 needles?
It's a little bit more work,
but it's less traumatic
on the skin,
and this boy
doesn't need any more trauma.
When I came here,
I couldn't shake the fear
that I would lose
everything any minute.
When you feel like that, you do
whatever you can to survive.
You even put out fires
with your bare hands and feet.
You okay?
I am now.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
Heart rate's 120,
BP's 160/80 and rising,
and his throat's swelling
around the ET tube.
He's got cervical
compartment syndrome.
If we don't relieve
the pressure around his neck,
he'll suffocate.
All right, ChloraPrep.
Give me a scalpel
and retractors.
Let's prep
for cervical faciotomy.
You paged?
We've got a problem
with Church Amsterdam.
More ICE again?
Definitely not ICE.
Where did they all come from?
They're from New Amsterdam.
When we called code 935,
every undocumented patient
in the hospital
was diverted here by staff.
And now...
They're afraid to leave.
Well, wouldn't you be
with ICE circling the building?
But this is--
Completely unsustainable.
I mean, they can't stay here,
and we can't just
kick them out.
What are we gonna do?
Where are you taking me, Max?
What do you think?
It's perfect.
For what, exactly?
Your new sanctuary.
With all the new parishioners,
you're gonna need a lot more
space, and we can spruce it up.
Max, I don't think--
I know it's not ideal,
but I bet that's exactly
what your church thought
when it first opened its doors,
what every church
or temple or mosque thinks
when they open their doors.
This isn't why we built
these places of worship
and yet it's exactly why,
to shelter people
from the storm,
to harbor those who have
nowhere else to go,
who have left
their homes behind.
And if churches
can be sanctuaries,
then why not hospitals?
We've got medical care,
food, shelter,
we've got a school right here.
Why not us?
What about the people
who have jobs
and families
waiting for them across town?
Look, they don't need
another place to hide.
They need a home.
One that they're not afraid
to leave or come back to.
A-a real sanctuary,
it provides safety,
A real sanctuary...
it's a sacred space.
You're not built
to provide that.
And don't blame yourself
for not providing it either.
All right?
Firing Dr. Fuentes?
How many of us
are on board with this plan?
You're the first
one I've talked to.
Well, to protect myself,
I'd prefer to be
the last one you talk to.
I understand.
Do you?
What will this look like?
We just hired her.
I'm more concerned what it
will look like if we keep her.
I was wondering when
you would come around.
I'm in.
You're one of many now,
I can assure you.
But do we have enough?
I'm working on it.
Have you talked to
Evan Nashton?
Not yet.
Get his vote,
and you'll have mine.
I didn't know Evan
carried so much sway.
Quite the opposite.
He's the weakest link.
If you can convince him,
the rest will follow.
Including me.
Almost half the board is in,
but I need your vote,
the strongest vote,
so the rest will follow.
So you've chosen to court me
in the stairwell.
So are you in or out?
Veronica's done some good
things for this place--
fattened our bottom line,
and I heard about
the pasta bar.
Now a combination pasta bar
immigration camp.
You can't blame Veronica
for trying to restore order.
We hired her to clean up
this mess that Max has made--
keeps making.
But at what cost?
These people came here
for our help, to heal.
And if Veronica has her way,
we'll end up putting them
in detention camps.
There's no easy answer,
No, but there's a human one.
Evan, we both joined the board
because we knew in our hearts
New Amsterdam was special,
this place has a soul.
It makes me a better person
every day.
Hell, it even made you
a better one.
If we don't take action now,
that soul will be gone,
maybe forever.
I'm asking for your vote.
All right. You're the boss.
You have my support.
Thank you.
That should be
the last of the tumor.
Going to extend
the surgical field laterally.
Lynn, the margins
aren't clear.
We couldn't see it
on the ultrasound,
but the tumor has invaded
the chest wall.
The mastectomy
won't be enough.
Dr. Frome!
Rahel, what happened?
I can't take the medicine
you gave me.
Why not?
My brother,
he's still in surgery!
Yeah, I heard.
And he's in good hands.
He's supposed to be out
by now.
But I need to help him.
I need God to help him.
Okay... I understand
that you want to help him.
But I'm not going
to let you give yourself
a seizure to do it.
That would be unethical
and dangerous.
My brother needs me.
And he's getting
the best medical care.
And it's not working.
I've protected my brother
his whole life,
but only with God's help.
My prayers are not nothing.
My prayers are--
they're all I have.
If you could have saved
your own brother,
wouldn't you have tried
everything you could?
Are you sure
this is a good idea?
Um, objectively speaking?
No, this is a terrible idea.
I can't make her take
the medication,
so all I can do is be here
for her if I need to be.
"By the rivers of Babylon,
yea we wept
"when we remembered Zion.
On the willows there
we hung our harps."
"For there, our captors
asked of us songs,
our tormentors demanded
songs of joy."
"They said to us,
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
the song of the Lord
"while in a strange land?
"I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
"may my right hand
forget her cunning.
"They said to us,
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
the song to the Lord
"while in a strange land?
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
may my right hand..."
Lauren, Lauren,
Lauren, Lauren, help me!
"They said to us,
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
a song of the Lord
"while in a strange land?
"If I forget thee,
O Jerusalem,
"may my right hand
forget her cunning.
"They said to us
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
the songs of the Lord
while in a strange land?"
Little more tension.
Senn retractor.
Additional prophylaxis
on board.
Florescent light.
Dim the lights.
The UV light will cause any
bacteria lurking inside
to glow.
-...nominal here.
What do you have?
Okay, we're in the clear.
If we're lucky,
we won't see any.
Thank you.
Mind holding this?
BP's holding.
Trace it up.
You're here!
Is this where you go?
Is God here?
You're going to be okay.
Why aren't you mad at me?
I ruined everything we had
with that fire.
Thought I was protecting us,
but I destroyed our home.
You should just let me go now,
You'll be free now.
Yakub, you didn't destroy
our home.
You are my home.
Pulse Ox 93.
I don't see any bacteria,
do you?
Wow, that's amazing.
So all the swelling
is from the burns
and not from some infection?
Turn the OR lights on now.
No, come back!
Blood pressure's dropping.
Ventilator's down
to 5 of Peep.
Airway constriction is easing.
Compartment syndrome
is letting up.
That was fast.
Someone was looking out
for this kid today.
She's seizing.
It's tonic-clonic.
Help me get her on her side.
We should get her to the ED.
No, we can't.
ICE are waiting there.
Right, okay, okay.
Dr. Hyet, pediatrics.
Dr. Hyet, pediatrics.
It's strange to see myself
like this, but good.
Ha. I feel good.
Temi, you need to know
that your cancer has spread,
and we couldn't remove
all of it. you mean--
You do have
treatment options.
After you've healed, you'll
need to come in every day
for chemo
and radiation for six weeks.
Six weeks. So I can stay here
in the hospital?
I'm afraid they're dissolving
the sanctuary
and everyone
from the church has to...
has to leave.
I just found out, I'm so sorry.
And go where?
I don't know.
But our medical director
is trying.
Even if you can protect me
from ICE today,
I'll be risking ICE every time
I come in for treatment.
It's a risk, yes.
But not treating your cancer
will kill you.
Being deported will kill me.
Going to detention
will kill me.
Every option
is a death sentence.
Meds are working but recovery
is going to take some time.
She's going to need
to be admitted,
which, and I can't believe
I'm actually saying this,
is a good thing.
Because then
ICE can't touch her.
I never should have
let things go this far.
You and me both.
This girl's faith
is something else though.
It's like a fortress.
Even when she was fading
in and out,
at one point she came to
and she looked right at me,
and she said,
"Let me go and you'll be free."
I don't think she was
talking about herself.
She was connected
to something larger.
Maybe she was onto something.
You okay?
I might be.
We all might be.
Send all available ambulances
to the west exit.
The less you know the better.
Nice, thank you.
30, 34...
All right. Hey, buddy, hey.
Is this everyone?
Temi was the last in ICU.
Cafeteria is clear.
Pray this works.
Oh, I have.
And be careful.
Too late for that.
They're on the move.
Get in! Go, go, go!
Come on, out of the vehicle.
Yeah, all right.
You are under arrest
for harboring criminal aliens.
Open 'em up!
Where are they?
Where are the illegals?
No, I just run a hospital.
All we have are patients.
♪ I don't mind,
rain or shine ♪
What about tomorrow?
I don't know, Dr. Bloom.
I don't need to know.
I have faith.
This is just another stop
on our pilgrimage.
♪ And I don't care
day or dark ♪
♪ You can always have
my heart ♪
♪ Ever since
I tripped on you... ♪
The thing is,
they still don't have a home.
Everyone deserves a home,
don't they?
Mm-hmm. They certainly do.
Including you, if you want one.
You really held your own
You were a real pro in that OR.
So if that interests you,
there's a home waiting for you
in general surgery.
I was just doing my job.
No, you were doing
more than that.
I see now why they created
a fifth slot for you.
A fifth slot?
Of residents.
You know the last time
that happened,
Dr. Nottingham's family
had to donate a whole building
to the hospital?
Man, I really had it out
for him.
But now he's one
of the best in cardio.
So will you think about it?
I will think about it.
All right.
♪ With you in my life
♪ You in my life
And there's one more matter
I'd like to bring
before the board.
Glad you could make it, Max,
I was about to call a vote.
Oh, a vote, really?
Love voting.
Everybody should do it
as often as possible,
Though obviously not more
than once in the same election.
I call a vote to terminate
Veronica Fuentes
as medical director.
All in favor?
Seems you're one vote
shy, Karen.
Well, um,
given today's debacle,
all in favor
of ousting Karen Brantley.
As board chair
of this hospital,
please raise your hands.
Well, let's congratulate
Evan Nashton as new board chair
of New Amsterdam.
Well done, Evan.
Well done.
Previously on
"New Amsterdam"...
How does your girlfriend
have a residency slot here?
I made a donation.
Does Linda know?
I know how difficult it was
for you to sign that budget.
No, you don't.
These people are not
your friends, Max,
they're your employees.
How many were laid off?
People who make this hospital
everything it is,
and you all were on that list.
Today I protected you,
but I can't protect you
Do you see it?
I sure do.
That is the tip
of a baby carrot.
I hate carrots.
Maybe that's why you
snuck it up your nose
instead of in your mouth.
Pediatric speculum.
I can't find it.
Why can't you find it?
Because Casey
kept a storage system
that he wasn't
super open about.
Excuse me.
the anxiety is getting
really bad, Dr. Frome.
I can barely get out of bed.
These 9:00 a.m.'s
are all that are keeping me
Yeah, hello?
Sorry, I could have sworn
we had a 9:00 a.m.
Did we?
We're Tuesdays at 9:00,
always, for like three weeks.
How long have you been
coming here?
I am so sorry--I lost
my head nurse and I just, um...
scheduling is not my...
it's not my forte, um...
Oh, God, okay.
Check in that crate
over by the phone.
What do I win if I find it?
Not getting fired.
I got 'em.
Nope. Forceps.
You know, Gladys was
basically a human calendar.
But, eureka, look who
stepped up to the plate.
I got this figured out.
Devlin, Tuesdays at 9:00.
Morning, Doc,
here for my 9:00 a.m.
Oh, no.
Take a number, honey.
Oh, it's, uh, hospital-wide
It's been a nightmare
for everyone, so...
It's got to be
here somewhere.
It's not over here.
I'll try the chart room.
God, just take my tweezers.
Do we need to find a real ED?
Oh, no, this is a real ED.
Uh, we just lost
our head nurse, Casey.
Mom, it hurts.
I know, baby.
I found it!
Oh, thank God.
Okay, we're good.
So...what hospital
does this Casey work at?
Why don't you just
take a seat? Yeah.
Ding dong.
So, uh, I hear we have
a new chair of general surgery
and wow.
I always suspected they valued
surgery above oncology.
I'm sorry.
This just feels, uh...
wrong...the way it happened.
Is it me, or does this place
seem different now?
Dr. Kao was a rising star
and, boom,
they shot her out of the sky.
The ED is calling it
The Bloodbath.
Surgery is calling
it The Culling.
Who's next?
Well, I'm not gonna wait
to find out.
I'll have the Golden Goddess
with whey protein, please.
and add bee pollen, thank you.
Mm. Good to know you
can still add bee pollen
while 100 people just got fired
for lack of funding.
Patients want hospitals
with good food,
so Veronica gave it to them.
Pasta bars, smoothie station--
this is what people want.
Yeah. They also want
doctors and nurses
who aren't miserable
and demoralized.
I was just coming in,
and doctors are talking about
jumping ship.
Residents are applying
to other hospitals.
And this cafeteria is Veronica
in a nutshell.
I mean her, financial argument
is just persuasive enough
that you don't notice
the real price of piece
of New Amsterdam's soul.
Hi there.
Max, I know Veronica
has been
a bitter pill to swallow.
Sometimes she's hard for me
to swallow, and I hired her.
But in many ways
she's just the medicine
this hospital needs.
Are there side effects? Yes.
But in the end, New Amsterdam
will be healthier
because of it.
Fresh peaches, in November.
level 2 mass casualty.
Fire at a midtown church.
I need everybody on point.
let's prep the burn unit.
Turan, we're going to need
general surgery.
Brunstetter, let's clear out
these patient bays.
We're gonna need the space.
And we're going to need blood.
On it.
Do we know how many?
but it's a whole church.
How's your surgical rotation
Is he being mean to you?
You're one to talk.
She says she likes me more.
Yeah, right.
Good on plasma--we've got
17 pints of O negative
and platelets and AB
on the way.
Second burn team is in route,
and if we need overflow,
pediatrics said they have room.
Oh, and you got me
the rest of the day.
You sure about that?
After last week, I wanna
help in any way I can.
We good?
First bus landed.
Here they come.
Woman in her 60s, extensive
second and third degree burns.
Walsh, to curtains.
Donde esta mi esposo?
Blood, gas chest X-ray.
45-year-old man,
nonproductive cough,
shortness of breath, BP 110/70,
two IVs, one normal saline,
O2 10 liters.
He needs to be tubed.
How many more
are we looking at?
The place went up
like a chimney.
This is just getting started.
O2 sat is 65 and dropping.
She has a mucus plug.
She's tachypneic.
She needs suction now.
Yakub, 12.
Second and third-degree burns
over 3/4ers of body surface.
Chechi! Chechi...
Yakub, we're taking
good care of her.
We'll let her know
you're here, okay?
Poor kid.
Looks like he got
the worst of it.
And these burns on
the feet are the most severe.
Have you seen that before?
My guess is that he tried
to stamp out the fire.
This little brother's a hero.
Got the plug.
SpO2 levels at 97%.
Okay, good.
She's leveled out.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hold on, hold on.
What did you do?
Okay, ma'am, you're
at New Amsterdam Hospital.
No. No, put me back.
Okay, listen to me.
Your lungs were
filling up with mucus.
I need to get back there.
I was talking to God,
and you ruined it.
God was talking to me.
Get Iggy down here, will you?
Okay. Okay.
Can you just take a deep breath
for me, okay?
Lay back down.
This will help, I promise.
We should get an MRI.
24-year-old female
found unconscious.
Administered 2 liters
in the field.
Bay 27, let's go.
This should ease
your breathing.
It's not.
I can't...breathe.
Your bandages are restricting
your breathing.
We'll need to undo them.
No, no, no, no.
You'll be more comfortable.
Get away from me!
Are you okay over here?
Don't touch me.
Should I get an orderly?
No, hold on.
I got this.
Okay. Let's start over, huh?
I'm Kai, he or they pronouns.
What's your name?
Does taking your binder off
make you feel unsafe, exposed?
I get that, I do.
But the thing is, between
the smoke and your binder,
your lungs are struggling,
which is why I have to
take the binder off.
Can we do that?
My name is Temi.
My pronouns are he and him.
Its' nice to meet you, Temi.
I got him.
Father, I'm Dr. Goodwin.
You want to come with me?
Are they all here
from the church?
Yeah, quite a few
of them, actually.
And they say religion's dying.
I need to know
that they're all okay.
They're in very good hands,
I promise you.
You got a pretty nasty
burn there.
You want to have a seat,
let me take a look?
Grabbed the doorknob
like an idiot,
try and get everyone out.
Are there...
are the police here?
Are some of these folks
I'm not saying anything.
That's okay.
Just know that if they were,
all patients are safe
at New Amsterdam regardless
of immigration status.
They're all undocumented.
I prefer to think of them
as pilgrims on the road
to a better life.
Max, you gotta see this.
Uh, excuse me.
What the hell
is ICE doing here?
Waiting for us
to discharge our patients.
ICE has been circling
our church for weeks.
They've been coming by
at random times
waiting for someone
to be out of our protection.
They're coming home from work,
leaving to go to school.
Okay. Well, you're safe here.
They can't come into
the hospital, can they?
They could, but they won't.
We're a sensitive location too.
Yeah, but they're going
to be waiting out there.
Which is why we're not
discharging any patients
who came in from the church.
Spread the word--code 935.
On it.
You're gonna
let those things eat me?
You ready?
Hey, will I feel them?
You're on a lot
of pain medication
but they might tickle a little.
And we'll be right here
the whole time.
Yeah. Maggots have been
used in medicine
for thousands of years,
and they're the best way
to get all the dead tissue
off your legs.
And the best part is
they're picky eaters.
They only like the dead skin
so they leave all the nice
clean living tissue.
And after they're all done,
we'll be able to apply
new skin grafts to your legs.
we are in code 935.
I repeat, the hospital
is now in code 935.
What's code 935?
Immigration's here?
You're safe, Yakub.
Just relax,
focus on getting better.
I used to see the, uh,
ICE van
at the church every day
just sitting there waiting,
so scared they'll take me
and my sister
and put us in one
of those places...
those jails.
So I burned our papers.
did you start the fire?
I tried to stomp it out,
but it destroyed everything.
I destroyed everything.
I always mess things up...
For me,
my sister...
Okay, Rahel, hi.
So tell me about
these talks with God.
How long have
they been happening?
For as long as I can
Okay. So they started
before you came to America?
They happen more now.
Almost every day.
Almost every day.
What about your little brother?
Does he, um, talk with God?
Not unless God is on
WhatsApp, plays Minecraft.
Okay, so typical
little kid, check.
I know you think I'm crazy.
I'm not even sure if
Father O'Connell believes me,
even though everything
he preaches
is about talking with God...
even though the Bible is full
of people who talk with God.
Yeah. First of all,
I do not think you're crazy,
for the record.
And secondly,
we all talk to God, right?
Or some version of our
perception of God, anyway.
So no, I don't think
you're crazy.
What do the talks feel like?
Can you explain it?
It feels like love.
Love is good.
Okay. And it just happens
out of the blue?
I guess so.
I just light incense
and focus, and it happens.
Okay, simple enough.
You really don't think
I'm crazy?
I really do not think
you're crazy, okay?
You're no crazier than this guy
right here, or me, you know?
And that's saying something.
I don't think you're crazy.
I think you're a caring,
intuitive and spiritual
human being.
And lucky.
But I am going to need to
ask you for a few more tests.
You can trust me.
I don't trust anyone.
That's how me and my brother
made it this far.
Okay. I understand that.
But, Rahel,
if I'm gonna help you,
I'm gonna need you
to trust me.
Just a little.
I'll admit,
it's not the most welcoming,
but it will tell us
what to make of the discharge.
I can tell you
from personal experience
that getting a mammogram sucks.
It's like stepping back
into a body that isn't mine.
Does that sound familiar?
So for people like us,
trans men,
it's tempting
to ignore cancer screenings
and walk away from God-awful
machines like this one.
Yes, I know.
But you don't understand.
But we're willing to try.
You said you're from Nigeria,
Did they hurt you there?
I don't need to tell you the
terrible things that happened.
I'm alive.
I'm here.
This body, which they tried
to destroy...
All I can do...
the best thing I can do
is to fill it with love.
This body my home.
And you want to
protect your home.
I can't put myself
in that machine.
Okay. It's all right.
It's okay.
Sorry. Okay.
Do you wanna get arrested
and go to jail?
Because if you don't
step aside--
Okay, he's not the one
you have to worry about--
All right. All right.
What is the issue?
They're trying to
make an arrest.
Okay. I'm Max Goodwin,
the medical director here.
I'm going to have to ask you
to turn around
and walk out of here
or I'm going to report you
for violating HIPAA laws.
Dr. Goodwin,
I'm sorry we have to meet
under these circumstances,
but I have a warrant here
for the arrest
of Salvador Perez,
and I have a judge
issuing warrants
for every undocumented
that you're harboring.
This is a warrant for missing
an immigration hearing.
I don't make the laws,
Dr. Goodwin,
I just enforce them.
He probably missed
the hearing
because you were staking
out his church
and he was terrified to leave.
Do you really want
to walk into this hospital
and start arresting people?
We respected the church
as a sanctuary,
but this doesn't look
like a church to me.
So you can either
help us do our job
or you can get out of the way.
All right, everybody,
quickly inside.
Let's move some of these tables
and make some room.
Hi there, so sorry about this.
Do you mind if I, uh...
There you go.
Enjoying the pasta?
Max, we appreciate
what you're doing,
but I don't see
how hiding in a cafeteria
is going to protect anyone.
You're absolutely right.
Do you have your rosary on you?
Of course.
If ICE can come into
our hospital but not a church,
well, we'll have to make do.
With your blessing, Father,
welcome to your new sanctuary.
Come to make a confession?
I bet you've got
quite a few sins
you'd like to
get off your chest.
I can't believe
that I have to say this,
but you cannot hide a bunch
of undocumented immigrants
in our cafeteria.
Well, they're not just
undocumented immigrants,
Mrs. Trahn right there,
she was a nanny
for Manhattan families
for about three decades.
And that's Daniel there--
he crossed the border
pretty much by himself
to find his mother.
And the little boy
he's playing with is Nelson,
one of the brightest boys
you'll ever meet.
And he's just waiting
for the day to go to school.
Please don't try to appeal
to my sense of humanity, Max.
No? Okay. How about this.
They're our patients,
and it's going to be
pretty hard to treat them
when they're being
dragged away in vans.
And, uh,
where will they sleep?
Hmm? Where will they go
to the bathroom, Max?
ICE is here legally executing
warrants set by a judge,
and I highly doubt
they're going to just drop them
because you decided
to hide them in a hospital.
And again, for the record,
we are a hospital
and not a refugee center, Max.
You really think ICE
is going to give them
the medical care they need?
You know what?
I'm willing to let
the government do their job
and to let
this hospital do ours.
So Church Amsterdam is over.
I cannot believe
that you put up with this
for three years.
I can't do it.
I can't send that boy
to a detention center.
Neither can I.
Maybe neither of us
has what it takes
to make the hard decisions.
Maybe we can still
make the right ones.
There's a board meeting
I'll call for a vote
to terminate
Dr. Fuentes' contract.
Do you have the votes
to pull that off?
Not yet.
But I'll find them.
Carol Brantley.
Didn't know
you had it in ya.
So, Temi,
this is a transducer table.
You'll lie face-down
with your chest in the water,
and the ultrasound signals
will show us what's going on.
No compression, no pain.
It's not perfect, but it is
the best that we can offer.
I do hope you'll trust us.
Thank you.
Is the water warm enough?
Are you okay?
I'm seeing a spiculated,
hypoechoic density
with angular borders
in the lateral field
just there.
Yep, I see it.
I'd say it's removable, yes?
Yes. From the looks of it.
Temi, we have found a tumor
on your right side,
hence the bleeding.
We will need to operate,
but a lumpectomy
will leave minimal scarring.
Take them off, both of them.
Can you do that?
A-a double mastectomy?
So a full mastectomy
leaves a flat chest
that kind of dips in, concave.
That's different
than top surgery
which creates muscle contour.
This might be my only
Okay, Rahel.
So we, um, looked at your
scans, and it turns out
that your visions are actually
temporal lobe seizures.
People call them
Dostoevsky seizures
because we think that
that's what he had,
the, um, the writer.
I'm having seizures?
So you know the incense
that you light
as part of your ritual?
That incense, oddly enough,
is was is bringing them on.
The smoke is reducing
the amount of oxygen
to your brain and--
Wait, no.
No, you might see
a seizure on the scan,
but I know how I feel--
I know I'm talking to God.
That's the thing about
these Dostoevsky seizures.
They can feel...inspiring.
They can feel blissful,
like you're in another world.
But left untreated,
they can cause brain damage.
The good news is that
they are very treatable
and I just so happen
to have a medication
you can start today.
I don't want that.
I help people.
Back home, I stopped my aunt's
migraines and people at church,
they come to me.
I can carry their suffering.
Why would you take that away?
Okay. Yes, you would
stop having
this very profound
spiritual experience.
But again, if we don't treat
your epilepsy,
your seizures
will go from temporal lobe
to full tonic-clonic.
And I know you feel like you
can control them right now.
But eventually, believe me,
they will control you.
But what about Yakub?
He still needs me.
Yes, he does.
Yakub will need you
when he gets better.
That is absolutely correct.
But if you don't manage
your epilepsy,
you won't be the sister
that he knows.
I know what it's like
to lose a sibling,
and I'm not going to
let that happen to Yakub.
All right. Let's go ahead
and remove the epinephrine pads
and see what we got.
Bleeding's controlled.
Right on.
Let's go ahead
and apply some skin.
All right. Set me up with
a 2-0 chromic on an SH.
You prefer that over
the PS3 needles?
It's a little bit more work,
but it's less traumatic
on the skin,
and this boy
doesn't need any more trauma.
When I came here,
I couldn't shake the fear
that I would lose
everything any minute.
When you feel like that, you do
whatever you can to survive.
You even put out fires
with your bare hands and feet.
You okay?
I am now.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
Heart rate's 120,
BP's 160/80 and rising,
and his throat's swelling
around the ET tube.
He's got cervical
compartment syndrome.
If we don't relieve
the pressure around his neck,
he'll suffocate.
All right, ChloraPrep.
Give me a scalpel
and retractors.
Let's prep
for cervical faciotomy.
You paged?
We've got a problem
with Church Amsterdam.
More ICE again?
Definitely not ICE.
Where did they all come from?
They're from New Amsterdam.
When we called code 935,
every undocumented patient
in the hospital
was diverted here by staff.
And now...
They're afraid to leave.
Well, wouldn't you be
with ICE circling the building?
But this is--
Completely unsustainable.
I mean, they can't stay here,
and we can't just
kick them out.
What are we gonna do?
Where are you taking me, Max?
What do you think?
It's perfect.
For what, exactly?
Your new sanctuary.
With all the new parishioners,
you're gonna need a lot more
space, and we can spruce it up.
Max, I don't think--
I know it's not ideal,
but I bet that's exactly
what your church thought
when it first opened its doors,
what every church
or temple or mosque thinks
when they open their doors.
This isn't why we built
these places of worship
and yet it's exactly why,
to shelter people
from the storm,
to harbor those who have
nowhere else to go,
who have left
their homes behind.
And if churches
can be sanctuaries,
then why not hospitals?
We've got medical care,
food, shelter,
we've got a school right here.
Why not us?
What about the people
who have jobs
and families
waiting for them across town?
Look, they don't need
another place to hide.
They need a home.
One that they're not afraid
to leave or come back to.
A-a real sanctuary,
it provides safety,
A real sanctuary...
it's a sacred space.
You're not built
to provide that.
And don't blame yourself
for not providing it either.
All right?
Firing Dr. Fuentes?
How many of us
are on board with this plan?
You're the first
one I've talked to.
Well, to protect myself,
I'd prefer to be
the last one you talk to.
I understand.
Do you?
What will this look like?
We just hired her.
I'm more concerned what it
will look like if we keep her.
I was wondering when
you would come around.
I'm in.
You're one of many now,
I can assure you.
But do we have enough?
I'm working on it.
Have you talked to
Evan Nashton?
Not yet.
Get his vote,
and you'll have mine.
I didn't know Evan
carried so much sway.
Quite the opposite.
He's the weakest link.
If you can convince him,
the rest will follow.
Including me.
Almost half the board is in,
but I need your vote,
the strongest vote,
so the rest will follow.
So you've chosen to court me
in the stairwell.
So are you in or out?
Veronica's done some good
things for this place--
fattened our bottom line,
and I heard about
the pasta bar.
Now a combination pasta bar
immigration camp.
You can't blame Veronica
for trying to restore order.
We hired her to clean up
this mess that Max has made--
keeps making.
But at what cost?
These people came here
for our help, to heal.
And if Veronica has her way,
we'll end up putting them
in detention camps.
There's no easy answer,
No, but there's a human one.
Evan, we both joined the board
because we knew in our hearts
New Amsterdam was special,
this place has a soul.
It makes me a better person
every day.
Hell, it even made you
a better one.
If we don't take action now,
that soul will be gone,
maybe forever.
I'm asking for your vote.
All right. You're the boss.
You have my support.
Thank you.
That should be
the last of the tumor.
Going to extend
the surgical field laterally.
Lynn, the margins
aren't clear.
We couldn't see it
on the ultrasound,
but the tumor has invaded
the chest wall.
The mastectomy
won't be enough.
Dr. Frome!
Rahel, what happened?
I can't take the medicine
you gave me.
Why not?
My brother,
he's still in surgery!
Yeah, I heard.
And he's in good hands.
He's supposed to be out
by now.
But I need to help him.
I need God to help him.
Okay... I understand
that you want to help him.
But I'm not going
to let you give yourself
a seizure to do it.
That would be unethical
and dangerous.
My brother needs me.
And he's getting
the best medical care.
And it's not working.
I've protected my brother
his whole life,
but only with God's help.
My prayers are not nothing.
My prayers are--
they're all I have.
If you could have saved
your own brother,
wouldn't you have tried
everything you could?
Are you sure
this is a good idea?
Um, objectively speaking?
No, this is a terrible idea.
I can't make her take
the medication,
so all I can do is be here
for her if I need to be.
"By the rivers of Babylon,
yea we wept
"when we remembered Zion.
On the willows there
we hung our harps."
"For there, our captors
asked of us songs,
our tormentors demanded
songs of joy."
"They said to us,
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
the song of the Lord
"while in a strange land?
"I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
"may my right hand
forget her cunning.
"They said to us,
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
the song to the Lord
"while in a strange land?
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
may my right hand..."
Lauren, Lauren,
Lauren, Lauren, help me!
"They said to us,
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
a song of the Lord
"while in a strange land?
"If I forget thee,
O Jerusalem,
"may my right hand
forget her cunning.
"They said to us
'Sing us a song of Zion.'
"But how can we sing
the songs of the Lord
while in a strange land?"
Little more tension.
Senn retractor.
Additional prophylaxis
on board.
Florescent light.
Dim the lights.
The UV light will cause any
bacteria lurking inside
to glow.
-...nominal here.
What do you have?
Okay, we're in the clear.
If we're lucky,
we won't see any.
Thank you.
Mind holding this?
BP's holding.
Trace it up.
You're here!
Is this where you go?
Is God here?
You're going to be okay.
Why aren't you mad at me?
I ruined everything we had
with that fire.
Thought I was protecting us,
but I destroyed our home.
You should just let me go now,
You'll be free now.
Yakub, you didn't destroy
our home.
You are my home.
Pulse Ox 93.
I don't see any bacteria,
do you?
Wow, that's amazing.
So all the swelling
is from the burns
and not from some infection?
Turn the OR lights on now.
No, come back!
Blood pressure's dropping.
Ventilator's down
to 5 of Peep.
Airway constriction is easing.
Compartment syndrome
is letting up.
That was fast.
Someone was looking out
for this kid today.
She's seizing.
It's tonic-clonic.
Help me get her on her side.
We should get her to the ED.
No, we can't.
ICE are waiting there.
Right, okay, okay.
Dr. Hyet, pediatrics.
Dr. Hyet, pediatrics.
It's strange to see myself
like this, but good.
Ha. I feel good.
Temi, you need to know
that your cancer has spread,
and we couldn't remove
all of it. you mean--
You do have
treatment options.
After you've healed, you'll
need to come in every day
for chemo
and radiation for six weeks.
Six weeks. So I can stay here
in the hospital?
I'm afraid they're dissolving
the sanctuary
and everyone
from the church has to...
has to leave.
I just found out, I'm so sorry.
And go where?
I don't know.
But our medical director
is trying.
Even if you can protect me
from ICE today,
I'll be risking ICE every time
I come in for treatment.
It's a risk, yes.
But not treating your cancer
will kill you.
Being deported will kill me.
Going to detention
will kill me.
Every option
is a death sentence.
Meds are working but recovery
is going to take some time.
She's going to need
to be admitted,
which, and I can't believe
I'm actually saying this,
is a good thing.
Because then
ICE can't touch her.
I never should have
let things go this far.
You and me both.
This girl's faith
is something else though.
It's like a fortress.
Even when she was fading
in and out,
at one point she came to
and she looked right at me,
and she said,
"Let me go and you'll be free."
I don't think she was
talking about herself.
She was connected
to something larger.
Maybe she was onto something.
You okay?
I might be.
We all might be.
Send all available ambulances
to the west exit.
The less you know the better.
Nice, thank you.
30, 34...
All right. Hey, buddy, hey.
Is this everyone?
Temi was the last in ICU.
Cafeteria is clear.
Pray this works.
Oh, I have.
And be careful.
Too late for that.
They're on the move.
Get in! Go, go, go!
Come on, out of the vehicle.
Yeah, all right.
You are under arrest
for harboring criminal aliens.
Open 'em up!
Where are they?
Where are the illegals?
No, I just run a hospital.
All we have are patients.
♪ I don't mind,
rain or shine ♪
What about tomorrow?
I don't know, Dr. Bloom.
I don't need to know.
I have faith.
This is just another stop
on our pilgrimage.
♪ And I don't care
day or dark ♪
♪ You can always have
my heart ♪
♪ Ever since
I tripped on you... ♪
The thing is,
they still don't have a home.
Everyone deserves a home,
don't they?
Mm-hmm. They certainly do.
Including you, if you want one.
You really held your own
You were a real pro in that OR.
So if that interests you,
there's a home waiting for you
in general surgery.
I was just doing my job.
No, you were doing
more than that.
I see now why they created
a fifth slot for you.
A fifth slot?
Of residents.
You know the last time
that happened,
Dr. Nottingham's family
had to donate a whole building
to the hospital?
Man, I really had it out
for him.
But now he's one
of the best in cardio.
So will you think about it?
I will think about it.
All right.
♪ With you in my life
♪ You in my life
And there's one more matter
I'd like to bring
before the board.
Glad you could make it, Max,
I was about to call a vote.
Oh, a vote, really?
Love voting.
Everybody should do it
as often as possible,
Though obviously not more
than once in the same election.
I call a vote to terminate
Veronica Fuentes
as medical director.
All in favor?
Seems you're one vote
shy, Karen.
Well, um,
given today's debacle,
all in favor
of ousting Karen Brantley.
As board chair
of this hospital,
please raise your hands.
Well, let's congratulate
Evan Nashton as new board chair
of New Amsterdam.
Well done, Evan.
Well done.