Mysteries of the Bible (1994–1998): Season 3, Episode 10 - The Lost Years of Jesus - full transcript

For thousands of years Christians have celebrated the birth of their saviour on December 25th.

Joseph son of David

Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife

For the child conceived in her

Is from the Holy Spirit
She will bear you a son

And you are to name Him, Jesus

Matthew 1:20

His story began 2,000 years ago

In the province of Galilee

A remote corner of the Roman Empire

Since then across the continents

And throughout the centuries

In multitudes of Christian communities

The story of Jesus has been told and retold

In hundreds of languages

The narrative of His birth, His teachings

The miracles He performed

And His resurrection

More has been written about Jesus

Than about any other person in history

And yet the Bible says almost nothing

About most of His life

The time between Jesus birth

And the beginning of His ministry

Approximately 30 years later

Have been called The Lost years

During all this time there is
But one story in the Gospels

It describes Jesusas a precocious twelve-year-old

Discussing the Hebrew Bible

With rabbis in Jerusalem

They found Him in the temple

Sitting among the teachers listening to them

And asking them questions

And all who heard Him were amazed
by His understanding

And His answers

Luke 2:46

Aside from this single account

The New Testament is almost completely silent

About Jesus life until the beginning

Of His public ministry

What happened during those Lost years

Where was Jesus and what did He do

Then He went down with them and came to

And Jesus increased in wisdom
And in years

And in divine and human favor

Luke 2:51

The most we can say about him
In His early years

Is that He walked in silent
Solidarity with His people

That He was very likely a carpenter

A man who worked with His hands

That He lived a simple life in a peasant village

But even this is speculation

Based on the few tantalizing accounts

Related in the New Testament

Why does the Bible supply so little information?

Most of what we know about Jesus

Comes from the four Gospels
In the New Testament

Matthew Mark Luke and John

It seems sort of being conceivable to us but

My feeling is that the the evangelists

That's what they are they're bearers of
The good news

They're not biographers
They're not historians

Their sense of the importance of Jesus is

His spiritual message His redeeming sacrifice

Not details about His personal life

That's something that that modern
We as modern people

Are more interested in

According the most scholars the Gospels

As presented in the New Testament

Are not firsthand eyewitness accounts

Biblical scholars believe they were first
Compiled from oral traditions

As well as other earlier sources

And were first written down between 40 and 100 years

After the crucifixion of Jesus

Well the problem with the Gospels

In considering this historical Jesus

Is that....

You can't be sure what materials
Are historical and what aren't

And this debate has been going on for two

Two and half centuries now

So it's an extremely difficult problem

Adding to the mystery
Surrounding the life of Jesus

Is the fact that forhundreds of years after His death

Dozens of other Gospels were also written

There were probably close to 50 Gospels

That were actually written about Jesus

Within the first hundred
Years or so of His death

And only four of them actually made it into the Bible

Many of the Gospels not included
In the New Testament

Called the apocryphal Gospels has survived

There were many other things written

These of course never did find their
Way into this canon of Scripture

But do they throw any light on

The Lost years of Jesus not really

And they tell us

Odd little stories like Jesus killed birds
and brought them back to life

But these are totally irrelevant

There's another story about how

A little boy knocks up against Him in the street

And He strikes him dead

Now I'm thinking if I were compiling the Gospels

I'd leave this material out too

It took the church some 500 years

To come to terms with who Jesus was

In the various councils of the church

That met in those first 500 years

Issues about Jesus were discussed

And discussed and discussed

And it took that long
not many people are aware of that

And the Jesus that we think of today

Is this Jesus that came into existence

During those 500 years

The Jesus of faith

Historical sources beyond the Gospels

Do survive from the time of Jesus

But amazingly these two are mysteriously

Silent about the life and death

Which change the world

One of the biggest mysteries about Jesus

Is why none of his
Contemporaries wrote about him

There were many historians

And many writers who lived when Jesus did

And they knew about events in Palestine

When Jesus was living there yet none of them

Wrote about Jesus

There is very little to go on

We can to some extent reconstruct

His public life but even then

You will find that scholars greatly to scream

So it's very difficult to recreate Jesus at all

Every scholar seems to come up

With His own ideas

So when you actually then try to project

Back further than the Gospels

And try to recreate His hidden life

There is absolutely no way to do it

Unless we go with the milieu of the times

And speculate on what was possible

For Him to have done

For centuries people have yearned

To know more about the life of Jesus

In an attempt to fill in the last years

They have studied and
Searched and wondered

Did Jesus spend the time between

The ages of 12 and 30 living quietly in Nazareth?

Or is it possible that during this time

Jesus traveled studied and preached
Outside of Palestine

When we return

Could Jesus have journeyed to India?

And encounter the teachings of Buddha?

More than 2,500 years ago

In the verdant forests of northern India

An event occurred which like the birth of Jesus

Would transform human history

Seating himself under the outstretched branches

Of a blossoming tree

The young prince Siddhartha Gautama

Vowed not to rise until he had found the answer

To the mysteries of human existence

After a night of profound insight

He arose from his seat as Buddha

The enlightened one
Buddha spent the rest of his life

Traveling in India and elsewhere
sharing the message

Of his revelation

Could Jesus have been familiar

With the teachings of Buddha?

Is it possible as some believe
that He traveled to India

During His last year's?

Escaped alta documented in ancient writings

Do exist from both Persia as well as India

That Jesus did indeed travel to India

But we do not have 100% proof

That He was there

The proof however does lie in His teachings

When compared to sacred Buddhist writings

Some scholars find striking similarities

Between Jesus and Buddha

Like Jesus Buddha is said to
Have miraculously cured the sick

Walked upon water

And fed multitudes with only a few loaves of bread

Hohhot years old sign vision hair

Where did Jesus gain His knowledge

No body knows that it

Is simply explained away with miracles

From where did He get His high standard of ethics

Where did that come from
Why is He so different

And why does He reacts Oh totally

Unlike the people who surround him

These are questions without answers

Could Jesus have been influenced

by the teachings of Buddha?

And we see similarities the basic

Fundamental similarities

Like truth non-violence love thy neighbor

Service of the poor and downtrodden

Frugality simplicity in life

Away from ostentatious

These things are similar
in Christianity what Jesus taught

In Buddhism what Buddha taught

Love thy neighbor there may be words

May be different but the essence

Is the same meaning and the message
Is the same

India lies over 3,000 miles

From Palestine

How could Jesus have made

Such a monumental journey

It would have been very easy actually

For Jesus to travel to India there were

A lot of trade routes that existed

Between the Roman Empire which included Palestine

and Asia for example He could

Have taken the trade route that went

From Palestine through northern

Afghanistan and northern Pakistan

And then down to the west coast of India

Could Jesus have journeyed farther into

The interior of India

Perhaps even into the vast
Himalayan mountains

Of the far north

The controversial story told by Niklas Noir Ovitch

Suggests He may have

In 1887, Noir Ovitch

A Russian journalist traveled to hem assess

An isolated monestery

High in the Himalayan mountains
of northern India

In his book the unknown life of Jesus Christ

Noir Ovitch exclaims that there

He was shown secrethe manuscripts

Which detailed the life of a wandering prophet

Named ISA

Noir Ovitch was convinced by by the manuscript

And by the monks he consulted

That ISA was in fact


According to Noir Ovitch the arcane Manuscript
he was shown revealed that at age 14

Jesus traveled to India and and
studied Buddhism

After many years of study and preaching

Throughout Asia Jesus returned to Palestine

Carrying Buddhist beliefs with him

While many scholars question

The authenticity of Noir Ovitch's account

He was not the only person who reported

Seeing the mysterious scrolls

In the 1920s a Hindu priest went up there

He went to the same monastery and

He had some of the passages Translated
but not all of them

And then he published a book

The translation and the second book
very closely paralleled

Not...not that this is translations

Other unconfirmed reports of the existence
of The ISA manuscripts at Hamas

Continued until 1939

But since then their whereabouts
have Been shrouded in mystery

The legends live on
and they continue to Grow

as each year book after book

Article after article is published

Presenting new and often controversial

Regarding the Lost years of Jesus

When we return, did Jesus travel to England?

And does the cup from the Last Supper
the Holy Grail

Hold the key which Could unlock the secrets
of His missing years?

Glastonbury England

Set in a landscape tinged with the mystical

Amid prehistoric sacred Springs

And dominated by a holy mountain

Glastonbury seems a natural place

To find traditions about
the Lost years of Jesus

The English poet William Blake
has left Us a startling image

And did those feet in ancient time walk
upon England's Mountain's green

And was the holy Lamb Of God
on England's Pleasant pastures scene

William Blake: Milton, a poem in two books 1804

In Blake's remarkable poem

Jesus is depicted walking the hills
and meadows Of Glastonbury

Far from His native land

The Glastonbury legend culminates in
the Year 63

With Joseph of Arimathea a disciple of Jesus

Founding the first Christian Church in Britain

According to this legend it is Joseph of Arimathea

Who provides the critical link

Placing Jesus in this land

One of the populartraditions

In the Eastern Orthodox Church and also
in England

Is that the Man known as Joseph of Arimathea

Was actually Jesus's great-uncle

By the time Jesus had reached His early teens

It appears that father Joseph had died

And that His great-uncle Joseph of Arimathea

May have stepped in

The Gospels Described Joseph of
Arimathea as rich and pious

The Glastonbury legends

Add that he was also involved in commerce

Between Palestine and ancient England

England at that time was part of
the Trade network that existed

England had 10 which was a very valuable commodity

Joseph was involved in the 10 trade

That's how he became so wealthy

And how He became so influential

In some early latin versions of the Gospels

Joseph of Arimathea is described As a de Kurian,

A title given by rome to mining officials

If Jesus was the nephew of Joseph of Arimathea

Might here journeyed with His uncle to england

The legends that you find in England are that

Jesus traveled with Joseph of

Along the southern coast of England
a through Cornwall

That's where all the tin mines were

And what you find in
many of the tin mining towns of England

Are these ancient traditions that Jesus
had stopped there With His uncle

The people who lived here at the time of Jesus
were the Druids.

And they may have been particularly receptive
to the Teachings of Jesus

For their religion bore certain
uncanny resemblances to Christianity

At the time that Jesus lived

The dominant religion of England was Druidism

The Druids they had beliefs about a future Messiah

And in fact according to one historian

They actually used the word Yaesu

To label that Messiah

And they had some ideas about
the body and soul and other concepts

That reflected later on in Christianity

As Christiany did spread throught out England

The druids discarded their pagan beliefs
and converted

Did the Druids recognize the fulfillment Of
their Messiah prophecy in the story of Jesus

Intriguing is the story
Of joseph of arimathea

And jesus journey to England is

Joseph's remains a questionable
character to many Biblical scholars

Joseph of Arimatea Who seems
to appear in all four Gospels

What can we say about him

I would raise the issue of whether he was
even Historical

The Gospels are peopled with characters
who seem to emerge

Out of other...other materials and
are not necessarily Historical at all

for instance we have No information
about any place called Arimathaea

If the very existence of Joseph
of Arimathea is in doubt

Why do the legends persist

And the problem when in people's minds
is Confusing literature with history

The Gospels are literature these traditions
Are literature history

Is made of much tougher stuff than that

The controversy indoors however

For there is another tantalizing legend

Associated with joseph of
arimathea and Glastonbury

It is a story of the holy Grail

The sacred cup from which Jesus drank
at the Last Supper

Then He took a cup

And after giving thanks He gave it to them saying

Drink from it all of you

For this is my blood of the new covenant

which is poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins

Matthew 26:27

According to the Bible

After the crucifixion the body of Jesus was given

To Joseph of Arimathea for burial

The legend of Glastonbury relates that
Joseph then made a final journey

To England to spread the gospel

With him hecarried the cup from the Last Supper

The legend relates that Joseph buried
the cup somewhere in Glastonbury

There is another aspect of the joseph
of Arimathea story that is the cup

This becomes very important symbolism in
Palestine in the first century

In fact in Jewish revolutionary coins

The cup is the symbol of the first revolt against Rome

Could the Jewish revolutionary Image
of the cup

Possibly be a clue to an incredible
chapter in the missing Years of Jesus

When we return

Did Jesus Spend His last years in the wilderness?

With a fanatically Religious apocalyptic sect

The dead see

15 miles east of Jerusalem

At 1,300 feet below sea level

The lowest point on earth

Here 2,000 years ago in the forbidding
Landscape of the Judean wilderness

John the Baptist a zealous prophet

Spread a new message of salvation
To the Jews of Palestine

John the Baptist appeared in the Wilderness

Proclaiming a baptism of repentance

For the forgiveness of sins

And people from the whole Judean

And all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him

And were baptized by him in the river Jordan

Confessing their sins

Mark 1:4

John's message of redemptions spread
Through Israel like wildfire

Multitudes journeyed to hear him preach

And to be baptized by him

One of these was Jesus

In those days Jesus came
from Nazareth of Galilee

and was baptized by John In the Jordan

And just as He was coming up Out
of the water

He saw the heavens torn apart

And the spirit descending like a dove upon him

Mark 1:9

All of the sources coalesce around
The point

That Jesus appeared
among the followers of John the Baptist

I think that is the only credible information
that you're going to find

As far as the early years of Jesus in the Gospels

What was the genesis of the unique concept of baptism

Part of the answer may come from a
Mysterious sect of ultra religious jews

Who lived in the wilderness surrounding
The Dead Sea

At a site called Qumran

They were called the Essenes

Many scholars have theorized that John
The Baptist and Jesus

May have at one time been members of their community

He wasn't part of the establishment

He wasn't part of the temple aristocracy

He probably had some contac with The Essene
Movement at Qumran

Perhaps through John the Baptist

It was at Qumran in 1947

That the Dead Sea Scrolls

The oldest known fragments
Of the Hebrew Bible were discovered

found among these holy scriptures were

Which describe the Essene Community
which lived at Qumran

Scholars believe the Essenes
Practiced a type of baptism

The apparent connections between Jesus
John the Baptist and the Essene Community

have fueled controversy among
Biblical scholars

Could Jesus and John The Baptist had
been influenced by the Essenes?

Could Jesus have lived with the Essenes
during His last years?

Scholars have detected other surprising
Parallels between Jesus and the Essenes

The Essenes were distinguished by their
love for each other

Their simplicity of life and their strict
adherence to the Laws of the Hebrew Bible

They call themselves
The children of light

There were many similarities between

Jesus and how He lived and also how the
Essence lived

They were very simple Clothing

They kept all of their goods in common

And that had someone essentially
distribute the goods according to need

They did not believe in acquiring
Material wealth

And these were all aspects of Jesus's ministry
That we know of today

But there was also a dark and fatalistic
Side to the doctrines of the Essenes

One of their documents known as the war scroll

Has led scholars to believe that
the Essenes were fanatically religious

Like John the Baptist and Jesus

They Rejected what they saw as the corruption of the Jewish priesthood

The occupation of the Holy Land by the
Abdallah Roman

Was something they were prepared to fight to the death

The Essenes move their community to
the Wilderness of Qumran

Because they believe that a war was rapidly

Which would pit themselves against their enemies

The Essene leader in this conflict would
be a messiah

Described in the war scrolls as the teacher
of righteousness

So we have a whole group of bathers in
the wilderness

But in addition these are also revolutionaries
and freedom fighters

That is the unique quality of The
Dead Sea Scrolls

They combine both Essenes asceticism bathing
wilderness habitation in purest ideologies

But they also have the militant
final apocalyptic war vision

Of the Son of man coming on The
clouds of heaven to fight the

Final war against all evil on the
Earth that is in the war scroll

According to certain translations of the scrolls

The teacher of righteousness
is portrayed as a messiah

Some scholars have suggested that Jesus Himself

May have been the mysterious Teacher of
righteousness mentioned in the scrolls

Other scholars however point to apparent contradictions

Which contain Profound implications

Jesus could not even if He thought of
Himself as Messiah in some sense

He could not accept the popular
understanding of Messiah

Because it would be antithetical to everything
He Stood for

Because that popular and stained Messiah
would be some kind of warrior hero

From the house of David who would
come and destroy the enemies of Israel

This was the very
Thing Jesus was opposed to

When we return

Could Jesus have been actively involved

In the struggle against the Roman oppressors

And could this be a reason for the silence

Of the Gospels about the lost years of Jesus

Could there have been another aspect to
Jesus in addition to the Prince of Peace

And salvation as presented
In the New Testament

During His last year's the very people
He preached to

Were fighting The Romans for their lives

Perhaps even more importantly they
Fought for the conception of the one God

Upon which their religion was founded

The situation in Palestine was holy teror
it was horrendous

And we know This from a variety of sources

including The Dead Sea Scrolls

It was against this backdrop of violent
oppression that Jesus preached

In the Gospels Jesus is primarily
Portrayed as one who abhors violence

You have heard it said an eye for an eye

And a tooth for a tooth but I say to you

Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you

Matthew 5:38

But the Gospels also depict a distinctly
Different image of Jesus

Do not think That I have come to bring peace to the earth

I have not come to Bring peace but a sword

Matthew 10:34

Why does the New Testament present
conflicting views of Jesus

Some scholars point to various passages in the Gospels

Which they believe may contain hidden Clues to
the real nature of Jesus Mission to the Jews

Then they came and laid hands on Jesus
and arrested him

Suddenly one of those Who was
with Jesus

Put his hand on his sword drew it and
struck the slave of The high priest

Matthew 26:50

Now if you notice in the Gospels

Some of Jesus followers are carrying swords and

And when He is asked should we carry a sword
He says carry too

So some of Jesus followers are clearly
sword or knife people

One of His associates is called a zealot

Now we have also at this time a group
of people called zealots

And Jesus In fact harbored one
among His apostles

And this was a group that had come into
Existence sometime before the Common Era

Their whole idea was To drive up the Romans

Now one of the problems with the Gospels

And historicity of the Gospels is that
The authors are intent

On rescuing Jesus from the charge

For which He was clearly crucified

That is the Romans did not crucify blasphemers

But crucifixion was the Roman
punishment For political subversion

So He certainly was crucified after a revolutionary

But these views are not universal

Most scholars do not see Jesus as a nationalist

What Jesus called for what a transformation of human life

A new way of seeing a new way of hearing

A new way of relating to one another

And a call to greater inclusivity that included

The Poor, the women, children, the margin aided
the oppressed

But if Jesus were involved in revolution

This could explain why a gap exists
in our knowledge about His life

If Jesus was one of these quasi ascetic

Daily bathing wilderness dwellings
edge' Terian revolutionaries

Then obviously the revolutionary aspect

Could not have been played up in the Gospels as
we have them because

That would have made it impossible to circulate these documents

In a Roman oriented world

All of this may never be resolved

May remain ever mysterious

For the nearly two thousand years

Since the death of Jesus

Countless stories and legends have tried to fill the gap

Created by the mysterious Lost years.


I think we're still fascinated by his missing years
because we all love a good mystery

Here we have history's most
famous man

And all of a sudden he vanishes
and He's gone for a long time

And then He reappears with a message
that changes the entire world

So it's natural for us to be very curious
as to what He did during that time

Who he might have met who He might have talked to

And what caused him perhaps to embark on His mission

Perhaps the mystery of the last years of
Jesus is a secret chapter

One which we are not meant

To read...