Mysteries of the Bible (1994–1998): Season 2, Episode 2 - Abraham: One Man, One God - full transcript

And God said to Abraham

Take your son, your only son Isaac whom you love

And go to the land of moriah and offer him there

As a burnt offering upon one of

The mountains which, I shall tell you

Genesis 22:1

A revered patriarch to Jews
Christians and muslims alike

Abraham was perhaps the first human being

To believe in the concept of one God

Yet how could a brahim consent to
Sacrifice his own son

It's impossible for modern man to explain that story

It's impossible to deal with this

The dramatic story of Abraham is shrouded

In mysteries that sparked controversy to this day

Abraham directly challenges God

And pleads with him to save

The sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah

From fiery destruction. But why?

That Abraham a total outsider should plead with God

For the lives of these peoples absolutely amazing

Who was this man who inspired

One of the greatest spiritual revolutions of all time

Did Abraham really exists,
As a man of flesh and blood

Or is he a legendary figure created centuries later

These are about a few

Of The Mysteries Of The Bible

There could have been no more unlikely place

For it to begin. Ur, a powerful

Sophisticated pagan city

A Kingdom which prospered roughly 2,000 years

Before the birth of Christ

According to tradition, it was here in Ur

In modern-day Iran near the banks of the euphrates river

That a man called Abraham

The first patriarch of the Hebrew Bible

Would spend his early years

Abraham a visionary whose revolutionary

Spiritual quest to discover an invisible

Moral God would change

Western civilization forever

In Abraham's time Ur was surrounded by

Massive city walls

It boasted impressive temples towers and palaces

Created by the sophisticated resourceful people of mesopotamia

Some scholars believe that the impressive ziggurat of Ur

Recently restored

Was the basis for the
Biblical tower of babel

To placate their fears of the unknown the people of Ur

Including Abraham's family worshipped idols

Gods of fertility of love and war

Fashioned from Clay and stone

These fearsome deities were indifferent to human morality

Or conduct so long as they were appeased

With prayer and sacrifice

The great mystery of Abraham's life

And in some ways one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible

Is how did this man

In a world where people worshipped

Natural forces and the sun and the moon and idols.

How did abraham suddenly have a vision of a world.

Created by and touched
With the spirit of God.

Traditional rabbinic stories called the midrash.

Tells us that abraham's father.

Was an idol maker.

And that one day abraham destroyed them.

But his father asked who destroyed them.

Abraham said the idols.

Fought and destroyed each other.

Abraham's father refused to believe him.

He told his son that idols are just.

Objects of clay with no powers of their own.

Young abraham's answer would reveal.

His revolutionary spiritual vision

If the idols have no powers of their own.

Then why do you worship them.

That abraham should destroy idols is symbolic.

Of the fact that he alone.

For reasons we can't possibly imagine.

For reasons we'll never know.

He alone said this is not the way to go.

He's listening to the different voice.

To a voice of God who is beyond nature.

Ironically some scholars believe.

That abraham's monotheism and belief in one God.

Was not an innovation but a return.

For the original faith of the bible.

The biblical view is that abraham is not.

An innovator because the biblical notion is.

That monotheism was the original.

Religion of the human race.

And that idolatry was a degeneration.

As the immortal biblical narrative begins.

We meet Abram and Sarai among
The idol worshippers of Ur.

God will eventually change
Their names to the more widely.

Known names of Abraham and Sarah.

Which we will use in our telling of the story.

In Ur the bible records only.

That Abraham marries Sarah.

Who was unable to bear him children.

Then according to tradition.

Abraham and Sarah set out with terah Abraham's father.

And Lot, Abraham's nephew.

Starting a thousand mile journey across the desert.

Travelling for the city of harran.

In modern Turkey

Abraham was leaving Ur forever

Abraham leaves mesopotamia

Because his father the family decided to migrate

It wasn't a decision of Abraham

And he received no revelation to leave

There as much speculation about it

Some people some scholars think

That it was part of a general migration

Of people's from mesopotamia westward

At about the same time as Abraham sets out from Ur

Across the world it is time for new beginnings

In the Great Lakes region of north America

Spears are first designed out
Of copper

On the eastern coast of Japan fIsh hooks

Made from animal bones are
Commonly used by fIshermen

And in Hungary skilled bronze workers

Create weapons such as engraved axes and swords

But perhaps nowhere on earth

Was a more important drama being acted out for humanity

Than the trek of an obscure group of migrants

Braving a thousandmiles of sun scorched desert

And they went forced together from all of the chaldeans

To go into the land of Canaan

But when they came to haran

They settled there

Genesis 11:3

According to the Bible

Abraham would live in the village of haran

Until he was an old man of 75

The advanced ages of Abraham

And others mentioned in the Bible have long puzzled scholars

The ages of the Bible really are a

Mystery and really are quite perplexing

Where people want to take everything

Tthat is said in these stories very literally

And this just seems to be

The storytellers way of saying

This happened in a period long ago

When things were very different

Tradition has it that it was not until

Abraham was 75 that God spoke to him

For the first time

It is perhaps one of the defining moments in human history

Now the Lord said to Abraham

Go from your country and your kindred

And your father's house to the land that I will show you

And I will make of you a great nation

And I will bless you

And make your name great

So that you will be a blessing

Genesis 12:2

Some scholars believe

This dramatic moment of the Bible

When God spoke to Abraham

Is the beginning of true monotheism

The belief that only one God rules the universe

But was it?

It's hard to talk about Abraham as a monotheist

Abraham had an agreement a covenant

With his one God who is the Lord Abraham

Abraham didn't say or believe as far as we know

That there weren't other gods

All the evidences is that there were other gods

For other people and

And Abraham's God never insisted on exclusivity

While experts disagree

Over whether Abraham was a true monotheists

The Bible does not indicate that he ever worshiped other gods

It only tells us that led by his fervent faith

In his one God

Abraham informs his family that they will be leaving

Their secure familiar world behind

It must have tested
Their belief in him

Abraham has the problem

Which many religious people have

He hears voices and he can't prove it

They must have thought he was a lunatic

You can look back and say what a great man this was

But it wouldn't have helped you

If you've been his neighbor

Back then in Canaan

And you have this man walKing around

Listening to voices and doing strange things

Despite the doubts of Abraham's wife and their relatives

They follow him

But strangely God has not told Abraham

His destination

Guided by the voice of a God only he can hear

Abraham leads his family away

From the one world they have known

Guided only by his faith

Abraham leads his extended family

To the land which will fulfill God's promise to him

When they had come to the land of Canaan

Abraham passed through the land

To the oak of Marah

At that time the Canaanites were in the land

Then the Lord appeared to Abraham and said

To your descendants I will give this land

So he built there an altar to the Lord

Who had appeared to him

Genesis 12:7

But Abraham's spiritual
Odyssey is far from over

No sooner does he reach the land

Which God has promised to him

Than he must leave for Egypt

Now there was a famine in the land

So Abraham went down to Egypt to sojourn there

For the famine was severe in the land

Genesis 12:10

When Abraham leads his family to Egypt

Sarah's beauty is quickly noticed

She has taken away from Abraham

And placed in the pharaohs household

Foreshadowing the story of Moses exodus from Egypt

God inflicts plagues on this pharaoh

Sarah is allowed to rejoin Abraham

And together they return to their land

Soon afterward Abraham travels

To the small village of bethel

About ten Miles north of Jerusalem

He and his nephew Lot separate

To allow a room for their herds

With Lot journeying into the Jordan valley

Abraham is now called upon to serve a role

Unlike any he has assumed before

Abraham who has been portrayed

As a spiritual leader is now depicted in the Bible

As a warrior

He rescues his nephew Lot

Who is being held captive by enemy Kings

The cities of the Kings are strangely

Said to be in an area that today is so desolate

Human habitation seems almost impossible

One of the most Peculiar stories
in Genesis about Abraham

Is Genesis 14 the war with
The Kings of the east

There are five cities of the plain somewhere in the area of

The dead sea where we would not expect

Large urban sites to be

As is often the case archaeological discoveries

Seem to support the Bible's

Telling of the story

Is there any archaeological or historical background

For genesis 14

Well in recent years perhaps by coincidence

Five large late 3rd millennium cities have been found on

On the eastern shore of the dead sea

After Abraham rescues his nephew Lot

And triumphs in battle he is visited by

One of the most mysterious figures in the Bible

The priest King Mel Sadiq

And Mel Sadiq, King of Salem

Brought out bread and wine

He was priest of God most high and he blessed him and said

Blessed be God most high

Who has delivered your enemies into your hand

And Abraham gave him a tenth of everything genesis 14 20

Genesis 14:20

The brief unexplained meeting between

Abraham and this mysterious priest King

Has long puzzled and intrigued scholars

For Christians this righteous priest King

Holds special significance

Now that said that became a mystical figure

For JewIsh and Christian mysticism

And became the figure of great importance

As a precursor for Jesus as

A priest or a servant of God

Whom they all revered as the first great non Hebrew righteous man

After Abraham's enigmatic meeting with melchidec

The focus of the Bible shifts

To offer a startling glimpse

Of Abraham's intimate
Personal life

Now Sarah Abraham's wife bore him no children

She had an Egyptian maid whose name was Hagar

And Sarah's said to Abraham

Behold now the Lord has prevented me
From bearing children

Go to my maid
It may be that I shall obtain children by her

And Abraham hearkened to the voice of Sarah

Genesis 16:2

We've been focusing on Abraham

It is Sarah who determines the future of the JewIsh people

And the relationship between Sarah and Hagar

Is really the determinative relationship

In what happens in Abraham's household

Hagar Sarah's servant

Conceives a child by Abraham

But a feud erupted between Sarah and the pregnant Hagar

Which will foreshadow the conflict to come

Between two branches of Abraham's descendants

Jew and Muslim which will
Erupt centuries later

And when she saw that she had conceived

She looked with contempt on her mistress

And Sara said to Abraham

May the wrong done to me beyond you

I gave my may to your embrace

And when she saw she had conceived

She looked on me with contempt

Genesis 16:5

The Bible relates that
Hagar does give birth to a son Ishmael

According to Muslim belief

He will become one of the founders of islam

But in the Bible it is Sarah and her offspring

Who will determine Abraham's future

And assure the survival
Of the JewIsh people

I think that the Bible

Would have us understand

That although Abraham brings the vision of God

To this family it's Sarah who tends it
And will pass it on

And like many people of his kind

Perhaps Abraham didn't have

The practical wisdom

And the everyday insight to make this vision
come true

And it's Sarah who literally embodies the vision

And maybe she's saying to Abraham look

I know you have this great idea

But trust me this is the way to ensure
Its perpetuation

Abraham ins extended family

Would eventually become the first israelites

And Abraham the patriarch of the JewIsh

Then Abraham fell on his face

And God said to him behold my covenant is with you

And you shall be the father of a
Multitude of nations

No longer shall your name be Abram

But your name shall be Abraham

For I have made to the father of a multitude of nations

Genesis 17:5

The ceiling of the covenant between
Abraham and God

Is one of the most profound moments in human

A unique personal bond between a man

And an All-Powerful moral force

Abraham's covenant with God is a covenant of
The flesh

As well as the spirit

That will leave its mark on
The body of each male Jew

This is my covenant which you shall keep
Between me and you

And your descendants after you

Every male among you shall be circumcised

It shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you

He that is eight days old among you shall
Be circumcised

Genesis 17:12

Circumcision was already widely practiced
In the middle east in Abraham's time

As a ritual of passage to adulthood

Or a premarital right

But when Abraham circumcised himself at the age of 99

The ritual acquired a new spiritual meaning

What is unique in terms of the Bible
Is not so much the physical circumcision itself

But rather that circumcision was considered
To be a central part of the covenants

One of the reasons that circumcision is

A mark on the generative organ is

That God says to Abraham you're going to be

The head of a great nation

And I want you always to remember

That it comes from you and your loins

And I want a mark of your commitment

At the very place where this
Great nation will spring from

According to the Bible when God commands
Abraham to seal his covenant

Through the circumcision of all male Jews

He also conveys his word to Sarah

As for your wife

You shall not call her name sarai

But Sarah shall be her name

I will bless her and moreover I will give
You a son by her

I will bless her and she shall be a mother of nations

Genesis 17:16

Before Abraham and Sarah can know whether
God's promise of a child will be fulfilled

Abraham faces God in one of the most
AstonIshing confrontations in the Bible

OUr God confides to Abraham
That he plans to destroy

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
For their wickedness

Then Abraham drew near and said

What thou indeed destroy the righteous with
The wicked

Suppose there are 50 righteous within the city

Will thou them destroy the place and not spare it

For the fifty righteous who are in it

Shall not the judge of all the earth do right

And the Lord said

If I find at Sodom 50 righteous in the city

I will spare the whole place for their sake

Genesis 18:26

When Abraham said to God

Shall the judge of the world not himself do justly

He was making a moral legal point

Which is without precedent in the
History of the whole ancient world

Abraham continues to bargain with God

From fifty righteous people down to 40
Then 30 20

Then he said suppose ten are
Found there he answered

For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it

Genesis 18:32

That Abraham a total outsider should plead
With God for the lives of these peoples

Absolutely amazing,
It's an argument against hate mongers

And bigots of all kinds

Especially religious bigots

Since in this instance there are people who
Own pagans of a totally different religion

Unable to find even ten righteous
People God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah

According to the Bible Abraham must witness
The destruction of the cities, with his own eyes

Today the ruins at Babadra and Numeira
located by the dead sea

Are the sites where archaeologists believe

The doomed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah once stood

Soon after the power of God is shown
In all its destructive force

That same divine power creates miraculous new life

The Lord visited Sara as He had said

And the Lord did to Sara as He had promised

And Sara conceived and bore Abraham a son Isaac

And Abraham circumcised his son
Isaac when he was eight days old

As God had commanded him

Genesis 21:4

The birth of Isaac will bring joy to the
aged couple

But now that she has her own son

Sara feels threatened by Hagar

So she said to Abraham

Cast out this slave woman with her son

For the son of this slave woman shall not be heir
with my son Isaac

Genesis 21:10

Sara is very strong in the house

When she herself had a son she was strong
enough and smart enough to know

That the firstborn son Ishmael
would naturally take the birthright

But she also knew that God had promised it to her son

And therefore she was strong enough

To ensure that the woman got thrown out with her son

And the thing was very displeasing to
Abraham on account of his son

But God said to Abraham be not displeased
because of the lad

And because of your slave woman

Whatever Sarah says to you do as she tells you

For through Isaac shall your descendants be named

The heart-rending moment when Abraham
sends the Egyptian slave Hagar

And their son Ishmael into exile

Will sow the seeds of conflicts

Between Jew and Muslim

Which on occasion will bear bitter fruit
in centuries to come

The words haunt us today as they have
Haunted the human imagination

For thousands of years

Take your son your only
son Isaac, whom you love

And go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there

As a burnt offering upon one of the
mountains which I shall tell you

Genesis 22:1

The akhada the binding of issac though
It is only some 2022 verses

Is in the JewIsh tradition the most commented
On incident in the entire Bible

it's Impossible for modern man
To explain that story

It's impossible to deal with this

I can see this historically but I can't,
feel it personally

It's too horrible

One of the strange things is

Although Isaac is the one who is going to be sacrificed

The focus is really on Abraham

Because the truth is

We feel it is harder in this case

To be the sacrificer than to be the victim

Isaac is a figure of simple

Almost pathetic trusts

And Abraham is a tormented father

Who is torn between his love for his son
And his duty

To a God who has given him a terrible

Isak carries the wood

To the place of sacrifice

While Abraham carries the fire and the knife

Isaac then asks his father one of the most
Heart-rending questions in the entire Bible

He said : Behold the fire and the wood
But where is the lamb for a burnt offering

And Abraham said : God will provide the lamb
For a burnt offering my son

So they went both of them together

Genesis 22:8

Abraham builds an altar and
Places his son Isaac and Tabitha

Then Abraham put pulls his hand and took

The knife to slay his son

But the angel of the Lord called to him from
Heaven and said :

Abraham Abraham,

And he said : Here am I

He said : Do not lay your hand on the lad
Or do anything to him

For now I know that you fear God

Seeing you have not withheld your son your only son from me

Genesis 22:12

We will never know what happened after
That terrifying moment

Did Abraham and Isaac weep

Did father and son embrace through their tears

We know only that Isaac was spared

And Abraham lifted up his eyes

And looked and behold behind him was a ram

Caught in a thicket by his horns

And Abraham went and took the ram

And offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son

Genesis 22:13

Perhaps no story in the Bible has inspired

As great an outpouring of speculation

As the binding of Isaac

From ancient times to our own

The protestant theologian Kierkegaard

At the beginning of his book "Fear and Trembling"

Imagines a scene in which Abraham

Takes Isaac and binds him on the altar
And says to him I hate you

I've always hated you I can't stand you

And now is my chance to kill you

And now I'm going to do it and he starts to kill him

And God stops him just as he does in the

And then Abraham unties Isaac

And holds him and crying says to him

I thought it was better that you should hate me

Than that you should hate God

But what is the meaning of the biblical
Story of the binding of Isaac

Some scholars believe it was a statement
By the editors of the Bible

A thousand years after Abraham against
A gruesome practice of their own time

The child sacrifice was fairly common
Throughout the ancient near east

And in fact at carthage in north Africa

A huge cemetery has been found

With the small urns contained that burned
Bones of infants

And the inscriptions accompanying
These burials make it clear

That parents sacrificed a child

To one or another of the gods
To bring them good fortune

Scholars have sought to probe

The seemingly baffling mystery

Of how any parent could sacrifice his own child

As horrific as this might be to us

We can really see this as a very significant
Religious notion

Where a person is coming and is saying to God

God who given me that which is most valuable

Namely a child I am going
To etern it to you

I think the editors wanted for us to
Believe that child sacrifice was never practiced

And yet the very critique of the
Prophets against it

It is proof of the fact that the practice was common

You don't complain about something
Unless it's a real problem

Whatever the motive for the editors to set down

The story of the binding of Isaac

Its impact on all three great Western religions
Is immeasurable

Today a mosque known as
The Dome Of The Rock

Built in the seventh century in Jerusalem

Enshrines the site on the mountaintop
Where the life and death

Drama is said to have taken place

However according to the islamic holy
Scripture the quran

It is Abraham's other son Ishmael

Who is bound and almost sacrificed on this very rock

And the quranic version

There's a general tendency to accept

Ishmael to have been that sun rather than Isaac

Isaac is accepted as a prophet

But the binding itself seems
To have been a shmatte

Christians believe that mount moriah
Was the site of Calvary

While the Jews consider this the location of
Their holiest shrine Solomon's Temple

All three religions have found profound meaning

In Abraham and Isaac ordeal

After the binding of Isaac is over

God and Abraham in the Bible
Never speak again

Perhaps after this Abraham had nothing
More to say to God

I did what you wanted I fulfilled the
Mission but now what else is there to say

And one commentator notes

That after this story Abraham and Isaac
Never speak again

After this no matter how much Isaac

That Abraham needed to do it

There was a sense in which they could
Never be as close again

According to one old rabbinic tale

When the age of Sarah hears that her beloved son Isaac

Has been almost sacrificed by Abraham

The shock and horror of it are too much for her

In the Bible we know only that soon after
The binding of Isaac Sarah finally dies

So it is that the age at Sarah the first
Matriarch in the Hebrew Bible passes away

And as Abraham weeps for her and seeks
To find a final resting place for her

He takes what in the Bible is a
Momentous step

He buys a piece of land the

Very first piece of property in Israel

That is actually recorded in the Bible
As having changed hands

With money and a deed is actually
The burial ground for Sarah

And it will begin the sense of the children of Israel

Of the sanctity of the land of Israel

To which they will return hundreds of years later
After the slavery in Egypt

These are the days of the years of Abraham's life

A hundred and seventy five years

Abraham breathed his last and died in
A good old age

An old man and full of years and was gathered
To his people

Genesis 25:8

The Bible recounts how both of Abraham's sons
Isaac and Ishmael

Bury him and the cave of Machpelah

Here in Hebron 19 Miles South of Jerusalem

The biblical cave of the patriarchs

Also known as the cave of the Machpelah

Is enshrined in an ancient wall
Built by herod the great 2,000 years ago

According to tradition after Sarah and Abraham

Isaac and Rebecca and Jacob and Leia

Were also buried here

But archaeologists have been frustrated
In their efforts to investigate

Unfortunately archaeologists have never
Been allowed to investigate the area

Like most holy places it's off-limits
Even if we were allowed to investigate

The area systematically the evidence
That we would need

Would probably has long long censored disappear

But even as some archaeologists debate

Whether Sarah and Abraham were buried at Machpelah

Others ask a more far-reaching question

Did Abraham ever live? Or is he a legend
Created much later?

It appears that these stories are composite stories

Put together over a long period of time
So it's impossible to place the patriarchs

In any particular archaeological period

Because of the composite nature of the
Stories about them

I know today the tendency is to assume

That if it's mentioned in the Bible
Then it's not historical

But that it's just happened to be a month
Revisionist prejudice

And so I do think there was a person named Abraham

Over the years archeologists have
Searched for evidence to verify

The Bible's account of the Abraham story

The Bible tells us for instance that
Abraham obtained the rights

To use a well at Bearsheva

This well outside modern Bearsheva

Is traditionally known as Abraham's well

However with many other ancient Wells nearby

Archaeologists have been unable to link
Anyone well

With the biblical story

Continuing their search,

Archaeologists have sought evidence
From other cultures of the time

To verify the Abraham story

Especially useful have been tablets

Found by French archaeologists at Mari
In Syria

We have thousands of tablets from Lorry

There are stories about
The inheritance of property

The rights to Wells and pastures conflicts

Between urbanists and shepherds

So some parts of the stories about Abraham

Would seem to fit in the 18th century
To judge from these Mari texts

Despite the riddle of Abraham's existence

Because of the story of his spiritual quest

The world would never be the same

There is nothing like the ethical monotheism

Of the hebrew prophets anywhere
In the ancient world

If you want to believe and in the
Uniqueness of the Bible

This is a good point to begin it is a fact
There is nothing like this anywhere else

Every other country in the world every other
Civilization had gods

Whom you had to feed to sacrifice to them

Abraham had a God
Who gave him law and behavior

The introduction of a single moral law

For King, for Commoner

And even for God is a milestone in the history
of the world

Abraham's message is the same as

Articulated at a different time to a different nation

In a different language

Abraham's spiritual revolution his
Covenant with God pioneered

The bold new idea of monotheism

How did one man stand out against
All cultural and religious

Notions and accepted views at the time
That's a question

That which was no answer

But demanders will ask the same question about

Every innovator every founder of a
New religion every revolutionary

We just have no answers those abiding mysteries

Abraham spiritual odyssey inspired
Both judaism and Christianity

Abraham is also a founder of islam

Are according to Muslim belief

Abraham and Ishmael helped build The Kaaba

The holy shrine in the center of the great mosque
In Mecca

They believe that Abraham literally
Laid the foundation

For what in islam is the
Most sacred spot on earth

Abraham developed the true faith

And it is the same faith that muhammad
Eventually preached

As part of the message that he received from God

So Abraham's role is absolutely one of
The cornerstone in the islamic tradition

Perhaps the fact that all three of the
West's great religions

Draw on a story of one man for inspiration

Holes are a promise that the three faiths

Will someday live in harmony together

As God promised to Abraham in the Bible

By your descendants shall all the
Nations of the earth bless themselves

Becouse you have obey my voice

Genesis 22:18