Moonshiners (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Point of No Return - full transcript

As Moonshiner Tim prepares to run this season's first batch of 'shine, he is feeling paranoid that ABC Agents are waiting around every corner. Meanwhile, in his effort to bust a still site, Special Agent Jesse puts new tactics int...

Narrator: hidden deep within

The hollows of a forgotten

Corner of America...

A battle is raging.

This is probably the most

Paranoid time it is.

Narrator: it's moonshine


It's a season lived under the


We in the hunt.

We're gonna stay in the hunt.

We've been in the hunt for a

Long time.

Only takes one mistake.

One mistake, and you messed up.

Narrator: the next three

Months can mean over 100 grand,

Tax free.

If you really love your

Country, you're gonna have to

Love moonshine.

Narrator: the season's under


Tonight, one moonshiner fires

Up a sacred rite few ever see.

Once you put the fire under

That mash, we really don't want

Any interruptions.

Narrator: one lawman makes

His first big move.

We got two undercover agents

Getting ready to go into a nip


So the potential for violence is

Very high.

Narrator: with only a short

Window of opportunity to produce


We got to hurry up and get to

Making something here.

I don't know.

Everybody wants some damn


Narrator: ...Tim must stay

One step ahead of the law.

I do see a track right there.

And that's not my boot.

Once they start to fire this

Baby up, then they're committed


They're gonna see it through.

[ beeping ]

[ alarm blaring ]

I got an emergency.

I'm gonna have to go.


Moonshine is a part of our


It exists, but it doesn't,

Almost like a myth.

Bootlegging is more risky


All right.

You're gonna win, or you're

Gonna lose.


Change vehicles and change


That's what you got to do.

[ siren wails ]

It's the end of the season.

Money's running out.

We got to do something to make

Some more.

Every day, it's like I'm

Getting deeper.

Trying to get out of the getting


This is how we make the


[ laughs ]

Narrator: it's two weeks into

Moonshine season in the heart of


Tim is a third-generation


My name is Tim.

Through my dad and through the

Family, I kind of grew up around

Moonshining all my life.

It's just a normal thing,

Growing up in this part of the


Narrator: Tim’s partner,

Tickle, and his son, j.T., are

On the move.

After finding a perfect site,

They set up shop deep in the


Yeah, that's good water.

That's gonna make some good

Liquor right there.

We got a lot of cover.

The bank is covered up

Pretty good.

It's pretty thick.

[ airplane whirring ]


I hear it. I don't see it.

[ whirring continues ]

You get caught, you know,

You're going to jail.

You'll probably lose your house,

And then, you know, the old lady

Gonna leave you.

Ultimately, we are the ones

Taking the risk for this.

There's just a whole lot at

Stake, you know?

[ birds chirping ]

Narrator: Tim presses on.

He'll soon fire up his still for

The first time -- a sacred rite

Among moonshiners.

Look at them ants.

I can't show you everything

About the mash process.

I may get into trouble with the

Law, maybe.

Moonshining is a special art.

It's something kind of hard to

Learn from reading a book.

It's kind of hard to learn on

The internet.

People talk about mixing

Different ingredients and this

And that, but you do need to

Know how to do it.

You can make a product that's

Very dangerous, and you could

Wind up killing someone.

Narrator: moonshine is made

Up of three main ingredients --

Water, corn, and sugar.

Once it's boiled in the pot, it

Becomes what 'shiners call mash.

When the mash cools, yeast is

Added, and the mash ferments.

We're gonna come back and

Check this a little later.

Narrator: now that the pot is

Full of mash, Tim needs to get

Propane gas to heat the still.

Across America, moonshine is a

$100 million-a-year industry,

Tax free.

Early on, the first settlers

Were free to shine.

That all changed in the 1790s

When George Washington decided

To tax whiskey to keep America

From going broke.

Americans rioted in what was

Called the whiskey rebellion,

But the liquor tax stuck.

The liquor tax continues today,

And moonshiners continue to


With moonshine season in full

Force, alcohol beverage control

Agent Jesse Tate has his work

Cut out for him.

The season runs from June to


That's when corn, moonshine's

Main ingredient, is harvested.

It's also when the forest

Foliage is dense enough to cover

The still sites.

We're gonna head up here and

See if we can get us a little

Hiding spot to kind of see if

Some activity's coming in, maybe

See if somebody might be making

Some deliveries today.

Narrator: in his final season

As an ABC agent, jesse's

Predecessor caught nearly 200


Jesse is working hard to bag his

First takedown of the season.

You get that one break, that

One vehicle on the move that you

Know is hauling liquor or making

A move, all of those hours that

You've put into it, you know, is

Worth it.

Narrator: Jesse had to abort

His last surveillance.

His position may have been

Compromised by a moonshiner's


[ dog barking ]

Let's pull back.

Narrator: Jesse is taking a

New approach.

He'll focus his efforts on the

Demand side of the moonshine

Supply chain, then work the

Links back to the still site.

What I'm gonna do is we'll go

Up here and we'll find us a

Little spot, kind of blend in a

Little bit, kind of see if

Anybody's bringing any product

Into town for a little while.

Narrator: jesse's first stop

Is a stash house.

That's where the fresh moonshine

Is dropped before it's

Transported to the next


Once they run it at the

Still, they'll put it in a stash

House, and they'll make

Deliveries down into town here.

So we'll sit out here and see if

Anybody's off moving today.

You know, there's no rhyme or

Reason to when they're moving.

So, you know, that's why it

Takes patience on a day like

Today just to kind of set up and

Kind of watch and see who's


All right, we're going back

In to take the gas tanks in.

Narrator: propane is the fuel

Of choice for moonshining

Stills, but it's also a target.

Anyone seen buying large

Quantities of propane is a red

Flag for the law.

I like to put everything in

Place before you bring in the

Stuff they get you in trouble


Narrator: a few days ago, Tim

Dropped off his empty propane

Tanks in the middle of the


Now they're full and ready to be

Picked up at a hidden spot.

And once we get to running,

We'll bring in some full gas

Tanks and empty jugs, vice


So it takes a whole lot of


Most of the time, that's what

Gets you in trouble.

All right, we're gonna stop

Right here.

I got some gas tanks dropped off

Right here.

Narrator: while Tim’s moving,

Jesse's waiting.

He's staked out at a stash

House, ready for the first

Moonshiner of the season to drop

Off his shine.

We can find out who's making

Deliveries, and we work it

Backwards all the way back to

The still site and put him out

Of business, too.

That's just not stuff that you

Find out overnight, but the end

Results is you can completely

Shut down the whole criminal


It's a lot of hard work, but

It's well worth the investment.

Nothing happening here, so we're

Gonna head back to the station.

People can hear from a mile

Away in the woods in the


You can just listen and hear


Beating and banging and stuff

Like that happens.

There could be anyone out there

In these woods right now.

I just got a feeling somebody's

Out there watching.

Narrator: coming up...

Tim heightens security at his


Each day, we get closer and

Closer, that's where we get a

Little bit more jumpier.

Narrator: and popcorn fuels

His still, old school.

Flip it up.

Narrator: Tim and his son,

J.T., are picking up the filled

Tanks of propane that he'll need

To heat his still.

It's expensive, but for Tim,

It's essential.

It heats up quick and doesn't

Create smoke that could alert

The ABC.

[ breathing heavily ]

Somebody said they could set up

A still for $2,000.

If they set up a still on

$2,000, must be a

Popcorn Sutton still.

You may set up a popcorn Sutton

For $2,000, but you won't set

This one up.

That's $1,000 worth of gas right


It ain't cheap.

Narrator: popcorn Sutton was

One of the most notorious

Moonshiners that has ever lived.

Popcorn didn't use propane to

Heat his still.

Wood-burning stills are cheaper

To make but take much more time

To build.

Propane-burning stills are

Preferred by the modern-day


Hey, everything is going up.

Copper's going up.

Sugar's going up.

Sugar $30 a day, 50-pound bag.

That means liquor's going up,


Everything's going up.

Narrator: with the final

Pieces of the still in place,

Tim is primed to brew his first

Batch of moonshine.

Across the county to the south,

Jesse's heading to a large

Warehouse that supplies another

Key moonshine ingredient --


Tonight, I've got several

Warehouses where the violators

Have been have going to get


What we're particularly looking

For is transactions of large

Amounts of sugar.

Narrator: Jesse was tipped

Off that large amounts of sugar

Are being moved after hours.

Of course, it takes a large

Amount of sugar to run an

Illegal whiskey outfit.

You know, these guys out here --

They're not loading these vans

Up at this time of night to go

Home, make coffee or tea in the


They've got somebody on the

Inside most of the time.

They'll meet after dark, or

They'll meet after the close of


A little cash, a transaction

Will take place.

They'll load the supplies, and

Everybody's going on their merry


On this particular

Investigation, this particular

Violator, this has been going on

Coming up on a year.

They got to have sugar.

They got to have propane.

They got to have water.

Narrator: the moonshiners are

A no-show.

Some nights, you get that

Lucky break, and some nights,

You don't get it.

Tonight, we just didn't get it,

And that's just part of the job.

That's just part of the game.

So, we'll be back to fight

Another night, stay in the hunt.

Narrator: but jesse's got one

More trick up his sleeve.

Coming up...

Jesse's informant drops a


And things get serious with Tim.

You're not coming around once

You let that many rounds off.

Narrator: for many people in

Appalachia, distilling moonshine

Has always been a way of turning

Surplus corn into cash.

By 1939 in Franklin county,

Virginia, an estimated 99% of

The residents were involved in


[ birds chirping ]

Right now is a key period.

Nothing's been done that can

Really get you in trouble.

We haven't really broken the law

Yet, so we're just working at


As soon as we can get everything

In place, then we'll fire the

Thing up.

Narrator: the last thing Tim

Has to do before cranking up his

Still is secure the site.

Even if a hunter, somebody

Walks through the woods, if they

See a beaten-down path pretty

Good, they want to go down it,

See what's down the path.

We have to deal with that

Situation as it comes.

Hopefully, we'll know who it is

And they'll know us if it is

Someone hunting.

[ birds chirping ]

Most of the time, the guys come

In here, they don't know where

They're at.

They might've been given a GPS

Coordinate or something and come

In, and that's all they know,

You know?

Be around in here somewhere if I

Was an ABC agent.

See how that road is coming in

Right there, coming down.

And then look. See the truck?

You see the truck is sitting

Right there.

Can't really see the still site

Too good.

Get that little camera out of

The truck.

We're gonna figure out where

We're gonna put it.

Narrator: modern-day

Moonshiners use the latest

Technology to protect their


Tim is using a hunter

Surveillance camera to alert him

To intruders.

We're gonna mount a camera so

We know when we are gone,

Somebody else comes in and looks

At it, we can get their picture

Just to let us know that, hey,

Someone is here.

Someone saw it.

I don't care who it is.

Maybe I won't get killed trying

To do this.

You have to look at this

Still site and take care of it

Like it's one of your own kids,

You know?

You don't want nothing happen to

It because it's making you

Money, and it costs us money to

Replace it if something breaks

Or anything.

It's taking my picture now.

See what it looks like here.

Each day, we get closer and

Closer, and when we're getting

Ready to cook it, then that's

When we get a little bit more

Jumpier, and then we got to take

A little bit more precaution.

I think it looks pretty good.

I got a phone call today from

One of my informants.

Been working with him.

He got some pretty good

Information he wants to relay to

Me today, and most of the time

When -- he's very reliable.

Narrator: jesse's informant,

Code named smoke, has a tip.

In the next couple of days,

There's gonna be a lot of

Moonshine moving across town,

Ending up in the nip joints.

Nip joints, also known as shot

Houses, are private residences

Where illegal alcohol is sold

And consumed.

You're very lucky.

A good police officer's got to

Have good informants.

[ speaking indistinctly ]

Hot out there.

Yes, it is.

Hey, got some good info?

They're gonna have it.

They're gonna be rolling.



It ain't bad at all.

Narrator: smoke drops a


Someone may be mixing moonshine

With bleach.

It's potentially lethal.

I heard that. Is that true?

Why would they cut it with


Why wouldn't they just cut it

With water?

Give me a call back.

Right on.

Smoke, I'll be talking to

You, man.

Be careful, man.

Holler if you need something.

Right on.

One of my informants gave me

Some information that really

Concerns me.

I got information on the street

That a nip joint was selling

Liquor and the guy at the house

Was cutting their bootleg with

Clorox to make it go a little

Bit further.

They think it may actually taste

Like it's a lot more potent than

It actually is, and that bothers

Me, 'cause I don't want that

Stuff anywhere, let alone, you

Know, right here on top of me.

I don't see any difference than

Just pure out poisoning people.

Somebody could die.

Let's check this mash over


Narrator: mash takes five to

Seven days to ferment.

Once it's ready, it's important

To start distilling right away

Or the batch could be lost and

Thousands of dollars go down the


This fermented mash -- we've

Already had this sitting about

Six days.

It's been so hot, it's a little

Bit hard for it to work.

But it's coming.

I think as soon as it cools down

Tonight, I believe it'll be


Don't look worth a *bleep*

But it's pretty good.

Right now, it ain't too bad.

Once we start cooking, the aroma

Starts going out in the woods.

The more you cook, you more you


And we'll have all kinds of

Animals around here -- deer and

Raccoons and rabbits and ABC

Agents and everything else,

'cause they'll smell that stuff

For miles.

Narrator: one signal that

Will give away any moonshiner is

The sweet smell of corn coming

Off the mash.

The smell can drift for miles.

That's why they say, "They're

Cooking something down there."

Then it'll be time for us to go.

Be time for us to move on.

Narrator: in less than 24

Hours, the mash will be ready to


Coming up...

Tim's distributor pours on the


We got to hurry up and get to

Making something here.

I know.

Everybody wants some damn


Narrator: and Jesse is one

Step closer to a big bust.

You know they're in there

With large amounts of money.

They're in there drinking.

Somebody in there I'm pretty

Confident has got a weapon on


[ birds chirping ]

Narrator: with the mash

Almost ready, Tim, tickle, and

J.T. Put the final touches on

The site.

[ engine whirring ]

Pump's got to work good.

The burner's got to work good.

If none of that works, then we

Got a bunch of mash and we can't

Do nothing with it.

Just get it clean right now so

We can put the cap on it.

Makes a good, tight seal.

Pressure goes under that and

Kind of pushes up a little bit.

And once we get it balling and

Bubbling, we got to have it

Sealed so steam won't come out.

Once you done cap it, then you

Can seal it.

And you just catch the vapor,

Which is about 175 degrees.

Kind of want everything level.

Need level and level and level,

You know?

Makes it flow a little bit


See, you got to know what you're


I mean, you could get burned or

Scalded or something.

Next thing you know, your cap

Will come off.

Now, that's very dangerous.

Narrator: when Tim fires up

For the first time, he's walking

Into another potential disaster.

The most vulnerable part of the

Still is the cap, which is

Secured by a grooved seal.

If the seal isn't secure, the

Steam generated from the heat

Will create extreme pressure,

Causing the cap to explode.

Oh, yeah, that's gonna work

Fine now.

This filter is just a homemade


Every once in a while, you may

Get some stuff that comes out at

The still.

Right now, we're just trying to

Get everything in position so

We'll be ready.

[ birds chirping ]

Narrator: with less than 12

Hours left before they fire up

The still, Tim gives his son one

Final test.

You remember all the pieces

Of the puzzle?

What do you call this part --

This part right here?

The pot.

Yeah, that's the pot.

What I have here is a model

Of an illegal whiskey still site

Would look like.

This is his cap that goes on the

Top of his pot.

The cap.

Put the cap on it like a lid,

Seal it up, build up the


When he cranks this thing up

To run it, you can hear it.

It sounds like a jet engine,

Just... [imitates whooshing]

And then the vapor comes over

To this thing here.

The thumper.

The thumper, yeah.

What the thumper does is it

Catches a lot of the big

Impurities that kind of just

Comes up through the still that

Doesn't turn into a vapor.

Call this the thumper because

When it builds up pressure, it

Goes tha-thump, tha-thump,


That's how you get that

Blip-blip, blip-blip, blip-blip.

Now, what is this?

It's the worm.

Yeah, that's the worm, and

This acts as a condenser.

This is the cold water.

Now, as the vapors come back

Over into here, of course the

Cooling box has the worm set

Inside of it, and it's filled

Full of water.

And the effect of this going

From hot to cold turns that

Vapor back to...



So, as we catch it and filter it

Here, then we put it in this

Tank here.

The proofing barrel?

Proofing barrel.

How about that? [ laughs ]

You know everything, all the


[ laughs ]

We'll take all the alcohol out

Of here.

We'll put it all in the proofing


So it's kind of like

Consolidating the proof.


Yeah, it's blending and

Mixing it to get one proof.

And that's when the little

Tricks of their trade will come

In to proofing it.

The first run will probably be

About 110-proof liquor.

Sometimes they'll cut it with

Some water.

Generally, the end results will

Be about 85- to 88-proof liquor.

And then you jug it up.

If you do it all right, you

Should get about 10% of what

Mash you got.

From this 800-gallon pot, he

Could produce anywhere from 100

To 120 gallons per run.

A lot of work, but they can do


Narrator: 120 gallons at $40

A gallon can mean close to

$5,000 on each run alone, tax


What do you think?

Lots of hard work.

Lots of hard work.

But it's also extremely


There have been some pretty bad

Accidents because sometimes the

Propane tanks have fallen over,

Caused an explosion.

I was always taught by the old

Legends, you know, we're gonna

Have people lay hands on the bad


We'll also have guys that stop

The flow.

It's very dangerous.

And we get to this part.

I think that's where you ought

To cut out 'cause this is, like,

The dangerous part.

So, this would probably not be a

Good time for you to be around,

You know?

So, tomorrow, I want to see you.

Narrator: it's the end of the

Road for j.T.

Tonight, Tim and tickle fire up

The still alone.

And once it's started, there's

No stopping until moonshine is


Once they go ahead and they

Start firing this baby up, they

Put the flame to it, that's

Distilling the spirits.

And then they're committed then.

They're gonna see it through.

Narrator: coming up...

We got two undercover agents

Getting ready to go into a nip


Narrator: jesse's on the

Homestretch to a big bust...

It's a whole lot of

Responsibility on our part

Because their safety's in our


[ beeping ]

Narrator: ...As a setback

Threatens Tim’s entire


Hey, Steve?

I hope he gets back before

Light because, you know, we got

To get this still going.

Narrator: before they fire up

The still, Tim, tickle, and j.T.

Decide to blow off a little

Steam, southern style.

I got to show you this rifle

I got.

Hold onto that thing.

That's a nice firearm right


You can never go wrong with

Something like that.

Look, made in Russia.

They're made in Russia.

At least it ain't made in


Damn right.


Yeah, let's see this.

How fast can you shoot it?

Yeah! Yeah!

Is it hot?

Yeah, they're hot.

Ready? You're gonna shoot it?

Yeah, I reckon I can hit that

Hood there.

All right.

[ laughs ]

Let's see what this hood

Looks like.

Well, I think we put some

Trouble in it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

There's a couple of holes in

That thing.

Look, it don't get a whole

Lot better, now does it?

Yeah, it just gets all good.

What do you think --

Moonshining with a machine gun?

Sounds like a dangerous


[ laughs ]

It boils down to this.

You're not coming around once

You let that many rounds off.

They'll be ducking.

Damn right you're ducking.

You'll be ducking.

You're ducking, and you're


You know what?

Terrorists ever come around, you

Know who the hell they got to

Worry about?


This is what this country was

Founded on was moonshine,


That's where this country made

Its money.

[ ringtone plays ]

Somebody keeps calling me,

Man, I'll tell you.

Narrator: it's Tim’s


He's putting pressure on him to

Have 100 gallons of moonshine

Ready for pickup by tomorrow


We got to hurry up and get to

Making something here.

I know.

Everybody wants some damn


Narrator: work resumes in

Four hours by the light of the


50 miles to the north,

Lynchburg, Virginia.

Jesse catches a big break.

His informants have led ABC

Agents to an alleged nip joint.

Jesse preps for the big


Thank y'all for coming out


Going to 435 *bleep* street here

In the city of lynchburg.

Was able to get a couple of

Officers in there, make

Controlled buys.

The alcohol based off the c.I.S

Has been in the kitchen.

They've actually got a bar set


Tonight's objective -- we'll

Obtain a search warrant after

The c.I.S see the illegal

Activity taking place.

Narrator: two confidential

Informants, or c.I.S, will be

Wired and sent into the nip

Joint to purchase alcohol.

If the buy is successful, a

Judge can sign a warrant needed

For the bust.

C.I.S should be here in a

Little bit.

We'll get them wired up.

That's all I have right now.


Sounds good.

[ cicadas chirping ]

Narrator: the big moment has

Finally arrived.

It's time to make moonshine.

I've got my running shoes on


Knew it was over here somewhere.

All right.

Tell what you I'm gonna do --

You hold tight right here.

I'm gonna go walk around and see

If anybody's close by.

That way, we interrupt them

Before they interrupt us.

You got your little

Walkie-talkie there?


I got you.

I'm gonna check the creek out.

Sometimes they like to surprise

You at the creek when you go put

The pump on.

Then you can't hear nothing.

Once you get that motor running,

You can't hear anything, and

They walk up on you.

See if we see any new tracks

Around here down in the creek.

Yeah, I do see a track right


That's a boot track right there,

And it's not my boot.

It's not mine or Steve’s or

J.T.'s, and it looks like the

Heel was here.

That's the toe.

So they were going in that

Direction, away from the still


So maybe somebody came in, and

They're going away.

Sometimes they like to follow

The creek up.

That way, they know where

They're at.

It looks a little fresh, but

Then again, it's in the creek,


So there's a lot of moisture in

It right there.

Right now, in the dark, I can't

Really tell, but I can tell

Somebody's been through here

Before in between me.

You okay, Steve?

I did see a footprint down

Here at the creek, but it

Doesn't look too fresh.

Hopefully, something old or

Somebody just came by and didn't

Even notice what we got over


It's hid that good.

Yeah, I hope so.

I'll be out there in a few


I just want to check a few more


I noticed something else, so

Just hold tight.

Can't ever be too careful.

You can see that spider web.

It's still intact.

The spider's in the middle.

He hasn't moved.

So, if anything had been through

That way or came, it would've

Knocked that web down.

So nothing's disturbed.

Nothing's been that way.

Not even a deer has been through


So that's pretty good right


That's a good sign.

[ beeping ]

[ alarm blaring ]

Hey, Steve?


I got an emergency.

I'm gonna have to go.

Hey, Steve?

I hope he gets back before

Light because, you know, we got

To get this still going.

[ siren wailing ]

[ fire truck beeping ]

[ indistinct radio chatter ]

False alarm.

I joined the fire department in


Get these coats off.

Kind of warm, ain't it?

Six years ago, I was elected as


We got a call there was a

Structure fire, and I think it

Was just the smoke alarm went

Off, and it was just a false


But, hey, you just got to be


You never know.

You get there, and the whole

House is on fire.

Does that ladder need to stay

Like it is, or do we need to lay

It down?

When I was 16 years old, my

House burned down Christmas


My mother and I were trapped in

The house, and it was a pretty

Tough situation.

I was scared of fire for a long

Time, but I always can remember

That a volunteer fireman came to

My house and was helping me in

The time of my need.

It stuck with me for a long


And there's no pay involved.

You know, there's no cash profit

Made here.

Sometimes it is kind of scary.

You get in some difficult


You never know what you're gonna

Run in to.

It could be 2:00 in the morning.

I leave my wife and son at home,

And they don't know if I'm

Coming back or not.

So, let's go home and be ready

For next time.

All right, see you.

Narrator: what Tim’s fellow

Firefighters don't know is he's

Not going home.

Jesse and a team of ABC agents

Are preparing undercover

Informants for a controlled buy

Of illegal alcohol at a nip


Yes, sir.

Narrator: Jesse and his team

Will stake out in a secluded

Area near the nip joint.

If the informants make a buy,

Jesse can get his warrant and

Make a bust.

This nip joint's known for

Illegal sale of alcohol.

Large amount of gambling has

Been going on.

It's a whole lot of

Responsibilities on our part

Because their safety, you know,

Is in our hands, and we take

That very seriously.

I worked a case one time, they

Sent an informant in.

They said, "You're working for

The police."

Take him in the back room and

Kill him.

When we got there, the c.I. Had

Jumped out of a window, and they

Were beating him in the yard.

That wasn't a good day.

We got our agents inside, so

Everything's good so far.

Sounds like it's a lot of people

In there tonight, too.

But he did buy one.

Now the undercover has done got

Approached by a prostitute.

They've gone in.

They've made contact.

They've bought liquor.

So now we're gonna come back

Out, debrief them, and we'll

Get a search warrant.

So, we good?

Yeah, we're good.

What's happening, man?

About 40 people inside. Okay.

Is that y'all coming across the


All right, just follow us back,

And we'll debrief back at the


All right, good job, guys.

Thank you.

We got our agents out of the

House now.

You know they're in there with

Large amounts of money from


They're in there drinking.

Somebody in there I'm pretty

Confident has got a weapon on


So the potential for violence is

Very high.

It's just like a textbook nip


We're good to go, and we're in

The process of going ahead and

Getting our search warrant.

Narrator: it's jesse's first

Big win.

With the search warrant in hand,

They can now go back and storm

The nip joint.

Now we're ready to take it to

The next level.



Hey, you're still there now,


Yeah, I'm still down there.

I'm waiting on you.

Okay, I'm on my way down.

I had a false alarm at the fire

Department, so everything's


All right, sounds good.

Come on down.

We'll get this thing cooking.

Narrator: the clock's


Tim's distributor is expecting

Him to have 100 gallons of

'shine ready for pickup by


To limit their risk, moonshiners

Want to truck their moonshine

Away from the site as soon as

It's ready.

This is probably the most

Paranoid time it is, is when you

First go in to start it up like

This because once you put the

Fire under that mash and we get

Rolling, we really don't want to

Stop, and we don't want any


And that's kind of like the good

Time for guys to come in and

Look at you, see what you're


That first point of lighting it

Up, we'll be looking around and

Checking things to see what...

Anything comes up on us.

Only takes one mistake.

One mistake, and you messed up.

All right, I'm gonna put a

Little fire under there and get

A little fire going, and then

We'll get the cap on.

All right, you unwrap that cap.

I'm gonna start the fire.

We got to make sure cap's tight.

Mash is fermented.

Propane is full.

Pump works good.

[ grunts ]

Everything is tight because once

We start, it ain't backing up.

Birds singing -- you can hear

Those birds singing.

That's a good sign.

'cause nothing's around.

If something comes through the

Woods, everything becomes quiet.

So as long as they're making

Noise, then that's a good sign.

Let's go to work.

Steve, you go over there and cut

My gas.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, you can see it coming up.

Hear popping, Steve.


Getting hot.

Trying to get it up to about 200

Degrees, anyway, then we'll see

How it starts working.

Won't be long.

She might be old, but she's

Still cooking.

Oh, yeah.

All right, looks good.

Put this in front.

We leave it there to block it so


Can't see us.

And we'll let the heat roll up

The side, but we knock the light


We don't want that light coming


Biggest danger in moonshining is

Getting caught by the law.

I want to feed my family and

Take care of my family, but I

Don't want to do it from prison.

So you got to watch everything.

You know, you're looking behind

You, on top.

You're watching for airplanes.

You'll listen to anything that


Got to be ready to run.

Oh, yeah.

Look at that right there --

Probably 162 already.

So that's getting good.

Says 100 right there now.

175, you'll have alcohol coming


Oh, yeah.

So, right now, we're just

Right here at the bottom.

We're 175 at the bottom, so as

Soon as it comes up and over,

We'll be ready.

We're fixing to make money.

Yeah, I hope so.

What's -- you hear that noise,


Dogs hollering more and more.

I see the leaves are moving a

Little bit.

I can't really tell if someone's

Walking or if it's just the

Leaves moving.

Narrator: next time on


And that guy is gonna be

Coming in a little while, so we

Ain't got much time.

Narrator: ...The moonshine

Pipeline is in full effect.

If the ABC guys is out there

In the woods, when you get it

All jugged up and ready is when

They're waiting for you.

I'm getting edgy.

[ dog barks ]

Narrator: and the first

Moonshiners of the season are

Taken down.

Hands on your head!

Everybody, just chill out!

We picked up large amounts of

Liquor and a couple of weapons.

That's why it's a great, big

Public-safety issue.

You're getting ready to go to


You just lay right there and be
