Mama's Angel (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript
It's Gil's birthday, but no one is in mood for celebration. However, it's not about to stop her. Eran insists it's time for Amnon to move out, and Dina has different ideas. Naama's investigation leads to a link between the murders.
Get everyone out of there.
Get them out.
Eat up.
At least take one bite.
Eat up.
I'm asking for one more night,
and I'll crack the case.
I want to speak with my mother.
But your mother doesn't want
to speak with you.
She says you're a whore.
I say that you like fucking.
I own this house.
What's the matter?
We'll go to a hotel.
You've got enough to deal with.
Help me get him out of the room.
What's your favourite? Basketball?
Long jump? Shot put?
The suspect has no alibi, and eye
witnesses saw him at the murder site.
- They issued an arrest warrant.
- Great.
- They're transferring him tomorrow.
- To me, it all looks circumstantial.
When did you see him?
Did you see him last night?
Up there.
What were you two
doing up there?
He asked me to get ,t from K(j
If you're innocent, read it carefully
and make corrections.
Good morning.
- Is it morning already?
- Funny.
- Are you all right?
- Just a bit surprised, that's all.
- No, I meant...
- Yes, I know what you meant.
- Weren't you guys here 2 days ago?
- We were never here.
How could you miss
such an "insignificant" detail?
- What did you actually do here?
- We weren't at this exact spot.
- She might not have been here then.
- It's a possibility.
No maggots, the body is fresh,
1-2 days max.
Yes, she was dragged here
Question is, when?
How long do you think
she's been here?
1- 2 days.
As I said, even if she was
killed here 2 days ago,
doesn't mean she was here
when we were, you know.
Where's Benny?
You didn't report this.
How come?
I can't stand my dad.
How could he say
such a thing about Rafa?
How could he think Rafa is evil?
He believes in what's good for me,
and that Rafa is evil.
People believe
what they like, sweetie.
Do you have nothing better to do
before your morning coffee?
She wasn't here when we came, Benny.
Somebody moved her here.
There's no way she was here.
Any name? Address? ID card?
Mobile phone? Anything?
She's wearing a nightgown, Benny
Well, find who's her man
and we've found our murderer.
You're sure of yourself today.
More than usual, I mean.
I said a man killed her, not a woman.
You can't say I'm a "misoganist".
- Misogynist.
- Misogynist.
I can't accuse you of misogyny
this time, only of prejudice.
Can't argue with that.
I know what you're thinking.
"Big Benny, the racist ignoramus
who keeps trying
to pin it on black people."
Yes, the Hardship Conservation Law.
Someone always has to take
the o-pr.ssed role.
It used to be the Moroccans,
now it's the Ethiopians.
It's like a game of musical chairs
for the downtrodden, Benny.
Are you all right?
- What's his shoe size?
- Whose?
Your son's. He's really g,w
- Tell him I'm waiting for him.
- Now?
- Mum?
It's my birthday, remember?
Sure I do.
- It's today, remember?
- Of course, Gili, how could I forget?
little autumn girl.
I don't want my birthday
to be forgotten.
Did you cancel the chocolatier?
I'm not cancelling the party, Gili,
just postponing it.
You'll hav a birthday party,
I promise.
They're a few sizes
too small for you.
I got you new trainers last week.
What's wrong
with the Adidas trainers I got you?
Why do you think
he's clinging to Eitan?
He's not clinging,
they found each other.
It helps them
they're very much alike.
- Alike?
- Yeah, they're both rugged jrgipn.
I won't take that personally.
- Are you jealous?
- No.
We decided on something,
and it's not happening. ;|p
Give it some time,
he's doing OK now.
Doing OK?
The last-couple of days were quiet
so you think it's all over?
Problem solved?
Do you intend to let him live here
till the day we die?
- He's developing, give him time.
- T.o do what, become normal?
I don't use the word "normal".
Ever hear me use that word?
Do you know anyone normal?
- Plenty of people.
-Oh, yeah? Who?
Do you honestly think
he'll turn into...
an ordinary person?
1 hate the word "ordinary"
1 ve asked around.
There's a boarding home,
some sort of facility
- not far away, in Ramie.
- Ramie?
In Ramie there's a prison.
Give me a break, will you?
What is this shit'?
It's called "escapism"-
have a doctorate in it.
It's funny, but it's true.
Whats the point of it?
There’s,something pleasurable
about other people's misery.
What a disgusting word.
Are they comfortable'?
I want us to start jogging
twice a day.
Every morning at around 8,
and again, at night.
Well train professionally, like pros.
Have a sip.
- You'll dehydrate.
-1 don't drink from mouth to mouth.
- I'm not contagious.
- How do you know?
- You're right, I don't know.
- I'm contagious.
- That's nonsense.
- No. it's true, Dad told me.
- Ask my dad, he knows.
- I'm a dad, too.
Your son died.
Too mueh light
You should get some sleep.
Stop worrying.
My father died.
He was young and healthy,
and suddenly he died.
I was 6.
My mother was 20.
Everyone blamed her for it.
She was foreign,
and they all accused her,
saying he died because
she cast a spell on his heart.
You know what she said?
That it was my fault,
that I did it,
that she can't cast spells,
but that I, her daughter, can.
She said I put a spell on him
to love only me.
Poor woman.
Perhaps my mother was right,
maybe I did...
put a spell on him
and that he died because of me,
that he loved me so much,
that his heart burst and he died.
And now I'm being punished.
You don't believe in witchcraft.
No, I'm not 6 years old any more.
What about people?
Do you believe in people'?
The poor g,rl was a punch bag.
It was a small knife,
no bigger than a pocket knife.
-1 think it was a pocket knife.
-1 wrote it down.
- Doesn't it remind you of anything?
- It does.
- May I continue?
- Doesn't that bite look familiar?
- It does. May I?
-You may.
6l AeiAI
Hove's it heating'?
Timing, Sergey.
e discussed this. Timing.
Benny, where are you?
Can you come down to Abu Kabir?
I have something t®. show. you.
There are some marks on the body
I think you should see.
No problem,
I'll send it over, but...
It's a Krembo Cookie wrapper.
Your son is in good shape.
Are you training
for the combat unit?
So did
For a whole year.
I ready sent you
a recrui m nt notice?
You're obviously
combatant material.
Listen, the sky is the limit.
And I'm not just plugging
my own unit.
Well, maybe a little.
You mean to tell me that
one night a 19-year-old kid
slaughters a 20-year-old girl
and a 7-year-old boy
because he's an idol
worshiping psychopathic artist?
It's very likely that
it's the same murderer in both cases.
Same tool, same cuts,
the areas of injury are too similar.
I'm checking out the bitemarks
on both bodies.
-1 need samples from the suspect.
- You'll have them.
Feel like a celebrity, Benny?
Finally some action
in your ghost station, huh?
Celebrity or not,
this guv «','0'enV
He can't control himself.
He bites.
Did he bite you, Benny?
When did he bite you? Where?
Go on, Elroee, he's all yours.
Good morning. Elroee here
will drive you to Ramie,
which is right near Lod.
It's like driving to the airport,
only without departures.
- What has he done to you?
- He didn't do it on purpose.
- Does it hurt?
- A little.
Haven't you had enough of this?
What else needs to happen?
- Sweetie...
- No more pardons.
Go talk to your son.
Come out!
- Sit here.
- Why did you do that?
We're sending him away today. He's
leaving this house today. It's over.
- Amnon, come out right now.
- Come here, sweetie.
Amnon, come out!
'm sorfyt0 have to show you this
Do you recognise this girl?
Who is she?
Where does she Vive.
I don't know who she is.
Yes you do
Who is She?
I don't know her.
Me you sure?
Everyone knows
everyone around hen
Who is She?
Name? Address?
-1 don't know her.
- Why are you lying to me?
- Who is she?
-1 don't know.
I used to say hello to her
when she'd deliver our post.
- She was sweet, always smiling.
- Post?
Do you th'nk she died?
Come with me, darling,
show me where she lived.
You say she hasn't shown up
for work since Sunday?
They told me
to take over her shift.
police'. Open
Please don't break the door.
- Do you live here?
-1 don't live with my father.
- Was she your sister?
- My mother.
Don't talk nonsense.
Who was she?
My stepsister
and also kind of like my stepmum.
Decide, was she
your mum or your sister?
It's a little complicated.
Ker husband is my father,
but before that, her father
'was married to my mother.
- How old was she?
-1 don’t remember.
Police' Open up'
Wait, wait...
You open it.
I'm not allowed.
But you're allowed to break the door?
Didn't they have any kids?
mean, small children?
1 ♦ »
- What are you rummaging through?
- Her shoes aren't here.
Meet her daughter, sister,
whatever you like.
Her father married her stepsister.
I'm sorry for your loss.
- Are you the daughter of...?
- He didn't do it.
I just know he didn't do it,
he loved her.
Listen, we're looking for a man
named Ediso Solomon.
Beats me. An Ethiopian.
Do you have a photo oftyour dad?
Hold on.
Tell me,
how old was your father?
Around 50, maybe older,
no one's really sure.
He grew up without parents.
He had such a tough life.
can imagine.
How long was he married
to the deceased?
He and Orit
weren't married for very long.
- Maybe 2 years.
- 2 years? 2 years, and yet...
And yet what?
What are you saying
He used to hit her, you know?
The entire neighbourhood knows that.
Everyone's talking about it
I sent it twer
Of course it came out dark.
What did you expect?
It's a photo of the murderer,
what else?
Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
How old was she
when they started dating?
How old were you?
- She was a minor.
- It's not like that.
She's younger than you,
isn't she?
- She was in love with him.
- She was a child.
child, but very adult.
She never fooled around.
So he came to fool around with you
and ended up with her?
You don't understand,
it's not like that.
She really was in love with him
Did de hit you too?
rm spoiled’ ’’m an only child
- Did he hit you or not?
- Sometimes, a little bit.
To discipline me to be like Orit,
who is kind-hearted and generous.
He s got a good heart too
He sounds like a real angel.
You're not mad at him. That's...
very noble of you. You're a loyal
daughter. It's really nice.
But don't you care about Ont?
How would caring about her
help her now?
I think you're... How shall I say?
Getting out of line here.
This girl appears
to be alive and breathing.
Your job is to talk to corpses.
- Can't argue with that.
- That's right.
- Did you see the copies I left you?
Is that so?
He was hitching rides?
Is that so?
Eat something, brother.
It's not worth it.
I'm hungry.
Tomorrow we check out
that boarding home.
Mum, what are you doing here?
You disappeared on me.
You weren't in your bed,
and I knew you weren't
released from hospital,
so I asked around
■ but no one knew where you were,
I was really worried.
Plus, you're not answering your phone.
You scared me half to death.
you didn't come here for me.
Well, you know...
Tzufi has an iron deficiency,
and there's a butcher nearby, so...
Don't you have
a supermarket near you?
Tzufi likes his iron organic.
What, is it over?
What about the...
you know, the next step’
What do you mean?
A little fixing,
some repair work... No?
Like the renovations
you did in the bathroom?
Listen, Carmela gave me the number
of the surgeon who did her eyelids...
- You didn't ask abofft the biopsy.
- What?
Why, did they find anything else?
Isn't it gone?
The results aren't in yet, Mum.
It takes time.
So why put your own' mother
through all this suspense?
Mum, you should get going
before your dead cow starts stinking.
Dad, it's my birthday, remember’
Today's my birthday, remember?
Of course, it's just that...
was planning to surprise you.
You beat me to it.
I was going to, wasn't I, Yaeli?
I promised you a birthday party
and you will have one.
Don't bother. I already know
there isn't going to be one.
I'm not falling forthat crap
any more. I'm 11, not a baby.
You're right! There's no party.
Not now, not later, not ever!
The years will keep passing,
one after the next,
without anyone caring or noticing.
Time will go by,
and we'll stop counting.
We'll forget!
No! What are you doi ?
Get them out.
Eat up.
At least take one bite.
Eat up.
I'm asking for one more night,
and I'll crack the case.
I want to speak with my mother.
But your mother doesn't want
to speak with you.
She says you're a whore.
I say that you like fucking.
I own this house.
What's the matter?
We'll go to a hotel.
You've got enough to deal with.
Help me get him out of the room.
What's your favourite? Basketball?
Long jump? Shot put?
The suspect has no alibi, and eye
witnesses saw him at the murder site.
- They issued an arrest warrant.
- Great.
- They're transferring him tomorrow.
- To me, it all looks circumstantial.
When did you see him?
Did you see him last night?
Up there.
What were you two
doing up there?
He asked me to get ,t from K(j
If you're innocent, read it carefully
and make corrections.
Good morning.
- Is it morning already?
- Funny.
- Are you all right?
- Just a bit surprised, that's all.
- No, I meant...
- Yes, I know what you meant.
- Weren't you guys here 2 days ago?
- We were never here.
How could you miss
such an "insignificant" detail?
- What did you actually do here?
- We weren't at this exact spot.
- She might not have been here then.
- It's a possibility.
No maggots, the body is fresh,
1-2 days max.
Yes, she was dragged here
Question is, when?
How long do you think
she's been here?
1- 2 days.
As I said, even if she was
killed here 2 days ago,
doesn't mean she was here
when we were, you know.
Where's Benny?
You didn't report this.
How come?
I can't stand my dad.
How could he say
such a thing about Rafa?
How could he think Rafa is evil?
He believes in what's good for me,
and that Rafa is evil.
People believe
what they like, sweetie.
Do you have nothing better to do
before your morning coffee?
She wasn't here when we came, Benny.
Somebody moved her here.
There's no way she was here.
Any name? Address? ID card?
Mobile phone? Anything?
She's wearing a nightgown, Benny
Well, find who's her man
and we've found our murderer.
You're sure of yourself today.
More than usual, I mean.
I said a man killed her, not a woman.
You can't say I'm a "misoganist".
- Misogynist.
- Misogynist.
I can't accuse you of misogyny
this time, only of prejudice.
Can't argue with that.
I know what you're thinking.
"Big Benny, the racist ignoramus
who keeps trying
to pin it on black people."
Yes, the Hardship Conservation Law.
Someone always has to take
the o-pr.ssed role.
It used to be the Moroccans,
now it's the Ethiopians.
It's like a game of musical chairs
for the downtrodden, Benny.
Are you all right?
- What's his shoe size?
- Whose?
Your son's. He's really g,w
- Tell him I'm waiting for him.
- Now?
- Mum?
It's my birthday, remember?
Sure I do.
- It's today, remember?
- Of course, Gili, how could I forget?
little autumn girl.
I don't want my birthday
to be forgotten.
Did you cancel the chocolatier?
I'm not cancelling the party, Gili,
just postponing it.
You'll hav a birthday party,
I promise.
They're a few sizes
too small for you.
I got you new trainers last week.
What's wrong
with the Adidas trainers I got you?
Why do you think
he's clinging to Eitan?
He's not clinging,
they found each other.
It helps them
they're very much alike.
- Alike?
- Yeah, they're both rugged jrgipn.
I won't take that personally.
- Are you jealous?
- No.
We decided on something,
and it's not happening. ;|p
Give it some time,
he's doing OK now.
Doing OK?
The last-couple of days were quiet
so you think it's all over?
Problem solved?
Do you intend to let him live here
till the day we die?
- He's developing, give him time.
- T.o do what, become normal?
I don't use the word "normal".
Ever hear me use that word?
Do you know anyone normal?
- Plenty of people.
-Oh, yeah? Who?
Do you honestly think
he'll turn into...
an ordinary person?
1 hate the word "ordinary"
1 ve asked around.
There's a boarding home,
some sort of facility
- not far away, in Ramie.
- Ramie?
In Ramie there's a prison.
Give me a break, will you?
What is this shit'?
It's called "escapism"-
have a doctorate in it.
It's funny, but it's true.
Whats the point of it?
There’s,something pleasurable
about other people's misery.
What a disgusting word.
Are they comfortable'?
I want us to start jogging
twice a day.
Every morning at around 8,
and again, at night.
Well train professionally, like pros.
Have a sip.
- You'll dehydrate.
-1 don't drink from mouth to mouth.
- I'm not contagious.
- How do you know?
- You're right, I don't know.
- I'm contagious.
- That's nonsense.
- No. it's true, Dad told me.
- Ask my dad, he knows.
- I'm a dad, too.
Your son died.
Too mueh light
You should get some sleep.
Stop worrying.
My father died.
He was young and healthy,
and suddenly he died.
I was 6.
My mother was 20.
Everyone blamed her for it.
She was foreign,
and they all accused her,
saying he died because
she cast a spell on his heart.
You know what she said?
That it was my fault,
that I did it,
that she can't cast spells,
but that I, her daughter, can.
She said I put a spell on him
to love only me.
Poor woman.
Perhaps my mother was right,
maybe I did...
put a spell on him
and that he died because of me,
that he loved me so much,
that his heart burst and he died.
And now I'm being punished.
You don't believe in witchcraft.
No, I'm not 6 years old any more.
What about people?
Do you believe in people'?
The poor g,rl was a punch bag.
It was a small knife,
no bigger than a pocket knife.
-1 think it was a pocket knife.
-1 wrote it down.
- Doesn't it remind you of anything?
- It does.
- May I continue?
- Doesn't that bite look familiar?
- It does. May I?
-You may.
6l AeiAI
Hove's it heating'?
Timing, Sergey.
e discussed this. Timing.
Benny, where are you?
Can you come down to Abu Kabir?
I have something t®. show. you.
There are some marks on the body
I think you should see.
No problem,
I'll send it over, but...
It's a Krembo Cookie wrapper.
Your son is in good shape.
Are you training
for the combat unit?
So did
For a whole year.
I ready sent you
a recrui m nt notice?
You're obviously
combatant material.
Listen, the sky is the limit.
And I'm not just plugging
my own unit.
Well, maybe a little.
You mean to tell me that
one night a 19-year-old kid
slaughters a 20-year-old girl
and a 7-year-old boy
because he's an idol
worshiping psychopathic artist?
It's very likely that
it's the same murderer in both cases.
Same tool, same cuts,
the areas of injury are too similar.
I'm checking out the bitemarks
on both bodies.
-1 need samples from the suspect.
- You'll have them.
Feel like a celebrity, Benny?
Finally some action
in your ghost station, huh?
Celebrity or not,
this guv «','0'enV
He can't control himself.
He bites.
Did he bite you, Benny?
When did he bite you? Where?
Go on, Elroee, he's all yours.
Good morning. Elroee here
will drive you to Ramie,
which is right near Lod.
It's like driving to the airport,
only without departures.
- What has he done to you?
- He didn't do it on purpose.
- Does it hurt?
- A little.
Haven't you had enough of this?
What else needs to happen?
- Sweetie...
- No more pardons.
Go talk to your son.
Come out!
- Sit here.
- Why did you do that?
We're sending him away today. He's
leaving this house today. It's over.
- Amnon, come out right now.
- Come here, sweetie.
Amnon, come out!
'm sorfyt0 have to show you this
Do you recognise this girl?
Who is she?
Where does she Vive.
I don't know who she is.
Yes you do
Who is She?
I don't know her.
Me you sure?
Everyone knows
everyone around hen
Who is She?
Name? Address?
-1 don't know her.
- Why are you lying to me?
- Who is she?
-1 don't know.
I used to say hello to her
when she'd deliver our post.
- She was sweet, always smiling.
- Post?
Do you th'nk she died?
Come with me, darling,
show me where she lived.
You say she hasn't shown up
for work since Sunday?
They told me
to take over her shift.
police'. Open
Please don't break the door.
- Do you live here?
-1 don't live with my father.
- Was she your sister?
- My mother.
Don't talk nonsense.
Who was she?
My stepsister
and also kind of like my stepmum.
Decide, was she
your mum or your sister?
It's a little complicated.
Ker husband is my father,
but before that, her father
'was married to my mother.
- How old was she?
-1 don’t remember.
Police' Open up'
Wait, wait...
You open it.
I'm not allowed.
But you're allowed to break the door?
Didn't they have any kids?
mean, small children?
1 ♦ »
- What are you rummaging through?
- Her shoes aren't here.
Meet her daughter, sister,
whatever you like.
Her father married her stepsister.
I'm sorry for your loss.
- Are you the daughter of...?
- He didn't do it.
I just know he didn't do it,
he loved her.
Listen, we're looking for a man
named Ediso Solomon.
Beats me. An Ethiopian.
Do you have a photo oftyour dad?
Hold on.
Tell me,
how old was your father?
Around 50, maybe older,
no one's really sure.
He grew up without parents.
He had such a tough life.
can imagine.
How long was he married
to the deceased?
He and Orit
weren't married for very long.
- Maybe 2 years.
- 2 years? 2 years, and yet...
And yet what?
What are you saying
He used to hit her, you know?
The entire neighbourhood knows that.
Everyone's talking about it
I sent it twer
Of course it came out dark.
What did you expect?
It's a photo of the murderer,
what else?
Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
How old was she
when they started dating?
How old were you?
- She was a minor.
- It's not like that.
She's younger than you,
isn't she?
- She was in love with him.
- She was a child.
child, but very adult.
She never fooled around.
So he came to fool around with you
and ended up with her?
You don't understand,
it's not like that.
She really was in love with him
Did de hit you too?
rm spoiled’ ’’m an only child
- Did he hit you or not?
- Sometimes, a little bit.
To discipline me to be like Orit,
who is kind-hearted and generous.
He s got a good heart too
He sounds like a real angel.
You're not mad at him. That's...
very noble of you. You're a loyal
daughter. It's really nice.
But don't you care about Ont?
How would caring about her
help her now?
I think you're... How shall I say?
Getting out of line here.
This girl appears
to be alive and breathing.
Your job is to talk to corpses.
- Can't argue with that.
- That's right.
- Did you see the copies I left you?
Is that so?
He was hitching rides?
Is that so?
Eat something, brother.
It's not worth it.
I'm hungry.
Tomorrow we check out
that boarding home.
Mum, what are you doing here?
You disappeared on me.
You weren't in your bed,
and I knew you weren't
released from hospital,
so I asked around
■ but no one knew where you were,
I was really worried.
Plus, you're not answering your phone.
You scared me half to death.
you didn't come here for me.
Well, you know...
Tzufi has an iron deficiency,
and there's a butcher nearby, so...
Don't you have
a supermarket near you?
Tzufi likes his iron organic.
What, is it over?
What about the...
you know, the next step’
What do you mean?
A little fixing,
some repair work... No?
Like the renovations
you did in the bathroom?
Listen, Carmela gave me the number
of the surgeon who did her eyelids...
- You didn't ask abofft the biopsy.
- What?
Why, did they find anything else?
Isn't it gone?
The results aren't in yet, Mum.
It takes time.
So why put your own' mother
through all this suspense?
Mum, you should get going
before your dead cow starts stinking.
Dad, it's my birthday, remember’
Today's my birthday, remember?
Of course, it's just that...
was planning to surprise you.
You beat me to it.
I was going to, wasn't I, Yaeli?
I promised you a birthday party
and you will have one.
Don't bother. I already know
there isn't going to be one.
I'm not falling forthat crap
any more. I'm 11, not a baby.
You're right! There's no party.
Not now, not later, not ever!
The years will keep passing,
one after the next,
without anyone caring or noticing.
Time will go by,
and we'll stop counting.
We'll forget!
No! What are you doi ?