Main courante (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Fin de mois - full transcript

Is this man bothering you?

Yes, a little.

- Sorry, I thought...
- What?

I'm sorry. Good night.

- Was he a client?
- No.

I'm meeting that guy.
He's a regular.

Hard to tell them apart.

Thanks, Sam.

- See you soon.
- Bye.



Damn bank.


Can you lend me 50 euros?
My card is blocked.

No, I'm broke.
It's the end of the month.

- Julie, I'll take over reception.
- No, you're on patrol.

Oh, shit... thanks.

Not patrol again.


I've been waiting for ages.

Come back in three days,
at the start of next month.

Because the end of the month
is always a complete shit-show!

Mr. Maillot?

Hello. Follow me.


Coralie? Why are you here?

- Someone stole my bag.
- A client?

- That's not how I work.
- Come on.

Wait! I was here before her.

Sorry, but she's first.

That's not fair.

Just because I'm not a girl...

- How was yesterday?
- Pretty good.

But this morning, on my way home...

It happened so quickly.

- Can't you be careful?
- I was tired.

Sam! Your new bike...

- It's a beauty.
- Yeah, but expensive.

- Did you lose much money?
- Quite a lot.

- Coffee?
- No, thanks.

I need it.


- Cash or cheque?
- Are you kidding?

- You think I take cheques?
- Some take debit cards.


- How much was stolen?
- Maybe 500, 600.

Euros? Lucky you.
I'm completely broke.

- Can I see your ID, please?
- Yeah.

"Sebastian, Antoinette"?
I'm glad you changed your name.


- Where's Manon?
- On patrol.

No, we're still waiting for her.


Hey, Karine.

- Can you lend me 50 euros?
- Nope.

Even 20? My card was swallowed.

I wouldn't even lend you two euros.

You wouldn't pay your own mum back.

- Why should I pay my mum back?
- Exactly. Why don't you ask her?

- I've lent you money before.
- And I paid you back.

- You paid me back?
- Yeah.

- You're funny.
- Why?

You paid me back...

- Seen Manon?
- No.

- You paid me back ten years late.
- Ten years? Really?


Manon, where were you?
Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

- They're waiting.
- I know.

You need us? We're on our way.

Come on, let's go! Quickly.


What are you doing?

- Let go!
- Stop that!

- Bring the old lady in.
- Okay.

Who's next?

- It's my turn.
- Wait until you're called.

- His vegetables were stolen.
- What do I know about vegetables?

Ask someone else.

- You've never eaten vegetables?
- No, never.

And potatoes? Ever had them?

Potatoes grow in the deep-freeze.

Come with me.
Kids today are hopeless.

He's the potato.

I think it happened
during the night.

Someone came into my garden,

and stole my vegetables.

- Give me a second, will you?
- Yes, officer.

- Where's the inspector gone?
- He didn't say.

If you don't do something,
I'll booby-trap my vegetables.

Do that and you'll get
ten years in jail.

Sit down.

- But my asparagus...
- What do you mean, asparagus?

How do you grow them
in this weather?

- A greenhouse?
- Yes, but that's not enough.

You mean, you heat them, too?

- Can I go outside and smoke?
- Yes, it's down the hallway.

Now, you were saying...

- I heat them...
- No, the theft.

How about 150 euros?

Even 50?

I swear, I'll pay you back.

Fine, forget it.

- You need some money?
- No, I can't take money from...

- From a whore?
- With all due respect.

Round here, I'm not a whore.

I was born here.
No-one knows my job.

Let's get back to work.

What difference does it make?

I don't know.

At least I look
like an honest woman.

Honest woman? Are you lecturing me?

Sorry, but you're...

Excuse me.

Hello, Madame.

My bank manager.

Wait, you can't do that.

How will I live?

Yes. Thank you.

Good bye.

Fucking bank managers.

I can't have my card
until I pay my overdraft.

- Is it a big overdraft?
- Yeah, pretty big.

- Could you really...
- Of course. I offered, didn't I?

Sam, I want those figures.

This is Coralie.

- Commander Kreusky.
- Nice to meet you.


Yes, an elderly lady
has just collapsed.

She's unconscious.

Out of the way.

She needs CPR.

- Was she hit?
- No, it was the fall.

She fell, but you brought her here?

Ambulance coming.

An old lady, mugged in public?
That's all I need.

This month gets worse and worse.

Have you checked
she wasn't burgled, too?

They usually take the money and run.

Was I talking to you?

Sam is on it.

I'm sorry, I have
to deal with something.

- Am I boring you?
- I'll be back.

Our figures are a disaster.

He should be an accountant,
not a cop.

- What happened to Sam?
- He just disappeared.

Find him. If the old lady
has been burgled, he's dead.

- What is that thing?
- My shirt.

Tuck it in.

- Karine?
- Where are you?

I'm coming. Don't be angry,
I'm on my way.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

Let's call it payback.

What do you mean?

Nothing. What are you worried about?
It's cool.

- This is your fault.
- What is?

The burglary.

- That?
- Yeah, that.

Well, well.

She does even less shopping than me.

What could they have stolen?

A few pennies.

I would do it for 30 euros,
right now.

I don't think she even had that.

- We're not allowed to search.
- I'm just checking.

She has a daughter.


- Mrs. Bergoneau?
- Yes.

Thank you for coming.
How is your mother?

I haven't gone to the hospital yet.

Have you called?

There's no point.
We have to wait for a scan.

- Follow me.
- What's this about?

I'd like you to check if anything
is missing from your mother's house.

I'm not going in unless she's there.

- Why not?
- It's not my stuff.

Okay. Could you at least
give me some information?

Yes, if you want.


Maybe decaf.
It's too late for caffeine.

- I'm sleeping badly.
- Are you worried about something?

You're obviously a civil servant.
No money problems.

No, of course not.

- There you are.
- Sam?

Please, have a seat.

- Well?
- She seems shady.

- I may need your help.
- Okay, I'll be in my office.

What do you think?

His prints.
He left them in the alley.

- Who?
- The thief.

What are we supposed to do?

I don't know.
Prints tell you a lot, don't they?

- Age, profession...
- Date of birth...

Hair colour, nail length...

- Dental records...
- You think that's funny?

I think you watch too much TV.

What is it?

I feel a bit tense, in here.

Damn it.

Feeling better?

Are you worried about your mother?

Or something else?

Cops can tell
if you're hiding something.

I bet you can.

- No, it's not that.
- What, then?

You won't believe me.

We can try.

My mother's a billionaire.

Maybe not a billionaire,
but definitely a millionaire.

I don't know how many apartments
she owns in Nantes, but...

I'm just scraping by.
I live in a tower block.

She's never given me anything.
Not once.

Can I talk to you?

The doctors say
Mrs. Bergoneau is too sick to talk.

It sounds like she may have
a brain haemorrhage.

- She saw nothing.
- Those little bastards...

Don't jump to conclusions,

- Why not?
- Come in.

It wasn't me.
I was at the bakery.

- Why were you there?
- I work there.

I serve customers until 1pm.

I have lunch,
and start again at 3pm.

Call that a life?

- Did she have money in her bag?
- Of course she did.

You think she declares
all those apartments?

She rents them off the books.

So if someone came to take
his rent back, I wouldn't blame him.

- Where does she keep the money?
- I have no idea.

Do you know?

We're not investigating your mother.

She's a victim, not a suspect.

- I should go and see her.
- Good idea.

She's not well, is she?

Not very.

Come on. Let's clear this up.

- How did your mother become rich?
- My dad worked in the shipyards.

He died in a work accident
when I was seven.

She was paid compensation.

She was a housewife,
and never spent a penny.

- She sounds okay.
- She wasn't your mother.

Better to have no mum at all.

- I'm done for today.
- I'm not.

Good bye, Madame.

- Cliquot?
- Yeah?

- So, she's a billionaire?
- You knew?

Karine told me.

Where do you think she hid the cash?

With a solicitor,
or a shady lawyer...

in a safe, or all three.

She must have declared some of it.

We could always check in her cellar.

- Like a crooked cop?
- I wish I was.

- Bruno, are you on a break?
- Yeah.

- Table football?
- Yeah.

You aren't going home?

- Nope.
- Let's go.

She owns nine
shitty little apartments.

All rented to penniless tenants.

When you're poor
you can't complain.

- You're a leftie, now?
- I just believe in fairness.

And order.
Tell me about the tenants.

We brought in eight of them
this morning.

One wasn't home.

- Find him for me.
- She's a girl.

Girls can be bad, too, you know.

I'm not.

You can be vicious.

- Any news?
- Want to see the apartments?

It's worth it.

- Charming.
- It's still tidier than my place.

These nice young people have alibis.

- I have a problem.
- Check the alibis.

I need someone's help.

There's been a break-in.

- Karine! Where's the patrol?
- They're busy.

Accident on the bypass.

Karine, can you come with me?

Hello, Monsieur.
Was it you who called?

- Yes. He's in there.
- Thank you.

Police. Put your hands up, now.

I don't believe it.

I'll drop him.

I'll drop him!

Just calm down.

- Get out, or I drop him.
- Don't do this.

Drop your gun and get out.


Call the fire brigade.

I'll drop him!

- Calm down.
- Get lost, bitch!


- Will he drop him?
- I don't know.

- I'll call Hostage Rescue.
- Why not the army?

- And the chief of police!
- Of course I will.

It's just some guy who panicked.
No big deal.

If he's panicking,
then he must be an amateur.

And amateurs are always dangerous.

- You're right.
- What did you say?

- I'm right?
- For once.

are you sure you're up to this?

No. But we'll do our best.

Step back, please.

Eighth floor.

Let me through. What's going on?

Ahmed Zafrahoui.
That's my son up there.

- Calm down.
- But he's my son!

Keep quiet, or I'll cuff you.

Why is your son up there?

- I'm looking after him.
- You call that looking after him?

- I just went out for five minutes.
- We've been here for 20.

My wife will kill me.

- I'd do the same, in her shoes.
- Let me through!


Great, the cavalry's here.

- He's going in.
- And my son?

- What about him?
- Let's go.

This is Commander Kreusky.
I'm unarmed.

I'm entering the apartment.

Can you hear me?

- Can you hear me?
- Go away.

I'm coming in.

I didn't want to hurt him.

Stay there.

Cuff him.

You can pack up.

I don't believe it!

- He's my brother-in-law.
- What?

- My wife's brother.
- Come with us. We'll sort this out.

- What about my baby?
- It's under control.


Stop it.

Give me a minute.
He'll soon fall asleep.

Let me deal with this.

I can't stand babies crying.
It's like hell.

I agree. I would have
dropped him off the balcony.

- It's my fault.
- What?

I messed up the raid.

What's wrong, Manon?

I'm pregnant.

You don't have to keep it.

You can have an abortion.

Still, I always regretted it.

Even though...

I don't know.

I feel guilty about it.
I don't know why.

But I want to keep it.

I'm glad to be pregnant.

It's what I wanted.

But I don't know
what's wrong with me.

I can't stop crying.

And eating.

- I eat, cry and sleep.
- In that order?

Not always.

And the father?

I don't care about him.

I won't stay with him.

I just want a baby.

Here. No more tissues.

This is fine.

I'm coming.

This way.


This is good.
We almost have the whole family.

He's a thief. Italians always are.

Your wife's Italian!

Sit down!

Get off me.

Stop it.

I didn't do anything.

- What about my cash?
- What cash?

- You bought a TV...
- Enough!

As I was saying.

Mr. Spaggi.

Your brother-in-law,
Mr. Zafrahoui...

- Did he borrow money from you?
- Yes, for a TV.

- Don't listen to that thief.
- Racist.

You don't like Arabs.

You know what he calls me
behind my back? Rag-head.

Liar! He's the one insulting me.

I can prove I lent him money.
I wrote a cheque for 400 euros.

- I'll pay you back.
- It's the end of the month!

So you raided the fridge?
You had no food?

No. My sister makes great bolognese.

And he doesn't even like it!

I must be dreaming.

So you couldn't resist
Mamma's sauce?

You wanted the TV. Not a good start.

endangering a child's life...

His wife works, while he watches TV.

He went out to buy a lottery ticket.

That's not illegal.

Cliquot, note all this down.
And call the prosecutor.

I'm sick of those two idiots.
Follow me.

I hope you didn't
get Manon pregnant.

I don't think so.

I think I'd remember
if I slept with her.

And I wear condoms, Madame.

Her ex-boyfriend was a bastard.

- I think he's involved.
- Want me to find out?

Yes. If she's going to have
a nervous breakdown I need to know.

- She's so maternal.
- Enough of that, thank you.

Come on,
you know I love you really.

- None of that, either.
- Make up your mind.

- Make yourself at home, Chief.
- If I did, I'd throw this away.

It's my mess, and I like it.

I called Land Registry.

Bergoneau also has property
on Rue des Boulets.

- How many has she got?
- Illegal immigrants. I knew it.

You never mentioned that.

- Rue des Boulets is full of them.
- We go there to boost figures.

I want you to raid the whole place
tomorrow morning.

Should we arrest
the prostitutes, too?

- It's the morning.
- You're right, they'll be asleep.

- Can't we do it tonight?
- I'm not paying overtime.

Chief, I'd like a word.


Fine, we can talk to people.
But a raid?

It will be chaos in here.

If they don't have papers,
bring them in.

- Just the ones without a job.
- No. all of them.

You have quite a temper.

- Hello, Madame.
- Hello.

- Can we come in?
- Yes, of course.

Hi, kids.

Is your landlady Mrs. Bergoneau?

Yes. Why?

We'd like to ask you
a few questions.


Can you come to the police station?

When you have time.


- What's your name?
- Natalie Pipriac.

- That's a Breton name.
- Yeah, I'm from Paimpol.

Please, sit down.

I don't believe this.

We should open a nursery.
We'd be rich.

So, where do we start?

Guys... either you question them
or you send them home.

Aren't we keeping them?

End of the month.
The detention centres are full.

Sometimes, I love being in charge.

Slow down.

We just received an anonymous call.

I need coffee.

Go on, tell me.

Sam is seeing a whore.

I'll need a double shot.

She was here the other day.
Her bag was stolen.

Antoinette Sébastian, or "Coralie".

She gave him money.

The guy said he would report Sam.

Then he said we were all corrupt.
I'll spare you the details.

- Who took the call?
- The switchboard.

The guy asked to talk
to the Commissioner.

Luckily, I picked up instead.

Madame, you understand?

I need translation.

- What's up?
- Go and see.

She only makes that face
when she's furious.

Can you find this for me?

This isn't fair.

You can't treat people like this.

Borrowing money from a whore?
Are you insane?

You know what they call that?

They call it procuring.

You want to be accused of pimping?

- Or worse, corruption?
- I'll pay her back.

Tell that to Internal Affairs.

This is the last thing I need.

Come in.

Thanks, Manon.


if they prove you took her money,
you'll go to jail.


And if the judge is in a bad mood,
it won't be short.

She swore she wouldn't tell.

- She's a friend.
- Am I going mad?

I thought you had a brain
in your skull.

Get out.

Get out!

Are you in trouble?

No, it's nothing.

- What is it?
- Forget it.

Not now, please.

How much do you pay Mrs. Bergoneau?

200 euros cash, every month.

It's quite cheap.

But if it's not declared,
you can't draw benefits.

It's only temporary.

I'm looking for somewhere else,

I can't afford it.

Have you asked the council?

- I'm unemployed.
- And?

What about your kids?
Stop being so lazy.

- Sam, what's wrong?
- Screw you.

Excuse me.

Fucking cops.

- What's up with Sam?
- He's in trouble.

- How?
- A prostitute.

I heard Kreusky say...

- Were you listening in?
- No, I just overheard.

- And?
- All I know is, it sounds serious.

- Inspector?
- I'm coming.

- Thanks.
- Don't say anything.

Hello. Is something wrong?

These are your mother's tenants.
All of them.

Where are you going?
Manon, it's chaos in here.


Where am I going?

Kreusky, did I hear you
shouting at Sam?

- Yes.
- Why?

- I'm taking care of it.
- If you say so.

Mrs. Bergoneau wants to see you.

Me? That's not my job.
You deal with it.

But she asked for you.

I don't care about
her slumlord mother.

If she wants to hate her,
that's fine by me.

- Kreusky...
- What?

You're laying it on a bit thick.

No, I mean it.


Have a seat.


- Any news?
- She wants to talk to you.

Your mother? She doesn't know me.

She wants to talk
to the person in charge.

Then I'll send Mercier.

- Why?
- I don't know.

Is she improving?

She's had a few
small brain haemorrhages.

She has trouble speaking.

She mostly sleeps, but when
she's awake she asks for the police.

But is she...

thinking straight?

Yes, I think so.

I'll be at the hospital today.

If she wakes, I'll call you.

Will you come?

I feel bad.

I feel guilty, seeing her like that.

I'll come.

I promise.

I'll come.


- She isn't here.
- Where is she?

- Doing something.
- Something?

- Why didn't you call me?
- I'll ask the questions.

If you say so.

- Why is Sam in trouble?
- What trouble?

He's in trouble because of you.
I can make your life hell.

You won't even know your own name,
or who you're fucking.

Who did you tell about the money?


Don't push me.
I can shop you for soliciting.

- I never tell.
- Really? Then prove it.

Who did you tell?

My God. What happened?

He was accused of being your pimp.

You think that's funny?

Who did you tell?

You have until tonight
to tell me who the bastard is.

You never attack a cop. Understand?

Because a cop's reputation...

You have until tonight.

I just spoke to Coralie.
I'll break your face.

Get off me.

- You moron, why did you do that?
- Back off.

Stop that, right now.

Got it?

What are you doing?

I don't have time for this.

I'm going to the hospital.
The old lady's awake.

It's our only chance
to get some clues.

Take your time.

Did I hurt you?

I'm fine. You went easy on me.

I wanted to help you.

- Help me?
- Yes, I wanted to help you.

Are you kidding me?

Who told you?

- Who?
- It was Manon.

She's got it coming to her.

Where's Manon?

Manon, why the hell did you...

What's that?

Shit, don't tell me
you're back with that prick?

She's staying with me
in the meantime.

- Until when?
- What do you think?

- I didn't know you were an item.
- Well, now you do.

Look, I'm delighted
you're both in my fan club.

But now, if you don't mind...
leave me alone.

Mrs. Bergoneau?

Can you hear me?
It's Commander Kreusky.

You wanted to talk to the police.

This is the police, madame.

- Lucas...
- Lucas?

Who is Lucas?

My grandson.

Are you sure?

Mrs. Bergoneau?

I heard his voice.

I didn't recognise it at the time.

Now, I'm sure of it.

Could you be mistaken?

Mrs. Bergoneau?


- Did she say anything?
- No, nothing.

- She was out cold.
- I don't believe this.

Do you have children?

Yes, a son. He's 13.


- Why?
- No reason.

I just wondered.

I warn you, I'm in a bad mood.

So, you threatened Coralie?

This isn't my day.
It's not my month.

It's not even my year.

You must be mentally ill.

You're as bad as each other.

You idiot. Threatening that girl...
Why not lock her up, too?

- What else could I do?
- Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You're not my bodyguard, either.

Get out of here.

Why are you still here?

Coralie is smart. She may have
told a friend, but it's not...

- What?
- The apocalypse.

It's always the apocalypse.

The man who called is going
to blackmail us, one way or another.

They always try to... shit!

Unless he tells Internal Affairs.

Right. I suppose
I'd better kill myself.

- Is it Bergoneau? What did she say?
- Nothing.

Anyway, it's none of my business.

She'll die, Crime Squad
will take up the case.

It's involuntary manslaughter.

Well, involuntary...
that's for the prosecutor to decide.

And we'll have bothered students
and honest workers for nothing.

And I couldn't give a damn.
Not a damn.

Stop it.

She has a grandson. Lucas.

- She recognised him?
- Yes, but she's half-asleep.

What am I going to do?

- Do we have any choice?
- No.

He'll be caught, eventually.

- Kids like that...
- If she lives, it's only assault.

Mean old ladies never die.

Start praying.

I don't have much credit up there.

You have no credit anywhere.

Well, maybe a little.

She wouldn't give me her bag,
so I got angry.

She never gives me anything.
All we can afford is pasta.

It's not my fault. It never happens.

The car broke down...
and then the washing machine.

It happens.

Did you ask your mother for money?

I gave up trying a long time ago.

I went to see her.

- You went to see her?
- She cried.

She said she had no money.

She called me a thug,
just like my dad.

But my dad's not a thug.

He doesn't pay child support.
Not often, anyway.

Who were you with, Lucas?

There were two attackers.

I pushed her over.

Who helped you?

Can I have a word?

Mrs. Bergoneau died, 15 minutes ago.

Couldn't the old bat hang in there?

I have bad news.

Looks like Stéphanie Bergoneau
will inherit.

You think that will make up
for her son?

I doubt it.

She might inherit.

Provided no-one accuses her
of being her son's accomplice.

I feel so miserable.

- You get used to it.
- To being miserable?

Shall we look for the accomplice?
I bet it's his best friend.

Over here!


Let him get a good night's sleep.

It could be his last for a while.

Turns out it was my neighbour.

I'd seen him hanging around.

Wanting to see my vegetables,
asking advice...

Jealous, Madame. That's what he is.

- You can't do this.
- Tape him up.

If you want to go free, keep quiet.

See? I trapped him.

He stepped in here,
and I strung him up.

I attached it to the tree.

- Can I press charges, now?
- No.

I've just sent a child to jail,
just for being unlucky.

He was born poor,
with a selfish grandmother.

I don't care about your little spat.

- Commissioner...
- It's Commander.

This isn't the Wild West.

If you press charges,
I'll lock you both up for 24 hours.

Then the prosecutor
will extend custody for another day,

which means 48 hours locked up
with every crook in town.

After that, I'll send you
to jail for a while.


Go fight elsewhere.

As long as you're quiet,
and don't die...

Get lost!

- Drive me back?
- Hop in.

Good riddance.

- I've lost my voice.
- You shout too loudly.

I don't know why I get so angry.

I'm going home.

Another tough day?

- Aren't you going home?
- Once I've read my mails.

- Good night.
- Good night, Kreusky.