Madagascar: A Little Wild (2020–…): Season 5, Episode 3 - Journey to the Secret Playground - full transcript

‐ Places!

‐ Wow.

‐ Yes! Spring has officially sprung!

‐ Yeah, now we can finally do
all our favorite springtime activities.

‐ Like feeding the ducks!

Snack well, my friends!


‐ Nothing like painting
in the fresh spring air!

‐ Grow high as the sky, little buds!

‐ Woo‐hoo!

‐ Hmm.

Huh? Huh. Huh!

‐ Huh?

‐ Huh?


My favorite springtime activity
is picking up after you three!

‐ Nothing like a little spring cleaning
to start the day!


‐ Ow! Huh? Huh?

‐ Ha!

Hmm… Must be trash.


‐ Huh?

Yay! It's garbage day!

‐ This place is spotless.

‐ Guess you had another cleaning spree?
‐ You know it!

I kept everything we need
and threw out everything we don't.

‐ Just as long as you didn't get rid
of my new space ship!

‐ Ha! Why would I throw away
your space ship?

Wait. You have a space ship?

‐ I sure do.

It's brown, square,

looks like something
you might use to send a package…

‐ Uh, kind of like a cardboard box?


‐ Hey, wait up, I've got the trash!

Including this old cardboard box!

‐ No! Not my space ship!

‐ Don't worry, I'll find you another box,

I mean, space ship.

‐ But that one was special!

‐ You did the same thing to me
during your winter cleaning, Marty.


‐ Just because I'd grown out
of my princess dress

didn't mean I was over it.

‐ You know, Marty,
there is such thing as over‐organizing.

‐ I don't know what you're talking about.

Maybe you're right…

I'm sorry for throwing away
your box, Melman.

‐ And your princess dress, Alex.

‐ But don't worry,
when I make a mess, I unmess it.

It's the spring‐cleaning way!

And the winter cleaning way, too!

I'm going to make it up to you,
starting now.


We can color together.
That'll be fun, right?

I brought enough for everybody.

C'mon, Melman. Look!

Periwinkle! Your favorite color!

‐ First my box, now my crayon.

Is this what rock bottom feels like?

‐ Ah, here you go, magenta!

Your second favorite color!

What you're drawing there, bud?

A firetruck? A house?

‐ Nope, just my box.

‐ It's a really good drawing.

‐ Thank you.

‐ Wow, Melman's really hung up
on that box, huh?

Can you believe he's drawing…

Is that your princess dress?

‐ Gone but never forgotten.

‐ I'll make it up to you, I promise.


Grab that!

‐ Ant'ney!
‐ Ant'ney!

‐ Ant'ney…

‐ Sorry, stripes!
I was aiming for the tree.

I should have aimed for you,
then I would have missed for sure.

‐ Uh, candy bar!
‐ I'll take that!

Chocolate is the most important meal
of the day, y'know.

‐ Ant'ney!

We don't live in a barn!
We live in a habitat.

‐ Wait! Don't throw that out.

‐ Oh, no. Let me guess.

Candy bar wrappers
are special to you, too?

‐ Not usually,
but this one might be.

‐ Ooh.

‐ Ooh.
‐ Ooh.

‐ What is it?

‐ I saw this in a movie once.

I think this is a treasure map!

‐ Let me take a look of that thing.

"Congratulations, you have been selected
to journey to the Secret Playground".

Okay, we can throw this out now.

‐ Wait, no!

‐ A secret playground just for us?!

I bet it has a hundred swings!

‐ And a bouncy house that bounces you
all the way to the sky!

‐ And a funhouse mirror
that goes on forever!

And Marty almost threw it out!

‐ Don't give him all the credit.

I almost threw it out, too!

‐ Ant'ney, what does the rest say?

‐ "Calling New Yorkers, young and old.
Follow my trail for an adventure so bold.

The first stop
is sure to rattle your bones.

Check the teeth,
the next clue will be known.

Journey to the land
that longs to be found.

Follow the clues
to the Secret Playground!"

‐ It's a clue! But what does it mean?

‐ "The first stop will rattle your bones."

Dogs like bones…
Maybe it's at the dog park!

‐ Nah, that's not it.

The clue mentioned teeth.
We'll never figure this out!

‐ First my box, then my crayon,
now my Secret Playground!

How will I ever be happy again?

‐ Hang on, teeth and bones?

That sounds like the Museum
of Dinosaurs to me!

‐ Oh!
‐ Oh!

‐ Marty, If anyone can get us
to the Secret Playground, it's you.

‐ It looks like the clues lead to a key.

I bet it opens the gate
to the Secret Playground.

Ant'ney, will you come with us
and help read the clues?

‐ I was planning on eating
bagel crumbs all day,

but I suppose that can be rescheduled.
I'm in!

‐ Yes!

We're just like real treasure hunters
on a real adventure.

‐ Then we'll need real adventurer hats!

And I know just where to find them.

‐ I'll see you, treasure hunters,
at the museum!

‐ Woo‐hoo!
‐ Woo‐hoo!

‐ Secret Playground, here we come!

‐ What have you got there,
Pickles and Dave?

‐ Uh, nothing.

The question is, what have you got there?

Toll, please!

‐ Marty, what do we have
in the Lost and Found?

‐ I might've cleaned it out this morning.

‐ Uh, we're running a business here!

No toll, no tunnels.

‐ I've got an idea…

‐ It's perfect!

‐ Who knew Pickles and Dave
were such art lovers?

‐ What are you drawing?

‐ In case you don't read chimp,

that means keep out
of our super‐secret stash of…

uhm, bananas, capisce?

‐ Bananas aren't even my thing.

‐ We're coming for you,
Secret Playground.

‐ Marty, you got the map?

‐ Are you kidding? I'm not letting
this one‐of‐a‐kind map out of my sight.

Pretty soon,
the fun's going to be all ours!

‐ Let me at that chocolate!

Oh, look, another one
of those treasure maps.

‐ What are we looking for again?

‐ The map said,

"Check the teeth,
and the next clue will be known."

‐ I won't be checking anyone's teeth,
thank you very much.

‐ Ooh. I bet he'd know
where to find the clue.

‐ That's it! The T‐Rex!

I bet the clue is in its skeleton teeth.

‐ Looks like we've got a bone
to pick with the T‐Rex!

Get it? A bone to…

Hey, wait for me!

‐ How are we supposed to reach his teeth
from down here?

Even Melman's not tall enough.

‐ In a couple years maybe.

‐ We're not in a hurry, are we?

Ooh, check out those teeth!

‐ Ooh!


‐ Ooh, I love the Dino Dance!

‐ Come on! Let's Dance with the Dinos!

‐ We don't have time to dance.
We need to find the clue!

‐ Oh, come on, the clue will still be
there after we dance with the dinos…

‐ Y'all have fun!
I'm going to keep looking.

‐ Huh?
‐ Huh?

‐ I checked every dino tooth
I can find in here, but still no clue.

One of you fossils is holding out on me!

‐ Aw, Marty, cheer up.

Now it's your turn to give us a smile!

Look! It's a clue!

‐ Good find, Melman!

These are the only teeth
in the whole museum I didn't check.

‐ Mr. Chompers, you're the best.

‐ Hiya, gang! What'd I miss?

‐ We found the next clue!

‐ You did? Where is it?

‐ It's on your face.

‐ Huh?

I wonder how long that's been there.

"If you wish to find the next clue,
go get fancy on Fifth Avenue.

Once your brain begins to freeze,
the next clue will be yours to seize."

‐ "Go get fancy on 5th Avenue"?
What do you think that means?

‐ It means we're one step closer
to having that playground

all to ourselves!

We're going to Fancy Fifths!

We're going to Fancy Fifths!

‐ Huh? That's what I just said.

‐ "Once your brain begins to freeze,
the next clue will be yours to seize!"

‐ Huh? I thought we were the only ones
searching for the Secret Playground.

‐ What if every kid in the city
with a candy bar has one of these maps?

‐ Every kid in New York?
That's like fifteen kids!

And only one key!

‐ Don't worry!
No way am I going to let you down again.

This may be a race,
but we're going to win it.

‐ We're back, baby!

‐ Oh, man.

The pressure's on!

The clue mentioned brain freeze…

‐ I don't know where to find
a brain freeze…

Maybe my brain is frozen!

‐ Think, Marty! Think!

Stay calm, everybody.

The next clue could be
right under our noses.

Gloria, you check the toy department.

Melman, you've got ties.

‐ Can I take the beauty counter?

‐ Ant'ney and I will check the‐‐
where is that music coming from?

‐ Get your fancy ice cream!

Courtesy of Fancy Fifths,
for a sweet shopping experience!

‐ Fancy ice cream?

‐ Huh?

‐ I'd better suit up.

Hurry, Marty!

‐ Don't you want to grab a sweet treat?

‐ Well…

The sweetest treat of all
will be finding the key

to the Secret Playground
before those other kids.

‐ My friends are counting on me.
‐ Suit yourself.

‐ "Once your brain begins to freeze,
the next clue will be yours to seize."


I have no idea what that means.

‐ Heh! All I can say is,
I hate getting brain freeze,

it ruins a perfectly
good ice cream experience.

‐ Ant'ney, you're a genius!

‐ You sound just like my ma.

‐ The next clue must be near
the ice cream!

‐ Marty!
You came to get ice cream!

‐ Correction, I came to inspect
the ice cream.

‐ All you're going to find
under there's some used gum.

‐ Don't tempt me!

‐ That clue's around here somewhere,
I can taste it!

‐ All I taste is Mint Chocolate Chip!

‐ What's hanging off your cone?

‐ Is it mint, chocolate, or chips?

‐ No, it looks like…

another clue!

‐ It is a clue!

It really was right under our noses.

Well, your noses.

‐ Once again,
frozen dessert saves the day.

‐ "Only one more clue remains,
on the 14th platform by the train.

Listen to the music, shake your hips.
Don't forget to leave a tip!"

‐ That's easy.
We're going to 14th Street!

‐ Hello, 14th Street!

‐ Chugga‐chugga choo‐choo!

And speaking of "chew, chew"

how great is it that they put free gum
in there for us?

‐ The clue said to listen to music
and shake our hips.

I don't hear any music.
Maybe if I shook my hips a bit.

Tell me where the next clue is, hips!

Don't make me shake it out of you!

‐ Over there!

‐ You found the clue?

‐ Forget the clue,
there's my favorite show!

They're here every rush hour to give
the commuters a little song and dance.

‐ Let's check it out! C'mon, Marty.

‐ Uh, well…

when we're this close to finding the key

to the funniest playground
in the whole world? Nah.

This zebra's going to find the fun!

‐ Ah…

‐ Ah…

‐ Where did you get that nickel?

‐ I never leave the nest
without spare change.

I did it! I found the next clue!

‐ Way to go, Ant'ney!

‐ Millie!

Surely you saw someone
put that nickel in our bucket…

‐ I'm just as shocked as you are, Murray,

that performance was worth
at least a quarter!

‐ Hey, Marty, look what we found!

‐ You found the clue?

‐ Ant'ney found it in the tip bucket
after that glorious performance.

‐ Really? What does it say?

‐ "Come one, come all,
to the Secret Playground,

A land you have almost found.

Get yourself to ol' Times Square,

For whimsy, fun and flair." Huh!

‐ Times Square?

We just got to catch the next train.

Told you I'd make up for your box!

And your princess dress.
And Coral's cowgirl hat.

‐ What'd you do to Coral's cowgirl hat?

‐ Oh, look! Hehe.
Here comes the train now!

‐ Marty, wait! Where's Ant'ney?

‐ Ant'ney, come on! The train's here!

‐ Sorry, kid! I just love that song.

‐ No!

These kids are going to beat us
to the key!

‐ Which mean they're going to find
The Secret Playground before we do!

‐ I'm sure another train will be here
any second.

Attention, passengers.

Trains to Times Square
will be delayed for the next hour.

‐ An hour?

‐ Yeah, nothing more New York
than a delayed subway.

‐ We could go back to Fancy Fifths!

‐ Or the museum.

‐ No way!

I'm getting us to the Secret Playground
if it's the last thing I do.

‐ C'mon, we got to do this.
For Marty!

‐ There's got to be a way for us
to beat that train to Times Square.


That should work.

According to the map,
the key to the Secret Playground

should be right around… here.

‐ Huh…

‐ Whoa!

"Welcome to the Secret Playground."

‐ Wow!
‐ Wow!

‐ Ouch!

‐ Wait, what?

‐ What in the world is going on here?

‐ This isn't a real playground.

It's just a mural painted on a wall.

‐ Oh, no! The other kids!


You made it to the end
of the treasure hunt!

Welcome to the Secret Playground!

‐ Uh…

‐ New York's hottest kids' clothing store.

Your treasure awaits!

‐ I bet the key to the playground
is in that treasure chest!



Ah… Huh?

‐ Ooh, socks!

‐ Congrats on being the first
to solve all of the clues, kids!

Help yourself to a free pair of socks!

‐ Looks like the store
set up the treasure hunt

to get kids and their parents
to shop here.

‐ The Secret Playground
isn't even a playground?

First, I threw out your toys,
then I ruined your day.

Some treasure hunt this turned out to be.

‐ Hmm.

‐ You okay, Marty?

‐ We just had a pretty disappointing day.

‐ We did?

‐ We spent all day
running around the city,

looking for clues for a treasure
that never existed.

What a waste of a day.

We went to the museum,
Fancy Fifths, the subway‐‐

‐ And ate lots of ice cream‐‐

‐ Don't forget about the scooters,
jet skis, and helicopter!

‐ It was the best!
‐ Really?

You all had fun today?

‐ Of course, Marty!

The only thing that would've made it
better is if you'd had fun with us.

‐ After throwing away
the things you loved,

I just wanted to make it up to you
by finding something you love even more.

‐ Well, you did!

I loved this day way more
than my cardboard box.

Attention, passengers.

Looks like we're experiencing a delay.

A long one.

‐ Like I said. Birds got to fly,
lions got to roar,

subways got to break down.

‐ Ugh!

Now we're stuck on this train
with nothing but this useless map.

‐ Useless? I don't think so.

Now you're on a train
in the rain with a paper crane!

I know it's not raining,
but I was on a roll.

‐ That crane is right.

Well, not about the rain,

but we can make our own fun
wherever we are.

We don't need a fancy playground,

we just need each other!

‐ Oh! You were right!

All day, I was in such a rush
to find the Secret Playground,

I didn't even realize
I was already on a wild adventure.

Looks like we're up and running, folks.

Our apologies for the delay.

‐ What are they sorry for?

We just had the ride of our lives!

‐ This is Space Captain Alex.

Are we ready for landing?

‐ We're ready!

‐ This is Space Ranger Gloria.

Let's land this spaceship on the moon!

‐ Oh, no, you don't!
The moon belongs to us!

Oh, wait, pause!

There's a smudge on your rocketship.

‐ Did you just pause
our space duel for a smudge?

‐ I guess a little moon dust
never hurt anybody!