Love Is Blind: Brazil (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Where Do We Go From Here? - full transcript
At a party with Hudson's family, Carol receives a surprise visit. Lissio takes Luana to meet his friends. Dayanne is let down by Rodrigo.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Thiago] All the men know what they want.
-That's good.
-Women might be influenced.
Don't you agree women are the weaker sex?
I always imagined a calmer woman…
It scares me because I know what I did
and I wouldn't date me.
You're what I always wanted.
The only thing keeping me from saying yes
is this doubt.
♪ Who like the sun ♪
♪ Can always bring light ♪
-[Thiago] How are you?
-I'm fine.
We could finish our talk.
You backed away. You're far away.
No, I'm here.
-I'm here.
I only backed away a little bit.
It's a common reaction.
It doesn't mean anything.
-But talk to me.
-The same way--
I don't like interpreting things.
Wait, but I need to understand it too.
I want to listen to you. I'll speak too.
Thiago says he's afraid of my past.
He's afraid of my past.
He says it's scary and…
There's some sexism.
It bothers him to know
I can do as much as he can.
You need to have patience.
We're not perfect.
We're getting to know each other.
I have this…
this flexibility to understand.
[tense music playing]
Like it or not,
some things come together
with experience, standards, values.
That's why
I started to back away a little bit.
We're here next to each other
and you're wondering,
leaving words in the air between lines.
You're playing charades with me.
I don't know
if it's your defense mechanism.
Yes, I listened to you,
but we didn't finish our talk.
I need…
to understand it.
I didn't tell you my decision.
-I told you--
-What you're feeling.
What I'm feeling.
And if it were to end
the idea of marrying you,
I'd be true and honest
with my feelings and words, okay?
[Nanda] I'm confused.
There isn't a reason
that I can say something's going on
and leaving me like this.
[sighs] I'm just now realizing some stuff.
I like to look at things
so I can make up my mind.
I think that
for the little time that we live together,
we have to develop, to be able to…
I don't know if we can develop love.
I think this is the only reason
that if I can't really feel it,
it will stop me from marrying you.
Admiration, affinity, things in common,
many people have that.
-What is love for you?
-I'm figuring it out.
I'm trying.
I swear I got my heart open. I'm trying.
I'm still very confused
and I'll only go ahead
if I feel in my heart
that she's really the one,
the one that I want.
It isn't easy
to decide that in so little time.
[Nanda] We can't really understand
what we're feeling or not.
I think
every person works in their own way.
Every person has a look, a history.
So if this is something
that's really disturbing…
maybe it's not enough
for a marriage, I think.
[tense music continues]
[upbeat music playing]
-[Ana Prado] I'm excited to see this.
-[Shayan] Our space.
It's so beautiful.
This tree is big.
Shayan brought me to see his work space,
to see the products he sells.
And I'm amazed.
Oh, how beautiful!
This is Saman, my bro.
Hey, how are you?
-Nice to meet you, I'm Ana.
-Hi, how are you?
This is so beautiful.
My God!
All right, I want this one,
this one, this one…
I'm slightly eager to set up my house
with new carpets in all the rooms.
So, are you…
Look, what's that?
We're engaged.
-You didn't know?
-I didn't know anything.
Let me hug you.
I told you! I told you we were engaged.
I consider Saman as a brother.
For me,
he's one of the most important people
in my life here in Brazil.
How are you? What about living together?
It's going great.
-Fighting all the time. Just kidding.
No, we aren't.
We spend the entire time cheek to cheek,
stroking, cuddling.
We're really enjoying it, right, baby?
Right. She's even
going to sell a carpet for me.
I wanted
to introduce her to my work space.
Maybe someday
she'll want to work a little with me.
I love this one! I love.
Do you? Why would you buy this carpet?
I'd buy it because it's modern.
It's also timeless.
You must say it all in one minute.
He usually mocks everything and so on,
but at work, he's extremely serious.
I find it… hot.
♪ Hold on, have a little faith ♪
This is the studio.
Wow, what a pretty space.
And here?
Here, I do the eyebrows,
I want to see her at work,
if she's got talented hands.
-It'll hurt.
-Did it hurt?
-I'm fine.
That's it.
-Do you charge for this?
-Of course.
-It's R$65 for that.
-No way!
-Where's the mirror?
-This is a scam.
It's important that he sees my world
to understand my passion.
Are you receiving visits?
[all exclaiming]
What's up?
We came here to see your work, girl!
Let's surprise them.
Ii it a surprise?
…to find you out here.
My work is very important in my life.
Showing this for those
who are having this experience with me
is very important.
Explain this to us.
I do eyebrow micropigmentation
in a pretty way.
But soon I'll be in Australia.
-It'll be a hit.
-I hope so.
Or not.
Maybe they do it there.
But everyone has one style, one identity.
I managed to build my identity
in a strong way here in Brazil.
I got a little scared
because I work with that.
It's an unknown world for Thiago.
I hope he gets the concepts.
So, girls, how are you?
[Dayanne] Ouch!
-How are we?
-How are we?
We are…
that's a good question.
It's like we bought an idea in the booths,
and now we're seeing
if it matches into real life or not.
We struggled a lot
to say that we needed space.
More on his side than mine.
"It's not that I don't like you,
I just needed my time."
And I started to choke and told her,
but the way I did it was rude.
And we need it.
We came from a single life.
We had a busy life outside,
and suddenly we're living with someone
the whole day
and we need to share our time
for everything.
I felt that I dived right in
without measuring results.
I gave myself.
I went like, "Bang!"
-Very fragile.
One thing I feel
is that she really wants to please me
and she's enjoying doing this.
Now she's nuts. Use it, wash it.
I use something, she washes and cleans it.
I leave the door open, she closes it.
Something in my head
says I have to clean, to clean…
Get everything organized,
neat and organized.
But he's not cleaning anything!
Everything he requires from me--
-He's getting bothered?
-…he's not doing it.
He messes it up and I clean it.
If you stop being who you are
to become a long-suffering wife
in the person's life,
what do you want him to supply for you?
-That's not…
-Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Now I'm realizing
everything you're saying.
-And how about you, bro?
-Man, I'm really chill.
All good?
By the way,
there's something going on that I assume…
It's an assumption.
Everything's so chill
that she feels insecure.
Psychology is messing me up.
-It sucks.
-That'll be cool for you.
But it's good for you.
He says, "Stop reading between the lines.
I gave you my answer."
"That's it."
[Lissio] What's up, Thiago?
I could argue with her
if I wanted to nag on her smoking.
[Rodrigo] I was about to ask you.
Yeah, so she could…
Man, I'm figuring it out by myself,
but I don't know
if this can put our relationship at risk.
He understood it,
because he said, "No, you have to quit."
I said, "Yes, when I decide, I'll quit."
"And Fernanda has this combo."
"If you accept it, that's okay.
If you don't, that's okay too."
If Nanda doesn't overcome this addiction,
we won't marry.
[samba music playing]
I'll introduce you to everyone.
This is Carol.
[all] Hi!
The woman of my life.
[Novaes] So I can earn
the trust of Hudson's friends,
I'm just gonna be Carol.
They must like me just like this.
She asked me once,
"What flower would you give me?"
I remembered she liked yellow.
I said, "For you, a sunflower."
Right when I spoke about the sunflower.
That's weird.
[Hudson] She hasn't seen her mom
since it started.
That's weird.
She came when I mentioned the sunflower.
Mom, I missed you!
Finally, I saw my mom.
She came in, all pretty,
bringing my favorite flowers.
Mom, can you guess who's my fiancé?
That one.
You got it right!
How are you?
-It's very nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too.
You're more than welcome here.
-This is my…
-You're beautiful!
-You're wonderful!
-Am I?
Mrs. Benê is wonderful.
She gave me a big hug.
She's very maternal with a charming smile.
So you can rest assured,
she's with someone well-adjusted,
as in family and in a man,
and whatever I can do
to make her happier, I will.
With all my heart.
Oh, my God! She's gonna cry!
My God, my heart can't take it.
[Hudson] So thank you for trusting me.
He's just like that… He's just like that.
Wherever he goes, he's like that.
-We're fun.
-They ask me, "How did you do this?"
My mom sells me very well.
He's like that.
Thank you.
If you allow me, we'll make some noise.
-You can go.
My mother approved of him
just seeing him standing.
My mom's all about energy.
And Hudson's energy
is really high and wonderful.
[playing upbeat tune]
Mrs. Benê, come on!
Come on, Mom, don't run away.
She's cool. She likes it.
She knows it. Now for my father-in-law.
Come on, Mr. Jessé, you know it. Come on!
[Hudson] I never saw my dad dancing,
and she made not only him,
but everyone there.
It's an amazing, awesome energy
Carol brought to my family.
I liked her a lot. She's very sweet.
She brings in what you are,
that I think is important.
But I ask you back.
Do you have real feelings?
We know my feelings for her
are growing every day,
and I think it'll turn out great.
And I hope they're real.
-What do you think of him?
-The guy's amazing, I loved him.
-And his family is great.
-Does he work out?
-He has a great body.
Yeah, he'll take you to the gym.
I loved it.
-Yes, he is.
-Can we marry?
-Yes, you can.
-Can I say "I do"?
-Yes, absolutely.
If he says "no," what do you do?
I'll grab him by the neck.
He can't do that. Are you nuts?
I'm feeling very good.
First, my mom was well-received,
I was well-received
and my mom liked everyone.
So we're getting closer to the "I do."
[upbeat music playing]
[Ana Prado] I'm really happy
that Shayan will know more about my job,
one of the things I enjoy doing the most.
Models do this,
just walk around, do your thing.
-And I'll guide you throughout this.
-All right.
[electropop music playing]
I was drooling while watching her.
Like, "Wow!"
She's already pretty.
With makeup she gets prettier.
I'm impressed.
-By what?
-By your work.
I'm glad you liked it.
Do this.
[Ana Prado] I think it's important he came
so he can understand
that I'm an independent woman
and I don't rely on anyone.
If he accepts, he has to add up.
-What do you think?
Super hot.
Oh, yeah?
There's more here.
[Shayan] I'll come back home
praising her more,
being prouder of the woman I got.
-Let's do one of you two.
[Shayan and Ana Prado chatting]
Seven, eight, go!
[Luana] We'll work out all day
to get pretty for the wedding.
We're very focused.
[trainer] Don't give up, only 30 seconds.
That's it!
-Stop laughing, Lissio!
-[trainer] Ten seconds.
-Why're you laughing?
-Of course I'm laughing.
[trainer] Come on!
I think it's crucial
to burn some energy, to sweat,
to clear the body, mostly in her PMS.
What is that face your making?
-I want to marry, not die.
-Are you sad?
-I want to be thin, not dead.
-You will marry him.
But marry healthy.
[intense music playing]
Clap for me!
Where's the incentive?
[mellow music playing]
[Novaes speaking indistinctly]
This hair is a mess.
-I'll brush my teeth.
-Go and I'll wait here.
So we watch a movie. I want company.
I'll put my hair up.
Hurry up.
I'll play this beauty…
I don't like horror movies.
-I won't watch it.
-It's not horror.
I'll watch it with you
because you want it.
It's a thriller.
Okay, a thriller
with a woman at home alone.
What I learned is that
it's not about you wanting it to work out.
I always say I'm not ready to marry.
There's no way.
But the desire to make it work
is really big.
So one thing balances another,
completing each other,
which, for me, is the recipe
to be together for a long time.
You're awful to me,
but I'll be good
and take you to a nice place.
-Why am I awful to you?
-For playing psychological horror.
When the movie ends, we'll get dressed.
-To have dinner?
-I don't know, honey, wait for it.
Okay, I'm in.
[upbeat music playing]
Thanks, baby.
The appetizers.
Beautiful. Is there a special reason
to bring me here or in an African place?
Get back to our roots.
I think that's vital.
For example, eating with fingers.
You know?
I can't recall the last time.
Right? This is from our culture,
from our roots.
You have a lot of that
and I have a little.
It's amazing.
I'm glad you liked it.
I think our upbringings
were very different.
Thank God I was privileged
to not go through uncomfortable situations
for my skin color, my hair, my clothes.
Never was abused in any way so serious
to make me think.
And you always mention that
and I think it's important, cool.
Carol and I talked a lot
about racial facts,
what she and I went through,
and apparently,
we share similar views in that matter.
We still have a lot to learn.
Yes, deconstruction is evolution.
It never stops.
♪ Would you be honest ♪
♪ If I were to ask you ♪
♪ How many colors… ♪
[Shayan] What about your parents?
Do you want to video chat with my parents?
Yes, uh-huh.
Oh, Lord.
-Come on.
-Oh, you'll meet my dad.
Call him. Let me know your father.
Wait, wait, wait, Shay. Wait, I'm scared!
Oh, God! Hi, Mom.
How are you? Nice to meet you.
How are you? Fine? All good?
I heard a lot about you, Mr. Leandro.
Did you hear about me?
I heard a little about you.
I even saw some pretty pictures.
I told her
winning the mother over is harder,
the father is easier.
If I cheer for the same team…
Look, you're telling all the tricks
of your flirtation.
Our family is crazy,
but everyone's really sweet.
The more good people around, the better.
The more children, the better. We love it.
You already want grandchildren?
Take it easy.
I already gave you a granddaughter.
-Great, guys, nice to meet you.
-Kisses and hugs.
-Bye. Hugs and kisses. Bye.
-Bye, kisses!
You just arrived
and hang up on my mom, man.
Are you nuts?
[Rodrigo] I have to work.
Just sort out some stuff.
♪ Yes, it's true behind closed doors ♪
♪ Conversations hidden away ♪
You can tell when someone is mad
by their typing speed.
-I'll go then.
-Okay, I'll get dressed soon.
♪ You and your cold heart
Are experts in treason… ♪
We're living together.
She understood
I don't like kissing all the time,
cuddling all the time.
I just need my time.
It doesn't mean I don't like her.
[Dayanne] I think we saw a big difference
between who we met
and who we really are.
So I'm having this reality check.
And it makes me sad somehow.
[Rodrigo] We're not 100% yet,
but we're getting used
to a new look at each other.
And that's good. We back away a little,
we breathe a little.
And then comes the longing, the desire.
There are two ways,
you face it or you run away.
But if you run away, you'll do it alone.
If you face it,
you'll have someone with you.
But it's your choice.
[knocking on door]
My God, Mom!
I can't believe it!
You're so pretty, Mom!
Thank you.
My daughter is a lovely girl.
She's my treasure, my life.
-You're pretty!
-[Rodrigo] Yeah, really pretty.
Isn't she pretty?
-I said--
-My mom is a princess.
I said you were pretty in pictures.
It's even more in person.
[Maria Nelma] I want someone
to bring joy, serenity, peace,
and some warmth to her heart.
Is there something to eat?
-I'm hungry.
-I noticed it.
-It's a family tradition.
No, I don't eat much.
But breakfast is sacred and I didn't eat.
She eats like her daughter.
I see where she got that.
Take her food and she'll be mad.
She told me two things,
"Don't leave me hungry
and don't mess with my man."
It's just that. Don't leave hungry
and don't mess with my man
-and it's all good.
-You're beautiful together.
You're a beautiful couple.
They really got along.
I saw them interacting very well.
I was married for a long time and…
-it's not easy.
-I know.
[Dayanne] I know.
Imagine for us that reversed the order.
We're getting to know each other just now.
We're getting to know each other
now that we're pretty much married.
Yeah, but how did you…
Yeah, I don't know…
The look… "How did you…"
I don't know how I'd do it like this.
-We too. We're figuring it out.
-[Rodrigo] It's all new.
So some days we're totally fine
and some days we're trash.
[Maria Nelma] All her life she has said
that it wasn't in her plans.
I'll know when I see it.
Were you honest with her?
You told her who you really are?
We're living together.
It's hard, we're adjusting.
The more we talk, the better we get along.
-Nobody has to agree with anyone, right?
Everyone has their own opinion.
And we have to respect it.
-We're learning from each other.
-Good times, it's life.
I really liked you.
You both are so young, you'll learn a lot.
That's good.
-I like you already.
So pretty.
-I got dressed to meet my mother-in-law.
All dressed up. No low-cut dress.
I'm still in my PJs.
Nobody's cool
about meeting the mother-in-law.
Whoever is, congratulations.
Teach me, because I can't.
What a surprise.
Look at who I brought to meet you.
Hi, how are you? I'm Dayanne.
Nice to meet you!
Come in, please.
Excuse me.
I felt like in the booth
when I was getting in.
"My God, what will we talk about?
What if we don't talk?"
-Oh, you made some snacks for us.
-[Maria Nelma] What a treat.
I'm a little scared, to be honest,
with all this.
It got me by surprise.
Did you miss me while I was gone?
Well, I missed you.
I tried to process it
when I heard about it, you know?
-Do you like talking to each other?
It's what we do the most.
We spend the entire time together so…
I talk a lot.
I love to talk and he does too.
My mom advised me,
"Marry someone you like to talk to
because in old age
it'll be the most important."
Exactly, perfect!
I didn't expect Rodrigo wanting to marry.
I thought he'd be a bachelor.
Marriage is a big deal.
What I ask of you
is to take care of my daughter.
Don't cry, Mom, or I'll cry too.
This will become a symphony…
Respect my daughter.
By doing that, you'll get another mother.
Rest assured.
Rest assured
we'll be a great family. Right?
If we gather our families,
everyone takes care of everyone.
My family works like this and hers too.
[electropop music playing]
Do you want to see some pictures?
Look at me chubby.
-There's more.
This is Lençóis, where I'll take you.
I wanna go.
This is the big guy from home.
This is my dog, well…
-Do you have a dog?
-I do, but…
-It stays with your parents?
-No, it's with my ex-girlfriend.
At her house.
I'm a very candid person.
It bothers me to swallow my feelings.
And things need to be cleared up
and he needs to know me. So I say it.
So you gave it to her?
Yeah, we could say that.
But I don't see the dog as an object.
So I feel it's my son.
I see it eventually when I go to São Luís.
-What do you mean?
What face is that?
-Oh, you visit the dog?
-Yeah, the dog.
-No, for real…
-No, man, that's too much.
-I can't.
-In one year, I saw it twice.
So give it to her.
Okay, but it doesn't mean
I don't like the dog, get it?
-I know but--
-Do you get it?
…calling it yours and having to see it,
shared custody.
I don't have to see it, I want to
and I have feelings for it.
-I miss it.
-I got it.
-It's not a property.
-If it's yours, get it back.
If you see your dog as a child
and only visit him twice a year,
you're making him suffer.
So cut it out, don't go anymore,
because you love it.
-Done. It won't miss you.
There are some things that happen
so we can elaborate on that.
And I think
some points of her insecurities,
we'll get over this at some point
and maybe reach a fulfillment.
Extend your hands like this.
Join them together.
Close them.
Now pull out your index fingers.
I'll try to use hypnosis to calm her down.
After all,
sometimes the beauty is a beast.
And we need to tame the beast.
The more you force your fingers
to be apart,
it looks like they're alive
and they're retracting.
So you wonder, "Why is this happening?"
But we'll tie the two fingers…
What's that, Lissio?
I'm passing a thread here.
Now, you can't separate your fingers
because I glued them.
At the beginning,
I thought
I'd have to pretend to fall for it,
but no.
It was really surreal.
I'll untie your fingers.
-Only when I kiss your shoulder.
Okay, you can release your fingers.
You're kidding me, right?
[funky music playing]
[door buzzer sounds]
She's crying. You'll ruin your makeup.
[friend 1] Oh, we'll cry with you.
Get up, beautiful.
I met with my friends.
I was missing them a lot.
I'm really, really glad they're here.
-Nice to meet you. I'm Pamela.
-She's Pamela.
-Are you the psychologist?
-Therapist and maid of honor.
-My maid of honor.
-What a wonderful choice.
We have to talk, my friend.
Look at me…
The relevance of the friends
is to give this kind of blessing,
to approve of it.
Everyone's a little insecure
to know if their friends like them,
if they approve your relationship.
-She's amazing, but she's a handful.
-Yes, she is.
-[Larissa] Do you get it?
-A beautiful woman who--
I love Carol, she's amazing.
-I know.
-But she's a handful.
Empowered, right?
-It's hard.
-We know all the sides.
You have to respect her power.
[Hudson] I don't get it.
Because I don't do anything to be her man.
I'm just me.
-Do you want more wine?
I want it, baby, please.
-Can I go and buy it?
I'll be back in a minute.
I'll breathe a little,
let them say what they want,
and I'll be back more calm.
-You met his family?
-[Novaes] Yes.
-And you think he's worth it?
-A lot.
Oh, my God! There's no worries, zero.
How would you define his personality?
He's a very mature man. He embraces me.
He supports me in feminism.
He says, "You want to shine?
You want to do it? Do it."
He said, "I want to be the man
to give you security in motherhood."
-We don't have it. I don't even know that.
"So you can never feel alone again."
So cute.
-Then you cried, right?
-Got a little emotional.
-Then he won me over.
I'm really glad to represent this couple,
to be their maid of honor.
With all her relationships
and life experiences,
she's very fulfilled.
I'm very happy.
I'm happy for you
and you picked a wonderful man.
I'm more sure every day
I couldn't have
a better partner in this journey
that isn't Hudson.
[piano music playing]
-What did you think of Rodrigo?
-He made a great impression.
Or he's like this or a great actor.
That's the question
I'm wondering the most.
What is real and what is not?
I was so attached to the idea
that, "Oh, my God, I fell in love."
So you fell for his words, is that it?
I fell in love
with what he told me about himself.
[Maria Nelma]
She's really intense all the time.
I think that maybe she created
some expectations that weren't met.
I tell you my coffee is amazing.
-It's an example, okay? For God's sake.
And in the routine,
there's not even coffee.
In the booth,
Ro told me he was romantic and stuff.
And I'm not seeing much of that.
There's also the good part.
Like seeing him with you.
I knew it would be beautiful.
But I didn't know it could be that much.
You understand?
Seeing them both talking moved me,
because it's like
seeing a painting you've idealized
happening in front of you.
I don't want you to worry.
I want you to understand that I'm okay.
I'm not worried.
I want to you to be happy.
You're so cute. Oh, my God.
I want you to be happy.
[upbeat music playing]
We're in Boituva,
National Center of Skydiving.
It's where I live and work.
I'm bringing Nanda
for her first skydive experience.
I think she's a little nervous.
-Have you ever gone skydiving?
-And the courage?
I'm trying to find it.
Is it harder to go skydiving
or get married?
After I go skydiving, I'll find out.
And after I marry.
I have to do both to decide.
Hey, Nanda!
Hey. I'm not afraid yet.
Are you afraid? So you're cool?
We've already left the ground.
Yeehaw! Give me a kiss.
[Nanda] Thiago with me here
will make me feel safer, absolutely.
I'm planning to kiss her on free fall.
It'll be our first free fall kiss.
I hope it goes well.
[upbeat music playing]
Great! Hey, Nanda! Whoo!
-Did you like the jump?
-Now I get it.
It's really good.
I can't describe the feeling.
It's like freedom.
Really good.
Really good. After this jump,
we'll visit his house, his friends.
I'll see him out of that box
that we're living in.
[funky music playing]
[Thiago] We've arrived at my house.
This is where I live.
Look at the dog. It's named Tequila.
Oh, you missed me. Come in.
-Only men live here? Only men?
-Only men.
It's a mess.
This is the living room, kitchen…
-Come closer.
-Who put this sign up?
-Gilvan. He's our house manager.
-Oh, the manager.
-This is the kitchen?
-It's actually tidy.
Yes. And the dishes?
-Use it, wash it?
-Use it, wash it.
That's the rule.
That's the coexistence rule.
I can't imagine living here with Thiago,
because there are only men.
We intend to live each in our own house.
And with more stability,
we'll live together,
but probably abroad.
Come see my mess.
Mmm, this is your little room?
This is my room where I hide.
You can test the bed.
Is this the one you told me?
No, it's the one in the flat…
in Florianópolis.
-Don't you have a wardrobe?
-It's here.
My drawers, my dresser.
I don't have many clothes.
But this is where I hide, where I rest.
It's very quiet.
Yeah, that's the good thing here. Quality.
-Excuse me.
-This is your future home.
I think it's better
for us to move to Indaiatuba.
I need to be here for now
because of my business.
I believe it won't be hard
for her to move here.
I hope she likes it and feels welcomed.
Small stove.
Well, it's enough.
-This was a bed?
-So, let me explain.
When I got the flat,
there was no couch here.
So I took the bed from the guest room,
and put it here to become a couch,
and it's there.
-Did you like it here?
I liked it. It's really white.
-Yeah, white-ish.
-And it's breezy.
-We'll change the stove.
-No problem.
Too small.
I already want
to make some changes in here.
I made that.
And the idea is putting a picture
of each place I went.
Decorate it a little
and fill this wall with my trips
and so on.
-Here, in black and white?
-Or another room if you don't like it.
No, I'm just…
I want this board.
We can negotiate the spot.
-But I want it.
She knew what she wanted
when she got here.
What I think
is that you want to know
that where I'll live also matches me.
I really don't mind if you want
to match it to your taste, really.
It's really hard to feel at home now.
After I make some changes in here,
I'll feel I belong here more.
I thought your room was bigger.
-This bed is high.
-It's a great bed.
-I'll climb it.
-You can jump on it.
The bed must be bigger.
I can't with that one.
I'll put a mirror there so we can…
-Oh, there's no air conditioning?
Just like any change,
at first it'll be hard,
but I'm sure she'll soon get used to it.
I know you're a smart woman.
We clearly won't do crazy makeovers
because this isn't our dream flat.
You get it?
Okay, I gotta say something.
This bed is small for the two of us.
We can first try it out.
And will you have time to change things
in the flat since you work a lot?
It's all a matter
of organizing a schedule, arranging it.
I had to hit the brakes for her.
This won't be our final house.
This will be our first house.
So beautiful.
We wanted a special dance for the wedding.
It's really close.
We have to rehearse a lot.
Let's see
if today's class can help us out.
What do you think
about the context of dance as a couple?
If you get along on the dance,
many things get along.
The groove, the style, the precision,
leading and being led. I love it.
Oh, you're amazing.
That's exactly it.
For a couple, it's like life
but in a game of music, of harmony.
I think the nicest part of this contact
is to understand the connection.
It needs trust. I'll hold her…
I was gonna say that. Trust, guys.
Now we'll try to be together,
dance, connect.
We'll start with salsa.
-Have you ever done it, Day?
-No? Do you know salsa?
-I know what salsa is…
[salsa music playing]
Then I'll turn you over.
-[Bruna] Yeah!
-[Dayanne] No, not yet. Not yet!
[Bruna] He wants to do the hard work.
I love dancing and singing.
I just don't know how to do it.
Stop the music.
We're trying to get the rhythm.
I think that's
the best analogy for the moment.
-Do you trust her?
-I do.
-Does she trust you?
-She does.
So, let's do this. Nobody will fail.
Let's practice.
[laughing] That "trust" of hers
is not that secure.
I'm not feeling the trust here.
[Rodrigo] I prefer to improvise.
I don't know the technique,
so I got a little bit lost.
You want to do this one?
That's it! Forget about the steps.
[Dayanne] If you want me to do it,
what do you do?
-Let it flow.
-You come here and hold me tight.
-Then I'll feel it.
-[Bruna] Yes.
-Don't ask me, just hold me, okay?
-That's it.
-That's it.
-Now, come back.
[salsa music playing]
[Rodrigo] When we just let it flow,
we danced well.
We're trying to connect like this in life
and we're kind of stuck,
one trying to please the other.
Now we're letting it flow more naturally.
We're connecting a little better.
And come back slowly.
That's it.
[Persian music playing]
[Ana Prado] Hello!
[Ana Prado] Hello, how are you?
Today Ana will meet Mamita, Saman's mom,
and Mohammad, Saman's brother,
who I consider as a brother.
You're late, so let's eat right away.
[all laughing]
[Ana Prado] So beautiful.
[Shayan] Mamita nailed it.
[Ana Prado] Gosh!
I'm in love with this drink.
What is it called?
[Shayan] It's yogurt juice.
Wow, it's delicious.
-Look at the curd.
[speaking Persian]
[Mohammad] There'll be nothing left.
He eats everything.
-Impossible not to eat it.
-No, there's no way.
Mamita is an amazing person
that I can't really talk with
in Portuguese,
but we communicate well through our eyes.
Iranian mothers are really jealous
of their children…
She asked me how my mom was.
I told her my mom was jealous.
Just like any other parent.
[Ana Prado] I got that.
[chuckles] I got that.
I hope it really works out
so we can enjoy the wedding party.
And also the children and so on.
In the past, we hid in the kitchen.
And the dad would say,
"Okay, he's a good kid. Bring the tea."
Shay, bring the tea.
I keep looking at the floor.
-Oh, my God, Shayan.
-I keep looking at the floor.
Be careful.
Can I look now?
Yes, but just one look. Just one time.
-Just once.
-Just look one time.
That's it.
It was terrible!
He wouldn't marry at all
serving tea like that.
[playing melody]
[Ana Prado] This day is wonderful.
One of the high points of our relationship
and I'm feeling very loved.
[continues playing melody]
-[man] Hey!
-[people cheering]
[Luana] What a crowd.
-I'll introduce Luana to you.
-Let me start.
[Lissio] I'm pretty sure
she'll befriend all my friends
and we'll be really happy here.
What are you intentions with Lissio?
-Good one!
Oh, man, she even got up to speak.
What are your intentions?
She's a lawyer.
I don't know if he told you.
-That's why she got up.
-Yeah! I saw that.
I'm like…
To add to his life.
In every sense of it.
-Did you like the answer?
You can say more about it.
I found Luana really sweet, first of all.
They'll be a great couple.
I signed up to an experience
where there are only crazy people,
I think.
There were some issues
because I wondered about other women.
Then she pushed me, she pressed me.
I'm a determined woman.
I picked him and only him.
If it weren't him, I'd leave.
Why try it with another one?
-That's true.
-You're right.
He was having doubts.
Now we're in a flat in São Paulo
living together,
and we'll keep living together
for some days
till the day you'll be present
at our wedding in São Paulo.
[all exclaiming]
[Lissio's friend]
I got surprised with Luana
by the way she came into his life.
But by the little I saw of her,
she's the woman he needs.
Thank you!
-To your happiness. Cheers.
[woman] Happiness!
[mellow music playing]
Try it. It's caipirinha.
-You want one?
-I'll have a soda.
-Will you have it with soda?
-Don't you drink?
-[man] I don't.
-Nobody drinks here?
-[man] Yes.
[Thiago] Gilvan drinks.
[Gilvan] Water.
[Thiago] We're all healthy.
We're athletes.
-You won't corrupt us.
[Gilvan] Right.
At the time, I wanted
to drink a caipirinha to chill out a bit.
And I only drank a little. Two.
What are your intentions with Thiago?
Good one!
To the point.
[Gilvan] You'll take our porn star
out of our house.
Do you know Fábio? He told you about him?
-[Thiago] Oh, God.
It's a nickname
for his romantic side, Fábio.
Yeah? I don't know him yet.
[Werner] Don't you?
-It's the ogre.
-[Werner] The ogre, yeah.
We didn't have enough time yet
to meet his romantic side.
[Gilvan] And you won't.
He doesn't have it.
That's what you think.
-[Gilvan] This guy is a prince.
-[Thiago] A prince.
The mood between Thiago and his friends
is full of fun.
I'm at ease,
but always watching the situation.
I can buy some equipment,
come here and do it.
That's a good plan.
It's fine, man. With a license
you can do anything you want.
I don't understand anything you're saying.
I can afford a R$150 prokit
that's more expensive
and better than the others
that everyone gets.
-How can you pay for it?
-[Gilvan] You can't!
This chat is boring.
I couldn't really follow their chat
because it was about skydiving,
abbreviations and such.
So I drank my caipirinha and that's okay.
[tense music playing]
When we talked about skydiving,
I saw Nanda leaving
because she didn't fit
in that conversation.
But she could have stayed
to get to know more about my life
and what makes me happy.
[tense music continues]
[Dayanne] I spent the day in silence.
I'm sure there's some doubts
he doesn't tell me about.
He doesn't express it,
but I feel him more distant each day.
You want something?
A chill pill. [laughs]
I want some wine.
The wedding date is coming.
It's not very easy to bond.
And the mood isn't very pleasant.
So we're trying, but today it's hard.
[Dayanne] And the guest list?
What about the best men?
Did you think about that?
I think I know already.
-I don't know, sometimes I think…
-You have doubts?
For my bridesmaids, no.
I've always known who they'd be.
[Rodrigo] Analyzing our relationship
here where we started at the bottom
and nobody had anyone,
we went to the highest point
in the booths,
and while living together,
we had the highs and the lows.
Tonight we had one of our DTRs.
Day asked me some things
I haven't mentioned to her.
I didn't tell her
I talked to the guys about our intimacy.
They probably told their fiancées
and they mentioned it to her.
And it was very bad.
I have a little gift.
I can't take care of it.
When we started to get in touch
with the other couples,
some information came up
about some subjects
that Rodrigo told the guys
regarding our intimacy.
I don't feel comfortable exposing what,
but I believe nobody on Earth
wants to have their intimacy
discussed in a group of friends.
As an apology for my mistake,
I gave her flowers,
which doesn't justify it.
A present for no reason.
-Out of nowhere?
-Yeah, as a surprise, right?
Knowing the person you share your bed with
turns his back
and talks about something between you two
to other people in such a vulgar way,
in such a disrespectful way…
It wasn't unmotivated.
It was unmotivated,
out of nowhere, unexpected.
-It was a surprise.
-It was a surprise. It was.
It was a surprise.
There was a reason indeed.
When she asked me, I denied it.
Then it came up and she asked me again
and I confessed
I'd wrongly told other people.
I didn't even feel comfortable
looking him in the eyes.
[strained] Those eyes. I've talked so much
about speaking the truth.
Because I looked at them
and only saw lies.
From the start,
even the astrologer said it,
she told us to talk.
We only talked about tough subjects.
I know very well.
I have no words to say how much it hurt.
It hurt.
It hurt to hear from the others,
it hurt to hear from him.
We're analyzing everything
to see if we'll come out of this together
or apart.
[Ana Prado] A big day for me.
I'll introduce my daughter to Shay.
I have to sort out some work stuff.
-And how are you?
-Trying to be fine.
[Rodrigo] When we started living together,
we saw many differences.
My biggest fear is to believe again
and being fooled again.
I realized he changes his mind a lot.
Maybe he says "no" at the altar.
[Hudson] I think
we still have a lot to learn.
[all chanting]
[Lissio] But you're crying.
-What? You're crying?
-No. I'm great.
The big day
in any woman's life has arrived,
picking the wedding dress.
And I want to know if you're ready.
It fits perfectly.
[Dayanne] The dress fitting brings
the idea that the wedding is really close.
Now it's for real.
[Ana Prado] This emotional inconsistency
disturbs me.
[pop song playing]
[Thiago] All the men know what they want.
-That's good.
-Women might be influenced.
Don't you agree women are the weaker sex?
I always imagined a calmer woman…
It scares me because I know what I did
and I wouldn't date me.
You're what I always wanted.
The only thing keeping me from saying yes
is this doubt.
♪ Who like the sun ♪
♪ Can always bring light ♪
-[Thiago] How are you?
-I'm fine.
We could finish our talk.
You backed away. You're far away.
No, I'm here.
-I'm here.
I only backed away a little bit.
It's a common reaction.
It doesn't mean anything.
-But talk to me.
-The same way--
I don't like interpreting things.
Wait, but I need to understand it too.
I want to listen to you. I'll speak too.
Thiago says he's afraid of my past.
He's afraid of my past.
He says it's scary and…
There's some sexism.
It bothers him to know
I can do as much as he can.
You need to have patience.
We're not perfect.
We're getting to know each other.
I have this…
this flexibility to understand.
[tense music playing]
Like it or not,
some things come together
with experience, standards, values.
That's why
I started to back away a little bit.
We're here next to each other
and you're wondering,
leaving words in the air between lines.
You're playing charades with me.
I don't know
if it's your defense mechanism.
Yes, I listened to you,
but we didn't finish our talk.
I need…
to understand it.
I didn't tell you my decision.
-I told you--
-What you're feeling.
What I'm feeling.
And if it were to end
the idea of marrying you,
I'd be true and honest
with my feelings and words, okay?
[Nanda] I'm confused.
There isn't a reason
that I can say something's going on
and leaving me like this.
[sighs] I'm just now realizing some stuff.
I like to look at things
so I can make up my mind.
I think that
for the little time that we live together,
we have to develop, to be able to…
I don't know if we can develop love.
I think this is the only reason
that if I can't really feel it,
it will stop me from marrying you.
Admiration, affinity, things in common,
many people have that.
-What is love for you?
-I'm figuring it out.
I'm trying.
I swear I got my heart open. I'm trying.
I'm still very confused
and I'll only go ahead
if I feel in my heart
that she's really the one,
the one that I want.
It isn't easy
to decide that in so little time.
[Nanda] We can't really understand
what we're feeling or not.
I think
every person works in their own way.
Every person has a look, a history.
So if this is something
that's really disturbing…
maybe it's not enough
for a marriage, I think.
[tense music continues]
[upbeat music playing]
-[Ana Prado] I'm excited to see this.
-[Shayan] Our space.
It's so beautiful.
This tree is big.
Shayan brought me to see his work space,
to see the products he sells.
And I'm amazed.
Oh, how beautiful!
This is Saman, my bro.
Hey, how are you?
-Nice to meet you, I'm Ana.
-Hi, how are you?
This is so beautiful.
My God!
All right, I want this one,
this one, this one…
I'm slightly eager to set up my house
with new carpets in all the rooms.
So, are you…
Look, what's that?
We're engaged.
-You didn't know?
-I didn't know anything.
Let me hug you.
I told you! I told you we were engaged.
I consider Saman as a brother.
For me,
he's one of the most important people
in my life here in Brazil.
How are you? What about living together?
It's going great.
-Fighting all the time. Just kidding.
No, we aren't.
We spend the entire time cheek to cheek,
stroking, cuddling.
We're really enjoying it, right, baby?
Right. She's even
going to sell a carpet for me.
I wanted
to introduce her to my work space.
Maybe someday
she'll want to work a little with me.
I love this one! I love.
Do you? Why would you buy this carpet?
I'd buy it because it's modern.
It's also timeless.
You must say it all in one minute.
He usually mocks everything and so on,
but at work, he's extremely serious.
I find it… hot.
♪ Hold on, have a little faith ♪
This is the studio.
Wow, what a pretty space.
And here?
Here, I do the eyebrows,
I want to see her at work,
if she's got talented hands.
-It'll hurt.
-Did it hurt?
-I'm fine.
That's it.
-Do you charge for this?
-Of course.
-It's R$65 for that.
-No way!
-Where's the mirror?
-This is a scam.
It's important that he sees my world
to understand my passion.
Are you receiving visits?
[all exclaiming]
What's up?
We came here to see your work, girl!
Let's surprise them.
Ii it a surprise?
…to find you out here.
My work is very important in my life.
Showing this for those
who are having this experience with me
is very important.
Explain this to us.
I do eyebrow micropigmentation
in a pretty way.
But soon I'll be in Australia.
-It'll be a hit.
-I hope so.
Or not.
Maybe they do it there.
But everyone has one style, one identity.
I managed to build my identity
in a strong way here in Brazil.
I got a little scared
because I work with that.
It's an unknown world for Thiago.
I hope he gets the concepts.
So, girls, how are you?
[Dayanne] Ouch!
-How are we?
-How are we?
We are…
that's a good question.
It's like we bought an idea in the booths,
and now we're seeing
if it matches into real life or not.
We struggled a lot
to say that we needed space.
More on his side than mine.
"It's not that I don't like you,
I just needed my time."
And I started to choke and told her,
but the way I did it was rude.
And we need it.
We came from a single life.
We had a busy life outside,
and suddenly we're living with someone
the whole day
and we need to share our time
for everything.
I felt that I dived right in
without measuring results.
I gave myself.
I went like, "Bang!"
-Very fragile.
One thing I feel
is that she really wants to please me
and she's enjoying doing this.
Now she's nuts. Use it, wash it.
I use something, she washes and cleans it.
I leave the door open, she closes it.
Something in my head
says I have to clean, to clean…
Get everything organized,
neat and organized.
But he's not cleaning anything!
Everything he requires from me--
-He's getting bothered?
-…he's not doing it.
He messes it up and I clean it.
If you stop being who you are
to become a long-suffering wife
in the person's life,
what do you want him to supply for you?
-That's not…
-Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Now I'm realizing
everything you're saying.
-And how about you, bro?
-Man, I'm really chill.
All good?
By the way,
there's something going on that I assume…
It's an assumption.
Everything's so chill
that she feels insecure.
Psychology is messing me up.
-It sucks.
-That'll be cool for you.
But it's good for you.
He says, "Stop reading between the lines.
I gave you my answer."
"That's it."
[Lissio] What's up, Thiago?
I could argue with her
if I wanted to nag on her smoking.
[Rodrigo] I was about to ask you.
Yeah, so she could…
Man, I'm figuring it out by myself,
but I don't know
if this can put our relationship at risk.
He understood it,
because he said, "No, you have to quit."
I said, "Yes, when I decide, I'll quit."
"And Fernanda has this combo."
"If you accept it, that's okay.
If you don't, that's okay too."
If Nanda doesn't overcome this addiction,
we won't marry.
[samba music playing]
I'll introduce you to everyone.
This is Carol.
[all] Hi!
The woman of my life.
[Novaes] So I can earn
the trust of Hudson's friends,
I'm just gonna be Carol.
They must like me just like this.
She asked me once,
"What flower would you give me?"
I remembered she liked yellow.
I said, "For you, a sunflower."
Right when I spoke about the sunflower.
That's weird.
[Hudson] She hasn't seen her mom
since it started.
That's weird.
She came when I mentioned the sunflower.
Mom, I missed you!
Finally, I saw my mom.
She came in, all pretty,
bringing my favorite flowers.
Mom, can you guess who's my fiancé?
That one.
You got it right!
How are you?
-It's very nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you too.
You're more than welcome here.
-This is my…
-You're beautiful!
-You're wonderful!
-Am I?
Mrs. Benê is wonderful.
She gave me a big hug.
She's very maternal with a charming smile.
So you can rest assured,
she's with someone well-adjusted,
as in family and in a man,
and whatever I can do
to make her happier, I will.
With all my heart.
Oh, my God! She's gonna cry!
My God, my heart can't take it.
[Hudson] So thank you for trusting me.
He's just like that… He's just like that.
Wherever he goes, he's like that.
-We're fun.
-They ask me, "How did you do this?"
My mom sells me very well.
He's like that.
Thank you.
If you allow me, we'll make some noise.
-You can go.
My mother approved of him
just seeing him standing.
My mom's all about energy.
And Hudson's energy
is really high and wonderful.
[playing upbeat tune]
Mrs. Benê, come on!
Come on, Mom, don't run away.
She's cool. She likes it.
She knows it. Now for my father-in-law.
Come on, Mr. Jessé, you know it. Come on!
[Hudson] I never saw my dad dancing,
and she made not only him,
but everyone there.
It's an amazing, awesome energy
Carol brought to my family.
I liked her a lot. She's very sweet.
She brings in what you are,
that I think is important.
But I ask you back.
Do you have real feelings?
We know my feelings for her
are growing every day,
and I think it'll turn out great.
And I hope they're real.
-What do you think of him?
-The guy's amazing, I loved him.
-And his family is great.
-Does he work out?
-He has a great body.
Yeah, he'll take you to the gym.
I loved it.
-Yes, he is.
-Can we marry?
-Yes, you can.
-Can I say "I do"?
-Yes, absolutely.
If he says "no," what do you do?
I'll grab him by the neck.
He can't do that. Are you nuts?
I'm feeling very good.
First, my mom was well-received,
I was well-received
and my mom liked everyone.
So we're getting closer to the "I do."
[upbeat music playing]
[Ana Prado] I'm really happy
that Shayan will know more about my job,
one of the things I enjoy doing the most.
Models do this,
just walk around, do your thing.
-And I'll guide you throughout this.
-All right.
[electropop music playing]
I was drooling while watching her.
Like, "Wow!"
She's already pretty.
With makeup she gets prettier.
I'm impressed.
-By what?
-By your work.
I'm glad you liked it.
Do this.
[Ana Prado] I think it's important he came
so he can understand
that I'm an independent woman
and I don't rely on anyone.
If he accepts, he has to add up.
-What do you think?
Super hot.
Oh, yeah?
There's more here.
[Shayan] I'll come back home
praising her more,
being prouder of the woman I got.
-Let's do one of you two.
[Shayan and Ana Prado chatting]
Seven, eight, go!
[Luana] We'll work out all day
to get pretty for the wedding.
We're very focused.
[trainer] Don't give up, only 30 seconds.
That's it!
-Stop laughing, Lissio!
-[trainer] Ten seconds.
-Why're you laughing?
-Of course I'm laughing.
[trainer] Come on!
I think it's crucial
to burn some energy, to sweat,
to clear the body, mostly in her PMS.
What is that face your making?
-I want to marry, not die.
-Are you sad?
-I want to be thin, not dead.
-You will marry him.
But marry healthy.
[intense music playing]
Clap for me!
Where's the incentive?
[mellow music playing]
[Novaes speaking indistinctly]
This hair is a mess.
-I'll brush my teeth.
-Go and I'll wait here.
So we watch a movie. I want company.
I'll put my hair up.
Hurry up.
I'll play this beauty…
I don't like horror movies.
-I won't watch it.
-It's not horror.
I'll watch it with you
because you want it.
It's a thriller.
Okay, a thriller
with a woman at home alone.
What I learned is that
it's not about you wanting it to work out.
I always say I'm not ready to marry.
There's no way.
But the desire to make it work
is really big.
So one thing balances another,
completing each other,
which, for me, is the recipe
to be together for a long time.
You're awful to me,
but I'll be good
and take you to a nice place.
-Why am I awful to you?
-For playing psychological horror.
When the movie ends, we'll get dressed.
-To have dinner?
-I don't know, honey, wait for it.
Okay, I'm in.
[upbeat music playing]
Thanks, baby.
The appetizers.
Beautiful. Is there a special reason
to bring me here or in an African place?
Get back to our roots.
I think that's vital.
For example, eating with fingers.
You know?
I can't recall the last time.
Right? This is from our culture,
from our roots.
You have a lot of that
and I have a little.
It's amazing.
I'm glad you liked it.
I think our upbringings
were very different.
Thank God I was privileged
to not go through uncomfortable situations
for my skin color, my hair, my clothes.
Never was abused in any way so serious
to make me think.
And you always mention that
and I think it's important, cool.
Carol and I talked a lot
about racial facts,
what she and I went through,
and apparently,
we share similar views in that matter.
We still have a lot to learn.
Yes, deconstruction is evolution.
It never stops.
♪ Would you be honest ♪
♪ If I were to ask you ♪
♪ How many colors… ♪
[Shayan] What about your parents?
Do you want to video chat with my parents?
Yes, uh-huh.
Oh, Lord.
-Come on.
-Oh, you'll meet my dad.
Call him. Let me know your father.
Wait, wait, wait, Shay. Wait, I'm scared!
Oh, God! Hi, Mom.
How are you? Nice to meet you.
How are you? Fine? All good?
I heard a lot about you, Mr. Leandro.
Did you hear about me?
I heard a little about you.
I even saw some pretty pictures.
I told her
winning the mother over is harder,
the father is easier.
If I cheer for the same team…
Look, you're telling all the tricks
of your flirtation.
Our family is crazy,
but everyone's really sweet.
The more good people around, the better.
The more children, the better. We love it.
You already want grandchildren?
Take it easy.
I already gave you a granddaughter.
-Great, guys, nice to meet you.
-Kisses and hugs.
-Bye. Hugs and kisses. Bye.
-Bye, kisses!
You just arrived
and hang up on my mom, man.
Are you nuts?
[Rodrigo] I have to work.
Just sort out some stuff.
♪ Yes, it's true behind closed doors ♪
♪ Conversations hidden away ♪
You can tell when someone is mad
by their typing speed.
-I'll go then.
-Okay, I'll get dressed soon.
♪ You and your cold heart
Are experts in treason… ♪
We're living together.
She understood
I don't like kissing all the time,
cuddling all the time.
I just need my time.
It doesn't mean I don't like her.
[Dayanne] I think we saw a big difference
between who we met
and who we really are.
So I'm having this reality check.
And it makes me sad somehow.
[Rodrigo] We're not 100% yet,
but we're getting used
to a new look at each other.
And that's good. We back away a little,
we breathe a little.
And then comes the longing, the desire.
There are two ways,
you face it or you run away.
But if you run away, you'll do it alone.
If you face it,
you'll have someone with you.
But it's your choice.
[knocking on door]
My God, Mom!
I can't believe it!
You're so pretty, Mom!
Thank you.
My daughter is a lovely girl.
She's my treasure, my life.
-You're pretty!
-[Rodrigo] Yeah, really pretty.
Isn't she pretty?
-I said--
-My mom is a princess.
I said you were pretty in pictures.
It's even more in person.
[Maria Nelma] I want someone
to bring joy, serenity, peace,
and some warmth to her heart.
Is there something to eat?
-I'm hungry.
-I noticed it.
-It's a family tradition.
No, I don't eat much.
But breakfast is sacred and I didn't eat.
She eats like her daughter.
I see where she got that.
Take her food and she'll be mad.
She told me two things,
"Don't leave me hungry
and don't mess with my man."
It's just that. Don't leave hungry
and don't mess with my man
-and it's all good.
-You're beautiful together.
You're a beautiful couple.
They really got along.
I saw them interacting very well.
I was married for a long time and…
-it's not easy.
-I know.
[Dayanne] I know.
Imagine for us that reversed the order.
We're getting to know each other just now.
We're getting to know each other
now that we're pretty much married.
Yeah, but how did you…
Yeah, I don't know…
The look… "How did you…"
I don't know how I'd do it like this.
-We too. We're figuring it out.
-[Rodrigo] It's all new.
So some days we're totally fine
and some days we're trash.
[Maria Nelma] All her life she has said
that it wasn't in her plans.
I'll know when I see it.
Were you honest with her?
You told her who you really are?
We're living together.
It's hard, we're adjusting.
The more we talk, the better we get along.
-Nobody has to agree with anyone, right?
Everyone has their own opinion.
And we have to respect it.
-We're learning from each other.
-Good times, it's life.
I really liked you.
You both are so young, you'll learn a lot.
That's good.
-I like you already.
So pretty.
-I got dressed to meet my mother-in-law.
All dressed up. No low-cut dress.
I'm still in my PJs.
Nobody's cool
about meeting the mother-in-law.
Whoever is, congratulations.
Teach me, because I can't.
What a surprise.
Look at who I brought to meet you.
Hi, how are you? I'm Dayanne.
Nice to meet you!
Come in, please.
Excuse me.
I felt like in the booth
when I was getting in.
"My God, what will we talk about?
What if we don't talk?"
-Oh, you made some snacks for us.
-[Maria Nelma] What a treat.
I'm a little scared, to be honest,
with all this.
It got me by surprise.
Did you miss me while I was gone?
Well, I missed you.
I tried to process it
when I heard about it, you know?
-Do you like talking to each other?
It's what we do the most.
We spend the entire time together so…
I talk a lot.
I love to talk and he does too.
My mom advised me,
"Marry someone you like to talk to
because in old age
it'll be the most important."
Exactly, perfect!
I didn't expect Rodrigo wanting to marry.
I thought he'd be a bachelor.
Marriage is a big deal.
What I ask of you
is to take care of my daughter.
Don't cry, Mom, or I'll cry too.
This will become a symphony…
Respect my daughter.
By doing that, you'll get another mother.
Rest assured.
Rest assured
we'll be a great family. Right?
If we gather our families,
everyone takes care of everyone.
My family works like this and hers too.
[electropop music playing]
Do you want to see some pictures?
Look at me chubby.
-There's more.
This is Lençóis, where I'll take you.
I wanna go.
This is the big guy from home.
This is my dog, well…
-Do you have a dog?
-I do, but…
-It stays with your parents?
-No, it's with my ex-girlfriend.
At her house.
I'm a very candid person.
It bothers me to swallow my feelings.
And things need to be cleared up
and he needs to know me. So I say it.
So you gave it to her?
Yeah, we could say that.
But I don't see the dog as an object.
So I feel it's my son.
I see it eventually when I go to São Luís.
-What do you mean?
What face is that?
-Oh, you visit the dog?
-Yeah, the dog.
-No, for real…
-No, man, that's too much.
-I can't.
-In one year, I saw it twice.
So give it to her.
Okay, but it doesn't mean
I don't like the dog, get it?
-I know but--
-Do you get it?
…calling it yours and having to see it,
shared custody.
I don't have to see it, I want to
and I have feelings for it.
-I miss it.
-I got it.
-It's not a property.
-If it's yours, get it back.
If you see your dog as a child
and only visit him twice a year,
you're making him suffer.
So cut it out, don't go anymore,
because you love it.
-Done. It won't miss you.
There are some things that happen
so we can elaborate on that.
And I think
some points of her insecurities,
we'll get over this at some point
and maybe reach a fulfillment.
Extend your hands like this.
Join them together.
Close them.
Now pull out your index fingers.
I'll try to use hypnosis to calm her down.
After all,
sometimes the beauty is a beast.
And we need to tame the beast.
The more you force your fingers
to be apart,
it looks like they're alive
and they're retracting.
So you wonder, "Why is this happening?"
But we'll tie the two fingers…
What's that, Lissio?
I'm passing a thread here.
Now, you can't separate your fingers
because I glued them.
At the beginning,
I thought
I'd have to pretend to fall for it,
but no.
It was really surreal.
I'll untie your fingers.
-Only when I kiss your shoulder.
Okay, you can release your fingers.
You're kidding me, right?
[funky music playing]
[door buzzer sounds]
She's crying. You'll ruin your makeup.
[friend 1] Oh, we'll cry with you.
Get up, beautiful.
I met with my friends.
I was missing them a lot.
I'm really, really glad they're here.
-Nice to meet you. I'm Pamela.
-She's Pamela.
-Are you the psychologist?
-Therapist and maid of honor.
-My maid of honor.
-What a wonderful choice.
We have to talk, my friend.
Look at me…
The relevance of the friends
is to give this kind of blessing,
to approve of it.
Everyone's a little insecure
to know if their friends like them,
if they approve your relationship.
-She's amazing, but she's a handful.
-Yes, she is.
-[Larissa] Do you get it?
-A beautiful woman who--
I love Carol, she's amazing.
-I know.
-But she's a handful.
Empowered, right?
-It's hard.
-We know all the sides.
You have to respect her power.
[Hudson] I don't get it.
Because I don't do anything to be her man.
I'm just me.
-Do you want more wine?
I want it, baby, please.
-Can I go and buy it?
I'll be back in a minute.
I'll breathe a little,
let them say what they want,
and I'll be back more calm.
-You met his family?
-[Novaes] Yes.
-And you think he's worth it?
-A lot.
Oh, my God! There's no worries, zero.
How would you define his personality?
He's a very mature man. He embraces me.
He supports me in feminism.
He says, "You want to shine?
You want to do it? Do it."
He said, "I want to be the man
to give you security in motherhood."
-We don't have it. I don't even know that.
"So you can never feel alone again."
So cute.
-Then you cried, right?
-Got a little emotional.
-Then he won me over.
I'm really glad to represent this couple,
to be their maid of honor.
With all her relationships
and life experiences,
she's very fulfilled.
I'm very happy.
I'm happy for you
and you picked a wonderful man.
I'm more sure every day
I couldn't have
a better partner in this journey
that isn't Hudson.
[piano music playing]
-What did you think of Rodrigo?
-He made a great impression.
Or he's like this or a great actor.
That's the question
I'm wondering the most.
What is real and what is not?
I was so attached to the idea
that, "Oh, my God, I fell in love."
So you fell for his words, is that it?
I fell in love
with what he told me about himself.
[Maria Nelma]
She's really intense all the time.
I think that maybe she created
some expectations that weren't met.
I tell you my coffee is amazing.
-It's an example, okay? For God's sake.
And in the routine,
there's not even coffee.
In the booth,
Ro told me he was romantic and stuff.
And I'm not seeing much of that.
There's also the good part.
Like seeing him with you.
I knew it would be beautiful.
But I didn't know it could be that much.
You understand?
Seeing them both talking moved me,
because it's like
seeing a painting you've idealized
happening in front of you.
I don't want you to worry.
I want you to understand that I'm okay.
I'm not worried.
I want to you to be happy.
You're so cute. Oh, my God.
I want you to be happy.
[upbeat music playing]
We're in Boituva,
National Center of Skydiving.
It's where I live and work.
I'm bringing Nanda
for her first skydive experience.
I think she's a little nervous.
-Have you ever gone skydiving?
-And the courage?
I'm trying to find it.
Is it harder to go skydiving
or get married?
After I go skydiving, I'll find out.
And after I marry.
I have to do both to decide.
Hey, Nanda!
Hey. I'm not afraid yet.
Are you afraid? So you're cool?
We've already left the ground.
Yeehaw! Give me a kiss.
[Nanda] Thiago with me here
will make me feel safer, absolutely.
I'm planning to kiss her on free fall.
It'll be our first free fall kiss.
I hope it goes well.
[upbeat music playing]
Great! Hey, Nanda! Whoo!
-Did you like the jump?
-Now I get it.
It's really good.
I can't describe the feeling.
It's like freedom.
Really good.
Really good. After this jump,
we'll visit his house, his friends.
I'll see him out of that box
that we're living in.
[funky music playing]
[Thiago] We've arrived at my house.
This is where I live.
Look at the dog. It's named Tequila.
Oh, you missed me. Come in.
-Only men live here? Only men?
-Only men.
It's a mess.
This is the living room, kitchen…
-Come closer.
-Who put this sign up?
-Gilvan. He's our house manager.
-Oh, the manager.
-This is the kitchen?
-It's actually tidy.
Yes. And the dishes?
-Use it, wash it?
-Use it, wash it.
That's the rule.
That's the coexistence rule.
I can't imagine living here with Thiago,
because there are only men.
We intend to live each in our own house.
And with more stability,
we'll live together,
but probably abroad.
Come see my mess.
Mmm, this is your little room?
This is my room where I hide.
You can test the bed.
Is this the one you told me?
No, it's the one in the flat…
in Florianópolis.
-Don't you have a wardrobe?
-It's here.
My drawers, my dresser.
I don't have many clothes.
But this is where I hide, where I rest.
It's very quiet.
Yeah, that's the good thing here. Quality.
-Excuse me.
-This is your future home.
I think it's better
for us to move to Indaiatuba.
I need to be here for now
because of my business.
I believe it won't be hard
for her to move here.
I hope she likes it and feels welcomed.
Small stove.
Well, it's enough.
-This was a bed?
-So, let me explain.
When I got the flat,
there was no couch here.
So I took the bed from the guest room,
and put it here to become a couch,
and it's there.
-Did you like it here?
I liked it. It's really white.
-Yeah, white-ish.
-And it's breezy.
-We'll change the stove.
-No problem.
Too small.
I already want
to make some changes in here.
I made that.
And the idea is putting a picture
of each place I went.
Decorate it a little
and fill this wall with my trips
and so on.
-Here, in black and white?
-Or another room if you don't like it.
No, I'm just…
I want this board.
We can negotiate the spot.
-But I want it.
She knew what she wanted
when she got here.
What I think
is that you want to know
that where I'll live also matches me.
I really don't mind if you want
to match it to your taste, really.
It's really hard to feel at home now.
After I make some changes in here,
I'll feel I belong here more.
I thought your room was bigger.
-This bed is high.
-It's a great bed.
-I'll climb it.
-You can jump on it.
The bed must be bigger.
I can't with that one.
I'll put a mirror there so we can…
-Oh, there's no air conditioning?
Just like any change,
at first it'll be hard,
but I'm sure she'll soon get used to it.
I know you're a smart woman.
We clearly won't do crazy makeovers
because this isn't our dream flat.
You get it?
Okay, I gotta say something.
This bed is small for the two of us.
We can first try it out.
And will you have time to change things
in the flat since you work a lot?
It's all a matter
of organizing a schedule, arranging it.
I had to hit the brakes for her.
This won't be our final house.
This will be our first house.
So beautiful.
We wanted a special dance for the wedding.
It's really close.
We have to rehearse a lot.
Let's see
if today's class can help us out.
What do you think
about the context of dance as a couple?
If you get along on the dance,
many things get along.
The groove, the style, the precision,
leading and being led. I love it.
Oh, you're amazing.
That's exactly it.
For a couple, it's like life
but in a game of music, of harmony.
I think the nicest part of this contact
is to understand the connection.
It needs trust. I'll hold her…
I was gonna say that. Trust, guys.
Now we'll try to be together,
dance, connect.
We'll start with salsa.
-Have you ever done it, Day?
-No? Do you know salsa?
-I know what salsa is…
[salsa music playing]
Then I'll turn you over.
-[Bruna] Yeah!
-[Dayanne] No, not yet. Not yet!
[Bruna] He wants to do the hard work.
I love dancing and singing.
I just don't know how to do it.
Stop the music.
We're trying to get the rhythm.
I think that's
the best analogy for the moment.
-Do you trust her?
-I do.
-Does she trust you?
-She does.
So, let's do this. Nobody will fail.
Let's practice.
[laughing] That "trust" of hers
is not that secure.
I'm not feeling the trust here.
[Rodrigo] I prefer to improvise.
I don't know the technique,
so I got a little bit lost.
You want to do this one?
That's it! Forget about the steps.
[Dayanne] If you want me to do it,
what do you do?
-Let it flow.
-You come here and hold me tight.
-Then I'll feel it.
-[Bruna] Yes.
-Don't ask me, just hold me, okay?
-That's it.
-That's it.
-Now, come back.
[salsa music playing]
[Rodrigo] When we just let it flow,
we danced well.
We're trying to connect like this in life
and we're kind of stuck,
one trying to please the other.
Now we're letting it flow more naturally.
We're connecting a little better.
And come back slowly.
That's it.
[Persian music playing]
[Ana Prado] Hello!
[Ana Prado] Hello, how are you?
Today Ana will meet Mamita, Saman's mom,
and Mohammad, Saman's brother,
who I consider as a brother.
You're late, so let's eat right away.
[all laughing]
[Ana Prado] So beautiful.
[Shayan] Mamita nailed it.
[Ana Prado] Gosh!
I'm in love with this drink.
What is it called?
[Shayan] It's yogurt juice.
Wow, it's delicious.
-Look at the curd.
[speaking Persian]
[Mohammad] There'll be nothing left.
He eats everything.
-Impossible not to eat it.
-No, there's no way.
Mamita is an amazing person
that I can't really talk with
in Portuguese,
but we communicate well through our eyes.
Iranian mothers are really jealous
of their children…
She asked me how my mom was.
I told her my mom was jealous.
Just like any other parent.
[Ana Prado] I got that.
[chuckles] I got that.
I hope it really works out
so we can enjoy the wedding party.
And also the children and so on.
In the past, we hid in the kitchen.
And the dad would say,
"Okay, he's a good kid. Bring the tea."
Shay, bring the tea.
I keep looking at the floor.
-Oh, my God, Shayan.
-I keep looking at the floor.
Be careful.
Can I look now?
Yes, but just one look. Just one time.
-Just once.
-Just look one time.
That's it.
It was terrible!
He wouldn't marry at all
serving tea like that.
[playing melody]
[Ana Prado] This day is wonderful.
One of the high points of our relationship
and I'm feeling very loved.
[continues playing melody]
-[man] Hey!
-[people cheering]
[Luana] What a crowd.
-I'll introduce Luana to you.
-Let me start.
[Lissio] I'm pretty sure
she'll befriend all my friends
and we'll be really happy here.
What are you intentions with Lissio?
-Good one!
Oh, man, she even got up to speak.
What are your intentions?
She's a lawyer.
I don't know if he told you.
-That's why she got up.
-Yeah! I saw that.
I'm like…
To add to his life.
In every sense of it.
-Did you like the answer?
You can say more about it.
I found Luana really sweet, first of all.
They'll be a great couple.
I signed up to an experience
where there are only crazy people,
I think.
There were some issues
because I wondered about other women.
Then she pushed me, she pressed me.
I'm a determined woman.
I picked him and only him.
If it weren't him, I'd leave.
Why try it with another one?
-That's true.
-You're right.
He was having doubts.
Now we're in a flat in São Paulo
living together,
and we'll keep living together
for some days
till the day you'll be present
at our wedding in São Paulo.
[all exclaiming]
[Lissio's friend]
I got surprised with Luana
by the way she came into his life.
But by the little I saw of her,
she's the woman he needs.
Thank you!
-To your happiness. Cheers.
[woman] Happiness!
[mellow music playing]
Try it. It's caipirinha.
-You want one?
-I'll have a soda.
-Will you have it with soda?
-Don't you drink?
-[man] I don't.
-Nobody drinks here?
-[man] Yes.
[Thiago] Gilvan drinks.
[Gilvan] Water.
[Thiago] We're all healthy.
We're athletes.
-You won't corrupt us.
[Gilvan] Right.
At the time, I wanted
to drink a caipirinha to chill out a bit.
And I only drank a little. Two.
What are your intentions with Thiago?
Good one!
To the point.
[Gilvan] You'll take our porn star
out of our house.
Do you know Fábio? He told you about him?
-[Thiago] Oh, God.
It's a nickname
for his romantic side, Fábio.
Yeah? I don't know him yet.
[Werner] Don't you?
-It's the ogre.
-[Werner] The ogre, yeah.
We didn't have enough time yet
to meet his romantic side.
[Gilvan] And you won't.
He doesn't have it.
That's what you think.
-[Gilvan] This guy is a prince.
-[Thiago] A prince.
The mood between Thiago and his friends
is full of fun.
I'm at ease,
but always watching the situation.
I can buy some equipment,
come here and do it.
That's a good plan.
It's fine, man. With a license
you can do anything you want.
I don't understand anything you're saying.
I can afford a R$150 prokit
that's more expensive
and better than the others
that everyone gets.
-How can you pay for it?
-[Gilvan] You can't!
This chat is boring.
I couldn't really follow their chat
because it was about skydiving,
abbreviations and such.
So I drank my caipirinha and that's okay.
[tense music playing]
When we talked about skydiving,
I saw Nanda leaving
because she didn't fit
in that conversation.
But she could have stayed
to get to know more about my life
and what makes me happy.
[tense music continues]
[Dayanne] I spent the day in silence.
I'm sure there's some doubts
he doesn't tell me about.
He doesn't express it,
but I feel him more distant each day.
You want something?
A chill pill. [laughs]
I want some wine.
The wedding date is coming.
It's not very easy to bond.
And the mood isn't very pleasant.
So we're trying, but today it's hard.
[Dayanne] And the guest list?
What about the best men?
Did you think about that?
I think I know already.
-I don't know, sometimes I think…
-You have doubts?
For my bridesmaids, no.
I've always known who they'd be.
[Rodrigo] Analyzing our relationship
here where we started at the bottom
and nobody had anyone,
we went to the highest point
in the booths,
and while living together,
we had the highs and the lows.
Tonight we had one of our DTRs.
Day asked me some things
I haven't mentioned to her.
I didn't tell her
I talked to the guys about our intimacy.
They probably told their fiancées
and they mentioned it to her.
And it was very bad.
I have a little gift.
I can't take care of it.
When we started to get in touch
with the other couples,
some information came up
about some subjects
that Rodrigo told the guys
regarding our intimacy.
I don't feel comfortable exposing what,
but I believe nobody on Earth
wants to have their intimacy
discussed in a group of friends.
As an apology for my mistake,
I gave her flowers,
which doesn't justify it.
A present for no reason.
-Out of nowhere?
-Yeah, as a surprise, right?
Knowing the person you share your bed with
turns his back
and talks about something between you two
to other people in such a vulgar way,
in such a disrespectful way…
It wasn't unmotivated.
It was unmotivated,
out of nowhere, unexpected.
-It was a surprise.
-It was a surprise. It was.
It was a surprise.
There was a reason indeed.
When she asked me, I denied it.
Then it came up and she asked me again
and I confessed
I'd wrongly told other people.
I didn't even feel comfortable
looking him in the eyes.
[strained] Those eyes. I've talked so much
about speaking the truth.
Because I looked at them
and only saw lies.
From the start,
even the astrologer said it,
she told us to talk.
We only talked about tough subjects.
I know very well.
I have no words to say how much it hurt.
It hurt.
It hurt to hear from the others,
it hurt to hear from him.
We're analyzing everything
to see if we'll come out of this together
or apart.
[Ana Prado] A big day for me.
I'll introduce my daughter to Shay.
I have to sort out some work stuff.
-And how are you?
-Trying to be fine.
[Rodrigo] When we started living together,
we saw many differences.
My biggest fear is to believe again
and being fooled again.
I realized he changes his mind a lot.
Maybe he says "no" at the altar.
[Hudson] I think
we still have a lot to learn.
[all chanting]
[Lissio] But you're crying.
-What? You're crying?
-No. I'm great.
The big day
in any woman's life has arrived,
picking the wedding dress.
And I want to know if you're ready.
It fits perfectly.
[Dayanne] The dress fitting brings
the idea that the wedding is really close.
Now it's for real.
[Ana Prado] This emotional inconsistency
disturbs me.
[pop song playing]