Love Is Blind: Brazil (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Expectation vs. Reality - full transcript
The couples put their relationships to a critical test as they go back to the real world. Rodrigo gets a surprise when he visits Dayanne's apartment.
Ana Carolina Bernardino Novaes…
will you marry me?
Of course I will!
[Thiago] Fuck!
You're so beautiful!
[Ana Prado] You're not running away now.
[Rodrigo] It all seems so perfect now.
So perfect that I'm asking myself,
"Is she perfect?"
A good woman
who is also a mother to her husband.
-You won't be jealous, right?
-You want to talk about that now?
How will you manage
to include your loved one in your life?
I want to see Rodrigo be serious
because I still haven't.
We also have the right
to choose who's gonna drink…
I'm with you.
I am also with you.
It looks like I didn't have your back.
You make it look
like I wasn't with you on it.
She told them
in a way that made me look sexist,
like I didn't understand the situation.
It bothered me.
I can't accept
exposing myself in front of others.
You have to ask yourself,
"Do I need that?"
[pop song playing]
-All going smoothly?
-Not for me.
The argument I had with her
you didn't have with your girls.
[Thiago] Nothing, not at all.
I'm trying to forget what she said.
-Keeping your essence.
-I'm being me.
If she likes it, good.
If she doesn't, we'll see.
I'll try to find the balance here.
We're different from each other,
that's it.
That's all.
It's like… It's complex.
But it can also be very simple.
-Depends on how we see it.
-Is that love?
That's love. That's love.
-Cheers, man. That's why we're here.
-That's love.
Are you okay?
My love, to get drunk I'd need…
I'm asking if you're okay, happy…
-I'm okay. All good.
-Are you happy?
I'm happy.
I am happy. I've been looking for balance,
trying to understand her.
We'll get there in time.
[upbeat music playing]
Scared of meeting my family?
It's here already.
I was kind of sad.
I was happy and sad in this second stage.
I said, "I won't see Day, guys."
Then we became friends.
Don't forget me, dude.
I'm very happy to see Day smiling.
Her happiness is important to me.
I hope he makes her happy.
-What's up, Nanda Terra?
-What's up?
I was cheering for you two.
I told him, "You'll be with her…"
"For everything I know you felt,
you'll be with her."
"But there's 1% chance
she'll be fooled by someone else."
-I almost was.
-I know.
Remember what he told everyone about me?
"Fake people will go down."
-Fake people will go down, and they did.
They did.
The experiment,
blind dating and all that stuff,
it makes sense…
But the physical part is as good as…
Exactly! It's perfect.
We match perfectly.
I never felt so comfortable
with anyone like I feel now.
So, girls, did you expect to find
such handsome men?
[all exclaiming]
Thiago's a poet.
-Ask them. Don't look at me.
-I asked them.
It's a compliment, right?
-Did you imagine how he was?
Were you apprehensive?
Not at all. Zero.
Not at all. No fear at all.
-[Ana Prado] I was afraid.
-I feared she wouldn't like me.
-[Ana Prado] No way.
-But I knew I'd like her.
Hottie, who wouldn't like you?
Let me tell you a secret.
Tell me.
-[all exclaiming]
-Delicious. Oh, my God!
-I lost him.
The end. I lost him. I lost here.
Just a little secret.
-Just a secret.
-[Hudson] A secret.
But you know I was scared of that.
Not of how he looked,
but I was scared of when Shay saw me.
Because… I don't know.
-Cultural differences.
-It's a… cultural difference.
-I can imagine.
-I was scared of him being shocked.
You'd get a whipping later.
-Whipping is fine.
-[all laughing]
You're lucky!
I am lucky. Damn lucky.
-I am.
It was great for all of us to meet,
to be together and have fun.
[accordion music playing]
[Nanda] The night? It was great.
The night was great.
I am very sure we can make
a very beautiful story.
I'm truly happy.
♪ Nobody tells me I should hide ♪
♪ Can't keep my secrets locked inside ♪
♪ I tried to tell you once or twice ♪
♪ Can no longer play ♪
♪ The time is right to sacrifice ♪
♪ You don't know how many times
I have to tell you ♪
♪ That I'm sorry for the way that I am ♪
[Lissio] Want help?
I'm making a fruit salad.
Do me a favor?
Get a knife for you
so you can help me chop bananas.
But do it like…
Don't slice them, chop them.
I don't have any problem
with living together.
From what I see, I think he's very calm.
Like it or not,
it's a honeymoon before the wedding.
The time for some adjustments
and for understanding is now.
What would be our adjustments?
[tense music playing]
You know I see you trying to analyze me…
It's your job, after all.
-No, it is one of my characteristics.
It's not safe for me to say
if Lissio is being honest.
But it could also be
the way he deals with things.
Yesterday, when we were riding the ATV…
we stopped for a moment
and then you asked me to get on my knees
and propose to you.
We joked and all.
Then I proposed to you
and you said something like…
you didn't want to answer.
Because I asked first before.
I'm a very transparent
and spontaneous person.
Maybe Lissio is not.
I thought you noticed
I communicate with my eyes,
with gestures and actions.
It also is a way of saying things.
I didn't know you were insecure about it.
This morning, we were cuddling, kissing,
we said good morning.
And that, for me,
is worth more than a big text
with a lot of words.
Or even proposing to me on your knees.
I deal with things differently.
I think she's getting a bit insecure.
But there's no reason to.
I'm 100% real and authentic
in everything I say about us.
I want you to see me and…
forget whatever you saw before.
I'm not anyone from your past.
Forget that, reset.
And I am doing the same, I swear.
-I was about to ask.
-I'm doing the same. I swear.
I need to be sure of what he wants.
After this ends,
this is not going to change, right?
You are doing it again, analyzing me.
I am asking you, Lissio. It worries me.
I'm not analyzing you. I'm just worried.
-Are you going to change?
Me neither.
I hope she knows that
this can be something harmful to us.
When you want to say something, say it.
I do.
I just don't want you saying,
"There she goes, trying to analyze me."
Stop it, stop it, stop it. I'll bite you.
Do you still want to marry me?
"I don't need to answer." [laughs]
I do.
[upbeat music playing]
♪ I must be dreaming
Can't believe what I see ♪
♪ Never been here before ♪
♪ Oh ♪
Making a picnic feels like
being in a romantic movie.
I've always wanted to do it.
I like all this champagne-drinking.
-I'm getting used to it.
-I have a bar at home.
Is it a house or an amusement park?
We'll have our amusement park
in our presidential suite.
[laughs] Master suite.
It was a dream to have my own house.
I wanted to have my space,
with my mess, my way.
Your mess? [laughs]
Your super-organized mess?
Will my mess bother you? No, right?
[Rodrigo] I don't think so.
[Dayanne] I'm very anxious.
I'm always thinking
about the issues that can arise.
I think it's very important
for us to have our time.
-I use my phone for work on a daily basis.
However, when I am done, I am done.
My phone is my work.
The more I talk, the better.
There's no schedule.
His schedule is all centered on himself.
I know that can be an issue
when reality shows itself.
"Let's watch a movie
this Wednesday evening?"
Yes, sure. I'll make time for that.
We both have our jobs.
They are very different.
So, we'll have our own schedules.
When it's couple's time,
we'll enjoy as much as possible.
I want someone
to go shopping with me on Sunday evenings.
High five. I'll be great company.
-You are wonderful company.
Let's see.
When I stop to think about it,
I get the willies.
Let's see. I don't want to overthink it.
I'll let it flow.
[bossa nova song playing]
[Thiago] Do you think you took a big step
allowing yourself to--
Much more than a step.
But it's a risk, right?
I might not be the guy you expected I was.
It's all part of the game.
Better sorry than safe. I'm like that too.
I want us to be loving and understanding…
so what we lived here only gets stronger.
And in a few days
I can say yes to this amazing person.
-Cheers to us, to love…
-Cheers to the bride and groom.
Cheers to the prettiest eyes
I've ever seen. Purest eyes.
-Eyes that talk.
To us.
♪ Take me higher than I've ever been ♪
♪ Contact high on my lips ♪
-[Lissio] Nice one.
-[Luana] Nice.
It feels great.
This scenario is very romantic.
We're completely involved.
I admit I have a maternal instinct.
-I know.
I think you'll be
a great mother to my kids.
To our kids.
Get ready because if they have a head
as big as mine, you'll be in trouble.
For goodness sake! Game over for me.
One day
I'll tattoo the name of our kids here.
-What about mine?
Let me think.
-You laugh too much.
-There's still room for yours.
-You took too long to answer. I got you.
You'll put it down there.
-Would you do it too?
-Would you tattoo my name?
No. I'm not a sheeple.
I think that today
we were able to clear the air between us.
Thank God.
[exhales] Evaporated.
♪ Do you want me?
Tell me ♪
♪ I'm not a mind-reader ♪
♪ No! ♪
♪ If you love me, say so ♪
♪ Maybe I just need to hear it ♪
[Dayanne] My life is like a movie scene.
Suddenly I'm in a bathtub
with my beautiful man,
a lot of flowers, champagne, fruit.
♪ Mi corazón
Every night it's beating for you ♪
I promised him that tonight
would be unforgettable.
He must be looking forward to that.
[song continues playing]
[upbeat song playing]
[Ana Prado] So beautiful!
[Luana] What a treat! Very beautiful.
[Novaes] Oh my!
[Shayan] I love a pool party.
I think it's super fun.
I was born in the wrong place.
[all exclaiming]
To our pool party!
[all, in Portuguese] One, two, three…
[in English] Better together.
The girls will get sick of this.
♪ Got nothing to lose ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Spread your wings and prove ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ You can fly, you can fly ♪
♪ You can fly, you can fly ♪
♪ If you try, if you try… ♪
How was yesterday, Lissio?
Did you get spanked?
There he comes! What the heck, Shay?
What the heck, Shay?
Did you get a good spanking?
What the heck, Shay?
I'm a bit scared of Shay
with his spanking jokes.
He doesn't change.
He always goes to Lissio.
And it leads to me.
Then I am the target of his "jokes."
It's not just a spanking…
[Ana Prado] Stop, Shay!
Stop it, for God's sake.
When I notice he's crossing a limit,
I poke him,
like, "Stay quiet, please. Quiet."
Because it becomes a bit too much.
We need to change the subject.
It's always the same,
my family, my family… spanking.
Were you able to know her better?
Any flaws?
[Nanda] Thiago loves creating a fuss.
He asks some questions…
[Dayanne] Stirring things up.
What's her best quality?
Her respect for me and my culture.
-She's willing to--
I think for Nanda it's simplicity.
-Hey, Lissio.
-What's up, dude?
Her best quality?
One that I can't see with my eyes.
She has a big heart. This big…
[all exclaim]
[Luana] My goodness!
I hope I learn to be
at least half the person she is.
Oh, my goodness!
[Thiago] Wow! That's beautiful!
So cute!
-Is there a special voice?
-[baby voice] It's like this…
[all laughing]
Rodrigo, what's Day's best quality?
Tell us.
Many qualities.
-[Thiago] The biggest quality.
-The biggest?
-The biggest is…
It's the smile!
It's all about joking.
If it will become a problem further on,
only time will tell.
-[Rodrigo] She was afraid I was a player.
I told her how I was
and she told me about her life.
I talked about food
and she didn't know much.
She didn't know the places I've been to.
-Same with Carol.
-Has never been abroad.
[Hudson] She has never been abroad.
Things like that.
I'm worried that when we leave,
things change.
Things are easy here, all beautiful.
-No work, no responsibilities.
When things get real, I have a lot to do.
I'm a sales representative.
-If I sell, I have money.
If I don't, there's no income.
At the moment, work is the priority.
-Of course.
-We'll be together but…
If I need to be hands-on all day,
because I will…
She said she doesn't spend too long
on social networks.
I said the more time I spend on the phone,
the better.
I talk to more people, I sell more.
-If I talk, I sell.
-It's business. It's your job.
-It's the job.
-I have my obligations--
…and you're on vacation.
We're all independent
and we all need to work to pay the bills.
Carol is settled. She's a lawyer.
She has her own stuff, her own house.
-We still haven't talked about that stuff.
Where we'll live, if we'll rent a house.
Neither have we.
We started to talk about it…
But I live with a friend.
We just got a new apartment.
We did some renovations. It's lit.
For me to leave now, like, "Bye, bro."
No way!
No, obviously.
I'm a bit worried about what I've noticed…
She wants to do everything together.
Every moment with me.
No, Carol is not like that. Not at all.
[Rodrigo] I'm a guy who needs my space.
I have my own things to do,
friends I hang out with,
or other activities.
Sometimes I like being alone.
She has to understand
we're not glued together.
I don't know how not to have expectations.
I told Carol.
I tattooed "One day at a time,"
because I need to learn to live each day.
-Your mantra.
-It's my mantra.
When I'm too stressed,
I try to calm myself, "One day at a time."
It's because
expectations take you to a place
you have no control over, "tomorrow."
I'm scared I'll have too many expectations
and those expectations won't be met.
Because the higher you fly,
the harder you fall.
I have a past and I want
things to be different in the future.
I know, honey.
My fear that it won't be,
leaves me paralyzed.
Turn off the autopilot, and just live.
And live. Live.
I'm gonna search for the button.
Where's the button?
That's all you need.
Give him a chance.
-Because maybe…
…your expectations sabotage you
and you create an image of him
that is not real.
And when you realize it,
the person didn't fool you.
[Dayanne] It was you.
You did it
when you built these expectations.
-You create an image.
When we leave here,
we can make things happen--
-The same thing I say to her.
-…the best way possible.
I told him I wanted to drink less.
I drink and drink.
I don't notice when I'm drunk.
-I want to…
-Thiago doesn't drink much.
-He's impressed.
-By you?
He got one that drinks for both.
For both of you.
Ro drinks too.
And he's already like this.
He gets more electric…
And the cigarettes?
He lectured me yesterday.
Do you smoke?
Does he want you to smoke less?
-No, he said… Not less.
-He wants you to quit.
-He's all healthy.
But then what?
But you already want to quit.
-It might help you.
-That's what I told him.
I said, "I have quit before."
"I really want it.
It'll be great if you help me."
"You just need to be patient."
I know it's my decision.
I need to make it.
But it calms me down. It's an escape.
Maybe with his help, I can…
Maybe I can do it.
[upbeat music playing]
[men shouting]
[Ana Prado] Shay is like a kid
when he's with the other guys.
Throwing each other around.
Wrestling or whatever.
Wait, wait! One, two, three, fight!
[Dayanne] Like kids at school.
They become little kids.
It is unbelievable.
[upbeat music playing]
A lot of excitement.
It's great to watch.
But sometimes they lose control.
Go, Nanda!
Thiago, hold her!
Hold her, Thiago!
Hold her, Thiago!
[Shayan] You can't mess with me.
I'm very competitive.
I won, Fernanda, I won over you.
[Ana Prado] Oh, my God, baby.
[Shayan] But she was…
Shay… Shay, you need to chill.
He needs to be just a little…
a little more reasonable sometimes.
[dance music playing]
[mellow music playing]
[Ana Prado] I spoke with Day and Luana.
Lua joked about being afraid of you.
I said, "Why?"
She said, "No, not real fear."
She said you joke too much.
I think that, sometimes,
it might be good to…
You should be careful with what you say.
So they don't feel you crossed a line.
You know?
They'll get a little mad with me,
then they'll understand.
Then you apologize if they get upset.
[piano music playing]
[Thiago] When we live together…
[Nanda] Hmm?
How do you think it'll be?
When we do it, we'll know.
Don't you want to think about it?
Worry about it now?
Do you think your dogs will like me?
We'll find out.
When I get visitors at home
and my dog reacts aggressively,
I have to think twice.
Because my dog senses better than me.
If he doesn't approve, you're screwed.
From what you saw here,
is there something you'd change about me?
-Not yet.
-Not yet?
About what I asked you.
Do you think it's possible?
Or is it not worth it?
I will try.
No, not try. I'll quit, with time.
Yeah? You promise?
Yes, but wait.
That is difficult for me.
Because of how I was raised
and my religion,
drugs, alcohol and cigarettes
are out of the question.
That's why I don't drink much.
I hate smoking. I hate cigarettes.
I had problems at home.
My father had health issues.
I don't want to go through that again.
It would be for you, not for me.
Zero tolerance.
Can't negotiate that.
♪ Ready for the fight ♪
♪ Come into the light ♪
♪ So I can see you ♪
♪ Are you ready for the big-time? ♪
♪ Learn from your mistakes ♪
♪ You got what it takes ♪
♪ You're my hero ♪
♪ Whoa, whoa, yeah ♪
♪ I'm ready to believe in you ♪
♪ Whoa, whoa, yeah ♪
Cheers to many honeymoons.
How do you say it?
What are your expectations?
I think that when we move in together,
we'll get a reality check.
For sure
we can see some of it here too, but…
-This is a beautiful place.
It is not our work routine.
How will that be? How to deal with it?
It will be different.
I hope we can deal with it.
For all we lived through here,
we can do it.
We can't know the future,
but we'll have to live together to see…
how it goes.
There's my daughter.
Work. The outside world.
I hope the things we talked about here
are the same out there.
I'll be disappointed otherwise.
Let's see it in practice.
♪ Let me be the one you call on ♪
♪ All you need is a place to stay ♪
To love and health.
Did you like today?
The pool party and everyone?
I did.
I talked to Ro today
about our expectations,
about living together.
We'll face our differences.
Some we are facing already.
Just by the fact
that we now think about it
and when it comes to this subject
we think,
"What if something goes bad?" Like…
We have to face possibilities.
But I wouldn't want
to lose your friendship.
You're an amazing guy.
-Would we be able to?
-We would.
Say no and be friends?
We can have an honest conversation,
like we always do,
and say, "For me, it's a no, and for you?"
I got it.
It's not about me accepting the "no,"
or you accepting the "no."
We will try to make it happen.
But I am very worried. Very worried.
It is almost time.
For it.
-Are you scared?
A lot.
It's all 50-50.
We can work it out if he's willing
and able to understand my side.
We have to understand both sides.
What about guests?
I have no idea…
who I'd invite.
Family, some close friends…
I remember I was a little shocked
when you said
you wouldn't invite your father.
[dramatic music playing]
That really got to me.
But I won't invite my dad.
He wasn't with me on Father's Day
or my birthday.
-Why be at your wedding?
-Yeah, why be at my wedding?
Okay. That's okay.
I'm very family-oriented.
Knowing she has issues with her father
affects me.
[upbeat music playing]
Do you think people will change?
Time goes by
and those who were tight with each other…
suddenly it's the opposite.
-After we've seen the others?
If I told you
I'm not open to being with anyone else,
I'd be lying.
I'm joking!
[music distorts]
I was going to say you should.
To know better.
-No, no.
-Who they actually are.
Who do you think is the most handsome
of the boys who are still here?
Besides me.
Shay has a very… remarkable beauty.
Who do you think will say "no"?
Say "no"? No…
I think…
Damn, it's hard, someone saying no.
-I would say--
-Day is in doubt with Rodrigo.
Because he still
hasn't shown his serious side.
That's what I was thinking. Maybe Day.
Or maybe Nanda.
[clicks tongue]
Nanda and Thiago have a feeling
they know each other from past lives.
But sometimes they slip
and say something awkward.
Today he argued with her
about her smoking.
Now I just want to spend
one more night with him
before we go back to reality.
Because when things get real,
it'll be different.
[mellow music playing]
Oh, my God, so beautiful!
One thing we talked a lot about
in the booths was breakfast.
Last day.
Was it good for you?
Thank you! This is nice.
We're living a fantasy.
It's all nice and perfect.
When our imperfections…
the adversities of daily life come up,
we'll see.
[mellow music playing]
Hi. Morning.
Our honeymoon, for me, was very special.
Let's eat something? Have some coffee?
Now, we'll live together
and show that we love each other.
-No need.
For the shirt?
Look at our mess. We'll fix it later?
Yes, later.
Nanda said she makes a bit of a mess.
We'll see, because I do.
We'll have a hell of an experience.
-One more?
-Let me see you.
Let's go.
I'll teach you to fold a shirt.
See? [clicks tongue]
-Your man loves you.
I liked it. Now I need to learn.
-I'm screwed.
I got schooled.
If living together
was about folding shirts,
it would be great.
I need to learn that thing. Very useful.
It's much faster.
Let's go to the next stage.
You'll have to handle me.
You too.
I feel like
this small cycle came to an end,
and a bigger one will start.
I'm very excited.
Zero energy.
Do you want to pack?
No, but I have to.
Zero energy for that.
I don't know what to do
for this to work better.
I'm just waiting.
Because out there we'll be able to decide
if we'll get married or not.
But we are totally willing to.
Let's go because we're late.
You are late. You are the late one.
♪ I just want to feel you on my body ♪
♪ So seductive… ♪
[Lissio laughing] Let's go, guys!
The day is beautiful.
Everything is beautiful.
[Shayan] Beautiful couple!
If you say so. If you say so.
You are beautiful.
The honeymoon was amazing.
It couldn't be more perfect.
I am very much in love.
A lot happier than when I arrived.
I thought I couldn't be happier. But I am.
They are more loving with each other
than with us.
[all laughing]
-For God's sake!
Our last breakfast together.
Let's have shots.
-[Shayan] Let's do this.
-Let's toast, shall we?
[Hudson] To what? Love and health, always!
[Hudson] May our living together
be amazing.
I don't want this to be over.
It's so good in here!
We really miss our real lives,
but one day of reality
and we'll be missing this.
What's up, Rodrigo? You're quiet.
-No energy?
-[Shayan] I've never seen you like this.
-How was the honeymoon?
-I lost weight.
-[Thiago] For sure.
-[all laughing]
-Rodrigo, you're still handsome, man.
-Thank you.
It's in your eyes.
I don't have your eyes, but you're cool.
-My eyes belong to someone now.
-[all] Aw!
[Luana] So cute!
I hope it only gets better.
-Good morning!
-Good morning, guys.
[all] Good morning!
How are you?
Should've gotten here sooner
to have breakfast with you.
That's true. It looks delicious!
-I think I'll have something.
-Want some?
-Now that you ate it all?
-[all laughing]
Are you happy?
-Yes, very much.
-And sad too.
-Very much!
-And also sad.
[Camila] A goodbye breakfast.
I hope you really enjoyed
this beautiful place you stayed in.
I hope you enjoyed the romance.
It's in the air, we feel it.
In this paradise you were able
to test the chemistry between you.
Unfortunately, though,
it's time to leave this love nest
and go back to real life.
It's time to tie the knot.
Each couple here is going to an apartment.
You'll start living day-to-day
to be able to see how it goes.
You'll get back to your routine,
to your work, your families.
You'll face your past.
What about cellphones?
Will you be able to handle it all and…
provide enough attention
for your new love?
The good news is that your neighbors
will be going through the same thing.
You'll be living in the same building.
What's up, neighbors?
If you go through this last stage,
then you were meant to be.
The weddings will be in three weeks.
[all exclaiming]
Soon you'll be going down the aisle,
together with family and friends,
to make an important decision.
Will you say yes
to someone you proposed to
without even knowing them before?
Or will you end it once and for all?
Who is the winner?
Or the fear of being happy as a couple?
The question that remains is,
"Does blind love lead to marriage?"
We hope so.
[Camila and Klebber] Cheers to you!
[Klebber] Let's make a toast.
Let's celebrate this adventure
and your love.
You deserve it.
-[cork pops]
I'm very anxious
about living together with Thiago
these next few days 24/7.
A toast to the couples
filled with love in this new stage.
To you all.
-Cheers to you!
-Cheers to you!
[all] Cheers!
[Klebber] Cheers to you.
We're ready to start a new cycle…
to live together.
Now things will get real.
♪ Feeling like we owe it to ourselves ♪
♪ Baby, we have worked too hard ♪
♪ To let this go ♪
♪ So we'd be wise and ignore ♪
♪ At least pick a fight
That's worth fighting for ♪
♪ We owe it to ourselves ♪
♪ As we dive back into ♪
♪ Love, love, love, love ♪
[electropop music playing]
[exclaims] How I missed home!
-Excuse me.
…to my big home, my love.
-My mess.
[tense music playing]
I'm really shocked.
I identify a lot with my home.
Of course it is all a mess,
but I love it here.
Each corner is meaningful to me.
This isn't usually here.
It is usually in its place.
[Rodrigo] I'm very organized
with my things.
I didn't know where to go,
what to do, how to help.
I just want to know where to put this.
It has to stay here.
You can barely walk.
There is stuff everywhere.
[Dayanne] Stuff from past Carnivals.
I'll leave it all here.
Maleficent, clown…
I tried to warn him.
But even though he knows,
he must be very shocked.
I start folding them. Then I do this.
It's more practical, you know.
Faster. No need for folding.
It's just…
You know, I'm not super ashamed of it.
It's just a little mess.
I just throw it in the wardrobe.
There's more here. Not really organized.
You have a lot of stuff.
A lot of stuff. It's a lot of stuff.
Besides the mess, she is a hoarder, right?
It's more of a wardrobe than a home.
For a long time
I was an avid shopper for clothes.
I noticed.
It's going to be hard.
There were things
I was concerned about before,
but I didn't say anything,
because we were in a fairy tale.
I've never seen
something like this before.
I hired someone to clean this up
a few days before leaving,
but they didn't do a good job.
A day before you go?
A couple days before.
-You made this mess in two days?
It's because I told her
not to touch my clothes.
Because I'd fold them,
choose which I'd take.
After I organized everything, my idea was…
I was going to fold them.
But I felt sleepy.
The way we organize things
will need to be discussed
because when she sees my home,
she'll see things are different.
-[Dayanne] Do you have allergies?
-Yes, it hit me.
-Why is that?
-I don't know.
It's almost dust-free in here. [laughs]
I think that's all.
I'll have to work on that.
Stop myself from being messy.
Because I don't want this to be an issue.
I'll close this.
-Hide it.
-To hide it.
Bye, little home.
-I already miss you.
I am concerned.
Going back to the real world
already affected me.
Worse than I thought.
[exhales heavily]
Blantão? Look who's here.
Look who's here!
Look who's here! Look who's here!
Beautiful boy! Beautiful boy!
-Come here.
-[Dayanne] Hi, beauty.
I missed home so much.
My corner, my organization.
My dog, Blantão.
-Can I pet you?
-Yes, he's nice.
All good?
It feels great to be here
and see things how I left them, no mess.
-What's up, Gabiroba?
-How are you?
[mellow music playing]
Cool. Hey, man.
-How are you?
-I'm Day. How are you?
Nice to meet you, I'm Day.
How was it? The experience.
What an experience!
Did you take care of my home?
-You can see it's all clean.
-[Rodrigo laughs]
See how I am, Day.
I changed my habits because of him.
I'm having to also, for him. [laughs]
I changed many, many of them.
For the better.
We need to respect our differences.
I understand he's super neat,
and I am super messy.
I'll try to be better,
but I don't want it
turning into criticism.
Important things,
to make your bed, to wash the dishes.
I can't just leave shoes anywhere.
When you get used to it,
you see it's better.
-You feel more comfortable.
-It's good getting home and it's all neat.
I'm not getting into a relationship
where I have to change fast.
Right away.
That bothers me a lot.
Can you picture him married?
Well, Rodrigo treats women
better than anyone else in life.
I think that when he chooses one,
good for her.
You'll be the happiest woman in the world.
I'll be the happiest ever.
I thought I was special.
Now I just realized it's a pattern.
Like a checklist.
It was awful.
[music distorts]
What about the house?
Maybe when we see his, he'll forget mine.
[jazz music playing]
-Is that the presidential suite?
-Exactly like mine.
-Is it?
-The same.
I wanted to show her
what comfort feels like.
She can sit on the couch,
lie in bed, and it's not a mess.
This need to say it, to reassert it…
is bothering me.
[tense music playing]
♪ I'm so thankful ♪
♪ For the way that she treats me ♪
♪ Completely amazed by the way
She saved me from myself ♪
[both exclaim]
Hi, Auntie!
I missed you, girl.
Me too.
You know how I am.
I wasn't in the mood to date…
so I decided to skip some steps.
-How are you?
-My fiancé, Lissio.
-How are you? Nice to meet you.
-Hi, Lissio.
Nice to meet you. Welcome!
I heard you like flowers.
I do. Thank you.
[Luana laughs]
[Lissio] Her aunt
represents her family in São Paulo.
I'm looking forward to meeting her.
I got stories to tell.
Stories to tell?
Let me know the story.
Start from the beginning.
We met…
Actually, first I heard his voice.
I fell in love with his voice.
It's interesting.
You know the essence first
before knowing the looks.
-Yes, that's the point. That's it.
-Where are you from?
-From São Luís do Maranhão.
-São Luís.
Are you from Bahia as well?
Done. Northeasterner like us.
What did we say? We were crazy
about visiting Lençóis Maranhenses.
[Márcia] Exactly.
-Now we can.
-That's nice, Lissio.
I've always admired Bahia.
-You see?
-Now Bahia came to me.
[Márcia] Yeah.
Lissio is good at talking.
He communicates well.
But she's not going to cut him any slack.
She is very loved by her family.
So you better take care of her.
Yes, of course.
Her aunt is a great woman.
I believe all her family is like her aunt.
That brings me peace.
[Luana] This is my room.
Don't look at the mess.
There's no mess.
Yes, that's why.
This is very much me.
Because I love meditating.
I love chakras,
chakra-cleansing and all that.
So we'll have to have a zen corner
in our house.
-Will you do it with me?
-Of course.
Hmm. Okay then.
I will.
Especially when I'm PMS-ing.
It's important. You'll thank me.
I need a list for that.
[Luana laughs]
My greatest concern living together is…
to understand what she likes.
She mentioned her PMS,
I'm a little worried about that.
But I think we'll be okay.
I'll have to choose some clothes
to take to our new home.
♪ I can't fight the way ♪
♪ That I need you, I need you
I need you… ♪
-[Thiago] Is this where you live?
-It's here.
Where's the dog? I'm scared.
Where's Tobias?
Let's go see him.
[Thiago] I was very curious
to meet her pets.
Especially Tobias.
She talks a lot about him.
Where's my love?
Tobias is my pet son that I love.
Where's the ball?
[dramatic music playing]
Stop. Stop it. Stop now!
Come here.
[Thiago] He's jealous.
[Nanda] Calm down, calm down.
[Thiago] I'm scared of this dog.
He's a member of my family
and he needs to like Thiago.
Very protective, right?
Stop! Leave him alone.
He was a bit resistant.
Did it hurt, my love?
I don't know if it's a dog or a goat.
-It's red and swollen.
-He hit me with his head.
Oh, my God, Tobias…
Very jealous, man.
[Nanda] It really hurt him.
I think he's okay though.
Let's pack our bags.
Yes, it's time.
[clicks tongue] Hey, my love.
Hey, you gonna bite me like that!
Get in. Do you want to join? Wow.
Calm down.
-Did he bite you?
He is very jealous.
[Nanda] He is jealous.
Stay calm, okay?
I won't touch her.
There's an alpha in the house.
It was hard to bond with him,
be friends with him.
Sara and her family, Carlos and Bernardo,
they are all part of my daily life.
They help me a lot.
I wanted them to meet Thiago.
Now I'm getting to know her life.
-[Carlos] Day-to-day life.
-[Sara] You're gonna see.
-Knowing how it works.
-[Sara] She's a cool person.
-Is she cool?
-You're biased.
He's in love with you, Fernanda.
We can see it in his face.
Really? Good.
Good. I was happy
she was able to notice that
through our looks, our vibe.
She gave her permission.
We'll see going forward.
From now on, we'll have a life together.
We'll share a house,
share intimacy and issues.
It's time for a yes or a no.
I have good expectations.
May we really know each other
and may we be able to know
if that's what we really want.
[upbeat music playing]
[Dayanne gasps]
Look at our view!
I've been thinking a lot
about how it's going to be.
Especially now that Ro
is going back to work
and I am on vacation.
I'll do whatever I can to make this work.
Will it all fit here?
[tense music playing]
-I think so.
-Look, sweetheart…
-There's a lot of space.
-Maybe I need a little more space.
-Two shelves are fine.
We got to my biggest concern.
I can put all my shirts here.
Wow! So practical.
It's all settled.
It'll be a little different with me.
I'll teach you my tactics to keep it tidy.
What is it?
If you used it,
you put it back or launder it.
It's really annoying
having to do what others want.
You got it, you put it back.
I put it back!
But I get it folded
and return it like this.
I think there's a billboard in his head
in capital letters,
like, "Help me!"
[tense music continues]
[Thiago] I hope that we can be intimate
in this next stage.
Serenity, check.
-[Nanda] Ouch.
-[phones chiming]
I only make promises I can keep.
I won't launder your underwear.
You didn't clean the crayfish.
You destroyed it.
You complain too much.
Does your family know Ana has a daughter?
We still haven't talked much.
Not that much.
[all] Better together!
-[Novaes] I love you.
-She said it.
It hurts feeling like you have
a finger pointed at you all the time.
No way!
-[Dayanne] Putting himself…
-Above you.
It's hard.
[Rodrigo] Who were your first dates?
Mack was first every day.
I was never torn.
-Thiago, come on now.
-Put her in her place, right?
-Before she speaks.
-"Put her in her place"?
What the hell?
[pop song playing]
Ana Carolina Bernardino Novaes…
will you marry me?
Of course I will!
[Thiago] Fuck!
You're so beautiful!
[Ana Prado] You're not running away now.
[Rodrigo] It all seems so perfect now.
So perfect that I'm asking myself,
"Is she perfect?"
A good woman
who is also a mother to her husband.
-You won't be jealous, right?
-You want to talk about that now?
How will you manage
to include your loved one in your life?
I want to see Rodrigo be serious
because I still haven't.
We also have the right
to choose who's gonna drink…
I'm with you.
I am also with you.
It looks like I didn't have your back.
You make it look
like I wasn't with you on it.
She told them
in a way that made me look sexist,
like I didn't understand the situation.
It bothered me.
I can't accept
exposing myself in front of others.
You have to ask yourself,
"Do I need that?"
[pop song playing]
-All going smoothly?
-Not for me.
The argument I had with her
you didn't have with your girls.
[Thiago] Nothing, not at all.
I'm trying to forget what she said.
-Keeping your essence.
-I'm being me.
If she likes it, good.
If she doesn't, we'll see.
I'll try to find the balance here.
We're different from each other,
that's it.
That's all.
It's like… It's complex.
But it can also be very simple.
-Depends on how we see it.
-Is that love?
That's love. That's love.
-Cheers, man. That's why we're here.
-That's love.
Are you okay?
My love, to get drunk I'd need…
I'm asking if you're okay, happy…
-I'm okay. All good.
-Are you happy?
I'm happy.
I am happy. I've been looking for balance,
trying to understand her.
We'll get there in time.
[upbeat music playing]
Scared of meeting my family?
It's here already.
I was kind of sad.
I was happy and sad in this second stage.
I said, "I won't see Day, guys."
Then we became friends.
Don't forget me, dude.
I'm very happy to see Day smiling.
Her happiness is important to me.
I hope he makes her happy.
-What's up, Nanda Terra?
-What's up?
I was cheering for you two.
I told him, "You'll be with her…"
"For everything I know you felt,
you'll be with her."
"But there's 1% chance
she'll be fooled by someone else."
-I almost was.
-I know.
Remember what he told everyone about me?
"Fake people will go down."
-Fake people will go down, and they did.
They did.
The experiment,
blind dating and all that stuff,
it makes sense…
But the physical part is as good as…
Exactly! It's perfect.
We match perfectly.
I never felt so comfortable
with anyone like I feel now.
So, girls, did you expect to find
such handsome men?
[all exclaiming]
Thiago's a poet.
-Ask them. Don't look at me.
-I asked them.
It's a compliment, right?
-Did you imagine how he was?
Were you apprehensive?
Not at all. Zero.
Not at all. No fear at all.
-[Ana Prado] I was afraid.
-I feared she wouldn't like me.
-[Ana Prado] No way.
-But I knew I'd like her.
Hottie, who wouldn't like you?
Let me tell you a secret.
Tell me.
-[all exclaiming]
-Delicious. Oh, my God!
-I lost him.
The end. I lost him. I lost here.
Just a little secret.
-Just a secret.
-[Hudson] A secret.
But you know I was scared of that.
Not of how he looked,
but I was scared of when Shay saw me.
Because… I don't know.
-Cultural differences.
-It's a… cultural difference.
-I can imagine.
-I was scared of him being shocked.
You'd get a whipping later.
-Whipping is fine.
-[all laughing]
You're lucky!
I am lucky. Damn lucky.
-I am.
It was great for all of us to meet,
to be together and have fun.
[accordion music playing]
[Nanda] The night? It was great.
The night was great.
I am very sure we can make
a very beautiful story.
I'm truly happy.
♪ Nobody tells me I should hide ♪
♪ Can't keep my secrets locked inside ♪
♪ I tried to tell you once or twice ♪
♪ Can no longer play ♪
♪ The time is right to sacrifice ♪
♪ You don't know how many times
I have to tell you ♪
♪ That I'm sorry for the way that I am ♪
[Lissio] Want help?
I'm making a fruit salad.
Do me a favor?
Get a knife for you
so you can help me chop bananas.
But do it like…
Don't slice them, chop them.
I don't have any problem
with living together.
From what I see, I think he's very calm.
Like it or not,
it's a honeymoon before the wedding.
The time for some adjustments
and for understanding is now.
What would be our adjustments?
[tense music playing]
You know I see you trying to analyze me…
It's your job, after all.
-No, it is one of my characteristics.
It's not safe for me to say
if Lissio is being honest.
But it could also be
the way he deals with things.
Yesterday, when we were riding the ATV…
we stopped for a moment
and then you asked me to get on my knees
and propose to you.
We joked and all.
Then I proposed to you
and you said something like…
you didn't want to answer.
Because I asked first before.
I'm a very transparent
and spontaneous person.
Maybe Lissio is not.
I thought you noticed
I communicate with my eyes,
with gestures and actions.
It also is a way of saying things.
I didn't know you were insecure about it.
This morning, we were cuddling, kissing,
we said good morning.
And that, for me,
is worth more than a big text
with a lot of words.
Or even proposing to me on your knees.
I deal with things differently.
I think she's getting a bit insecure.
But there's no reason to.
I'm 100% real and authentic
in everything I say about us.
I want you to see me and…
forget whatever you saw before.
I'm not anyone from your past.
Forget that, reset.
And I am doing the same, I swear.
-I was about to ask.
-I'm doing the same. I swear.
I need to be sure of what he wants.
After this ends,
this is not going to change, right?
You are doing it again, analyzing me.
I am asking you, Lissio. It worries me.
I'm not analyzing you. I'm just worried.
-Are you going to change?
Me neither.
I hope she knows that
this can be something harmful to us.
When you want to say something, say it.
I do.
I just don't want you saying,
"There she goes, trying to analyze me."
Stop it, stop it, stop it. I'll bite you.
Do you still want to marry me?
"I don't need to answer." [laughs]
I do.
[upbeat music playing]
♪ I must be dreaming
Can't believe what I see ♪
♪ Never been here before ♪
♪ Oh ♪
Making a picnic feels like
being in a romantic movie.
I've always wanted to do it.
I like all this champagne-drinking.
-I'm getting used to it.
-I have a bar at home.
Is it a house or an amusement park?
We'll have our amusement park
in our presidential suite.
[laughs] Master suite.
It was a dream to have my own house.
I wanted to have my space,
with my mess, my way.
Your mess? [laughs]
Your super-organized mess?
Will my mess bother you? No, right?
[Rodrigo] I don't think so.
[Dayanne] I'm very anxious.
I'm always thinking
about the issues that can arise.
I think it's very important
for us to have our time.
-I use my phone for work on a daily basis.
However, when I am done, I am done.
My phone is my work.
The more I talk, the better.
There's no schedule.
His schedule is all centered on himself.
I know that can be an issue
when reality shows itself.
"Let's watch a movie
this Wednesday evening?"
Yes, sure. I'll make time for that.
We both have our jobs.
They are very different.
So, we'll have our own schedules.
When it's couple's time,
we'll enjoy as much as possible.
I want someone
to go shopping with me on Sunday evenings.
High five. I'll be great company.
-You are wonderful company.
Let's see.
When I stop to think about it,
I get the willies.
Let's see. I don't want to overthink it.
I'll let it flow.
[bossa nova song playing]
[Thiago] Do you think you took a big step
allowing yourself to--
Much more than a step.
But it's a risk, right?
I might not be the guy you expected I was.
It's all part of the game.
Better sorry than safe. I'm like that too.
I want us to be loving and understanding…
so what we lived here only gets stronger.
And in a few days
I can say yes to this amazing person.
-Cheers to us, to love…
-Cheers to the bride and groom.
Cheers to the prettiest eyes
I've ever seen. Purest eyes.
-Eyes that talk.
To us.
♪ Take me higher than I've ever been ♪
♪ Contact high on my lips ♪
-[Lissio] Nice one.
-[Luana] Nice.
It feels great.
This scenario is very romantic.
We're completely involved.
I admit I have a maternal instinct.
-I know.
I think you'll be
a great mother to my kids.
To our kids.
Get ready because if they have a head
as big as mine, you'll be in trouble.
For goodness sake! Game over for me.
One day
I'll tattoo the name of our kids here.
-What about mine?
Let me think.
-You laugh too much.
-There's still room for yours.
-You took too long to answer. I got you.
You'll put it down there.
-Would you do it too?
-Would you tattoo my name?
No. I'm not a sheeple.
I think that today
we were able to clear the air between us.
Thank God.
[exhales] Evaporated.
♪ Do you want me?
Tell me ♪
♪ I'm not a mind-reader ♪
♪ No! ♪
♪ If you love me, say so ♪
♪ Maybe I just need to hear it ♪
[Dayanne] My life is like a movie scene.
Suddenly I'm in a bathtub
with my beautiful man,
a lot of flowers, champagne, fruit.
♪ Mi corazón
Every night it's beating for you ♪
I promised him that tonight
would be unforgettable.
He must be looking forward to that.
[song continues playing]
[upbeat song playing]
[Ana Prado] So beautiful!
[Luana] What a treat! Very beautiful.
[Novaes] Oh my!
[Shayan] I love a pool party.
I think it's super fun.
I was born in the wrong place.
[all exclaiming]
To our pool party!
[all, in Portuguese] One, two, three…
[in English] Better together.
The girls will get sick of this.
♪ Got nothing to lose ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ Spread your wings and prove ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ You can fly, you can fly ♪
♪ You can fly, you can fly ♪
♪ If you try, if you try… ♪
How was yesterday, Lissio?
Did you get spanked?
There he comes! What the heck, Shay?
What the heck, Shay?
Did you get a good spanking?
What the heck, Shay?
I'm a bit scared of Shay
with his spanking jokes.
He doesn't change.
He always goes to Lissio.
And it leads to me.
Then I am the target of his "jokes."
It's not just a spanking…
[Ana Prado] Stop, Shay!
Stop it, for God's sake.
When I notice he's crossing a limit,
I poke him,
like, "Stay quiet, please. Quiet."
Because it becomes a bit too much.
We need to change the subject.
It's always the same,
my family, my family… spanking.
Were you able to know her better?
Any flaws?
[Nanda] Thiago loves creating a fuss.
He asks some questions…
[Dayanne] Stirring things up.
What's her best quality?
Her respect for me and my culture.
-She's willing to--
I think for Nanda it's simplicity.
-Hey, Lissio.
-What's up, dude?
Her best quality?
One that I can't see with my eyes.
She has a big heart. This big…
[all exclaim]
[Luana] My goodness!
I hope I learn to be
at least half the person she is.
Oh, my goodness!
[Thiago] Wow! That's beautiful!
So cute!
-Is there a special voice?
-[baby voice] It's like this…
[all laughing]
Rodrigo, what's Day's best quality?
Tell us.
Many qualities.
-[Thiago] The biggest quality.
-The biggest?
-The biggest is…
It's the smile!
It's all about joking.
If it will become a problem further on,
only time will tell.
-[Rodrigo] She was afraid I was a player.
I told her how I was
and she told me about her life.
I talked about food
and she didn't know much.
She didn't know the places I've been to.
-Same with Carol.
-Has never been abroad.
[Hudson] She has never been abroad.
Things like that.
I'm worried that when we leave,
things change.
Things are easy here, all beautiful.
-No work, no responsibilities.
When things get real, I have a lot to do.
I'm a sales representative.
-If I sell, I have money.
If I don't, there's no income.
At the moment, work is the priority.
-Of course.
-We'll be together but…
If I need to be hands-on all day,
because I will…
She said she doesn't spend too long
on social networks.
I said the more time I spend on the phone,
the better.
I talk to more people, I sell more.
-If I talk, I sell.
-It's business. It's your job.
-It's the job.
-I have my obligations--
…and you're on vacation.
We're all independent
and we all need to work to pay the bills.
Carol is settled. She's a lawyer.
She has her own stuff, her own house.
-We still haven't talked about that stuff.
Where we'll live, if we'll rent a house.
Neither have we.
We started to talk about it…
But I live with a friend.
We just got a new apartment.
We did some renovations. It's lit.
For me to leave now, like, "Bye, bro."
No way!
No, obviously.
I'm a bit worried about what I've noticed…
She wants to do everything together.
Every moment with me.
No, Carol is not like that. Not at all.
[Rodrigo] I'm a guy who needs my space.
I have my own things to do,
friends I hang out with,
or other activities.
Sometimes I like being alone.
She has to understand
we're not glued together.
I don't know how not to have expectations.
I told Carol.
I tattooed "One day at a time,"
because I need to learn to live each day.
-Your mantra.
-It's my mantra.
When I'm too stressed,
I try to calm myself, "One day at a time."
It's because
expectations take you to a place
you have no control over, "tomorrow."
I'm scared I'll have too many expectations
and those expectations won't be met.
Because the higher you fly,
the harder you fall.
I have a past and I want
things to be different in the future.
I know, honey.
My fear that it won't be,
leaves me paralyzed.
Turn off the autopilot, and just live.
And live. Live.
I'm gonna search for the button.
Where's the button?
That's all you need.
Give him a chance.
-Because maybe…
…your expectations sabotage you
and you create an image of him
that is not real.
And when you realize it,
the person didn't fool you.
[Dayanne] It was you.
You did it
when you built these expectations.
-You create an image.
When we leave here,
we can make things happen--
-The same thing I say to her.
-…the best way possible.
I told him I wanted to drink less.
I drink and drink.
I don't notice when I'm drunk.
-I want to…
-Thiago doesn't drink much.
-He's impressed.
-By you?
He got one that drinks for both.
For both of you.
Ro drinks too.
And he's already like this.
He gets more electric…
And the cigarettes?
He lectured me yesterday.
Do you smoke?
Does he want you to smoke less?
-No, he said… Not less.
-He wants you to quit.
-He's all healthy.
But then what?
But you already want to quit.
-It might help you.
-That's what I told him.
I said, "I have quit before."
"I really want it.
It'll be great if you help me."
"You just need to be patient."
I know it's my decision.
I need to make it.
But it calms me down. It's an escape.
Maybe with his help, I can…
Maybe I can do it.
[upbeat music playing]
[men shouting]
[Ana Prado] Shay is like a kid
when he's with the other guys.
Throwing each other around.
Wrestling or whatever.
Wait, wait! One, two, three, fight!
[Dayanne] Like kids at school.
They become little kids.
It is unbelievable.
[upbeat music playing]
A lot of excitement.
It's great to watch.
But sometimes they lose control.
Go, Nanda!
Thiago, hold her!
Hold her, Thiago!
Hold her, Thiago!
[Shayan] You can't mess with me.
I'm very competitive.
I won, Fernanda, I won over you.
[Ana Prado] Oh, my God, baby.
[Shayan] But she was…
Shay… Shay, you need to chill.
He needs to be just a little…
a little more reasonable sometimes.
[dance music playing]
[mellow music playing]
[Ana Prado] I spoke with Day and Luana.
Lua joked about being afraid of you.
I said, "Why?"
She said, "No, not real fear."
She said you joke too much.
I think that, sometimes,
it might be good to…
You should be careful with what you say.
So they don't feel you crossed a line.
You know?
They'll get a little mad with me,
then they'll understand.
Then you apologize if they get upset.
[piano music playing]
[Thiago] When we live together…
[Nanda] Hmm?
How do you think it'll be?
When we do it, we'll know.
Don't you want to think about it?
Worry about it now?
Do you think your dogs will like me?
We'll find out.
When I get visitors at home
and my dog reacts aggressively,
I have to think twice.
Because my dog senses better than me.
If he doesn't approve, you're screwed.
From what you saw here,
is there something you'd change about me?
-Not yet.
-Not yet?
About what I asked you.
Do you think it's possible?
Or is it not worth it?
I will try.
No, not try. I'll quit, with time.
Yeah? You promise?
Yes, but wait.
That is difficult for me.
Because of how I was raised
and my religion,
drugs, alcohol and cigarettes
are out of the question.
That's why I don't drink much.
I hate smoking. I hate cigarettes.
I had problems at home.
My father had health issues.
I don't want to go through that again.
It would be for you, not for me.
Zero tolerance.
Can't negotiate that.
♪ Ready for the fight ♪
♪ Come into the light ♪
♪ So I can see you ♪
♪ Are you ready for the big-time? ♪
♪ Learn from your mistakes ♪
♪ You got what it takes ♪
♪ You're my hero ♪
♪ Whoa, whoa, yeah ♪
♪ I'm ready to believe in you ♪
♪ Whoa, whoa, yeah ♪
Cheers to many honeymoons.
How do you say it?
What are your expectations?
I think that when we move in together,
we'll get a reality check.
For sure
we can see some of it here too, but…
-This is a beautiful place.
It is not our work routine.
How will that be? How to deal with it?
It will be different.
I hope we can deal with it.
For all we lived through here,
we can do it.
We can't know the future,
but we'll have to live together to see…
how it goes.
There's my daughter.
Work. The outside world.
I hope the things we talked about here
are the same out there.
I'll be disappointed otherwise.
Let's see it in practice.
♪ Let me be the one you call on ♪
♪ All you need is a place to stay ♪
To love and health.
Did you like today?
The pool party and everyone?
I did.
I talked to Ro today
about our expectations,
about living together.
We'll face our differences.
Some we are facing already.
Just by the fact
that we now think about it
and when it comes to this subject
we think,
"What if something goes bad?" Like…
We have to face possibilities.
But I wouldn't want
to lose your friendship.
You're an amazing guy.
-Would we be able to?
-We would.
Say no and be friends?
We can have an honest conversation,
like we always do,
and say, "For me, it's a no, and for you?"
I got it.
It's not about me accepting the "no,"
or you accepting the "no."
We will try to make it happen.
But I am very worried. Very worried.
It is almost time.
For it.
-Are you scared?
A lot.
It's all 50-50.
We can work it out if he's willing
and able to understand my side.
We have to understand both sides.
What about guests?
I have no idea…
who I'd invite.
Family, some close friends…
I remember I was a little shocked
when you said
you wouldn't invite your father.
[dramatic music playing]
That really got to me.
But I won't invite my dad.
He wasn't with me on Father's Day
or my birthday.
-Why be at your wedding?
-Yeah, why be at my wedding?
Okay. That's okay.
I'm very family-oriented.
Knowing she has issues with her father
affects me.
[upbeat music playing]
Do you think people will change?
Time goes by
and those who were tight with each other…
suddenly it's the opposite.
-After we've seen the others?
If I told you
I'm not open to being with anyone else,
I'd be lying.
I'm joking!
[music distorts]
I was going to say you should.
To know better.
-No, no.
-Who they actually are.
Who do you think is the most handsome
of the boys who are still here?
Besides me.
Shay has a very… remarkable beauty.
Who do you think will say "no"?
Say "no"? No…
I think…
Damn, it's hard, someone saying no.
-I would say--
-Day is in doubt with Rodrigo.
Because he still
hasn't shown his serious side.
That's what I was thinking. Maybe Day.
Or maybe Nanda.
[clicks tongue]
Nanda and Thiago have a feeling
they know each other from past lives.
But sometimes they slip
and say something awkward.
Today he argued with her
about her smoking.
Now I just want to spend
one more night with him
before we go back to reality.
Because when things get real,
it'll be different.
[mellow music playing]
Oh, my God, so beautiful!
One thing we talked a lot about
in the booths was breakfast.
Last day.
Was it good for you?
Thank you! This is nice.
We're living a fantasy.
It's all nice and perfect.
When our imperfections…
the adversities of daily life come up,
we'll see.
[mellow music playing]
Hi. Morning.
Our honeymoon, for me, was very special.
Let's eat something? Have some coffee?
Now, we'll live together
and show that we love each other.
-No need.
For the shirt?
Look at our mess. We'll fix it later?
Yes, later.
Nanda said she makes a bit of a mess.
We'll see, because I do.
We'll have a hell of an experience.
-One more?
-Let me see you.
Let's go.
I'll teach you to fold a shirt.
See? [clicks tongue]
-Your man loves you.
I liked it. Now I need to learn.
-I'm screwed.
I got schooled.
If living together
was about folding shirts,
it would be great.
I need to learn that thing. Very useful.
It's much faster.
Let's go to the next stage.
You'll have to handle me.
You too.
I feel like
this small cycle came to an end,
and a bigger one will start.
I'm very excited.
Zero energy.
Do you want to pack?
No, but I have to.
Zero energy for that.
I don't know what to do
for this to work better.
I'm just waiting.
Because out there we'll be able to decide
if we'll get married or not.
But we are totally willing to.
Let's go because we're late.
You are late. You are the late one.
♪ I just want to feel you on my body ♪
♪ So seductive… ♪
[Lissio laughing] Let's go, guys!
The day is beautiful.
Everything is beautiful.
[Shayan] Beautiful couple!
If you say so. If you say so.
You are beautiful.
The honeymoon was amazing.
It couldn't be more perfect.
I am very much in love.
A lot happier than when I arrived.
I thought I couldn't be happier. But I am.
They are more loving with each other
than with us.
[all laughing]
-For God's sake!
Our last breakfast together.
Let's have shots.
-[Shayan] Let's do this.
-Let's toast, shall we?
[Hudson] To what? Love and health, always!
[Hudson] May our living together
be amazing.
I don't want this to be over.
It's so good in here!
We really miss our real lives,
but one day of reality
and we'll be missing this.
What's up, Rodrigo? You're quiet.
-No energy?
-[Shayan] I've never seen you like this.
-How was the honeymoon?
-I lost weight.
-[Thiago] For sure.
-[all laughing]
-Rodrigo, you're still handsome, man.
-Thank you.
It's in your eyes.
I don't have your eyes, but you're cool.
-My eyes belong to someone now.
-[all] Aw!
[Luana] So cute!
I hope it only gets better.
-Good morning!
-Good morning, guys.
[all] Good morning!
How are you?
Should've gotten here sooner
to have breakfast with you.
That's true. It looks delicious!
-I think I'll have something.
-Want some?
-Now that you ate it all?
-[all laughing]
Are you happy?
-Yes, very much.
-And sad too.
-Very much!
-And also sad.
[Camila] A goodbye breakfast.
I hope you really enjoyed
this beautiful place you stayed in.
I hope you enjoyed the romance.
It's in the air, we feel it.
In this paradise you were able
to test the chemistry between you.
Unfortunately, though,
it's time to leave this love nest
and go back to real life.
It's time to tie the knot.
Each couple here is going to an apartment.
You'll start living day-to-day
to be able to see how it goes.
You'll get back to your routine,
to your work, your families.
You'll face your past.
What about cellphones?
Will you be able to handle it all and…
provide enough attention
for your new love?
The good news is that your neighbors
will be going through the same thing.
You'll be living in the same building.
What's up, neighbors?
If you go through this last stage,
then you were meant to be.
The weddings will be in three weeks.
[all exclaiming]
Soon you'll be going down the aisle,
together with family and friends,
to make an important decision.
Will you say yes
to someone you proposed to
without even knowing them before?
Or will you end it once and for all?
Who is the winner?
Or the fear of being happy as a couple?
The question that remains is,
"Does blind love lead to marriage?"
We hope so.
[Camila and Klebber] Cheers to you!
[Klebber] Let's make a toast.
Let's celebrate this adventure
and your love.
You deserve it.
-[cork pops]
I'm very anxious
about living together with Thiago
these next few days 24/7.
A toast to the couples
filled with love in this new stage.
To you all.
-Cheers to you!
-Cheers to you!
[all] Cheers!
[Klebber] Cheers to you.
We're ready to start a new cycle…
to live together.
Now things will get real.
♪ Feeling like we owe it to ourselves ♪
♪ Baby, we have worked too hard ♪
♪ To let this go ♪
♪ So we'd be wise and ignore ♪
♪ At least pick a fight
That's worth fighting for ♪
♪ We owe it to ourselves ♪
♪ As we dive back into ♪
♪ Love, love, love, love ♪
[electropop music playing]
[exclaims] How I missed home!
-Excuse me.
…to my big home, my love.
-My mess.
[tense music playing]
I'm really shocked.
I identify a lot with my home.
Of course it is all a mess,
but I love it here.
Each corner is meaningful to me.
This isn't usually here.
It is usually in its place.
[Rodrigo] I'm very organized
with my things.
I didn't know where to go,
what to do, how to help.
I just want to know where to put this.
It has to stay here.
You can barely walk.
There is stuff everywhere.
[Dayanne] Stuff from past Carnivals.
I'll leave it all here.
Maleficent, clown…
I tried to warn him.
But even though he knows,
he must be very shocked.
I start folding them. Then I do this.
It's more practical, you know.
Faster. No need for folding.
It's just…
You know, I'm not super ashamed of it.
It's just a little mess.
I just throw it in the wardrobe.
There's more here. Not really organized.
You have a lot of stuff.
A lot of stuff. It's a lot of stuff.
Besides the mess, she is a hoarder, right?
It's more of a wardrobe than a home.
For a long time
I was an avid shopper for clothes.
I noticed.
It's going to be hard.
There were things
I was concerned about before,
but I didn't say anything,
because we were in a fairy tale.
I've never seen
something like this before.
I hired someone to clean this up
a few days before leaving,
but they didn't do a good job.
A day before you go?
A couple days before.
-You made this mess in two days?
It's because I told her
not to touch my clothes.
Because I'd fold them,
choose which I'd take.
After I organized everything, my idea was…
I was going to fold them.
But I felt sleepy.
The way we organize things
will need to be discussed
because when she sees my home,
she'll see things are different.
-[Dayanne] Do you have allergies?
-Yes, it hit me.
-Why is that?
-I don't know.
It's almost dust-free in here. [laughs]
I think that's all.
I'll have to work on that.
Stop myself from being messy.
Because I don't want this to be an issue.
I'll close this.
-Hide it.
-To hide it.
Bye, little home.
-I already miss you.
I am concerned.
Going back to the real world
already affected me.
Worse than I thought.
[exhales heavily]
Blantão? Look who's here.
Look who's here!
Look who's here! Look who's here!
Beautiful boy! Beautiful boy!
-Come here.
-[Dayanne] Hi, beauty.
I missed home so much.
My corner, my organization.
My dog, Blantão.
-Can I pet you?
-Yes, he's nice.
All good?
It feels great to be here
and see things how I left them, no mess.
-What's up, Gabiroba?
-How are you?
[mellow music playing]
Cool. Hey, man.
-How are you?
-I'm Day. How are you?
Nice to meet you, I'm Day.
How was it? The experience.
What an experience!
Did you take care of my home?
-You can see it's all clean.
-[Rodrigo laughs]
See how I am, Day.
I changed my habits because of him.
I'm having to also, for him. [laughs]
I changed many, many of them.
For the better.
We need to respect our differences.
I understand he's super neat,
and I am super messy.
I'll try to be better,
but I don't want it
turning into criticism.
Important things,
to make your bed, to wash the dishes.
I can't just leave shoes anywhere.
When you get used to it,
you see it's better.
-You feel more comfortable.
-It's good getting home and it's all neat.
I'm not getting into a relationship
where I have to change fast.
Right away.
That bothers me a lot.
Can you picture him married?
Well, Rodrigo treats women
better than anyone else in life.
I think that when he chooses one,
good for her.
You'll be the happiest woman in the world.
I'll be the happiest ever.
I thought I was special.
Now I just realized it's a pattern.
Like a checklist.
It was awful.
[music distorts]
What about the house?
Maybe when we see his, he'll forget mine.
[jazz music playing]
-Is that the presidential suite?
-Exactly like mine.
-Is it?
-The same.
I wanted to show her
what comfort feels like.
She can sit on the couch,
lie in bed, and it's not a mess.
This need to say it, to reassert it…
is bothering me.
[tense music playing]
♪ I'm so thankful ♪
♪ For the way that she treats me ♪
♪ Completely amazed by the way
She saved me from myself ♪
[both exclaim]
Hi, Auntie!
I missed you, girl.
Me too.
You know how I am.
I wasn't in the mood to date…
so I decided to skip some steps.
-How are you?
-My fiancé, Lissio.
-How are you? Nice to meet you.
-Hi, Lissio.
Nice to meet you. Welcome!
I heard you like flowers.
I do. Thank you.
[Luana laughs]
[Lissio] Her aunt
represents her family in São Paulo.
I'm looking forward to meeting her.
I got stories to tell.
Stories to tell?
Let me know the story.
Start from the beginning.
We met…
Actually, first I heard his voice.
I fell in love with his voice.
It's interesting.
You know the essence first
before knowing the looks.
-Yes, that's the point. That's it.
-Where are you from?
-From São Luís do Maranhão.
-São Luís.
Are you from Bahia as well?
Done. Northeasterner like us.
What did we say? We were crazy
about visiting Lençóis Maranhenses.
[Márcia] Exactly.
-Now we can.
-That's nice, Lissio.
I've always admired Bahia.
-You see?
-Now Bahia came to me.
[Márcia] Yeah.
Lissio is good at talking.
He communicates well.
But she's not going to cut him any slack.
She is very loved by her family.
So you better take care of her.
Yes, of course.
Her aunt is a great woman.
I believe all her family is like her aunt.
That brings me peace.
[Luana] This is my room.
Don't look at the mess.
There's no mess.
Yes, that's why.
This is very much me.
Because I love meditating.
I love chakras,
chakra-cleansing and all that.
So we'll have to have a zen corner
in our house.
-Will you do it with me?
-Of course.
Hmm. Okay then.
I will.
Especially when I'm PMS-ing.
It's important. You'll thank me.
I need a list for that.
[Luana laughs]
My greatest concern living together is…
to understand what she likes.
She mentioned her PMS,
I'm a little worried about that.
But I think we'll be okay.
I'll have to choose some clothes
to take to our new home.
♪ I can't fight the way ♪
♪ That I need you, I need you
I need you… ♪
-[Thiago] Is this where you live?
-It's here.
Where's the dog? I'm scared.
Where's Tobias?
Let's go see him.
[Thiago] I was very curious
to meet her pets.
Especially Tobias.
She talks a lot about him.
Where's my love?
Tobias is my pet son that I love.
Where's the ball?
[dramatic music playing]
Stop. Stop it. Stop now!
Come here.
[Thiago] He's jealous.
[Nanda] Calm down, calm down.
[Thiago] I'm scared of this dog.
He's a member of my family
and he needs to like Thiago.
Very protective, right?
Stop! Leave him alone.
He was a bit resistant.
Did it hurt, my love?
I don't know if it's a dog or a goat.
-It's red and swollen.
-He hit me with his head.
Oh, my God, Tobias…
Very jealous, man.
[Nanda] It really hurt him.
I think he's okay though.
Let's pack our bags.
Yes, it's time.
[clicks tongue] Hey, my love.
Hey, you gonna bite me like that!
Get in. Do you want to join? Wow.
Calm down.
-Did he bite you?
He is very jealous.
[Nanda] He is jealous.
Stay calm, okay?
I won't touch her.
There's an alpha in the house.
It was hard to bond with him,
be friends with him.
Sara and her family, Carlos and Bernardo,
they are all part of my daily life.
They help me a lot.
I wanted them to meet Thiago.
Now I'm getting to know her life.
-[Carlos] Day-to-day life.
-[Sara] You're gonna see.
-Knowing how it works.
-[Sara] She's a cool person.
-Is she cool?
-You're biased.
He's in love with you, Fernanda.
We can see it in his face.
Really? Good.
Good. I was happy
she was able to notice that
through our looks, our vibe.
She gave her permission.
We'll see going forward.
From now on, we'll have a life together.
We'll share a house,
share intimacy and issues.
It's time for a yes or a no.
I have good expectations.
May we really know each other
and may we be able to know
if that's what we really want.
[upbeat music playing]
[Dayanne gasps]
Look at our view!
I've been thinking a lot
about how it's going to be.
Especially now that Ro
is going back to work
and I am on vacation.
I'll do whatever I can to make this work.
Will it all fit here?
[tense music playing]
-I think so.
-Look, sweetheart…
-There's a lot of space.
-Maybe I need a little more space.
-Two shelves are fine.
We got to my biggest concern.
I can put all my shirts here.
Wow! So practical.
It's all settled.
It'll be a little different with me.
I'll teach you my tactics to keep it tidy.
What is it?
If you used it,
you put it back or launder it.
It's really annoying
having to do what others want.
You got it, you put it back.
I put it back!
But I get it folded
and return it like this.
I think there's a billboard in his head
in capital letters,
like, "Help me!"
[tense music continues]
[Thiago] I hope that we can be intimate
in this next stage.
Serenity, check.
-[Nanda] Ouch.
-[phones chiming]
I only make promises I can keep.
I won't launder your underwear.
You didn't clean the crayfish.
You destroyed it.
You complain too much.
Does your family know Ana has a daughter?
We still haven't talked much.
Not that much.
[all] Better together!
-[Novaes] I love you.
-She said it.
It hurts feeling like you have
a finger pointed at you all the time.
No way!
-[Dayanne] Putting himself…
-Above you.
It's hard.
[Rodrigo] Who were your first dates?
Mack was first every day.
I was never torn.
-Thiago, come on now.
-Put her in her place, right?
-Before she speaks.
-"Put her in her place"?
What the hell?
[pop song playing]