Lo que la vida me robó (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 56 - Lauro sufre un paro cardíaco - full transcript


-If people see we're together
and my husband's not here,

they will start
gossiping about us!

-That's the idea! Dimitrio has
to realize you don't need him!

You have the right to hang out
with somebody else!

[overlapping dialogue]

-Breathe in, breathe in!


-Yes! Can you come with me
to the hospital?

-Of course! Let's go!

-I'll bring the car!
It's two blocks away!

-Run! Run!

Adolfo, please
tell your sister!

-I'll tell her now
once the presentation is over.

-Once it's over, I'll see you there! Tell
her I'll see her there.

-Let's call an ambulance.

-No! It's not necessary,
Victor went for the car!

Victor, hurry up, please!

-So I'll phone Alejandro--
-No! Not Alejandro! Geez, no!

Phone my Aunt Carlota
and tell her to take the bag--

-What's she doing here?

-Who are you talking about?
Do something!

-Finita, take care of her!
I know what I mean!

I'll meet you at the hospital!

-Aunt Carlota!


-Tell her.


Why are you hiding, Maria?

What are you doing?

What's in your hand?

It's a knife, isn't it?
Give it to me!

-That baby can't be born,
please, help me!

-Have you gone mad?

-He can't be born,
help me, please!

-What's wrong with you?
You're scared that Alejandro

will abandon you
after his son is born, right?

-Alejandro is mine!
And I don't want that woman

to take him away from me!

-Get out of here!

Get out of here,
you hear me, Maria?

-Let go of me!
Let go of me!

[overlapping dialogue]


[cheering and clapping]

-Honey, you were awesome!


Everybody's staring at us.


Montserrat is being taken
to the hospital.

She's about to have her baby.

Quickly, quickly!

-I wish he'll be born dead.


-Wait. Wait.

-It doesn't care.

-Yes, it does!
It could be my mom.

[phone rings]

It's not mine, it's yours.


Oh, it's my wife!

-Won't you answer her?

-Of course I won't!


-Ms. Montserrat Mendoza
is already in the labor room.

-She's my niece!
Let me come in, please!

-I'm sorry, but only her
husband is allowed to come in.

-He's not here, miss,
he won't come!

I don't want my niece
to be alone

without anyone
to hold her hand!

Let me be with her!

-Let me see what I can do.

Wait for me here.
-Thank you.

-Ma'am, I think we should
phone my son. If Alejandro

leaves the ranch right now, maybe he'll
be here on time to see

the baby's birth!

-Graciela told me
she would contact him,

but we'd better not
raise our hopes, Rosario.

I don't think
Alejandro will come.

-Come with me, ma'am.

Your niece is
about to give birth! Come!

-I won't go anywhere, Carlota!

I'll be here if you need me!

-Dimitro doesn't
answer his phone!

-Do you want me to go for him?

-Would you do that for me,

I'd do anything for you.

-Where's your husband?

-I asked him not to come,
Pedro has nothing to do here.

-I agree with you.

-You have nothing
to do here either, Victor.

I'll feel much better
if you go.

-No, no, no.
I won't go anywhere.

My best friend's son
is about to be born.

-So please
don't come close to me.

You know that Pedro
is watching me

and I don't want anybody
to tell him we've been talking.


Fine. I'm satisfied
just to know that today,

while you were
playing the piano,

with every chord and every note
and from deep inside yourself,

you were telling the world
you love me.

-Well, well, well.

Are you feeling okay, Nadia?
What's wrong?

-Yes, I'm just a bit nervous.

[phone rings]


-It's me, honey.

-How are you doing, honey?

I guess you're having fun,
because you said you'd come

in the morning.

-I'm sorry, I'm at the

-At the hospital?

-Don't worry, honey, I'm fine.

I came here with Monse.

-What happened to Montserrat?

-Her baby is about to be born!

I phoned you just in case you
wanted to come be here with her.

-No, Angelica.
I prefer to keep out of it.

Is Alejandro there?


I heard that Montserrat asked
everybody not to tell him!

Something very bad is going on
between them, Jose Luis.

-Do you think they separated?

-I don't know, maybe.

Do you want me to find out?

-Please. Please, no!

-I knew I'd find you here.

Hey, Josefina is desperately
trying to find you.

-How do you know?
Were you with her?

-No, no, we're all at the
hospital, your sister is about

to give birth, hurry up!

-Is my mother there?

-No, she's not, and Alejandro
hasn't arrived either, and so?

-If Alejandro doesn't arrive,
he'll have to deal with me.

-I'm sure your mother will
tell him once the baby is born.

-Yes, she will.
But if he doesn't come?

-I don't care about it,
I just hope the baby is blond,

because if he's dark-haired,
we'll have problems.

-He'll be blond,
what's wrong with you?

Why are you doubting my sister?

-Are you serious?
What if I'm suspicious?

Now you defend her or what?

Man, you know
I know the whole story.

-I know, but--
-You don't want to go there

because of your mother,
that's the problem, isn't it?

Because she did to you the same
thing she did to Montserrat,

she forced you to marry
someone you don't love.

-The difference is
that Montserrat fell in love

with her husband.

-Don't be sure about it, man,
knock on wood!

What if you also fall in love
with Josefina?

-Well, that would be easier.

-You were awesome, Nadia.

I swear
I had never heard anybody

play the piano
as well as you.

That's why I didn't realize
Monse hadn't come back

in the room.

-Poor her! The good thing
is that Victor had gone out

and he saw her immediately.

-Yes. And you really
surprised me a lot.

-I was surprised
when Montserrat told me

you had married Jose Luis.

-Sure, I can imagine.

We're fascinated.
We're very happy.

-I'm glad, Angelica,
for both of you.

-Thank you.

-Does Jose Luis know
what's going on?

-Yes, I phoned him to tell him,
but he didn't want to come.

-I think he'd rather
not appear today.

-You know, I don't understand
why Alejandro hasn't come.

What's wrong between them?
-Some coffee?

Here you are.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome. Some coffee?

-No, thank you.

Thank you,
but it gets me more nervous.

-Well, that's true.
It's true. What a short dress.


may I ask you a question?

-What happens?

-Well, as you're living here
in Agua Azul, I was wondering

whether your sister Virginia is
also living here in Agua Azul.

-Yes, she came two months ago.

-Oh, it's good to know,

because my husband
hasn't told me anything.

-Because Dimitrio
doesn't know it.

He and Virginia had a bad

and my sister doesn't
want to see him again.

-Was he born?

-No, not yet, Rosario. I think
he'll take a bit longer.

It is said that the first child
is the hardest one.

-Poor her! How is she?

-Fine, I think she's calm.

-But don't stay here, Carlota,
go with her,

don't leave her alone.

-Don't you want to come in,

-Yes! But I don't think
they'll let me.

-I think you have the right
to be with Montserrat now,

to see your first grandson
be born!

-Can I really come in?

-Yes, there's no problem!
Go ahead!

There's a nurse waiting for you
on the other side!

-Oh, dear Carlota!

Thank you very much!
May God bless you!

-Go, Rosario, go!

-I'm sorry I insist, Nadia,
but I'm very surprised

Alejandro is not here.

Why doesn't Monse want
anybody to tell him?

He's the father of the baby,
he has to be here!

-The thing is, Alejandro
and Monse

are a bit angry.

-A bit? No, they must be
mad at each other

if Alejandro is not here
with her!

-The thing is, he's very busy
at the ranch.

-Oh, please, Nadia!
What's more important?

His job at the ranch

or that his first son
is about to arrive on earth?

No, no, no. Something very weird
must be going on between them.

-Oh, Angelica, it's just
your imagination, seriously!

-You're very good friends
with Monse.

Hasn't she told you anything?


There's nothing to talk about.

-Exactly, there's nothing
to tell you.

-Please, Montserrat,
don't keep quiet! I want to--

-What for?

-What for?
Because I care about you!

Because if you do,
there's a chance that--

-Alejandro and I
are not separated.

We had an intense argument, but
I explained everything to him,

and he understood me
and everything got solved.

-I don't need to lie to you.

-Didn't he doubt you
or misinterpret things?

Because it must have been hard
for him to know that I was

living at his house and that I
was pretending to be somebody--

-At first he did, he got
very jealous, but that's normal.

But I explained to him
how things had happened

and that I hadn't
cheated on him with you

and he forgave me.

-She lied to me.
Montserrat lied to me.

That swine broke up with her
when he knew I had been living

at the ranch.

She's alone and she's
going to have his son.

I have to see her.

I need to see her!

-What if Father Anselmo
is right?

What if the child is mine?

I'm always thinking about her.

Always, always, always.

-Oh, no!
No, I can't, I can't!

-Be strong, you can!

-No, I can't, I can't!

-I can see him, ma'am!
Just one more push, please!

-It hurts a lot, Rosario,
it hurts a lot!

-You'll see that the pain
you're feeling

will turn into
an enormous love

when you hear
your baby cry.

-You told me you had never
been a mother, Rosario!

-You know I wasn't telling
the truth, ma'am. You knew it.

It's my grandson
the one who's being born, ma'am!

It's my grandson!

-There he comes! There!


-One more push, ma'am!

Do it for me!

Give me the chance
to hold that baby in my arms

and kiss him a lot!

The same I did
when Alejandro was born!

Please, ma'am! Please!

-One more time! Push hard!

With all your strength, ma'am!

-There he comes!


[baby cries]



-He's a beautiful boy!

And healthy!

He looks exactly like his dad!

-Here you are, Monse.

Hold your son!

-Hello, honey!

I'm finally holding you
in my arms!

My son!

My beautiful baby!


I'm your mother!

Look, look who's here!

Your grandma!

Your grandma Rosario!

-My beautiful grandson!

-I have to take the baby now.

-No, no, please, let me be
with him a little longer!

-Your baby will soon be hungry.
Once you're ready

in your bedroom,
I'll bring him.

-Oh, honey!

-Montserrat, it's the best
for him. Let her take him.

-Honey, I'll see you
in a minute! You're beautiful.

I love you so much!

I love you so much!

-Well done, Monse.
Well done.

-Thank you, Monse.
Thank you!

-Thank you.

Let's see!

Oh, God, he's so tiny!

-I'll kiss him to death!

-He's beautiful, beautiful!

-Oh, yes, bring him closer.

-Look, he has bright eyes!

-I'm Carlota!
Your great-aunt!

-I'm your Aunt Finita!

-Oh, don't pout, sweetie!

-Look at his nose!

-Hi, hi!


your grandson was born!

Can I know why you're not here
with your daughter?

-Tell me something, Carlota.

Does he look like Alejandro

or is he similar to
Jose Luis Alvarez? Tell me!

-I can't believe this!
You shouldn't be asking!

But if it makes you feel


It's a bit of a relief.

-Mind you, Montserrat asked us
all not to tell Alejandro

about the baby's birth, son,
don't you dare phone him!

[overlapping dialogue]

-Victor, are you calling?

-Alejandro has to know
that his son was born.

-But Monse doesn't want it!

-I don't care if she gets mad!

Alejandro has to know about it.

-Fine, don't phone him here,
somebody may notice.

-Fine, I'll make the call
in the waiting room.

-Where were you?

I knew nothing about you
since this afternoon.

-I was bored and I decided
to go for a ride.

-And you took my car.

-I learned how to drive
when I was fifteen!

My father taught us both,
don't you remember?

-What were you doing
at Agua Azul?

-Who told you I went to town?

-Where were you, then?

-I felt very hot so I went
swimming in the river.

Did you have dinner?
Do you want me to ask Dominga

to cook something for us?

-No, thank you.
I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

[phone rings]

-Don't worry, I'll answer.


-Hello, Maria. Can you put me
through to Alejandro, please?

-He's already asleep.

-Wake him up!
It's urgent!

-What is so urgent?

-His son was born!
He has to know it!

-I don't think he'll care.

But don't worry,
I'll tell him now.



[busy line beep]

-It's busy!

[busy line beep]

It's still busy!

What about his cell phone?

His cell phone, his cell phone.

[phone ringing]

-Who phoned?

-It was Victor.

-What did he want?

-He said there was a problem
at the company

but that it wasn't an emergency.

He'll phone you tomorrow.

-No, niece, no.

A beautiful girl like you
could have gotten very far

if she had wanted to.

-What do you mean, Uncle?

-If you get rid of the little
decency you still have

and manage to give Alejandro
a son before the mistress,

and if something happened
to her, so what?

So what?

You could take her place.


We've been sleeping together
for a long time and I need you.

I need you as a man.
We can't keep like this.

If you really want to
forget that woman,

you have to carry on
with your life.

With all I can offer you.

-Stop it, please.

-How do you expect
to forget her?

How can you expect to overcome
what she did to you

if you don't take the risk
to see if we can be together?

I want to be with you.

I want to give you a son.

-Go to sleep in the other
bedroom. I want to be alone.

-Why do you always
do the same to me?

-I'll go for water
and I don't want you to be here

when I'm back.

-I'll bring it for you.
-No. Don't trouble yourself.

-I'll lose him.

I'll lose him again.

[phone rings]


-I've been trying to reach you
for half an hour, Alejandro!

-The phone wasn't working,
what do you want?

-Oh, nothing! I just wanted
to tell you your son was born.


Let me hold him, ma'am.

Oh, look at him!

I can't help saying
my grandson is beautiful!

He's exactly like his dad!

-Oh, Rosario. Newborn babies
are not similar to anybody.

-I think he looks
like the master.

-You shouldn't talk about
Alejandro as your master.

He's your son, Rosario!

-Oh, ma'am!

-Stop calling me ma'am.

I'm your daughter-in-law.

And you know?

I'm very proud of it.

I have the most admirable

-Thank you very much.

But for the time being, things
should be kept like they are.

-I appreciate your telling me
the truth, Rosario.

You can trust me.

I promise that I won't
reveal this secret.

-Thank you.

Your Aunt Carlota
already knows.


Oh, geez.

I've had my suspicions
for a very long time.

So much attention
and affection for us.

I don't understand why you
don't want to tell Alejandro!

He should know!

He should know
his mother is alive!

It's you!

-Will you phone him
to tell him the baby was born?



-Alejandro knew
I was expecting a baby.

If he cared about him,
he would have done the math,

and he would already know
he was born!

-But he--

-He didn't come
because he doesn't care!

He rejected his son
before he was born.

That means that this baby

is only mine.

-What did Alejandro tell you?
Is he going to meet the baby?

-I don't know, Dimitrio,
he didn't say anything!

If he doesn't come,
I don't know what we'll do.

What will people say
but the truth?

That that swine of Alejandro
is rejecting your sister.

If he doesn't
recognize his son,

everybody will think
it's not his son!

Oh, no! Listen. My belly aches
just to imagine my shame.

It would be awful!

-Mom, he'll come,
and he'll realize it's his son

as soon he sees him.
The baby's fair-skinned!

-Have you gone to see him?

-Yes, I'm coming from there.

-You're so sweet! I just want
Alejandro to have a DNA test.

That's the only thing that will
clear his doubts completely.

If after that, he still
wants to divorce your sister...

we can steal everything from him
after the divorce.

-What if he wants to
recover his family?

-Oh, well, it will cost him
much more. Much more, honey.

How are you?
How did you spend the night?

-Very well, dear Carlota.

It was very calm!

-And the baby?
Is he with my niece?

-No, the nurse has just
taken him to the nursery,

but he has already been fed.
He ate a lot!

-That's great!
I'll go see him!

-Dear Carlota.
-Tell me.

-Could I ask you a favor?

-Sure, Rosario, tell me.

-I would like to send
a letter to Father Anselmo.

-What for?

-To tell him about the baby and
to ask him to tell Alejandro,

to see if my son
comes to Agua Azul.

-You know that my niece
doesn't want Alejandro to know.

-But we can't let
the situation go on like this,

let alone now that there's
a baby in the middle

who needs his parents.

-Fine, Rosario,
send the letter.

-But I don't know how to write.
I wanted to know

if you could do me the favor.

-You want me to write
the letter for you?

-If it doesn't bother you.

-Sure it doesn't! It's a great
idea! Let's go do it now!

Come with me to the cafe and you
can also have something to eat,

because I'm sure you haven't had
breakfast, right?

-What are you still doing
at the ranch, Alejandro?

I thought you would be already
in Agua Azul or going to town.

-I don't have any reason
to leave this place.

-How come you don't have
any reason?

Didn't Maria give you
my message last night?

-Yes, she told me you had
problems at the company,

but I'm sure you can
solve them without me.

-No, no, no, Alejandro.
I phoned you to tell you

that your son was born!

But I can see Maria decided
not to tell you.

-I already knew.
Graciela gave me the news.

-And so?
Why aren't you here?

Don't you want to see your baby?

Please, Alejandro, you won't
solve things that way!

-Things are already solved,

Phone me only if it's
related to the company.

-And so?
Was the baby born?


-Is he a boy?

-Yes, a boy.

-What are you doing here?
Go see your wife and your son!

-Stop telling me
what I have to do.

-He's mad.

Pretty mad.

-Alejandro! Alejandro!

-Here I am, Father!

-I've just gotten a letter
from Rosario!

Your son was born!

-I know.

-When did you hear about it?


-No, I've known it since
he was born, ten days ago.

-Ten days ago?

May I know
what you're doing here?

Why aren't you in Agua Azul?

Listen, boy.
Give me this.

Why didn't you go
directly to Agua Azul?

-You know perfectly well.

-I just know you're
a stubborn and brainless

bad husband and father!

-Measure your words, Father!

-I won't measure anything!

Look, son, listen to me.

I've known you since
you were a little kid!

The fact that you're now
rich and powerful won't stop me

from telling you what I think!
No, son, so listen to me!

Alejandro, son,

you're blind
with pride, jealousy, and spite.

I understand you perfectly well,
but do you think I don't realize

your life has turned into hell?

You can change this situation!

-What shall I do, Father?

-Go be with your wife
and your son.

Your place is with your family!

-You think I haven't
thought about it?

I've told myself many times
that I have to cope

with my pride and fury.

Have the pleasure of seeing her
and having her close to you.

I would love to believe
in all her lies

and forget about the truth,
but it's impossible, Father.

I've tried hard but I can't.

How can I bear the torture of
living with a woman who betrayed

me, who made fun of my love,
and who slept with another man

while we were living
under the same roof?

-Alejandro, I've told you
many times that you're wrong!

-The facts prove I'm right.

Why would I see Montserrat if
she doesn't want to be with me?

She sent me to a lawyer to get
divorced. If she wants me to set

her free, it must be to go back
to the arms of that damn man!

-Nobody knows anything
about that man!

You haven't even found out
where Jose Luis Alvarez is!

I know where he is.

I know where
you can find that man.


-I was told you came on many
occasions to see me, Joaquin.

Precisely to talk about
Jose Luis Alvarez.

-Yes, but I haven't had the
chance to find you, Alejandro.

I've been wanting
to talk to you for months!

-I made a long trip
and I came back recently.

When I was told, I went to see you too,
but I couldn't find you.

-I was also away for many days
because of a business thing.

-Come to my office with me,
there we can talk alone.

-Excuse me, Father.

-Boy, boy! You and I haven't
finished our conversation!

So I'll wait for you here
until you're no longer busy!

-Tell me, Joaquin.

-I'm very sad to
tell you all this, Alejandro.

I know it is
a very delicate matter,

but we need to talk about this

I guess you know
the kind of relationship

Jose Luis Alvarez
and your wife have.

-Yes, I know everything.

-When I discovered that your
foreman had taken the identity

of Antonio Olivares, I wanted
to inform you immediately.

-Unfortunately, I learned
everything when that swine had

already left the ranch.

But if I had known at the time
that he was Jose Luis Alvarez--

-Yes, I would have also wanted
to do something to him because

of what he did to Angelica.

-What did he do to her?

-He married her!

Angelica married that man?

-Without my approval,
of course.

-I'm very surprised
to hear this, Joaquin.

Marrying Angelica couldn't have
been Alvarez's plan,

let alone Montserrat's.

-Yes, but listen, it was not
a coincidence, Alejandro.

Everything Alvarez and your
wife did was perfectly planned.

They planned everything

-Did he wake up?

-No! He's sleeping
like an angel.

-Your baby is beautiful,

-Thank you! I promise we'll go
see him when he wakes up.

-He's ten days old, right?
-Yes! How's your husband?

-He's fine, but he's
very busy. He asked me to

congratulate you on your son.

-Thank you very much.

-Hey, are you angry at me
because I married him?

-No, of course I'm not.
Why are you asking me?

-Because we haven't talked
about it. I want you to know

that I know everything.
Jose Luis told me everything.

-What did he tell you exactly?

-Everything. He told me
his story, everything you went

through, why you had to marry
Alejandro, that he was arrested,

the way he got to the ranch,
I mean, everything.

I want you to know that
Jose Luis married me not because

he's in love with me,
but because I'm going to die

and he wanted to make me happy

for the little time
I still have.

-I don't know what to tell you.

-Jose Luis loves me a lot,
but in a different manner,

and I don't care, Monse.

He's very nice
and tender with me

and he really takes care of me.

I don't want you to think
he did it on his own accord.

-No, I would never think
that about Jose Luis.

-We're living on his
lieutenant salary.

He doesn't want to use my money.

you may not believe me,

but it makes me really happy
that you're together.

-Jose Luis says you stopped
loving him, that you fell

in love with your husband,
and I think that's the reason

why he accepted marrying me.

What happened,
you don't look happy!

I don't understand why
Alejandro is not here with you!

He hasn't even come
to meet his son.

-No, he hasn't come,

and I don't think he will.

-Why, what happened
between you, Monse?

Alejandro and I are separated.


-Some days after you
disappeared with Jose Luis,

Alejandro found out who
he actually was and he thinks

we were lovers during
all the time he spent working

as the foreman of the ranch.

-Excuse me. I'm a good friend
of Graciela.

Thanks to that friendship, I've
gotten to know every detail.

I know you married Montserrat
to take the Mendoza family

out of their poverty.

I'm sorry, but your marriage
was just a dirty business.

Alvarez's and Angelica's
marriage was another matter.

A more terrible
and despicable one.

When that man
was your wife's lover,

while he was here working
as your foreman,

he did his best
to win my daughter's love,

with the intention
of marrying her.

Because of Graciela's and
Amelia's friendship, Montserrat

knew perfectly well they could get a large
sum of money that Angelica

had inherited from her
grandmother after the marriage.

-Until now, I didn't
understand why Montserrat

had been an accomplice
in that relationship,

but now I see everything

-Oh, God. Let me repeat that
it was not a coincidence.

Angelica is very ill.

The doctors have no hope.

They know that this marriage
won't last long.

-It's disgusting!

-My daughter, my little girl,
is dying slowly.

Once she dies, that swine
will inherit a huge fortune,

and after that,
Jose Luis and Montserrat

will be able to be together
to enjoy all that money.

-That's why she sent me a
lawyer to start with the divorce

without intending to fight
for money.

-She doesn't need
anything from you.

Thanks to my daughter,
their future is secured.

-Where is Jose Luis hiding?

-He has no reason to hide.

Nobody's behind him now.

They planned that very
well, too.

Angelica's godmother is
the sister of Captain Robledo

and thanks to that,
he was reinstated in the Navy.

It may surprise you that
he's a lieutenant.

-So Alvarez is living
in Agua Azul.

-Yes, Alejandro.

He's been there for months.
