Lego Masters (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Land & Sea - full transcript

The remaining five duos are split and must build land creatures and creations inspired by the sea.

Will: Last week,
teams paired up...

You're all gonna build
your very own puppets!

...And wowed us
with a lego puppet show.

Pretty impressive, huh?

I don't think this
is what we signed up for.

Zack and wayne tried to slay
the competition...

( grunting )

- I love puppet shows.
- Mark and steven.

...But mark and steven
took the win,

showing they were
the real puppet masters.

I have a new career
in puppetry, I know it.

Some teams struggled

with the weight
of the competition.

( vocalizing )

she sang its arm off.

And when the show was over,
the curtain fell on one team.

Bryan and lauren.

You should be so proud
of how far you've got.

I'm so happy I got
to spend this amazing time
with my sister.


"lego masters" hits a wall

with our hardest
challenge yet.

- Oh!
- Evil will, it's you.

I'm in control now.

And the first thing I'm gonna do
is split these teams in half.

Everyone will be building
on their own.

You and your teammate
build a creature

that lives on land
or under the sea.

Once you're split up,
you can only work
on your own build.

( screaming )

will separation
make their builds stronger?

( laughing evilly )

do you think you like
evil will more than will?

- Are you funny?
- He's not funny?

- I mean...
- Dave, it's me.

- ( thunder )
- now what?

Combine your builds
into one land-sea creation.

Look at this house
of horrors around us.

Or will the pressure
make everything fall apart?

I'm gonna try
to make a jellyfish.

Mark is making a jellyfish.

No, no, no, no, no!

Let's find out now.

( cheering )

oh, boy.

Whoa! There's a wall!

Walking into the room,
we see this giant wall

just splitting
the whole room in half.

- Oh.
- Ooh.

I don't know what it means,

but I don't think it means
anything good for us.

Oh, man.

This is our ninth challenge
in the competition,

and at this point
the stakes are only
getting higher.

The challenges are getting
more difficult.

I feel uneasy
about what we're
about to step into

more than any other
challenge before.

Hello, builders.

- Hey.
- Glad you're here.

So, uh, which one of you
pranksters broke in here

and put up a giant lego wall
in the middle of the room?

Nobody's owning up to this?
Wow, okay.

I was so excited to tell
you about this week's
land and sea challenge,

where you and your teammate
would work together

to build a creature that lives
on land or under the sea.

But I'm not gonna do it
until I get answers.

So, who did this?


Hello, lego masters,
I'm back.

Evil will from season one,
it's you.

This is not gonna be good.

- Now I'm a little bit
more nervous.
- This is gonna be hard.

I didn't think that you'd
show your face here again.

Because I'm so evil?

No, because when you're here,
fox has to pay me twice.

What do you want?

So what do you think
of evil will's evil lego wall?

You did this? Why?

Because, a, I'm evil, duh,
and, b, I'm in control now.

And the first thing
I'm gonna do is

split these teams in half.

Half. Half. Half.

- Half. Half.
- Oh, my...

Am I doing the echo
or was it echoing?

Doesn't matter.
Everyone will be building
on their own.

I'm very nervous
because I can't imagine

what building
separately is like.

Evil will:
One teammate
will do a land build

and one will do a sea build.

Well, you can't just
show up here and do that.

I know, that's why I sent
a detailed e-mail to producers

to get approval
ahead of time.

We've already updated
your teleprompter, dummy.

All you have to do
is read it.

Well, that's not fair.
You know I hate reading.

Uh, excuse me, what?

We've done this
thing together,

and now we're
gonna be split--

I was like, they didn't
do this last season.

Okay, builders,
this is out of my control.

Say good-bye to your partner

because you're about to get
split up to build on your own.

Once you're split up,
you can only work on
your own build.

( sighs )

so, brickmasters,
what will you be looking for?

For this challenge,
it's really important

that your animal or creature
is instantly recognizable.

For the first time,
you won't have your teammate
to support you,

so we want to see
your unique building styles

and creativity shine
through as individuals.

As twins, we've lived
our entire lives together.

So separating us,
of all people,
seems especially horrible.

On my call, you have
to immediately decide

which teammate
is building a land animal
on this side

and who's diving
into a sea build
on the other.

You have five hours
to finish your solo build.

Five? Five?

This is one of the shortest
challenges we've had yet.

So, okay.

The clock starts now.

Get your brick on.

- Land.
- Sea.

- You do the land.
I'll do the ocean.
- Yep.

Okay, do you want
land or sea?

Last week, we were
in the bottom,

so now we're feeling
even more of the pressure.

- If we fail together,
it's okay.
- Yeah.

- But if we fail separately...
- This is gonna be disastrous.

One team left to decide.

- Do you want sea?
Okay, let's try.
- Okay.

- Bye!
- And it's done.

All right.

You're gonna
see me sweat today.

( groans )

there are two hands
working on this build

instead of four,
so I need to be able

to build this animal
head to tail.

- Hey, caleb.
- Hey, guys.

So what are you gonna miss
about not having jacob?

Jacob's great with creatures.
That's his thing.

I'm purely
an architectural guy.

So we're wondering
what creature you have
chosen to create.

I'm going for a chameleon.

I'm choosing a chameleon
because I have

a special place
in my heart for reptiles.

I actually
have owned a reptile

for 13 years
and I love her very much,

and I miss her.

This is probably the second
creature I've ever done.

- Okay, exciting.
- It is very exciting.
It's also terrifying.

Keep an eye on the clock,
and we're gonna leave you to it.

- All right, good luck.
- Good luck.

I'm having a little bit
of separation anxiety

from my brother right now.

To be honest, I'm kind of
enjoying building by myself

because I'm just
doing my thing,

having fun with it.

All right, so, jacob,
you're building a lobster.

The tail gives it away,
which is nice.

Jacob, you're building
without your brother.

Yup. I'm not worried
about caleb.

He's probably more worried
about what I'm doing over here.

- You think so?
- Yeah.

I can probably
shout out and ask.

- Hey, caleb?
- Uh, will?

Hey, are you worried
about jacob?

You know what?
I feel pretty good about him.

He's doing okay.
He's safe.

Now I'm more worried.

It's okay to over-engineer
these feet.

They need to be strong.

I am building a penguin
for my land challenge,

and penguins are
my son's favorite animal,

so I really wanted
to be inspired by him.

I wanted to build a penguin
that's got wings out

and his head in a big "awrk"
to the sky.

I have no idea
what dave's doing,

and I'm a little nervous
about what we're in for.

But, you know,
pressure makes diamonds,

so I'm just trying
to be that diamond right now.

I chose sea and I'm going
to create coral.

I feel like I can get that done
within a matter of five hours.

I'm not really sure
how big it's gonna be,

but it's colorful,
it has texture,

and this is a very
vital element to the ocean.

I can see that being separated
would be a real challenge
for most of these teams.

However, I'm feeling
pretty good about it

because steven and I,
I would say even more

than building together,
we build on our own.

- ( whispers ) mark.
- Hey, will, how's it going?

Hey, hey, hey.
I didn't want to be too loud

because I know your brother's
just on the other side
of the wall

and I don't want to give
away what you're building.

- But what are you building?
- I'm working
on a massive jellyfish.

A huge sphere at the top,
it's gonna have all these
detailed dangling tendrils.

Are you kind of competing
with your bro?

A little bit.

I didn't want
to point this out before,

- but golden brick?
- Here it is.

Huh, look who's got it
and look who doesn't.

( whistling )

what if evil will
appeared and said,

"by the way,
now whoever is
actually holding on

to the golden brick
gets to use it?"

would you sell him
down the river,

is what I'm saying,
to protect yourself?

He would be really upset,
but I think eventually
he would forgive me.

Steven, guess what?

- I said that in confidence,
will, come on, come on.
- Just kidding.

And we have a giraffe?

Wow, right on the spot.

Literally, I just thought,
what's super iconic? Giraffe.

But I realize people are getting
a lot bigger than me.

Yeah, I was just
wondering that.

Are you thinking
about rescaling it?

I'm realizing now,
I'm going almost minifig scale.

That's usually
where my animals end up.

That's my only issue
right now.

- All right, good luck.
- Thank you, guys.

Bigger, huh?

All right, so it needs
to have some kind of nose.

Being separated
is kind of like a shock

because I'm typically
one that likes to bounce
my ideas off of somebody.

So I'm just bouncing them
off myself and seeing
if something sticks.

Okay, so that's not terrible.

So, for my land creature,

I decide I'm making
a loveable rat.

How the heck am I going to
make this, like, a fang?

I've never built an animal
before ever,

or sculpted one before,
so it's all new to me.

Like, nine tentacles?

Do I have enough time
to do that myself?

I'm doing a sea creature,
and I'm trying to think

of something that would
have some movement.

I land on a jellyfish.
I feel like I could do this.

- Natalie.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- How's it going?

- You're here on your own.
- I'm here on my own.

How do you feel
about this challenge?

I'm gonna feel super excited

if I can get something
built in four hours

that looks like
a sea creature.

What's the sea creature?

I'm gonna try to make
a jellyfish.

- We've got another one.
- A jellyfish?

Mark is making a jellyfish.

I thought--
wait, stop it. No.

Yeah, that's what he said.

Mark has, like, half a base
in or something round.

I'm like, oh, if it's
a jellyfish,

he's already got
a monstrous jellyfish.

It's okay, you can
have a jelly--

are you doing a jellyfish?

I am, but you could
make a jellyfish.

There-- two different
jellyfish will look good.

- No.
- I'm not having
my jellyfish

- compared to your jellyfish.
- Okay.

I don't want to give the judges
an apple to apple comparison
of two jellyfish,

'cause if you see
two of one thing,

your brain can't help but go,
"I like this one better
than that one."

I'm freaking out
on the inside right now.

I know you are.
I know you are.

And I'm like--
pfft, one hour gone.

Back to
the drawing board I go.

No, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no, no!

Mark's building a jellyfish.

So back
to the drawing board I go.

Okay, so we gotta workshop
some new stuff, then.

What's in the sea?
What's in the sea?

Turtles. Shrimp.
Popcorn shrimp.

Grilled shrimp.
Baked shrimp.

Sorry, I'm just going
through menus right now.

What about, like, an eel?

I could do, like,
an electric eel.

- That'd be cute.
- Yes, yes, yes.

( mouths )
I believe in you.

( whispers )
thank you. Thank you.

I can do that.
Let's go get parts.

Amy: For this land
and sea challenge,

we're splitting
our teams in half.

One will build a creature
that lives in the sea,

and the other will build
an animal that lives on land.

This challenge is tough
because our teams

don't have their teammate
beside them

to bounce ideas off,

so we're really gonna see
where the strengths

of each individual builder lies,
as well as the weaknesses.

Wayne: My brother and I,
I know what we can do together,

but, you know, separate,
I really don't know.

That big lego wall
could be separating

me and my brother from possibly
moving on to the next round.

For my land creature,
I'm going to make a crocodile

because I can get away
with the fact

that that thing right there
is usually on its belly,

so I don't necessarily
have to have the thing
actually standing up.

Actually, that's not bad.

For the longest time,
I've wanted to make a lionfish.

Right now, I got the mouth
pretty much the way
I want it to look like.

And now I'm gonna start
working on these big old fins

that, like,
flare out really wide.

After I get
those elements down,

I'm gonna start blending
them all together.

'cause right now,
it's all segmented.

They're not really attached.

So I want to figure out how
am I gonna connect everything

in a strong way?

Lot to do, lot to do.

( thunder )

( evil laughter )

lightning goes off.

Something, um,
is happening here.

( laughing evilly )

hello, everybody.

You all look so lonely
building by yourselves,

I figured that I would
hop into my evil mobile studio

and come by to do
some evil check-ins.

( laughing )

take some orange

and put it in the white.

Oh, my gosh.
That is so evil.

Take some yellow,
quickly put it in the tan.

Oh, whoa.

Evil will is having
a lot of fun with
this challenge,

to the detriment of us.

Take some brown
and put it on the floor.

Oh, yeah.
He likes messing with people.


Don't touch
the red pieces, though.
I need those.

( brakes squealing )

- caleb?
- Evil will.

How are you?
What are you building, caleb?

Uh, I'm building
an evil chameleon.

Are you the evil twin?

Maybe I am.

Do you have an evil laugh?

( laughing maniacally )

you've harnessed the power!
I felt that.

I felt that, too.

Look, michelle's not looking.

Really quickly,
smash her build.

There she comes.
Hi, michelle. Nothing.

- Nothing.
- Talking about me?

- Laugh again.
- ( chuckles loudly )
no, that's not it.

- You're not evil after all.
- ( caleb groans )

- I'm out of here.
- Bye, evil will.

Evil will.
Fancy meeting you here.

Hello, dave.

How are you?

I'm very evil,
thanks for asking.

Dave, do you think
you like evil will
more than will?

Well, are you funny?

- He's not funny?
- I mean...

At all?

You've never been like,
"oh, that was delightful?"

dave, it's me.

I'm playing both--
I'm doing both characters, man.

I gotta say, like,
I like the evil will.


What are you building, dave?

I'm gonna build a penguin
for my son

- because it's his fave--
- I don't care!

Oh, that's right.
Bye, evil will.

I hope your build explodes.

We did that. Week two.

( laughing )

oh, this is not going
the way I wanted it to go.

Richard: This is
a very different build.

You look around the room,
everyone's doing

an actual creature
that has a face or has legs
or a tail.

This is really difficult.

I can't rely on dave
to tell me that this is right.

I have to take it on myself,
and I'm getting nervous.

- ( alarm blaring )
- one hour! One hour left!

( groans )

forget about
separation anxiety.

It's time to start
experiencing actual anxiety!

The clock is ticking!

We're quite deep
into the challenge now.

What are the things
that you're seeing
that look encouraging

and what things are you seeing
that look discouraging?

It's easy to see the penguin
standing out in the room.

I see that richard's
got his coral going.

It's a striking contrast.

And it is kind of hard

to recognize what it is
at the moment.

Natalie was thinking
about doing a jellyfish

until I told her that
mark was doing a jellyfish

and she scrapped it,
which is risky.

Amy: I am really concerned
about natalie getting
enough done in the time.

Will: You have caleb
building his chameleon.

He's actually creating it
in a very unusual, organic way.

And we've got steven
with giraffe.

We still good, we still good?
Everybody happy?

Everybody's happy.

There's some great curves,
great details.

But it's a lot smaller
than some of the other builds,
which is interesting.

So he's gone for
a very different scale.

Zack is building
this great lionfish.

I still need to figure out
all my little spiny fins.

You know, it's got
a great fan effect.

But right now,
I can see it all in pieces.

That is a really
ambitious build

to do alone
in only five hours.

One minute left!

Yep, yep.
I got it, I got it.

I'm not stressed,
I'm not stressed,
I'm not stressed.

- Sweating it a little bit.
- Will: Ten seconds.

When your build is done,
wheel it on over.

Three, two, one.

- Oh!
- Will: Oh!

When your build is done,
wheel it on over.

Zack: Yep, yep, yep.
I got it. I got it.

Three, two, one.

Will: Oh, oh!

Time's up. Bricks down.

Tail came off.
Great job.

Will: Okay.

Zack, did part of your build
fall off there?


All of the sudden,
I lose the tail to my fish.

And I'm just... ( groans )

I was really relying
on zack right there,

but we'll have to see
because an incomplete build

might automatically put us
in the bottom two.

How awesome is this?

Amy: Wow, what a bunch
of awesome creatures.

You've really nailed
the details.

Today, my evil counterpart
split you apart

and forced you
to build a land

or sea creature
on your own.

But you know what?
This is my show.

Evil will doesn't get
the last laugh.

For the second part
of this challenge...

- Whew.
- I'm gonna reconnect you
with your teammate

so you can combine
your builds

into one epic
land/sea creation.

Natalie: This is hilarious
that we have to combine
these two animals.

If a mouse
and an eel came together,

it's just not gonna be
a cute, loveable character.

- Mm-mm.
- Mm-mm.

This is a mash-up challenge.

We want to see how you
fuse your two animals together

to make one
even more fantastical,

totally original creature.

And on top of that,
we want to see

the world they live in.

Different characters
from different worlds,

they need to come
together as one

and create that magical creature
we've never seen before

but we think is fantastic.

When I hear that our builds
are going to be combined,

this is going to be
a tall order.

There's a big scale difference
between the coral
and the penguin,

and somehow we're going to have
to incorporate the two together.

Show us the world

where you're new
mashed-up creature exists.

We have to combine the two
and build another scene
for them?

They're nothing alike.
The scale is completely off.

The colors match.

I'm giving you five hours
to do it.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm excited to see
what you guys come up with.

Your five hours start now.
Get your brick on!

We're combining them, zack.

- Oh, my goodness.
- These are going to be tough.

- Let's figure out
how to combine these.
- All right.

I think we should definitely
take this head, put it on that.

What if we gave him
a giant mohawk?

Yeah, that's
very punk rock.

- Why?
- You start dissecting
your giraffe.

Who's horrible idea
was this?

It was evil will,
wasn't it?

Where do you think
it should connect?

- Like, right there?
- Yes.

I'm getting, like,
some swamp vibes.

For our land,
since it's a rat,
I'm thinking...


Hello, dave and richard.

Tell us about
your fantastical creature.

Richard and I were talking,
and we thought maybe

we could make him
a punk rock penguin.

Our new creature is called
poco the punk rock penguin.

But, you know, it's hard out
there for a punk rocker,

so he's busking
on a street corner

trying to earn some fish
for his supper.

It's a little tough
because the penguin
is so big.

Yeah, just make sure
it doesn't end up

too much penguin
and not enough of the coral.

We want to see these two
come together,

and we want to see
something fantastical
we've never seen before,

so it feels like
something completely new.

Yeah, I agree.
We want to go
into this world.

All right, that's something
we have to think about.

- Go, team poco.
- All right, team poco.

- Cheers, thanks.
- All right, thanks.

I'm actually really excited.

This is our second chance.

Now we can make a character,

and that's something
the brickmasters love.

It is definitely
a challenge for us
to get all this done.

This is a very
difficult challenge.

Oh, man,
this is ambitious.

When I'm having
stressful moments,

I look at two notes
that I have kept

in my pocket
this whole competition.

One is from my wife.

It says, "you are always
a lego master to us."

you can do it, man.
You are. You are.

The other is from my son.

It says, "good luck.
Love, elliot."

I know what this
means to you, dave.

Wow, they actually do fit
so well together, don't they?

The scale of our builds
are actually pretty similar,

so that means that
we won't have to make too many
alterations to our design.

Oh, that looks good.

Zack, it looks
like a nightmare.

The lionfish
is kind of scary by itself.

A crocodile is kind of scary
by itself.

But what if a crocodile,
on top of having scales,
armor, and teeth,

actually gained

of a venomous creature
and the ability to flare up?

A monstrous beast.

- Hi, guys.
- Hey, will.

How is this mash-up going,

and what is the world?

We got, of course,
the chameleobster.

It maintains the body
of the chameleon

with the appendages
of the lobster.

The chameleobster lives
in the bricky bog

with purple waters and lots
of insects for it to hunt.

Your creatures are different,
but scale-wise...

- It was perfect.
- ...Perfect.

- It's the telepathy.
- No, but it is. It is.

All right, you know
what I want to do?

I want to test
the telepathy.

Oh, boy.

- Caleb, you close your eyes.
- Oh, okay.

Jacob, grab
a random brick, okay.

And you open your eyes.
Now speak to each other

Tell me.

Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's red.

( buzzer )

you guys aren't even brothers.

You're not even related.


Does that look like
a pierced eyebrow?

Richard: Yes.

We have a rat
and an eel to combine,

so we're just over here
creating frankenstein.

Don't mind me.

Ugh! No, I dig them.

Our new creation
is called rateelian.

He's got all these
crazy rat ears,

these big eyes,
bushy eyebrows,

and he is going to live
in a cheese world.

Oh, that's cute.

What would a world
made of cheese look like?

I don't know.
We're winging it here.

I think that yellow's
going to look really cute
with our little guy.

I don't think it's going
to be, like, too much
yellow or anything.

I think it'll get
a little bit lost,

but I think that's just
kind of what we're working
with right now.

- Hello, hello.
- Mark and steven.

How are you guys
with our fun twist
in this challenge?

I'm doing pretty good,

Oh, are you feeling
a bit heartbroken?

He's still there.

How can you say that?
Look, it's just a head.

You were the team that
jamie and I were thinking,

"this is gonna be
a challenge."

because your scales
were completely opposite.

Completely off.

There's really only
one way to make this.

We're gonna make
a jelraffe.

We're gonna stick
the head of the giraffe

on top of the jellyfish

and swap those tentacles
out with giraffe legs.

So it'll be walking across
the kelp savannah.

It'll look kind of tropical.

I know you're mourning
your giraffe,

and it was
a fabulous giraffe.

But I think this challenge
is also about making
something new.

They need to come together
to create something
completely unseen.

Just give us a really wacky
and playful world.

It is such a fun challenge.

Does he look like
he's having fun?

- He will be.
- I'll be fine.

We'll turn this around.
We'll turn this around.

The morale is a little low.

We had no idea
that we would be
merging these things.

So, we've really built
ourselves into a corner
purely by accident.

Check it out, bro.
Does it look good?

From an artistic standpoint,

I see the craziest-looking

Look at this house of horrors
around us.

We're treading
new ground here.

This is going to look
insane when it's done.

This is gonna
be so weird.

For the next part
of this challenge,

we are tasked with mashing up
our two creatures together...

- ( groans )
- ...And, unfortunately,
our two creatures

are so completely different.

Debbie downer.

- What?
- You're such
a debbie downer.

Steven: Everyone else has
a similar scale except us.

Ours is the furthest.

Oh, my word.

We kind of built ourselves
into a corner.

I'm just really glad
we have the golden brick.

The spots can really speak,
I think.

I think we can really
do a lot with the spots.

I can do this,
like, do that?

We have less than three hours
and we have to combine
a rat and an eel

to make one mega creature
and the world that it lives in.

But we don't have much
for our world.

We have, like, a basic idea,
but we got to get something,

- like, on our platform.
- It's got to be cheesy.

Yep, super cheesy.

What color's gouda?

I think it's like
a light white yellow?

Do we have-- oh, jeez.

Two hours left.

- Wayne: Oh, my god, zack.
- Zack: What?

I'm just looking at it
from the side.
It's like, "ew!"

zack: That's exactly
the reaction we need.

Penguin looks great,
but we gotta get some things

on this environment
to make it work.

- ( thunder )
- oh!

Oh, now what?

Oh, look who it is.

Hi, again.

Oh, that guy.

What do you want this time?

One last thing.
I wanted to show you
my evil new filters.

They're so much fun, look.

Look at me!
Now I'm a raccoon.

Now I'm an alien.

I'm an alien
from another planet.

- Oh, are you?
- Hurry it up.

We've got a time call
coming up.

Ooh, let me do it.
One hour left!

I'm a piggy.
One piggy hour left.

Come on, zack.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Happy?
- You have no idea.

Okay, I gotta bounce.
I got a podcast to record.

No, no, no.
Don't, don't, don't.

There are already
way too many podcasts.


That's-- that's my--

( chuckles )
oh, poor will.

He looks punk rock to me.

- You know, uh...
- Doesn't have to be perfect.

Pick my battles here.
I'm not sure.

Rather than get comfortable,
at this point,

we want to finish
this build strong,

and go all out
on the environment

because I think
we consider ourselves

underdogs in this competition.

So close.

One-minute warning.

One minute left.

Let's go teammate.

I'm just seeing
not a great build.

I think we're gonna have to use
the golden brick, steven.

- You really think so?
- Yeah, I really think so.

- What if we did...
- I don't think
we have enough time.

- Hurry up, wayne.
- I'm working.

Three, two, one.

Time's up. Bricks down.


- Yes!
- Once again, once again.

It's over.

We did a thing!

I can't wait to visit
all your worlds.

Mark: Steven and I aren't
super pumped about our build.

Our builds were so different,
it was difficult
to combine them.

But it's clear
that we weren't the only ones

that were really struggling
with this challenge.

Steven: We're now
weighing in our minds,

like, "is our build
better than that one?

Is our build better
than that one?"

we could definitely
end up in the bottom two
of this challenge.

It's by far,
not out of the question.

Okay, builders,
here we are again,

standing, like,
20 feet apart

in perfect reality
competition form.

So, mark and steven,
the golden brick

is still burning a hole
in your pocket.

Remember that it provides
immunity for one challenge.

But if you don't use it
and end up in the bottom two,

you lose it.

So, how do you feel
about your mash-up?

There are parts
about our creation
that we really like.

However, we're not 100%
confident about this build.

Are you ready to activate
the golden brick

and protect yourself
from elimination today?

We talked a lot about it

and we decided
to hold onto the brick.

Will: Wow.

There's one or two creatures
that we feel like we just
have an edge over.

This is the biggest gamble
we've made yet by far.

It's a huge risk,
but it's a calculated risk.

Mark and steven,
you have chosen to keep
the golden brick.

That means you could be
sent home today

without you ever
having used it.

Now, let's take a look
at your land and sea creations.

Dave and richard,
you're up.

Tell us about your mash-up
creature and you're world.

Allow us to introduce poco.

When he's not selling out
seabee geebees,

you'll find poco
shredding on the streets

and busking for fish.

Run, don't waddle,
to get a front-row seat

to see the coolest
poco in punk.

How cool is he? Ice cold.

There are lots of really great
details to admire.

I mean, your starting point

couldn't have been more

You have a giant penguin,

and then you had
relatively small coral.

As a build? Super fun.

beautifully crafted.
It's really well-built.

I love the idea
of taking the coral

and using it as a colorful
mohawk on the penguin,

and I think
it works really well.

The challenge is,
this was all about a mash-up

to create something
we didn't know.

And I really feel conflicted,

because as much
as I'm celebrating

all the amazing
parts of this model,
it's a penguin.

Amy: I would've loved
that you'd continued

the colorfulness of the coral
and the details

throughout the penguin
so we really felt that this
was a brand-new breed.

That's fair.

So as a model,
loads and loads to celebrate.

But as a mash-up,
I do think you missed

a lot of opportunities
in this build.

There's no looking back
and saying we have any regrets

- about what we built.
- No.

We took a risk, and we're happy
to stand behind our build.

As a mash-up,
I do think you missed

a lot of opportunities
in this build.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Mark: Dave and richard,
their build looks sharp.

It looks really
aesthetically good.

It's polished.

- But... Yeah.
- It's the theme.

Mark: Just hearing that
is incredibly nerve-wracking.

We really don't feel terrific
about what we built,

but now we're not immune.
We didn't use the golden brick.

Michelle and natalie,
please take us away.

This is our creature,

This was a mash-up
of an eel and a rat.

This little guy
seems to be smart enough

to avoid the rat trap,
probably 'cause he smells

something funky
since there's some blue cheese

on there
and nobody like that stuff.

I'm very fondue
of this build.

what do you think?

You guys started this challenge
in a really wild place.

You had a big fat rat
and a skinny eel,

and you've combined them
together to make a really
imaginative creature.

But I think the world,
it does distract

from the creature
you've created,

in those yellow spikes,

which I think are such
a stand-out feature
on your creature.

I think I would've
liked to see more volume
on your character.

This is a part of
the competition where everybody
has to really stand out,

and unfortunately,
a lot of this model
doesn't stand out

because the character
is smaller,

and then you're also getting
lost in the environment.

Zack and wayne, you're up.

Tell us about your mash-up
creature and your world.

This is the lioncroc,
so this is a mash-up

of the crocodile that I built
and the lionfish
that my brother made.

Its scientific name
is regulus crocodilus,

so on top
of being a dinosaur,

it also has developed
the ability

to have these venomous spines
that poke out everywhere.

So this thing right here
can basically say,

"don't get on my bad side."

but every side is its bad side,
so steer clear.

This is quite
a terrifying build.

- Yeah. Yeah, it is.
- That's a good thing
right now.

Yeah, almost feels
like you've created
a new species here,

which I think is great
in a mash-up challenge.

It was really hard angles
for you to merge your
two creatures together,

but you've done it

and I definitely
would not want to bump

into this creature
on a dark night.

- This is a very lego build.
- It is very good.

It's a combination
of two awful creatures

that are super scary,
and you really get that vibe.

Anyway, great job, you guys.
Really good build.

Good job, wayne.

Caleb and jacob,
you're up.

Tell us about
your mash-up creature.

Caleb: Hello, nature-lovers.

Allow me to introduce you
to the chameleobster.

This menacing beast
dwells in the bricky bog

and feasts on insects
and dragonflies for dinner.


Don't let its good looks
fool you.

It may be half lobster
and half chameleon,

but it is 100% deadly.

Aww, who are we kidding?

Look at those eyes.
What a sweetheart.

You guys gave us
two fantastic builds
in the individual challenge.

And I think
when you've mashed them up,
it's got even better.

I also love that
you've put it on top of a log

and it's really celebrated
in its environment,

and that really draws
our attention to it.

You guys have arrived
in this competition.

I like that you chose
the best of each of your models

with so many
little details to enjoy.

For me, it's color right now
that I'm struggling with.

But as a model,
it looks really strong.

And as a mash-up,
really strong.

Great job, you guys.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Mark and steven,
you're up.

Thanks, fellas.

On a far away planet
in a distant galaxy

150 trillion years
in the future,

the jelraffe roams
the kelp savannah.

Evil will got his revenge.

He was able to drain
most of the earth's oceans,

but the animals
were able to combine their
strengths and weaknesses

to go through these
dried-up beds searching

for the most succulent kelp.

You guys started out
with two fabulous
individual builds,

but you did have
very different scales.

So it still feels
a little bit like you have

a giraffe on top
of a jellyfish.

Jamie: Yeah, I think
that's probably where I'm
also struggling a bit

is with the connection isn't
as strong as it could have been.

That having been said,
I do like your kelp forest
quite a bit.

The way that you used
the transparent elements in it,

it does give
that aquatic feel.

You did some nice,
subtle connections there.

Okay, great job, you two.
Well done.

We decided not to use
the golden brick.

That was one of the harshest
criticisms we've had yet.

- Yeah.
- I do not want to be
in the bottom two.

Now I'm starting to sweat.

Well, the brickmasters
are gonna go do their thing

while I stay here
and do my thing.

This-- this is my thing.

I'm about to have
a heart attack.

We didn't use the golden brick.
We have no lifeline.

This is the most scared
I've been on the show yet.

"lego masters" has taught us
not to get comfortable.

These are the best builders
in the country.

They're gonna be bringing
their a-game every time.

We need to be bringing
our a-game every time,

even when we feel
we have an edge on them.

Keep the anxiety high, kids.
This is so important.

Okay, so this week
we threw a land and sea
challenge your way.

We split you up
and got to witness

your individual building skills
for the very first time.

Then we asked you
to combine your creations

and build an immersive
world around them.

Brickmaster amy,
who are the top two teams?

Those two teams were...

Zack and wayne...


Caleb and jacob.

Zack and wayne,
you made something terrifying,

and we loved it.

It was really fresh
to see you coming together

and creating a fantastic
creature that we've never
seen before.

Thank you.

Caleb and jacob,
you had two individual builds

that we just loved.

And then you had to mash up
a lobster with a chameleon.

But for us,
that made them even better.

All right, who won
the land and sea challenge?

The winner
of this challenge...

...Is caleb and jacob.

- Yeah.
- Whoo!

Ninth time is the charm,
they say.

Now, when
it's really mattering,

we are making
a name for ourself.

We have improved
a ton throughout this,

so maybe there's more for us
to even go further up.

Congrats, guys, well done.

Good job.

Now you know
what comes next.


Please give me the names
of the bottom two teams.

The bottom two teams
for this challenge...

Michelle and natalie...

...And dave and richard.

Michelle and natalie,

you had an eel and a rat
to mash up,

and that was creative
and fun to see.

we needed it to stand out.

Amongst so many great builders,
it really needed to have

a presence that
we really bought into.

Dave and richard,
you gave us a really nice model

that was full
of playful details.

But this was
a mash-up challenge,

and unfortunately,
all we could see was a penguin.

Will: This was such
a tough challenge,

and you all did
such a great job with it.

But unfortunately, one team
does have to go home.

Brickmaster jamie,
who is it?

The team that unfortunately
has to go home today...

- ...Is dave and richard.
- Cool.

You should be super proud
of where you've got to.

You're among amazing builders,

and you've shown off what
incredible building skills

and creativity
that both of you have.

- Thank you.
- Cool. Thank you.

You guys,
you've accomplished
so much here.

You've gotten really far
in this competition.

You should be very,
very proud.

We're going to miss you guys.

Tough to say, but please
turn in your minifigs
and say good-bye.

All right.

- Friends.
- Bye, guys.

You guys were amazing.

We achieved a lot by winning

the challenges that we won,

but we also achieved
a lot as people.

Lego is, yes, a toy.
But it can be so much more.

To be able to link
with another dad

and lose yourself in lego
is a one of a kind experience.

And I wouldn't have wanted
to do this with anyone else.

Next week...

We're doing
a home makeover show today.

"flip my block!"

and that means that we've got
to take it to the extreme.

Extreme high fives.

You have 11 hours
to flip my block and build
your dream home.

- Our house flies.
- Whoo!


- ( horn honks )
- what in the--

- I come bearing twists!
- Oh, man.

Have even more
of a wow factor.

I'm wishing I paid
better attention

in the fifth grade.
Simple machines.

Will: So I just came
from mark and steven,

and these guys
are in terrible shape.

Great job, guys.