Le Bureau des Légendes (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Episode #2.6 - full transcript

You recognize me?

- Do you recognize me or not?
- Yes.

When l ask a question, you answer me.
Got it?


The HD camera in this phone is good.

ls the phone sturdy?

Answer right away! ls it sturdy?

l don't know.

ls it sturdy?

Looks like lt is.


Pull up the GPS in his shoes.

They're heading for the border.

Are you Jewish?


All lawyers are Jewish.

l forgot, you're not a lawyer.

What are you, anyway?

A cop? A DGSE agent?



Keep your mouth shut!

Ask yourself
if your god will rescue you.

They're almost in Syria.
Via Guvecci.

And our 2 men?

They can intercept them
before the border.


The men who escorted Raymond
can try to bring him back.

One was a sniper in Beirut.

Just the 2 of them?

They'll hold them
until the Turks get there.

- They'll blow their cover.
- Yes, they will.

- They've been doing a great job.
- l know.

Henri, your opinion?

Do we blow 2 valuable sources
to save one of my men?

That's the gist of it.

Pontus and Calais
are 5 minutes from Guvecci.

lf the convoy enters Syria,
we lose Raymond.

ls this my decision?

No, it's mine.
But l want your opinion.

lf they were my men, l'd say no.

We can't blow their cover

for a hasty, dangerous
and uncertain intervention.

They don't intervene.

So we abandon Raymond?

Hasty, dangerous, and uncertain.

Welcome to Al-Sham.

Those aren't my shoes!
The smugglers...

Save your breath.

Your friends are very high-tech.

Let's send them a message.
Bring me the saber.

Lie him down.

What are you doing?



Film with my phone.

Use both hands or it will be blurry.

Stand there.

You see everything?

Very clearly.

Wait! Your sister brought me here
to save you.

l can get you immunity.
You won't go to jail!

Stop acting like a child.


- You ready? lt's in the frame?
- Yes.

What are you doing?

Sorry. lt's for you.

The dogs!



We'll do an exchange.

You're going back in one piece.

More or less.

Are you OK?

l'm OK!

Where is the Frenchman?

He got a little scared, that's all.

Release my sister!

Forgive me.

OK. Thank you.

Done. We have Raymond.

Pontus and Calais go.
Your guy comes home.

Good job, Marcel.


You knew from the start
something was wrong.

lf it weren't for you,

Raymond would be
in the executioner's hands.

You saved him.

lt was really Guillaume Debailly...

l know.

l'm sorry for earlier.

l won't forgive you,
but l don't hold grudges.

Did you tell me everything?

What if l'm not?

ls he's OK?

He's alive. That's what matters.

l'm here to see Marc Lauré.

Nice to see you, Guillaume.

l need your lD and a phone.
l'll give you a visitor's pass.



Great work.
We wanted to thank you.

That's why you fired me.

Nice one.
Usually Henri makes jokes like that.

Any news of Raymond?

l assume Céline kept you up to date.

He's OK.

As good as can be expected.

Thanks to you,
he came back with his head.

We can't hire you back at the Bureau.

There's been a breach of trust.

But you rescued Cyclone,

and saved Sisteron.

Your choice regarding Zamani
was relevant,

despite your insubordination.

There's talk of a call to tender

for the future construction of
a modern nuclear reactor in lran.

Majid Zamani will probably be
the project's main advisor.

Having someone close to him
would be invaluable

in our war against the Americans.

But l'm still fired?

Let's say, transferred.

l refuse to work with you again.

We have a job for you.

- ''We''?
- Henri is in agreement.

Neutralize the bastard
who did this to Raymond.



You run the crisis room,
like you did with Cyclone.

l'll need access
to the undercover files.

Mamlouk, the Turkish agent,

the Libyan and probably the Pakistani.

Full clearance is restored
for this mission.

Thank you.

You're an ex cellent agent.

Here's a chance to prove it again.

lt's true. You are ex cellent.
That's what's so tragic.


Make it happen.

Mr. Bidjedi,

the armed combat you support
only strengthens lSlS.

You know it.
lt makes no sense anymore.

You think we can negotiate
with a child killer

who murders his own people
with barrels of chlorine?

l think the Syrian people are victims
of your suicidal stubbornness,

which helped create lS lS.

You're nothing but Bashar's parrot.

ls the release of our guest

a sign of openness
on behalf of Syrian leadership?

Mrs. El-Mansour?

My experience has taught me
that Syria's greatest hope

lies in dialog between government
and a determined opposition.

l believe that today,
Mr. Al-Roumi represents that opposition.

A moderate and comprehensible one.

We'll end on that note.
Thanks to our guests for joining us.

Thank you.

May l drive you somewhere?

Thank you but l'm going to walk.

See you Friday.


The TV debate with the French MPs.

Have you forgotten?



- Thank you, Ma'am.
- Thank you. Good bye.

lt's Nadim.

Very good, Nadia.
l listened to the program.

Are you with Al-Roumi?


You should be.
You could get closer to Al-Roumi.

Show yourself with him more,
like a teammate.

How close do you mean?

What you're doing is crucial
for the country, Bashar, and yourself.

And for your family.
Don't forget that.

l haven't forgotten.

Wear some makeup
for the TV debate on Friday.

Al-Roumi thought you looked pale.


Last time,
you spoke of a man named Hachem,

who you had worked with.

Yes, Hachem al-Khatib.

- Have you seen him since?
- No.

l don't even know if he's in Paris.

This is Julie Ledel,

from the DGS E,
in charge of Syrian affairs.

Julie asked to attend the interviews.

ls that OK with you?



This man...

Have you seen him?


But you do recognize him?

Yes, it's Nadim El Bachir.

l didn't note
what you told me on the plane.

When you were in Syria,
did he contact you?


Would you like some water?
lt's very hot in here.

She's LYlNG.

Any news of your family?

Do you know where you can call
or write them?

- Would you like us to look into it?
- No. Don't bother.

l'm trying to help you, you know.

Don't be afraid of me.

Are you afraid?

Ex cuse me?
l don't understand.


l mean, us.
Are you afraid of us?

We're here to protect you.

That's enough for today.

We can help you, you know.

No one can help me.

Why do you say that?

No reason...

l was born in the wrong country.
l met the wrong people.

Like everyone who comes through here.

This is my private phone number.

lf you need to, call me anytime.

Say you want to know when
you can pick your black dress up.

Then hang up.
l'll find you.

Can l talk to you?

Raymond is OK.
He's in the military hospital.

He'll be there for a while.
You can visit him soon.

- l already told you?
- l'm not going senile.

What do you want?

You know Nadia El-Mansour is in Paris?

''Woman Save'', a humanitarian NGO,
secured her release.

You know it's a ClA-funded organization?

Perhaps. So what?

Why would the Americans
get her released?

- Why are you wondering?
- l'm curious.

lt's my job to be curious.

You're paranoid.

That's also my job.

Go on, spit it out.

Nadia El-Mansour refused
to be recruited by us.

Maybe she was already working
for the Americans?

lt's possible.

- Can l continue?
- Go ahead.

Let's say she does work
for the Americans.

She gathers intel on the talks
she participates in.

She runs into Guillaume Debailly
by accident,

- gets involved again...
- Stop.

What if the Americans tried
to recruit Guillaume

via Nadia El-Mansour.

Stop there.

The leaks are coming from somewhere,

or you wouldn't be following
those dots.

They're reflected on your lenses.

l'd like to see all phone movements
during the past year.

- A history of the locations?
- Can you do that?

Yes. The software already exists.

l call it the ''history cloud''.

lt's animated and easy to use.


This program will allow you to follow

the daily or hourly movements

of any phone,
over a yearly period.

That's what you wanted?


l type in a number...

l launch the search...


This one goes from his home
to the office, each day.

On weekends,

he goes to Rambouillet,
to his country house

or his mother-in-law's.

ln August, his phone goes...

somewhere in Brittany.

Pont-Aven, in the Finistère region.

ln the Finistère.

- ls this what you asked for?
- Exactly.

Thank you.

You should know,

if you check my phone,
you'll see

l drive around the ring road twice
before going home.

Don't ask me why.
l won't tell you.

- OK.
- l just wanted to let you know.

That's the only weird thing l do.


Tehran - lRAN

''The recent weeks in Paris
have been productive.

''The Caramel file has become
a top priority.

''Now you need to find the basis
of a possible recruitment.

''What are Caramel's specific ambitions,

''his fears and hidden weaknesses?

''Without risking to expose yourself,

''you should focus your efforts
on this goal. ''

- How are you?
- Fine, thanks.

This is from Paris.

Thanks, that's so sweet of you.

Come sit down.

l hope they didn't melt.

l'm sure they didn't. Come sit.

Shapur's coming.
He's talking with his father.

He ''talks'' to our father a lot,
these days.

They smash dishes together too.

By the way,

l'm sorry about your grandmother.

Thank you.

lt's hard to lose the people
that tie us to our childhood.

Do you have a brother?


Do you have a father?


l'm sorry.

Marina brought us chocolates from Paris.

That's very kind.

My son doesn't have your good manners.

He invites you over
and takes off like a teenager.

lt's not a problem.

My son is proud.

That's his great strength,
and his great weakness.

l'm asking him

to do something that serves his ideas
and those of lran.

But he is proud.

Like his mother.

Daria was whipped.

Don't ask him to kiss the hand
of the mullah who ordered their arrest.

lf Shapur doesn't apologize,
his career is over.

His or yours?

Tell Mom l'm happy here.
l can be myself.

How can you be happy when
we're sad because of you?

l left for you.

l'm preparing a kingdom for you.

l have to tell you something.
Mom is sick.

That's a code.

''Mom is sick'' means
''The cops lD'd you.''

''They're onto me.''

Chevalier now knows
someone's listening in.

He knows to activate
the emergency communication channel.

ls she still depressed?

No, it's worse.
lt could be cancer.

Since when?

She's been undergoing exams
for 2 weeks.

l'll say du'as for her.
So Allah will protect her.

The chat on the dog hairdo site
started the next day.

He isn't some poor jerk
taken in by a sect.

He's an expert in living undercover.

When Cyclone brings up the lawyer,
Matthieu Coujard,

to Yacine Boumaza,

does Yacine suspect anything?

ls it the sister who suspects
the cops are onto them?

Either way,
she comes to see Raymond.

She sniffs around,
to form her own opinion.

Maybe he's a real lawyer, maybe not.

She calls her brother.
And she uses a code.

''Mom is sick.''

She already suspects
her phone is tapped.

Toufik had told her,
''They'll be clever.

''They follow you everywhere.
They'll tap all your phones.

''We'll find another way to communicate.''

What does he tell himself?

''The cop wants to trap me?

''Bring him here. Let's do a cop.''

A cop, the DGSE or DGSl...
He doesn't know and he doesn't care.

But he tells his sister,

''Play the game. Do what he says.

''Bring him to the barn.
He'll make a good hostage.

''They want to trap me in the barn?

''They think l'm dumb.
They want to use you as bait

and they think they'll catch me.''

They could have acted earlier,
but they preferred to wait.

They saw Sisteron leave.

Chevalier knew we'd never leave
our agent behind.

He plays chess.

lt's in Raymond's first report.

He's played for years.
He's in a chess club.

This guy is like us.

He was trained by professionals.

He's not your basic soldier.

He's an intelligence officer,

skilled in the art of manipulation.

He's a future lS lS general.

And he's French.

Go get some coffee.

There's a machine here.

Sure, but it makes shitty coffee.

How would you explain one phone

not appearing anywhere for several days?

The battery and SlM card were removed.

No. The phone was used to make calls.

You can make a phone disappear.

But you need special technology

that erases the location data
in real time.

lt fits in a briefcase.

- Do we know how to do that?
- Yes.

Who else does?

The Americans, the British,

the Russians, the Chinese...

Fine. Thanks.


l know why he's called ''Deep Blue''.

lt's the computer that beat Kasparov.

You know the worse part?

Deep Blue beat Kasparov
thanks to a computer glitch.

lt made a mistake.

Unbelievable, huh?

What's that face?

l can't tell if you're smiling or not.
lt's unnerving.

l don't want my feelings to bother you.

Why not?

On the contrary...
Show me your feelings.

l don't want to look at Mona Lisa.

Go ahead.

Cry. Scream.

Throw yourself at me.

Hi, Raymond.

- Leave us, please.
- Sure.

How are you today?

Stuffed with ''l love life''.



So, l can't answer your questions.

l'm not really myself, on any level.

l want to tell you something.

We had the option to send
our agents in the field

to help you.

The smugglers?


Things might have
turned out differently.


We chose not to blow their cover.
l agreed with this.

2 years of covert work was at stake.

ln a way, l'm responsible
for the state you're in.

l'm a disaster,
whenever l'm in the field.

lt's pathetic.

Don't say that.

Tell me...

Do you remember the night
we freed Cyclone?


Guillaume Debailly was at his father's
for the weekend?

But you kept him informed
of the situation?

Of course.

You called him on his phone?

Did l screw up again?

You didn't screw up.

l'm the reason you're here.

And you're probably alive
thanks to Guillaume.

l know.

l'll repeat the question.

Did you call him on his mobile?

Did he answer?
Did you speak?


Did he say where he was?



You waited?

l wanted to say good bye.

Good bye.


Aside from the foot...

Everything else works.


Are you back to talk about Debailly?

You're obsessed.

l guess l am, in a way.

We could talk about your obsession,
but l should

refer you to a colleague.

l don't need to be cured
of Guillaume Debailly.

Why do you think l'm here?

To extort confidential information
on Guillaume

that might calm your paranoia.

ls that so?

l have to admit,
l've been seeing blue rats lately.

lt's an expression we use.

lt means l'm being paranoid.

You're looking at me
like l was a blue rat.

You once said to me,

''He's not well. He'll betray you.''
You remember?

Well, he's betrayed me.

You're clever, aren't you?

When l bait you, you don't react.

You don't care to know
how he betrayed me?

l care more about your need to tell me.

But truthfully, l'm not curious.

lsn't that part of your job?

- You know what?
- What?

Those who see blue rats

are always right.

l've given 30 years to the company.

And l've been unfailingly loyal.

l really believed in it.

And l still do.

ln what?

ln our noble mission.

l've given a lot.

Almost everything l have.

Without a single regret.

But my greatest fear,

my greatest terror,

the one that keeps me up at night,

that creates terrible anxiety...

is to end in disgrace.

And the worst is that
l know l'll end that way.

See... l've ended up
talking about myself.

How much do l owe you?

- You're in Paris?
- Are you ready?

l was going to call Al-Roumi
to cancel.

l don't feel well.

l think l have fever.


You don't have fever.

Get ready. We'll be late.
This is an important program.

l won't go, Nadim.

l don't feel well, l really don't.

You don't feel well?

l'm sorry.

Please go now.

Nadim, l...

Put on some makeup.
You're coming.

What's so bad about supporting Al-Roumi?

Why is it so bad to allow
President Bashar to choose

the people he puts his trust in?

lt's normal.

Ex cuse me. l need to make a call.
May l?


Hello, this is Mrs. El-Mansour.


l bought a black dress from you.


l wanted to know when
it would be ready.

- What's the name?
- El-Mansour.

lt'll be ready later this afternoon.
Should we let you know?

Yes, please.

Consider it done,
Mrs. El-Mansour.

l bought a dress.

Paris will always be Paris.

We're meeting here because l want
Raymond to hear the conversation.

Good idea. So?

We can't use a drone
to neutralize Chevalier.

He hides behind civilians.

He makes his calls from schools,
markets and stadiums.

What's the solution?

A suicide bomber.

lSlS is hated by Al-Qaeda
and the Taliban,

both capable of blowing themselves up.

We need to find a kamikaze

who wants to leave his mark
by killing a future lSlS leader.

l can't authorize such an operation.

lt can't be done within our walls.

Move the crisis room
to the music studio.

l understand.

Tehran - lRAN

Ex cuse me a minute.
l'll ask for more tea.


Hi, Shapur.

l've come to pay you my respects.

And to apologize.

How have you offended me, my son?

My lifestyle

and my excesses.

They are an offense
to my religion and my country.

Does your apology

come from fear and ambition,
or from the depths of your soul?

From the depths of my soul.

All the better.

Try to be reasonable from now on.

lt's better for you and your father.

Give your concierge
a good lie and a few bills,

and she'll let anyone in.

l've come to apologize about lunch,
the other day.

Your father explained things.

l'm not mad at you.

What did you do to yourself?

l had to kiss the hand of the asshole
who ordered Daria's whipping !

Why did you have to do that?

Because my father is spineless.

He doesn't want me
in trouble with the mullahs.

He needs them to keep his position.
That's why!

He's offered me a job working with him,

as his right-hand man.

So what happened to your hand?

Nothing. l beat up some embers.

l could have eaten one!

My father is a frustrated man.

He wanted a position with the lAEA,
the UN , anywhere.

But he never got one.

He wanted to negotiate for lran,
in Geneva.

But they sent his friend Jawad Zarif,
who became an international hero.

So he's stuck here in Tehran,
kissing ass to the mullahs.

lt's pathetic.

lt stinks.

lt stinks in here.
What is that?

lt's my refrigerator.

That's nothing. l'll fix it.

Did you see a doctor?

Let me dress it for you.

Let's fix your fridge.
Then we'll work on my burns.

''The lranian president's special advisor
on atomic issues, Majid Zamani,

''confirmed his intent to closely involve

''his son Caramel, in restricted
decision-making meetings. ''

''Within 3 weeks,

''we can expect Caramel
to take on his new role

''and therefore have access
to relevant information. ''

''Recruiting Caramel
may be a possibility,

''based on his ambivalent relation
to his father,

and his strong desire
to help his country

''to join the modern, globalized world. ''

''Caramel may be sensitive

''to achieving a status that his father
coveted but never obtained. ''

''A career allowing him
to represent modern lran abroad. ''

''lf we promise Caramel a job within
a prestigious public or private company,

''with important
international influence... ''

''Caramel will feel that
in surpassing his father,

''he's helping his family and country. ''

''l therefore recommend
approaching Caramel

''through a public or private
international company.

''He'll feel he's helping his father
by taking on

''a respectable role
for his family and country. ''

''Especially if we promise him
in the coming years

''the international status
that his father never had. ''

An initiation to chess

lt's Céline.

l have something important to tell you.
Can we meet?

You know where l am?

l'd rather meet elsewhere.

OK. Where?

The Grand Véfour, at Palais-Royal.

Very well.

Some meetings are better avoided.

Some invitations are better declined.

They're traps.

You can feel it.

You know it.

But if you go anyway,

if you ignore the alarms
going off inside you,

it means that you truly desire

the pain that awaits you.

Adaptation: Holly Diener