Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 1, Episode 1 - A Black & White Affair - full transcript
Welcome to Laguna Beach and the life of eight high school friends who were born and raised in this beautiful seaside town.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Lauren] This is where
it all happened.
Laguna Beach, California,
a small town in the OC,
where I grew up.
I just finished my senior year
of high school, a year I'll never forget.
I'm really going to miss my friends,
especially my best friend, Lo.
No matter how crazy it got this year,
I could always count on Lo.
That's Christina.
She's the reverend's daughter.
No, really, she is.
There's Morgan. Her goal is
to save herself for the right guy.
That's Trey. I guess you could say
he was the serious one.
But he also had the best party house
in Laguna.
That guy on the surfboard? That's Talan.
He's a junior and he's hooked up with most
of the girls at our school, twice.
That? That would be Kristin,
another junior.
Wherever Kristin went, drama followed.
She thinks she's hot.
Okay, I guess she is,
but she can't stand me.
Here's the reason why.
I guess he's kind of her boyfriend,
but Stephen and I have been
really close forever.
We're even going to college together
in San Francisco.
Kristin's the wrong girl for him.
I'm just waiting for him to figure it out.
Oh, and me?
I'm Lauren. My friends call me LC.
I've always been the nice girl.
But this year, I realized sometimes
you just have to go after what you want.
And all this drama started
at the black and white party.
[theme music playing]
♪ 'Cause perfect ♪
♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪
♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪
♪ I defy ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪
♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪
♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪
♪ I'm coming clean ♪
[theme music concludes]
-[indistinct chatter]
-[upbeat music playing]
[Morgan] So, I want to go
to the beach so bad.
[Lo] I'd love that!
[Christina] Well, I mean,
that's where you live.
-[Lo] I'm relaxing.
-[Morgan] This is nice.
Are we gonna plan a theme party or what?
What have we done so far?
Like, we've done the whole G.I. Joe…
Maybe, like, dress-up.
Like, a dress-up party.
We did the aristocrat party.
-Like, trophy wife aristocrat--
-But not like that.
Would this be like, go get,
like, a cute new dress…
-[Christina] Isn't that cute.
-Oh, that could work.
Fancy. You won't look at it
and throw it away--
We could make it
like a black-and-white cocktail hour.
-[Lo] Black and white cocktail party.
Also Cammy's, like, no one dressed up.
We have to make sure you're not let
in the door, unless you're fully decked.
Where do you want to have it?
-[Lo] A hotel.
-That would be so rad.
So what should the invitations say?
Everyone's gonna wear black and white,
so let's make it, like, "Black and White…"
A "Black and White Affair."
-That works.
-[Lo] Okay?
Okay, let's do the guest list.
-Just to make sure.
-We'll do 20 and then we'll leave room
for, like, ten, you know, like,
"We forgot you" kinda things.
'Cause there's a lot of times you're like,
"Oh, I meant to invite you
but I just forgot you."
Morgan. Who do we want to come?
-Okay, well, us, obviously.
-[Lo] Our friends.
Maura, Britt and Jill,
Jen, Sahara, Nate, Caitlyn, Jocelyn.
Stephen, Dieter, Trey.
-[coughs loudly]
-[Lo] Drama.
-Just kidding.
-[rock music playing]
-♪ Life is good ♪
♪ When you're around… ♪
[cell phone ringing]
♪ Nothing can bring me down ♪
♪ I can't believe what I have found… ♪
[cell phone continues ringing]
-[music fades]
-[Alex] Hey, Kristin.
-Hey, Alex.
[Alex] Hey, what are you doing?
I'm just laying it out.
What are you doing?
[Alex] Do you still want
to hang out later?
Yeah, I do. I'm just gonna visit Stephen
at the surf shop really quickly…
-[Alex] Okay.
-…before I come get you.
But, um, it'll probably be around,
like, 8:30, 9:00?
-[Alex] How are you and Stephen?
-We're good.
-[Alex] Aw, that's good.
-We're really good, yeah.
[pounding rock music playing]
[music fades]
[Kristin] Stephen…
-[Kristin] Hi.
[chuckles] What's going on?
-[Kristin] Nothing, what are you doing?
-[Stephen] You know, working.
-[Kristin] How is it? Hmm.
-It's lagging. It's dead.
-Aww. [chuckles]
-[Stephen] Shoot me now.
What are you gonna do after?
-[sighs] Going to Trey's barbecue.
-[Kristin] Are you gonna go to that?
Might have to go cook myself a steak.
What are you gonna do?
I told Alex I'd go hang out with her
for a little while
and then we're gonna figure it out.
You don't want to go to Trey's at all?
I don't know, call me
when you get there and then…
I'm not going if Lauren's going.
-[telephone ringing]
-Do you need to get that?
-Surf and Sport.
-[receiver clatters]
Surf and Sport.
Yes, we do do deluxe surf lessons.
Eighty dollars a person per hour.
You have a good night.
-Nice, surf lessons.
-[Kristin laughs]
Have fun working.
You leaving me?
Yeah, I told Alex I'd go pick her up.
[Stephen] Thanks for coming by.
-[Kristin] Okay, bye, Stephen.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Lauren] Hey, Lo, it's Lauren.
I'm still at Trey's.
[indistinct chatter]
I'm, like, the only senior girl here,
so call me when you get this, goodbye.
[Polster] Come over to Trey's right now.
We're having a pre-sesh
at Trey's right now and after that,
we're going to my mom's house.
Is it all right if Shane comes over, too?
-[Polster] Yeah, Shane,
cruise on over, buddy. Knock like,
"Dun-da-da-dun-dun, dun-dun,"
-you know, when you knock.
[Dieter] Do you not like being here?
Do you want to leave?
[Lauren] No, no, I don't care.
Stephen's gonna be here,
like, in a little, huh?
-Yeah, he's gonna come here.
-Are you gonna spend the night there?
-[Talan] Hey, Dieter.
I'm claiming that as mine, that was my hat
from some night, I swear to God.
[Talan] No, it's not.
Trey gave this to me.
-[Dieter] I gave it to--
-It's been in my house, like,
-since he gave it to me.
-Bull-- [bleep].
[Talan] Oh, not cool.
We're going bubble-bathing tonight,
you wanna come?
[Lauren] Bubble-bathing?
We're gonna be putting
bubble bath in Jacuzzis
so that it creates a massive
amount of bubbles.
-Now, why would you do that?
-Why wouldn't you do that?
Because then doesn't he have to, like--
Doesn't he have to empty the Jacuzzi?
[Talan] Well, we're not gonna do it
in my Jacuzzi.
We're gonna go to, like, a hotel--
Well, no, that's mean.
-That's mean?
-Well, all right, I'm sorry.
-How considerate is that?
-She's, like, thinking about the hotel.
-LC always thinks about the smart…
Remember when I used
to be the smart one?
-Yeah, I don't remember that either.
-That never happened.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[rock music continues playing]
-[man] Where's your boyfriend?
-[Dieter exclaims]
-[man] Where's your boyfriend?
-Thanks. Times flies, huh?
-How you doing?
-[Stephen] I gotta be home in 20 minutes.
[Dieter screams]
Great. We're gonna probably leave
in a little bit.
Why don't I give you a call again
at 9:30, all right?
-[Stephen] Did you come solo?
-[Lauren] Yeah.
[shrieks] It's hot.
[Lauren chuckles]
[Kristin] I can't, like,
paint my nails like this.
-[Alex] Kristin.
-[crickets chirping]
You're supposed to put those on
before you paint your toes--
I know, I forgot. [chuckles] I forgot.
Do you know if, um, Stephen
has talked to Lauren,
like, recently at all?
Um, they're friends,
but she's, like, a stuck-up little brat.
Oh, I know.
Yeah, but he's my boyfriend.
[both laugh]
[Alex] If you and Stephen had babies,
-they would be so good-looking.
-They would.
-'Cause Stephen's all tan.
-Stephen's hot.
-Stephen's really hot.
He likes you so much
and he's, like, admitting it to you.
[Kristin] I can't believe it.
Like, he can't help himself smile
whenever he sees you and…
[soft rock music playing]
Gabri, call me tomorrow.
[Gabri] Yep.
We'll send-- We'll give you an invitation.
It's called a "Black and White Affair,"
and you can only wear
black and white, and it's formal.
Yeah, It's Friday night at the Surf
and Sand. And we got the suite.
[quietly cheers]
If you're wearing any color,
you're not allowed in.
♪ Can't help myself… ♪
Just kidding. [chuckles]
[indistinct chatter]
♪ Oh, yeah, you were wild
And I was, too ♪
♪ 'Cause I was really into you ♪
♪ You were really into me ♪
♪ How I wish we were right there
Right now ♪
♪ I know what's wrong
I know what's right ♪
♪ I know how I feel tonight ♪
♪ I can't help, I can't help myself… ♪
I want to go to my house.
[indistinct chatter]
Come over?
See you later.
-[man] All right, dude.
-[Stephen] Yeah, I'm gonna go to my house.
-[music fades out]
-[pop rock music playing]
♪ I guess this is ♪
♪ A different kind of wonderful ♪
♪ We're in love in the real world ♪
♪ It's not what I thought It would be
But I can't let this go… ♪
[Jim] Watch your heads, guys.
♪ A different kind of happiness ♪
♪ Doesn't get more real than this… ♪
[Jim] Keep going, keep going.
That should be about a square width
of hole right there.
How's it going, buddy?
We're just dropping a palm
into my backyard right now.
-[Lauren] Hey, Stephen.
-Cool shades.
[chuckles, sighs]
-[Stephan] Where's your dad at?
-[Lauren] Um, I don't know.
He's somewhere measuring stuff.
[Stephan] Shut up.
He has to do that kind of stuff?
[Lauren] My dad's the architect.
He's gotta do all that fun stuff.
[Stephen] I thought he just draws
the thing.
See, you just-- [chuckles]
There's more to being an architect
than just drawing it.
[Stephen] Do you wear hard hats?
[Lauren] No.
[Stephen] That's kinda random.
People are gonna trip over that so much.
-[Lauren] What?
-[Stephen] The thing right there.
-[Lauren] Oh, it doesn't stay that way.
-[Stephen whistling]
[Stephen] Dude,
you have the sickest view of, like,
anybody I know.
-[Lauren] Come on.
-[Stephen] Awesome.
Sister's room.
[gasps] And my room.
-Is your room the best?
-[Lauren] Of course.
-[Stephen] Of course.
-I think my bed goes here.
-So you're on my bed.
-[Stephen] Where? Nice.
-I have two closets.
-[Stephen] Shut up.
-[Stephen] Oh, yeah, I remember when--
-This is my clothes closet
and that one's my shoe and purse closet.
It's nice.
Done. Done.
[Stephen] Dude, this thing is so gnarly.
This reminds me of the houses on The OC.
[Lauren chuckles]
[gentle piano music playing]
-[waves crashing]
-[Stephen] Oh, my God.
[Lauren] Maybe this is the Jacuzzi?
[Stephen] Look how many people
are down on the beach right now.
No, no, the Jacuzzi's over there.
-[Lauren] Hmm.
-Let's go sit in the Jacuzzi. [chuckles]
It's gonna be so nice.
[Lauren] Oh, just like my old one.
Jets, right now,
I can just picture this. [sighs]
-[imitates jets rumbling]
-[Lauren laughs]
♪ And I'm just dreaming… ♪
[Stephen grunts]
♪Counting the ways to where you are ♪
-That's Kristin's house.
-[Lauren] Right there.
-[Stephen] Oh, yeah.
You're gonna have a nice little room up
in San Francisco
and come back to this place.
Oh, my God.
I'm not gonna want to leave.
[Stephen] You're not gonna want
to leave up there?
-Dude, I'm gonna be--
-No, I'm not gonna want to leave here.
[Stephen] I know.
It's pretty sweet.
♪ Fifteen, there's still time for you ♪
♪ Twenty-two, I feel her too ♪
♪ Thirty-three, you're on your way ♪
♪ Every day's a new day ♪
-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh ♪
-[music fades]
[Kristin] Yeah, like, I don't know,
I'm really stressed out
about Stephen and Lauren,
because last night, he told me
he was going to bed early,
and then today I found out
that he was at her house and…
Do you know if they hooked up?
He says that they didn't.
Does that bum you… I mean,
it's kinda funny, you guys,
like, have a relationship
that's like on and off, 'cause it's…
You hook up with him,
he hooks up with Lauren.
You hook up with him,
he hooks up with… I kinda come in
-on the side, kinda like…
-…grab one of you every once in a while.
You know what I mean? Gosh.
[groans] Our town is so small.
We need another girl.
-Will you just--
-What's that supposed to mean?
I don't know, I mean,
I'm kind of sick of
hooking up with the same girl.
I kinda want--
You're sick of hooking up
with the same girl?
You know it's you.
It seems like whenever I call you,
you're with Stephen.
Whenever I call Lauren…
-She's with Stephen.
-…she's with Stephen.
Either want us to go back out
or stop whatever we're doing.
So do you think it's Lauren's fault
that they're hanging out all the time?
I think it's both their faults.
I hate Lauren, she needs just to, like,
get out of the way.
[chuckles] That's a little harsh.
-[traffic rumbling]
-[Jan] I'm gonna show you the suite.
You have about 30 people,
from what I understand?
The hotel room usually
rents for 700 dollars a night.
[Lauren] Sounds fabulous.
[Lo] Oh, it's so nice.
-[Lauren] Ooh, I like the big deck.
-[Lo] So do I.
I really like the big deck.
[Jan] So, obviously, you see how close,
you know, this guest room
-is to all the other guest rooms.
-[Lauren] Yeah. [chuckles]
-[Lo] Yeah.
-And you know, obviously,
noise is a concern for us
while you're here.
Noise control, yeah.
Yeah, and you know,
and I understand, you know,
you're not planning a dance party
or anything like that,
so it's more kind of a get-together.
Definitely. We're trustworthy,
don't worry.
[Jan] You're trustworthy? All right.
[traffic rumbling]
[Polster] Wait, are you going with LC
or are you going with Kristin?
[Stephen] I don't-- There's like,
mad tension there, so I don't know.
Can you imagine, like, LC
and Kristin, like, fighting over you?
[Stephen] Having Lauren and Kristin
fighting over you?
Kristin's like a really good girl
to hook up with and have fun with.
And that's why I'm so amped
and I love, like,
we can just have, like, so much fun.
But, coming down, like,
to the boyfriend and girlfriend stuff,
it's like
Lauren would be, like, a better girl.
-[Polster] Such drama.
-It is.
You are a senior, though, dude.
I know, like, it sucks for me
'cause I don't know what to do
and like either way,
I'm gonna be, like, hurting one.
Yeah, dude.
It's a tough choice, man
but it's a predicament and a half.
[sighs] That's the way it goes.
-[lively music playing]
-[water splashing]
-[doorbell rings]
-[crickets chirping]
-[Stephen] Hey, hello.
What's up?
-Yep. As I'll ever be.
-Bye, Dad.
-See you, Dennis.
[Dennis] All right.
♪ We can go crazy ♪
♪ Now that you hear me calling you ♪
♪ I know I'm getting through ♪
♪ Baby, nothing can faze me ♪
♪ Now you can hear me calling you ♪
- ♪ I know I'm getting through ♪
-[music fades]
What the hell did Talan say to you today…
[clears throat] …to get you so pissed off?
[indistinct chatter]
-At you?
-[Stephen] Yeah.
I sent you two messages
and then you're like--
you're like,
"I know why you're not responding,
'cause I know you're lying,"
or something like that.
You did lie to me.
I didn't lie to you. I went to sleep…
[coughs] …last night.
Taylor saw you at 9:15, Stephen.
Where… Where did she see me?
Driving down from Lauren's house.
How does she know I was at Lauren's house?
Well, you were, so I mean,
don't say that, because you were.
Maybe Taylor did see me,
but it wasn't at 9:15, that's for sure.
I know, so you were at Lauren's house.
-You just lied to me.
-That's what I'm saying.
I was there. It was probably--
Like I said, it was, like, 7:30
when I was there.
So then what were you doing up there?
See, I don't believe you.
She was weirded out
'cause people asked her,
"So what's going on with, like,
you and Stephen?"
Stuff like that, and she didn't know
what to say. I'm like…
She can be like,
"Uh, nothing, we're friends."
I guess that's not the way she feels
or something like that.
And all I heard about was you--
that you and Lauren had sex.
And like, "Oh, Stephen and Lauren…"
And like, Lauren-- Forget it.
There were so many times I could have gone
and like hung out with her.
All right, I don't like her. I hate her.
[soft pop rock music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
But I am over it,
if all I'm gonna hear about is you
and Lauren… you know?
Then, yeah, I'm over it.
♪ Every time you go away ♪
♪ The hole inside my head
There's a rain cloud… ♪
[music fades]
[upbeat rock music playing]
-[Morgan] Its fun getting ready, though.
-[Lo] I know.
[Lauren] I like getting ready.
Even if you don't really do anything.
I'm wearing this.
This, really? That's so cute.
[Morgan] You know the dress I wore
to prom sophomore year?
Oh, when you were
with Hugh and he got kicked out.
-[Lo] Is that the one with the bow?
[girls laughing]
-Her freshman year dress.
-[Morgan] Shut up.
Did you see my dress? It was orange.
-I had a cute dress.
-[Lauren] Lo had a cute dress.
It was the BCBG one…
It was the BCBG one,
like, green with the, like…
Oh, that one was so pretty.
I remember I tried to fit into it.
[chuckles] You told me I couldn't.
Kristin and all the junior girls
are coming, right?
[Lauren] What do you think Kristin
and Stephen are gonna fight about tonight?
I don't know,
but hopefully they're not loud.
-[Lauren] Oh, they will be.
-[girls chuckling]
I wish I had a white dress.
I know, that's what I wanted to wear.
I know. I have not found
a cute white dress, like, ever.
They're all trashy and tacky and…
-[Alex] Aww, you look pretty.
[Kristin] I have to ask,
what shoes should I wear?
-Okay, all right, this one?
-[Alex] Mm-hmm.
[Kristin] Or this one?
That-- those look more
appropriate with the outfit.
[Kristin] I'm gonna call Stephen
and make sure they're coming at 7:00.
I'm really not into this.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Trey] Bus is leaving!
[car engine rumbling]
♪ Just another game of wait and see… ♪
-[Dieter] The cologne?
-[Stephen] I ran over it.
It's broken.
You just ran over my [bleep]
expensive [bleep] thing of cologne, dude.
[Stephen laughs] It wasn't our fault.
[Dieter] How are you not at fault
for running over my cologne?
If I put a baby next to your car,
you gonna run over it?
[Stephen] Why would you put
a baby next to--
Why would I put cologne
next to your car, dude?
That's my question. That's your fault.
-[bleep] off.
[Morgan] This will be the best
party of our senior year.
You got that?
[upbeat music playing]
What's-- What's Kristin's phone number?
'Cause she's with all the--
I just spoke to Dieter, and I told--
He's like, "Me, Stephen,
Kristin and Jessica
are gonna stop by and say hi,
-then we're cruising over to Polster's."
I want to stay for, like, five.
[Stephen] Please…
-[Stephen] Oh, my God.
Okay, I'm sorry, Stephen, I don't want
to hang out with these people right now.
[knocking on door]
[Lauren] Hi!
♪ That's what you're looking for
But can't you see ♪
♪ It will never be easy
Never be easy ♪
-[Jessica] Hey, Lauren.
-[Lauren] Hi.
[Stephen] How's it going?
This is Trey's suit
and it's blue and white.
I know! [chuckles]
This is fun now.
Let's turn up the music and dance.
-[Stephen] Oh!
-[indistinct chatter]
-Hey, guys, come on, let's dance.
[Morgan] Come on, everyone, dance!
[upbeat hip-hop music playing]
♪ You can tell by the way I use my walk
By the way I talk and the way I move ♪
-♪ I'm not playing, mama ♪
-♪ I'm not playing, mama ♪
♪ You can tell by the way
I play this game ♪
♪ When I check my change
And I do my thing… ♪
Wait, you guys have to come sleep here
and we're doing a 2:00 Bluebird run.
We're all running down there
and jumping in the water.
-Naked, check.
-No, I'm wearing a bathing suit.
-You can go naked.
Stephen's like,
"We're only here for five minutes."
This is bull… [bleep].
[indistinct chatter]
Is this, like, the boycotting
hotel room party right here?
I like that we're all wearing black
and that Kristin is wearing white.
How ironic.
I'm the only one that wore white,
I'm different.
-I just want to shove…
-I know.
All right, let's go.
Yeah, I don't… Stephen's lagging.
[indistinct shouting]
♪ Hit the throttle
Yous a fool ♪
♪ You can tell by the way I use my walk
By the way I talk and the way I move… ♪
All right, I'm going on the balcony.
[bleep] …over it.
♪ If he ain't the rilla
I ain't wid it ♪
I'm getting out of here.
I'm leaving.
[indistinct chatter]
Then leave.
I swear…
I swear, if Kristin says she wants
to leave one more time,
I'm gonna pick up-- pick her up
and physically remove her from the hotel.
-[country rock music playing]
-♪ I confess ♪
♪ There's something tragic in her eyes ♪
♪ She's blessed, depressed ♪
♪ Her inner beauty remains confined ♪
♪ Will she stay
I've dealt with all her dreams… ♪
I seriously, like, need
to get out of here.
I'm sorry, I just can't be here.
♪ Wonder why ♪
-[crowd laughing]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Kristin] Stephen, let's get out of here.
♪ Then lets it bleed ♪
[Kristin] Come on.
All right, thank you.
♪ And she don't need no help
Outside herself… ♪
[Jessica] What, we're leaving?
Why aren't we staying?
[girls laughing]
-You bummed?
-I'm so bummed right now.
-On the whole night?
Skinny dip sesh, later.
-[somber music playing]
♪ When you disappear without a trace ♪
♪ Color fades from view ♪
♪ Oh, your shadows stare me in my face ♪
♪ It's a sharp turn ♪
♪ That takes me far
From where I wanna be ♪
-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Lauren] This is where
it all happened.
Laguna Beach, California,
a small town in the OC,
where I grew up.
I just finished my senior year
of high school, a year I'll never forget.
I'm really going to miss my friends,
especially my best friend, Lo.
No matter how crazy it got this year,
I could always count on Lo.
That's Christina.
She's the reverend's daughter.
No, really, she is.
There's Morgan. Her goal is
to save herself for the right guy.
That's Trey. I guess you could say
he was the serious one.
But he also had the best party house
in Laguna.
That guy on the surfboard? That's Talan.
He's a junior and he's hooked up with most
of the girls at our school, twice.
That? That would be Kristin,
another junior.
Wherever Kristin went, drama followed.
She thinks she's hot.
Okay, I guess she is,
but she can't stand me.
Here's the reason why.
I guess he's kind of her boyfriend,
but Stephen and I have been
really close forever.
We're even going to college together
in San Francisco.
Kristin's the wrong girl for him.
I'm just waiting for him to figure it out.
Oh, and me?
I'm Lauren. My friends call me LC.
I've always been the nice girl.
But this year, I realized sometimes
you just have to go after what you want.
And all this drama started
at the black and white party.
[theme music playing]
♪ 'Cause perfect ♪
♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪
♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪
♪ I defy ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪
♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪
♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪
♪ I'm coming clean ♪
[theme music concludes]
-[indistinct chatter]
-[upbeat music playing]
[Morgan] So, I want to go
to the beach so bad.
[Lo] I'd love that!
[Christina] Well, I mean,
that's where you live.
-[Lo] I'm relaxing.
-[Morgan] This is nice.
Are we gonna plan a theme party or what?
What have we done so far?
Like, we've done the whole G.I. Joe…
Maybe, like, dress-up.
Like, a dress-up party.
We did the aristocrat party.
-Like, trophy wife aristocrat--
-But not like that.
Would this be like, go get,
like, a cute new dress…
-[Christina] Isn't that cute.
-Oh, that could work.
Fancy. You won't look at it
and throw it away--
We could make it
like a black-and-white cocktail hour.
-[Lo] Black and white cocktail party.
Also Cammy's, like, no one dressed up.
We have to make sure you're not let
in the door, unless you're fully decked.
Where do you want to have it?
-[Lo] A hotel.
-That would be so rad.
So what should the invitations say?
Everyone's gonna wear black and white,
so let's make it, like, "Black and White…"
A "Black and White Affair."
-That works.
-[Lo] Okay?
Okay, let's do the guest list.
-Just to make sure.
-We'll do 20 and then we'll leave room
for, like, ten, you know, like,
"We forgot you" kinda things.
'Cause there's a lot of times you're like,
"Oh, I meant to invite you
but I just forgot you."
Morgan. Who do we want to come?
-Okay, well, us, obviously.
-[Lo] Our friends.
Maura, Britt and Jill,
Jen, Sahara, Nate, Caitlyn, Jocelyn.
Stephen, Dieter, Trey.
-[coughs loudly]
-[Lo] Drama.
-Just kidding.
-[rock music playing]
-♪ Life is good ♪
♪ When you're around… ♪
[cell phone ringing]
♪ Nothing can bring me down ♪
♪ I can't believe what I have found… ♪
[cell phone continues ringing]
-[music fades]
-[Alex] Hey, Kristin.
-Hey, Alex.
[Alex] Hey, what are you doing?
I'm just laying it out.
What are you doing?
[Alex] Do you still want
to hang out later?
Yeah, I do. I'm just gonna visit Stephen
at the surf shop really quickly…
-[Alex] Okay.
-…before I come get you.
But, um, it'll probably be around,
like, 8:30, 9:00?
-[Alex] How are you and Stephen?
-We're good.
-[Alex] Aw, that's good.
-We're really good, yeah.
[pounding rock music playing]
[music fades]
[Kristin] Stephen…
-[Kristin] Hi.
[chuckles] What's going on?
-[Kristin] Nothing, what are you doing?
-[Stephen] You know, working.
-[Kristin] How is it? Hmm.
-It's lagging. It's dead.
-Aww. [chuckles]
-[Stephen] Shoot me now.
What are you gonna do after?
-[sighs] Going to Trey's barbecue.
-[Kristin] Are you gonna go to that?
Might have to go cook myself a steak.
What are you gonna do?
I told Alex I'd go hang out with her
for a little while
and then we're gonna figure it out.
You don't want to go to Trey's at all?
I don't know, call me
when you get there and then…
I'm not going if Lauren's going.
-[telephone ringing]
-Do you need to get that?
-Surf and Sport.
-[receiver clatters]
Surf and Sport.
Yes, we do do deluxe surf lessons.
Eighty dollars a person per hour.
You have a good night.
-Nice, surf lessons.
-[Kristin laughs]
Have fun working.
You leaving me?
Yeah, I told Alex I'd go pick her up.
[Stephen] Thanks for coming by.
-[Kristin] Okay, bye, Stephen.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Lauren] Hey, Lo, it's Lauren.
I'm still at Trey's.
[indistinct chatter]
I'm, like, the only senior girl here,
so call me when you get this, goodbye.
[Polster] Come over to Trey's right now.
We're having a pre-sesh
at Trey's right now and after that,
we're going to my mom's house.
Is it all right if Shane comes over, too?
-[Polster] Yeah, Shane,
cruise on over, buddy. Knock like,
"Dun-da-da-dun-dun, dun-dun,"
-you know, when you knock.
[Dieter] Do you not like being here?
Do you want to leave?
[Lauren] No, no, I don't care.
Stephen's gonna be here,
like, in a little, huh?
-Yeah, he's gonna come here.
-Are you gonna spend the night there?
-[Talan] Hey, Dieter.
I'm claiming that as mine, that was my hat
from some night, I swear to God.
[Talan] No, it's not.
Trey gave this to me.
-[Dieter] I gave it to--
-It's been in my house, like,
-since he gave it to me.
-Bull-- [bleep].
[Talan] Oh, not cool.
We're going bubble-bathing tonight,
you wanna come?
[Lauren] Bubble-bathing?
We're gonna be putting
bubble bath in Jacuzzis
so that it creates a massive
amount of bubbles.
-Now, why would you do that?
-Why wouldn't you do that?
Because then doesn't he have to, like--
Doesn't he have to empty the Jacuzzi?
[Talan] Well, we're not gonna do it
in my Jacuzzi.
We're gonna go to, like, a hotel--
Well, no, that's mean.
-That's mean?
-Well, all right, I'm sorry.
-How considerate is that?
-She's, like, thinking about the hotel.
-LC always thinks about the smart…
Remember when I used
to be the smart one?
-Yeah, I don't remember that either.
-That never happened.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[rock music continues playing]
-[man] Where's your boyfriend?
-[Dieter exclaims]
-[man] Where's your boyfriend?
-Thanks. Times flies, huh?
-How you doing?
-[Stephen] I gotta be home in 20 minutes.
[Dieter screams]
Great. We're gonna probably leave
in a little bit.
Why don't I give you a call again
at 9:30, all right?
-[Stephen] Did you come solo?
-[Lauren] Yeah.
[shrieks] It's hot.
[Lauren chuckles]
[Kristin] I can't, like,
paint my nails like this.
-[Alex] Kristin.
-[crickets chirping]
You're supposed to put those on
before you paint your toes--
I know, I forgot. [chuckles] I forgot.
Do you know if, um, Stephen
has talked to Lauren,
like, recently at all?
Um, they're friends,
but she's, like, a stuck-up little brat.
Oh, I know.
Yeah, but he's my boyfriend.
[both laugh]
[Alex] If you and Stephen had babies,
-they would be so good-looking.
-They would.
-'Cause Stephen's all tan.
-Stephen's hot.
-Stephen's really hot.
He likes you so much
and he's, like, admitting it to you.
[Kristin] I can't believe it.
Like, he can't help himself smile
whenever he sees you and…
[soft rock music playing]
Gabri, call me tomorrow.
[Gabri] Yep.
We'll send-- We'll give you an invitation.
It's called a "Black and White Affair,"
and you can only wear
black and white, and it's formal.
Yeah, It's Friday night at the Surf
and Sand. And we got the suite.
[quietly cheers]
If you're wearing any color,
you're not allowed in.
♪ Can't help myself… ♪
Just kidding. [chuckles]
[indistinct chatter]
♪ Oh, yeah, you were wild
And I was, too ♪
♪ 'Cause I was really into you ♪
♪ You were really into me ♪
♪ How I wish we were right there
Right now ♪
♪ I know what's wrong
I know what's right ♪
♪ I know how I feel tonight ♪
♪ I can't help, I can't help myself… ♪
I want to go to my house.
[indistinct chatter]
Come over?
See you later.
-[man] All right, dude.
-[Stephen] Yeah, I'm gonna go to my house.
-[music fades out]
-[pop rock music playing]
♪ I guess this is ♪
♪ A different kind of wonderful ♪
♪ We're in love in the real world ♪
♪ It's not what I thought It would be
But I can't let this go… ♪
[Jim] Watch your heads, guys.
♪ A different kind of happiness ♪
♪ Doesn't get more real than this… ♪
[Jim] Keep going, keep going.
That should be about a square width
of hole right there.
How's it going, buddy?
We're just dropping a palm
into my backyard right now.
-[Lauren] Hey, Stephen.
-Cool shades.
[chuckles, sighs]
-[Stephan] Where's your dad at?
-[Lauren] Um, I don't know.
He's somewhere measuring stuff.
[Stephan] Shut up.
He has to do that kind of stuff?
[Lauren] My dad's the architect.
He's gotta do all that fun stuff.
[Stephen] I thought he just draws
the thing.
See, you just-- [chuckles]
There's more to being an architect
than just drawing it.
[Stephen] Do you wear hard hats?
[Lauren] No.
[Stephen] That's kinda random.
People are gonna trip over that so much.
-[Lauren] What?
-[Stephen] The thing right there.
-[Lauren] Oh, it doesn't stay that way.
-[Stephen whistling]
[Stephen] Dude,
you have the sickest view of, like,
anybody I know.
-[Lauren] Come on.
-[Stephen] Awesome.
Sister's room.
[gasps] And my room.
-Is your room the best?
-[Lauren] Of course.
-[Stephen] Of course.
-I think my bed goes here.
-So you're on my bed.
-[Stephen] Where? Nice.
-I have two closets.
-[Stephen] Shut up.
-[Stephen] Oh, yeah, I remember when--
-This is my clothes closet
and that one's my shoe and purse closet.
It's nice.
Done. Done.
[Stephen] Dude, this thing is so gnarly.
This reminds me of the houses on The OC.
[Lauren chuckles]
[gentle piano music playing]
-[waves crashing]
-[Stephen] Oh, my God.
[Lauren] Maybe this is the Jacuzzi?
[Stephen] Look how many people
are down on the beach right now.
No, no, the Jacuzzi's over there.
-[Lauren] Hmm.
-Let's go sit in the Jacuzzi. [chuckles]
It's gonna be so nice.
[Lauren] Oh, just like my old one.
Jets, right now,
I can just picture this. [sighs]
-[imitates jets rumbling]
-[Lauren laughs]
♪ And I'm just dreaming… ♪
[Stephen grunts]
♪Counting the ways to where you are ♪
-That's Kristin's house.
-[Lauren] Right there.
-[Stephen] Oh, yeah.
You're gonna have a nice little room up
in San Francisco
and come back to this place.
Oh, my God.
I'm not gonna want to leave.
[Stephen] You're not gonna want
to leave up there?
-Dude, I'm gonna be--
-No, I'm not gonna want to leave here.
[Stephen] I know.
It's pretty sweet.
♪ Fifteen, there's still time for you ♪
♪ Twenty-two, I feel her too ♪
♪ Thirty-three, you're on your way ♪
♪ Every day's a new day ♪
-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh ♪
-[music fades]
[Kristin] Yeah, like, I don't know,
I'm really stressed out
about Stephen and Lauren,
because last night, he told me
he was going to bed early,
and then today I found out
that he was at her house and…
Do you know if they hooked up?
He says that they didn't.
Does that bum you… I mean,
it's kinda funny, you guys,
like, have a relationship
that's like on and off, 'cause it's…
You hook up with him,
he hooks up with Lauren.
You hook up with him,
he hooks up with… I kinda come in
-on the side, kinda like…
-…grab one of you every once in a while.
You know what I mean? Gosh.
[groans] Our town is so small.
We need another girl.
-Will you just--
-What's that supposed to mean?
I don't know, I mean,
I'm kind of sick of
hooking up with the same girl.
I kinda want--
You're sick of hooking up
with the same girl?
You know it's you.
It seems like whenever I call you,
you're with Stephen.
Whenever I call Lauren…
-She's with Stephen.
-…she's with Stephen.
Either want us to go back out
or stop whatever we're doing.
So do you think it's Lauren's fault
that they're hanging out all the time?
I think it's both their faults.
I hate Lauren, she needs just to, like,
get out of the way.
[chuckles] That's a little harsh.
-[traffic rumbling]
-[Jan] I'm gonna show you the suite.
You have about 30 people,
from what I understand?
The hotel room usually
rents for 700 dollars a night.
[Lauren] Sounds fabulous.
[Lo] Oh, it's so nice.
-[Lauren] Ooh, I like the big deck.
-[Lo] So do I.
I really like the big deck.
[Jan] So, obviously, you see how close,
you know, this guest room
-is to all the other guest rooms.
-[Lauren] Yeah. [chuckles]
-[Lo] Yeah.
-And you know, obviously,
noise is a concern for us
while you're here.
Noise control, yeah.
Yeah, and you know,
and I understand, you know,
you're not planning a dance party
or anything like that,
so it's more kind of a get-together.
Definitely. We're trustworthy,
don't worry.
[Jan] You're trustworthy? All right.
[traffic rumbling]
[Polster] Wait, are you going with LC
or are you going with Kristin?
[Stephen] I don't-- There's like,
mad tension there, so I don't know.
Can you imagine, like, LC
and Kristin, like, fighting over you?
[Stephen] Having Lauren and Kristin
fighting over you?
Kristin's like a really good girl
to hook up with and have fun with.
And that's why I'm so amped
and I love, like,
we can just have, like, so much fun.
But, coming down, like,
to the boyfriend and girlfriend stuff,
it's like
Lauren would be, like, a better girl.
-[Polster] Such drama.
-It is.
You are a senior, though, dude.
I know, like, it sucks for me
'cause I don't know what to do
and like either way,
I'm gonna be, like, hurting one.
Yeah, dude.
It's a tough choice, man
but it's a predicament and a half.
[sighs] That's the way it goes.
-[lively music playing]
-[water splashing]
-[doorbell rings]
-[crickets chirping]
-[Stephen] Hey, hello.
What's up?
-Yep. As I'll ever be.
-Bye, Dad.
-See you, Dennis.
[Dennis] All right.
♪ We can go crazy ♪
♪ Now that you hear me calling you ♪
♪ I know I'm getting through ♪
♪ Baby, nothing can faze me ♪
♪ Now you can hear me calling you ♪
- ♪ I know I'm getting through ♪
-[music fades]
What the hell did Talan say to you today…
[clears throat] …to get you so pissed off?
[indistinct chatter]
-At you?
-[Stephen] Yeah.
I sent you two messages
and then you're like--
you're like,
"I know why you're not responding,
'cause I know you're lying,"
or something like that.
You did lie to me.
I didn't lie to you. I went to sleep…
[coughs] …last night.
Taylor saw you at 9:15, Stephen.
Where… Where did she see me?
Driving down from Lauren's house.
How does she know I was at Lauren's house?
Well, you were, so I mean,
don't say that, because you were.
Maybe Taylor did see me,
but it wasn't at 9:15, that's for sure.
I know, so you were at Lauren's house.
-You just lied to me.
-That's what I'm saying.
I was there. It was probably--
Like I said, it was, like, 7:30
when I was there.
So then what were you doing up there?
See, I don't believe you.
She was weirded out
'cause people asked her,
"So what's going on with, like,
you and Stephen?"
Stuff like that, and she didn't know
what to say. I'm like…
She can be like,
"Uh, nothing, we're friends."
I guess that's not the way she feels
or something like that.
And all I heard about was you--
that you and Lauren had sex.
And like, "Oh, Stephen and Lauren…"
And like, Lauren-- Forget it.
There were so many times I could have gone
and like hung out with her.
All right, I don't like her. I hate her.
[soft pop rock music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
But I am over it,
if all I'm gonna hear about is you
and Lauren… you know?
Then, yeah, I'm over it.
♪ Every time you go away ♪
♪ The hole inside my head
There's a rain cloud… ♪
[music fades]
[upbeat rock music playing]
-[Morgan] Its fun getting ready, though.
-[Lo] I know.
[Lauren] I like getting ready.
Even if you don't really do anything.
I'm wearing this.
This, really? That's so cute.
[Morgan] You know the dress I wore
to prom sophomore year?
Oh, when you were
with Hugh and he got kicked out.
-[Lo] Is that the one with the bow?
[girls laughing]
-Her freshman year dress.
-[Morgan] Shut up.
Did you see my dress? It was orange.
-I had a cute dress.
-[Lauren] Lo had a cute dress.
It was the BCBG one…
It was the BCBG one,
like, green with the, like…
Oh, that one was so pretty.
I remember I tried to fit into it.
[chuckles] You told me I couldn't.
Kristin and all the junior girls
are coming, right?
[Lauren] What do you think Kristin
and Stephen are gonna fight about tonight?
I don't know,
but hopefully they're not loud.
-[Lauren] Oh, they will be.
-[girls chuckling]
I wish I had a white dress.
I know, that's what I wanted to wear.
I know. I have not found
a cute white dress, like, ever.
They're all trashy and tacky and…
-[Alex] Aww, you look pretty.
[Kristin] I have to ask,
what shoes should I wear?
-Okay, all right, this one?
-[Alex] Mm-hmm.
[Kristin] Or this one?
That-- those look more
appropriate with the outfit.
[Kristin] I'm gonna call Stephen
and make sure they're coming at 7:00.
I'm really not into this.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Trey] Bus is leaving!
[car engine rumbling]
♪ Just another game of wait and see… ♪
-[Dieter] The cologne?
-[Stephen] I ran over it.
It's broken.
You just ran over my [bleep]
expensive [bleep] thing of cologne, dude.
[Stephen laughs] It wasn't our fault.
[Dieter] How are you not at fault
for running over my cologne?
If I put a baby next to your car,
you gonna run over it?
[Stephen] Why would you put
a baby next to--
Why would I put cologne
next to your car, dude?
That's my question. That's your fault.
-[bleep] off.
[Morgan] This will be the best
party of our senior year.
You got that?
[upbeat music playing]
What's-- What's Kristin's phone number?
'Cause she's with all the--
I just spoke to Dieter, and I told--
He's like, "Me, Stephen,
Kristin and Jessica
are gonna stop by and say hi,
-then we're cruising over to Polster's."
I want to stay for, like, five.
[Stephen] Please…
-[Stephen] Oh, my God.
Okay, I'm sorry, Stephen, I don't want
to hang out with these people right now.
[knocking on door]
[Lauren] Hi!
♪ That's what you're looking for
But can't you see ♪
♪ It will never be easy
Never be easy ♪
-[Jessica] Hey, Lauren.
-[Lauren] Hi.
[Stephen] How's it going?
This is Trey's suit
and it's blue and white.
I know! [chuckles]
This is fun now.
Let's turn up the music and dance.
-[Stephen] Oh!
-[indistinct chatter]
-Hey, guys, come on, let's dance.
[Morgan] Come on, everyone, dance!
[upbeat hip-hop music playing]
♪ You can tell by the way I use my walk
By the way I talk and the way I move ♪
-♪ I'm not playing, mama ♪
-♪ I'm not playing, mama ♪
♪ You can tell by the way
I play this game ♪
♪ When I check my change
And I do my thing… ♪
Wait, you guys have to come sleep here
and we're doing a 2:00 Bluebird run.
We're all running down there
and jumping in the water.
-Naked, check.
-No, I'm wearing a bathing suit.
-You can go naked.
Stephen's like,
"We're only here for five minutes."
This is bull… [bleep].
[indistinct chatter]
Is this, like, the boycotting
hotel room party right here?
I like that we're all wearing black
and that Kristin is wearing white.
How ironic.
I'm the only one that wore white,
I'm different.
-I just want to shove…
-I know.
All right, let's go.
Yeah, I don't… Stephen's lagging.
[indistinct shouting]
♪ Hit the throttle
Yous a fool ♪
♪ You can tell by the way I use my walk
By the way I talk and the way I move… ♪
All right, I'm going on the balcony.
[bleep] …over it.
♪ If he ain't the rilla
I ain't wid it ♪
I'm getting out of here.
I'm leaving.
[indistinct chatter]
Then leave.
I swear…
I swear, if Kristin says she wants
to leave one more time,
I'm gonna pick up-- pick her up
and physically remove her from the hotel.
-[country rock music playing]
-♪ I confess ♪
♪ There's something tragic in her eyes ♪
♪ She's blessed, depressed ♪
♪ Her inner beauty remains confined ♪
♪ Will she stay
I've dealt with all her dreams… ♪
I seriously, like, need
to get out of here.
I'm sorry, I just can't be here.
♪ Wonder why ♪
-[crowd laughing]
-[indistinct chatter]
[Kristin] Stephen, let's get out of here.
♪ Then lets it bleed ♪
[Kristin] Come on.
All right, thank you.
♪ And she don't need no help
Outside herself… ♪
[Jessica] What, we're leaving?
Why aren't we staying?
[girls laughing]
-You bummed?
-I'm so bummed right now.
-On the whole night?
Skinny dip sesh, later.
-[somber music playing]
♪ When you disappear without a trace ♪
♪ Color fades from view ♪
♪ Oh, your shadows stare me in my face ♪
♪ It's a sharp turn ♪
♪ That takes me far
From where I wanna be ♪
-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!