La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 60 - A hierro matas, a hierro mueres - full transcript

When Charlie threatens to kill Mateo, Ruiz calls for help. At the Mexico City meeting, suspicions are raised, forcing Teresa to go off-script.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


-Calm down. I came to turn myself in.
-It's been so long.

From Mateo?

-He'll be back.
-So he just left?

-He left a letter.

I can't believe he turned himself in.

He did it
to help the priest and to protect us.

Where are your friends?

For how long did Mateo say
they've been hiding?

All I know is that
they got a place in here.

You need to make them believe,
truly believe,

that you've got info valuable to them.

They couldn't have gone far.

Paloma and Fedor may have found
something about Garrido's contact.

-I know that you're the informant.
-What will we do?

We'll do as she says.

We're all ready
to take this to the very end.

I've got a plan we could use.

The plan is for you to act
as catering providers.

We'll somehow place
these fucking microphones.

I don't know how much
I'll be able to help, I'll do what I can.




Are you there, Fedor?

Teresa, I'm with you.

Okay. Keep your eyes open.

Thanks to this gathering,
he's forgotten about Teresa Mendoza.

-At least for now.
-What about the guys?

They belong
to the senator's faction.

Excuse me.

Lieutenant Romo?

What happened?


I'm on my way.

What is it?

A suspicious unit showed up.
I'll go check what's going on.

My name is Delio Jurado,
the president's secretary.

It's a pleasure to have you here.

The senator wants to know
if everyone's here.


-Yeah, I'm here.

Senator Kozar is the woman in blue.

-Which camera is the closest?
-This one.


And who's at her side?

Owen Whitaker.

He owns the house where they meet.

Kozar became closer
to him than to the rest.

We can't hear clearly, Fedor.

-Could you raise the volume?
-On it.

She wants to know
about the President.

-Security's tighter than usual?
-I told you there'd be lots of big fish.

-The crème de la crème.
-I'm glad you're here.

-Is everyone here?
-All of them. Kozar's asking for you.


Let's introduce her
to Mexico's President, then.

Describe the perimeter, agent. Over.

I've got intel.

Go ahead, Ruiz.

According to the neighbors,
these people left about an hour ago.

Did they describe any of them?


They never left the house.

Look at what I found.

"Estate for rent.

At the Coffee Triangle.
For days, weeks or months.

Perfect for a family vacation."

Two others were marked.

Guess what?


And they are in the Coffee Triangle too.


I don't have the time to play
hide and seek with Faustino.

-What are you gonna do?
-What I should've done from the beginning.

Make Mateo Mena talk.

That boy knows way more than he lets on.

Even if he does, you know
he won't cooperate.

I'm not going to ask.

Mateo Mena is aiding criminals.

Therefore, he's a criminal himself
and has no rights.

I'll take him for a walk.

If he doesn't talk...

he'll never talk again.

You can't take him outside.


I got him in.

-I can take him out.

but he's under custody.

Under custody...

Listen, Ruiz.

I can fix that with a call.

Check this.

Listen, you son of a bitch.

You won't be doing as you please.

If anything happens to Mateo, sir,
you'll be answering for it.

You feel safe. Don't you, Ruiz?

I'll give you some advice, asshole.

Mind your words.

I wouldn't like to think
you're threatening me.

I am threatening you.

I'll fix this Mateo Mena business first.

But don't you worry...

I'll come back for you.

Haven't seen anything like this.

Believe me, me neither.

In addition to the keys,
we found this next to the glass.

How did this make it past
two security layers?

Not a clue.

My guess is that they left it
in the area last night.

They hid it in the parking lot
and retrieved it.

They played us for fools!

There's someone
tracking our every movement.

Who else knows about this, Romo?

Only my men, sir.

They checked every inch and found nothing.

What should we do with it?

Who knew after all this time
we'd get to meet?

The Senator assures you
that she's more surprised.

-Here's my wife.
-First Lady...


-It's a pleasure.
-It sure is.

Now we know each other,

we should start our meeting.

-What is it? I'm busy.
-I need a few minutes.

We've got a difficult situation.

What happened?

-I couldn't hear anything.
-Me neither.

Fedor said that none
of the cameras got it.

There's something going on
and I don't know what it is!

Did you bring it here?

What else could we do?
We couldn't allow people to see it.

What does the note say?

That this is the second message
they're sending me,

and the third one won't be either
the truck or the stone that hit you.

These assholes are going to fuck us over.

They got that truck right under our noses
and we didn't notice.

You should tell them that you're
on their side, that you're allies now.

Listen, my friend.

I won't let them grab me by the balls.

-Please reconsider.
-With all due respect,

but Mr. Delio is right.

That truck could have been loaded
with bombs, and your drove past it.

-I'm glad to see you again, Senator.

-How are you?

-Same here.

This idiot thinks she fooled her.

We just need them
to talk about that fucking business.

No, no, no! Stay right there!

We lost them.

Do you have a better camera?

This is all we have.

Eh... tell her there's none,

and that we should start the meeting.

She says that she agrees
and asking where the meeting will happen.

At the Almirante Hall.

I'll be here, waiting to escort you.

Genoveva said they're headed
for Hall. They'll discuss there.

Now what?

We need another camera.

Hey, hey. Where do you think you're going?

I brought this.
There was a room change.

Sure, but only authorized waiters
can get in here.

Yeah, and I'm authorized.

I authorized him.
Is it ready?

Excuse me, ma'am. That's what was told...

Are you arguing against my order?

No, ma'am, but the President...

The President cannot stand
a meeting without food.

Please go ahead.

This way.

A little.



Father Gonzalo?

This is Agent Ruiz.

Yes, Mateo is fine. Listen to me.

I don't know who else to call.

We need someone who can help us right now.

As soon as possible.

Mateo is underage.

That's going to help him.
I don't think he'll get a jail sentence.

-How much do you think he'll get?
-That's hard to say.


Holy fuck...

Did the priest say that?

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

Thank you for the info.

-What's wrong with him?

Some cop tipped the priest off

about that fucker, Charlie, who plans
to take Mateo outside to make him talk.

No, he can't do that.


He couldn't have killed my vampi,
but he did so anyway.

You know what?

This is my business and I'll deal with it.

-I'm coming with you.
-No. You're not coming anywhere.

Helping Mateo is my right.
Please let me go with you.

She's not saying anything useful.

Relax. What matters is that we are
in the position we wanted.

Well, then.
The question is...

Who among you is Uriel?

Fucking what?

So, together, you're all Uriel?

That explains why you're a power.

You know who I am,

and you know that I know
some things about you that...

-Excuse me. I'm sorry.

The Senator says that
we can't start until Mr. Whitaker returns.


-What's going on?
-Owen Whitaker.

I think he recognized me.



-Is he dead?

I had to leave him unconscious.
He's following me.

We need to be discreet.

Let's find a place that won't raise
suspicion. Maybe an abandoned building.

Anything, okay?

Leave it to me.


-That's Teresa's daughter.
-What's she doing here?

I don't know.

Maybe she came to visit her boyfriend,
but I won't let her slip away.

Watch the gates in case she comes back
or one of her friends shows up.

I'll keep you posted.

She's convinced something happened.
She demands that you look for him.

He's probably fine. Security here's better
than at the White House.

She asked
if everything's okay

as he's not answering.
She demands to have someone look for him.


I know Kozar. She's going to leave.

The mission's fucked.
What are we going to do?

One of these guys is lost.

Some really tall fucker.

Blond, blue-eyed.

Give the order.

And call Arismendi.

Yes, sir.


You've described Owen.

He's here as part of Senator Kozar's team.

what does the ambassador's security say?

I warned them. They're looking for him.

No one disappears just like that.

After what I saw today,
I don't know what to think.

Anything could happen.

Do you think
this has something to do...

I don't know anymore.

What I need to do now
is tell my men to start searching.

Be on your guard, Sandoval.

She says at least
you could ensure the safety...

Remind the Senator...

that the guy left of his own volition.

No one came for him.

-She says that...
-Tell her that I'm the president.

She can't threaten me.

No, no, no! I'm not losing
this fucking chance.

What're you doing?

Yeah, yeah! I get it, I get it!

Fine, I understand.

They're probably calling
because they found your guy.

Yes? What it is?

It's me again, Epifanio.

I know you're busy, but whatever.

I can't talk to you right now.

What if I helped you find Owen?

What do you know about that?

Just enough to give you a hand,

but I'll need you to help me in return.

That's why I came to visit.

Where are you calling from?

From right here.


Is that a new necktie?

It looks great on you.

Hey, hey. Relax. Don't be scared.

If I wanted to kill you,
I would have done it already.

The truth is...

I'm still willing to negotiate.

I need you to take
your new friends off my hands.

you'll disappear, just like Owen.

It's your call.


-I'm listening.

This is a good chance, right?

We should meet in person
since we're in the same house.

You just need to follow my orders.

I'll tell you where to go.
And don't try any tricks.

I'm watching you, remember?

And, who knows?

If you play along, we may even
go back to being friends.

Fucking bitch...

Sofía Dantes.

Funny meeting here again.

I got you, kid.

And I'll get your mother, too.

What's up, you piece of shit?

Were you looking for me?

You found me. It's your lucky day!

Calm down.

Calm down.

Stay away, Sofía. He's mine...

Did you think
you'd escape the DEA, fucker?

You're going to rot in jail!

Did you really think...
that a fucking drug dealer would beat me?

No fucking way.

You know what, asshole?

If my vampi were here...

she'd take the gun to stop me
from killing you.

She was a good woman, you piece of shit.

But you killed her.

Know what?

It's my turn.

All I did was pull the trigger, asshole.

But it was you who dragged her
into this life.

In a way, you were the one
who killed her.


Piece of shit.

Just tell me if you can do it.

Yes, we can.
We just don't understand the reason.

Is that why Teresa is meeting him?

Yes, that's right.

Whether this works or not, depends on you.

Make yourself at home.

Calm down.

Between the two of us,
I'm not the backstabber.

What exactly do you want?

The first thing I want...

is to show you this,
a friend of yours sent it.

He sends his regards.
Said he's really fond of you.

What is it?

Did you think I'd hand
every single disc over to you?

And yes, I'll be honest...

the explosion surprised me.

If it weren't for that friend of yours,
the one in the picture,

I wouldn't have that disc.

And I'd be dead.

What the hell?


You never cease to amaze me.


Have you fallen so low that you'd
get involved with Kozar?

Don't disrespect that woman.

She's an American senator...

and you're not exactly Mother Teresa.


But Kozar is, indeed, a huge bitch.

She's caused a lot of harm.

Thanks to that,
she and her friends are now rich.

All Kozar is doing...

is taking advantage of a business.

Of a war that's always existed, Teresa.

If she doesn't,

someone else will.

You're truly cynical, Epifanio.

No, I'm not cynical.

I'm a pragmatic man, Teresa.

In every single war,
there's someone who profits.


I think it's time to affiliate
with such people, don't you think?

The one at the very top of this business.

Do you want to know why?
Because they're earning all the money.




What's this?

What's going on?

Done. The views are going up!

Great. We've got over 400,000 people here.

They're always making money.

It's time for us to get our share,
don't you think?

Our share?

I assume you're going to ask
a lot of money in exchange.

Let me warn you of something.


Don't get involved with that senator.
It's not in your best interest.

I don't believe a word you say.

But do you know what's gonna to happen?

Kozar's going to get bored of you,
and really fast.

And once she does,
she's going to kick you out.



No one's going to kick me out.
Neither Kozar nor her friends.

They need me.

That's why they came
to meet me here.

Don't get it wrong.

They're here because you have evidence
that could ruin them.

I admit
that the disc is of use to them.

They know that, with me,

their business could grow more and more.


Once a drug dealer, forever a drug dealer.

You've always been a third-rate narco.

As for politics?

All you have
is that you're an asshole and a thief.

Guess what?

Now I'll be the one deciding

who deals with drugs and who doesn't.

Fuck yeah!

That son of a bitch is done for.

What happened? Where were you two?

What about Uriel?
The disc says he's the one in charge.

Uriel isn't real, Teresa.

They're all Uriel.

What's going on?

Kozar and her friends can be sure

that the merch will always get to them.

Anywhere they want it.

Whenever they want it.

We need to find them
and stop Epifanio from saying anything.

The President is already doomed.

We need to find him and arrest him.


Either you and I take the reins,

or he'll drag us down with him.

-That'd be a coup d'état.
-Don't talk shit.

I'm just going to arrest him.

The President
is publicly confessing a crime.

Think about it.

This is the only way for the two of us
to walk away from this.

-Open, Mr. President!
-I'm busy, goddammit!

Sooner or later, everyone gets
what they deserve, Epifanio.

And you're no exception.

See this?

You just admitted to the whole world,
to your own people,

that you're a filthy rat.

It's over, Epifanio.

Fucking wait! I'm coming!

Open, Mr. President!

You should be fucking helping me!

Come here!

-What are you doing?
-Mr. President...

you're under arrest.



-Where are you?
-We're getting changed.

The sergeant said that the next shift
would be here in under ten minutes.

Arismendi couldn't have given such
an order! I'm the President of Mexico!

Everyone saw you on the internet, sir.
Even if I don't arrest you, someone will.

I'm on my way.

Go ahead.

-I'll give you anything you want.
-Respectfully, I don't think so.

Did you see that truck?
The one outside.

I'll give you one fourth.

Stop right there.

-If I help, I'll become a deserter.
-I've got friends, man!

I'm friends with presidents
who could give me asylum.

We could say this was all
staged by the Americans.

I'm from the catering company.

I'll turn around so you can see my ID,
but I'm just staff.

Come with me, fucker!

You'll be rich! Come on!

I'll turn you into a rich man!

Son of a bitch...


Are you there?

Yes, we've almost reached the exit.
Where are you?

I found a better exit
on the southern side.

There's a single guard, and he's leaving.

Are you sure?


I'll call once I'm outside
so you can pick me out.



I need you to open the back fence.

A truck's leaving.

Eagle, eagle, nine, four, three.

I hope this isn't
the worst mistake of my life.

It is.

Drop that gun, Epifanio.

If you shoot, you lose, Teresa.

Enough of your dumb games.

I've got nothing to lose.

One shot and everything will be over.

I won't make it that easy for you.

I knew you wouldn't shoot.

You want me to rot
in some filthy jail, just like you...

Shut up and drop your weapon.

Shoot, then!

I warned you.

I never thought...

that a worm...

would end up killing Mexico's president.

The president?

You're nothing but a murderer.

Someone had to avenge my dead people.

We've got it.

May I?

Hey, hey, little angel!

Subtitle translation by: Roberto Tijerina