Kurulus: Osman (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 30 - 94.Bölüm - full transcript

‫Episode 94

‫The living is God

‫The truth is God

‫The living is God

‫The truth is God

‫Ingöl will be your
‫grave, Mr. Osman


‫Soldiers, to defend the door

‫With your soul and blood

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Allah is the greatest

‫for Rome

‫Today is testimonial day

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Safety for the one who seeks safety and
‫torment for the one who draws the sword

‫Come on warriors

‫Allah is the greatest

‫come on black

‫Come on

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Today is this day

‫O God

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Sir, are you okay?

‫Are you okay, sir? Are you fine?

‫Are you fine?

‫We'll take the castle, and
‫I won't leave you here, sir

‫Jerkutai is here

‫Sir, are you okay, sir?

‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz, sir, sir

‫O warriors!

‫No infidel will survive

‫Knock down the
‫walls and burn them

‫sir, sir

‫Are you okay, sir?

‫Sir, are you okay?

‫You will be fine, Mr. Gunduz

‫Don't die sir,
‫don't die, don't die




‫my lord

‫I know a way from
‫the back to get in

‫come on then

‫O Jesus Christ, you
‫have been of help to us

‫I was the first person to
‫be crucified to pay for his sin

‫And now, this city is paying
‫the price because of Nicola

‫O Holy Spirit, O Father, O Son

‫protect the people

‫And do not make innocent people pay the
‫price for the stupidity of Governor Nicolas


‫Save yourselves,
‫the Turks in Ingöl

‫They are everywhere

‫Run, run

‫Lord, remind the Turks of mercy

‫my lord

‫Nicolas has put several soldiers
‫in front of the door as a precaution

‫Everything Nicholas
‫does is not going to work

‫He can't do anything

‫We have overcome
‫many obstacles so far

‫Come on brave ones, come on

‫No one will enter
‫through this door


‫Brother, we are destined
‫to fight side by side

‫And we're going to get certified

‫Praise be to God, this is for
‫the sake of conquest and truth

‫Warriors, shoot your arrows!

‫The Living is God
‫The Truth is God


‫Come on, hurry up

‫Come on, help me

‫Come on, let's break
‫this door together

‫he escaped

‫See, Actimor, is there a
‫hidden passage from here?

‫Where will he go outside
‫his castle, Mr. Turgut?

‫There must be a way out this
‫dog was planning to escape



‫You can't run anywhere

‫You will not run anywhere

‫my nephew

‫It's been a long time since
‫you've been on their side

‫And you know
‫everything about them

‫But there is something
‫you don't know

‫And they hide it well from you

‫I was their right arm

‫They look brave and brave

‫But they are really cowards

‫And they hide it well

‫They must have secret tunnels
‫everywhere to turn to when necessary

‫Let's find Nicolas
‫before he escapes



‫Yes, these are cowards
‫to the point that they

‫They make their secret tunnels
‫under the place they are sitting on

‫my lord

‫Sir, ingol castle has fallen

‫Heroes are now streaming from
‫the walls and doors into the castle

‫Thank God a lot

‫It remains only to knock
‫off the head of Nicolas

‫Never worry

‫We'll take her down too

‫Mr. Turgot

‫Stay here and keep safe

‫Don't do it, Mr. Othman

‫Are you going after Nikola alone? We don't
‫know what machinations he might set you up for


‫The heroes who brought us
‫the glad tidings will follow me

‫Aktymore, gather
‫the people of Ingöl

‫And tell them that we will not
‫harm any innocent soul from them

‫It's up to you, sir

‫Come on warriors

‫Osman, now in your hand
‫is revenge for the oppressed

‫Kill him so that
‫hearts will rejoice

‫Nicolas has nowhere
‫to go anymore

‫This will be over


‫Come on, in the
‫name of God, come on

‫my brothers

‫Don't worry, the greater
‫love of "Jesus" surrounds us

‫Besides, you know that the Turks have
‫taken control of Bilecik Castle as well

‫But they did not harm
‫any of our brothers there

‫The Turks treat the Christians who live
‫with them in Sogut with kindness and love

‫And they will treat us kindly as long
‫as we don't raise swords against them

‫Do not be afraid and pray

‫Trust the words of Monk Hristo

‫And don't be afraid

‫We Turks cannot do
‫any harm to the innocent

‫On the contrary

‫We respond with full force
‫to those who try to harm them

‫You are the leader who
‫saved me from torture in prison

‫So, you are Turkish

‫I should have understood
‫this out of your pity


‫I am not a Byzantine leader

‫I am Turkish

‫Is he Turkish?
‫- Yes, he is Turkish -

‫But don't worry

‫As long as Mr. Othman raised the banner
‫of Islam on the towers of this castle

‫You will be assured of
‫your strength and your souls

‫And you will live honorably

‫Is that right?

‫The Turks do not defeat their enemies
‫with their swords, but with their pity

‫With their pity that
‫surpasses their swords,


‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Gunduz has fallen wounded

‫Mr. Gunduz has been
‫wounded, Mrs. Aisha



‫Open your mouth, Mr. Gunduz

‫Open it, open it

‫You will get better, sir

‫you will get better

‫In front of us are many walls of the infidels
‫that we will break through like wolves


‫Mr. Gunduz

‫Aisha - Aisha, Aisha -


‫My Father

‫Why didn't you take
‫him to the treatment tent?

‫I'm talking to you, Gerkutai

‫Why is he still here?

‫Kumaral Abdul said: Do not move
‫those who have fallen from their positions

‫And he said to me: Tell me, and we told him,
‫O my sister, Aisha, while he was on the way

‫Who fell from above? Which
‫fall are you talking about?

‫He fell while fighting

‫from over the fence

‫Gunduz, Gunduz, I'm here

‫I'm here Gunduz

‫I'm here Gunduz

‫I'm here Gunduz

‫And look, Actimor is here
‫too, our son is here too

‫look, come on


‫My Father

‫I'm here dad



‫I couldn't protect Mr. Gündüz

‫Oh, Gerkutai, you idiot,
‫Gerkutai - Don't, don't -

‫Don't do it,
‫Gerkutai, don't do it


‫I come, you brave ones

‫I have come, Mr. Gunduz

‫Hold on, Gunduz, we'll take you

‫First, let's take the wounded to
‫the treatment center, my brothers

‫They are human, even
‫if they are the enemy

‫Do not pity us and kill us

‫You took our
‫castle and killed us

‫We do not wrong those who bravely
‫stood before us, even if they were an enemy

‫We have come to hold
‫the wrongdoers accountable

‫And we will hold him
‫accountable, God willing

‫Mr. Othman will hold
‫Nicolas to account

‫You are our prisoners anymore

‫But to know that if
‫you do not return to us,

‫You will see nothing
‫but mercy from us

‫Take the prisoners

‫Nikola does not
‫walk without traps

‫Be careful.
‫- Your command, sir.

‫Come on dear Orhan

‫come on prince

‫It definitely left
‫a trail behind you

‫There is no trace all the
‫way what do we do now?

‫We'll definitely find
‫a trail, don't you worry

‫Rest assured, my sister

‫God willing we will save Orhan

‫God willing, my
‫sister, God willing

‫Mrs. Malhoun, Mrs. Bala

‫Apparently they
‫slept here at night

‫Let's continue from here


‫Here too there is a trace

‫They may have gone from here

‫Do you think they were
‫divided into two parts?


‫They want to break us up?

‫Who are these, Bala?

‫But I'm wrong

‫I gave holovera
‫to soldiers like this

‫Don't do it, sister, where would
‫you have known what happened?

‫They disguised themselves
‫so well, we wouldn't know

‫We don't know what
‫the no-origin will do

‫We must look both ways

‫Come on, let's
‫break up and search

‫You are right, Mrs. Bala,
‫that would be the best

‫You, come with me warriors

‫Come on sisters,
‫let's go from here

‫It's hard to keep walking
‫we have to find the horses

‫Forget the horse

‫First, let's find a place
‫to hide these two kids

‫Let's go to the caves

‫Othman knows the
‫caves well, he cannot

‫Let's rest, and then we'll go to
‫the place of the secret master Arius


‫That necklace was
‫very important to you


‫I wanted to leave it
‫as a memory for you

‫I know you'll take
‫good care of her like me

‫I'll take care of her,
‫your honesty is mine

‫But I also have to give
‫you something as a memory

‫Give me if we survive from here

‫We will survive, God willing

‫Mom and Dad won't leave us here

‫Can you access this?

‫The dagger, can you
‫take out the dagger?

‫Damn, they're running away

‫to bear

‫Take this and put
‫it on your wound

‫You, wait here

‫It is Nicola's corpse that
‫will heal our wounds, sir

‫We will find a
‫solution for ourselves


‫stay here

‫Bear with it, heroes!

‫Here too there is a trace

‫These are charcoal traces

‫By Songur

‫There are traces of
‫charcoal in every step

‫Could this be from Orhan?

‫You are correct, Mrs. Bala

‫The effects are increasing

‫Obviously, it was
‫the Prince who left her

‫My smart son
‫knows we'll catch him

‫Come on

‫Thank God we
‫are on the right path

‫We will find him, my sister, there
‫is little left, we will find our prince

‫We'll find it,
‫sister, we'll find it

‫Here too there is a trace

‫bear it son

‫Your mother will not leave
‫you with the wrongdoers

‫Come on, let's hurry up

‫Come, Mr. Othman

‫Come here

‫May the Lord forgive
‫you, Mr. Othman

‫Do you think I'll
‫take some gold?

‫And leave my
‫castle and run away?

‫I am not like that

‫I have two sacred goals

‫The first is Rome

‫The second is my revenge on you



‫I'm in front of you now

‫It's time for your revenge

‫I lost my castle

‫But you also do not consider
‫that you have gained much

‫I took ingul

‫It's mine anymore

‫Now, time for your soul

‫And I took a lot
‫from you, Mr. Othman

‫I took your warriors
‫and your loved ones

‫Your brother, do
‫you remember him?

‫I had made a promise to you while the
‫Emperor and Sultan were sitting together

‫I said I would kill you
‫with my own hands

‫And I keep my promises

‫Oh mister Osman

‫Come here

‫Come here

‫Bear a little more, Holofera, we
‫are escaping our way of coming

‫You left traces behind

‫They will surely find us

‫Let's go

‫You are very smart Orhan

‫Come on, run, Holofera

‫My brother must have sent help

‫hide behind me

‫I told you not to
‫try to escape again

‫I won't bother you anymore

‫kill them

‫We have arrived, son

‫I told you they would save us


‫My brave son

‫my beautiful daughter

‫Are you two okay?

‫We knew you would come, mom

‫Thank God, my son, thank God

‫Thank God

‫Idiots, they couldn't
‫even take care of two kids

‫...for this reason

‫You must be careful
‫while choosing your men

‫Finding the two children
‫is not a good thing

‫So, Mr. Barkin

‫It's up to you again

‫Dear Orhan

‫thanks God

‫You weren't afraid
‫too much, were you?

‫We freaked out a little at first

‫But then, we believed
‫you would come

‫Orhan made me believe it

‫God willing, my brave prince

‫I knew you wouldn't
‫leave us without a trace

‫my smart son

‫kill me


‫Today only I will do my word


‫You have overpowered
‫my fellow countrymen

‫You have overpowered the Muslims

‫Come here

‫You overpowered my religion

‫Come here

‫You caused the death
‫of my clan's members

‫Come here

‫You shed the blood of my beloved

‫Come here



‫You can't get anything
‫from me, Nicola

‫Death is salvation for you

‫But you won't be able to
‫escape from me so easily

‫You won't be able
‫to survive that easily

‫I took ingul from you


‫Ingöl became the
‫property of the Turks

‫The banner of Islam was
‫raised in the center of Ingöl

‫Osman will die in the castle, and his
‫women and his sons will die in the forest

‫look at me

‫Look carefully at the dead
‫soldiers lying on the ground

‫If any of you do anything wrong,

‫Its end will be the same

‫Dear Orhan

‫Which dogs are these?

‫Did they say anything?

‫No, mom, no

‫But there was also another
‫man presiding over them

‫Run away when you come

‫You saved the Kai
‫warriors from poisoning

‫May God bless
‫you, brave children

‫This is holovera skill
‫my aunt my ancestor

‫If she doesn't know, tell me

‫God protect us

‫Thank God


‫protect them


‫Protect yourselves women

‫protect the boys

‫are you ok pala?

‫I'm fine


‫Mr. Barkin


‫You are fine, right?

‫Fine, thank God

‫The dishonorable
‫had been in hiding

‫But we caught him, thank God

‫Peace be upon you, Mr. Barkin

‫We got it at the right time

‫...kill everyone except
‫my predecessor, but

‫Whoever damages a lock of my
‫ancestor's hair, I will not leave him alive

‫Come on

‫Ingul sir

‫Mr. Osman took Ingöl



‫It was my share to deliver
‫the happy news to you

‫News came from the warriors

‫Mr. Osman

‫Mr. Osman Fateh Engul

‫God willing, Othman

‫thanks God -

‫Thank God

‫May those who bring you
‫good news abound, Mr. Barkin

‫Pala, we have to hurt you

‫Let's solve it at once and go
‫to Aingol as soon as possible

‫Aladdin must have sent them some
‫news and Mr. Othman would be worried

‫Warriors, set fire!

‫Come on

‫Many fractures

‫We have to wrap it in leather

‫Let's do whatever it
‫takes, Kumaral Abdul

‫tell me

‫What should I bring?
‫what should I do?

‫We've done everything we can now

‫We will call him

‫And when his wounds heal

‫We will wrap it in
‫leather, God willing

‫on God `s will

‫ah dad

‫We just met dad

‫Be okay, okay?

‫Don't go so fast

‫don't go dad


‫Your father is a strong
‫and enduring man

‫God willing, he will be cured

‫on God `s will

‫be steadfast

‫Cheer up, okay?

‫Yes, it's Mr. Gunduz the Great

‫Wounds heal, fractures heal

‫He will be fine, God willing

‫He'll be fine, won't
‫he, Kumral Abdul?

‫God willing, my sister Aigul

‫on God `s will

‫Now, Orhan and the
‫ladies are in danger

‫The scoundrels took
‫advantage of the conquests

‫Don't worry my hero

‫Your mother and
‫brother will come safely

‫look into my eyes

‫they will come

‫I'm not worried, thank God

‫My father taught us to
‫overcome all difficulties

‫God bless my brave


‫you are brave

‫God bless you

‫The pursuit is from us,
‫and success is from God

‫We will go after them

‫Mr Osman is coming

‫Long live Sidi Othman
‫Long live Sidi Othman

‫God is great God is great

‫How shall we tell my
‫master this, Mr. Turgot?

‫Mr. Gunduz on one side
‫and Orhan on the other

‫He should know, Boran

‫In the end he will know


‫Come on

‫Take this to the dungeon

‫Your command, sir

‫I know the way



‫Son, what do you do here?

‫tell me

‫Congratulations on
‫your victory, Mr. Othman

‫We have come to
‫witness your victory, Father



‫Pala, are you okay?

‫It doesn't matter, I'm fine

‫May your victory always be, sir

‫God bless you

‫my sons

‫my sons

‫Mr. Turgot

‫I've seen everyone

‫But I did not see my brother

‫I have not seen Actimor

‫Where are they?

‫Mr. Gunduz is not doing well

‫Serious injury, Mr. Othman

‫What are you saying?

‫where is he?

‫Armankaya castle

‫the father

‫The Son and the Holy Spirit


‫son of god

‫And the Holy Spirit

‫Three gods

‫How can they be one god

‫How do?

‫How is it one?

‫There is no god but

‫There is no other god

‫There is no other Lord



‫only God

‫Only God exists

‫only God

‫Only God is one



‫only God

‫Sir, Commander Romanos
‫has come wanting to see you

‫let him come

‫We will not leave the greatest
‫emperor of Rome waiting

‫Othman played a big
‫game and cheated us

‫They seeped into us

‫Ingul is in Osman's filthy hands,
‫do you understand, Kosice?

‫This is a disgrace to Rome



‫What is for Rome will
‫remain for Rome Romanos

‫you know this very well

‫There's one more
‫thing I know, Kosice.

‫If you had not made many
‫concessions to Osman,

‫If you don't build a
‫friendship with him

‫It would have ended
‫a long time ago

‫It was pretend

‫We grew up together

‫You are the one who
‫knows me well, Romanos

‫Three or five people
‫couldn't beat one shepherd

‫You have offended
‫Rome with your greed

‫You become friends
‫with your enemies

‫You know for sure that I don't make friends
‫with a Turk unless there is some benefit to me


‫To show that your interests do
‫not conflict with those of Rome

‫This matter must
‫be resolved, Kosice

‫I will solve it

‫Don't worry

‫But we have to choose our
‫movements very carefully, brother

‫If we underestimate Othman now,
‫we will have shown our weakness

‫Osman is a dangerous man

‫And sure

‫We are more dangerous

‫And we'll show him this

‫Your style or mine,
‫it doesn't matter

‫The result

‫or the game

‫what ever the price

‫We will take back
‫Ingul from Osman

‫The emperor's ambassador must
‫have gone out on the road to stop the war

‫He's about to come

‫Hide your sword now, Romanos

‫We will defeat him my way

‫game vs game

‫What's on your mind, Kossis?

‫Let's receive the
‫emperor's ambassador first

‫then we talk

‫He opens his eyes

‫Dad opened his eyes



‫Thank God

‫I told you, it's Mr. Gunduz

‫Will unlock a lot
‫of castles after

‫He will not leave
‫us and go easily


‫Dear Gunduz


‫My Father

‫Did we take ingole?

‫We got it, dad

‫We got it thanks
‫to you, thank God

‫Thank God

‫Thank God

‫Look Aisha

‫We took Ingol

‫And our son is
‫by our side safely

‫I will not grieve even if I die

‫What is this, sir?

‫You will still see
‫our son's wedding



‫You are fine

‫my lord

‫He had many fractures

‫my lord

‫I'm fine brother

‫My brother opened Angol Castle

‫Am I in bad shape?

‫I'm fine

‫Yes, brother

‫We opened Ingole

‫became ours

‫Thank God

‫Kumaral Abdul

‫What is his condition?

‫He will be fine,
‫God willing, sir

‫You know I trust you

‫My brother is safe with you

‫Brother, you rest now

‫I will come again


‫The pain is gone, Mr. Gunduz

‫Healing is from God, Mr. Gunduz

‫You will get up
‫soon, God willing

‫Boran - sir -

‫We will treat the warriors here

‫We'll stay in this castle for
‫now until my brother gets up

‫It's up to you, sir

‫Come on

‫God is great God is great

‫God is great God is great

‫I bear witness that
‫there is no god but Allah

‫I bear witness that
‫there is no god but Allah

‫I bear witness that Muhammad is
‫the Messenger of God - Rome is great -

‫Great Rome, Rome

‫tsar "big"

‫big rome

‫I bear witness that Muhammad
‫is the Messenger of God

‫Big Rome, big "Caesar"

‫Aya Nicholas Big

‫Come to prayer

‫Come for the gain

‫Come for the gain

‫O Possessor of majesty and honor

‫You are the one
‫who wrote the book

‫You are the one
‫who drives the clouds

‫You are the one who sees
‫the day of judgment quickly

‫O my Lord

‫You are the one who spread terror in the
‫ranks of the enemies and dispersed them

‫Always protect us from enemies


‫Victory over our
‫enemies, O Lord!


‫Do not silence our ears, O Lord


‫And do not bring down
‫our flags, O my Lord



‫accept our prayer

‫O inhabitants of Ingol


‫I became the homeland
‫of the Turks anymore


‫Do not fear us

‫We didn't come here
‫to antagonize you

‫We did not come
‫here to wrong you

‫There is nothing under
‫our shadow but good

‫and reassurance

‫...for this reason

‫You can all go back
‫to your business

‫And never give up
‫on cultivating your land

‫your rights

‫and your souls

‫and your freedom

‫You have become safe with us

‫what do you want?

‫Were we to come to this
‫castle like this, Kosice?

‫Time flies, Romanos

‫Tell your master we're coming

‫And tell him we have
‫someone important to us

‫Tell your master that

‫Ambassador of Emperor Andronikos

‫His word is his word

‫His face is his face

‫Ambassador Alex has come

‫During jihad, sabotage
‫will certainly occur

‫demolished houses

‫and the shops


‫We do not want to encroach
‫on the right of an inch

‫Therefore, inform us of
‫your vandalized property

‫And in return you will get more

‫And let you know that whoever held
‫his sword in his hand during the war

‫And the blood of
‫my warriors was shed

‫Soldiers, commanders and merchants
‫have laid hands on their possessions

‫We will distribute it to
‫the invaders as spoils

‫We will help the
‫families of the martyrs

‫...as I heard

‫There are people who escaped from
‫Ingol because the Turks are coming

‫Bring them news now

‫They can return
‫to their property

‫And they can go
‫back to their business

‫They can do their worship freely

‫If you like, in the
‫castle or in the tribe

‫We are always by your
‫side when there are problems

‫From now on, you
‫are safe with us

‫...for this reason

‫Everyone can now
‫get back to work


‫Mr. Usman

‫I know you from your father

‫Our ancestors
‫know your ancestors

‫I have always heard of
‫your justice and mercy

‫You also did not disappoint me in
‫following the path of your ancestors

‫I am grateful to you on
‫behalf of all the people

‫And I want you to
‫know that we thank you

‫Salute, monk, salute

‫Living together with
‫the People of the Book

‫Dealing with justice and mercy

‫It is one of the
‫Sunnahs of the Prophet

‫We are trying to go this way

‫And our ancestors always
‫respected their religion and their lives

‫May your heart
‫always be at peace

‫You will live your life on these
‫lands with us in peace and humanity

‫Peace be upon you,
‫Mr. Othman, delivered


‫Sir, they have sent an ambassador
‫from the Empire. He wants to see you

‫to come see

‫that is enough


‫Mr. Usman

‫I am the shadow of Emperor
‫Andronikos, Ambassador Alexis

‫I give you peace with respect


‫tell me let's see

‫What news did you
‫bring from the emperor?


‫I went out to visit
‫you in your tribe

‫But, I heard you're in Ingol

‫Moreover, not as guests

‫Rather, as owners of a place

‫You captured Ingol

‫It's true what you say

‫Ingul that was yours yesterday

‫Today I became
‫the property of Islam

‫Understandably, you are not
‫afraid of the wrath of the Emperor


‫There is no problem that cannot
‫be resolved through reconciliation

‫peace road?

‫Is it with Romanos who went to
‫kidnap our defenseless women?


‫With the ruler who raided our
‫wedding and intended our souls?

‫tell me

‫Of course, all this is not
‫something the ruler does alone, but

‫tell me

‫With whom shall we
‫take the path of peace?

‫Or with the emperor's
‫ambassador running everything?


‫I know very well that he
‫has prepared an army for me

‫For this reason, there is no
‫peace between us anymore

‫Now, hear me well

‫We'll see you tonight
‫about the details

‫We will inform you of our terms

‫Allah is the greatest

‫Peace and mercy of God

‫Peace and mercy of God


‫Thank God

‫Thank God

‫Praise be to God, who made this conquest and
‫standing before Him in this courtyard our portion

‫Thank God

‫He is the one who made
‫this land a mosque for us

‫Prostration to him and mentioning his name in every
‫part of the world must be the primary goal of a Muslim

‫But the Messenger of God preferred
‫to say that actions are only by intentions

‫It is for the person whose purpose is in his tongue
‫and whose purpose is himself more than pleasing God

‫It is spoken of people who do things for the sake
‫of publicity and who are victims of their own lusts

‫They are inferior to people
‫who have no good work

‫How is this, my old man?

‫How can he be inferior to a
‫person who has no good deeds?

‫Lying is the
‫biggest sin, Jerkotay

‫Humiliation is the punishment for the one who lies in
‫his heart and who tries to lie to God in particular

‫This is hypocrisy, a hidden trap

‫The Messenger of God says that these are the first
‫people who will be punished on the Day of Resurrection

‫I seek refuge in
‫Allah, my old man

‫We turn to God
‫from these actions

‫But who are the humiliated?

‫How do we avoid
‫falling into this situation?


‫People we think have fallen
‫martyrs on the battlefields

‫Martyrs who say to God, We were martyred for
‫you, my God, and are confronted with their lies

‫They are the ones who are out
‫on the battlefield just for the show

‫They did not sacrifice
‫themselves for the pleasure of God

‫It is for their desires

‫These people will
‫crawl on their faces

‫And they will be sent to Hell

‫Especially since the
‫testimony is with God

‫Purifying the soul and fighting
‫for the sake of Allah only

‫The other type are those who possess
‫knowledge who know the Qur’an and teach it

‫Not for their desire
‫to please God

‫They read the Qur’an and acquire knowledge
‫in order to be famous as scholars only

‫Their fame and reputation are
‫praised by those around them

‫They too will crawl on their
‫faces and will be sent to Hell

‫The third type

‫The rich, whom God has enriched, equipped
‫and expanded their wealth in all aspects

‫When they are asked what they
‫have done for the sake of their Lord

‫They say that they spend generously and
‫share it and not prevent it from the poor

‫But God knows their hearts and intentions
‫and will confront them with their intentions

‫They spend their money to be praised for
‫their generosity, not for the pleasure of God

‫Commands will be given in order for them to crawl
‫on their faces and send them to Hell as well

‫We seek refuge in Allah
‫from the disease of the souls

‫O living people, hypocrisy
‫is a very filthy disease

‫The one who practices it is forbidden
‫even if he has many good deeds

‫Faith starts here

‫Business complete here

‫Intentions are
‫always hidden here

‫No one can hide his
‫intention from God

‫Because God Almighty
‫is the owner of hearts

‫Every land we set our feet on

‫And every battle in
‫which our blood is shed

‫We intend to obtain
‫the pleasure of God

‫And exalting the word of God

‫God is the owner of the kingdom

‫We will go out to the battle to obtain
‫His pleasure and we will win, God willing

‫"Ingol Castle"

‫How are they doing?
‫Are there serious injuries?

‫We bandaged the wounds
‫and there are no serious injuries

‫Distribute the drink to everyone

‫They need the strength to get up

‫Do they bandage the
‫wounds of the prisoners?

‫These are fools

‫The Turks say that injustice
‫cannot be tolerated, Romanos

‫It is impossible to
‫understand them

‫I see you still
‫love them so much

‫Let's not say I
‫love them so much

‫Let us pass on their
‫knowledge closely, Romanos

‫Know your enemy closely

‫Governor Kossis,


‫Mr. Othman is waiting for
‫you and the ambassador

‫let's go and see

‫What God wants to encourage me

‫They are no different
‫from their grandparents

‫You have given up, my
‫children, you have given up

‫Peace be upon you too, my
‫beautiful daughter Holofera

‫You saved the
‫lives of the warriors

‫We took over the castle
‫easily with your help

‫In fact, I am grateful
‫to you, Mr. Osman

‫You saved my life
‫the second or third time


‫We will be here until
‫my brother is cured

‫For this reason,
‫you must prepare

‫I keep checking on
‫my brother, Malhoun

‫Don't worry, Mr. Gondoz,
‫and the castle is our trust


‫You deserved a big congratulations
‫Bala for being a great warrior

‫Aegul and female warriors
‫made our work easier

‫Fight with the warriors

‫You salute the
‫warriors, you salute me

‫I salute you sir, I had nothing to do
‫with their faith that kept them alive

‫Thank you

‫I'm going to the
‫ambassador to meet him

‫Be with my brother,
‫tell me everything

‫Don't worry, Dad, my
‫uncle is faithful to us

‫Encourage me.
‫- Yes.

‫We'll go help the warriors now
‫and then we'll go to my uncle

‫God willing, you encourage me

‫Let me go

‫Attention, Mr. Othman

‫speak fast

‫At the wedding you were invited to, you killed
‫the governor and took control of Pelagic

‫Emperor Andronikos asks
‫you for great indemnities for this

‫But I see that we have lost control
‫of everything Aya Nicolas Asir

‫And Ingol is occupied?
‫- Not an occupation.

‫It's people like you
‫who are occupying

‫You will say you opened

‫You will say you have
‫opened, ambassador

‫...In any case

‫As a spokesman
‫for Constantinople

‫I ask you 8 chariots of gold

‫And the delivery
‫of Ingul and Pelagic

‫Finally, the release of
‫Aya Nikola and his soldiers


‫You said your words
‫briefly, Ambassador

‫I heard you

‫But you should hear me too

‫We opened Pelagic
‫and Ingul as well

‫We neither looted
‫nor took innocent lives

‫For this reason, this place
‫is our right to the sword

‫Not you, but even if your emperor
‫comes, no one can take it from me

‫You go to the fire with
‫the blower, Mr. Othman

‫I'm sure a middle
‫way can be found

‫Walk on the road
‫with straight walkers

‫Not with those who
‫strayed from the road

‫Now, ambassador

‫castles in my hands

‫And the villages
‫around it are mine

‫If you want to
‫take your soldiers

‫Then I'll shoot
‫them all for gold


‫But except for Nicola

‫The gold that could take Nicholas
‫is not even in Constantinople

‫...right Now

‫If you want Iznik, Bursa and
‫Constantinople to continue trading with us

‫You will bring 8 chariots
‫of gold to my clan annually

‫Otherwise, the East Market will
‫end in relation to the West Market

‫big mistake

‫It is not possible to accept
‫what you have said, Mr. Othman

‫I didn't say that to accept it

‫This is my accident


‫You are blinded by the fact that you have
‫conquered many castles and killed many rulers

‫Don't forget this

‫You are still a little
‫Turkmen master

‫And I will attack
‫you with a huge army

‫Then look for a
‫hole to escape to


‫I'll be waiting for you in
‫the field, not in the castle

‫Line up the army you want

‫We and my heroes are
‫always ready to meet you

‫Think carefully now,
‫make up your mind later

‫Yes, do you know
‫why I asked you here?

‫This is the last
‫day of this church

‫It is one of our opening habits

‫The largest temples of the
‫citadel are converted into a mosque

‫...For this reason

‫Say your last prayer

‫Osman, Osman

‫You should have seen
‫it brother...it was a fight

‫Wasn't Kumaral Abdul telling
‫us about Badr and Khaybar?

‫It was like I was at that time

‫What are you doing Orhan?

‫You made the wound bleed more
‫while you were trying to bandage it

‫Why are you telling like you don't know how
‫much I wanted to get into this fight, Aladdin?

‫I basically missed

‫Don't talk about it in a
‫suspenseful and crush my heart

‫I'm sorry, because of me

‫No, Holofira

‫It wasn't mine, that's why

‫Why would your reason be?

‫But Aladdin told me about it
‫in such a way that I gasped

‫I said, I wish I was there too

‫be my brother

‫There are still many battles
‫and conquests ahead of us

‫Bursa is waiting for us,
‫Constantinople is waiting for us

‫You will always be
‫there, God willing

‫We will be, brother, and we will fight, and
‫we will each turn our backs to the other

‫No, this will not happen like this,
‫so let me tell you, I'm Komral Abdul



‫There is nothing
‫more Kumaral can do

‫it's time

‫Call Usman

‫Call Usman

‫Don't do it Dad, you may not now

‫We just met, we just met dad

‫son - dad -

‫Oh I ransomed you

‫No, don't cry

‫do not Cry

‫Your father's prayers
‫have been accepted, son

‫Your father dies in battle

‫No, don't cry

‫Aisha, Aisha - Gunduz -

‫Aisha, you don't
‫cry either, okay?

‫...look, I'm going, but

‫I leave you a son like
‫a wolf, a hero of heroes

‫I don't mind


‫What would I do
‫without you, Gunduz?


‫light of my eyes

‫You have always
‫been a good wife to me

‫I am satisfied with you

‫May God be pleased with you, too

‫My Lord does not
‫separate us in the hereafter

‫doesn't separate us

‫My Father

‫My Father

‫my sisters

‫We fought a lot
‫before, didn't we?

‫Forgive me for
‫the sake of you too

‫I forgive you, my brother Gündüz

‫Forgive you too

‫I forgive you my
‫right, Mr. Gunduz

‫Mr. Turgot, use a portion of these golds to
‫restore the damaged places of the castle.

‫And to divide the rest among
‫those who were damaged in battle

‫But ingul must
‫regain her vitality

‫So let's start trading
‫as soon as possible

‫Honesty will be preserved,
‫even if it costs my soul

‫The people will be
‫revived, God willing

‫on God `s will

‫Also, turning this church into
‫a collector is your job anymore

‫And of course, we will
‫not forget the non-Muslims

‫Let's build a church that
‫conforms to their belief

‫Don't mind

‫give up


‫It wasn't okay

‫So that Othman continues to be
‫preoccupied with his small victory

‫The war is still just beginning

‫I'll arrange a game for him
‫that the devil will be jealous of

‫I await your orders, Mr. Barkin

‫Othman believes he
‫has defeated the rulers

‫Now you go to the
‫governor of Bursa

‫To give him this message

‫Hossam El Din - Sir -

‫Praise Nasr Osman in
‫front of the governor of Bursa

‫Tell him, Osman has declared himself the protector
‫of all Turkmen and even the border region

‫The ruler will antagonize
‫Othman when he reads this letter

‫I will talk about Othman, my lord, to the point that the
‫governor would like to come tomorrow and cut off Othman's head

‫Osman thought himself strong
‫when he overcame the minor rulers

‫The ruler of Bursa will do
‫what they could not do to Osman

‫Then Mr. Othman will see what
‫can happen to him in this world

‫Sogut and Ingol will
‫turn into a lake of blood

‫Come on, go quickly


‫Osman, did you come?

‫you come brother

‫I came

‫are you ok?


‫Now hear me well

‫my secrets

‫protect my safety

‫The time has come, Osman!

‫My mum, dad and my
‫savior are waiting for me

‫What do you say, my brother?

‫What are you saying?

‫We will still go with
‫you to many conquests

‫We still have a lot of battles

‫We're still going to take
‫a lot of raids, brother





‫You are my last support

‫No, no, don't say
‫that, don't say that

‫Look, you have your sons

‫You have your heroes

‫I have done the job brother

‫I'm sure

‫You don't worry

‫Nobody worries

‫It's time for Mr. Gündüz


‫My mother, who has the eyes of a
‫gazelle, is waiting for me, O Osman

‫Forgive me for your sake,
‫forgive me for your sake


‫Forgive us

‫forgive you

‫Forgive me, my brother

‫I forgive you brother

‫I forgive you, wolf-look

‫Never worry

‫your secrets

‫It's my safety anymore

‫My Father

‫My Father

‫I'm coming dad

‫Gunduz is coming

‫I bear witness that
‫there is no god but Allah

‫and testify

‫and his Messenger




‫Dad - Gunduz -

‫My Father



‫Wipe your tears

‫You are the son of a martyr

‫stand straight


‫stand straight

‫if you please

‫I will bury my brother in
‫the soil of the homeland

‫In Ingol he was martyred


‫"Ingol Castle"

‫I'll ask something,
‫if you'll excuse me

‫Do you get lost if you
‫move away from each other?

‫Osman is a smart man

‫He made you beside each
‫other so that you wouldn't lose

‫Come and see, if I put you
‫together, you are not worth a man


‫Are you still
‫talking, you coward?

‫Look, we got caught now

‫You two hardly come two
‫men in front of an unarmed man

‫But the coward is me, isn't it?

‫I understand you, you
‫are begging us to kill you

‫But you will not
‫die easily, Nicola

‫Mr. Usman will kill you

‫You won't wait long


‫Mr. Othman

‫What is your decision?

‫It is impossible to
‫accept your terms


‫Aya Nikola

‫The back of the kai is riddled
‫with stab marks from your dagger

‫I went too far with
‫the injustice I did

‫And this persistence

‫He sent me to you like anger

‫You have always been on
‫the side of the enemies inside

‫Cooperated with enemies abroad

‫Everyone who stands
‫before the Turks

‫I was by his side

‫But it is time for
‫the Sword of Justice

‫No, Mister Osman,
‫you can't do that

‫While we came here for peace,
‫Aya Nicholas - Never mind -

‫Don't you, while I'm not
‫begging for my soul here

‫Should you beg for me?

‫you won

‫and I lost

‫Basically, that's
‫what happens in war

‫Someone wins

‫and the other loses

‫But I am very happy that I took a
‫soul from your soul, Mr. Othman

‫Now, I'm going to die here

‫Then Rome will send a
‫huge army against you

‫Let's see the lions
‫known for their fangs

‫When you stomp on this ground

‫What will these wolves do?

‫I hear, I hear the
‫sound of their feet

‫I am ready

‫to come

‫For sure they come

‫This land is home to those
‫who come for friendship

‫And a grave for those
‫who come to enmity

‫There is no judgment for lions
‫tied up in front of cruel wolves

‫The breath that people like you
‫breathe is injustice to the oppressed

‫The end of the oppressor is to
‫be killed with the “sword of justice.”

‫it's time

‫O God

‫Mr. Usman

‫If your show ends, I
‫want to tell Constantinople

‫With the war you waged




‫Don't go empty handed

‫Let it be my gift to the emperor


‫Your war with the rulers is over

‫...right Now

‫You are at war with an empire
‫that rules the whole world

‫became our ingul


‫Shusha in the east is ours also

‫Mr. Genji - Sir -

‫Take enough warriors with you

‫And establish an emirate there

‫So that they know the state that we will
‫establish for the cause of the world order

‫It's up to you, sir

‫This homeland either belongs
‫to the Turks or not to anyone


‫For the cause of
‫exalting the word of God

‫We are famous for taking
‫revenge on the people of polytheism

‫Bandage the wounded

‫And draw your swords

‫We will not stop
‫conquests anymore

‫It's invasion time

‫Allah is the greatest

‫God is great God is great

‫God is great God is great