Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 2, Episode 36 - The Good, the Bad, the Blind, the Deaf and the Mute - full transcript

Uncle receives signs from Chi Master Fong, and follows them to the Hidden Valley. They find DaLong Wong as he prepares to unleash the dark Chi held in check in a statue. Tohru is struck blind, Jackie is mute and Jade is now deaf, and soon Uncle is captured by his archenemy. The team must learn to use their other senses to free Uncle and defeat Dalong Wong.


The infiltration
spell was successful?


Now evil shall truly prevail.

What's uncle doing now?

Jade, if you listened
once in a while,

you might not need to ask

so many questions.

What was that?

The incense ritual
honors uncle's teacher,

chi master fong.


A spirit is among us!


It is chi master fong.

He wishes to tell me something.

He's gonna have to speak up.


To communicate with the spirits,

we must open all of our senses.

Darkness approaches.


An ill omen from the north.

The falcon leaves its perch.

What does it mean, uncle?

Like the falcon,

we must take our leave northward

to suppress the
forces of darkness.


The hidden valley.

Its location has remained
secret for centuries.

What's the big whoop?

Looks like any another
misty monkey valley.


Whoa. Mount chimpmore.

The great idol of
the 3 wise monkeys.

Legend tells that it is
filled with dark chi.

The idol is evil?

No. The 3 wise
monkeys are guardians.

Good wizards

sealed the dark chi
within them long ago

so that humanity may neither
see, hear,

nor speak of such evil.


What is it, sensei?

The willies.

No doubt the forces of
light have summoned you here

since I possess the
only existing map.

Daolon wong!

The anti-uncle.

So, you have come to
steal the dark chi!

Not steal it, good chi wizard,

unleash it.

But that will upset the balance

between good and evil!




daolon must not
complete his spell!

Go, uncle.




Daolon is gone!

Uncle: As is the idol.


Mount chimpmore is gone, too!

That is what I just said.

Daolon is gone,

and he took mount
chimpmore with him!

Stop shouting, Jade.
I am old, not deaf.

Speak up, Jackie!
I cannot hear you!

How can you see through
this cloud of dark chi?

There is no dark chi cloud.

Then why can I not see you?

Uncle, no sound is coming
out of Jackie's mouth!

Because Jackie is mute.

Uncle, no sound is
coming out of your mouth!

Jade is deaf.


And tohru is blind.

What is it?

What'd uncle say?

We are like the 3 wise monkeys.

What?! Speak up, tohru!

I said, we are like...

Yo, tohru, over here!

I don't think "t" can see!

Why were you not
affected, sensei?

As a student of master fong,

I am protected by an
abundance of good chi.

If I'm deaf and tohru is blind,

that means uncle must be mute!

Jackie, I can't hear you! Duh!

I cannot read your lips.
Your accent is too thick.

Uncle, what are we gonna do?!

Find daolon wong and stop him

before he unleashes
more dark chi.

More dark chi?

Your afflictions are but a
demonstration of its power.

Under daolon's control,

multitudes will be
rendered senseless.

(Yelling in fear)

(All gasp)

Dark chi of ages past,
I summon you forth.

Spread your plague
upon the land.

(Concerned murmuring)

Dark chi, I summon you.

My spell worked before.

Something is missing.


Of course.

The dark chi may
only be released

in the presence of
a good chi wizard.

Gan. Ren. Chui.

Bring the old man to me.

How can we hope to
defeat daolon wong

in our condition?

By not relying on
your missing senses.

For instance,

I do not see so well anymore,

so I have strived to
sharpen my hearing.

But you do not hear so
well, either.

So must you 3 strive to
sharpen your other senses.

Whoo. Garlic!

I think we're
downwind from uncle.

See? You are not handicapped.

You are handi-capable.

Learn to listen to nature.

Feel the wind on your face

and the earth beneath your feet.

Form an image of the
world in your mind's eye.


Maybe we should work
on some alternative

means of communication, Jackie.

Ok, when you want me

to use my chungking
express maneuver,

give me one of these:

You are doing very well, tohru!

Yes, sensei.

It is as if I can see.

Whoa. (Grunting)


Do this for the
high-flying whirlygig.

No. This.


the dark warriors!

They're after uncle!

Let's get 'em!

You want a piece of uncle?


You will pay for
that, dark warriors!

Dark warriors?

(Tohru yells battle cry)

Dark warrior, be gone!





Why would they take uncle?!

Probably to disable us further.

How will we stop daolon
without sensei's guidance?

How will we find him?


Chi master fong will
help us find uncle.

We just gotta open
all our senses

like uncle did.

Good idea.

(Bird caws)

East! East!


All: East.

Oh. (Grunting)

Unhand me.

Only once all of the
dark chi is released...

With your humble contribution,

my accomplice.


You will be so sorry!

With the senses of
humankind dulled,

evil shall roam freely.

(Concerned chatter)

I can't see!

Man: Oh, it's dark.

It would appear

you are the appropriate
yin to my Yang,

good wizard.


Let us venture forth

and spread more darkness.

No sign of uncle.

Maybe chi master fong

was chi master wrong.


Flying monkeys!


Daolon's up top,
front and center!

And see that wee bitty
thing next to him?

I'm pretty sure
that's uncle's head!

my other senses are sharper!

Ok, team, this is what
we've been training for.

Let's haul deaf, mute,
and blind butt up that rock!


Uh, what's that, Jackie?

You want to join
a bowling league?


(Concerned chatter)

Man: I can't see!

Second man: Oh, it's dark.

Straight up?



Oh, my mind's eye sees trouble.

(Tohru grunting)

Whatever you do,
"t," don't look down.


Oops. Heh.


I know, I know.

But this time,
it's different, Jackie.

I can be t's eyes
and your mouth.

Besides, do the math.

3 wise monkeys, 3 of us.

And 3 dark warriors.


Ok, you run
interference, Jackie.

We'll get uncle.

(Tohru grunts)


Get ready.


Your disabled disciples
cannot possibly defeat me.

Not disabled. Handi-capable.

Whoa! Turn!

Stop! Stop!


1, 2, 3, catch!


Daolon: Aah!

Hi, uncle! Looking for these?

Thank you, Jade.

Wave them over...

Can't hear you!

(Muffled chanting)


(Daolon coughs)

Very well.

You shall suffer the same fate

as chi master fong, good wizard.

I do not think so.

One more thing:

Chi master fong says hello.




Hey, yell in your own ear!

Whoa. I can hear.

Tohru, are you ok?


I can speak!


I can see!

(Loud) Where'd mount...

(softer) I mean,
where'd mount chimpmore go?

Back to the hidden valley,

where it will hopefully remain
for many more centuries.

How can you be certain, sensei?

Have you learned nothing?!

Chi master fong tells me so.

And he also tells
me he's pleased

that the balance
between light and dark

has been restored.

Not without casualties.

Look out.


He should've listened.

Daolon has been cursed
with all 3 afflictions.

He will have to train very hard

to become handi-capable.

(Villagers cheering)

Yes. Hey, Jackie?

How high can you jump?

After I've broken my ankle,

and also I've broken my toes.

Right now,
I cannot bend my toes,

and I lose a lot of,
you know, bouncing things.

So, this way,
when I'm making a movie,

I know my own problem...

My broken ankle.

My knees get hurt because...
from the injury.

So, this way, when I run,

it's like, uh, running, running,

maybe one step on the chair,

then I jump to another things.

But I'm fine.

I still can...
Still do a lot of things.

And bouncing,
bouncing, bouncing.