Jackie Chan Adventures (2000–2005): Season 2, Episode 37 - Shrink Rap - full transcript

Jackie finds the Bands of Shiva. Hak Foo pursues Chan back to Uncle's shop to get the bands. Jade casts a spell to make Hak Foo disappear, but inadvertently shrinks Jackie and Hak Foo.

This is the entrance
to the temple of Shiva?

Ah! Oh!

Dead end.

The temple.

(Gasps) Hak foo?

The bands of Shiva.

With these,
I will be unstoppable.


Uh, do not take that

which does not belong to
you, uh, mortal!

Shiva speaks?

With a familiar voice.


Shiva runs, too.

Angry crow takes flight!


Rabid hamster climbs wheel!


I will get you, chan!

Hak foo really rolls
with the punches.

Ok, disappearing spell,

what shall we make
vanish into thin air?

Homework? (Scoffs) I wish.

Ming vase?

Uh, kinda priceless.


Xia xu, xia xu, xia xu sandwich!

I am da bomb!

Hak foo seemed very interested
in having these relics.

And uncle is very interested
in having his lunch.



Did you eat my
mung bean sandwich?

No, sensei.

I have been here,
baking cookies.


Who needs a sandwich anyway

when you can have
cookies, huh, uncle?

He who partakes in
dessert before lunch

disturbs good chi
with bad cholesterol.

Uh, perhaps we should chew on

why hak foo may have wanted

shiny new wristbands?

Yours is not to ask.

But to fork over! Arr!

You break it, you buy it!




Tohru! I cannot feel my legs!

Give me the bands, chan.

Xia xu, xia xu, xia xu, hak foo!


(Gasps) Jackie, no!

W-what happened?

Where am... we?

Geography later. The bands now!


No one shoos me... aah!

Jade, echoing: Uncle!
Come quickly!

Uncle, echoing: Aiyaa!

Bad dream. Bad dream.

Bad dream. Bad dream. Bad dream!

Tohru sat on me,
and my shop is a shambles!

Uncle, I used a disappearing
spell on hak foo.

You are not supposed
to use magic!

Your niece needs a talking to!

Jackie can't hear you

'cause I disappeared him, too.

(Gasps) What?!

I can hear you!

Jade! Uncle!
I'm not disappeared!

I'm... Shrunken?


there must exist a counterspell.

Most likely.

Which spell did you use?

The yeoh cheung archive,
book 3, page 95.

And which limbo-like void did
you choose as the destination?

Uh, none.

Aiyaa! You must always
choose a destination

when casting a
disappearing spell.

Jackie could be anywhere!

I sure hope it's
somewhere with a phone.

Jade! You're a genius!


Uncle's rare finds.
May I help you?


Small or large,
I will take the bands.

Who is it? Is it Jackie?

Crank call!

Come, we must find counterspell!

I will need eye of wombat.

It's in the refrigerator
beside the chopped liver.

Bear fishing for salmon!


Ugh! Augh! Pee-yuuu!

Hmm. Sensei did not have lunch.

(Very high-pitched) Tohru!

Tohru! It's me! Jackie!


(Hums to himself)

Monkey climbs vine!

Oh, visual aid.

Tohru! Over here!

(Hums to himself)




Kangaroo hop!

Ugh! Gah!


A chocolate chip?

No. No!

No! No!

No! No!

No! No!


I need that wombat eye today!

Uh, oh, coming, sensei.


This counterspell promises
to return that which is lost.

Wongai, womai. Wongai, womai.

Come on home, Jackie!

I lost this kite when
I was a young boy.

And I have been
looking for this sock.

We're still short one Jackie.


Rampaging rhino rams!

No rhino! No ramming!

You're going down, chan!


Huh? Aah!

This antidote will
release from detention

he who is trapped in
another dimension.

Uh, Jackie?

(British accent) It's just
me, but thank you ever so much

for freeing me from
that beastly limbo.

Not Jackie.

(Sniffs) Ah, lunch!

Uh, cookie?

What's a cookie?


Go away!

I must find another spell.

Ya think?

I'm on uncle's spell book.

Yes, uncle, right here!


This is a lousy spell book.

From the deepest reaches of the
void, we compel you.

Bring forth our Jackie!

Arr! Unh!

Let's try a different
kind of spell.

Bring forth a sign of Jackie.

Any sign'll do.

I am trying! I am trying!


It is Jackie
communicating with us!

No! Look at your computer, Jade!

Your computer!


I will help myself to the bands,

after I delete you!


Gazelle bounds on
stepping stones!

Can you ask Jackie to
communicate with words next time?

English words? Oh...



Jackie, where are you?

I'm here, Jade!


Time to get within
shouting distance.


Excuse me, Jade.

No, Jade! Wait!



Oh, long way up.

But I will get someone
to lend me an ear!

It's no use, uncle.
These counterspells are lame-o.

Billy goat scales mountain.

(Mutters to himself)


These pages are stuck together.

you have used half of one spell

and half of another.

Combined, these spells
would not disappear Jackie,

they would shrink him
to the size of an ant.

Great! That means he's
somewhere in... Here.

Aah! Watch your step!

Check your shoes!


Toh... unh!

Hot cha! I will bring Jackie
back in a Hong Kong minute.

That's what you said
4 counterspells ago.

Antidote for
disappearing spell: Hard.

Shrink spell? Easy.

Hurry, uncle.

No, wait! I cannot return
to normal size in here!

Behold the bands of Shiva!

Uh, yes, they're very
pretty, hak foo.

But please,
if we do not leave here fast,

tohru will be in grave danger.

So I heard.

I shall defeat my 2
greatest enemies today.





Spider eats fly!

Spider eats earwax!

I... I hear voices.
Jackie's voice.

Screaming about...
about spiders!

Uh, don't lose your head
now, tohru.

Jackie'll be home soon.

Kwai jong, kwai jong, kwai jong.



Ooh! Ooh!

Uncle: Kwai jong,
kwai jong, kwai jong.

No, uncle! Stop the spell!

Kwai jong, kwai jong,
kwai jong, kwai jong.

All done.

Tohru! You must stop uncle!

I am inside your head!


(Gasps) Sensei!

Jackie says he is
inside my head.

(Gasps) There is no room
to grow inside there.

You mean tohru's head
is gonna go scanner?

I cannot reverse
the incantation.




Ah, relief.


Uh, new haircut, hak foo?

New arms.

To tear you limb from limb.

Uncle, may I?

Only this once.

Xia xu, xia xu, xia xu, xia xu.

Hak foo!

Aw, not again!

Good work, Jade.

Aw, not really.
I was trying to make him disappear.

Hello? Kidding!

Hey, Jackie? Yes?

What's your favorite sport?

The basketball is the best.

It's the best

and you're sweating,
and techniques, good.

And movement, and the
mind, in that second,

what are you doing?
Ok, back up...

That's basketball.

Wow. You gonna... Chi-chung.


I can beat Michael Jordan.
Maybe, I don't know.

With my martial arts together.

Poom! Chlan!