Ivanhoe (1958–1959): Season 1, Episode 2 - Slave Traders - full transcript

sir Ivanhoa thanks heaven yo ucame . we came as soon as your message arrives sir Thomas . How can we help

evil things had before in this house. But come

greetings Lady Margaret . guys welcome sir Ivanhoe. What you find is greatly saddened

these poor people had both sets on spirited away last night.

Spirited Away My lady ?. your work a fee, however, is harsh times we live in,

forgive my sir Ivanhoe I miscomforted.

Rumor has it that evil spirits are responsible? I don't understand.

in the last month, nine young men have disappeared from the forest.

Just witches All right . We have put food on everything to satisfy the hunger

to no avail . Every community in the great forest has been affected

even sir William of Belford who has a company of men at arms on patrol has lost three

or just vanished into the air . not a trace of them nothing

surely it is the work of witches armed by the devil . armed by human devil sir Thomas

surely you don't believe in such things as witches and evil spirits?
These youngsters must have been kidnapped

or not a score of men in this part of the country who would share your beliefs sir Ivanhoe

we shall see sir Thomas. We shall be eternally grateful for any help that you can give us.

Our people must be protected at all costs.

But now come you must need refreshment and rest after your long journey.

sir . hmm Bart what is it?

You could prove that witches are spirits that took their children?

Perhaps you have a plan? yes sir Let me go into the forest tonight . let whoever they are tried to take me

You like girl. Her son has either lost his wits or is very brave.

He wants to be kidnapped . It's not such a bad idea sir we could take precautions.

Tell me Bart do you believe in witches? Come on the truth now.

If you say I'm a witch chef, and
bravely spoke about Now let's hear your plan.

oh god wretched darkness I feel like got away with Bart

sir Ivanhoe what happened we had the sound of fighting

call it but it was more like a defeat . one thing is Sure your witches are men allright.

They escaped us n the darkness with young Bart

should never have let him do it . Don't blame yourself sir . anyway I nearly caught one of them . look at piece of it's tunic.

Strangely woven, it's not an
ordinary garment

it was part of a seamans coat . seamans coat?.
What the name of all the saints are sailor doing in the forest

it's not so strange . we are only a few miles from the coast.

Man could have come from Portugal and the river estuary

its near Sir William of Belfast castle

Portugal . Gurth get the horses . We'll try and pick up the trail of our seafaring friends.

If they're not the kidnappers that'll lead us to those they were.

Iarwood you were tested Thomas tell them to wait until he hears from us.

The Portugal guy we saw the man with a torne tunic and companion. They were sailors all right . we're talking to a castle captain who wore the crest of a black bar beneath his cloak.

That's Oliver Belfort coat of arms

slowly left the sailors and lead us toward Belford castle.

We lost his trail . clean vanished he did

in a clearing near the castle . well those are the facts so far sir Thomas.

Oh, can you tell us anything about this William of Belfort that might help

worst neighbor a man never had.

sir William is brutal, selfish and unjust man and then grandma

he appears very wealthy. And he keeps lady Agnes his rich and beautiful ward a prisoner in the castle

by the mixture of beautiful prisoner ???? disappearing

and mysterious source of wealth

If he harms Bart i tear him into pieces . and I'll join you Gurth

no hold on there's no evidence of Williams involved.

But we saw the captain with the sailors didn't we? And he led us back to the castle . It's not proof it really raises suspicion

how can we obtain proof . possibly by entering the castle

Bellford Castle is impregnable . Sir William has 100 men on duty there

frontal attack is impossible . is more ways than one
Bellford Castle is impregnable . Sir William has 100 men on duty there

frontal attack is impossible . is more ways than one

Now we must enter without declaring our hand. evidence can be hidden far too easily. It will be difficult.

sir William is entertaining prince John . he is expected tomorrow.

The whole area will be heavily guarded

prince John

so be feasting music jesters minstrels instruments

Yes that's it . Gurth tomorrow you will go to the place where the captain disappeared and keep watching till you hear from me . yes sir

sir Thomas can you have men at arms hidden within easy reach about Belford castle?

and you sir . i

sir Thomas, do you have a loot? a loot?

Yes, I think so. Good. I should like to borrow it. We are

we are preparing to break into a fortress and sir Ivanhoe start serenading

don't understand it.

you cant Coming here . but iam minstrel from London Terran most worthy of higher . knowledge here without authority .

oh iam instrel and my songs resound up to the sky . well what ???? a minstrel seek century My Lord . well let him in while we feast

he can sing ??? diner saba hey

I have an announcement to make

in addition to being honored by the presence of prince John for the priest of Saint Benedict

the day will mark another glad occasion

my marriage to the lady Agnes

??? and long life to Lady Agnes .lady Agnes lady Ages .

Ahmed so give an account of yourself say you will come rom London . yes mylord William.

So of course you know it is balance good that entertain us

and let it be joyful . gladly mylord William what put it please you to hear

the lady Agnes virtue

well my love what should it be

let the minstrual choose? Thank you my lady.

i shall sing the swine and the sheep

oh stop swine in his thigh be brick line

as he dreamed about settings still fackel a sheep I think buy

off the bloated swine die and quick because a flashy charge better . of it is a sheep she went down in in the heat

a white fluffy coat in the mire. She frantically beleted and then she enteritis

right tell me the cause of you harm sir .
now sheep said that swine

you're a captive of mine and the metal you have i now take this . what seines becomes mine

what's mine remains mine
what style of that metal i make year

the performance was a good one . thank you my lord . but a balad was perhaps a trifold to peppery

a rest of our evening may make your songs sweeter

i show to your chamber where can you refresh yourself

you chambers sir minstrel

sir Williamshospitality is irresistible i thank you

minstrel are you there

yes my lady . the ballad you say showed that you understood my plight .
I'm trust you for I need help desperately.

And I return that trust I'm not a minstrel iam Ivanhoe of Rotherwood

i have heard of you and you're brave deeds . sir William is marrying me only because he wants the land and the money I inherit.

sir William seems to have an insatiable appetite for gold . Can you help me?

iam locked . this one unlocke it . thanks lady Agnes

But I came to find a boy was kidnapped

I've not seen one have you seen or heard anything unusual?

Well yes strange things do go on in this castle .

sinister men and outlandish clothes often call here at night

anything else think it's important

sometimes I've heard cries and rattling of chains maybe there are prisoners in the cabin

whereas somewhere below these
dungeons I believe

I must go before I missed by sir William . thank you ???? . that I pray sir Ivanhoe .

weel Moorse you satisfied with this month's merchandise .

as grown a lot and what can I do with that one over there tell me? We would love to make a good houseboy

feel free to find price in the slave markets of Cordoba

may have been some Williams
price my show us a profit

sea journey is expensive to these coats yours

the price is fixed at 150 Gold marks for each boy.

that's for that one say 50 . 50 For that one You must be mad

as for the boys over here why I wasn't bothered to take them aboard .

spend good food and money keeping them alive and ??? ???

the boy is too thin well feed him . 100 gold marks . 150 is the price we fixed

too much captain...

?? he is good good . oh thanks heaven you safe

I put at the center and then what was into that tunnel . I was looking for the hidden entrance

is over no time to lose that alarm as soon as they miss Bart

we must surprise them with strike first . I'm ready Sir

Bart get sir Thomas and his men are leaving here . right

follow this path straight led into the ???

we're still three
times and then offline J will

leave the store just bring them swift here . yes sir

sir William braids us try . captain here are 1000 Gold marks .

Rest when these boys are on board our ship . We will be ready at night

we're ready now

no douche quarter

I repeat my Lord I refuse to marry you. Yoo have no choice my lady and that's an end to it.

lord prince John and his retinue approach the courtyard. good we are ready

you will also greet his highness lady Agnes

you will do well do look more pleased my lady Agnes . i comannd it

you're in no position to come anything sir William . the minstrel . no sir Ivanhoe of Rotherwood slave trader

arest him

surrender sir William . I yield sir Ivanhoe

call up your dogs . full back and put up your arms.

sir Ivanhoe of Rotherwood is this yet another of your lawless escapades

He fought his way in your majesty . He has wounded my man and he intends to rob me. I demanded his imprisonment.

put up you sword sir Ivanhoe . you are constantly looking for trouble in this realm?

your sir I seek only justice for others.

It is true Your Highness sir William intended to...
enough Lady Agnes we saw and judge for ourselves.

i think is time we taught sir Ivanhoe lesson

well what is the meaning of this . I accuse sir William of Belford

and I charged him with kidnapping these young boys .
and sending them as slaves in the British slave markets.

it´s lies your highness It's all lies.

These are grave charges sir Thomas . if true your highness they should move trial by ordeal to death

have you already a proof sir Thomas? Here is your evidence Your Highness.

and there are several more in the dungeons below.

It's a conspiracy to displace me . I have lost peasants too.

you purposely had some of his own people disappear to divert suspicion

? That's right your higness . I was once sir William serf he was gonna sell me too

sir Williams hidden mysteries have been kidnapping and selling yels for the slave markets or Cordoba.

He was terrorized the countryside with tales of witches spitting them away.

His captain has confessed . don't believe him your higness

sir Ivanhoe you have often spread false reports about my justice in this land.

false reports ?.
You have said that I do not have to hold the law in the absence of my brother King Richard

to prove your false ?. I command sir William who is known to be loyal to me to answer these charges before the court dissmiss it

than you sir

I shall spread different tidings about you're not

and you will admit to all that I meet our justice without favor. No sir.

I shall advertise the news of sir Williams forthcoming trial . So that the people may see your justice dispensed

lady Agnes come sir Thomas we are finished here

you stupid greedy ???? but sir

sir Ivanhoe you know what is in our hearts . and that I treasure . well, my old friend

well my lady . God speed you my lord .
through my nose Thomas will look

sir Thomas will look after you now Lady Agnes. How can I ever than you . no thanks me my lady


Ivanhoe, Ivanhoe
To adventure, bold adventure watch him go

There's no power on earth can stop what he's begun
With Bart and Gurth, he'll fight 'till he has won

Ivanhoe, Ivanhoe
He's a friend who will defend the people's foe

He'll strike with speed like lightning bold and brave and game
In justice he is fighting to win the fairest dame.

Shout a cheer, adventure is here
Riding with Ivanhoe
With I-van-hoe