House of Cards (2013–2018): Season 4, Episode 5 - Chapter 44 - full transcript
Claire advises the VP Donald Blythe on dealing with Russia. Further investigation of Lucas Goodwin dredges up his accusations against Frank.
Lucas Goodwin was
released from a federal detention center
in Terre Haute, Indiana,
two months ago.
FBI investigators searched
his witness protection residence
- in Dayton, Ohio...
- Why was he even out of jail?
He helped the DOJ
with an ongoing investigation.
How did you not know that?
Only need-to-know for security reasons.
We found this today at his house.
A suicide note, I guess.
This can't go public.
We haven't told the press anything.
But this is evidence.
Once the report comes out...
Email this to me.
Mrs. Underwood?
It's two o'clock in the morning.
Would you like to go home?
I'll be out in a moment.
Yes, ma'am.
His liver is just not
regenerating fast enough.
What does that mean, exactly?
He needs a transplant,
or he'll die.
- How soon?
- Days.
We've made him Status 1.
I'm optimistic
we'll find him a suitable liver.
The recipient list is classified.
You're the only two members
of the administration who've been briefed.
- Is the First Lady aware?
- Yes, I informed her this afternoon.
...May I?
I know it's late,
but they said you were up, so...
No, I know.
I just hadn't eaten all day.
I'm sure you haven't.
- Would you like some salad?
- Sure. Thank you.
It's scary, about Frank.
Well, Francis is a fighter.
I wish I could ask his advice.
I have my call with Petrov in the morning.
I feel good about
my understanding of the plan.
My concern is him
railroading me on the call.
Well, would you like me to be on it?
An extra set of ears.
I don't... I don't know
how Cathy would feel about that.
Well, she doesn't need to know.
I could just listen from up here.
And maybe I could type a note
if you get into trouble.
on the president's recovery.
As of now, he's reported
to be in stable condition.
No press has been allowed
into the hospital.
Republican presidential hopeful
Will Conway
spoke of the president
at a rally in Arizona this morning.
I've criticized
President Underwood often.
But right now,
he's our president...
Come back tomorrow.
We're all out.
...and we have to pull together,
both sides of the aisle...
We're all out for today.
Sorry, come back tomorrow.
- We're all out, guys. We're all out.
- Are you serious?
Come back tomorrow.
We're all out for today, sir.
can I siphon a couple of gallons from you?
Fifty bucks.
I'm running on fumes.
I gotta get my kids to school,
and my husband to work...
Eighty bucks, two gallons.
Sorry, I can't help you.
- The line's open?
- Moscow is ready when you are, sir.
You can set it up here.
My Cliff Notes.
I'm ready.
Mr. President,
you're on with President Petrov.
Mr. President.
All of Russia is praying
for the president's recovery.
I hope you will extend
my warm thoughts to Mrs. Underwood.
I certainly will.
You're a brave man to take over
during such difficult times.
I just want to make sure we find
a manageable resolution to this oil...
I've read some of your books,
Mr. President.
I just finished Learning to Learn.
It was good.
Thank you.
There was a chapter on visualization
that really interested me.
Yes, it's a... a tool for students.
It helps them...
I would like you
to visualize something.
Now, you're standing in the tundra.
Um, wind, snow...
machines drilling through the ice,
long pipelines stretching to the horizon.
Do you see?
If you want to talk about Siberia,
I'm more than happy to...
No, no, no. You're not visualizing,
Mr. Vice President.
Close your eyes.
All right. They're closed.
Good. Now...
picture the men working
those drills and pipelines.
What do they look like?
Um, heavy coats, gloves, boots.
Are they... Chinese?
You see, when I picture this,
I don't see Chinese.
I agree with you. The less control
the Chinese have, the better.
Then why did you send Milkin to China?
You weren't negotiating with us.
We thought they might have more luck.
Their demands would leave us
worse off than we were before.
I can get the IMF
to provide half the bailout.
This would counteract the Chinese demands
for drilling rights...
- You are playing us off each other.
- Mr. President...
I think you're in
over your head, Mr. Blythe.
If you would just give me
a chance to elaborate...
Why give you a chance?
What do you know about Russia?
About China?
I've been briefed on...
Forgive me, but...
I don't feel comfortable negotiating
with anyone other than the president.
When he recovers,
perhaps he and I can speak.
So, are we finished?
The president's
in very bad shape.
How serious is it?
He needs a liver transplant.
I wasn't aware that...
You better get used to
negotiating with me.
If the president dies, it's you and I...
or nothing at all.
My apologies, Mr. President.
I didn't intend to insult you.
Let's keep a dialogue open.
That's all I'm asking.
I'd like the opportunity to present you
with a detailed proposal
countering the Chinese demands.
I'll have Secretary Durant
work with your foreign minister,
and then we'll take it from there.
Are you open to that?
Of course.
I look forward to reviewing your proposal.
- Thank you, Mr. President.
Sir, we didn't want that
to get out to the press yet.
The American people
deserve to know, anyway.
Sir, the Russians don't respond
well to weakness.
Now that they know
that the president...
You heard him say
he's open to negotiation.
I'd say that's progress.
Four days and still nothing?
No press conference, no briefing.
We have to let them conduct
their investigation on their own terms.
- Feels like we're being shut out.
- This isn't just the bureau.
They have to coordinate with Homeland
and make sure nothing sensitive...
That's bullshit.
There's something about Goodwin
that you don't want us to know.
I wanna know why he did this
just as much as you do...
but we've gotta let the FBI do its job.
Same theory as when I visited him.
And that was before
he struck the plea, correct?
I encouraged him to plead guilty.
His claims were unsubstantiated.
Tell us about your meeting
with the president
prior to that meeting with Goodwin.
Lucas asked me to investigate.
I did.
That involved an interview
with Underwood.
You still have your notes?
No notes without a warrant.
- The press. Calling non-stop.
We suggest you don't speak to anyone
while we're still...
Don't worry. I don't have any interest
in getting dragged into this.
Let me go dig up those notes.
Blythe... He told Petrov
the president needs a transplant.
- Why would he do that?
- Petrov got under his skin.
This is why we should've carried out
your husband's plan.
We're giving Moscow
too much room to maneuver...
Let's not debate
what we can't change, Doug.
If Moscow knows,
we'll have to notify the press.
We're doing that tomorrow.
Dr. Saxon will do the briefing.
No, I'll do it.
It's better coming from the First Lady.
I agree.
We need to address this, too.
The FBI found Goodwin's notes
in his house.
- Can we make them disappear?
- No, it's already been catalogued.
We need to get out ahead of it
and control the story.
All right. Get me a copy
and report on the investigation so far.
I wanna see him.
The president.
The Secret Service still won't let me.
I'd like Mr. Stamper to have access
to my husband, please.
We have strict orders, ma'am.
Only you and...
Would you like me to call
the vice president myself?
Douglas, this young man
will escort you to his room.
Thank you.
- What time is it?
- It's a little past 7:00.
Sir? Sir, it's Doug.
Just because his eyes are open
doesn't mean he's fully conscious.
Insufficient liver function.
His brain is swimming
in a pool of unprocessed ammonia.
If he's seeing anything,
it's probably severe hallucinations.
How long until he has a liver?
Could be hours.
Could be days.
He's number three on the list.
Number three?
It's prioritized in terms of need
and who was listed first as a Status 1.
- He's the President of the United States.
- It's the law.
The attorney general is resigning.
Add that to the press release
for this afternoon.
- Her decision or the vice president's?
- My decision.
Goodwin's WITSEC
was a DOJ responsibility.
We needed a head to roll.
First hers... then yours.
You'll resign tomorrow.
Doug, I know you're under
a lot of pressure, but...
You sent the photo of the rebel soldier.
- That's not true.
- Personal phone, off the premises.
You know, maybe somebody hacked
my account or something...
Are you really gonna keep lying to me?
I could have you arrested.
But I'd rather you go quietly.
I know things, Doug.
Nothing you can prove.
Now, threaten me again.
There's no proposal
without China's involvement.
Now, Cathy's tried, but she doesn't have
the best relationship with them.
Maybe she needs some help.
Help? How?
- Do you mind if I smoke?
- Of course not.
I quit about ten years ago.
Marjory forced me to.
Still smells delicious.
What was it like when Marjory died?
Well, it was, um...
I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it
if you don't want.
No, it's fine.
We hadn't had a real conversation in...
in months.
Her mind was gone.
When she finally died,
it felt like a limb had been hacked off.
I felt... devastated.
But I also felt relieved.
That's what I feel about my mother.
I hadn't...
It hadn't even occurred to me.
You have Frank and your mother.
When my father died, it destroyed me,
but when I think about Mother,
I feel nothing.
- You two aren't close?
- No.
And I feel the same about Francis.
I know that must sound awful.
It's a lot to process.
There's no right way or wrong way.
- Wait, hold on.
- No.
...Marjory wouldn't approve.
- We got sidetracked.
- Yes.
I have an idea,
if you can trust me to handle it.
I'd trust you
with my goddamn life, Claire.
...You don't want to know.
I got it. Merci.
- LeAnn.
- You are a tough guy to track down.
- What are you doing here?
- You have a plane to catch.
The First Lady needs your help.
I don't want to have
anything to do with them.
Whatever you think of the president,
you still have a duty to your country.
Even if he dies,
the day I walked out the White House,
I promised myself I wasn't going back.
You don't even know
what we have in mind.
It doesn't matter.
I'm not going.
I'd like you to leave.
- Here's your briefing materials.
- You're not hearing me.
You should really take a look.
Her campaign would be over.
And what would your parents think?
It looks like you're taking
advantage of the fact that he's...
Conway is still campaigning.
He's a Republican and
he's already wrapped up his nomination.
Apples and oranges.
We are gonna lose, if we sit still,
to a guy who's unconscious.
Heather's right. Underwood's scoring
major sympathy points.
He's ahead in six
of the next seven states.
We need to keep the pressure up.
Russia, gas prices...
Attack a president
who's fighting for his life?
I didn't call this meeting to debate.
I want those states back.
So let's start organizing events
and media hits.
Prelim budgets and schedules,
by tomorrow morning.
There has been much
speculation as to Goodwin's motivations.
- Where are we on Goodwin?
- The security guy's taken care of.
He never saw the two of you together.
- What about others?
- None that he knows of.
But it's not like we can ask around.
In November of 2013,
Ms. Barnes was struck
by a D.C. Metrorail train.
D.C. police classified it as an accident.
Some have speculated that...
Have a seat, Remy.
Sorry about Frank.
Please, don't bother.
I've had enough people say they're sorry,
and I know you don't mean it.
I can't help you
the way you want me to.
LeAnn told me she was
very clear with you.
It won't work.
Tusk wants to help you
even less than I do.
Well, nobody's doing
any favors here, Remy.
He's going to get very rich from this.
- Why don't you speak to him yourself?
- Because he won't listen to me.
This needs to seem
like your idea, not mine.
- And you'll make a killing, too.
- I don't need the money.
Because you care about
other things now.
Like Jackie.
Which is why you'll make this happen.
If I had told Dunbar about Frank...
about how he knew
about the laundering,
he wouldn't be president
and we wouldn't be standing here.
But you didn't and you can't now,
so here we are.
Two hours and we got nowhere.
All he wants to hear is China.
I told him Beijing is not responsive.
He doesn't give a damn.
The First Lady put a bug in his ear.
Well, whatever bug she put in there
won't crawl out.
I'll set up a meeting.
Just you, me and him.
I don't think a meeting is enough.
We have a vice president that
does not know what he is doing, Doug.
He needs to completely turn over
all diplomatic affairs
to the State Department.
- Otherwise, my hands are tied.
- Not now.
This can't wait.
When we're finished,
I will come and find you.
Could you give us a few moments,
Madam Secretary?
- Seth, you're out of line!
- It's all right.
Call me.
I will.
Thank you, Cathy.
Thank you.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- You can't fire me.
You don't interrupt a meeting
with the Secretary of State.
I can end Dunbar's campaign.
We can end it today.
If I deliver, will you keep me on?
You tell me how first.
Have a seat, Martha.
I've had second thoughts
about your resignation.
Would you like to remain
as attorney general?
Yes, I would.
Thank you, Doug.
Did Heather Dunbar inform you of a meeting
between herself and Lucas Goodwin?
You're having me interrogated
by my own subordinates?
They only work for you
if you keep your job.
I suggest you answer their questions.
- I'd like a lawyer present.
- Let me remind you, ma'am.
Failing to have informed us
constitutes withholding of evidence.
Heather is a friend.
It's very simple, Martha.
You work with us, you stay on as AG.
You don't, we prosecute.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
the First Lady of the United States.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I'd like to update you
on my husband's recovery.
The president's medical team
gave me a full assessment last night
and they have come to the conclusion
that the president is in need
of a liver transplant if he's to survive.
I'm asking the nation to pray with me
that a healthy liver
makes its way to Francis soon.
I'm sorry. A moment.
I'm sorry.
She's good, isn't she?
- What're you doing here?
- As for the investigation...
First Lady wanted some support.
...the FBI director of counterterrorism
will give you a full briefing. But...
I feel it's important
to personally address
the document found
in Mr. Goodwin's residence
that was made available to you
just before this conference.
It's filled with language that would make
for flashy headlines,
words like "murder," "corruption."
The accusation that the president
was involved in the deaths
of Peter Russo and Zoe Barnes.
Phrases like "abuse of power,"
while they have no basis in reality,
they do give us a sad glimpse
into a very troubled mind.
And it pains me that anyone,
even someone who is mentally ill,
would think my husband is capable
of what Mr. Goodwin believed to be true.
But mostly it pains me
for Mr. Goodwin's parents,
who are coping
with the loss of their son.
And, by all accounts,
he was a decent man for most of his life,
but clearly, something snapped in him
and he never got the help
he so desperately needed.
So I ask that all of you
respect his parents' grief
by not sensationalizing
the words of a sick young man.
And let's remember
Lawrence and Betty Meechum,
whose son Edward gave his life because
of Mr. Goodwin's illness.
Edward's sacrifice is the only reason
my husband is still alive.
And I'll be forever grateful for
his friendship and his devoted service.
Thank you.
Counterterrorism Director
Nathan Green.
Today we had a new development
in the investigation.
This afternoon,
we interviewed the attorney general.
She gave us a full account
of a conversation she had
with Heather Dunbar
the day of the shooting.
In this conversation,
Ms. Dunbar claimed to have met
with Lucas Goodwin personally.
And while we have no reason to believe
Ms. Dunbar had anything to do
with the assassination attempt...
we will be questioning her
about this alleged conversation.
Are you arresting her?
No, ma'am.
We're here to ask a few questions.
- Then you need to make a formal request.
- Is she here now?
Send the request directly to me,
and then I'll discuss it
with Ms. Dunbar's attorneys.
Hey, Kate.
I tried calling.
Home and cell.
Pulled out the cord.
Turned off the cell.
Because of people like me.
The others had the courtesy
not to show up on my doorstep.
- Courtesy never got me anywhere.
Can we talk?
Off the record.
- If it were anyone but you...
- Well, luckily, it isn't.
Let me get Fausto.
It's time for his walk.
I'm in the nuclear game, not fossil fuels.
No one has the relationships
you do in China.
Chinese disowned me.
They'll come around.
Who put you up to this?
- Starting my own firm.
- I thought you were out?
I was fooling myself.
So, president gets shot,
and you just can't help
taking advantage of the chaos.
What you call chaos, I call opportunity.
And you're my first client.
I wish you the best.
But I'm not your first client.
I don't wanna have
anything to do with the White House.
You lost a lot of money
during the Walker scandal.
I did, indeed,
which is why I'm turning you down.
I'm sorry you came
all the way out here for a "no."
You don't wanna go to prison, do you?
Lose the rest of it?
I've already been pardoned.
For the money laundering,
not for perjury.
You said that Walker knew, and he didn't.
What you didn't say
is that you were working with Frank.
Why should anybody
believe you more than me?
You take that chance...
and watch Clayton West
become a penny stock.
Or we're heroes
for ending the oil crisis,
everybody gets rich,
your image is restored.
They'll probably even let you choose
the next ambassador in Beijing.
So you don't think
any of it is true?
And I wanted to believe him.
So the First Lady's
whole teary-eyed thing?
I think she's right.
Something in Lucas snapped.
I mean, the Lucas I knew
wouldn't have tried to kill a president.
Exactly. That's my point.
You honestly think
Underwood was murdering people?
Where is your skepticism?
I'm skeptical of Lucas and
I'm skeptical of the White House.
How come there's no proof?
After Lucas tried, after I tried.
My advice is to let it go.
You're gonna repeat
the same goose chase we did.
I had to ask.
- What does your editor say?
- To let it go.
You see?
- He's not as good as you are.
- Was.
Wish you were at The Telegraph.
Yeah, let me know if anyone gets fired.
It's open.
I came as soon as I got your text.
We've been slammed
since the press conference.
How's it lookin'?
Major play on the Dunbar story.
It was a good idea
to have the First Lady talk.
You want a soda?
A glass of water or anything?
Water's fine.
I've decided you can stay.
Doug, I hope you can understand.
I got nervous.
You know, things weren't
looking good and...
yeah, I wanted an out,
in case I needed one.
I mean, it was a mistake.
I wish I hadn't.
You corrected your mistakes.
That's all that matters. You want ice?
We can't afford any more shake-ups
in the campaign right now,
especially with the president
in the hospital.
We also can't afford
any more of your mistakes.
Shut up. Shut up!
When I first woke up,
I couldn't speak.
I had to blink my eyes
if I wanted to respond.
- Do you understand?
If I can't get your loyalty,
I will have your obedience.
- Blink!
You're fucked up, man.
- Quit it.
- Good morning, Mr. Hammerschmidt.
How can I help you?
We're just returning your notes.
We made copies. These are the originals.
Nothing too useful?
No, sir, but thank you
for your cooperation.
Your paper, too.
It was on the step.
Well, you have a good day,
Mr. Hammerschmidt.
You, too.
Don't tell me you're hungry already.
I just fed you. Good God.
I'm coming. I'm coming,
I'm coming, I'm coming.
- 'Morning.
- 'Morning.
I suggest we turn the negotiations
over to Cathy.
If we keep stalling on Russia,
gas prices will...
Now is not a good time.
I won't have the president come back
to a White House in disarray.
We don't know that he is coming back.
He is. I promise you that.
Are you God?
Who are you to say?
- Mr. Tusk and Mr. Danton are here.
- Send them in.
It was arranged this morning.
We're discussing Russia.
Sir, I am the Chief of Staff.
You have to keep me
informed of these things.
Excuse me,
but I believe you answer to me,
not the other way around.
Secretary Durant should be here.
This meeting is private.
I'll discuss it with you both after.
The president would never allow
- Mr. President.
- Mr. Tusk.
Remy, good to see you.
- Mr. President.
- Mr. Stamper.
I'll follow up
with you later, Doug.
Yes, sir.
Thanks for taking the time
to meet with us on such short notice.
Well, there's no time to waste
on this oil thing.
I've made some progress
with the Chinese.
Sir, the First Lady is in there right now.
She's expecting me.
We're trying to win an election,
and you want to remind everyone
that the president
pardoned Raymond Tusk?
- Let's find somewhere else.
- These are matters of state.
You don't have the authority to intervene.
If Donald wants my counsel,
that is his prerogative.
You are deliberately deceiving me.
- Going behind my...
- You have forgotten your place, Douglas.
My place?
What about your place?
You leave him when he needs you most,
you threaten him,
and now that he's in here,
you undermine him.
- You're supposed to be...
- Stop. That is enough.
I will fill you in on everything,
but not here. At the White House.
- What's happening?
- His heart.
- Doctor?
- He's had some sporadic arrhythmia.
- Will you give us the room for a moment?
- Of course.
We can't keep battling each other,
not with him like this.
We need a new path forward,
and I would like your help with that.
I promise I won't keep you in the dark.
I'll meet you at the White House
whenever you're ready.
I'm staying here.
I think this is more important.
Mrs. Underwood.
Mr. Tusk and Mr. Danton have a proposal
about how to deal with Russia.
I imagine I'm the last person
you expected to see today.
I am a bit surprised, yes,
to see both of you.
I'm sure there's some wariness
about us being here,
but I think we have a good plan
on how to handle Russia.
Would you like to join us?
Raymond can lay it out for you.
Well, I don't know what I can offer.
Well, we're going
to catch some flack
if word gets out that I'm back in business
with the White House.
You could help us smooth that over.
Your press conference was very moving.
- I'm sorry about Frank.
- Thank you.
Of course, he'd have a conniption fit
if he knew I were in the Oval Office.
Well, he is a pragmatist,
Raymond. Whatever works.
- Shall we continue?
- Remy.
So, the plan is
to propose a partnership
between American and Chinese
energy companies.
- You seem nervous.
- It's been a while.
...Going down.
What should I do, boss?
Dr. Saxon.
- I'd like to donate.
- Mr. Stamper...
My blood type is O.
I'm healthy. Let's do the tests.
That's not the only criteria for donation.
You're a recovering alcoholic.
We don't accept...
I don't care about the rules.
If I'm a match, I want you to do it.
Even if you were, it wouldn't matter.
He's too ill
for a partial liver at this point.
He needs a full one.
I'm sorry,
but we'll just have to wait and hope.
released from a federal detention center
in Terre Haute, Indiana,
two months ago.
FBI investigators searched
his witness protection residence
- in Dayton, Ohio...
- Why was he even out of jail?
He helped the DOJ
with an ongoing investigation.
How did you not know that?
Only need-to-know for security reasons.
We found this today at his house.
A suicide note, I guess.
This can't go public.
We haven't told the press anything.
But this is evidence.
Once the report comes out...
Email this to me.
Mrs. Underwood?
It's two o'clock in the morning.
Would you like to go home?
I'll be out in a moment.
Yes, ma'am.
His liver is just not
regenerating fast enough.
What does that mean, exactly?
He needs a transplant,
or he'll die.
- How soon?
- Days.
We've made him Status 1.
I'm optimistic
we'll find him a suitable liver.
The recipient list is classified.
You're the only two members
of the administration who've been briefed.
- Is the First Lady aware?
- Yes, I informed her this afternoon.
...May I?
I know it's late,
but they said you were up, so...
No, I know.
I just hadn't eaten all day.
I'm sure you haven't.
- Would you like some salad?
- Sure. Thank you.
It's scary, about Frank.
Well, Francis is a fighter.
I wish I could ask his advice.
I have my call with Petrov in the morning.
I feel good about
my understanding of the plan.
My concern is him
railroading me on the call.
Well, would you like me to be on it?
An extra set of ears.
I don't... I don't know
how Cathy would feel about that.
Well, she doesn't need to know.
I could just listen from up here.
And maybe I could type a note
if you get into trouble.
on the president's recovery.
As of now, he's reported
to be in stable condition.
No press has been allowed
into the hospital.
Republican presidential hopeful
Will Conway
spoke of the president
at a rally in Arizona this morning.
I've criticized
President Underwood often.
But right now,
he's our president...
Come back tomorrow.
We're all out.
...and we have to pull together,
both sides of the aisle...
We're all out for today.
Sorry, come back tomorrow.
- We're all out, guys. We're all out.
- Are you serious?
Come back tomorrow.
We're all out for today, sir.
can I siphon a couple of gallons from you?
Fifty bucks.
I'm running on fumes.
I gotta get my kids to school,
and my husband to work...
Eighty bucks, two gallons.
Sorry, I can't help you.
- The line's open?
- Moscow is ready when you are, sir.
You can set it up here.
My Cliff Notes.
I'm ready.
Mr. President,
you're on with President Petrov.
Mr. President.
All of Russia is praying
for the president's recovery.
I hope you will extend
my warm thoughts to Mrs. Underwood.
I certainly will.
You're a brave man to take over
during such difficult times.
I just want to make sure we find
a manageable resolution to this oil...
I've read some of your books,
Mr. President.
I just finished Learning to Learn.
It was good.
Thank you.
There was a chapter on visualization
that really interested me.
Yes, it's a... a tool for students.
It helps them...
I would like you
to visualize something.
Now, you're standing in the tundra.
Um, wind, snow...
machines drilling through the ice,
long pipelines stretching to the horizon.
Do you see?
If you want to talk about Siberia,
I'm more than happy to...
No, no, no. You're not visualizing,
Mr. Vice President.
Close your eyes.
All right. They're closed.
Good. Now...
picture the men working
those drills and pipelines.
What do they look like?
Um, heavy coats, gloves, boots.
Are they... Chinese?
You see, when I picture this,
I don't see Chinese.
I agree with you. The less control
the Chinese have, the better.
Then why did you send Milkin to China?
You weren't negotiating with us.
We thought they might have more luck.
Their demands would leave us
worse off than we were before.
I can get the IMF
to provide half the bailout.
This would counteract the Chinese demands
for drilling rights...
- You are playing us off each other.
- Mr. President...
I think you're in
over your head, Mr. Blythe.
If you would just give me
a chance to elaborate...
Why give you a chance?
What do you know about Russia?
About China?
I've been briefed on...
Forgive me, but...
I don't feel comfortable negotiating
with anyone other than the president.
When he recovers,
perhaps he and I can speak.
So, are we finished?
The president's
in very bad shape.
How serious is it?
He needs a liver transplant.
I wasn't aware that...
You better get used to
negotiating with me.
If the president dies, it's you and I...
or nothing at all.
My apologies, Mr. President.
I didn't intend to insult you.
Let's keep a dialogue open.
That's all I'm asking.
I'd like the opportunity to present you
with a detailed proposal
countering the Chinese demands.
I'll have Secretary Durant
work with your foreign minister,
and then we'll take it from there.
Are you open to that?
Of course.
I look forward to reviewing your proposal.
- Thank you, Mr. President.
Sir, we didn't want that
to get out to the press yet.
The American people
deserve to know, anyway.
Sir, the Russians don't respond
well to weakness.
Now that they know
that the president...
You heard him say
he's open to negotiation.
I'd say that's progress.
Four days and still nothing?
No press conference, no briefing.
We have to let them conduct
their investigation on their own terms.
- Feels like we're being shut out.
- This isn't just the bureau.
They have to coordinate with Homeland
and make sure nothing sensitive...
That's bullshit.
There's something about Goodwin
that you don't want us to know.
I wanna know why he did this
just as much as you do...
but we've gotta let the FBI do its job.
Same theory as when I visited him.
And that was before
he struck the plea, correct?
I encouraged him to plead guilty.
His claims were unsubstantiated.
Tell us about your meeting
with the president
prior to that meeting with Goodwin.
Lucas asked me to investigate.
I did.
That involved an interview
with Underwood.
You still have your notes?
No notes without a warrant.
- The press. Calling non-stop.
We suggest you don't speak to anyone
while we're still...
Don't worry. I don't have any interest
in getting dragged into this.
Let me go dig up those notes.
Blythe... He told Petrov
the president needs a transplant.
- Why would he do that?
- Petrov got under his skin.
This is why we should've carried out
your husband's plan.
We're giving Moscow
too much room to maneuver...
Let's not debate
what we can't change, Doug.
If Moscow knows,
we'll have to notify the press.
We're doing that tomorrow.
Dr. Saxon will do the briefing.
No, I'll do it.
It's better coming from the First Lady.
I agree.
We need to address this, too.
The FBI found Goodwin's notes
in his house.
- Can we make them disappear?
- No, it's already been catalogued.
We need to get out ahead of it
and control the story.
All right. Get me a copy
and report on the investigation so far.
I wanna see him.
The president.
The Secret Service still won't let me.
I'd like Mr. Stamper to have access
to my husband, please.
We have strict orders, ma'am.
Only you and...
Would you like me to call
the vice president myself?
Douglas, this young man
will escort you to his room.
Thank you.
- What time is it?
- It's a little past 7:00.
Sir? Sir, it's Doug.
Just because his eyes are open
doesn't mean he's fully conscious.
Insufficient liver function.
His brain is swimming
in a pool of unprocessed ammonia.
If he's seeing anything,
it's probably severe hallucinations.
How long until he has a liver?
Could be hours.
Could be days.
He's number three on the list.
Number three?
It's prioritized in terms of need
and who was listed first as a Status 1.
- He's the President of the United States.
- It's the law.
The attorney general is resigning.
Add that to the press release
for this afternoon.
- Her decision or the vice president's?
- My decision.
Goodwin's WITSEC
was a DOJ responsibility.
We needed a head to roll.
First hers... then yours.
You'll resign tomorrow.
Doug, I know you're under
a lot of pressure, but...
You sent the photo of the rebel soldier.
- That's not true.
- Personal phone, off the premises.
You know, maybe somebody hacked
my account or something...
Are you really gonna keep lying to me?
I could have you arrested.
But I'd rather you go quietly.
I know things, Doug.
Nothing you can prove.
Now, threaten me again.
There's no proposal
without China's involvement.
Now, Cathy's tried, but she doesn't have
the best relationship with them.
Maybe she needs some help.
Help? How?
- Do you mind if I smoke?
- Of course not.
I quit about ten years ago.
Marjory forced me to.
Still smells delicious.
What was it like when Marjory died?
Well, it was, um...
I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about it
if you don't want.
No, it's fine.
We hadn't had a real conversation in...
in months.
Her mind was gone.
When she finally died,
it felt like a limb had been hacked off.
I felt... devastated.
But I also felt relieved.
That's what I feel about my mother.
I hadn't...
It hadn't even occurred to me.
You have Frank and your mother.
When my father died, it destroyed me,
but when I think about Mother,
I feel nothing.
- You two aren't close?
- No.
And I feel the same about Francis.
I know that must sound awful.
It's a lot to process.
There's no right way or wrong way.
- Wait, hold on.
- No.
...Marjory wouldn't approve.
- We got sidetracked.
- Yes.
I have an idea,
if you can trust me to handle it.
I'd trust you
with my goddamn life, Claire.
...You don't want to know.
I got it. Merci.
- LeAnn.
- You are a tough guy to track down.
- What are you doing here?
- You have a plane to catch.
The First Lady needs your help.
I don't want to have
anything to do with them.
Whatever you think of the president,
you still have a duty to your country.
Even if he dies,
the day I walked out the White House,
I promised myself I wasn't going back.
You don't even know
what we have in mind.
It doesn't matter.
I'm not going.
I'd like you to leave.
- Here's your briefing materials.
- You're not hearing me.
You should really take a look.
Her campaign would be over.
And what would your parents think?
It looks like you're taking
advantage of the fact that he's...
Conway is still campaigning.
He's a Republican and
he's already wrapped up his nomination.
Apples and oranges.
We are gonna lose, if we sit still,
to a guy who's unconscious.
Heather's right. Underwood's scoring
major sympathy points.
He's ahead in six
of the next seven states.
We need to keep the pressure up.
Russia, gas prices...
Attack a president
who's fighting for his life?
I didn't call this meeting to debate.
I want those states back.
So let's start organizing events
and media hits.
Prelim budgets and schedules,
by tomorrow morning.
There has been much
speculation as to Goodwin's motivations.
- Where are we on Goodwin?
- The security guy's taken care of.
He never saw the two of you together.
- What about others?
- None that he knows of.
But it's not like we can ask around.
In November of 2013,
Ms. Barnes was struck
by a D.C. Metrorail train.
D.C. police classified it as an accident.
Some have speculated that...
Have a seat, Remy.
Sorry about Frank.
Please, don't bother.
I've had enough people say they're sorry,
and I know you don't mean it.
I can't help you
the way you want me to.
LeAnn told me she was
very clear with you.
It won't work.
Tusk wants to help you
even less than I do.
Well, nobody's doing
any favors here, Remy.
He's going to get very rich from this.
- Why don't you speak to him yourself?
- Because he won't listen to me.
This needs to seem
like your idea, not mine.
- And you'll make a killing, too.
- I don't need the money.
Because you care about
other things now.
Like Jackie.
Which is why you'll make this happen.
If I had told Dunbar about Frank...
about how he knew
about the laundering,
he wouldn't be president
and we wouldn't be standing here.
But you didn't and you can't now,
so here we are.
Two hours and we got nowhere.
All he wants to hear is China.
I told him Beijing is not responsive.
He doesn't give a damn.
The First Lady put a bug in his ear.
Well, whatever bug she put in there
won't crawl out.
I'll set up a meeting.
Just you, me and him.
I don't think a meeting is enough.
We have a vice president that
does not know what he is doing, Doug.
He needs to completely turn over
all diplomatic affairs
to the State Department.
- Otherwise, my hands are tied.
- Not now.
This can't wait.
When we're finished,
I will come and find you.
Could you give us a few moments,
Madam Secretary?
- Seth, you're out of line!
- It's all right.
Call me.
I will.
Thank you, Cathy.
Thank you.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- You can't fire me.
You don't interrupt a meeting
with the Secretary of State.
I can end Dunbar's campaign.
We can end it today.
If I deliver, will you keep me on?
You tell me how first.
Have a seat, Martha.
I've had second thoughts
about your resignation.
Would you like to remain
as attorney general?
Yes, I would.
Thank you, Doug.
Did Heather Dunbar inform you of a meeting
between herself and Lucas Goodwin?
You're having me interrogated
by my own subordinates?
They only work for you
if you keep your job.
I suggest you answer their questions.
- I'd like a lawyer present.
- Let me remind you, ma'am.
Failing to have informed us
constitutes withholding of evidence.
Heather is a friend.
It's very simple, Martha.
You work with us, you stay on as AG.
You don't, we prosecute.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
the First Lady of the United States.
Good afternoon, everyone.
I'd like to update you
on my husband's recovery.
The president's medical team
gave me a full assessment last night
and they have come to the conclusion
that the president is in need
of a liver transplant if he's to survive.
I'm asking the nation to pray with me
that a healthy liver
makes its way to Francis soon.
I'm sorry. A moment.
I'm sorry.
She's good, isn't she?
- What're you doing here?
- As for the investigation...
First Lady wanted some support.
...the FBI director of counterterrorism
will give you a full briefing. But...
I feel it's important
to personally address
the document found
in Mr. Goodwin's residence
that was made available to you
just before this conference.
It's filled with language that would make
for flashy headlines,
words like "murder," "corruption."
The accusation that the president
was involved in the deaths
of Peter Russo and Zoe Barnes.
Phrases like "abuse of power,"
while they have no basis in reality,
they do give us a sad glimpse
into a very troubled mind.
And it pains me that anyone,
even someone who is mentally ill,
would think my husband is capable
of what Mr. Goodwin believed to be true.
But mostly it pains me
for Mr. Goodwin's parents,
who are coping
with the loss of their son.
And, by all accounts,
he was a decent man for most of his life,
but clearly, something snapped in him
and he never got the help
he so desperately needed.
So I ask that all of you
respect his parents' grief
by not sensationalizing
the words of a sick young man.
And let's remember
Lawrence and Betty Meechum,
whose son Edward gave his life because
of Mr. Goodwin's illness.
Edward's sacrifice is the only reason
my husband is still alive.
And I'll be forever grateful for
his friendship and his devoted service.
Thank you.
Counterterrorism Director
Nathan Green.
Today we had a new development
in the investigation.
This afternoon,
we interviewed the attorney general.
She gave us a full account
of a conversation she had
with Heather Dunbar
the day of the shooting.
In this conversation,
Ms. Dunbar claimed to have met
with Lucas Goodwin personally.
And while we have no reason to believe
Ms. Dunbar had anything to do
with the assassination attempt...
we will be questioning her
about this alleged conversation.
Are you arresting her?
No, ma'am.
We're here to ask a few questions.
- Then you need to make a formal request.
- Is she here now?
Send the request directly to me,
and then I'll discuss it
with Ms. Dunbar's attorneys.
Hey, Kate.
I tried calling.
Home and cell.
Pulled out the cord.
Turned off the cell.
Because of people like me.
The others had the courtesy
not to show up on my doorstep.
- Courtesy never got me anywhere.
Can we talk?
Off the record.
- If it were anyone but you...
- Well, luckily, it isn't.
Let me get Fausto.
It's time for his walk.
I'm in the nuclear game, not fossil fuels.
No one has the relationships
you do in China.
Chinese disowned me.
They'll come around.
Who put you up to this?
- Starting my own firm.
- I thought you were out?
I was fooling myself.
So, president gets shot,
and you just can't help
taking advantage of the chaos.
What you call chaos, I call opportunity.
And you're my first client.
I wish you the best.
But I'm not your first client.
I don't wanna have
anything to do with the White House.
You lost a lot of money
during the Walker scandal.
I did, indeed,
which is why I'm turning you down.
I'm sorry you came
all the way out here for a "no."
You don't wanna go to prison, do you?
Lose the rest of it?
I've already been pardoned.
For the money laundering,
not for perjury.
You said that Walker knew, and he didn't.
What you didn't say
is that you were working with Frank.
Why should anybody
believe you more than me?
You take that chance...
and watch Clayton West
become a penny stock.
Or we're heroes
for ending the oil crisis,
everybody gets rich,
your image is restored.
They'll probably even let you choose
the next ambassador in Beijing.
So you don't think
any of it is true?
And I wanted to believe him.
So the First Lady's
whole teary-eyed thing?
I think she's right.
Something in Lucas snapped.
I mean, the Lucas I knew
wouldn't have tried to kill a president.
Exactly. That's my point.
You honestly think
Underwood was murdering people?
Where is your skepticism?
I'm skeptical of Lucas and
I'm skeptical of the White House.
How come there's no proof?
After Lucas tried, after I tried.
My advice is to let it go.
You're gonna repeat
the same goose chase we did.
I had to ask.
- What does your editor say?
- To let it go.
You see?
- He's not as good as you are.
- Was.
Wish you were at The Telegraph.
Yeah, let me know if anyone gets fired.
It's open.
I came as soon as I got your text.
We've been slammed
since the press conference.
How's it lookin'?
Major play on the Dunbar story.
It was a good idea
to have the First Lady talk.
You want a soda?
A glass of water or anything?
Water's fine.
I've decided you can stay.
Doug, I hope you can understand.
I got nervous.
You know, things weren't
looking good and...
yeah, I wanted an out,
in case I needed one.
I mean, it was a mistake.
I wish I hadn't.
You corrected your mistakes.
That's all that matters. You want ice?
We can't afford any more shake-ups
in the campaign right now,
especially with the president
in the hospital.
We also can't afford
any more of your mistakes.
Shut up. Shut up!
When I first woke up,
I couldn't speak.
I had to blink my eyes
if I wanted to respond.
- Do you understand?
If I can't get your loyalty,
I will have your obedience.
- Blink!
You're fucked up, man.
- Quit it.
- Good morning, Mr. Hammerschmidt.
How can I help you?
We're just returning your notes.
We made copies. These are the originals.
Nothing too useful?
No, sir, but thank you
for your cooperation.
Your paper, too.
It was on the step.
Well, you have a good day,
Mr. Hammerschmidt.
You, too.
Don't tell me you're hungry already.
I just fed you. Good God.
I'm coming. I'm coming,
I'm coming, I'm coming.
- 'Morning.
- 'Morning.
I suggest we turn the negotiations
over to Cathy.
If we keep stalling on Russia,
gas prices will...
Now is not a good time.
I won't have the president come back
to a White House in disarray.
We don't know that he is coming back.
He is. I promise you that.
Are you God?
Who are you to say?
- Mr. Tusk and Mr. Danton are here.
- Send them in.
It was arranged this morning.
We're discussing Russia.
Sir, I am the Chief of Staff.
You have to keep me
informed of these things.
Excuse me,
but I believe you answer to me,
not the other way around.
Secretary Durant should be here.
This meeting is private.
I'll discuss it with you both after.
The president would never allow
- Mr. President.
- Mr. Tusk.
Remy, good to see you.
- Mr. President.
- Mr. Stamper.
I'll follow up
with you later, Doug.
Yes, sir.
Thanks for taking the time
to meet with us on such short notice.
Well, there's no time to waste
on this oil thing.
I've made some progress
with the Chinese.
Sir, the First Lady is in there right now.
She's expecting me.
We're trying to win an election,
and you want to remind everyone
that the president
pardoned Raymond Tusk?
- Let's find somewhere else.
- These are matters of state.
You don't have the authority to intervene.
If Donald wants my counsel,
that is his prerogative.
You are deliberately deceiving me.
- Going behind my...
- You have forgotten your place, Douglas.
My place?
What about your place?
You leave him when he needs you most,
you threaten him,
and now that he's in here,
you undermine him.
- You're supposed to be...
- Stop. That is enough.
I will fill you in on everything,
but not here. At the White House.
- What's happening?
- His heart.
- Doctor?
- He's had some sporadic arrhythmia.
- Will you give us the room for a moment?
- Of course.
We can't keep battling each other,
not with him like this.
We need a new path forward,
and I would like your help with that.
I promise I won't keep you in the dark.
I'll meet you at the White House
whenever you're ready.
I'm staying here.
I think this is more important.
Mrs. Underwood.
Mr. Tusk and Mr. Danton have a proposal
about how to deal with Russia.
I imagine I'm the last person
you expected to see today.
I am a bit surprised, yes,
to see both of you.
I'm sure there's some wariness
about us being here,
but I think we have a good plan
on how to handle Russia.
Would you like to join us?
Raymond can lay it out for you.
Well, I don't know what I can offer.
Well, we're going
to catch some flack
if word gets out that I'm back in business
with the White House.
You could help us smooth that over.
Your press conference was very moving.
- I'm sorry about Frank.
- Thank you.
Of course, he'd have a conniption fit
if he knew I were in the Oval Office.
Well, he is a pragmatist,
Raymond. Whatever works.
- Shall we continue?
- Remy.
So, the plan is
to propose a partnership
between American and Chinese
energy companies.
- You seem nervous.
- It's been a while.
...Going down.
What should I do, boss?
Dr. Saxon.
- I'd like to donate.
- Mr. Stamper...
My blood type is O.
I'm healthy. Let's do the tests.
That's not the only criteria for donation.
You're a recovering alcoholic.
We don't accept...
I don't care about the rules.
If I'm a match, I want you to do it.
Even if you were, it wouldn't matter.
He's too ill
for a partial liver at this point.
He needs a full one.
I'm sorry,
but we'll just have to wait and hope.