Hollands Hoop (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - In een groen groen knollenland - full transcript

A fatal accident gets Fokke and his son Pepijn in trouble with members of the criminal organization who are behind the marijuana plantation. In order to save their lives, Fokke negotiates with the criminals.

It's okay, I also want
a divorce, Fokke.

Isn't that what you wanted to say?
-No, my father died.

Are you alright?

Mom just needs some space.
-Mom's having an affair.

I'm not going one-on-one
with your most dangerous patient.

He decapitated his father.
He'll never get out again.

That wasn't the agreement, Fokke.

Fokke, it's over.
-I quit.

Go home to your family, bury
your father, come back refreshed.

I have to go to the farm.
-We're going with you.

This is it, guys.
'Holland's Hope.'

You don't recognize me.

I assume you're not staying.

No work for a psychiatrist here.
-I wouldn't be so sure.

To Mom's question
whether I also want a divorce...

A divorce?
-the answer is no.

You think, we'll just move somewhere
else and make a new start. But I can't.

You'll stay with Dad and talk to him.

We're rich, we're rich...

We have to get out of here.
Come on.


Pep, stop. No further.

Maybe it's okay. We don't know who
they are. Why would they come here?

Because they see the lights are on.

Dad, let's go. As you said,
we don't know who they are.

No, we'll wait. First think,
make a plan and evaluate.

No one saw us, right?

There are thirty of them.
We have to leave.

We can't. There's only one road,
Mom took the car...

the Taunus is out of fuel
and back there is the sea.

Staying put is our best option.
If we stay put, eventually they'll leave.





Hello. Fokke?


Jesus, Grandpa.
-Pep. The office, my cell phone.

No connection.

Sorry, Pep.
-What? You're apologizing now?

I need you

You know...

Grandpa would...

would beat the shit out of me.

I'd hide wherever I could.

On the roof.

In the basement.
In the attic. In the field.

And when I was as old as you are...

I thought:
I'm not going to hide anymore.

I don't even remember the reason.
Something trivial.

It was always something trivial.

And I was standing in front of him...

and I just hit him back.

Well, he sure made me pay for it.



No, Pep, it's okay.

Stay here.

Stay here, I said.

Nothing there.

I miss your body

Stay away from my wife

If I get you in front of my bumper,
I'll kill you

This is Mano's voice mail.
I'm not available right now.

I will kill you.



Who are you?


My name. Miroslav.

Here. Look...

What's going on out there?

Sowing and reaping.

Are you saying my father
was involved with drugs?

Grandpa was endboss.

And you thought the city was bad.
-Really, Pepijn.

That says a lot...

a drug dealer telling me
my father was a good man.

If you want to pay your respect, he's in
the front room. The funeral is tomorrow.

Pepijn, put that thing down.

Oh God.

He's dying, Pep.
Get a towel, to stop the bleeding.

Pep, get a towel.


Why are you following me?


Hey, sweetheart. Sleep well?

Aunt Annie will come to watch Flipje
so I can go to yoga.

Maybe you can go to a girlfriend or...

Summer holidays, Mom.
They're all gone. France, Spain.

Excuse me, Madam,
may I ask you something?

I don't have any cash.
Sorry, I usually do...

No, that's not it. I...

Fokke. Mrs Augustinus, right?

It's funny.
Fokke and I share so much.

And he often talks about you.
And about the children.

Okay. Sorry, I thought you were one of
the homeless I see at the supermarket.

Machteld. And you are?

A colleague.
A colleague of the doctor, Fokke.

Of doctor Fokke.

Yes, I'm a colleague of Fokke,
at the ward.

He's my mentor, so to speak.

My condolences, by the way.
With his father.

He pulled it off, didn't he?

Sometimes people say: I could...
But fortunately...

Do you mind? I have to get out.

Madam, Fokke is...
Fokke's at the farm right now, isn't he?

In... Where was it again?
In the north?

Yes, go ahead. Go ahead.

In Groningen?

Is he gone, you think?

It was an accident.
I was holding the rifle and...

It was my fault.

You knew my father.

And so did Miroslav. They were
friends, right? Very good friends.

It happened so fast.
I didn't even know it worked.

I was holding it and it went off and...

It was an accident.

No, please.

Take everything.
Take everything you want.


Where are you!

Pep, calm down.

Wait, I hear something.

Fokke? I was hoping you'd pick up.

I understand you have
other things on your mind now.

Please pick up the phone.


I'm about to do something
very stupid, I think.

I'm not sure why I'm calling.
Maybe because I hope you'll stop me.

Are you really not there? Fokke?

Shut up.
-Please, I have to talk to my wife.

Dad, stop it, before he comes back.

Fokke, quiet.

Do as I say.
-Matthias, what are you doing here?

There's only one way
to get out of here alive.


-Dad, untie me.


Untie me.
- I'll come back.

-I swear, son. I'll come and get you.

Dad, untie me.
Dad, come back.

Dad, where are you going? Dad.



Hey, Machteld. Hello.

How are you?

-No. Very bad, actually.

Sorry, Machteld, I have to...

I see what you're doing.
It's really sweet.

You've taught me so much recently.
You've made me see that it's up to me...

to tell Fokke it's over.
-Exactly, you don't need me.

You can do it alone.

Look, we met because we had to learn
something from each other, and we did.

That's the way it goes.
So, good luck. Namaste.

Are you alright, Mom?


You have a bizarre sense of timing, Fokke.

But the main thing is that we need to
harvest, cut and dry everything today.

Is that the main thing?
Cutting and drying?

A drug plantation, two corpses,
my son tied up in the basement.

Cutting and drying are not my priority.
Getting out of here is.

It was an accident.

What was Miro doing here, armed?
He had no business here.

No one told your brother to check.
Everything was under control.

Sasha, if we want to keep doing
business here, we'll need Fokke.

I don't want any part of this.
You can have everything.

I just want to get out of here. Take
everything. I haven't seen anything.

Get dressed.

Get dressed.

Are you sure
you have nothing to say?

Now you still can.

This isn't what your father wanted.

He'll hardly notice.
His soul is long gone.

It's not his soul
that I'm worried about.

You will have a chance
to say a few last words to him.

I don't think I'm going to manage.

I'm sorry.
-We see that so often.

But once you stand there,
it will come of its own.

That's not what I meant.
- I'll help you, Fokke.

Uwe, Fokke and I were about to leave.
I don't mean to be insensitive, but...

Right, Fokke?


Why did you leave me by myself?

I'm trying to get us out. It doesn't
help if you make your own plans.

So what's your plan?

You have to make psychopaths feel
that they're in control of the situation.

In the meantime...
-We're in a ditch.

Being in control of the situation.
-In the meantime you can work on them.

Get inside them,
appeal to them on their own level.

We'll get out of this, Pep, really.
Keep digging.

Come, I have to show you something.

I'm not going anywhere
without my son, Matthias.

Given the circumstances,
down there it's safest.

We'll go together or not at all.

I'd say the same thing, Fokke,
but I'm trying to avoid more casualties.

Dad, he's just one of them.

-Keep an eye on him.


You're doing it all wrong.
That's a spade.

With a spade you have to cut,
not scoop. Come, I'll show you.

Here, with a spade you cut.
Scooping you do with a shovel.

With a spade you cut.
Clear enough, right?



You're the guy that shot Miro, right?

Don't worry, he doesn't understand us.

You really got the wrong one.
Miro was not such a bad guy.

He was fun to be around
and liked to party.

You should have shot Sasha.
That ugly bastard.

But it's never too late, right?

I'm Bert.

-I'm Matthias's brother.

Do you think...

I'm not sure.
You never know with Sasha.

One moment you're his friend,
the next moment you hang.

I have to get out of here.
-I don't think so, Fokke.

Holland's Hope could have been sold
to a middleman by the heir or the notary.

But now you show up.
-it's still possible.

I haven't accepted the inheritance yet.
I want to leave.

Take everything, please.
I want nothing to do with this.

Earlier it would have been possible,
but now there's a blood debt.

Blood debt?
Matthias, it was an accident.

Will you explain that to him?

Sasha is a simple kind of man.
You're either with or against him.

He's your friend or your enemy.
So you better be on his side.

That father of mine,
stifling me even after his death.

Thirty million.

The street value of what you see here.
Thirty million.

Why are you telling me?
-Part of that thirty million can be yours.

Didn't you hear me?
I'm not going to do this. I can't.

Your father also ran it by himself.
It's not too much of a bother.

Sowing and reaping
twice a year, that's all.

I'm not going to grow drugs.
-it's only a plant.

You only call it drugs
because you don't pay taxes on it.

What happened to you?

Do you want to say nature is wrong?
Who do you think you are?

Bert, get lost.

There's only so much I can do.

If you don't choose yourself,
someone will choose for you.

Pep, this isn't funny at all.

Do you see me smile?
-What's wrong with you? Act normal.


Jesus Christ, Pepijn.
Are you stoned?

I'm a murderer, Dad.
-Don't be an idiot. It was an accident.

No, I shot him, so I'm a murderer.
-You're not a murderer.

If anyone is a murderer, I am.
I grabbed the rifle.

Okay, so you're a murderer.

No, Pepijn, I'm not a murderer.
-Very clear.

Sorry, Dad.

Dad, sorry.
I'm sorry, okay?

I've thought it over.

I'm in. But at a condition.
A compromise.

A son to my father...

a father to my son.

I always hoped
that I would do better.

I'm sure you thought so too, Dad.

My father did what he could.

Like all fathers do what they can,
what is within their power.

And I, I shall do my best, Dad.

We're dead.

I know these types, Pep.
They don't have any moral conscience.

But they're not stupid, they're
instrumental. And he needs us.

Yes, of course.
Well, thanks. Now we know that too.

If we die, he won't have anything.
First he had Grandpa, but he's gone.

Now he has me, or us.
At least he thinks so.

If Grandpa did this all those years,
he must have been loaded.

Tens of millions, perhaps.

Do you think Grandpa was also...
-I don't know.

You said you knew these types.
So do something, before we really die.

Mom, we're home.



What time is it?

I still have to do groceries and cook.

Where's Flip?
-If it stays this way, I'm going to Dad.

And I'll take Filippa with me.

Yes, and if you get divorced as well.
Then we'll also go to Dad.

And you can stay here, by yourself.
That's what you want, isn't it?

So stupid. I'm so terribly stupid.
You're so mature.

We're going back to Dad.

We're going to Dad, alright?

Get off my mother's grave.

I've done some thinking, about
those negotiating positions before.

And I've come to the conclusion
that they weren't totally balanced.

I don't know what deal
you had with my father.

But that doesn't really matter.
I have no choice.

You know what's funny?

Just when you think
you've lost everything...

suddenly everything
becomes very clear.

One season, one harvest.

I can triple your harvest.

One time to sow, one time to reap,
and that'll be it.

As alderwoman of our community,
I'd like to bid you a hearty welcome.

We're known for our wonderful
zucchinis and pumpkins.

Last year
one was the size of a pig.

Hey, Anna.
Wow, those pumpkins are looking good.

We're both crazy about them.
Right, Pepijn?

Nice, round, firm pumpkins.

Oh, Anna,
how's the little pussy licker?

Wisen up, okay?

I didn't say anything.

Where am I supposed
to get 30,000 cuttings?

They're only plants, right'?
It's only nature.

Who is gonna deliver him?
-That's between Sasha and you.

I'm only facilitating,
when I think about it.

Pepijn, go home.

Go home.

Okay, who will do it?

It's the same thing every year.
Two volunteers.

Do I have to choose again?

Bum“, come.

Can we bring a woman?
-No. Come on.

Dragan. You too.
-Why me again?

Because you're the most handsome.

Come on, let's go.

What's going on?

I don't want anyone on my land.

What do you mean?

How long will this take?
-Until it's dry.

I don't want anyone to get out.
Not a step, not a centimetre.

Guys, don't come out.
Behave yourselves. Understood?

-Alright, boss.

That smell. That sweet odour.
Everyone will smell it.

I'll ask Bert to distribute manure
and light some more fires.

I think we've witnessed a small miracle.
-A miracle?

It's a miracle that you survived.


Why don't we just leave?

I don't think that's still possible.




I want to go on.

I can only go on
if something changes.

Everything will change.

Everything has changed.

I've changed.

Why did you ever leave this place?
It's so beautiful.

It's only beautiful if we're together.

Next time

I'm the boss, right? I run this place.
I decide what happens on my land.

You're nothing but trouble to me.

That long-haired riffraff of yours...